KINGSTON VOL. 11.] CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, (AFTEnNoox) NOVEMBER, 10, 1820. [No 45. TFat *w& i-^t tew "aK^ PI10CL\: IATION. UPPER -CANADA. ?. MAITLAND. GEOBGB the FOURTH % tfe Grace ef GOD of the t% nited Kingdom of Great Bri¬ tain and IrehnrcL Kingj Oc- fender of the Fpfffi : To our beloved faithful f.egtflative Coucfcllors of Our Province cf Upper Canada* and to Owe Kr.-i^hts, Citizens and Burjf/fij% of Our fauj Province, to Our Provincial Parliament, at Our Town of York, on the ninth thy of Octolur fnltant, to be commenced* held, calledj and ele&cd, and to every of you Greeting :— "V75THEREAS, by our Proclamation V V bearing date the twenty-fifth clay cf Augnti In ft, Wc thought fit to Pro¬ rogue Oar Provincial Pailmment tn the ninth day of O&ober Inflant, at which time, at Our Town of York, yon were held and conftraincd to appear, NOW KNOW YE, that WE taking into Our Roy?.! Ci>o{ideration the eafe and conveni¬ ence of Gur loving fubjec't-, have thought i:.t, by and wah the advice of Our Exec utive Council, to relieve you and e;ich of ou, of vo»;r attendance at the tlTifi afore- i aid/ hereby convoking and by thefe pr*:- {exits emjinuig you and each of yon, that on Thwrlday, the Sixteenth day of Novem- "t-r pc*i e&firifegi Y&U meet ns ui Our \;.^,.;-..*il Par'JwTfit* fn ***tl T<'vn of *iork. th^Tt* m ta.Ku into conbderntuni tiic tl.tte asd w^lhire "t Onr Piovinee of Up¬ per'l, a»d therein to do as may ieom nccclTary, and herein f/.il not. Is i FSTIMONY whereof, Wfi hive caufed thele Our Letters to be made Patent, ?nd the Grot Seal of Our faid Pro¬ vince to behereunto affixed, Witsess rvjir triifly and well beloved SI iv. PE¬ REGRINE MAITLAND, Knight Commander of the Mod Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Lieutenant GovctflOf of our laid Province, and Major General Commanding Our Forces therein, at Yoik, this fourth day of Oiflober, in the year of Our Lord, one thoufaud eight hundred and twenty and in the firft year of Our E.eign, P. M. 2?v His Excellency** Command. D. CAMERON, Sc:*y. ice Executive Cotwcil Office. 1 Tori, 4/A October, 1S20. J T^fOTICK i* hereby given that the J3J Ferry acrvf: the mouth of the Ri¬ ver Trent in the Townfhip of Murray in the 0iftn& of Ncwcaftle not having been Leafed this day. Scaled Fr. pnf'als foi the fame will be received at thi? Office until the fifteenlh of November next, it bein>T underlined that the laid Ferry will be fttbj«& to filch rate* and regulations a* the »4agHlr3t«; in Quarter Seflions (hall &* fit to eftabiHfl. JOHN S.vTALL, C!!:. Ex. Com. Gtjsicmmmt Houfe* 6th March, 1S20. HIS ExccBcncy the Lieutenant Go- vemoi i* pkuud : ) direct tha* no ]Lcca:iu" lefiuirh-g Duty (hall bv Confirmed by Patent, without a Cer- nficacc from the Land KoE'd nf the Diftrici it which Pv.h Location may be fituate, that the Settlement Dut/ r. quir¬ ed by the Order in Council ha< bona fide been performed within the ti:ne fpeciiied by the Location Ticket. JOHN SMALL, CtL E. C. } WANTED To RenL a House consisting of Five or Six Rooms, with a Stable attached, rn or within a mile of Kingston —Apply at tins office. King (Ion, Xov. 3d i<J2o. 44tf LANDS F0R"SALE BELONGING to the Eftaie of the late Charles Stuart, Efqutrt. Lot No 20, fa the 5th Conceflion of ¥itlsbt:rgl\ containing 200 A?res. Lots Nos. 20 and Eall half of 19 h 8th Conceflion of do. ^00 Acres. I-ot No. 15 in tlie 12 Conceflion of dj. con. 200 Acres. Lot No. 1 i in the 3d Conceinon of Kitfry, con. 200 Acred, Lot No. }6 South hah" in 8th Concemon, or Augusta, con. too Acres* Lot No. i\i in the 4th concefTion of Escot iiozu loffgej con. 2C0 acren. Lot No. (3 d> co. con. 2COacrc*?. Lot No. iz in t!r.'6t!i concefiion of JVoU ford\cox\. z^o acres. Lot I'Jo. 8 in the4th coficefDon of Nepcan, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 37 iw the 7 conceflion of Camden* con. 200 acre?. Lots Nos. 6 and Wert half of 14 m the 2d conceflion of Richmond con. :>co acres. Lot No. 25 in the 6th conceflion of do. con. 2co acres. Lot No. 14 in the Cfch conceflion of Port- land, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 38 in the n't conceflion of Hun- gerfordt con. 200 a^re?. Lot .No. 24 tn 2d cone .'lion of do. cot. 200 acre-;. Lot being letter G and j of FF, Prince 1-ldward's Cliff, Ibuth fide of great Weft Bay, Marysburght con. 300 acres. Lot No 26 ifl conceflion, It Wt& V,xy fo'ith of Black River, do. containin 200 acre?. Lot No. 1 front conceflion end of Van Al&MC's Lake, do. con, 200 acres. Lot No. 5 in ill conceflion, wed oi no. i, weflcfthc Rock, do. con. 150 ncrc-*. Lot No. 8. in the 2d concefii n, [outli fide of Eafl Lake, in Hallowed^ contain¬ ing 200 acres. Lot No. io in the 13th conceflion of Ra~vdr,ntcAn\. 200 acres. Lots_No. 10 in 9th couceilion, and no. 11 in roth conceflion of Cramahe, con 350 acres. Lot iN'o. 24 in the 7th conceflion of Jllur- ray, con. too acres. Lot No. 35 in the 7th conceflion, do. con. 200 acre?. Lots Nos. 22 and 23 in 9th conceffion do. con. 40© acres. Lot No- 23 in the 4th conceflion of do. coti. zoo acres. Lot No. 19 in the 6th conceflion of do. con. zoo acres. Lots Nos. 28 and call half 29 in the 4th conceffion of do. con. 300 acres. F.ot No. 29 iu the 4th concefli-ni of Haidi m<i::dt con. 200 acres. Lots Nos. 9 and jo in the 5th conceflion of do. con. 400 acres. Lot No. 12 in the 5th conceflion of do. con. 220 acres. Lot No. 10 in the 5th conceflion of Percy, con. 200 acres. Lots Nos 17 and wed half of no. 18 in the 9th conceffion of do. containing 3go acres, Lot No. 59 I ilt conceflion other* wife 2d Range from the Bay of Q linte, Sophiasburgh, con. 100 Lot No. 29 in the 7th conceffion of Dar- g THE fuhferiber begs leave rcfpeclful- ly to inform his friends and the pub¬ ic in general, that he has cfrablifheda PAINT SHOP a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept ronflantly all kinds of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brufh. Likewife all kinds of House* Sign, Waggm, Sleigh, and Ornamental Pawling, done at the fhortifl notice, together with raw and boihd Oil, which will be dispo- led or 33 cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafli onlr. THEODORE BROCKETT. Kir.gdon 6th April, 1820. I4tf ?OBK 7 Land PriccCuiTcnt Office, KING STREET. "ITP'ANTEL), Axemen to contract V V Tor clearing Land? in the Town¬ fhip of Lincoln, N1 »g"ira Ditfrict* and in the Townihips of York, Chingoacowcy, and Simcoe. in the iiome Diilricr. Land will be g?v*n in exchange for la¬ bour, at a price 10 he agreed upon. also. the ucc of 35: acre* of newly cleared land, lituated within on-' mile and a half from the Town ».f York* will he given for a year, to any perlb* vr\m may he deflron1; of enclosing and ere tying the feme upon e- •juitible terms wfti the Proprietor. Capit'iliils wiiT. ig to purchase impro¬ ved Farms, m Wihl f.and-in Upper-CV nada, mny be fnrm&cd (mnntWy) with r- periodical Price C'Ufent Lht of Estates, on file in various Townmfp«, on payment of Pour Dollars per annum—one quar¬ ter in advance. CommiffionsTor buying, letting,leafing, anH regifleriog Ivtiatect, iaithftdly execu¬ ted. Tor the liogistiutisfi of For 100 Acres and under From 100 anil not exceeding 200 ------ 200 to 250 ------ 250 to 300 i ------ 300 to 500 ------ 500 anJ upwaidi C^T All letter4 addrcfltd to Mp.. An';ell, Diredlor cf this office, mull he port paid. On xht 1 (i day of September next, will be publifhed a Mohthly Land Price- Current Hrt of Lllates on -;ale in Upper ( ^n ida» to he circulated hereafter in A«- gland. IrelanL and Scotland) and Walts. York Land Price-Current Office. Tfc/lTL ANGELL refpectfully informs -LTjL the public, and Emigrants who may be defirous of forming a fettlement in this Province, and to purchafe improved Farms, that he has on the Uegiller, for fale or exchange, an extenfive variety ; together with many thoufand acres of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi¬ ar to the moll fertile foils, which he is di¬ rected to difpofe of in quantities at from hah a dollar to 100 dollars per acre. These Eflatea are advantageously situ¬ ated in the defuable part* of well select¬ ed Town/hips, within the Province of Upper Canada, and watered by navigable rivers, creeks, and moft brilliant fprings. The capitalist may at ajl time find an opportunity of inverting money at this of¬ fice, fecutcd upon Fee simple Estate, which will afford to him an ample Inte- reit. Non-refident Landholders may de¬ pend upon the mofl faithful and aftfve at¬ tention being paid to any Agency entrult- ed to the care of the Director. Terms of Regiftering Lands, either to be fold, leafed, exchanged, or for the per¬ formance of fettling duties; Foreign Intelligence. • * --.-*.. £ 3. d. ico acres and under O 1 3 100 to 200 O 2 0 200 to 250 O 2 6 250 to 300 O 3 0 300 to ■ 500 0 4 0 500 and u pwards O v 5 0 Land *. d. 1 3 2 0 2 6 3 0 4 0 5 0 HE {ip?t(mt con. 200 acres. f e raptHE Subfct&er respectfully begs ;<-ave JL to ac^viint thff public, that having ccmrstr-cei fcewiitg fiw the feason, they isn be accommodated with beer of various .,^-Ur^s. fr-^w-runeoenec to %W& Shillings per gallon. As a wholewrr.c and {uftmnt t'tble irink, nothing can erceedthc beer '■■: n, w offei-a to the public at nine pence, it being ;':ich as in a»y part of the wo:'.', would he esteemed sood (jenuuK h*er< ^(1 rec«>^« srled as the unfophiilfe:'.tcd projjee oi the Carlcy-field and Hon-xv.rd. TP10MAS DALTON. ^ A:. 5. Cralr.s constantly for side, at six per bush:!- Kingfton Brewery, O&. 31ft 1S20 441! fTg^KE subscriber. bem£ ap- P pointed Aclmvnistrafnr o-f .VcVftateofDANIT-L WASFTT.URN. :te of Kingfton, F.fquire. de^-afed. Jcuefts all pcifons having claim*; tftiaft fiid cftate to exhibit them. T*wenj vouched ; and all perform incVe^:rtd, to fettle and make payment wuh m rJ*«*"f. R. lill/v". LLI/- KioR^ooi OaoV- 2.; L 182 x -; nf Lot No* iS in the Sth conccfHon V/h'ithy, con. 200 acres. Lot Ko. 7 in the 7th conceffion of Ktng> cot». 200 acres Several Lots for Building, and improve¬ ment, conlilting of one, two, three, four, five or fix acres in Stunrtvdlc at the eaftern extremity of the Town of Eiag- llon. —Application for the purchafe of the above Lands and Lots to be made to ALLEN McLKAN, Esq. GEO. OKILL STUART. Adas, Execut-jrs to the Estate of 6\ Stuart £sq. Kingfton, October, 6th 1820. ALEXANDER ASHER, Merchant Taylor, AS received from Montreal a moll choice and excellent ailortmcnt o the bell Weft of England fuperfine Cteths and Ca$sirt<cres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. Ashes informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe I loths, &e- at his old ftand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the fhiv.u'V notice, and on the low-ell terms for Cafiu or fiiort approved credit. Ivin.-do;;, Sept. ;o, 1819. 37tf NOTICE. Land Board, for the Mi. aiui District for tlie enfuirg fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houle m the Town ot Ivir.gtlon, at ihe hour of 12 o'clock at neon, for the purpofe of receiv¬ ing ap.jlic3tinns for land^, from the under¬ mentioned dt'criptiou of perfons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province anc bringing due Certificates of being Driiiftborn fubjefts All able frttlers that have refided in the Diilrict pre^-uis to the late war, and pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty in its defence The term: of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the f:"tling duties within Eighteen Months froo the date of the location, and the pf.ymctt of the following fees; fteMiJji&i by W order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants ofjo acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants of ie * acres, £\t Sterling. On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable iu three equal initulmtntss, viz. The lirft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecond on Certificate filled of fettlement ; thethiid on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent* No pet:i:on can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written character, o: fatisfa&ory rcafon fuewn for fuel being produced. By order of the Board. JAMES NICKALLS, Junr. CIcrL Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. Ii. To prevent disappointments to perrons applying for land^ : it isneceflary to (late that the Board has no power to grant Lands to the ( hildicn of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flank companies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch mull make application to York. N. B. These rates include the charge for infertion in the General Land Price Current, which will be reviled and pub¬ lished monthly, and hereafter circulated throughout Great Britain, Ireland, and the Well India Iflands. All letters addressed to Mr. Angell, Director of this office, muft be poft paid- York, near the Crown Office, 1 22d Auguft, 1820. j* 35tf mi* SALH. ~ C'~". A MOUSE and Town lot, in ill jHSl. the Town of Kingston, with good Stables and other convenient out-hou- fes; likewife. a FARM of 100 acres of lanl i:i the Township of Frederick^burgh, with 50 acres improvement ; a laige fram¬ ed 1AVEU.INC-HOUSE, a good log- barn, and a fmall orchard 1 hereon, in a good settlement and is a good Situation for any public iiufinef^. Alio, let, No. 4, third conceffion Rich¬ mond, 200 acres; and the tveft half of lot No. 16, S'xth conceflion Kingfton, 100 acres, with 10 acres improvement ; the a- bove mentioned property may be had very reafonable for cash. For pji ticulars apply to SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingtlonj 2 1 Nov. 1620. 44tf a not BLA^K For liiO Courts -r and vcrriods otiur hi I'lift f 1. 3-7 io at Llk **, -e. WAITED, the 8nfcs< r&ci8 fr'«™ 3 Yho;^an'i Bustieb o;' THOMAS PALTON. t :" ns-tonlSr wc*jjr, Oct.^th 1820- ^3'f Board and Education. Mrs. NEWALL most refpectfully informs her fi fends and the public, that (lie has removed her fchool four miles above i'rockville, to a more eligible fitua- tion, where young ladies can now be ac¬ commodated at the moderate rate of £24. per annum, including the price ot Tuition, Board and Wattling* The Branches taught iu the fchooUare, the En-gtiA: language Ancient and Modern History* Geography, Writing and Arith¬ metic, with plaiu *»od owianitiual needle- work* £j* firawng wfflhe charged f£t per quar¬ to extra. Brockvillc, Oct. 50th IS20. 44W6 TjHE fnhferibers being duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the laft Will and Teflament of the late Lanurence Herchmerx Efquire, Merchant, requell all perfons in¬ debted to bis cftate to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands againft the faid eftate to bring them forward with¬ out delay. JOriN KIR BY. GEO. IL MARKLAND. Kingfton, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 NOTICE. ANY" perfon or perfon* who mall cut or carry away any Timber, or arti¬ cles, Machinery or otherwife whatever off the north ealt half of Lot No. 20, in the fecond Conceffion of Bathurft, in the County of Carleton, and Difrrift of Johna- town, Upper Canada, will be profecuted 33 the law diretts by the fubferiber. SAMUEL SWAN. Path. OS. 26, 1820. 44-3w GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. IVTOTICE is hereby given that Ten- JjNl ders will be received at this Office until the 15th day of this prefent month of November at noon, from fuch perfons as may be difpofed to furnifh Four Thou¬ sand Bundles of good found Wheaten or Oaten STRAW, f.;r the ufe of the Troops in the Garrison at Kingston and its de pendencies. The deliveries to commence immediate¬ ly after the conclusion of the Contract, or Contrails, and to be continued in the pro- porti >n of fix hundred bundles monthly until the whole 13 completed. , The parties making propofals, or oth¬ ers duly authorifed or. their behalf, muft attend at the time of opening the Tenders, which muft be fealed and endorfed " Ten¬ der for Straw." EDW. PINK COFFIN, Dep'y. Com. Gen. Commifsariat Office* Kingston, 1st Nov. 1820. 44 From the N. Y. D. Adv. Oct. 25. The Britifh (hip Mars, Capt. Mitchell,- arrived in the very fhort paiTage of 23 days from Liverpool, having failed on the 29th. of September. Our European papers by this veflel are filled with interefting intelli¬ gence from all parts of Europe The London Traveller, of 20th Sept. ftates that Lord Caftlcreagh is reported to have faid in the Britifh Houfe of Com- mons on Monday evening, that if the whole proceedings againft the QjJcen were a conlpiracy, no perfon would be more willing to get at the faft than himfclf. Trade between America and France. American vcfTels arrived and expecHed at Britifh out-ports with cargoes intended for France, have been permitted by his Majes¬ ty's treafury to land their cargoes at fuch out-ports, under the warehoufing ad, pro tempore, in confequence of the heavy ton¬ nage duty in France having caufed the parties to fufpend their original intention as to deftination. The Liverpool Advert iter of the i6t!i fays—M There is fome reafon to hope that the prefent paufe in the legiflative pro- ceedings againlt the Queen, may be at¬ tended with falutary effea8.>' The laft accounts from Spain ftate the interefting faft of the i&ual deftruftion and fale of the property of the inquifition. Admiral Sir Home Popham, died at Cheltenham on the nth of September. He had recently returned from the Jamaica llation. The Emperor of RufBa has declined the invitation of the Emperor of Auftria, to meet his imperial m3jefty at the camp at Peft. - Addrefses to the Queen were daily and hourly received by her Majefty. The ladies of Edinburgh have fent the Q^ueen an Addrefs. f?»c i£*!!cu£* «-i p is&ctcr- b&vc ~*w *«.- the Qneen an addrefs. On the 12th of September, her Majefty received addreffes—three from Exeter ; one from the parilh of St. Sidweli ; one from Montrofe ; from the malc3 and fe¬ males of Leeds ; from Rofs j one in verfe from the ladies of Briftol, with 11,047 fignatures ; from Carlifie, Hereford, Ips¬ wich, &c. &c. &c. On the 13th of September, the captains, mates, and feamen of the Britilh merchant fervfee whofe vefTels were lying in the riv¬ er, prefented to her Majefty addrefTea at Brandenburgh houfe by a numerous depu¬ tation. The proceffion arrived in the Strand about one o'clock, fiocn the city. It was headed by a gentleman on a white horfe, holding in his hand a blue fldg, fringed with white, inferibed with u The Seamcn%s Address*7' Then followed the seamen, walking four abreast, nil decently diessed, and wear¬ ing white favor?. They amou .ted to about 5000, and with their friends who accompanied them, formed a line that filled the street from Temple-bar to the Adelphi. There were three other seve¬ ral Hags, each carried by a seaman, ia GOVERNMENT SALE. TO BE SOLD by Auction at Gana- noque> on Saturday the 25th inft upwards of EIGHTY-THREE CORDS of FIRti-WOOD, in lots to suit purchas¬ ers. Application to be made to Mr. Rowland* at the BIock-Houfc, Gananoqne. (£j* SALE to commence at too'CLOCK", FRS. RAY.vLS, Barrack. Master. Kingfton, 2 J Nov. 1820. 4+ the procession. Ihe first was inscribed *' ITraven protect thr innocent." Th^ second—M Uad >avc the Queen." And the third—u Non mi Kicortlo." Several uaval flags were also carried in the procession : in the midst of it was a small cart with two meu heated on it^ sustaining a pole, on the top of which was the figure of a sailor, with a roll ir, one hand, and a hat in the other, in t'jid act of cheering. The procession was cloned lit* t\ 1 on ;itl 1-1 aliio muulxri tiflidi h.- ney coaches, full of compauy, male and female. The windows in ihe line of the procession were tilled with spectators. The ladies waved their handkerchiefs, aud the sailors occasionally cheered as they passed. They conducted themselves in the moat orderly manner. The Kaleidoscope, a Liverpool publi¬ cation, ascribes the fashionable novels to Capt. Scott, a brother of Sir Walter, Paymaster of the 70lh Regiment, from the circumstance of a gentleman having had occasiou to enter captain Scott's of¬ fice, at Kingston, Upper Canada, la 1SI5, where he saw a letter from his bro¬ ther to Chis effect—M Guy Manuering has succeeded to admiration, beyond ex¬ pectation ; you could do uo better thau proceed." The citizens of Sheffield are to pre¬ sent the Queen with a piece of plate, Sheffield manufacture. The king of England embarked on board a royal yacht ou the 19th of Sep¬ tember, for an excursiou. Ue was at¬ tended by Sir William Kepple, Sir Ed¬ mund Nagle, and Col. Thornton, llil Majesty was received ou the beach with great enthusiasm by the people. Kean, says a Loudon paper, takes with him to America a theatrical ward¬ robe- and other stage properties, worth £-2000. A letter from Madrid dated the 4(h of September, states that the yellow fe¬ ver had broken out at Cadiz and Lerej. The commercial report of the Cartes has been made—all English goods are lecominended to be admitted at mode- rate duties, b-it the present imports and restriciious ire to * itrnne till Jul) 1811 to afford ;inie for ; telimiuary triauge* rnents,