Kingston Chronicle, November 10, 1820, p. 4

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BRICK FOR SALE, THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of July, any quantity of Brick, of a very good quality. SMITH BARTLET. K'tr.g-tcn, June, 16, 1820. 27 LAND AGENCY. . For Sale or to Let, At TWO (lory framed Houfc, and a q/jL large and commodious ftone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefect, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purclxdcr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kington, 26th February, 1819. 9 THE Kibtcrlber, for many years the ' Junior Clerk in the OfTice of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time paft occasionally a&ed as a Land Agent,^ hav¬ ing refigned the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en- triged in any other employment, will now transact Land bufinefs generally, ANDREW MERCER. Torh \uh May, 1820. 20 Notice. o C4LK F O i.^ O £%. ±J EJ , T a very low price for Cash _ —the south or front half of loTNo. \l>, in the first conces¬ sion of Louffliboroug'h.—Porpar- ticuiars, apply at this Office. Doc. ?, 18V.).__________l>0 A Contract wii! he given for Ploughing fifty acres of ground, and also for cutting Buslies, and clearing a quantity of Land. 15. WHITNEY. Kingston, Aug. 9th 1820 S£tf NOTICE. VT.L perfons indebted to the Inte Co- pnrtneifiiip of Richard Robison ana David SccorJy arc reqncfled to make im¬ mediate payment to the furvivinp; partner, David Sccord, and thofe to whom the faid Copartnerlhip may be indebted, aie le- quefted to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment* • Kingrton, 27th May, 1819. 26I1 OTARIAL BUSINESS at- __ tended to with punctuality and "dispatch, by the Subscriber. P. F. HALL. Notary Public. Kingfton, 1st Augnft, 1820. 3Itf — FOR SALB, A FARM in the front Concession of XjL ihfi Township of Augusta, tlirec and a half miles below lirockvillc, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There i; a large two story house on the promisor., built of square limber and boarded outside, a frame barn, &C This farm is veil wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a piwuaui Country residence, and will be sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For fuiiher parlicu Lars apply to A.k W. MORiaS&Coi Brckvittc, 19th Mmj 1820 ZUf Notice. St. ANDREW'S CHURCH THE Committee respectfully request that the Subscribers will pay into ihe hands of the 'JVasurer, Mr. Alcxr. Prfrvgte, their respr. .j. subscriptions.— The Committee would likewise call upon those individuals w|lo Imve not yet sab- scribed Jo give their support to the un¬ dertaking, they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advantages which are rikely to arise from an establishment such as the one contemplated, because they must be evident to every one. To those, however, v. ho are Presbyterians, and particularly to tb<fse educated in the. forms and doctrines of (he Church of Scotland, the Coirrrmttee beg respect¬ fully to addrefa themfclvea and to solicit their support, not only by subscribing what they can themselves afford, but by the influence which 1 hey may possess with their friends of other persuasions. Subscription papers are left with the Treasurer, Mr. Priugle, and with the Secretary, Dr. Marshall, also at Point Frederick, with Mr. Robert Graham, ham, Merchant. A. MARSHALL, Secretary. Notice. Notice. ___ •WTSTTHEREAS John Sparrow, late v v of Bellville, Merchant, has as- fi^ntd all his real eft ate, Notes and fcdok debts to the Subfcriber, in tvufl for the benefit of his creditors—Notice is hereby given that thofe Notes and Accounts which remain unfettltd after the firft day of February next will be put Into the hands of an Attorney for colle&ion. H.C THOMSON. ' Kingfton, Sept. 23, lozo. 40WS ■fln)ERSONS having Books belonging Jl to the Kingston Library are rcqueft- ed to fend them to the fubicriber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffible- JOHN FERGUSON. . 12th April, 1819. 24 ^NQTICiT. ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to j^mes He nefy, bearing date the ZQth January, 1820 — one for twenty live p«>und«, payable the iftjanuary 182 I —one for £\ * 10, pay¬ able 1 ft Jif.uaiy, 1822 one for X}i 2 10 payable lit January 18.13—one for jjxz JOS. pay. We I ft January 1824—and one for £\z so payable ill January 1825— the four btt bearing intereft—as the faid Not.** were given for a lot of land fold by the faid James lienefy to the fubicriber, and for which he c3n give no legal title. . JOSKPil SHE \ R.MAN. Eellv;i!e,i6th May, 1820. 22- Yaliiahb: Lands for sale, mike Township of Hamiltoyi. LOTS No. 6 and ! 2 in the 3d Con- ceffion, containing 400 acres. i/itto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th Con- ceffion, containing 450 ac*es. Ditto ditto io1 in the 0\\ Concefiion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Toarr.nupof Hamilton, Newcaftlc Dutria. and will be fold on the moil liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Ellas Jones, BflJ- Hamilton, or the fubferiber in King !1 on. Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, t8ig. 22tf THE real and pcrfonal Eftatc of the la'.e John Mclntofh of Thurlow, havinebeen legally affiqned over to me by the partial interciicd ; i do hereby rcqueft, tliat all thofe indebted to the faid Eitate, ciiher by Bond, Note of Hand or Book Account?, will make pay¬ ments on or before the III October next. Caitlc or Produce, will be taken in pay¬ ment. PETER GRANT. Bellville, July 19th, 1820. 30 DOCTOR MtlWAY, HAVING studied the diffcteni branches of medicine and taken out the necessary Tickets and certificate for each in the Colleges of Dublin, with a diploma from that of £t. Andrew's, Scotland, now slops at Mrs. Thibodo'p, *ind trusts by his unremittiug attention to his patients to meet wiih a liberal de¬ gree of patronage from the inhabitants of this town and its vicinity. N. B. Gen nine medicines fo his pa¬ tients on moderate i<: m>. £3r Attendance and advice to the Poor, ITthJuh, 1S20 30 A REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pavndx ESTILL be paid by the subscriber, to v v any perfoti who fii2*II discover and give fuch information as will conviS tlw perfon or pctfons v/ho, on or about the 29th or 30th ot June laft, Hole from rjcorge Ridout, Euj. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of hve dolla-s each, to the amount of two thouland pounds. By direction of the Dire&ors of the Montreal Bank. Ti»oM4c vMRr.i.Aiin, Kingston, rota N&&m tS[9 Agent. 47 Just puhiishri;, and for Sale at this Office 8. BARROtrS 300 Questions <m the New Tes- t anion t. NOIICE. gratis. Kingston, loih Sept. I8S0. 37 (f NEJF GOODS. THE Subfcribera refpeftfully inform their friends and the public that they have received of the lad importations a well feledted aflurtment of JDMT (QO'BJDS adapted to the fc^fon. Likewife a quanuty of Strong Jamaica SpiritSj rogui.ic Brandy, Hollands Gin, Wines, Teas, Sugars, Molailes, &c. and a number of otlier articles tedious to men¬ tion in an advertifementj which they v.ill i'cll Cncap foi Carti. WALTER McCUNIFFE, & Co. Kingfton, Augutl 2d, 1S20. 31 tf inntiE Sublcribers have received a enment of A met ican Cotton rpl/E Board for Miljtia Pex- * signs, "jjiil vett on the lajl Monday in February, and cmtintU f? to do* the famt day in each Mo/K.u until the Ivfmefs of this Di/lridy as regird* the fume is Jtni/hcd* JOHN FKRGUSON. Kinnjlon* Feb. \fir l8l<?. 6 Wauled and much \visluv! for, A Medical G^tle.nnn of Uhcral edu cation and unwvbted Loyalty^ to prac¬ tice in the Village of But!.. A perfon r:f the above difcript*>n will receive the molt liberal fuppon,anJ encouragement Bath, Sept* 25th. 182c. 39 ALL perfons indebted to the Eftateo? the late OLIVER THIBODO, de- ceafed, sre requc'led to pay the fame with¬ out dclsv, and thofe to whom the E'.late is indebtt d, will prefent their accounts duly authenticated for adjuflmerit, to Henry \V. Wilkinfon, one of the Executcrs, to faid Eftate. Kingfton, Auguft gotb 1820. gjtf To Let, A GRIST and SAW-MILL, In the Townfiiip of Camden, on the Napanee River.—For further particulars, apply to JCiiN GIBBARD on the pre¬ mises. Kingfton, September !ft 1820. 3511 Wanted Lmmediately, SIX cr FIGHT Good AXEMEN, Who will undertake to Clear Land by the Acre. For particular** apply at this Office. Kingfton, Oct. 20, 1820. 42tf Nig-ht School. ig MAXWELL, Teacher of the &J a Grammar School, Grave Street, refpeetfuH} informs the inhabitants of Kingfton, that he will give indructions in the following branches : —Writing, Arith¬ metic, Book keeping, Geography, Geo¬ metry, Plain Trigonometry and Algebra^ Kingfton, Oct. 19, 1820. 42tf REWARD. IIEREAS the Subscriber on the MGHTofthe 6th inst while on his way from the carrying place, head of the Bay of Quinte, to the River Trent, was aflanltcd by Two Men, and ROB¬ BED of his Pocket Book, containing pa¬ per money to the amount of Three Hundred AND SEVENTY THREE DOLLARS, And sundry NOTES of HAND, Agreeable to the following descriptions ; The above reward will be given to any perc-on who may make fach dif:overy of ihe Robbers as will lead to their convic¬ tion. Notes of Hand as follows, Onu Note signed by E. fc F. Tinker, payable to the subscriber,------$75 * tae ditto, signed Elisha Tinker payable to tlis subscriber.---------------------$?>$ One ditto signed John Til's payable to die subscriber.------------------------Si Mi Ouo ditto signed E. Wheeler, pnyuble to th..- subscriber.---------------------- "s otice. THE .•• Ijfcnbcrfl having taken, for t tcr.^ -t years, the Store and premisea bsJcnglng to Chelate Wm. Mitchell, Elq. in Kingfton, intend to carry on the bull- nefs, 33 heretofore, of Forwarding and Genera! >*•■"- ihants. They have on hand ?3 Weft afTortmeot of GOODS, which they or;>r for fale on liberal terms : and hope by ;he;r attention to merit a 1iare ot that cxl*x8vt patronage which their predecelTor enjoyed. Thf l:finels will in future be conduc¬ ted[under the Firm of Thomas R. Cart, wri^ht & Co. THOMAS R. CARTWRIGKT, neil j. Mclean. Kingston, October 17, 1S20. Aztf W1: MONTREAL ACADEMY. We Rvan? A. R Master. IN this institution, conducted according to the most approved modern fystems, the education of young Gentlemen is completed in about half the time ufually required; and except in extreme cafes without the aid of corporal punifiiment> hitherto fo unjustly confidercd as indis- penfible. To this only can be afcribcd the unparalleled patronage received by this Institution—which by enabling the principal to proceed on a liberal and enlarged ocale, secures to the public advantages not to be met with in the establishments of tMa Country, which are generally fpeaking, of only an ephemeral existence. The prernifea are perhaps the best calculated of any in the Country for a large ctabhfhment. The lioufe is very Spacious and comfortable, the pleafure ground and garden extcnlive and well enclofed. The courfe of Studies comprife, the I f?re^k T V*" ^'"*n^K t«-1 F-iv^m'A Inn- guages ; Logic, Mathematicks, History, Geogiaphy, Chronology, Writing, Arith- metick. Book keeping &c. Mulic, Dancing and Drawing, are alfo taught at hours that do not interfere with the regular claffes. TERMS. £ Board k, Tuition, per Annum 40 Day Scholars who leanj Chs) DaySrholarswhrj'.rnrnVvnio in? and Aril-nnotic ?-c^ 10 Montreal, October 4th, 1820. N. D. Information may be had by reference to Smith Barrlet, Efq. King¬ ston, or to Mr. Thomas Dalton o-; the Kingston Brewery, each of whom has a foil at the Montreal Academy. 43m3 s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 sso STOVKS. fT^HE fubferiber has jufi received a JL qnanttty of Double and Single Stovesj of quite new and handfome patterns, which he otFers for ia'c at the Montreal price and charges, for caft. JOHN WATKINS- Kingfton, Sept. 2 fd iZzo. $${{ Three ditto signed Ez»e Osborrip, payable to the subscriber.-----■-----------------$-27 OncdhtO siloed Martin, pay- hub iu 'Jvumau Khnptoo.----------S"> One dixto signed t alvin ltawson, payable to Caleb Norton.---------------------#11 50 One ditto signed Thomas Ward, payable to James Oraham.-------------------£9 One #ttOSigned Martin Rush, payable to the subscriber.----------------------s4 il. con!; Just Received. An e!ervnt aff^rtmeat of Paper Hanging's, THEODORE BROCKET. Kingfton, Sepiemhi r rft, 1820. 1 On* Jilto signed Barton Philips, pnynWe 0 "Wiiiiiim Calkin& f"i" anioant of £5 less j:-5 WATCHES and CLOCKS Repaired in the bcu manner, hy S. O. TAZEWELL, [North aid* of the MarUrt Ph:cc,Kingston,] M7 HO moll refpeftfully informs the v f Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefs, and hopes, by paying Uriel at¬ tention to bulinefs, to give the ntmoll fat- isfatSlion to all thofe who may plcafe to favour him with their employ- Having had many years experience in London, is perfectly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapementa, Repeaters, &c. &c. Kingston, May i 3th, 1820. 20tf ^5 -fr k^5 confining of Bleach'd and un-bleach'd Shirtings and Sheetings, Bed Ticking and j Stripes, which will be fold at very low prices NOTICE. To be Let, For arty term of years that may he agreed upon, THAT large fon at Port HopccaUcd the WeUWujiim, with the Gardeji THOs. S. WHITAKER, & Co. Mtd«therp«wi»M,«s possessed at pre- Kingfton, Aug. 4th, 1820. 3tif H'tlt bf >&•««• ^ uod.worth and Mor- _____________________________________my, 1o v^hich entry may be had nt the LETTERS of Admimftration having been granted to me on the Eftate of the lute Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is requeued that all who have claims againft that Eftate will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay as pof&ble. JAMES RANKEN, Admin'ijlrator. Bath, 28th June, 1820. 26tf wTotice! _ Books of Subscription for the flettit of 0h$$tm, will be opened at the's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Angv.Jl next, aud kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until farthei notice. Kmjiflnn, 27th July, 1819. 3r BLANK DEEDS an., MEMORIALS Tor safe at this Office. WANTED, For the Public Service*, 4 Strang Draught HOUSES, Warranted found in all respects, and about six years of age. Persons having Animals of the above description to dispone of are invited to bring them to the OtQce of the Koyal Engineer Department at Kingston un any Thursday between the hours of 11 and 2 oVlock. Kingston, l4&'8rpL IS^O. first r.f January next. The proprietor:- arc disposed to «.»ivc etcry *.;icouras*- mont to a person of capital and respecta¬ bility. For f'rthi r particulars apply to the proprietors at Port flop?. Port Rope, 6th Oct. 18-20. 4Itf NOTICE. 1 37 Window Glass. r"j|iHE fubscribets have en hand a con, Jl signment of WINDOW GLASS- of 7 1-2 by 8 1-2, 9 by 9. R by 10, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good order, for fale at very low prices for cadi or fhort approved credit. THOS. S. WHITAKER &Co. May, 17. 20 rjT!HE fubferiber, being legally appoint- JL ed Administrator to the Estate of the late John Symington, Esq. of Niaga¬ ra, requests all thofe to whom the faid Es¬ tate is indebted to prefent their accounts for adjustment, cither to him&elf, at Kings¬ ton, or to Thomas McCormick, E:q. at Niagara ; and all thofe who are in any way indebted to the (kid estate arc m like man¬ ner requested to pay the accounts jMeby them to«-ithcr of the above mentioned pur- ties,withj&a littledclav us polT:Ue. CLAUDE BROWN. Kingsteth 11*£ nt: iT:o. .\-;ai ALLperfona indebted ejthei by Note or iJook Account, to the eftate or" the late Richard Robifon, Efq. deceafed, are requefled to pay the lame without delay ; and thofe to whom the eftate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenti¬ cated for adjuftment, to Allan MacLean, Efquire, one of the Executors to faid e*. rate, Kingfton, June J» 1820. i6ti To Clothiers* For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS, Tho. S. SV7hitakcr S Co. August 19, 181 d* 34 JAMES PICKSRiNG. who cmigrat- ed from Irdafld J^ Aug. 1«18. and is BOW fnppofcd to b^t living in the Province of Upper Canada, w defired to come him- fclf, or fend his »dd:ef* to Mr. Dalton's brewery, in the vicnity of Kingfton, which U at prtfeMt tht rcfidcncc of hi*3 aged father. jq\\S PICKERING. Kteg'lorij Oct. '9> '820, 42 endorsefl i-C- Oue ditto signed Josiah Proctor, payable to the subscriGer.---------------------£r> 0 Oho ditto signed Ueorge Simpson, payable to 1lw> s'l-.c-nbcr.---------------------10s. Togethei vrith nn.ury Holes ana ac¬ counts which cannot be particu'.arifed. Of the paper money, fix were ten dol¬ lar bilk of the Montreal Bank. The others were altogether of the Bank ofU. C. one of which was ten dollars, and the others of fmaller denominations. There wa.j alfo contained in the Pocket Book, a Licence to Peddle granted to the fub¬ feriber on or about the 24th day of May PHILIP WHELPLEY. BellvtUe, 9th October, 1820. 42tf r<jTlH£ fubferiben, duly appointed Ex- JL ecutors to the laft Will and Tedament of the iate William Mitchell, Efu. of Kinoiton, hereby requed all persons who are indebted to the eftate either by Bond M Oil gage j Note or Book account, to come forward and fettle the fame without delay ; ana all thofe to whom the faid tltate is indebted, to prefent their claims, for adj':[tmtrnt. lit the Office of the late William MitchcH. ALLAN M'PHERSON, JAMES MCKALLS, Jun. Kingfton, October 17, 1820. 42tf N. B- The bufinefs heretofore car- ned on by the late Willkm Mitchell, Efq. wi;l be continued by Thomas R, Cart- wr-^'.t, and Neil J. McLean, under the iinn of Thomas R. Cartwright & Co, yjflOBE SOLD, and immediate pos¬ it sefiion given, the following Lots of Lmd, in the 6th Conceffion of the Town- fr.i.i of Elmaley, viz. 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, mod eligibly situated on the North ai-c of the Ridea^i Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. They abound in excellent Timber, whichfrom its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar* sh-dl,£sq. Perth Settlement, John Kirby Efq, Kin/tton, or the fubferiber, in Wood- ho«l"c, London DiAnft ROBERT N1CIIOL. November 18, 18 19. ^.ytf Kingston Branch of the Mon- treal Bank, JrA. the Office for good Bids, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, lixty, and ninety days, THOMAS MAIiKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, 3d Nov 1813. 23 TKRMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty Slittl'ags per annum; if sent by Mail twent) four Mii!Tins*. Suhscrip'ious to be paid in advance 10 (he istoi'Jnlv, or the IstofJana- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. IX tines and under 2.?. Gd. first f«- sertion* and 7\d. each subseqi ten ,i insertion: 10 lines and tender^ 3s. Ad. first insertion, and I0d* each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d- per line for the first insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent insertion. Advertisements xciiheut written direc- ions are inserted till forbid, and charged according? if. Orders for discontinuing Advertise* went? to bj in writing, and delivered by WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN' o'Ctovk on the day of publication, A HE NTS. Henry Cowan, K?.q. Quebec. EdMurd Sills. KSq, Three Riven. J.imoa William*, Esq. Montreal. Messrs J. & J. Dnnlop, Lancaster. Paul ClaMtford, F.sq. Matilda. Alulteus Jones, Ksq. I'rescott. Henry Jones, E»q. BrockviUe. N. D. Tominas, F.>q. Perth. II. VVhilmarsh, l-">q. Richmond. J. K. HartWClI, Ksq. Bastard. V.. Webster, Esq, Gananoqitc. J. Sunken, Rsq. Bath. Allan McPherwm, Kmj. Napanee* Thomas Parker, Esq> BvllviUc. Joseph A. Keeler, VXq. Cramaht. James (I. Beihune, I-.m|. Hamilton John I). Smith, Ksq. Port Hope, William Allan, Kmj. York. Daniel Ross, l'.>q. Vittoria. John Crook-. Rj.q, Niagara. T. MeOi-inek. Ksq. Qucen^ton. John Wihon, Ksq. Amherstburgk. KINGSTON, V C. PRl'KTK1)ArVOU H11S KJUTOJIS.

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