Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1970, p. 8

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a Tno free Wednesday Zions Suchan wedding in Georgetown Nov 7 Wendy Thomson Its not too often that Tin rude to somebody hut I the other day Im not particularly sorry for It because I meant what said It all started with trip to the Winter Fair 1 cant remember when I was there last hut it was before I developed an much interest in livestock as I have now first place to fin It seemed was Into the where Arab stallions were being Judged It was a real eyeopener Well handled All the halter classes Ive Rone to see over the past two and hall years have been or Quarter Horses The handler would lirins lib horse in stand It squarely then sort of disappear by unobtrusive If the horse moved its head or foot a gentle tun on the lead or a movement of the handlers foot brought it back Into line The stallions handled as well as the mares But at some of the handlers were an exhibit In themselves Much of tho time the whole line tip was In a semi- uproar and the various people was talking to all commented that most of it was due to the handling you know that attitude of Here I with this barely manageable spirited stallion Watch how cleverly I can keep him In line Idiotic antics The handler directly In front of me went through such Idiotic antics that I was embarrassed for him He stood with his feet about a yard apart bent his knees stuck his rear out for balance then proceeded to the lead throw his around flick his whip and make faces while doing a weavey shuffle Down the line quite a few mrn in somewhat less extreme positions were fluttering handkerchiefs offering their hats for the stallion to nibble on slapping them if they In Ihe ring were six little twoyeareld fillies tiny things Most were being pulled poked and prodded and whipped by men three limes their sue The handlers were In frantic frcniy Ihe whole lime trying to position the ponies throwing dirl in Hie to make them look up teasing them a handful of grass to them out all time keeping one eye on the judge even d he were down the other end of the line If he so much us glanced up thai was the signal to double the efforts in case he caught a glimpse of your horses ears which must be forward and alert The whole scene was Indescribable- in Its The llttlo ponies were clean beautiful alert and miserable Mutilated I think horses of any breed are lovely animals I cant see why man has them by tying their heads up to unnatural angles standing them with their legs spread to an unnatural putting ginger under their so the horse will carry it up cutting the tall muscle so itll carry it even j deforming word for it the did and going through al sorts of hooves twice contortions supposedly to show m to Qr their horses good J keeping them In uproar Every time the stallion belonging to that one peculiar character began to stand square and firm the man would glance down to sec where the Judge was then give the horse a good whack with the whip on the far side to start It jumping around again showy showy and Im sure theres all kinds or little tricks of the trade that Ive never dreamed of Another horseman little put out my anger finally admitted Horses arc mutilated theres no getting from it one or horsemen in next ta box why He sort of shrugged and explained that stallions are supposed to be spirited They have to be handled In such way to bring that spirit out Accusation have heart conditions too you know Also it was pointed out more than once that If you were given a couple of good whacks with the whin or cuffs on the head before you left the stall Ijitcr when I asked a friend youd look alert at everything who has shown Arabs if it were too possible for an Arab to stand he said Of course Its just a real live matter of training But I showed artificial mechanized toys a stallion like thnt one who stood Guaranteed no character or straight and firm and quiet and individuality was accused of showing him like Anyhow registered my a Quarter Horse So I guess protest when the woman standing the judge likes spirit give bcside him spirit If it means a good cut burbled Arent they with the whip so what Just i things llie next class was Hackneys it make you feel like November Holy Cross Church white glads and mauve mums was tno setting for marriage of Shirley Ann and Ted Brian father llevent off while Mr played the organ and Mrs It sang The bride was given In marriage her father Tony in the double ring ceremony ITie groom la the son of Mm Joseph Jons Acton and the late Mr Jons Velvet gown The bride wore a floor length gown at white volvot with matching train Venice lace wllh pearl centres formed Ihe headpiece from which a full length veil hung Daisies were also clustered around the ruffled and collar of the dress Sio carried a bouquet of two mauve surrounded by and ivy Attendants In purple Sister of tho bride Betty was maid of honor Diane Suiliun also a sister of tho bride and Carol Thompson were bridesmaids lliey were gowned In floor length dresses of dark purple velvet tops and skirts of mauve chiffon over taffeta The maid of honor carried a presentation bouquet of yellow daisy mums while the curried similar bouquets of while and yellow daisy mums Twins flower girls and Marl Ann twin nieces of Ihe groom were flower girls They wore floor dresses of dark mauve velvet and carried baskets of yellow and mums All attendants wore flowers In their hair Brother of the groom John of Acton was best man Ushers were Joe of brother of the groom and Wayne Georgetown brother of the bride Mothers el At reception in Squires Inn Brampton the brides mother received guests in a pink crimplene ensemble silver accessories and a of white roses The grooms mother received in a crimplene ensemble navy accessories and a corsage of yellow roses For their honeymoon trip to the cast coast the bride chose a cape coat of red plaid with green trim block patent accessories and matching green dress She wore a corsage of white carnations Live In Guests attended from Georgetown Acton Brampton Toronto Peterborough Windsor and Saskatchewan Mr and Mrs will be making their home in where both working and shenanigan one so I left And I answered To tell you the for the other ring to sec me feci sick thcbhetlund ponies It was here I lost my temDcr Lakeside bazaar success Saturday The annual Christmas bazaar of Lakeside chapter of the I was a splendid success again this year Held in the legion hall Saturday afternoon it was convened by Mrs and Mrs Tea and bazaar tables were thronged throughout the entire lea was convened by Mrs J Mann and Mrs C In a draw made at the end of the af ternoon Susan wor the flowers that centred the serving table Cum Mrs West convened the knitting Mrs A the aprons Mrs Mussclle the baking Mrs the candy and Mrs and Mrs the miscellaneous tables In charge of the penny sale were Mrs J JocqueandMrs winner was Mrs Gory Meccham with three prizes a cup and saucer groceries and mugs on a stand Sieve won glasses and bath powder Debbie won the very same childs book as she had won the week before at the Scout and Guide Mothers penny sale And one of the winners Mike is a cat- he won a sweater More winners Other winners slippers Joan Knight Chinese garden Helen lavcrty candles George Bishop Island shaving set Wallis bench Helen pillow slips Ann Talbot cup and saucer Bill cook book Mary Anderson plaque Mrs Cutis cream and sugar Brian Robinson who pulled his own ticket cookbook Gloria Michigan snowman Janice babys plate Sharon towels Helen with cartons of groceries to Mrs 1 Davidson June Hetty Ingam and McKinney and Mrs Kitty who was present See need auxiliary In the not too distant future some needy j might well owe his education to the Childrens Aid Society Auxiliary While the Auxiliary has not yet been formed and the aims and objectives of the organization are not yet laid down there are ex citing plans in the wind for the formation of such a body Director Dr Gordon explained the plans have been in the wind since September He noted there was a wide variety of tasks and functions an Auxiliary composed of both men and women could carry out Provide toads Such an auxiliary might provide funds for luxuries and essentials for needy families Often the Society becomes in volved with children from families who are not In their care and often there is a need for a take a Christmas gift or a bir thday present An Auxiliary could help in providing emergency funds for these and other instances They might even go as far as assisting a needy but better than average student In obtaining a university education Dr Ask commented Budget counselling tran sporting children encouraging day care centres public relations and urging membership in the Society arc among the many functions that could be carried out by- the society Santa guest Most of the 90 members Scout and Guide Mothers association helped to make their bazaar on Saturday Nov success Guide commissioner Mrs Rose Hall present as Santa and pictures were taken of youngsters Again this year the big draw was for a doll and complete wardrobe made by Mrs James Mitchell Mrs Hector and Mrs Peter Jenkins doll was Mrs Joan Many winners Other winners groceries Mrs Gordon shoe vouchers Mrs Mrs Jennings Mrs in the penny sale scissors Norma Olney pinking shears Linda Deforest coffee mugs Pauline Jenkins screw driver Helen colander Sa barbecue Ann plaque Mitchell relish tray and babys knitted set Edna Stuck ess book Debbie glasses 1aMarche fruit nappies Eileen Hewitt Convener successful bazaar in the VM was Mrs Peter Jenkins Some of the Guides also sold bulbs and handmade novelties Auction ends meeting of Dublin Institute SHIRLEY ANN and Ted were married in Georgetown and are living in Guelph Dorothy Taylor Studio Guelph Kowall Stamp Georgetown vows In a November fl ceremony at neckline and waist She wore the brides home Shirley Stump and Mark Kowall united In with Kelvin Johnston officiating The bride who is the daughter of Mr and Arthur Slump Churchill Georgetown was given In marriage by her father It was a double ring ceremony of Mr and Mrs Kowall Acton Designed dress Mrs Stamp designed her daughters wedding dress us well as that of another daughter Susan who was maid of honor lite bride in a street length dress of while velvet with high waist trimmed with daisies at Same officers for Auxiliary Die November meeting of Alert Auxiliary of Knox wis belli in the Anderson Boom with members in attendance llie theme of the meeting was convened Mrs Mel The roll ill answered In by Someone Who Iml The lriee A History of three old hymns was rcid by the convener assisted by A Mann and Mrs G Ik- Mrs Gladys Davidson favored with solo In the Garden Die devotional closed with prayer by Mrs Adams The president Mrs Davidson presided over the business session The Christmas meeting on Dec was planned and the Christmas gifts for shut- ins were discussed The results of the copper contest was given Mrs Adams side the winners Die election of officers followed the same executive being returned for the year 1971 A generous lunch was provided the committee at the close of the meeting Mia No Tnwnnlilp tinned Hie of Dublin Wuiiiciih Imlltule on Iliurnday evening at their monthly meeting A flue of members logeilitr with two the meeting llu iHtHiilirit Mm M The exercises included the singing of the liislituleOile and the repealing of the Mm anil huds 1iayer lleullhy anil lieuHiirur given by mid showed Hie licnsiny in Added In tluit fine sum of money handed by Mis W on of sales Mention of lie Jills Day In be held in Township Budget topic evening UCW and money lirobliiiiH were the subject when llie high school economics teacher Mrs her to the evening of Ihe Her helpful advice on household proved very InlereHtlng She gave out sheets which si mi wed breakdowns of expenses in supposedly families Affluent families In one survey the Indies noticed spent average of a month on liquor a month on clothes on recreation for the church Gloria Introduced Ihe und Nancy Turner Uiunked her Dorothy Allen wus charge of the program nuline reud Scripture for Ihe Suntu Dec made The meeting was held In the lust Wednesday Hull on lit I 111 ill The I this time is on rafts llelputelhilc Ihiuikti e extended to I lire Mm A Near Mr 1 A Van I lett mid Mm J Dennis for insisting with the County and Itespiuitory Diseases Clinic ill Hew Inline Company lust week u In the Province of this Kind and he llie foiorunner iiiiuiy iiioie A large llie office and plant slalt wen examined for kindled lung An in given to Iho In attend the Silver Wedding iiiiiuviTHUiy of Mi Mrs In Itock- wood Hull oil llie mil cull responded to by One good thing my mother and it must showed the a go ml mother has mi her down years leporls were given by 4H hostess floral headpiece shoulder lenglh veil and carried pink carnations Susan wore empire style dress of rose velvet with puff sleeves a tinted to mutch her dress and carried of white poms The brides brother was groomsman Carnation corsage At reception which followed Mrs Stump wore blue velvet dress pink carnation and Mrs wus In crochet knit with corsage of rust mums lor honeymoon trip the bride wore while lace punl suit purple coat with fur collar and cuffs In MlHilssauRO Mr Mrs are living it Manor Mlssissauga He is employed and she with Capitol I words School friends relatives attended a shower given for the bride by Darlenc and Cathy McDonald at Miss lxrts home Her aunt Mrs Jo Morrow wus also hostess at a shower with relatives and neigh bors attending Fellow employees at Capitol Records had luncheon shower The groom was presented with a gift of money by his fellow employees The seventh meeting of the Dublin Nimble Needlers was held on Wednesday Nov 18 Cathy The meeting was opened with the pledge and the minutes of lust meeting were adopted us rend by secretary After collection taken the treusurers report wus read Mrs Ijisby told more achievement day and handed out a paper to be Included In the record next of the meeting was spent working on projects finding mistakes and getting caught up Next meeting in Mon Nov at Kurcn Pierces Mrs Cathy served lunch William PHOTOGRAPHY WJdinga Industrial Portraits PHONE 8532269 I REELECT TOM WATSON To The HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Trusting My Years Experience Can Serve You Well LET US HELP YOU WITH CHRISTMAS GIFTING SEE OUR SELECTION OF J LINGERIE HAT SCARF SETS SKIRTS DRESSES HOUSECOATS ETC I I Your Headquarters For All Your Sewing Needs J SKILL DEPOSIT HOLDS INT ITEM UNTIL ACTON FABRIC CENTRE Mis 1 Dennis Mrs Mi lutyi of tlie Area Womens InHlllulo tlw of iuuljih on October Hi ami HO Auction utile A assortment of articles hull wus on display the am lion Mrs Mi mid did splendid Job of ilispolii id llie items at irlCUB A was nerved Mrs W Melnlyre Mm Mrs W by the hoaleos Mrs IdMliy enjoyed sociable lliilf toiiother Mis wus courtesy llu will be Dei ember HI home IllyUi Christmas Spotlight on GIFTS AX 15R KODAK INSTAMATIC CAMERA OUTFIT Uses new MuKicube ONLY now 18 OLD SPICE 3 PIECE SET in Liu After Shave Cologne leMloianSpruy Vinyl Case SHULTON DESERT FLOWER GIR SET 199 MENS CALENDAR or LADIES WRIST WATCHES lent A selection of styles chrome color or yellow GRANADA TRANSISTOR RADIO Complete with battery earphone and pUistK tarrying case MIRRORGOLIGHTLY DEETEEEASYBREEZE HAIRDRYER Complete with Carrying Case 14 DEETEEEASYSET HAIR SETTER Curlers Heating Posts HAI KARATE SET Cologne After Shan HAI KARATE AFTER SHAVE SEE THESE AND MANY MORE AT

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