Kingston Chronicle, July 21, 1820, p. 4

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Copy from tlic catalogue kept a: the Inn of Paikhunst Whitney at the Niaga¬ ra Falls. May, 6th. 182C. Dr. JoJin Howison, U. C. vifitcd the Falls and tnvorsed the romantic recesses of Goat Lland—beautiful weather, and the luxuriant verdure of an early spring, con¬ spired to abllractthe mind from every tiling painful, and to render it serene as the di¬ vine atmosphere of happy Canada. The hon. Augustus Porter deserves the thank- of all persons of taste. The bridge which Julius Cscar made. When P ni s9 stream bis marchconSn'd A ftructure and a f-»rm displayed Which were admired by a!l mankind. But Porter well may claim the bays This work bestow'd on Csc^ars brow, And Crssar's merit, Carers praise, In truth bi-longs to Pouer now. For by his genius he has won A victory obtained by few ; His glory lies in having done What others scarce dar'd hope to do. Thanks Porter, thanks, for all 1 see, For all thy wopdrou* bridge has shown ; Nature applauds to >— for by thee Her noblelt scene has been made known. C. Argus* j. H, SVJ AGRICULTURAL. From the Code of /gricviturs, by Sir John Sinclair, Bart. Harvesting Com when cm down, Is usually put in¬ to (heaves and shock (provfn ially stooh), or tw.. rows of five or six flieavefl c<ich, with two mi»re spread open on the top, for protection a^ainil rain, called the hooding* In wet lesions* the crop is frequently put int > fmall (lark* in the field, where it re¬ mains till it be fit to be removed to the fta k-yard. The expense, when the work is properly condn&ed is not confiderable. By making the (lack in the centre of the fpacc from which the corn is to be carried, the operation goes on very qnickW: In one day, in the precarious harveft of X81-61 Sn eminent farmer in Eaft Lothain. pecur- *d. in this waj, thirty-two ftatute acres, fa Which grass seeds had been fown, at an ex¬ pense of about two (hilling? per acre Nineteen men were employed, of whom twelve were put to carry the corn upon liand-barrows to the ftack. three to build, three to f >ik, and one to dress the (lack?, and to rake up the loofe com. The ground was fo wet at the time, that had carts and horfei been put upon it, the young grass would have been deftroyed. When corn is sufficiently dry, it is car- ried, either into a barn, or flacked in a yard, adjoining to the farm offices. The latter plan is preferable, on various ac¬ counts. 1. The grain and draw, if put into a batn, muft be much drier than is tieceflary for the largeft ricks, and confe- qnently. mult be longer expofed to the vi- ciffitndef of the weather. 2. In barns, the grain is. peculiarly liable to the depre¬ dations of vermin. 3. Corn in the (haw, keeps much better in the open air, than in clofe barns. 4. The expense of conllrutV lag, and keeping thefe buildings in repair, is very confiderable. The old practice, of (lacking -orn on the ground, in the yard, even though bottomed tffvvhhAotfaiyUtfM»] vravlii^thy •.sceoiiou- ( ahfc ; part of the grain being apt to im¬ bibe moifture, and the whole bring liable to the depredations of vermin : but now, c^rn might b' preferved in the open air, either in com ftand^bnilt of ft >ne or buck, or upon pillars, made of (lone or caft iron, tvi bout receiving the flighted damage. Where caft iron is acceflilve. that mate- ial isio He preferred, as no vgicBin can get op fo flipper? a furface. Seven 01 nine pil- la- ru caft iron, are fufficient for a com- Tnon fized (lack or rick, the expenfe of which, will not exceed from forty to fixty flailing?, according to the price of iron. The frame of coaife wood, on which the corn to laid, ufually eofts from eight or ten, to Thirty or forty (hillings more. The wljole amount is often repaid by the fav- jng of the firft year. There i< a practice in Scotland, of us¬ ing what ic called bosses, which, when join¬ ed to caft iron pillars, has brought the flacking of corn to great perfection. They are thus formed. \ triangle is firft ereft cd in the middle of the frame which forms a boss or hollow, about three feet wide ; —a few fpars of fir are nailed nccross the boss, fo clofe, a* to preferve the (heaves from falling into it ; but when thefe can¬ not be got, a lliaw rope is commonly ufed in their (lead After the builder has reach¬ ed the top of the boss, he places on it a sack fil'ed with ft:aw which,-when he builds round it, he pulls up, until he reaches the top of the ftack. By thefe means, crops of wheat, barley, or oats, can be harvefted in half the ufnal time, and be preferved in much better condition. It may be proper to add, that, in very bad harvelis, by means of the invention of bof- fss, one row of (heaves of corn, may be put on the ftack*, " from the sickle," (.placing the heads of the (heaves to the centre) and ro*y th'Js be effeAually secured—a great ^bje&'in a wet climate. The barvelling of beau*, being often at¬ tended with peculiar difficulties, the im provtnents which have been made in that opt ration, defcrve to be more fully describ¬ ed Aftrr they arc cut down, put in fmall [heaves not exceeding from six to eight inches in diameter th y ought robe . nrttcdhtely co'iv-y..1, if intended to be M J *;*cdby a crop of wheat, to dry in another held, x'or the fcafon of fowihg may b£o- therwife loft. The additional trouble and expenfe of their removal, is amply compen- Ltcd, by the difference in value, between a crop of wheat, and that of any other grain. Beans, on this plan, if put in an airy filtration, will be fuJficiently dry to be (lacked on cad-iron pillars, with bosses, in feven or eight days, according to the ftate in which they were cut, and of the wea¬ ther ; but frequently in half the ufual time in which they would be fit for (tacking, if left on the foil where they were raifed. By the operations above detailed, namely, the cutting off the tops ot beans;—reap¬ ing them early ;—conveying them "to ano¬ ther field to dry;—HTid (lacking them on can-iron pillar*, with boflVs, the harvefling of beans is confiderably accelerated, while more time is given to prepare the foil, and the wheat may be fown earlier in the lea- f m ;—advantages "of no common mag¬ nitude. Corn (lacks arc, in fomc diftricts, btsflt in an oblong, inllead of a round form ; but though thde oblong conductions, require less time and labour, and fewer covering materials than the others, yet they are ob- j<cted 10, as interrupting the free circula¬ tion of the air in the corn-yard—being more liable to injury En damp weather,— and, unices carefully placed, more apt to be overturned by wind, than thofe of a round conftruflion. Before concluding this fubjeft, it fa pro¬ per flrongly to inculcate the neceffity, of unceafing activity at that critical period when the labours of harveft are going on. Some husbandmen have rarely, it ever, any fpoilcd grain in their pnfieflion ; while others from their negligence, arc fclclom without it. A difpofition to trifle or pro craltina^e and to rely on t> c continuance of good weather, is quite unbecoming the the charader of an induftrioos and intrlli gent husba«idman ; and there cannot be a better criterion, to judge of" the agrieultu ral iskiil and spirit of .u-.y particular dillrict, or t ie management of thole who cultivate it, than to a ("certain how the bufiincas of the harvell is profecuted. From (he Poughlecpsu Herald, June 2$/h. Astonifiiing profits from ten Apple Trees. Mr. Joieph Waddle, of the town of Waftington, Duchess county, has fold at the New York arket, during the lall six week-*, the produce of ten apple tr^-« for the alraoft incredible fum of three hundred and fixty-nine dollars—they were of the fpecies called Summer UufTts ; the quan¬ tity 50 barrels—the fales were as follow-; : f H trip 6 bbls. 4C' dollars 2d do. 6 do. 36 do. 3d do. x r do. 77 lJo- 4th do. 12 do. y6 do. 5th do. 15 iK 120 do. 50 bbls. Freight 2S per bbl. 369 dollars !2 50 Clear gain, $$$$ 5° . These apples grew 6n ten tices which altogether occupy less than one quarter of an acre of ground.—When the apples were firft gathered lad fall, they filled 53 barrels and on being picked over this fpring, preparatory to fending them to market, they were reduced to 50 barrels. One of the Gtfe(fr»* Waddills informed us that at leall one half of thefe apples grew on three of the ten trees. One tree pro¬ duced about ten barrels, which at the ave¬ nge price of the whole 50 barrels, would avm.untto seventy one dollars and thirty cents, nfter piwimj freight. POR SALE, OR TO LET, N long Credit, that ELEGANT _ fWOSTORYSTONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Main Street, in Brockviile, the lower part of which is well adapted for a Grocery Store or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished, and adapted for a Public House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Yard, Shed, Stabling, with out houses, and in the rear a icrv ex¬ tensive Garden, in a high (tare of cultiva tion, with a well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber. JAMES KALL. Brochvilky 2gtl?t 1820. 27 4 • LETTERS remaining: fo the Post Of¬ fice at Bath, the Mil Jali), 1820. Oeor«»e F. Allen, Jacob Acker, John Ancleison, John Birtes, Nathan Briscoe, Duncan Bell, Gapt. John Btarfc, Nicholas n<><rarf4 \hraham Barker, John BHl, Joseph Hnr'ey, Lj man T. Barrett* Henry BOvrji, J a coll '. ronk, Uaae Cote, James Cummins, I'roil prick Crayion, Rcujamin i^?i\i<, A'uaham DewiM, P/ier Daley, David Edgar, John Fralick, Joseph Koiso, Chriviophor Fralick, \y^\n^ Fi-k, D.ivirl li. Fiink, Jurnea FcrguMin. WilTiain Gannon £, John (tnr<linccr, .folm Gordon, Andrew Grorgc, Jnuie* Wilson,2 Mrs. Mnrcar^i llmno, lJucktev VVfttefs, Philip Harhran, 2 Praiien. Warner, Philip Maich, Si< plfn \ onng, >acob IIan man, Jacob Vonker, i:.<h'.ard ilmke. ' -JA ME? RANKED fastXmibPi George 1 io>c, Ai'.jrv.r Kennedy, .lo-huii Keller, John L»dd, :l Satauel Lew *^. Bernard Lewis, John Lake, William Millard, John Md'ajr^art, Thomas Mc Bride, Duncan McCir^or Mr. fttcCsunntofl, \.r\\ is Munc-k, George McGuire, Robeil MeMullaa, Jamrn MrKTm, Donald McPhei\2 JI*.!U-Imii>:mi Nichulron, Wiilitim Prime, John iioiiti:>oii, Fori or iMce, MaithoM Saul, Mr. Sroi \ Baj Qitauty, John ^tirith, J'arkor Staiih, Jim. Jusepll Tlunip^on, LIrV>itr'i,uppeK, W.n. Van Knughnett, Arrni Van Dyck, Alar;;:in-t \ ail Drck, NOTICE. AN Assignment bearing date at Mon¬ treal, Lower Canada, in Aui»uft, 1S17, having been granted by Messrs. Robert Armour, and George Davits, late of Montreal, Merchants and Copartners, under the firm of Robert Armour and Davies to and in favour of the undersign¬ ed, and the late Richard Pattinson de¬ ceased, of all their Estates real and per¬ sonal, moveable and immoveable as well belonging to them individually as such Copartners, also all and every their rights, claims and pretentions as well in the Es¬ tate of Robert Armour and Davies, as fn the Estates of Hendetson, Armour, and Co. heretofore carry;Vg on trade at the City of Montreal, anJ William Hender¬ son and Co. heretofo e of the Cftv of Chibec, in trull for tfv benefit of the Cre¬ ditors of then the s?-^d Robert Armour and George Davies. *ho become parties or accede to the sa;. assignment. All persons indebted to to" said late firms of Robert Armou. 3fid P&vjes, Henderson, Armour and Co , and Wiilnm Henderson and Co. or to either f the part ea who composed them, are hereby required to make immediate pary.r<.nt of their respec¬ tive ccbts to cither W the underllgned Trustees, or to their Attorney duly au- thoricedj and fur'her ^otice is hereby gi¬ ven that in default of mmediate payment, legal recourse will bi bad to obtain the same. FRED. \V. F.RMAT1NGER, G. MOFFAfT Surviving Trustees to the Estafc of Robert Armour ON SALE. IT A>JDED from the Alexander from .11 A London, 20 pipes of fuperior Spanifh red Port Wine, of the very firft quality ; 100 caflc^ of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; too cailcs of Nails, 6d. to 28d —Fry Pans, Sad Irons, patent Scyths. Carpeting, bot¬ tled Port Wine, Lalt India Suga, and feveral other articles—all of which will be BENJn. hart. Montreal.21ft June, 1820 New Store, Recollet Street, near near the Recollet Church. 26013 Valuable Lands for sale in the - Taws/iip of Hamilton. ' 28 w5 and Davies. ADVERTISEMENT." T5HE Subccriber h*$ |"fl received from LONDON, ten v*lr bt-ft FRENCH M1XX STONES, 4 feet diameter, and jo^ bed pibltcd FRgHl'U BUlUu;, to make Mill Stones. /V/n 48 Puncheons line flavoured old Jamaca Spirits; with a general assortment of DRY GOODS. NAILS, &e. &c. which will be SOI D 'n reasonable terms, at \w Store, No. 67 St. Paul Street Montreal. JIIDAH JOSEPH. Montreal, \othJuly, 1820. 2SW4 For Sale or to Let, Al TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a Q/jL large and commodious Hone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchai\.ror lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kingfion, 26th February, 1819. 9 f jjTlHE fubferfber takes tliis opportunity JL to inform Medical Practitioners and Apothecaries, that he has imported from Great Britain a general afloiiment of DRUGS, which he is felling wholcfale at very reafonab'c prices. Jje has ajfo received a f.w fcts of Apo¬ thecaries' Scales and Weights ; Pcilles and Mortars ; Graduated Mealures ; Lancets in Cafes ; iloufe and Diftillers Thermo* meters ; Barometers and i hermometers attached ; A few doxen Bottles of real Cheltenham Salts, Soda Powders, and Es¬ sence of Spruce. A. MARSHALL, Member of the College ofSurgeons,London, N. B Briiifl) Patent Medicines, and Perfumeries (if every defcription imported Kingfton, July 4th 1820. 27W4 LAM)' AGENCY. LOTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- cefiion. containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto II and 15 in the 4th Con- ceflion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto io, in the 6th Conceflion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lyin^ {n the Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcaftlc Dirtrid, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Eliaf Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingfton. Thomas S- Whitaker. Kfngfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf ~FOR SALE, AT a very low price for Cash —the south or front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at tliis Office. Dec. 7, 181!). 50 BRiCK FOR SALE TH'". Snb"or!l)cr will have rrady for s:ile early in tiie nionlli of July- any qinntitv of lirir!;. of a voiv (j«\od quality. SMITH CAIITLET. Kiv.£ ten, Junr, l6flBzO, 2 7 A Consignment UNSEED OIL, for ia!e at (he Store of Ksselsfvn and Ainsworth Cape Fluent, ja!v,Q/j 1820. Stars Government l<]mpl<>ijmait, at Kings!on, U. C. TIIE Contrai3or< for Building a Store Houfe, in Jlis Majesty's Nnval Yard at this place having failed to perform the Contract. Notice is hereby given that M\SONS STONE-CUTTERS, and QUARRY- MEN, are required to complete the Kuild- iag, and that they will bt employed, and paid by the Officers of this Yard. Only the belt of work men need make application- EDWARD LAMS, Naval Store-kccper. KavyTard, fth July, 1820. 23tf NEW GOOD&" f I iflK ^^"^' 'vo Vrat-i to tii1-arm .1 his friend*; and »he public, that h* has jnst rerfliv^d ;» choice nssortment of DRY GOODS; amtoug uhui, are t\w fbllowin^. Wc-r of England Bupcrltne and com¬ mon Cloths, Cassimorj;, HannrK, Dom- hazettcs, Bomhazceivs, Iri^h Poplins., Girt&barns, Rtripi? Coffon, Coifon Shirf- in^. Tnoia Cotton, Irish Linen, Turkr\ ^fripp. Checks, Chin^ FurnUurpf Cili- rops. Long Lawn Cnrobrias, Muslins% Corduroy, Fostinos, .Vnnkrros, S-4 Di¬ nners, Canton Crnpt* Dresses, Canton Crapo Shawls and Scarfs. SpiffIcfu-ld Silk Bindannas, Indin do. Si.k Romals, Clack Silk Handkerchiefs Cot Ion Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Unsiery, Cloves, Ribbons, Throad L»c<^, Bobbinnetl, Tapes, Bobbins, Tbrcad, Buttons, &c. fee. ALSO, A very hands^mr selection of Millinery, Fanry Dress CapsandTtirhans, Morn infij Walking Dresses, Muslin Rnh^s, !v:ibrr»idcrcd In<!ia Book and Lcno Dr-^srs, Frills, and half Handkerchiefs, best Sfavs; — whidi he will ^ell very low, at Ids Store, opposite the Kington IVIe- diciual l.aheM'.ttorv. Riiie-Strpptt ARCniRALD M.DOXELL. Kingston* July l I. 1820. 28tf g 11 hakt; Book-Hinder, and frfationrr, TJ ESPECTPVlrLf informs the In- OLhnbitants of Kingfton, and it's Vici¬ nity, that he has commenced the above Business, next door to Mr. Moore's Cof- fic-1 loose in Store Street. N. B. Account-Books ruled to any pattern. Kingston, llth Ju!yy I 820. 28*04 nrillE fublcribcr* for many years the Jl Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honoarjble Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome lime paft occasionally adled as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing religucd the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now tian-;att Land bufinefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. Tori; \Uh May, 1820. 20 JOIiy MARTIN, C-: II JTp EGS leave to inform his friends 'uSlJJlp and the public generally, he has opened a House of Public Futor- tainmeut near Fort Ilcnrv, under the sign of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call, to merit a share of public patronage. He will always have on hand all kinds of Liquors of the best quality. Kingston^ 14th January^ 1S20. N. B. Good Stabling for Horses. 2tf ____________ -----------"—^* Land to be cleared. ANY person willing to undertake to perform the settlement duties on a Mart of ex ellent Land ift the District of "RettCi*fltli ,and to take part 01 the Laud in payment lor his labour, will have an opportunity of making a good bargain on applying at the. office of this paper. Kingston, '27th April, 1820. 17 FOK SALE, A QUANTITY of KED CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to 8 feet in length*—Apply to Mr. John Dawson, Tailor. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, ji/Ijj 17, 1819. 30 PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeu¬ ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at fu3 houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little dt-lay as poffible* JOHN FERGUSON. I 2th April, 1819. 16 IVA7Fell EH and CLOCKS Repaired, in the best manner, bif S. O. TAZEWELL, [North side of the Market Place,Kingston,! WHO mod refpeftfully informs the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefs, and hopes, by paying Hrift at¬ tention to bnfinefa, to give the utmoft fat- ir,fa&n:n to all thofe who may plcafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfctftly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapements, Repeaters, Sec. &c. Kingston, May 13th* 1820. 20tf m_u_______,jw^^ -----m 1 _ - - ■ .-------------------------------------r For Sale, A SMALL colleftion of books juft received from New-York, amongft which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, O'Meara's Memoirs of Napoleon—the Spectator,—alfc Greek Lexicons and grammars, Lempricre's rlaflical Di&ion- aiy, and a variety of other School Books. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Compafs of the moft approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingfton, May 12th, 1820. 19 Doctor Boi/d, HAS removed to the houfe formerly occupied by the late Do&or Kea¬ ting. May 16, :82a. 23 One Hundred Dollars Reward TOLEN, -about four weeks ago, from a room in Mr. Warden's Inn, a Trunk three f ct long, and two feet wide, covered with a fawn ficin Whoev¬ er wi.l deliver the faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office or give information to the Editors, fufficient to difcover and convift the thief, fhall receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETTE. Kingfton, 7th June, 1820. 23tf * WILLIAM BUDDEN, ^f"ST/"lLL receive by the earlielt fpring H vefleb, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an afTortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ift April, 1819. I4tf Notice. FOR Sale, feveral Acre and two ti^cdiut* on loc *taui Street,1 being an exttnfion of Store-Street, application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the Subfcriber, who will ^ive information to perfons defiling to pur- chafe. JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingfton, March 8, 1820. 10 tf TERMS of TICB KINGSTON CHRONICLE. \ K^THEREAS my mU Permelia, has V t eloped fiom my bed and b'^ard, without any jnft or lawful provocation, therefore I any pcxeon or persons again ft harbanrlnfj or truftinjj her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. ::w3 GEORGE THOMSON, NOTICE. ALL perfons are hereby cautioned a- galnft purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to James He- nefy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820. —one for twenty five pounds, payable the ift January 1821—one for £\z 10, pay¬ able i(t January, 1 822 —one for £\ 2 10 payable ift Janiary 1823—one for £12 10s. payable ift January 1824—and one for^i2 10 payable ift January 1825— the four lalt bearing intereft—as the faid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid James lienefy to the fubferiber, and for which he can give no legal title, JOS IT I SHEARMAN. Ecllville, 26th May, 1820. 22 BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this Oflice, Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four $inlUng<. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to ibe 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu- PRICE OF ADTERTISEMENTS. (O/A" In*** and under 2s. 6tf. first in~ O) serttOTti and 7\d. each subsequent insertion: 10 lines and under, 3s. 4d. first Insertion, and IQd. each subsequent Insertion : above ten tines, 4//. per tine for the first insertion, undid, per line for evert/ subsequent insertion. Advertisements zrithout written direc* ti insure inserted till forbid, andcharged accordingly. Ordtrs for discontinuing Advert he ments tv be in writing, and delivered bit WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN o'Clocl: on the day of pub lie at ion. A OF. NTS. Henry Cow an. Esq. Quebec. Edward Sills. F.sq. There Riocrs. James William*, Esq. Montreal. Mcfesr*. J. & JJ Duniop, Lancaster Paul Glassforil, Esq. Mtilltda. Alplicus Joim-s. Esq. Prescott. Henry Jones, Esq. Brockuitle. N. I J." Tom mas Esq. Perth. }|, Whifmarsh, Esq. Richmond* J. K. Harlwrll. Esq. Bastard. E. Webster, Esq. Ganano$uo. J. Ran ken, Esq. Bath. Allan UcPberso»*B«fl. ffapamt. Thomas Parker, Esq. BetlvUto. Joseph A. Keder, Esq. Cramahe. James G. Coihnne, Esq. Hamilton. John D. Smith, Esq. Port Hope. William Allan, Esq. York. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittoria. John Crooks. Esq. Niagara. T. McCormick, Esq. Queemten. John Wil-on, E»q. Amhtrstburgh. KINGSTON, U G. PRINTED tvii riiii BlUTOJW.

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