Kingston Chronicle, August 11, 1820, p. 4

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FOR S*AlLm, BY the Sabfcriber, Barklcfs firft quality London Porter in caflcs of fix rJoren each. HENRY A, TiUNDER. Kingftoo,Augutt 4th, %Szo. jfWJ ^FGfl SALE, OR TO LET^ ON long Credit, that ELEGANT TWO STORY STONE HOUSE delightfully situated on tie Main Street, in firockville, the lower part of which is ?reU adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar ".Rood, ?nd the uppcj part well finished, and adapted for a Public-House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out houses, and in the rear a >ery ex¬ tensive Garden, in a high ltate of cultiva¬ tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES HALL. Brcchvilh, 2$th, 1820. ____27 BRICK'FOR SALE. THE Subscriber will have ready for sale early in the month of July, any ouantity of Brick, of a very good quality. SMITH BARTLET. Kingston* June* 16, 1820. 27 NOTICE. A N Assignment bearing date at Mon- x\.trea1f Lower Canada, in Auguft, 1817, having been granted by Messrs. Robert Armour, and George Daviee, late of Montreal, Merchants and Copartners, under the firm of Robert Armour and Davies to and in favour of the undersign¬ ed, and the late Richard Pattinson de¬ ceased, of all their Estates real and per¬ gonal, moveable and immoveable at well belonging to them individually as such Copartners, also all and every their rights, claims and pretentions 33 well in the Es¬ tate of Robert Armour and Davies, as in the Estates of Henderson, Armour, and Co. heretofore carrying on trade at City of Montreal, and William Hcnder- £on and Co. heretofore of the City of Qubec, in truft for the benefit of the Cre¬ ditors of them the said Robert Aimour and George Davies. who become parties or accede to the said assignment. All persons indebted to the said late firms of IJobert Armour and Davies, Henderson, Armour and Co., and William Henderson and Co. or to either of the parties who composed them, are hereby required to make immediate paryment of their respec¬ tive debts to either of the underfigned Trustees, or to their Attorney duly au¬ thorised, and farther notice is hereby gi¬ ven that in default of immediate payment, legal recourse will be had to obtain the ttttCf FRED. W. ERMAT1NGER, G. MOFFATT. Surviving Trustees to the Estate of Robert Armour 18 w6 and Davies. . • Government Employment, at Kingston, (J. C. THE Contractor* for Building a Store Houfe, in His Majesty's Naval Yard at this place having failed to perform the Contract. Notice is hereby given that MASONS, STONE.CUTTERS, and QUARRY- MEN, ate required to complete the Build¬ ing, and that they will be employed, and paid \>j thV($HTcm,orttiii l'ardl Only the belt of work men need make amplication- EDWARD LAWS, Naval Store-keeper. Navy Yard, 7/4 July, 1820. tSlt LAND AGENCY. THE fublcribtr, for many years the junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time paft ©ccasfonally afted as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing reGgned the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not bring en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now transact Land bufiuefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. Tori, xub May> 1820. 20 "for sale, fk T a very low price for Cash £\^ —the south or front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. Dec. % 1819. 50 1 - i TO LET, •°D« 'XJJINfLPW ttSXlVift jjim Xaqi tpiq.w 'itidUttjttxafepe ue uj uo;i -U3iu 01 moipai «;>pui€ Jdtno jo laqmna epuc -073 's^jje|oj(\j •sacSiig 'sco^ *83u;^V 'uiQsp'.inijopi 'XpuBiji aetuSoj) 'swjdg COIBUiuf 3uoiH} JO X^UUCnb E ^JJA33{J1 •uujejj aqi 01 p^idcpr* seioon aim jo iU5uj)iojjL' pa^apj |pA b suoiicuodun ynj 3qi jo p^Apoaa aACtj Xaip icq* oqqnd aqi puc Bposuj -naqi "IT ujjojut i[jujyodpi biaqu^jqns gift ibt saooo AiSN ^—^_^_^^^^^^_^^ ____ ____ - -----------— TO BE SOLD AT Public Auction* Oh TUESDAY, the 15th AUGUST at 12 o'clock :— Pew, No. 50, in the Gallery, Pew, No. 44, and half of Pew, No. 34, in St. George's Church, for hack rent due the Church. Kingfton, 21ft July, 1820. 3IW2 nnllE Subfcriber be^e leave to remind -* thofe who are in his debt, that the liar- veil ifl approaching, and that confequently it is an objcA of peculiar intcreft with him to colled His out-standing MONIES. If they will give the matters littleconfider- ation, they will findiheiriiuerelts are identi¬ fied with his,for rcafbnjwill point out to them, that the quicker they liquidate his demands, the quicker the money will retnrn into their own pockets, with additional profit. Money hoarded in a Chest it of no benefit to the World, it con¬ fers no good upon nny one, not even on its proprietor ; whereas if u be quickly circulated, it infpirea life and vigor in its continued round, and increafes the property of all who are lucky enough to (l^rFinger it as it flies! The Subfcriber trufls that he need fay no more to induce hid wuftomers To Hock in with their money, and fhould there be any among them who ate through unavoidable misfor¬ tunes, unable to pay, they have only to ftcp forward and convince him of it,and he will freely give them a full difcharge from his claims, and more beer to help them on a- gain in the World, trufting they will be more fortunate in future. With every kind wifh to his cuflomers, and the ftrongeft defire to promote by his humble endeavours their profperity and happiness, (which he can only do by get¬ ting punctually paid), he has the honour to remain, Their grateful and obedient Servant, THOMAS DALTON. Kingfton Brewery, Aug. 3-1. 1820. 31-10 Notice. 0TAR1AL BUSINESS at tended to with punctuality and dispatch, by the Subscriber. P. R HALL. Notary Public. Kingfton, 1st Auguft, 1820. 3 1 tf Notice. THE Subfcriber begs leave to inform his fiiends and the public that he has . received a very extenCvc and well ftlcctcd airottment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. &c. all of which he has imported direct from Birmingham, Sheffield, and other manufac¬ turing towns in England—which he offers for falc at much reduced prices fur cafti or fhort credit ; amongft which are English and Swedes Iron, Hoop and Rod Iron, ass'd, Nails, Steel, Tin Plate, Window Glass, Spikes, Sheet Iron, double and single. Putty, Paint, Linseed Oil, Plough-Share Moulds, Anvils, Vices, Trace and Log Chains, Wagon and Cart Boxes, Grindstones, Frying-Pans, Spades, and Shovels, Hollow- Ware, of all descriptions ; with a good affortment of fhelf goods, in the Hardware line alone. JOHN WATKINS. £j* Flour and Salt for Sale. Kingtton, July 17th 1820. 31 tf BANK CALL T HE Stockholders of the Bank of Upper Canada, ate hereby required to pay an inftalrncnt of fix per cent, cr fix dollars on each fhare, on or before the 1 lth of Aui;ult next. Any ftockholder failing to make the faid payment will for¬ feit his (hares, agreeable to the 2 ift arti¬ cle of alTociation of the Bank—which is as follows :—If there (hall be a failure in payment of any pait of the film or thares lubiCTt'bed by any pcrion or perionn, co¬ partnership, body politic or corporate, the party {b (ailing in paying the firft Hiflal- ment of teti per centum lucceedir.g the de- pofit of eight per centum herein before reqnired to be made, fhall refpe&ively for¬ feit the faid depefit to and tor the ufe of the faid Company, and the ftock (hall be fold at public fale for the beliouf of the company—and in cafe at any delay or failure in the payment of the fubfeqnent inftalments, after the firft and fecund in- ftalmcnts, any S took holder fo negle^ing to pay the amount of his inftalrncnt, fhall for the fiift ten days of fuch negled, for¬ feit to the ufe and benefit of the remain¬ ing stockholders five per centum upon the whole amount of his ftock pre%ioufly paid In—and for the fecond and third ten days lor each period, an equal fum of five per centum, Slaking togethei a forfeiture of fifteen per centum for thirty days, and if at the expiration of fixty days after fuch inftalment fhall have become due, it (hall be unpaid, thtn the whole amount of ftock, together wiih the whole amotsnt paid on the fame, fhall be forfeited to the ufe and benefit of the remaining ftockholders as aforefaid, an J the ftock to be at the difpo- fal of the diredora, for the benefk of the faid company. ?. BARTLET, Cafluer. JGn^M. June ?, 1?tQ ______z-t NEIF GOODS. T N HE subscriber beg9 ltavc to Inform hi* friends and the paulic, that he has just received a choice assortrr.eut of DRV GOODS 5 among vhich arc the following* West of England supcr:';ne and com¬ mon Cloths, Cassiroeres, F:annol?, Bom* bazettes, Bnmbazecns, Irish Poplius, Ginghams, Stripe Cotton, Cotton Siiirt- ing, India Cotton, Irish L-uen, Turkey Stripe, Checks, Chintz Furniture, Cali¬ coes, Long Lawn Cambrics, Muslins, Corduroy, Fustians, Nankeens, 8-4 Di¬ apers, Canton Crape Drosses, Canton Crape Shawls and Scarfs, SpiUlefield Silk Bandannas, India do. SilkRomals. Black Silk Handkerchiefs, Cotton Shawls and Handkerehiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbous, Thread Laces, Bobbinnett, Tapes, Bobbins, Thread, Buttons, &e. Sec. ALSO, A very handsome selection of Millinery, CONSISTING Ol Fancy Dress Caps and Turbans, Morn ing Walking Dresses, Muslin Robes. Embroidered India Book and Leno Dresses, Frills, and half Handkerchiefs, best Stays ;—-.vhich he will *<U very low, at his Store, opposite the Kingston Me¬ dicinal Laboratory, Kins-Street. ARCHIBALD McOOSELL. For Sale or to Let, Af TWO flory framed Houfc, o;.d a tf/ii larpe and commodious ftone i tore* fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedi;../:y ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee. Enquire at fhe OfEeCof CHr. A. HAGERMAxN. King ft on 3 26th February, 1819. 9 JOHN MARTW~ EGS leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter* tain me nt near Fort Henry, under the lign of the. RICHMOND HOTEL; Where ho hopes, by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call) to merit a share of public patronage. lie \% i) 1 atwavs have on hand all kinds of Liquors of the best quality. Kingston^ I4ih January, 1820. N. Bi Good Stabling for Horses. «U Land to be cleared. ANY person willing to undertake to perform the sett lenient duties on a tract of excellent Land in the District of Newcastle, and to take part of the Land in payment for his labour, will have an opportunity of making a good bargain en applying at the office of this paper. Kingston, 17th April, 18'20. 17 FOR SALE, A FARM iu the frowt Concession of the Township of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brockville, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story house on the pn'nuses, built of square timber and boarded outside, a frame barn, &c\ This farm is well wor* of a pleasant Country residence, and will he sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For furtherparticu lars apply to A. & W. MORRIS & Co. BrckviUe, 19th May iSlO 2Itf One Hundred Dollars Reward. Kingston, July I U 1820. ON SALC. 28tf A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Do&or Kcaiing's, two stories high, vith ieven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; al«o a very good Spring f»ear the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingstont qth June, 1819. 23 NOTICE. ALL pcrfons indebted to the late Co¬ partner fhip of Richard Robison ana David Sccord* are Tequefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Sccord, and thofe to whom the faid £oparr.nerfhip may be indebted, ate )e- q*tcfted to fend in their accounts for ad- xuftment and payment. Kmgfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf B Stray Horses. RO KLE into the enclofure of the Sub¬ fcriber, on or about the 26th inilant, A LARGE BROWN HORSE, with a white fpot on his forehead, and a BAY HORSE of a middle fize, with a fear on one of his fore-legfl, apparently from a burn.—The horfes are both without (hoes. The owner is requefted to prove proper¬ ty, pay charges and take them away. JOHN C. CLARK. Erneft Town, 31st July, 1820. 31 tf THE Subfcriber8 have received a conngnment of Ameiican Cotton 7T ANDEB&Vomtbe Alexander from _ll_4 London, 20 pipes of ffeperior Spanilh red Port Wine, of the ver;y firft quality ; 100 cafks of Day and Margin's real Japan Blacking ; 100 caflcs of Na<il8,6d. to z8d —Fry Pans, Sad Irons, pateu-.c Scyths, Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Win<e, Eaft India Suga, and feveral other artiiclee—all of which will be BENJn.FIART. Montreal.2! Ill June, 1820 New Store, Recollet Street, near near the Recollet Church. 26m3 Valuable Lands for sale in the Township of Hamilton. IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- II A cefllon, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto u and 15 in the 4th Con- ceflion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Concefllon, containing 200 acres. The above Lauds are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Ncwcaille DiftriA, and will be fold on the moil liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingtton. Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf NOTICE. BLANK n For the Courts of Request, and various other kinds, for sale at this Ojjicc confiding of Eleach'd and un-bleach'd Sh.irth^s and Sheetings, Bed Ticking and Stiipeb, which will be fold at very luw prices. THOs- S. WHITAKER, & Co. Kingflor/, Aug. 4th, 1820, Jltf ALL perform are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to James He ne fy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820 — one for twenty five pounds, payable the iftjanuary 182!—one for £12 10, pay¬ able 1 ft January* 1822—one for^?r2 10 payable id January 1823—one for £12 10s. payable xfr January 1824—and one forifi2 10 payable ift January 1825— the four lalt brarin^ intereft—as the faid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid James Henefy to the fubferiber, and for which hf can give no legal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Bellville, 26tlijday, 182^________22- m BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this OiEce. TOLEN, about four weeks ago, from a room in Mr. Worden's Inn, a Trunk three feet longf and two fact wide, covered with a fawn (kin Whoev¬ er wi!l deliver the faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors, fuflicient to difcover and convift the thief, (ball receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETTE. Kingfton, 7th June, 1820. 25tf Anchors 6f Cables. _ WILLIAM I3UDDEN, WILL receive by the earlietl fpring yciTels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an affortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizos, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation, Quebec, ill April, 18iq. I4tf Notice. f~fflNE real and perfonal Eftate of the X late Juha McTntofh of Thurlow, having been legally afti^ned over to me by the panics interclted ; I do hereby iKSJt^U, 'hti. '*Jh 'Uunx: :KtAxttot&± fcu Hilw faid Eftate, either by Bond, Note of Hand or Book Accounts, will make pay¬ ments on or before the Ift Odober next. Cattle or Produce, will be taken in pay¬ ment, PETER GRANT. Bellville, July 19th, 1820. 30 St. ANDREW'S CHURCH. THE Committee respectfully request that the Subscribers will pay into the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Alexr. Priugle, (heir respective subscriptions.— The Committee would likewise call upon those individuals who have not yet sub¬ scribed to give their support to the un¬ dertaking, they deem it superfluous to enlarge on the advantages which are likely to arise from an establishment such as the one contemplated, because they must be evident to every one. To those, however, who are Presbyterians, and particularly to those educated in the forms and doctrines of the Church of Scotland, the Committee beg respect¬ fully to addrefa themfelves and to solicit their support, not only by subscrili^ng what they can themselves afford, but by the influence which they may possess uith their friends of other persuasions. Subscription papers are left with the Treasurer, Mr. Pringle, and with the Secretary, Dr. Marshall, also at Point Frederick, with Mr. Robert Graham, ham? Merchant. d REWARD OF 7uJ'7 Hundred and Fifty Pounds '\~\TU.L be paid by the subscriber, to V *F a"-y pcrion who fhall discover and give fuch information a* will convift the •perfon or pcrfons who, on or about the 2gf.h or 30th i'f June laft, Itole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel;, a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each; to the amount of two thcufand pounds. By direction of Lhe Dirc&ors of th~ Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agenc King4ton% nyJt Nov. 1819* 47 ' AHORSE, Suspected to have been stolen. 4 Perfon calling himfclf John Rett, or XJURccfej apparently 45 or 50 year* of age, dark complexiun, flat note, and rather a downcaft look, arrived heie on Sunday laft with a very fine Hotfe, which he o fFer- ed for fale fo very low. that it excited the fufpicions above mentioned. He wa3re¬ cognized, and fuppofed to have ftolen a horfe from Bcnoni Polly, of Younge, in 1814, and felling him to a Mr. Yerks, of Hollowell ; he has been tsken en Mr. Polly's complaint, and committed to the cells for further examination. rl he Horfe is heavy and well mede, col¬ our rather light bay, dark mane and tail, a little white on the left hind foot, a large white fpot (I think an artificial one) on his forehead, ind faid to be 5 or 6 years old. I purchafed the Horfe from him before he was taken into cuftody, for ^12 to, and fhall endcavouf to keep him for the rightful owner ; any further dcfcriptioji or information will be given by writing to the fubferiber. Brockville, June 27th, 1820. 26tf. Valuable Lands. FOR SALE N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Town/hip of Amcliafburgh. Lot 23, in the front Conceffion, or> Lake Ontario, lying to the eaftward of Nicholfon's Ifiand. Lots 22, and 24, in the -fecond Con¬ cefllon of faid Townfhip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hon* JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All pcrfons are c&utioned a. gainft cutting or deftroying the timber oft the above lands, as they will certainly fubje& themfelves to a legal profecution if detefted. Kingfton, March 7, 1820. 10 tf NOTICE. * THE Board for Militia Pen¬ sions, 'will meet on the laft Monday in February, and continue jo to dot the fame day in each Montht until the bufmefs of this DtfttiSf as regards the fame is Jini/hcd. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingfton, Feb. \Jl% 1819. 6 NOTICE. ROBERT TURNBULL. from Mindrim, on the fouthern border of Scotland, who is now fuppofed to be refi- ding in fomepart of Upper Canada, is re¬ quefted to fend his addrefs to the Office rfrhtc ,2\uig\tou~Cnrohibic,"tor tue infor¬ mation of a relative, who feels interefted in his welfare, and ts defuousofcorrefpon- ding with him. 26 MONTREAL ALMANACKS- For 1820, For Sale at this Office TERMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. A. MARSHALL. 27</t July, 1820 Secretary. 30 NOTICE. ANY Perfon willing to contract for tha delivery of SIXTEEN TONS of good TIMO Til Y'8s CLO VRR HA Y, Will 6end their propofals to Lieut. and Adjutant Samson, joth Reg.__The one half of the Hay to be delivered before the 1 st December, next, and the other half do- ring the enfuing winter at Kingtton, Forta Henry, and Frederick, as may be re- quired, Kingfton, July 25th 1820. *9tf. Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu¬ ary. 1 PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (C^f IX lines and under *ls. 6 J- first z/?~ i^ sertion, and l\d. each subsequent insertion: \0 lines and under, §s. 4d. first Insertion, and lOd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per tine for the first insertion, undid, per line for evcrn subsequent insertion. Advertisements without written direc* lions are inserted till forbid*and charged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise' ments to be in writing, and delivered by WEDNESDA V NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN </Clock on the day of publication AGENTS. Henry Cowan, E»q. Quebec. Edward Sills Esq. Three Rivers. James Williams, Esq. Montreal. Messrs. J. & J. Dunlop, Lancaster Paul Gta«#ford, Esq. Matilda. Alphe is Jones, Es*j. PrescatL Henry Jones, Esq. Brockville. N. B.'Tommas, Esq. Perth. H. Wiutmars.ii, Esq. Richmond* J. K. Han well, Esq. Bustard E. Webster, Esq. Gananoque. J. Rauken, Esq. Bath. Allan McPhcrbon, Esq. Napanee. Thomas Parker, Esq. BelfvitU. Joseph A. Kfeler, Esq. Cramah? James G. Reihune, Esq. Hamilton. John D. Smith, Esq. Port Hope. William Allan, Esq. York. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittoria. John Crooks, Esq. Niagara. T. McCormick, Esq. Quvenston. Jobu Wilson, Esq. Amherstburgh. . 1 KINGSTON, U. C. PRINT!-:J) FOR THE EDITORS.

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