Kingston Chronicle, December 15, 1820, p. 1

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KINGSTON 4MB CHRONICLE. VOL. 11.] FRIDAY, (afternoon) DECEMBER, 15, 1830. [No 50. PROCLAMATION. UvPPER-CANADA. p. maitLand. GEORGE the FOURTH, by Vie Grace of GOD of the U- ttited Kingdom of Great Bri¬ tain and Ireland. King, De¬ fender of the Faith : 'To our beloved and faithful Legiflative Counfellots of Our Province of Upper Canada, and to Our Knights, Citizens and Burgefle*, of Our fold Province, to Our Provincial Parliament, at Our Town bfYork, on the fixtecnth day of November inftant, to be commenced, held, called, and elected, and to every of you GufcETINC :--- WHEREAS, by our Proclamation bearing- dat*.* the fourth day of Odober laft, We thought fit to Pro¬ rogue Our Provincial Pailiament to the fixteenth day of Nov. Ir.ftant, at which time, at Our Town of York, you were held and conflrained to appear, NOW KNOW YE, tint WE taking into Our Royal confideration the eafe and conveni¬ ence of Our loving fubjeti?, have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Exec utive Council, to relieve you and each of you, of your attendance at the time afore- faid, hereby convoking and by thefe pr^- fents enjoining you and each of you, that on Saturday the twenty-thjrdday of Decem¬ ber next enfuing, you meet us in Our Provincial Parliament, in our Town of York, there to take confideration the (late and welfare of Our Province of Up¬ per Canada, and therein to do as may feem necefljry* and herein fail not. In testimony whereof, WEhavecaufcd thefe Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of Our fafd Pro ▼incc to he hereunto affixed. Witness out trufly and well Se'ovvJ SIR PP, REG1UME MAITLANa, Knigfet Commander of the Moll Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province, and Major General Commanding Our Forces therein, at York, this eleventh day of November, in the year of Our Lord, one thoufand eight hundred and twenty and in the firlt year of Our Reign, P. M. By His Excellency's Command. D. CAMERON, Sec'y. ENTLEMEN who reside at York, Upper Canada, or at any place between Yoik and King¬ fton, can be fupplied with the Spectator on application to John Macaulay, Esquire, Poll Matter, Kingfton. John Crooks, Efquire, Pod Matter at Niagara, U. C. and William G. Hepburn, Ksquire, of Queenston, are also Agents for the Spectator. LANDS FOR SALE. BURNS'8 ALE, Just received, and for SAL& by the Subscriber, WM. BAYARD SMYTH. Kingfton, i6th Nov. 1820. 46rf For Sate, at this Office, THE Right Reverend the Lord Bi- fhop's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocefe—delivered in the year 1820. Nov. 24, 1820. Government Honfe% ") 6th March, 18 20. j" HIS Excellency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor i* plea fed to direct that no Location requiring Settlement Duty fhall by Confirmed by Patent, without a Cer¬ tificate from the Land Board of the Diftrift in which fnch Location may be fituate, that the Settlement Duty requir¬ ed by the Order in Council has bona fide been performed within the time fpecified by the Location Ticket. JOHN SMALL, Clk. E. C. NOTICE. THE Subfc'i^eid return their grateful and uiifrtgricd thanks to their frie el¬ and the public, for the libera' patronage they have received while i:. bufineO in this place, 2'»d mull inform then that they !>V ve ) ill wcei***d from Montreal a frefh fopply or GOODS, mi addition t-i thcii former Stock, which they will difpole of very low for calh Ihoit approved credit, or in exchange for gaud Merchantable WHtlAT, an they are now wanting 2,000 Bushels, To be delivered to A. MacPheifon, Efq. Napane Mills, a Sample of which they will requite to be delivered to them at their Store in the Village of Bath, one week previous to the delivery of any at the Na pane Mills, as Wheat that has Rye, Chefs, Cockle, or Snui: in it, cannot be received GEORGE HAM k Co. Bath, 27th Nov. i?2o. 4S THE subscriber, being- ap¬ pointed Administrator of the eftate of DANIEL WASHBURN, late of Kingfton, Efquire, deceafed, requefts all perform having claims agaiull faid eftate to exhibit thern, properly vouched ; and all pcrfons indebted, to fettle and make payment without delay. B. B1DWELL. Kingfton, October 23d, 1820. 43tf BELONGING to the Eftate of the late Charles Stuart, Efquire. Lot No 20, in the 5th Conceffion of "Pittsburgh* containing 200 Acres. Lots Nop. 20 and Eaft half of 19 in 8th Conceffion of do. 300 Acres. Lot No. 19 in the 12 Conccflion of do. con. 200 Acres. Lot No. 11 in the 3d Conceffion of Kitley, con. 200 Acres, Lot No. 16 South half in 8th Conceffion, of Augusta, con. too Acres. Lot No. vl in the 4th conceffion of Escot now 2'onge, con. 200 acre*. Lot No. i'j do do. con. 200 acres. Lot No. 12 In the 6th conceffion of WoU ford* con. 200 acres. Lot No. 8 in the 4th conceffion of A^/^n, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 37 in they conceffion of Camden, con. 200 acres. LctsNos. 6 and Weft halfrf 14 in the 2(1 conceffion of Richmond con. 300 acre 9. Lot No. 25 in the 6th conceffion of do. con. 2CO acres. Lot No. 14 if] the 5th conceffi. n of Port¬ land, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 38 in the ift conceffion of Hun- gcrfordy con. 200 acres. Let So. 24 in 2d conceffion of do. con. 2CO acres. Lot being letter G and J of FF, Prince Edward's Cliff, fouth fide of great Welt Bay, Marysburgh, con. 300 acres. Lot No. 26 1 ft conceffion, in Weft Bay, fouth of Black River, do. containing 200 acre3. Lot No. 1 front conceffion eaft of Van Alftine's Lake, do. con. 2CO acres. Lot No. 5 in ill conceffim, well of no. I, weft of the Rock, do. con. 150 acre3- Lot No. 8. in the 2d conceffion, fouth fide of Eaft Lake, in Hallowed^ contain¬ ing 200 acres. Lot No. 10 in the 13th conceffion of Raivdon, con. 200 acres. Lots No. 10 in 9th conceffion, and no. 11 in ioth conceffion cf Cramahe, con 350 acres. Lot .No. 24 in the 7th conceffion of Mur¬ ray, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 35 in the 7th conceffion, do. con. 200 acres. Lots Nos. 2 2 and 23 in 9th conceffion do. con. 400 acres. Lot No. 23 in the 4th conceffion of do. con. 200 acre3. Lot No. 19 in the 6th conceffion of do- con. 200 acre?. Lots Nos- 28 and eaft half 29 in the 4fh conctffi'n of do. con. 300 acres. Lot No. 29 in the 4th conceffion of Haidi mandn con. 200 acres. Lot9 Nos. 9 and JO in the 5th conceffion of do. con. 4C0 acres. Lot No. \i in the 5th conceffion of do. Lot No. 10 in the 5th conceffion of Percy, con. 200 acres. Lots Nos. 17 and weft half of no. 18 in the 9th conceffion of do. ^containing 300 acre?, Lot No. 59 \ ift conceffion other- wile 2d .Range from the Bay of Quintal Sophiasburgh, con. 100 acres. Lot No. 29 in the 7th conceffion of Dar- lingtcn, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 13 in the 8-h canceflion of Whitby, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 7 in the 7th conceffion of King, con. 200 acre*. Several Lota for Building, and improve¬ ment, confifting of one, two, three, four, five or fix acres in Stuartville at the eaftern extremity of the Town of King¬ fton,—Application for the purchaie of the above Lands and Lots to be made to ALLEN McLEAN, Esq. CEO. OIvlLL STUART. Acting Executors to the Estate of C. Stuart Esq. Kingfton, October, 6th t«2D. YORK Land Price-Current Office, KING STREET. X^TANTED, Axe-men to contrnft V V for clearing Lands in the Town- fhip of Lincoln, Niagara Diftn&s and in the Townfhips of York, Chinguacowcy, and Simcoe, in the Home Diftrift. Laud will be given in exchange for la¬ bour, at a price to be agreed upon. ALSO. the use of 35 acres of newly cleared land, fuuated within one mile and a half from the Town of York, will be given for a year, to any pcrfon who may be defirous of enclosing and cropping the fame upon e- qm'tnble terms with the Proprietor. Capitalills wiming to purchase impro¬ ved Farms, or Wild Lands in Upper-Ca¬ nada. m*y be furniflied (monthly) with a eriodical Price-Cunent Lift of Ejta'e^, on fair in various Town (hi ps, on payment of Four Dollars per annum—onequar- ter ;n advance. Commillions for buying, letting, leafing, and registering Ellates, faithfully execu¬ ted. TERMS For the Registration of La n '.1 for rco /Seres and: unier ■ 3 From 100 and not exceeding 200 2 0 2 6 1 * UU LU .. ^ J ----- 300 to 500 3 ° 4 0 5 0 y>u .<. j j uuwjiu? RAN away from the Subfcriber, on the 3d day of December, an indent¬ ed apprentice girl, named Catherine Dpming, (ixteen years of age, dark brown hair, fwarthy complexion and fullen coun¬ tenance—had on when fhe went away, a blue checked handkerchief and blue wool¬ en frock. All perfons are forbid harbor¬ ing or concealing her on penalty of the law, or trufling her on my account.— Whoever will return the faid runaway to the Subfcriber, fliall have one penny re¬ ward and no charges paid. DARIUS CONE. Long Ifland, Dec. 5, 1820. 49-3W MOWAT & BRUCEi Dealers in Dry Goods and Gro¬ ceries, 1} ETURN their grateful acknowledg- ^ \j ments to their friends and the pub¬ lic for paft favours, and take this opportu¬ nity of acquainting them that they have received, in addition to their former aflbrt- ment, a large fupply of Woolens, Cottons, Silks* Sfc. Sfc. ALSO, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, and GLASS WARE ; Which they offer for fale at their ftore, for cafh or fhort approved credit. N. B. Produce taken in payment the same as cash. aq C!P All letters addreffed to Mr, Ancell, Director of this office, muft be poll paid. On the ift day of September next, will be published a Monthly Land Price- Current lift of Ellates on Sale in Upper Canada, to he circulated hereafter in En¬ gland. Ireland, and Scotland, and Wales. ____________________________34^- NOTICE. To Fanners. rriHE fubferiber refpedlfully informs the I Farmers that he will pay 3^, Hali¬ fax Currency, per bushel for any quantity of Merchantable Wheat, (not to exceed Three Thoufand Buthels) delivered to .Mr. A. McPherfon, at the Napane Mills, either on accouacor KfcttKrftaogQ >i/\ i£Wuby a "eneial afTortment of which he, as usual, constantly keeps on hand, at his Stores at Frcderickiburgh and Bath, and sells them on as low terms as Good9 of the fame qua¬ lity can be bought at Kingston, for Cash or Country Produce. lie also bega leave to inform his custo¬ mers, and the people in general, that he has eredtcd, in addition to his Potash works in the village of Fredericksburg, cne in Bath ; «t both which places he will re¬ ceive good clean Houfe and Field Ashes, and pay the high-eft prices going for them in any kind of Goods, on delivery. JOHN CLARK, Bath, Dec- $th, 1820. 49 mi for sale; A HOUSE and Town lot, in the Town of Kingston, with good Stables and other convenient out-hou- fes; likewife, a FARM of 100 acres of land in the Township of Frederick'burgh, with 50 acres improvement ; a laige fram¬ ed DWELLING-HOUSE, a good log- barn, and a fmall orchard thereon, in a good settlement and is a good fituation for any public Bufincfs. Alfo, lot, No- 4, third conceffion Rich¬ mond, 200 acres; and the tfeft half of lot No. 16, S;xih conceffion Kingfton, ico acres, with 10 acres improvement ; the a bove mentioned property may be had vcr) rcafonable for ca^h. For particulars apply to SAMUEL MERRILL. Kfrgfi*af ii Nov. liteo. 44lf THE Land Board, for the Midland District for the enfuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each reek, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingllon, at the hour of 1 2 o'clock at uoon, for the pnrpofc of receiv¬ ing applicat jus for lands, from the under¬ mentioned d-fcription of perfons, viz* Emigrant*, and others comi.ig to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Briii'\ born fubjc&s. i^H able fettleri that have refided in the Dillricl previous to the late war, and pro- ates of having done their duty in its defen-e. The tern ; of the grants are the perform¬ ance cf the setting duties within Eighteen M«»nilis fiout lb*) Jail* ttftSio fotfttttwtfn 1 •' the payment of the following t eftablifhed by an order in Council of V December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent grants no fees. On Grants of 100 acres, .£12 Ste:|; On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal inflalmtntss, \;z# % The firft on the receipt of the Eocnl[on ticket ; the fecund on Certificate fillt-j 0f fettlement ; the third on the receipt cf the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained ;nlcfs accompanied by a written character, or a fatisfa&OTV reafon (hewn lor fact* not being produced. By order of the Board. JAMES N1CKALLS, Jtar. Clerk. Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. B To prevent difappointmer" to perfons applying for lands : it is nec-"ary to ftate that the Board ha* no pow-'r t0 grant Lands to the Child.en of ?• ™ L<»yalistj ; Militia men who ferved P *"? Flank companies during the war;^avaI or Military claimants, all fuch muft raa e application to York- _____ York Land Price-Current Office- Mil. ANGELL refpecxfully informs the public, and Emigrants who may be defirous of forming a fettlement in thia Province, and to purchale improved Farms, tint he has on the Regiller, for falc or exchange, an txtenfive vaiiety ; together with many thoufand acres of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi¬ ar to the molt fertile foils, which he is di¬ rected to difpole ot in quantities at fiom half 3 dollar to 100 dollars per acre. These Eftatta are advantageously situ- ate-d in the delitable parts of well select¬ ed Townlhips, within the Province of Upper Canada, and watered by navigable rivers, creeks, and moft brilliant fprings. QUEEN'S TRIAL. HOUSE OF LORDS, Oct. 5. Tzcenty-fourth day. A conversation took place as to the affair of the Mariettisand Colonel Brown, in consequence of furlher letters from the elder Marieiti to his son, which the Mar- quis of Lansdown thought rendered the previous explanations by Lord Liver- pool unsatisfactory. Lord Liverpool agreed that the matter could not rest where it did. He only wished that Co¬ lonel Brown should not beprejudgfd un- til further explanations could be obtain¬ ed. In compliance with his lordship's suggestion, Joseph Marietti appeared at the bar, and identified and delivered in certain letters from his father ; and was further ordered to produce, on a future day, a letter w hich he had received from Signor Albeitonia. EVIDENCE TOR HER MAJESTY. James La) man, clerk to Mr. Vizard, deposed as to the applications for bring, ing over the Baden chamberlain. On the 22d ult. the chamberlain told the witness that the Grand Duke refused him permission to come. He further said, that he could not make a deposition be¬ fore the local authorities without the Grand Duke's permission. Anthony Butler, St. Leger, (ihe se- cond witness,) examined by Mr. Trin- dal. Was chamberlain to the Queen from 1808 to 1819. I went abroad with her Majesty in 1814,as far asBiun>wick. In consequence of the state of my health I resigned my office. No questions weie asked the witness, either by the attorney general or the peers, and he withdrew from the bar. Earl Guilford, (the third witness) was then called. I recollect her majt-.-ty was at Naples when I arrived there, in the beginning of March, 1815. I found in in her suit, lady Elizabeth Forbes, the lion- IVoppei- ciavi'u, ;»ir »Jm ^t.»»? ... » Dr. Holland, her physician. I recollect seeing Bergami there. When I first saw him he was courier. I remained at Na¬ ples only three or four days. Lady C. Lindsay was with me at the lime, and we travelled together from Nice to Naples. Her ladyship did not accompany me when I left Naples. I next saw the Queen at Rome. There was an interval of a few days between seeing her Majesty at Na¬ ples and at Rome. Her Majesty did not remain at Rome more than three or four days. I dined with her once at Naples. There was a considerable party. I can¬ not positively recollect whether there were any of the nobility of the court of Naples present. Lady C. Lindsay di¬ ned (here that dav. Besides dining with her majesty* I had no other opportuni¬ ties of Seeing her. I saw her Majesty next at Civita Vtcchia. Her Majesty embarked at Civita Yecchia to go to Ge¬ noa. She stayed at Civita Vecchia five or six days before she embarked. 1 and ludy C. Lindsay formed a portion of her suit when at Civita Vecchia. We dwelt in the same house with her Majesty, and lived at her Majesty's table. Were any other persons invited ? Yes, the master of the house ou one day. Mrs. Caverly and her two daughteis were there. She was the wife of a person in a very res¬ pectable situation. I believe she associ¬ ated with persons of the first rank in the country. One of the eldest daughters of The capitalill may at all time find an of considerable rnnk in society. Her Majesty embarked in the Clorinde atCi- *ita Vecchia, and I accompanied her. We disembarked at Leghorn. From that time there was a considerable interval before I saw her Majesty again. I again saw her in November, 1815, at Villa d'E^te, near Como. I was not then ac¬ companied by Lady C. Lindsay. I saw her Majesty first on the Lake of Como, Lady C. Lindsay was then in England. I dined there on that day. At that time Bergami was sitting at the table of her opportunity 01 inverting money at this of¬ fice, lecurcd upon Fee simple Estate, which will afford to him an ample Inte- 1 ell- Non refident Landholders may de¬ pend upon the moll faithful and aftive at¬ tention being paid to any Agency entrull- ed to the care of the Director. Terms of Regidering Lands, either to be fold, leafed, exchanged, or for the per¬ formance of fettling duties: £ o o o o o o s. 1 2 2 3 4 5 d. 3 o 6 o o o J- OfFICE OF OiCDSANCE, Kingston, U. C z^th Nov. 1820. A NY pcrfon* willing to fupply the *\_ Ordnance Office at Point Henry with Fifty Cords of Fire Wood, to confift of Beech. Maple, or Hickory, and to be delivered when sleighing commences, are req»elled to fetid in sealed Tenders, ad- dreffed to" The Refpe&ive Officers of M. M. Ordnance" by Monday the iSth of December next, at twelve o'clock. 4; jbec ered To Clot lifers. I-'or sa!?. a quantity ot* PRESS-PAPERS. Passage from Dublin to Qi> next Spring. HE faft failing «§££■ ^_..4a shipiaizxja^i,^; Mailer, 363 Tons Regiller, (a i°for Trader) is intended to leave Dub. .|g ;n this P-rt April lit, 1831. Settl (hejr Canada can fecu.e a paffilg* lot_ rib€r> fttsndS by application to tlie Snbl^ or and paying ilieir paflage or camel!, before ill January next. \VM. PcMBERTOK,r3. Agent for the Owi ^ " SL.i.vk loo acres and under ioo to 200 200 to 250 25010 300 300 to 500 500 and upwards N. B. These rates include the charge for infertion in the General Land Price Current, which will be revifed and pub- lilhed monthly, and hereafter circulated throughout Great Britain, Ireland, and the Weft India lilands. All letters addressed to Mr. Angell, Director of this office, mull be pod paid. York, near the Crown Office, 1 22d Auguft, l820, 35tf TlHfc A* us- /1 SYhitalier & u 34 DEEDS and MEUOR1A For sale i- this Office. LS, Paint Shop. THE Subfcriber, a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Inn, has just receiv¬ ed a general fupply of PAINTS, which he offers for sale, uncommonly low, for Cafh only, viz. Rofe Pink, Dutch Pink, King's Yellow, Chromic Yellow, Terra dc Scana, Drop Lake, Verdigris, Patent Yellow, Piuffian Blue, Turkey Umber, Vermillion, Gold and Silver Leaf, Plaister Paris, Pari* White, Yellow Ochre, Lamp Black, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, Glue, Copal and Japan Varnifhes— all which may be had dry, ground in oil, or fitted for the brulh. Alfo, RAW and BOIL'D OILS. PAINTING, iu its various branches, done at the fhorteft notice. TIIKODORE BROCKET. Kingston, Dec. 8, 1S.10. 49tf Majesty. I had never before seen him sitting there, I did not stay longer there than the day on which I dined. I nent away that evening* I slept at Como that night, and next day went to Milan. I paid her Majesty a second visit on the Sunday following, and I dined with her. When I was with her Majesty the first time, 1 do not recollect that I had an in¬ tention to make a longer visit than Iodine there. I only wished to pay my respects to her Majesty.—Bergami was there on the second day of my dining with her Majesty. From that time I had not any opportunity of seeiug her Majesty. Cross-examined by the Attorney-Ge¬ neral.—When you dined with her Ma¬ jesty on board the Clorinde, or at Na¬ ples, do you recollect that Bergami wai¬ ted at table ?—I remember he did wait, but I do not recollect where. Did he do so on board the Clorinde. I do not recollect. I rather wason board the Clorinde. Lady C. Lindsay quilted the seivice of the Queen in 1815. Shelcft her Majesty at Leghorn, aud never join¬ ed her afterwards. When I visited her Majesty at Villa d'Este, there was a lady iu attendance upon her Majesty, who, I understaud, was Countess Oldi. I coo- versed with her at Villa d'Este. She spoke Italian, with a slight accent of the Lombardy. I have seen her Majesty's grounds, at Villa d'Este. I had at that time a Greek servaut. Her Majesty first showed me the grounds, and afterwards

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