Mr. Brougham adtnlUod fhnl it could not ; and stated, ho Would Have flo wis); to HFor such ctidriMM-, il Die proceedings n^ii'ist I •. rojnl cIumM R.ltv hrr the same ;idrniWnues ivfttrlt mo* would HttfC liudni anv ^f fhecomis below, Al('*r &f>iW aiJiiiuntt liu Lord-CIun- <:ellnr slotcti, Elnri it wuia the opinion ol fhe house the could iroi be rc- reitrtl. I/ic-utenant I Tow nam itppearcd an.! delivered in his diploma of the order <>r St. Caroline* Bfill^ uiitleoiii Italian. ?t was lead and translated b) tooiuter- pretiT. jVladeinoi'-elle Do Mont tyfti then enII- r<\ in, and n>ked some b.j tie eeun-el tor the qliren, to lay a iouncja- tiivn for Ihe e\aininalion ol* a net her lVtf?U*SS> The principal evidence adduced (up to the time we aie writing) Shice the conclusion of that [riftt of the dufcrie.u relating to this t«mperin^ ivfih the wit¬ nesses is tout of Alessandro Olmera, a colonel in the French army, nod joint Chamberlain with Rergamj to the l*rin* cess of Wace*. T:;is w iiness deposed in substance, that he was wi'h riie Queen during aM he* abode ::i Rome, and that he.r Royal Hte^iU^* wvh t.»er»4 visited by pcr-nniuc:. of uM? But di:.uue(ion in thai * Jrf until longer trperfence m the affairs of tllW Province and a more perfed kn..wfcdgc '■» Us iiiliabitants had enabled him to rcn. dcr thofe Cervices which we have no doubt he conttrnplaird When the accounts of the general ex¬ penditure in the administration of the Go¬ vernment, during the last two years an» years are r Excel- capnrd. In answer to qve*'ion* a- to the gen- erd conduct, dere 'tiimiv, & intercourse of her Etoy&l HL'hn.'ss, lie further de- p:»?ed, tfc-tt ht! i'J'! " ver beheid any thir.^in the eon J act or h«r tinval fligh* nvs^ tmlcvoron* or improper—thai her treatment to her servants was uniiormly "•jFnbie, h$rt t£jgMUir.l--:incl that U\t> de¬ meanour o? Bergcnul towards tier ftoyol Highness iras >ocU an became a servant, rcsp^Ctfu! toir^rds his n»isfie>s. This witness ah»o deposed tu me important point of the Counters OltlV-S IH'i1:: in the carr;3fje with the iVinc's-- oi Wal 8, (he child V:et.*rine, and llenran;i, n'.irhi^ the jQUrnev' fn.n Koine to Sinuu^ila. i\i:.-» «*as the j'u:n:ev In which SiircM** inrle- cent e^wjcitCtf re !»•; ColoiU'l ".iviel'u al*A ntlims (hat Carlo Furli was the coisri r who .i:te:niC;l I ht: l:ineess on that jo urn -v. The evidence of Ol'v'era i?, upon t!ie irK.J#»( v—y »!.-.,•!• ;:( f::v»inr vf il',.' Queeit^ nod u^ no iipji»-ii;tnec, so raiif* may b.j'n!_"d t-rom its rr^ption hj the house, of t.-'vio^ l»een giirnii und' r any unfair pror»urment.- W • eon^ratulai- Her Majesty and hei Civuft^el, on having so many respectable witnesses; and w« IrttKt that ijer ilofcntve will be so fares- fa!)!iNhed within a few* days, as to put a atop to the further progress of 'his trial. We have no hesitation ill avowing that we sincerely wi«h the country a hn|>p\ and?peedy riddance of this busines,and simply upon the ground that wc can SCi no possible good of sullicicnt taluc to in¬ cur the probable peril. There is soma appearance, anil we re¬ gret to say it, that the second reading of the bill (with some slignt alteration) will be carried in the Lords, out we trust that it will be thrown out in the Co;nmons, and we untleistand that »hi- is the general feeling and opinion. '1 lie King being in respect f'j nis own conju¬ gal life what he is, should not hate mad the complaint ; no one in common jus¬ tice or fairness can wi>h tn give any re¬ lief between the King and the Queen. considered as the two parlies; and as \o the State, there is a manifest greater in* teresHfc) peril than any possible fruit <>'• the trial can justify. Under these cir-f eumstauces, we repeat, let the bill be re-f jeeted, and let there be an end to a bu¬ siness which no-v int.Tupts erery other. Belts Wcekig Messenger. laid before u% according to You Jeftcy'a direfiiona, they fhall have our ear- ItCRt and ierious attention : and we fhall aliotaktf into that respeftful confidcration winch U due to every communication on he part of ilis Majesty's Government,the accounts Much Your Excellency is pleafed to fay fcha* he will lay before us, of the ex^-e- ees annually incurred in payment of the lularie-* of Civil Officers permanently eitnbliflied for the honor and fupport of His M.yc^ty'a Government in this Pro¬ vince, includiojy luch occafional payments aj> are nnrvoidahle undent. We fliould, however, hold ourfelves to be wanting ID that fineerity wiiich is due , to the franknefs of Your Excelicncy's i character, in that duty and refpefl which I we owe to our Sovereign, by whofe com- | maud Your Excellency has fubmittcd the | propolal of an additional and permanent I appropriation which, with that ahendy j made, would exceed half theufual amount of the whole Provincial Kevenue, were we not, evtu in this early (tage <»f the pro¬ ceedings, mod hnmb'yto reprefeut, that the declared (enfe of onr conftituent?, the duty wh ch we owe ro our poRe?i'y, and t'*> that c mflittftion of Government which the wisdom and beneficence of the Mother C ountty has conferred upon this Province, together with the variable and uncertain future amount "f that Revenue, which, as well as our refources, depend on a trade at thin moment peculiarly uncertain, will preclude a* from making any other than an annual appropriation for the general Expenditure of the Province, conformably to the recommeuddtiiim of His Majcily's Gov.-inmd:t a- C^uified to the Parliament ofthla Ptovince by Hi; Excellency Sir J -Jin Coape Sherb^olcr, late Governor in UucU in feia Spcteh delivered from the Throne at ti^c opening of the Semon, on die 7th January. 1S18. \\ c yiav Uit your Exeellency will ac- cei t our h...r:*!r alTurance of the unaltera¬ ble c/tspni':'. •• • t thw House to vote an- nuatly in a ^ *nUitotronal manner, accord f»g to that r.iOTnmendotion and »o the fi.lemu i li r i the Affcmbly in the year o ■• riiciiii 'id eight hundred and ten, all fhe nci'lTrfiy tfxpences of Htt Majesty's Civil Government iu this Colony, in the honourablcand permanent fupport of which none sure rr.O'i* deeply and lincerely inte- rrltrd than lis Majoty's loyal fubjects, whom we have the ho our to reprelent ot nu»e «ii\* Ua to merit the contmuance of thi contioe tc which His Majesty is ^racicus.y ,.tafcd to exprefs of our loy¬ alty ar.i ouiy Wt are diuiy fensihle of the exeitions of your Kxctll icy in vibitiBg a^ much of the country a- the regular uiipatch of businefs permitted your Lxec.Uncy to reach in tUe COUrfe >>\ »alt lumm r. and we fctl alTurcd that the loca. information already a;quired by you. Excellency, will tend to thegeni ral advantage of the Province. lirtR of [^°cy, fuch ** tl]C ereftion of Parochial Churches, and laying out of roads of accefs to dillant W'>°d-lands. The fubjVt is, indeed, difficult, and may be of diftant accomplifhment, but its im¬ portance requires our moll ierious atten¬ tion. We are deeply fenfible of the importance of the great an<l arduous truft which Hia Majclly has been pleafed to repofe in your Excellency. The power and prerogative of the Crown can alone enfure the able and diligent execution of the Laws by all the fubordinate authorities and the harmonious co-operation of the other branches of the Legislature fbr the general welfare. We have the utntoft confidence in the wifdom and abilities of your Excellency, founded on your h?g$l reputation and His Majesty's n a T.':c wcaihcr.-*-Oa.v winter has set in with a degree ofateudioess und suverily ralher unu¬ sual iHJ early in thesea-.on. Die snow,\vhicli das fallen at intervals during tlw last nuven dayais about live incuts in dcptli, and un- Jess a settled thaw, of which Wiere h some f>r.j?p^ct, should lake place, it will soon make good roads. The ice took on .Sunday inghl across the river and some diauiuce out on the Lake, and is now so Strong (but it will proba¬ bly remain until April. On Tuesday moruing several persons crossed to Wolfe Island We understand that the American channel is ul* bO fiuzeu over, and that tile ice in me Buy ot t^uuiiy is already lUor li inches Chick. A Steam Boat,on her passage from New York to Aniboy, took lire on Hie iOth iusb und was burnt io the water s ed^e. On the afternoon of the 2jth instant, while Ihe^ood people of this place Were eujovmg tbeirChristmas Dinners, thev were sud'deu- I If A ft-* t . . * • b* ■ ^M* * ■■ ■ • Laws, in eaual justice to all claffesof Jlis Majclfy's i.bjeAs, we recognize the lan¬ guage and •entiments of our Gracious Sovereign, *hom you have the honour to reprefeut. In the c^'Jrfe which Your Excellency has thus adopted a. the general rule of your Admi:u'lr.ration you may rely on the constant fu-port of this Houfe. To which His Excellency the Governor in Chief was pleafed to return the fol¬ lowing Anfwer: Gvntlcmen r.ftbe House of Assembly* I thank yan for these exprelfions of your confidence in me. and defire to allure you of my fulled reliance, that all your proceedii.g? will be guided by the true principles of the Conftitution. An adherence to thefe principles and a mutual confidence between us, cannot fail to produce that harmonious co-operation fo highly defirablc for the benefit of His Mnjjily's Service, and for the welfare of this Province. DALHOUS1E. h St. Johns. X. D. Nov. 18. P 1 It E ! On Sunday night this City was visited y one of those distressing calamities which we hehlom have occasion to record. —Aho-n twelve o'clock, the Stable own- ed by James Cudltp, E*q, in Prince Wil- * Ham btreet, coiitiVuous tfl his Ptemwesi then in the occupation of Mr. Je^se, was discovered to be on Eire. The alarm was Citizens. Milita- The contt iuition of the itvcral coi law of the IV'vincc, is indubitably a ma tcr of the utmOft importance to its faie an«l we fhall accordingly refunie confidcatton without delay. *nat- wcl- ills The cflabliihment of permanent Taxds bein^ impr fticablCi we lliall carefully in;. veftigate the tffcftfl which may relu't t*-> this Province and to the mercantile clafses in particular final the duration of the Re venue Law- ; and we (hall endeavour to adopt cvety means in our power to infpire confidence into -'11 Bw Majelly's fuhjcAs, J and efpeclally the mercantile clais*s, oy ap- , plyw*l! lo x*kn* important fubjedl all tha: confideration v/hich it merits. We fhall alio attend in compliance with your Excellency's rccommendauon, at an early day lo the laws which have recently expired, or that are about to expire, anj among thefe the Militia Laws.—That fyfc tern of conllitu'.ional defence is rightly ap¬ preciated by your Excellency in its adap. tation to the llaW of this Province, and th; events of the late war have amply fhewa instantaneous! y civen. ty and Sailors m-hed to the spot with their usual alacritv, but notwithstanding their most extraorditwwy exertions and the skill evinced by the managers of the sev¬ eral Kngines. they were unable to arrest the flames until they had consumed the sta¬ ble and dwellincr house mentioned above, and part of the out-houscs recently erect¬ ed by Mr. J. C. MTherson, together with a Boat builder's shop, owned by Messrs. Chapman a»id others. The wind at the time blew strong from the east¬ ward, and the very valuable property of Thomas Hanford Esq. near the scene, though often in the rrost imminent dangei was happily preserved. The Fire Ward:, officers, and men of the Royal Artillery, and 74th regiment, Masters and seamen of the different ves¬ sels in die harbour, and citizen-' generally, distinguished thenwelvos- His Worship the Mayor way on the ground during the whole night, and contributed greatly to animate the citizens to exertions by his example. The Members of the different Fire Clubs were also eminently conspicuous for the deliberate coolness and care they man¬ ifested in the removal of Good; trom the houses in danger. It is impossible to twefirtaift lite wrJgtn of this calamity, an.I the reports m circu¬ lation respecting it, are as numerous as thev are different. M B. Courier. 0 theJornier and Airs. O'lNeil's house, was observed to be on lire iu the roof, and beiore any thing could be done to arrest the pro¬ gress of the devouring clement, the building was wrapt in flames and more than halt con¬ sumed. Fortunately the mod was light and from the northeast. Had it been blowing strong (roin any otberquarter the consequen¬ ces might have been much more serious ;— for as Hie Engines, by reason of the intense Irost, could not be brought into use until they were supplied With hot water to thaw the hoses and render theiu pliant, the lire would, iu all probability, have extended to the neigh¬ bouring buildings, while there was no means Of stopping its ravages. The fire is supposed to have been communicated I'roin a stove pipe in the upper story to a piece ol* umber near the chimney, hut it does not seem to be distinctly ascertained in what particular way it originated. Co mmissioner Barrie, Col. Ottley. Lieut. Col. McGregor, and other naval and military ollicers hastened to the spot 011 the first alarm, and were very acti\e on the occasion. Much praise is also due lo the soldiery of the Artil¬ lery and 7uth Regiment and the people from the Naval Yard. We wish that we could speak as favourably of the exertions of our fellow citizens generally; hut though the members o£ the fire companies and some others, uuder the direction of the Magistrates did certainly exert themselves to the utmost Of their power, too many persons remained with their hands in their pockets, apparently indifferent spectators of the scene, and even some who affected tu be active seemed to be too fond of their own opinious to act in con¬ cert with others. The want of efficient reg¬ ulations in eases of fir*? is indeed fell and ac- kuow lrdeed by all ; still nothing is done lo remedy the e\ il. The lirecompK.'iies, wiiose prqpur business it is to direct the operations ol trie Engiues, uugtli u* uc lOrmitleu .win a supply of water by their fellow citizens, un¬ der the superintendence of the Magistrates. It is only by a proper division of labour, and a regoSar concert in action that a multitude can do any thing pflectual,and this cannot be brought about but by a due subordination lo (ho^e whose duty it may be lo direct and cive orders. Tue hihsinltanta of Kingston have hitherto been remarkably fortunate. It should however be recollected that most of 1 he bousesill this town arc eomposedol wood, thai iu several of the ftyiare* or blocks, the buildings are contiguous and stand in thick clusters, and that iu the event ofa lire occur¬ ring in those places il would be impossible to save thcadjuining buildings without better 01- (teryand more effective exertions than we have hitherto witnessed. It is not impossible that we may yet suffer the fate of Troy and Savannah, anil may have to regret when too late the want ol* those regulations which might have saved our town. We are happy to learn that Mr.Walkers part of tile property was insured at the Mon- IrealFire Insurance Office for £500, and Mr. Mickalls* rer M9Q> believe it will not be denied, that fron- the firii queltion fubmittcd, to rhr foluti- on of the lafl, the public wav very much alive lo the mrrim of the fubject ; and a number of Gentlemen defcrved well, by fo amufing themlelvca, in order to excite the juvenile ambition of the youth of the Province-------That Mr. Poor Scholar intended his GrinJ stone for the Scho l-boy, cannot be doubted, and fo certainly did the Gentlemen of Port- Hope, hi* Horses—Thru pray fir, where was the neccflity* that thofe two per Ions fh;>uld have been infulted by the imperti¬ nence of one of your corrdpondents of Fluxional notoriety-—furely it wai unne- ceflary, although I perhaps was wrong to fend you from my breakfa It -table, with¬ out due confideration, an erroneousanfwer to the GriuJ-stotie, I hardly defei ved an infult, but be that as it may, had the tow* ering talent of your Midland contributor, been content with fimply correcting the humble endeavour* of more modeft men, you mijjht Hill occasionally have had to indulge the votaries of fo ufeful a fciencc with a column of your paper, I am, &c. J. W. B. Letter? from York state that our Provin¬ cial Parliament is to he summoned together fur the actual dispatch iff business on the 31st Proximo. Veritas is necessarily deferred this week for want of room. Erratum.—In our last number, under the editorial head, for "commenced In the Se¬ nate." read commenced in the House of Re¬ presentatives. At Bath, on Thursday the 22d inft. by the Rev. John Stoughton, Mr. Thomas Harris of Fredericksburgh, to Miss Sua aanna Smith of Adolphua-Town. On Monday 25th Dec Mr. John Wil¬ liams, to Miss Nancy Weis. both of Er- neft-Town. ^VV*>-- .>*!»- *-, j&9#fymGStt*tifit KINGSTON, Dicemher 29, 18<20. We have received London news £3 days later than our last advices, viz. to the PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT LOWER CANADA. Friday, Oct. 22.—This day the houfe went up to the Cattle and prefented the following Addrefs in aufwer to His Ex¬ cellency's Speech at the opening of the prefent SefTion : to h:s escelltncy GEOHOE EARL OK JIAljKOUSiF,, Knight of the Grand Ciofeof the Mos Honourable Military Order of the Bath, &c, R-e. -\c. ' TJjy It please Your Excellency^ We His Majesty's most dutiful and loyal fuhjc&s the Aflembly of Lower | wi^ora ()f watching over it, of holding t Canada, convened in Provincial P&rlmi ment, beg leave to return Your Excelleoj cy our humble thanks for your Speec/i from the Throne. We befeech your Excellency to receive our acknowledgments for having called 1^3 together at the earliest period that ci|r- Cdinstances have permitted, tn order to bring,under the confideration of the Pro¬ vincial Parliament, the state and Intete-^ of the Province, which we tfpnfrder wk Your Excellency to be matter of mu* than ordinary necrfiky from the receiu iurerr-iptiona of the regular Scflion; of the Legi-.lature. The death of his late Majesty following foon *fcer that of His Grace the Duke oi Richmond, are difpenfations of an all mm Prov'^ence, to whole decrees we fubmit with humble refignatnui. Wlien the Britifh Fmpire exprrffed its unfeigned fowow upon the loisofa Mo rare1* in whom the whole world ackuow- led<r H every public and private virtue, we affui t Your Excellency that none lamented that lofsmorefincercly .ban His Majesty's Can rdian fn^jefts. We cordially join wl;h Your Excellen¬ cy in the honourable tribute which Your Ex rellency has been pleafed to reader to the memory of His Gntt the lave Duke of Richmond, fouaded on a frietu'.Utp (1 alfo in 3 ita:e of readinefs, complete in its formation, and refpe&able h offieeta. The improvement of the Agriculture of this Province, and of the roads and 11- ternal communications are affuredly objecs of great moment, and your Excellency may rely upon our giving to them that a- tention which a fubjccl of fuch importance defewes. We hmnbly thank yo'ir Excellency iMr fwivTre clT?:u o-1f atlcnLibn to"the let- tle.nent of the wa'.le lauds of the crown, which we confidcr to be an unequivocal proof of the lively intereft which your Ex¬ cellency takes in the profperity and aa- vancement of this Province. The great tide of emigration to thefe Provinces pro- nrifaffto contmue, we fnall apply our- reives to make, in this refpett, fuch Legis¬ lative provifions a= circumflances may re¬ quire—Your Excellency, though fenfible of the advantages which this Province may derive from the acquilition of lo many tl,>n(andsof britiih fubj^S could not fail to obferve that Lower-Canada noisels- efl in toclf. an abundant population to fettle thofe lands, ?.< dfe the asyetuncon- reded Stignorial Limtk within this Pro. viiieC. Wr ventnrc to affurt fowe Exccl- len-v, that an infallible means of enooura- rt:,i« the peopled the Proyinre to fpread mole wid^lv, would be to bold out to them wliichtln* Lord Chancellor declared hiscon- viction ot Her Majesty's guilt favours the Ophi'mu that the Bill will finally passthe U]»- per House. What its fate may he when re¬ ferred to the House of Commons it is not so easy to conjecture, though from the language of some Members on the 17th October it is ebsar that, when the matter comes fully before I hem, it will be discussed with great intem¬ perance. We have endeavoured to select from thp American papers the most impor¬ tant portion of the English news. We have- not yet received the minutes of evidence ta¬ ken from the loth to the SOtfa October; but were It in our possession, it would be impos¬ sible, coming as it does in a mass, to give room to the whole in a detailed form, as we could have wished. It appears that Her Ma¬ jesty's Counsel stormed short in the midst of their defence, and did not produce any of the Bergamt family, Cmmt Sehiaviuj, liieron* ymns, William Austii^RIariette Demont,kc. whose evidence it might have been supposed would have beettOf a;reat importance to the cause. Many reasons are assigned, but the real motives ?or dMclminR their examination do not yet distinctly appear. The question relative to the admission of Missouri into the Atvte.riran Union was deci¬ ded in the negative ^ the House of Repre¬ sentatives Op the IStJh instants The obnox¬ ious clause in 'he M ssomi Constitution was one which pn renteij ^ t'vee negroes and ntu- lattoesfrom comm^ to and settling in said State und*r any pn:lfext whatsoever." It is ronsidn'pd repugnant to a provision in the FedvrKi Cmsfitutlm^ which pve crihes that "• tlwdfteens oi e-ic;)( c!lulf! siviU »>•• entitled to ;..! pr,vilei:es ar.d irrununivies ofcttixens in the several FJtates," The debates on the sub¬ ject are paid to ha\«0 been coiKjucU'd witu As it may be gratifying to many of our readers to be informed of the flourishing con¬ dition •il'lhenew settlements on theRideau, we annex an extract from a letter dated Perth, BOth Dec instant *" As you mention our new Tillage 1 will give )ou an account of the rapid pro- grefs it has made since my arrival, on the 2d Auguft, 1816. At that time there were about fourteen acres cleared on the Town fcire, but not a single houfe in a finifhed date, and only five log buildings tailed- At pi-k>l<*nt I fuppniV th»-r<* ar«* within view from Perth, and without any intervention of woods, not lefu than from five to six hundred acres cleared, and in the village not lefs than one hundred build¬ ings, among which are a Presbyterian Church finifhed, and a Catholic Church in a very advanced ftate. An Episcopal Church is alfo to be forthwith commen¬ ced. Divine fervice, according to the forms of the latter is at prefent performed in the School Houfe. We have five Mer¬ chants' (hops, a Brewery, and a Distillery. The fcttlers are getting on profperously with their improvements, having from 15 to 4c acres cleared each. There are two Grift Mills and three faw Mills in opera- lion in the neighbourhood. Two other Saw Mills and one Grift Mill are in a pro- grefiive ftate. We have tradesmen and mechanics of all defcription*, not inferior, generally fpealcing, to any in either of the two Provinces. We have had a great ac- quifition to our numbers this fall, and thefe new comers are fettled on a tract of land in rear of, or to the northward of thefe Townfhips. Report fays they have alrea- d t evinced their determination to become goodfettlers. They are all placed on the lands, and the greater part of them have large families. The Superintendence has been given to Captain Marlhall, late Cana* dian Fencibles, and I must fay, it could not pofiibly have fallen ;nto better hands. I have not yet been able correftly to afcer- taitl what the income of half pay officers and Peniioners may amount to yearly in tlm fettlecnent, but I am confident it can¬ not be lefs than £5000. We look for¬ ward to the erection of thefe rear town¬ fhips into a fcparate District in a very fhort DIED, At Adolphus-Town, on Tuesday the 19th inft. Mr. Stephen Fairfield. Tn this town, on Sunday morning the 14th inft. Mias White, daughter of Mr Hugh White. At Perth, on the 24th ult. Mrs. Jane Bailey, wife of Lieut. William Bailer, late 4.1*1 Royal Veteran batuliou, aged 58 years. At the same place, on the ift Auguft laft, Alexander Floyd Cuppage Ksqr. cl- deft son of M~jor General Alexander Cuppage, aged 29 years. Strayed ABOUT two months ago, a YOKE of STEERS, three yeacsold noxt fpring, one black with a (lar in his face, the other red, one horn droops—they ar* both burnt on the near horn with the - name or S Swan. Whoever will give in¬ formation where they may be found, (hall be handfomely rewarded for their trouble by the fubferiber, S.SWAN. Kingfton, 29th Dec. 1820. 52 Provincial i;u, • :<>j;'. On the 1 ft of January next, will be pub¬ lished The York Almanac and Pro* vincial Calendar, for 1821, containing the Civil Lift of Upper Cana¬ da, Officers of the Militia, Officers of the Royal Navy in Canada, Military Marl, Population of Upper Canada, &c. &c. Price 25. 9Jd. York */** Oer. <8* For Sale In tile Town of Kingston, the House and Lots, Nos. t24 and 125, containing 2-5 of an acre, bounded on King Street, lately occupied by Mrs. Gamble. ALSO The following Lots, Nos. 311, 312, 317, and 318, containing together one acre, bounded on Store Street. ] Kingston, 20th Dec. 1820. 60151 To School Masters & Merchants. AYOUN'G Man of reliability, lately fiom England, who is mailer of the French and Englifl) language, and otherwifc qualified, wilhes a fituation in an Academy or Compting-houfe. >alary not a very material obje&. Apply by letter (Poft paid) to A. B. at this Office. Kingfton, Dec 23, 1820-__________S-i WANTED, 2000 Cedar Rails. B. WHITNEV. Kingston, 20//j Dec. 182'). 5«f o- J time. >> COMMIJ.VlC.iriO.Y m • • Port-IIopt, Newcastle, 19f/t Dee, 19S0, Mr. Editor, I cannot fufficiently expref* my regret, at th« discontinuance of Mathematical qiieftions. in your Chronicle ; ind it natu- 1 rally oUor», what can be the cause ? I Executive Council Office, Tort. 29th Wovemb-r, 182 NOTICE U hereby Riven, by order of His Excellency the Lieutenant Go- vernor in Council, that unlets the rrpre- fcntativesof John Bleft, the original lf- catee of the Well half of Lot number <tx- teen, in the third concrffion of the T«w»j fhip of, in the Midland Didrift, do claim, with nne year from this date, the patent will \Sw to Martin Salisbury. This notice is to be publifhed for six months in the Upper Canada Gazette and Kingston Chronicle 51 m6 JOHN SMALL, C. E. C