thought that the feat of Sir T. Tvrwhif ' U+A r * ,, - *Jth a rclinug room, Atcnporar gt,lle- ' ■■-*"**lw »»■«« to nrMMi ry will be elevated ; and it there fhali be room, each I eei k to have one ticket for , the adiuilfiun of a ftrjuger. the infc&i ion. alter to prevent LONOON, July 17. The late Duke of Cumberland.—t\h. iVier Wo.»iv jii..MNiii.«l 10 Mf U....M. of Common, on Friday la*t, a petition {rum a Mrs. Olivia Ser- ro*, in uiiuu rj,f laJy H-or.s Jier.elf io be Mio !e« pHM,ia..-(la.'i:fifor ..Milie |)ufcc of Cumberland, ilie roUoHio^ are said 10 be among doiu- mciiibbv ii melt An iova] descent can be pra¬ ted, ami if n^y fcrcsutumiUfe, die lady ma* pttr- fcapa h:: more siicco^fnJ in esiabliMmtg ber own pr«tRPdioiis|osoJifg*l a hinli, than she ha* been, orisiikfli .obi\ni proving ttwi lierfiulier, Dr. Vvihry.i, urine in.. •• Lcuen of Juuiu>.M "(.;«.).;,■ Jt—Wfi.ivas ii is our R.nal com* nu. binft i*f Olivia J be Puke of Cum* beriar.i\ cJangftfi<f,isfi*>tiQ bcinaW< known ro thcnalioii duuug our reign • hm tram of reli.'.toi- <! ity, no mil rlUtl »lrc lie acknowledg¬ ed by ii..- lio^^i Family afteronrdvarfa, »ln»uTf| 5iie ^.ir\:\r .v.ji-rl-. (••, mieiiii.i Jjir &Mlli«JVu(ial Sfi-iico iru.lfroj tmr«Ive» bv j.»,\ tt.buoi in t.«e >ear !"/3U. Oate.1 ki-tt l\ilac«\ Mar % 111$. V.'i.iaVi, Chj'Umm. T'ii>«- (a ecrttfj ■Inn Dip marriage of the Duke of C'.-m:i'iJa •.!,::».! Vh\$ Uilmot, wavduh m>- leaim^d, ac.oidii.^ in (tie established law* of the CliiuCii oi' England, by ej^self. j.vvil;,:ot. ?.farcii U 11Q7. P;e-eniai (hei:iarr:ax"I BftOOKB of the above jia^-iiv. i J. A DOES. Tii i- loivrcf,, ! ..;. uj »*, Use onlv child of fheabm *|>an.»' . ...•;•;• n ipriI3, l?"?£ J- »IL.ttU'i\ K. *■•• ILMOF, '.\AK\WCK. London, March 4, Isl6. Iso!er*;i'( declare .Mr«. Ohv*- Serj^s >u be the daughter of the late DuJte of Cumberland. WARN ICK. I cii ideril !wt:i<t to stat«% timt theurarriage f»f <o> HifM' of Cnuiueri.ind scud Olive VViimOl V3:/o; ij::..ud i:j my presence b) ba;ui«. Vk'AftVTICK. LwinVn, SfavC. 1815. Ic'i.i.ul •. ii prn|M»rlhaJ I Miould declare. Chat a Faei'edobligation prevented ilie [ate LV. Jame» W .im<». itud myself, from dudoahlg Mr». Olivia V iIron 1 S ia"."5 binli during i...- Ki::g*> \\i\\ W Aft WICK. I £u!i'i^*ii> p;„ui,sr ni\ piiXection Io niy cou¬ sin 02;.\.a ficirr , .hDiild die ! arl of Wanv:ck d ryart ihi* li!i* before .l.r Km;;. hOWAltli, V»-AU\MC'fL. Jrne >, ii l*. r.ondon, Mas 5, 1777. PlemorandavK —That Lord Chatham herehy f t^i.i.-i . lii« luiiire jtrmreiinn to Olive, die in- fa... iJa^Mii'M-of Hie Uviiweof Cumberland, and Oii'.e ins v\ ifi-; andal» Uiaeeneid ^ji.ievaid Ou\.', XjOU, until asuiiable (irovi- pi»ini»wij<.....I* vv\c a .icu-j »ccie>> a> io n*r bifln dunio; Lite kiiigVMIe, Jl W ILMOT. ClfATIl \M. ! rcgrc! m\ iwivi fal*c dvhenrjr, bvi thoi'ld I rr:■■■•it, the iM.inioiu ilia. m\ vpiriU wijl b-ar the .»•*!, all >li :J| btf idsuIv known io ibu Rc^i-mi. lam re-.ol -ed ilia evciv ja-nee shall bo done you : do not e»Mi ije-rlhai I nin worse by ibe m- clo-rd, for M. fjnisford says nmahi* can b.* •;"- ingon better, i^.'y bvm love a;iend> yourself anil dear L. i'o be coinmitted io Ibe llaracs, I. \V. af.ormy deaih ; lorn bjt Lord Warwick.------ IYaiwick,Ai«i> 4. 1*1, (torn) (Signed) \VA U \v IC&- After tins naper uas olhei i i>e ex<»em.ed. Memorandum.—That the Dtrke cf Cumberland \m\ •£, 'iJijiCm"] iitiOielfio 'ftp effect of ilir laws against ■ ■ >, vc& have agreed to let his da ighler Oi -». r>e rttesaeniie<h, in o-d r»!m .lie conduct of ier ratal parent tun never meet public rc|j- \\ e hereby proniitr our joint pro¬ tection io the said Olive, and thai we n ill nf.e.* during the life of her veynl father, or rheking* betrav the secret ot the Duke ol Cumbeilaud"> doable union. Cll\ PHAM (Oihcr nam'csare torn cfT.) iSwioratiiluoi.-----Ti.a: !!»*• Larl ot" VVarnick fic;\'l»\ aehuCrtiedgfiS l:a\'uip received (Vorn I'is Ro\ai H»ghue»IIie Duke "1 CnmbcMand, ibe sum of ii:20 JO, e'i account ofOliie.h:-. Jaufilttcr, which >uin the Latl of Ware.iek I o'.J- himself answerable fur io mj.scif, i\nr.c>i tlie -i^uaiuic o! j»- Lordahib, .7. WILMOl; WARWICK. Greek fi»ve'. April S, 1*1 S. Mv.-'a:* Mr^S*-l ft"':d \-vj th; na<{«el I p-fv:w*cd'd 1 feci r.-Mired i\\ti\ y\ x^'W b i<o\e 1 conij ii«»: u.ave i.i ,.e bu»irCfa bU luajesf^GVc'-a-e. ] relv 'i '•■'■ tZ&vf^i "/rom'.-e \ou hevr .^ivpn asvo the vJije^meiii? r»r\oui birih. I am a little be.*ert S'-r IK H.*»>%.aO b**»T up all \cu can. Lo.e to L .:..! wmr-iif. Eve- Mi r>. W, TVfv»f\ '• 'ic la. i' Oukcoi C'm^.^i'.uiu, ti\ Olite Vi -. f?i*t«ki» laMiPri e'fe, heejoiti u on li-rbod\ I1' i ; h.r.n April ?, n?£j b:; ba| li*ed bybertvic 'i:.J; .ii :i. iT.f* o\ :y, to eu.-ure hr- vac\. a.% Liu aittinHWfftl ::.:-ut oi my Lrnther Ho- hccl .1. V.'ILMOT. D-cember 1. LiSl3 A«n*.y r:,\i,*n fro:n Devonshire, I tolemniy prmui'V^n.iin,v'ainilUeregeiu with i!i^ birih cf ifiriti. OlUfa Senr^. LOW A U J). •M»iinnrand*Ma.— That mv brnihei Robert** vLifeJ>a»ificr givi a l<iuh in a -u:!-h->rn »0t1 the tame . eek that Clive, the u.w- r?f ihe i)i;ke of Cumberland, wa. delivere.3 . fa d^ngbjiT, it Wa- delennined that Gttcft chiiil*bttoW he bijitizcd as iheinfan: of-K.»bert Wiimot,f«ira tlnte. J Wll.HOT. Lady Wftrwiefe.—1 *ol**n*tilj •'eeonoui«,,od Mr?. Olivia Seir*3tc t*ieattention aad repaid cf my family, iuould 1 not ucuv.r from m\ illness. WARWICK. There are ;c!^r> '-Wth I.'islaie Majciiy's S;e;u Manuel-, acts more family documeoU, besides Pergaml, it enem^ makes no little fo- ■» at thib time in Faris, where he liv. '» an elegant manner, and dresses in ch< most fashionable style. In general, he. appears with ear-rin^ in htsears with pendant diamond drops _^ Dr. Adams the civilian, one cf tlie Britiftx commifTi ,ncrs in the Ghent ne^o- ciation with (he miniftew of thf, country, is retained by the crown to affift the at¬ torney genera! in the proceedings agamft the Quec in the UouJc of Lords. It was repotted in London on the zSth, that the expedition under fir Wm Carr, in the Periian gtilf, had foffered fevcrely 'n an attack horn the pirates. It is laid ki that fir V\ m. Scott is to retire on a penficn and to be called to the Oppei houfe." Sir Chriftopher Robinfon is to be appointed judge cf the admiralty. Dr. Dodfon, M. P. h likely to be ap- pointed King's advocate. Dr. Wilfon :'s appointed profeflbr cf moral philitophy in the univerfity of Edinburgh, In the place of the lare Dr. Browne, He had 21 votes, and fir Wm. Hamilton, the oppofing candidate, had 9 On the 18th July the King appointed Stiafford Canning, i*;iq. envoy extr?.or dinary and minister plenipotentiary to the United State* of America The army of France has been augmen¬ ted 46 712 men. Her Majesty has concluded her treaty for Brandenburgh houfe. The twenty-fix Italian witnefles against the Queen, have been quarter-d by the Britilh ambaffador near the Hague, until they may be wanted* The l£;"n£ of England is at prefent very fevercly a/Hiclcd with the gout in one of his hands. The Jefuita banifhed from Ruflij amount to Soc. Addrcflcs continued to be fent to the Queen fn»m vaiious counties. The royal fovereign Ketch has been ordered to Tea, to take on board his \A ..*,*>.. ,*-h.-. "-. -V.-,i- • . Viftt Han..... r Almost all ilin lo«n- nnd cities of Fiance have begun to off.-r up prayer> to nr-aven for the safe doliverauce of tin- Uacbess of B**rri of n V ince. to perpet¬ uate the stock of tin- Lilies. <?. the above co;:ie>, ><c z- r. CIA 1 K CJ4MCER.LAND. From the Caledonian Mercury. An attemot r.o afTaiTmate the Duke of AihoL—On TceUfey iaft (the 18th July) an attempt was made hy a man named Tames Mwrr4T> to affaffinate his Grace the Duke of'Altai. Alnrray, under a pretence of fnpoitaut bufmeis, had pro¬ cured an audience of his Grace, at one o- the lodges leading to Dunkeld houfe, where he banded h« Grace a letter, con- tauiiflg Tone taireafonable demands, and which further dated, that, unlefs his Grace compiled ««**■ then) m a^ few minutes, he would nhcot him wiih a piftol. The Duke, with afingular fortitude, and grc?; p«'t fence of mind% fcized ibe piftol as Muiriity drew it from* his pocket, and, eaJling on C.rr»c 0! his attendants, .Murray «va» itrr%-:ediately ftwred and brought the gaoicf Perth* to JLOiVDONt July, *f. Letters from Gihialtar, dated 3d mil- ftate, that the Dwtclj and America: Mttadron* had failed in puriuit of the Sect which lately left Algiers, eonfiftin^of five VeflVU Accounts retched at Gilnaltar fiom iMuj^rca, n»e« n th:vt the diU-afe, which teJ ;■: firltbeui spoiled the pUgue, The Trafalgar, of 120 Guns, was launched at Chatham l25ili July. The trials fm tr.ja«^on, at Glasgow, were completed. Jsmes V/ilson, was convicted, and -vntenced for execution on the 80th ol August. The other pri¬ soners were to be. trWl at Paisley. The London Courier of July C2d^ contains intelligence ol ^ revolution in Naples, vecnived in Ljndon by private letters from Paris. Paris, July 10. It appear* that the government does not wish to have the details of what has taken place in Italy. Among the ru¬ mours in circulation are the following: u Tlie Lazznroni had risen, and two re«i ruts of tlie line who were sent to quell thrm, juned the insurgents. The lung reposing confidence in a general who had promised him to restore 01 tier. entrusted him with six re&Jraents. >\ ucu he arrived in the presence of tlie iu-ur- ^outs, lie imitated Ney, and exclaimed, km ioni; live (he constitution." " The ministry i^ chnn^ed^ and i: nc\* composed of the Murati*ts» A Mtts»le battalion lir^t hoisted colors \\ Inch w en not ttu- ro) al one, at Naples. '{'lie regiments sent to quell the revolted soldiers, joined them* The communication between Paris and Naples is cut off. In Paris the questions were, what part will \u»trta hike.? What will the holy alliance determine on ? Naples, Jul) 6. On the night of Sunday, 4d July, a small corps of cavilry rnnrciied tvjt of Nola, accompanted by some of.iccrs.— They displayed the cock¬ ade. Their first movement was upon Avelino, where they were fired upon by a battalion of the Tamaite regiment, in the course of the day the Insurgents were reinforced by great numbers ol the peas¬ antry, and the tower wn-$ taken, the bat- talioo disarmed, and the civil authorities obliged to s^ear allrgiauce to the con¬ stitution. The Neapolitan government was altogether unprepared lor such e- veuts, and being perhaps diffident of the troops in the garrison M Naples, they de¬ layed any attack u^on the insurgents, Until the latter had eollectedan imposing force. The re) al Jroops at length made some movements ; one column took up a po¬ sition on the Kok road ; another of 1 those inarched to Xoeera, and the whole were pot under the command of general Carascora. These arrangements led to an expectation that an attack would he trade upon the insurgents, but thd spirit ot the troops opposed to them rendered a retrograde movement ueceesary, and a general Peppi set olf clandesliue!;/ from Naples, and put himself at the wad of the disaffected troops and decided the agalr*—Minehlno, a ctfitoa of Noli, and a man ol considerable ability, is a lead¬ ing character anion* the insurgents. Although we are in the focus of the revolution, we are perfectly tranquil. The city guard is sufficient to maintain goqd order, a;:d 00 fears axe entertained. Neither the king or royal family are __.__ » * The Pans journals staffi £to( aradng the new ministers is generVI Telanqujuru, a dbtingtiiahetl oilicer un<l' r Murat. the revolution is sai" to have pro¬ ceeded from ollicers for"^Hy attached to .Murat. Further accounts stat* that the tins* Immediately adopted, sigoed «"d pro¬ claimed (he constitution formed in the time of Murat, but never carried into execution. Letter from Naples a$ 'ate as the I3(h state that it was far from being tranquil 5 some riots had taken place. The Austrian governmen' had informa¬ tion of a secret society of 200, composed of late officers in Bonapafte'sanny. Ali ambassador Irom the bmgof Na¬ ples had arrived in Paris, when a graitd cabinet council waa fmmediateh assem¬ bled, m LonJ'n, July 27. The Paris Journals iij Saturday Iaft have arrived this morufug. The following are extracts :— The -Members of the junta already nominated, are Lieut General Parill, who Under Mum's reign was Governor of the Pages and Direa.,r Gem ml >" the Public Bridges and Highways ; iM- Deliiro, who was Councillor of Sate un»ler Muiat ; M. Dand Edinfpeor, who pnbiilhed during Murat's reign, a very volu'iviioiu work on the abufe of ancient feudalifm ; Lieut. General Fepe, who was Aide de-Camp, to Murat; and the Chevalier Martucci. KxtraS of a )> ivatc leltcr, dated Naples, July 10 :—Our revolution has been undertaken, executed ,md tei minated KINGSTON, SspTEMm 15, 1820. In our eohnnns of this day will he found extracts of uewsfrom England as late as the SOlhJutv- The Revn'ution in Naples, some account of which will be seen In another part o( our !';i]><'r, isnncv-1.' ■•> unexpected as that which nceurrt'd in Spain hut u few months since. The greal political chdnge which has so re¬ cently taken place in these two countries,the nn<» following so close upon the other, and hotheffected almosl without either civil war oriht: sli2driir£ of blood, will naturally pro- duee a strong sensation in the minds of the ndghbom'in; nations on the COjltinent It U indeed impoasibh lo foresee what will ulti- mately Ucthcresult ofthoaeclinng'es,butitis not imnrohable that in the course of a few years similar revolution; will he attempted and brought about in several «»ther countiiri in Europe whose governments are at present ■"- .i.'^'iMry ;• w .-re lately those of Spain and .\'j j »les. On Th'irs*1.; uighl the 7th in?l. between the hours nfniim and ten, the Kingston Grist Mill, the property Of Messrs. Hamilton and Brothers 6S.C0. Q.uubtec, was entirely eonsu- medby fin'. It will lie recollected that a- bout two veara ago the Saw Mill at that place was burn! to the ground ; since which time the Grist Mill has not been in use, and from this circumstance it iij suspected that tin-. Lst mentioned building has Seen set en Dif by some evil dKposed person. * ■ On Weduesdaj the Dth Instontan attempt was mad" LO slop the Postman and rub the Montreal Mail On the road between Gauan- oqueand liiis place, about four milep below Franklln^B Irm Ibe rider was passing a sm.ill tbieket, when tiirce or four men reshed Zurio ; for Mini !e of Finance, M. .Mace- drain ; for Mi.-il.-r of Jullice, M. Ricciardi ; for V»fnister of -War, M, Carafcofa; for Miniver of Foreign Affairs, \'l. Campochian; for AmbafTador at Paris, lu Pignatelii : all theft individuals formed part of Murat's Government. From the Daily Adverther* of Sept. 4. FROM CUKIIACOA. By the arrival last ewuingof the schr. Cordelia, Copt. Aujrer, in 27 days from Cnrrstrofl, vc icen\*>A ■» rn^ulnr fit'p of papers from the l-t <»t J«»l) 10 the 5th oi August, from which we have made the fallowing extracts. K;s excellency l>oclor Pctnis Bernar- dus Va»i Starckenbc^gi Govern.>r Gene¬ ral and Commanle* "> Chief of Cutraaoa and its dcT'Ciulcncie**. died on the iSth cf J»dy, in the 6v'th *W of hi» age* The Govtrnmer.t ha-rje- -'Iv'd upon his honour Doctor Ifaic Johan w El&evier* who has been proclaimed G'^'f'^i'. Account? from the Main, Matt-, thai four Oommiffionerfl fo»n the Independents in Cumanncoa, lately anivedat i umana with offers fiom the inhabitants of the former place to unite themfclvcs with ihecui(l;tu- tieual monarchy of Spam. The Govern¬ or of Gumma not being able to give a de- cifive a Twer, had difpttiched two of ;h?m to the head quarters of Moiilio to confult with him on the futjeft. It is alfo Mated, tin; a fufpenfion of hos- tiliiies had taken place between the Spa- ni(h troops in tlie interior of Venezuela, and the Independent General Paez, and, that mutual civilitiw had p.^lfed between the troops of both parties It vvas thought that tbetoices tinder Paez, would embrace the offers held out to them by Movillo, and join his fcandaid. It is even added that Paez himfclf was not inimical to the change; We are wld that a late Cafaccaa Ga¬ zette contains an account of an attack made by the troops which adhered to Bri- on after the evacuation of Rio de In upon St. Martha, and thai they weie de¬ feated with confiderable lofs The Ga¬ zette in qu^ftton wis read by a Gentleman in Puerto Cabello. Leiters from Angoftura, announce that General Faez had oiders to advance to¬ wards Calabofo with 25c© futileers, and 3000 cavalry. Monagas has dellroyed the Canton of Solano at Gucre near Ava- gun. Commodoic Aury is Mated to have late¬ ly made an attack uponTiuxillo, in which he was defeated with ievere lofs. Major General Mainwaring had arrived at Barbadoes to take command of the troops,—400 000 dollars had alfc arrived for ths ufe of the army. ippea n 1 cupe. lie wasartned with a pistol, but iho' thus prepared he nn^ht have been over- poweted had the rubber* succeeded in seiz- i Ig tile horse's bridle. These fellows are supposed to be a gang of robbers who ren- '1 ZVOUS among the Thousand Islands and molest the neighbouring country. One man was Intel) robbed by them on ibis side of Brockville, and 011 Saturday last the Mail was forw aided by the Steam "Boat from Pres- cott, the contractors being apprehensive of another attack. The dread inspired by this association of desperadoes has become so general that it is not considered safe foriudi- viduals to travel alone and unarmed through thai part of 1 he country Some effectual ... .- ... - :.^.i .-..' •■- 1 :..•-... ..1.,,,..>;,. . - A> persion <»i the garig ought to be Immediately udoptl d by the civil authorities most contig¬ uous lo Uielr supj>osed lurking places. On tin.- evening of the 8th iost as gome raftsmen were returning in a boat from King¬ ston, to their raft, which l.iy at Cataroque Creek, n quaiTHl look place l>rtwfen two of tbi i, Arclnludd M*«Niel and Joseph Jubare, and a sctufle ensued, in which they both fell overboard. Bl'NieJ WC Understand w*»s s:t- ved by means ol an ear, which was thrown out to him, on which he supported himself until he was taken up hy his comrades", Ju- bare it is said sunk immediately and in u- bout forty minutes afterwards was taken liic- |. si mil ol ibe water. MWiel has since been ..ppcehcnJwd on ground of h. b gemr- guii m the Gorom r > ; pie^L as in soon: niea- • i T ie caUHC 0 . Ub .re's Uealh. Me has been since e\.mno. u and admitted to bail, until the nest assizes. I)uiui« Uiegreater pan of last week ibe wea- tliei »\a- tXCdi \\v\y ItOt. The an was »ulir> and o|»nr*'.-sive, and wtiai wta mure AnuMiQl at riii> sra-un »l ot year, the nights were very ln- llfUKilcr iliau ilv »iay e the Mercurj ai noon aupioui-Ihog \)0 d»'i;rees, and at noduiglii not buUudnix belo i 7a degrees. Dn Mond^v even¬ ing a \■clientgale of uniJ aio-e from lie Soutli* »\a»iJv wiiich willing round en rue.*da> lowards ,u,- utirihwai'dbroughtaliulerain, which coai- »d ilic;unnh|'iicie. The Steam lloal Prontenac, irbicli sailed on Mo.idav tor Yiok after proceeding as far as Un:^ Point, wa« compelled by llie vioimce ol 'be gale to return to Kingston on Tuesday even¬ ing. She tailed again early yesUfrtay morning, b'ti wen: no tuither than the nine mile point, and returned abeiit nine o'clock. The wind for (helast tv\oda>>ha^ blown very strong from Hie South West. n»e Sieam Boat Snphia, whichar- rived hereon Wednesday, is still detainedin pen Uv Ilie frCAllrcft •!! »>4»lii« Mk iSVSW<«4fc« On Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock, the scaffolding of th" Presbyterian Church sud- .1 nily gare way, while some of the labourers wei*e naeending xiit: gangway with a large stone intended for a window sill. It was for¬ tunate thai though there wire seven or eight on the building at the lime, who all fell with the scaffolding, only three of them re¬ ceived partial injury by their fall, and we are happy to learn'tbat they are already so far recovered as to be able" to return to their work. We feel much pleasure in complying with the request of the workmen, who have desi¬ red us to express their grateful ackncwledg- n St. Mary Foundry. THE Subscribers, Propri<H.>r» of the SAINT MARY FOUNDRY. foot of tin Quebec Suburb:,hneio announce, that they have lately made a confiderabli redoction in the prices of their CAST¬ INGS; and having now a CUPOl.A in operation at their works, they arc enabled to execute the orders of Country ccrref- pondents on the ftWtest notice. From the general improvement made at their works, they are confident that the differ, nt p-od» of their manufacture, will be found equal :n quality and appcaranie, to fimilar arti¬ cles from the mother ccuntty. Castings in Crass, Uoring and Turnii!"-, Patent Screws of a- ny size.tit for Clothier's or To¬ bacco Presses, Steam-Engine Machinery, all kinds ot Mill work, and Blacksmith's work generally, ivill be executed with difpatch,=nd finite* :n the bell llyle. They have conftantly on hand, a com¬ plete afTortment of Stoves, single and double; Dutcli Ovens, Dog Irons, Cart and Wagon Boxes, Pipes forspouts^ and sets of Weights, on an im- proved construction, &cP &c. CrJen left at the WORKS, or at t4eir OFFJCE, in St Paul Street, will m*et wiih prompt attention * A LLldON, a URNER & Co. (T> A few BARK MILLS for l'ale oa an improved plan. Montreal 291 h Ju!yT 1820. 32 w6 WOTILJS ~ 4 T a meeting held pursuant to public* -^"lu noiicc. at i\'« ore's Coffee House oa Suturda) the^d of Septediber int. It was unanimously Resolved, that no Cop- pers shall be hereafter received or paid out hy the subscribers ex ept which by statute are the only legal tender, name¬ ly the " old British Coppers," and also that the same be published in the news papers of this town. P. WTefeeT, John Strange, AJex. McLeod, James Young, John Moore, Wilt- Donaldson- R.Tolbert, H. McDonell, S. O. Tazrwell, James Hair, John Wilson, Thomas Smith, F. Le Fpbvre, Wm. Williams, David Morrison, John Darley, David Smith, William Carrel!. J. Davidson, John Coy, Ji»hn W. Ferguson, U- G. Berthrong, Wm. Chesnut, J. 13. Bablneau, John Jenkins. Thomas Jenldns, Juhn Uarkes, James Atkinson, William AtkrUion, Robert SelUirc*. James Nickalis William Pov.e!), Enos Relaw, John Blane, Samuel Hoyden, James Delay, Johti L. Young, ri.M. Gou^h, Peter Nowlan, John Scanilebury, William Rennie, William Hajes, Orange Hayes, Henry Cassadv3 Sylvester Holden, Samuel Mooer?, James C. Bird, William White. Kingston 1 September 2d, 1820- 35 DOCTOR ARXISTRONG, " EDUCATED at Dartmouth College, Lirerarj. and Medical, having re. cened different Diplomas from that Se¬ minar), and more recently a Licence to practice Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery in this> Province—all of which may be seen on application, after an extensive practice for nearly four years, oowvu , his services in the various brain :ies of his Profession, to the inhabitants of Kingston, and it's Vicinity, and assures these, who may honour him with their confidence, that every attention will be paid, which may contribute to the com¬ fort and welfare of his Patients. lie hnstalctu .muging* w*m „tr, fa Palmer, Druggist, on the west swl. of the Market-Square, where every call wm meet with prompt attention, and every favour gratefully acknowledged. Kingston, September \4th 1820. 32//* NOTICE. A Charity SERMON will be preach¬ ed in St. George's Church, on Sunday the 2 1th inft. in aid of tfai funds of the Kingfton Companionate Society, for the relief of diftreffed and fick Emi¬ grants. . ient3 to Dr. Robertson in particular for hie | Kmgjton, 15th Sept. 1*20. 37*'* professional aid to the sufferers, and 10 the other Officers of the 70th Rest, general!), who came ?o kindly to laeir assistance. :n any dauber. Ail the ministers hare tendered their migoattau From the SackcCs IIarbor Gazette* GALO LIGHT BOUSE. On the night of the 4lh iust. the: Light House recently erected on the southwest point of the GJalu Island, about 10 miiefe trom Lhis p»a-je, was for the ftrft time !:g»Mtd. 'flu fese of the building is 4 feet a- bovethe surface of the water, and (io' feeti'j diameter, uniloruily graduated to one hail its diameter at the summit height ot65 feet. The building is of stone. The lantern is an octagon.^ c.onUining 21 light* of 14 by IS glass. Within are 1 5 patent lamps with reOeetttrs, 2 feet apart placed iu two dr. ies; living an eleva¬ tion to the light of 66 feci above the wa¬ ter's surface, and at the dfs.ance of 5 mile?) gives the appearance of an entire globe of light. Tlit* !ig;,t is distinctly visible at a distance ot -;;o imtes on the lake. Owing to the timber <fn the isl¬ and, the li;;ht cannot be Jjiscovered from this place, but we understand this tim¬ ber will 3oo-» be removeJl. Tiiis is the f.rst Light House erer erected oa t!.is lake.* :- This is r. mSsUfeei for tlx^ha* long been aL'^htHousc, though a - .ry poor one. at Vorti and an-nfer ■):•-• *>■ ,0"| no the spol wldeh [< u .nv occupied by $& Misiissaguc Fort, on the Isi..:,a:a rher^-.Rjj, Notice. FOR Sale, feveral Acre and two Acre lots on the Main Street, beinj/ an cxtcnfion of Store-Street, application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the Sublcrib-r, who will give | information to perfon9 defiring to pur- chafe. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingfton, March 8, 1820. to tf DOCTOR MURRAY, HWING studied the dltitom branches of medicine and takei out ti'ie necessary Tickets and certiricat. for fcach in the Colleges of Dublin, with a diploma from that of 4t. Andrew's. Scotland, now stops at Mrs. Thibodo's. und trusts by his unremitting attention to his patients to meet v.ith a liberal de- i»re^ of patronage from the inhabitant oft!.is (own and its vicinity. ;\\ IS. (ii-nuiiin medicines to his pa- ticnfs on moderate terms. (^Attendance and advice to the Poor •atis. Kmgslon, 15th SegU two. 57tt WANTED, For the Public Service, 4 Strong Draught HORSES, Warranted sound in all respects, and about six years of ag<*- Persons having Animals oi the above description t© dispose of are invited to brinp them to the Office of the Royal Engineer Department at Kingston on any Thursday between tha hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. Kingston, \lth Sept. 1S20. 37 poa SALI AT THIS OFFICE, A. few copies in boards, of a collection of Airs and Melodies Peculiar 10 the Highlands of Scotland and the Lies, Univerl'ally admired and allowed to be the beil ever publifhcd in Scotland. The work id approved and recommend¬ ed by the Highland So <y of Scotland. ,nd haimooized to the Piano-Forte, Harp, Organ, or Violincello. The names in Gaelcc and FngHfh —E- .'ited by Captain Simon Frafer. -nd pub- liflicd by MefTw. Duncan, StcvcrTou, waA v'o. Edinburgh Alston, Sept. lyhiSjo 37'/ H