Kingston Gazette, Aug. 19, 1817
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p.2 Quebec, August 7th - Dinner at Quebec, by Naval Officers returned from the Lakes, given to Commodore Sir Robert Hall, who is remaining on the Lakes. [Mercury]
p.3 The Steam Boat Frontenac arrived at this port on Friday evening, after an
unsuccessful attempt to reach Prescott. She had proceeded about thirty miles with perfect safety, and, owing to a strong current, was sailing at a swift rate, when she unexpectedly struck upon a large shoal of rocks, which had escaped the observation of the Surveyors, and was unnoticed in the Chart. Every exertion was immediately used to get her free, but proving ineffectual, they were forced to return to this place for assistance. This was readily obtained through the politeness of the Major General commanding, who immediately ordered a party of the 37th Regiment to proceed down to her relief, joined by such aid as the Dock Yard afforded, which was freely furnished without loss of time. All efforts were still fruitless, but being reinforced by another detachment of the 37th Regiment, they were at last enabled to extricate her from her dangerous situation. - To this support so liberally afforded, and so ably used, the proprietors owe their relief from a very heavy embarrassment, and the public are indebted for a most important service in the continuation of that easy and certain mode of navigating the Lake which has already proved so great an advantage to travellers, and such a benefit to the community. (Communicated)
The Steam Boat Frontenac arrived at this port on Friday evening last. We are happy to hear that she has received no material injury. - We must correct the statement in our last - it was on her passage down, that she ran upon a rock, and not in coming up, as we had been informed. - She left this port this morning, at 6 o clock, with a full cargo and a number of passengers, for York.
Mr. Miles;
Having perceived in the Upper Canada Gazette of the 14th inst., a communication under the Editorial head, insinuating that I had exagerated the accident which happened the Steam Boat lately - as the communication may be taken notice of in your paper also, I take this method, therefore, through the same medium, of informing the Editor of that paper, that however anxious he may be to merit applause, by filling the columns of his paper, his honest endeavors will meet with little recommendation from his giving publicity to such idle tale as the one in question, which, I can only say, is false, erroneous and unfounded. J. MOSIER.
Kingston, August 19th, 1817
Two passengers in the Steam Boat were drowned on Saturday last - They were sleeping in a boat slung at the stern, when one of the ropes by which it was suspended breaking they were thrown into the water and sunk before the boat could get to them. Their names were Michael Kilfile and William Fletcher. [Upper Canada Gazette]
The Great Western Canal - The Albany Daily Advertiser states, "on the most unquestionable authority," that ten miles of the Great Western Canal will be completed, during the present year. Five hundred men, it is added, are daily employed in the work. [New York Spectator]
July 29th - Leicester, Prime, merchandize from Kingston.
Aug. 2nd - Blackbird, Hugunin, salt, beer, and segars, from Oswego.
Rambler, Cherry, passengers from Kingston.
Dove, Brockway, pork, oats, cherry rum, etc. from Genesee.
6th - Minerva Ann, Finkle, merchandize from Kingston.
8th - Wheeler, Brayton, ballast, from the offing.
9th - Rambler, Cherry, from Sacketsharbor, with passengers.
Aug. 2nd - Blackbird, Huguinin, beer and segars, for Kingston.
Rambler, Cherry, passengers for S. Harbor.
Dove, Brockway, pork, oats, cherry rum, etc. for Genesee.
5th - Bee, Davey, ballast for Kingston.
7th - Wheeler, Brayton, salt, fish, to the offing.
9th - Rambler, Cherry, passengers for S. Harbor.
12th - Rambler, Cherry, passengers for do.
13th - Minerva Ann, Finkle, ballast, for Kingston.
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 19, 1817
- Local identifier
- KN.324
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- Rick Neilson
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