• ■ .*. --• *:• ;» •/.. . ,. .- KIN VOL. II.] Jffauaaxrarsj TON HRONICLE. FRIDAY, (AFTBxmon) SEPTEMBER 15, 1820. La ntl s. d. I 3 2 o 2 6 ^ o o 4 o 5 o PwW/c Notice. Tf IE Stibfcribcr in the year i8i2, h> ceived frona Gor^e RowTe of the Towrdhip of Eruefl Town, a NOTE pay. able with iutueft, for £22i tg%. 5d. Halifax Currency, which note having been placed in the hands of Daniel Wafhburn, Ef.uire, cannot now be recovered. Notieo is therefore hereby «-iven, that the faid note has been fully* paid, and that the fold K.;\vfe holds my acquittance for the ftme- AND WHEREAS on various occafi- on;- the vSu!>lcrii;rr has atithorifcd perfons tvitbin thi-« province to t ran fact hi? affairs %ud to fell and to difpofe of his lands, yurther notice- is hereby given, that all fheh powers are revoked, and that hence- t-'ith no Act vcill be acknowledged, no Deed ratified by she Snbfcriber ; but fuch 4* ire executed by or under the direction of (Mien M'Lean Efquire, Smith Bartlctt, and Daniel Jones Junior, Efquires. to any or whom, thofe who are ftill indebted to me, w.Ti confer a particular favor by pay¬ ing their Accounts. CHARLES SMYTH. K **rflnn, 3i(l Anrud. *S2o 3jw8 Laiid Price-Current Office, KING STREET. \VT ANTED, Axe-men to coniraft S v for clearing Laud? in t'»e Town (hip of Lincoln, Niagara Diftri&s and in th. Towrifhips of York I hin«>uacowcy, end Simcoe. in the Mo no Didnd. Land will be given in exchange for la- bou:, at a price 10 be agreed upon. A LSO. the me of 3 £ acres of newly cleared land, funded within one mile and a half from the Town of York w;Il he given for a ve ■ to any prifon who may be defirous o* enclosing and cropping the fame upon e- quitablr t-. 1 ma with ihe Wioprietor CapitaliiU wilhing la purcha>e impro- ved Farms, or Wild Lands in Upper-Ca- I nada, may be furr.imed (monthly) with periodical Price-Conrnt Lid of Estate?, on tale in vanous Townflvips, on payment of Four Dollars per annum—one quar ter in advance. Commiffion; for buying, letting, leafing, 2nd rcgiltering i .dates, iaithfully execu¬ ted. terms For the Registration of For too Acres and under Prom 100 and not exceeding 20O ■■■ roo to 250 250 to 300 300 to 500 ------ 500 and upwards t3* All letters addufltd to Mr Angell, Dhe&or of this office, mud be pull paid. On ihe rff day ».f September next, will b'.' pui.lifh d a Monthly Laud Price Current lift of Eil'ttcs on ^ale in Uppe» Canada, 10 be circulated hereafter in En gland Inland and Scotland) and Wales ^______________________34 I i;i:i>^P!;CTL"S 02^ ruK TOBK ESTATE DIRECTORY, AND LAXD P&ICE CURRENT OFFICE. Ti.-- object and wsc of this Office will n ' ■•■' »»•• - ■■•• ••- •* '-1.:» 1. 1....1 0-.^.. and hereafter mav he. granted by the liiiosh G^rermncat to iudividuali of>v- cr> «;l-is», lor farHUatin ' both the Sctthf* m-ixt Duties and all Urure Sales. In fl g^tipra! enlh*vti»u t'f located'^ud: as likewise of improved (anus to he sold or exchanged^ a R ^i>!raiiou of E*tff-U' will constitute a G.i:Je to those in want of ump!«>ynieut, and to Capitalists desi. wam of settling in tliis hralthv rlimate ; whilst 'he prmfiph: of i.#ti»roal arrange¬ ments of oH5ec (actiog upon an attractive /ecus) rwwpfttfd with a correspondiog ttgenvy iu Iv.uop^, \\ill promote the in- frmlocfi Ul <»f an»})!iJ rrjr;jn>, in support ol thv landed interest oj L'jujr Car.edu. "She moat important branch oi* thi* in- 9tUutionj must thfrefotc ncpcisaril) arise out of UlO *'<>!!ec(!'?o of tmtl rr-pnrts nod ilipivcptr&ffae i4R*ct up n Foreign C<:j7- Uaty thvt*$$\ whirh The li^c nod pronu3^ of M-e fiaJe of Ai-riculture in this lJro- T?:u?e rttH horror*, r be made knovtn by t'.o p-tiMt;c journals as a Desideratum ; f->r iSifl aitainmniil <-f so desirable an ob- 1-rt, it i" proposed t> receive statistical arrounts from re>U)rut holders t>t rotate (left/: afuflhsf vii'js r'fl the protection of lubir.) uf H*ha.tevei rn^snvcnients bate bt-eti mado Since original survpys and grAiii^ of land m ouch township ; wheth¬ er ofpuO'ic roads, bridges, cunah. ntar- kr:s. or improved farms togcfteT with tl a Irrereate of population and <tf rattlr, ■&r. uhrrv»l:ythe relative value of land Tm\ brjr.stly computed to forma Price Cur re it for public usr. B it as the transmisMon of •uch loca'r*- port> ftf»rTn cv<>ry touitshipfo YurU(i?ticre the saif of Government is h- Id) will l> ■ attended with a certain expi-nsc of pos¬ tage to this office, and with other eourin- gent cliar^rs nor^Ksary to the wnxngp* ment o» them, f-»r (ho prc:s ; no report- will be rcc*ivid uobs^tln* con\i\aiKV i^ tree li^m »>p< o.r. ;md /;;> dollars ar remitted with the same, tor every words contained in the said reports. it may therefore be important to point out some prescribed form with the most single mode of collecting and forward* i»K such statistical reports from evory township, this is easily accompli died by local in form a th m, obtained at any pari h or other general meeting held by the in¬ habitants; w:,»mi itrauatsobe aHCprlain- ed, what each individual'> share of the expcLse of tubscribing to the report vrill be, according (o the length agreed upon to be trausmirt.-d : which \.\ few instan¬ ces can exceed )fj or c2/i} Curretnv.-- Reports of lahje tracts of l^nd (from private individuals) #H1 be receifed,aad faithfully published upon tho sametcrms. g^"Laiul Proprietors who uKh to ou- Bagef% contract) with axemen for the cleariug of titwbvr, by communicating their proposals f(-r the pa\ meat of labor (whether in land or money) and one dot- \*r,free of postage, for the Rc^Lirv of the ram*, will be 6i\)y recorded fertile books of this Olfice, far tin: iaspcctionof laborers. Axe-fiicri who take laud in lieu of wy- mgt can rfg!«fer their uani5a and places "fabodr at half a dollar. These who take half land and Ao^/Yash, one dollar: and Others who take only cash, one dol¬ lar and a half. Printed circular letters of information f»r every class vuli be forwarded to alt, ■ hargca'jL' zcith pusttt£t\ as occasion ma\ require. All original reports will be regularh filed and published yearly iu a quaitn w.'iunie. _ Public sales of estates will be held at 1 ork, n.unthly. This OlKce will open (near the Crown Office in York J on the l>t day of Au- E. ANGFXL, Director. To the Editors of ihs Kingston Chronicle. Gentlemen WE notice i" your last Paper, an advcrtifcmi 'it figned by Samuel Aykroydj ar^d fibers, iefpecling the receiving and iffuing of certain defcripti ons of Copper Coi") therein it ia IU- fiauated that wear.- the perfons who had imported bafc Copper Coin into this Pro¬ vince for the pui pole <>f fpeculation, and therefore, through the medium of your paper wifh to inform the public that the greater part * fit was a&ually imported and iifucd by many of the fubferibers to that very advertife eent who having ex- h=Usted their stock> oftlie fame, and bav- fng gained their end»> have turned upon their dopes, and agreed amon^ themfclves that they would not receive them- This was done at a time when about 200 Emi¬ grant h id just arm-d, nianv of whom had received from th if veiy 1'ubfcriber* the change of their !a>t dollar in what they now chool'e to call bale Copper Coin. The origin of t!:e Copper bufii.efs was improper. The trading part of the popu¬ lation of the town had been accullomed, rjnee the period when the circulation of the :«rocfc Coppers wa? Hopped, to receive 1 all others.* Sinctfthat period fuch im- men!e quantities of o;her deferiptlon of spun-us Coppers hive been impuitcd by the fame parties, that it has become abso- luiely iieerflary to uut a further Hop to tluir ipecuhitio shy prohibiting the circu¬ lation of the Waterloo llaip^ the Half penny I ok* ns, having 1 mania on the ore fide and a (hip on the other, and Montreal THE FRONTENAC * Form of a Statistical Report District of i rr r.>«nshipof \ LppeuLanaua. SIR, L'liese lands w?re ^nrvpyed by f1 . Crown, and granted to various individu¬ als in [here put the dale.] [Here put the rise and pro^rc-s of Farms, cleared since the first settlement. uod whither the Dwelling or iJj.ldin^ are generally of Jogs, frame work or brick, &c] 2d. [State what cri.p- are peculiar to the growth of tits la«»d withia the Town¬ ship; whether whi-at, iiidian com, bar- Ivy. rje,hops3 peus^beaus, ic- aod what r.Lt.] 3d. [What roads caoals or bridge* hape beeu made, and to what market hey lead— whether for export or hoinc consumption. -1th. [Whaitoun or tillage has been, r is rou(cmplat'-d to be built ; uiti: tlw iiic ease of population and of cattle ; 'h- prices of town lot- and fan.s, according to distance from t!1-' t- «n (siy fr- m 'i tti \IQ dollars per act-, a^i'ecasrra. be/] 5tl). [ lhe best inaikv Is, wiih the con¬ dition oi the roads, and the distance v arh.] fjnsfly.—[[Remark* upon the geogra¬ phical rlesciipti(m of the faceofi!n-cou!i- tr\ and it- etineate, as shall be correct it* the ml "ids of the holders <»f estate wh ;ne-"t to r'*pr»rt thf toun-hip.] fii tj subscribe Lhe names of the Rc- ;w«rter*. ] Afldr^s.-d (o E. Aucell, Dir.c^orof the IvtaJo pirretory and Land 1'riee Cuir.-nt Olhce, [with th.- datc< f the R port.] (hi p coppers, Some of thofe importer wliCn they found that they had none but the lawful coin nrt hand, without public notice commenced a fub-cription li-t for tlu purpole of flopping [lie circulation <>f all fuch a- were not a le^al tender, except ilafpenny 'IVkeu,, of which kind th.-y then probably had ubundance, when many merchants and other* wi.h a go d inteu tion imwarily ii^tu 1. [n conicquencc ol that, feveiul Other perfuria knowing the dbtreffing effect chit -he immedia.e Hop- page of :hec:rcu:.ition of all coopers ex CO* Xb^sV e. \. .-din the lift, wool,I hjvc on the mu.tiLj e-of ; OOf Eon'^rants and labourers then i« L' wo. agreed " to receive then in Change ^'^h the exception of thole above roeoti ned, until public no¬ tice be given in the evft papers of th« town/' : his air:ec oen:, c\:denily tend idg to benefit ihoie pirf^ns who tlo> d mofl in peed of aflillaGce, a':^ which although 50 reafons!) e in itstlf. wa-fpumedby f.»»;.e ■f thofe tpeculatirig impoiteis, who in or¬ der ioav^id the evils mentio-ed in theii hand bi.ls planned wl«l xva- ,:I fa&» Rrca" terevil, namely, the iffiiingui bmall thret penny and »ix penny bi Is from the bank ofU C. The cot.fequenee oi which will be tliai z\\ the -mad -ilver change now in circulate v. will be allowed to icil in the vaults of *hit ha -k, un.'cU tratiffetrea to thofe of the United Staie-} for which they wiUrective a premium. V/e therefore leqweft th^t th *fe perfonf wh^ are particularly concerned in the cir * illation of thecoppeis will meet at Moore's Coffee Innfe on h.itorday, the 2d day of September next at «ht hoir of 7 o'clock I , M. f»r the putpofe of making fo*ne deci¬ sive regulations concerning the fame. .> lex MeJ -e >.i, .1 h ti BJ:ih •- Wm. Don»ildton, William Poivoll, Peter Jvolan, Just Received. An elegant afiortment of Paper llangiii^s, THEODORE BROCKET. Kingftor,September ift, if20. 35tf. BRITISH METHODIST MISSIONS, In Upper and L>?ccr Cwrindu^ Nova ij-e.otia, Neicfoufidlt d. C'.^/Aaz, Mau¬ ritius and Nddazu-'t'r* Ne*$ iloi- Idfid.thc H'cst India 1-lands.Cen- tincntal India. Africa, (tibial- tar. France? §■€• c\e. Jpe. nr^HE Public ate respectfully inform- _S_ ed5 that a Meeting will b« h !d i.- the Uri'ish Methodist C*iap:d id i\\^< ton. on Monday the ISlnSfpt tff&K »' § P. M. for the purpose of ffirmin^ ft ^ • eiety for the encoura^ou ut awd &uppo. of th**above Missions,by week!;., month¬ ly, quarterly, or annual subsciiptious. The attendance of all persons t'riendl\ to (he dissemination of religions know- edge, and the spread of the Gospel Ihroughoutthe world, is particular I) r< - (piestrd. Several (ieuMemeu w] I deliv- •rthrir seutlmenrts upon the ocrasion and some rec nt missionary rntelli^en^e fn»m different parts o\ the world will bt communicated. The chair will be taken at 6 P. M. On Sunday the 17th Srytembi*r iht Uev. John Dick, Irom Montreal, will d- liver two Sermons on (he occasion, whr a public collection m 511 be made, fo b« ronriated to tlie ab-v.* r»uri»o e. John MOW :t, John 3Ioor', Ji»-<»oh l>r|:'V, jo!»n afran; e, Orsi»v FLr.e^i WiUiiun Haws. Williaa^CavivlJ, Ja:r.Cs Vouo* Knos Hoi nvf V/il!i:o. HiiJUiifi, J' itin '.Vli.-ou, HoUh] Sc Mooit, J:ii e.. 4'. JHrd, ll-inv Camps, D-ulev. FOR S.VLE, A QUAXT1TY of REO CRDA« f» riCKKTS, from 7 to 8 lo.-t ir enath.—Apply \o Mr. John Dawson. Tai'or. WIU.IA?vI YEltF-X. K'.n gstitn%JMljf 17. 1819. 30 NOTICE. A [.l.pe^fons indebted cither byN^te or iTJL B-(/k Account, to the eftate of the late iWchard R-'biio'i, Efq. deceafed, are it que (ted to p-^y the Luc withoot delay ; ar>d thofe to whom the cltate is indebted will prefect their accounts duly auihenii :ated for adjullment, to Allan Mac Lean iifquire, one of the Executors to laid es- / Kin^rt ti, June 5, 1^20. ifitf jjjjliK JONS having Books belonging 1L to the Kingston Library are requeft- cd to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingllon, and with a» little delay ds ooffihle* JOHN FEilGUSON. I 2th April, 1819. 24 tTATCmsTand CLOCKS Repaired in the Lest rnunncr, by S. O. TAZKW ELL, fN'orthsale oflhe Mai 11 Place, Kingston,] WHO moil refp.ftfully informs the Inhabitanrti <,{ Kingston and its vicinity, thai he !ias Cwmtuenced the above bufinelk, and hopes, by prying Hn'*"t at¬ tention to bufinefs, to fr'-/e the ntmolt fat- isfaition to ail thofe nho may pleftfe to favour him with their Employ. Steam VefTel wll ftart from Kingfton for York and Niagara on the id, 1 1 th, and 2 id day's «<f each month, and from ]Si- agara for Kingllon on the 5th, 15th, and 25th day's of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit of. Kingfton, May 12th, 1820. 19 Just published, and for Sale at this Office, S. BARROW'S 500 Questions on the New Tes¬ tament. ALEXANDER ASHKtt, Merchant Taylor, HAS received from Montreal a molt cbo.iee and excellent affbrtment o the belt Welt of England fuperbne (lotks and Gassifneres, with Trimmings. 2nd every thing com¬ plete. ^ A. Asher informs his friends and the public that he ia now working up thele loths, ^:c ?i his old (land, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the (hotted notice, and on the loweft erms for Cadi, or frn>rt approved credit. KingftoDi Sept- 10, 1819. 37»f Window Glass. THE fubscrihers have on hand a con, signment of WINDOW GLASS- ol 7 1-2 by 8 1 2, 9 by 9. 8 by to, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to o\^ei\ in good order, for fale at very low prices for cafh or du>rt approved credit. TH03 S. WH1TAKER icCo. Mnv ' 7* 20 ~To Clothiers. i7or sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitakcr & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 f/riO BE bOLL\ and immediate pos- jA- seffion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th ConcefTion of the Town- Ihip of ElmoUy, viz- 19. 20, 22, 24, 29, 30. mod eligibly siruated on the North Side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their aouihern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots- They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifling exptnee The qua¬ lity of the foil and jtther advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to Wilh'am Mar¬ shall, Esq. Peith Settlement, John Kirby Eiq. Kingston, or the fubferiber, in Wood- houfe, London Diflnci ROBERT N1CHOL. November 18,1819. 47 tf Notice. York Land Pncc-Cunent Office- MR. ANGKLL refpectfully informs the public, and Emigrants who may be defirous of forming a fetilemcnt in thia Province, and to purchafe improved Farms, that he has on the .legiller. for f:!e or exchange, an extenfive Tiriety ; together with many thoufand acren of uncleared land producing the valuable timber peculi¬ ar to the molt fettile foils wnich he in di¬ rected to difpofe of in quantities at ftorn half a dollar to too dollars per acre These Edates are advantageously situ¬ ated in the defirable partc of well select¬ ed Townfhips, within the Province of Upper Canada, and watered by navigable rivet6, creeks, and rxu ft brilliant f[)»ingB. The capitalid may at all time find an Opportunity of inverting money at \\\\- of¬ fice, feenrec! n;on Fee simple Estate, which will aff.»td to him an ample Inte- led Non-refidtnt Landholders may de¬ pend uprn the mod faithful and aftive at¬ tention being paid 10 any Agency eutruft- ed to the care of the Director. Term? of Regiftering Lands, either to be fold, leafed, exchanged, or for the per¬ formance of fettling duties; H had irippropn Servic rice to be-iu at KM a. m. o. (i r. m Lmgston. v^7 '; h, if^o. vi' g uaa many years experience u\ London, is pcrftCtly -cquafated with the patent I .ever, IKui2.lIltai anc] Duplex ocapciu:.*9t K-peatt, ^c ^c> 401. *\E Land Hoard, for the Midland District for U>e enfuing fix mouths, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingdon, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, fo] the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned description of pcrions, viz. Emigrant*, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being liritifb born fubje&s All abfc let tiers that have rcfided in the Diitrick previous to the late war, and pro dace Certificates of having done their duty in its defence. The terms* of the grants are the perform¬ ance of tlie lettling duties within Eighteen Months from the date of the location, and the payment of the following fees ; edablifhcd by an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi grants no fees. On Grants of too acres, J? 12 Sterling On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal indalnuntss, viz. The firft on the receipt *<f the Location ticket ; the feeond on Certificate filled of fettlcment ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No pethioii can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written chara&er, or a fatisfaftr.iy rcafon fhewn for fuch not being produced. By order of ihe Board. JAMES NICKALLS, Junr. Clerk. Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. 1L To prevent dilappoiutments to perfons applying for lands : it isneceflary to Hate that the Board hay no power to grant Lands to the C hildren of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Fla:<k companies during the war ; Naval or Military claim mt«, all fuch mult make ?.D£>lkaiioa Ui YiuJfe £ 9. 1 2 2 3 4 5 o o o o o the charge I and Price a, j 5 o 6 a o o 100 acres and under 100 to 2CO 200 to 250 250 to 300 p 300 to JOO 500 and upwards N. B These rates include for infertion in the General Current, which will be revifed and pub¬ lished monthly, and hereafter iircrjlatccf throughout Great Biitain, Ireland, and the Wed India Ifl.nds. All letten addressed to Vr ^ngell. Director of this office, mud be pod paid. York, near the Crown Office, 1 22d Auguft, 1820. J 3Jtf "■ NOtlCBT" Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Direftor't R^om itl the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Augud next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingdon, 27th July, 1819. jt —------------ — Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fum required m?ybe obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bills oi Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days* THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingdon, 3d Nov 1818. 23 fin HE fubferibers being duly nomina M ted Executors to the lad Will and Tedament of the late Lawrence Herchmert Efquire, Merchant, requell all p. rfons in¬ debted to his tdate to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands againft the faid edate to bting them forward with¬ out delay* JOHN KIRBY, GEO. H. MARKLAND. .Kig2&opvath.N<>v<$8$p. ^ THE fubferiber begs leave refpetf ful¬ ly to inform his fitends and the pub¬ ic in general, that he has eftablifiScd a PAIN'l SHOI' a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept conftantly all kinda of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brufli. Likcwife all kinds of House, Sign, Waggon, Sleigh, and Ornamental Pawling, done at the fhnrted notice, together with raw and boil-d Oil, which will be dispo- fed of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafh only. THEODORE BROCKETT. * I F. B. SPILSBURY, J SUXGEON, R. N Late Surgeon of U.M.S. Prince ile- genf9 on Lake Ontario^ $ Intends practising in the varioi ; branches of his Profession, at his res¬ idence, next door to John MeLean,' ;Esq. Sheriff. $ Kingston, Oct. 6th, 1819. 41 THE fubferiber having rented that commodious Stone Houfe. the pro* perty of Peter Grant, Efq. and lately occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propofct keeping a houfe of Public Entertaimnent, (Sign °J tft* Black Horse) for the accommodatio of Strangers, and others who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call Every attention will be paid to the comfoit and convent* ence of cuftomers, and the fmailed favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public** Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERRILL, Kingfton, 5th May, iBjo, ty