FOR SALE. OR TO LET, i O N Ions Credit, that ELEGANT TWO STORY STONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Mai a Street, in Brockville, the lower part of which is well adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished, and adapted for a Public-House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out-houses, and in the rear a very ex¬ tensive Gurden, in a high (tate of cultiva¬ tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES HALL. Brockville, 2$thf l 820. _____2J7 ■ iiRICK FOR SALK THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of July, any quantity of Brick, of a very good quality. SMITH BARTLET.' Kirg^ton, jur.c, 16, 1S20. 27 ._____ - 1---------------------------------- Govermnent Employment, at Kingston, U. C. TlTIE Contractors for Building a Store Houfe, in His Majesty's Naval Yard at this place having failed to perform the Contract. " Notice is hereby given that MASONS, STOXE-CUTT£RS, ami QUARRY- MEN, are required to complete the Build¬ ing, and that they will be employed, and paid by the Officers of this Yard. «Only the bell of work men need make application* EDWARD LAWS, Naval Store-keeper. Navy Yard, "tW July, 1820. 28tf LAiND AGENCY. HE fubicribsr, for many years the NOTICE. A LL perfons indebted to the late Co- -<_Jl partner (hip of Richard Rohison ana David Secord, are requefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom the faid Copartnerfhip may be indebted, aie ie- queficd to fend in their accounts for ad- juftmem and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf }} iS *ozgi *pf unlay 'uoySuj^j ■°o^ 'sMmnom xsexivai 'WO *aj dwqo IFJ [jia\ iCsqi qoiqM fjti3tmjnJ3ApB ub ui uou -u3ui 01 snotpd) edpi}ie jatpo 30 aaqurnu e pun m93§ <S9J|B{0|(\J *saB^:ig 'seaj^ *S3Ut^\ 'uiq spuB[*opj 'XpuBjg dbjuSo-) 'sjiJidg BDJBUlBf Suoaig JO AlJlUtmb E 9}IJK»[t*J •uojb^j 3qi Oj p3}dspE &&OO& JLB€t jo }U9umojrje p3^3[3j |[9A\ B SUOneiJoduil tyE[ 3tJ} JO p^ApDSJ DAEq A*3qi yz\v\ srjqnd 3tp pus spuduj jpi|i lu-iojui A[[ujjj?3dj3i 6J3quojqns NOTICE. • 0 c 3il JL saooo aihsl ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafiog certain Notes of hand given by the fctfcriber to James He nefy, bearing date the 2Cyth January, 1820 — one for twenty Civt pounds, payable the iftjanuary 1821—otk$ for £12 10, pay¬ able 1 ft January, 182»—one (or £12 10 payable ift January ig2j—onC fGr £t2 1 os. payable ill Janu,ry 1824—and one for £12 10 payable lit January 1825— the four Ialt bearing mtereft—as the faid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid James Ilenef. to the fubferiber, and for which he can give no legal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Bcllville, 26th May. 1820. 22- TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near XlL Doctor Keating's, two stories high, witli seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and 6tabl also a very good Spring near the house.— ur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, ^th June, 1819. 23 a m c » T7, Valuable Lands for sale in the Township 0/ Hamilton. Con- T Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time pad occasionally a&ed as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing reiigned the lituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now transact Land buiinefs generally. ANDREW MERCER.- Tori, \ 1 ih May,1820. 20 nrtHE Subfcriber begs leave to remind •*- thofe who are in his debt, that the liar- veil is approaching, and that confequcntly it is an object of peculiar fntereft with him to collect IIis out-standing MONIES. . . *^ If they will give the matter a litrleconfider- ation, they will find their interefts are identi¬ fied with his,fwrreafon'will point out to them, that the quicker they liquidate his demands, the quicker the money will return into their own pocktts, with additional profit. Money hoarded in a Chest is of no benefit to the World, it con¬ fers no good upon any one, not even on its proprietor; whereas if it bequickly circulated, itinfpircs life and vigor in its continued round, and i5K$?3&£& the fi\-^;riy vf all wlio at^c hi\:ky IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- II A ceffion, containiig 4.00 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 5 in the 4th ceffion, containing 45c acres. Ditto ditto 10, indie 6th Conceffion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands ire all lying in the Town (hip of Hamilton, NewcaRle Diftrict, and will be fold on the moft liberal terms. Tor further infoTmati.n, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Harnihoi, cr the fubferiber in Kingfion. Thomas 3. WLitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf For Sale or to Let, Ai TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a @/jSL large and commodious ftone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchafer or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kingfton, 26th February, 1819. 9 JOHN MARTIN~~ EGS leave toinformhis friend? mi > .' £-*& B enough to FOIt SALE, T a very low price for Cash _ the south or front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loug-hborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. Dec. 7, 1819. 50 * STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM the pafture of the Subfcriber on the morning, of the 4th inft. a bright bay horfe, with white hind feet, and a ftar on his forehead, a fwitch ,lail having fome of the hair rubbed off on each fide of it. He is of a middle fize—good carriage, and in excellent condition fot fervice, was feven years old laft fpring. A reward of ________ Ten Dollars Will be given for the delivery of faid Horfe to the owner at his farm, on the front road, one and a half miles from Kingfton. And all reasonable charges paid. Wm ABBOTT. Kingfton, Auguft 10th, 1820. 32tf fiz^rFinger It as it flies! The Subfcriber tt'uIts that he need fay no more to induce his cuftomers To flock iii with their money, and (hould there be any among them who are through unavoidable misfor¬ tunes, unable to pay, they have only to ftep forward and convince him of if,and he will freely give them a full di(charge from his claims* and more beer to help them on a- gain in the World, trailing they will be more fortunate in future. With every kind Willi to his cuftomers, and the ftrongeft delire to promote by Lis humble endr?.vours their profperity and happiness, (winch he can only do by get¬ ting punctual!)' paid), he has the honour to remain, Their grateful and obedient Servant, THOMAS DALTON. Kingfton Brewery, Aug. 3d. 1820. 31-10 Notice. OTA RIAL BUSINESS at¬ tended to with punctuality and dispatch, by tiie Subscriber. P. F. MALL. Notary Public Kingfton, rst Auguft, 1820. 3 r tf ON SALE. AND ED from tie Alexander from A Loudon, 20 pipes of fuperios Spanifh red Port Wine, of the very fuH quality ; 100 cafk3 of Day and Martin's rial Japan Blacking ; 100 calks of Nails, 6d to 28d —Fry Pans, Sad Irons, patent Scytis, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Wine. T ai India Suga, and feveral other articles—all of which will be BENJn. hart. Montreal.2 1 ft June, 1820 New Store, Recollet Street, near near the Recollet Church. 261113 and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Euter- tain men t near Fort Henry, under the sign of tlie RICHMOND MOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call, tr> merit a share of public patronage. He will always have on hand all kinds of Liquors of the best quality. Kingston, ]4/// January * 1820. i\r. H. Good Stabling for Horses. 211 A^ NEJV GOODS. FOR SALE, FARM in the front Concession of he Township of Augusta, three and .1 half miles below Brockville, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story itnuse on the premises, built of square timber and boarded outside, a frame barn, eVc. This farm is well wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant Country residence,and will be sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For further pa rticti iars apply to A. & W. MORRIS & Co. Brclcville, IQ/h May 1S<20 2ltf One Hundred Dollars Reward. Valuable Lands. FOR SALE N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Town (hip of Ameliafburgh. Lot 23, in the front Conceflion, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eafiward of Nicholfun's Ifland. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con¬ ceflion of faid Townlhip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Flon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All perfons a?* cautioned 3. gain ft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, as they will certainly fubject thcmfelves to a legal profecution if detected. Kingilon, March 7, 1820. iotf NOTICE, FJIHE Beard for Militia Pen. -*■ sions, ivill meet on the Iajl Monday in February, and continue Jh to do, the fame day in each Month, until the bupnefs of this D fir id, as regards the fame is fm'fhed. JOHN FERGUSON, Kingflon, Feb. \Jl, 1819. $ NOTICE. TT> OBERT TURNBULL, from m\j Mindtim, on the fouthcrn border of Scotland, who is now fuppofed to be refi- ding in fome part of Upper Canada, is re¬ quefted to fend his addrefs to the Office of the Kingllon Chronicle, for the infor¬ mation of a relative, who feels interefted in his welfare, and is defirous of correspon¬ ding with him. 26 Nolle (OTOLEN, about four weeks ago, iCjl from a room in Mr. Worden's Inn, ftfllJE subscriber tegs leave to inform a Trunk three feet long, and two feet wide, covered wit!) a fawn (kin- Whoev¬ er will deliver the faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors, fuflicient to difcover and convict the thief, (hall receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETTE. Kingfton, 71b June, 1820. 23tf uen, Turkey Contract will be given for Ploughing fifty also for cutting ll'xL Ploughing fiftv acres of ground, and Hushes, and clearing a quantity of Land. B WHITNEY. Kinoslon, Aug, 9th 1820 Bgtf ~^ ■^■NOTICE. WHEREAS It is abfolutely neces- fary that a certain quantity of Coppers {hould be kept in circulation, for the convenience of change. We the Subfcri bers agree to receive them for that purpofe as ufual, (with the exception of thofe denominated " Waterloo Harp"—the Halfpenny token, having Britannia on the one fide, and a (hip en the other— Montreal Ship Coppers and Brock Cop¬ per*, ) until Public Notice be given in the Newspapers of this Town, of a general meeting to be holdcn for the purpofe of ilopping the circulation of thofe, which the meeting may deem expedient.—At which place, the public will have an opportunity of attending and judging for themfclves. Signed by 66 rcfptctable Merchants, and Mechanice. Kingfton, Aug. i6th, 1820. 33^*3 Public Entertainment. Notice. fTnlTE Subfcriber begs leave to inform JL hisfiiend3 and the public that he has received a very extenfive apd vrcU felaeted affortment ot HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. &c. all of which he has imported direct from Birmingham, Sheffield, and other manufac¬ turing towns in England—which he offers for fale at much reduced prices for cafii or fhort credit ; amongft which are English and Swedes Iron, Hoop and i^*i Iron, ass'd, Nails, Steel, Tin Plate, Window Glass. Spikes, Sheet Iron, double and single. Putty, Paint, Linseed Oil, Plough-Share Moulds, Anvils, Vices, Trace and Log Chains, Wagon and Cart Boxes, C rindstoncs, Fryilig-Pans, Spades, and Shovels, Hollow- Ware, of all descriptions ; with a good aflbrtment of fhelf goods, the Hardware line alone. JOHN WATKINS £$■ Flour and Salt for Sale. Kingfton, July 17th 1S20. 3 1 tf JL his friends and the public, that he has jast received a choice assortment of DRY GOODS : among which are the following. West of England superfine and com¬ mon Cloths. Gassimeres, Flannels, Bom- bazettes, Bomb:izeens. lii^h Poplins, Ginghams, Stripe Cotton, Cotton Shirt¬ ing, India Cotton, Irish Lh.x_..? Stripe, Cheeks, Chintz Furniture, Cali¬ coes, Long Lawn Cambrics, Muslins, Corduroy, Fustians, Nankeens, 8-4 Di¬ apers, Canton Crape Dresses, Canton Crape Shawls and Scarfs, Spitllefield Silk Bandannas, India <\o. Silk Romals, Black Silk II a 11 dkerchicfa, Cotton Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Thread Laces, Bobbinnett, J'apes, Bobbins, Thread, Buttons, Sec. &C. ALSO, A very handsome selection of M i 11 i n e r y, CONSISTIN'r: OF Fancy Dress Caps and Turbans, Morn in it- Walking Dresses, Muslin Robes, \ :> :i\/io;iiivi-f4J ii;<!iVii Bo«»k and Leno Droses, Frills, and irdlf JIaiulkerchiefs, best Slays :—w bicli he \\ ill sell very low, at his Stoic, opposite (he Kingston Me¬ dicinal Laboratory, Kin^-Street. ARCHIBALD McD05ELL. Kingston, July 14, 1820. 28tf THE SUBSCRIBERS baring entered into Co-partnership under the firm of Fair and Russell, propose on Tuesday next to open that shop now oc¬ cupied by Mr. Trinoer, opposite the j\larket-Place,ivhere they will keep con¬ stantly on hand a general assortment of Spirits^ Wines 5 AND GROC RIES Anchors Cables. Government Contract. M Stray I1 lorses. THE fubferiber refpeclfully informs his friends and the Public, that he has rciited the houfe lately occupied by Mr- Frederick Bufh, where he now House of Public Entertainment, the Traveller's Rest! keeps a Sign of And hopes, by ftiidl attention to the comforts and convenience of his cuftomers, to merit a (hare of public patronage. EDWARD DUNN. & GOOD YARD and STABLING. Kingfton, Aug. 17th, 1820. 33tf - - - - - —-------- -1 ---------------------■— - ■ 1 . ■ i_ — r j BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other lauds, for sale at this QJfice. ' ~jp> ROKE into the enclofure of the Sub- _|j5fcriber, on or about the 26th inflant, A LARGE BROWN HORSE, with a white fpot on his forehead, and a BAY HORSE of a middle fize, with a fear on one of his fore-legs, apparently from - bum.—The horfes are both without fhnes. OTICE is hereby given, that ten¬ ders will be received at this Office untill the 15th of September nest, at noon, for the (upply of the undermentioned quantities of Forage at this poll, viz. 1,500 Bushels of Oals, 50 Tons of May, 15,000 Pound* of Straw, m Bundle* of twelve pounds each. No tender will be noticed unlefs made ; in the ptefcribed form, which, together with the conditions of the contract and i o'l.o ■ particulars, may be (een on applica- , tun. » l'he parties making propofals, or ~ thers \ duly authorized on their beha'f, mull attend at the time of opening the tenders, and fufheient fecurity wi" be required for the due fulfilment b*>V agreement to be entered into. Commin.,i,u Jiiice. Kington* ;ftb) Aug' '620. $ Ed. > IN" ,FF1N, Dept, Coin. ;...eral. 33W5 • • )>oetor .*iorton, "]C^P II'C ' ..«, informs the inhabitants P|M . „ , Wj .>{ ?lr A.ion and its vicinity that he i he owner is requefted to prove proper- ,,...,, to "commcnci the pradice of ty, pay charges and take them away. JOHN C. CLARK. ( Aysic, Surgery find Midwifery, Ernefl. Town, 31st July, 1820. y J in this part of the country.—His recom¬ mendatory certificated from eminent practitioners in Dublin and Edinburgh, as well as from Heads ©» the Colleges in thofe Cities, will be tin vvn on aj)plication to him at his appartnit'*'t8 in the houfe of Mrs. Thibodo. Kingfton, 8th Aug. 1820. 33tf WILLIAM SUDDEN, TILL receive by the earliell fpring veffels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an affortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ill April, i8iq. I4tf Notice. nnllE real and perfonal Eftate of the JL late John Mclutoftl of Thurlow, having been legally affigued over to me by the parties interefted ; I do hereby requcft, that :dl thrf* ind»-ht*>J *-n t'»H faid Eftate, either by Bond, Note of Hand or Book Accounts, will make pay¬ ments on or before the Ift Oilober next. Cattle or Produce, will be taken in pay¬ ment. PETER GRANT. Bellville, July 19th, 1820. 30 St. ANDREWS CHURCH. THE Committee respectfully request that the Subscribers will pay into ihc hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Alexr. Pringle, their respective subscriptions.— The Committee would likewise call upon those individuals who have not yet sub¬ scribed to give their support to the un¬ dertaking, they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise from an establishment such as the one contemplated, because they must be evident to e\cry one. To those, however, who are Presbyterians, and particularly to those educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church of Scotland, the Committee beg respect¬ fully to addrefs themfelves and to solicit their support, not only by subscribing what they can themselves afford, but by the influence which they may possess with their friends of other persuasions. Subscription papers are left with the Treasurer, Mr. Pringle, and with the Secretary, Dr. Marshall, also at Point Frederick, with Mr. Robert Graham, ham. Merchant. ' A. MARSHALL, Secretary. 271h July, 1S20 30 of the best quality, which they intend to sell on the most reasonable terms to those who may be disposed to favour them with their custom. JOHN FAIR, Wm. RUSSELL. Kingston, llth August, 1820. 32&6. ^^^^^™^^^^^^^** ^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^"^^" ^^^K m ■ k —^^m- — ^^^-^»^^^-^^__ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a* gairft purchafmg a Note of Hand, given by the fubferiber to Amos Ansley, Senior, fometime in the autumn of 1818, for £49 12s. 6d. and payable the e.-fu- ing autumn, as it was given for land, for which he baa given me no title, and will not be paid until be docs. STEPHEN MILES, Kingfton, 31ft July, 1820. 32w3 For Sale, .4 SMALL collection of books juft -^*- received from New-York, amongft which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, O'Meani's Memoirs of Napoleon—the Spectator,—alfo Greek Lexicons and grammars, LempuVre'g rlaflical Diction- aiy, and a vanay or other School Books. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Compqfs of the moft approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingfton, May I2th, 1820. 19 MONTRE A L~ ALMANACKS. For 1820, For Sale at this Oflice TERMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. THE Subfcribers have - r-.ived a confignment of Ametic.n Cotton confiding of Bleach'd and un-bleach'd Shirtings and Sheetings, Bed Ticking and Stripes, which will be fold at very low prices. . TBO*. S. WHITAKER, & Co. J Kingfton, Aug. 4th, 1820. 3ltf BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this Offiee. A REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fi/'lj/ Pounds WILL be paid by the subscriber, to any perfon who (hall discover and give fuch information a3 will convict the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft. Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thou fund pounds. By direction of the Directors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, tgti 2V#0. 1819. 4.7 Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mai! twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or »he 1st of J ami- PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. CYI3F lines and under 2?, C)d. first in- Kj) sertion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion: 10 lines and under, 3s. 4d. first insertion, and lOd. each subsequent insertion : above fen lines, Ad. per line for Ihc first insertion, and id. per line for every subsequent insertion. Advertisements Kith out written direc¬ tions are inserted till iorb\d, and charged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise-' menls to he in writing, and delivered by WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN o'Clock Gn the day of publication* AGENTS. Henry Cowan, Esq, Quebec. KdWeird Sill?, Esq. Three Rivers. James Williams, Esq. Montreal. Messrs, J. & J. Dun I op, Lancaster. Paul Glassford, Esq. Matilda. AlpbeUS Jones, Esq. Prescott. Henry Jones, Esq. Brackuille* * N. B. Tommas, Esq. Perth. H- Wltitmarsh, Esq. Richmond. J. K. Hartwell, Esq. Bastard. 3%. Webster, Esq. Gananc<iuc. J. Rankrn, Esq. Hath. Allan McPherson, Esq. Napanet* Thomas Parker, Esq, Bellville. Joseph A. Keeler, Esq* Ctamake. James G. liellnme, E.-q. Hamilton. John D. Smith, Esq, Port Hope. William Allan, Esq. York. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittorin. John Crooks, Esq. Niagara. T. McCormick, E q. QxutnsiBn. John Wil.on, E&q. sfrnhcrstburgh. KINGSTON, U. C. PRLKTED FOE THE 11>IT0R5.