Kingston Chronicle, July 21, 1820, p. 3

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fcrvcd him. Fortunately a Brig, fleering down the river, having landed her pilot at Father Point,came near enough tp preceive Lyvoies disftreffing fituation, and took him on boaid. He was off Grand Mitts when picked up, having drifted about six league*, and bad been 27 hours in the water. On co¬ ining on beard, he was unable to (land or see ; but the humane treatment he received soon restore:) him fo far, that he fclc com¬ petent to take charge of a fhip coming up, (tht Lark, C'eet, master :) but on coming opposite his houfe, he was fo weak that it was thought expedient inland him, to the Tery creat joy of hi? family, who fupposed hirn loft. Rof» had afforded ^fHilance to XIU Ma¬ jesty's Ship Newcastle, while afliorc, and • Ae commander had given him -£$ \os. which, together mih every thing in the boat, was loft. He has left a widow and family to lament his lofs. The Boy lived at Father Point, and was a promicing youth. Queukc. July 8.<t, 18-20. LUMlilill i'lt.UJj:. The meeting of m^-whanta wr.sihisd.'iy held at the &\cbttft£& tVfifec House, cc for the purpose of taking into con-dde- ration the alarming iutelli^rnce lately received, concerning the proposed alte- ration in the rate of duties an timber/* Upon Mr. Hamilton ligjng called to the Chair, the lion. Mr. Caldwell ad¬ dressed the meeting, li j expatiated ful¬ ly and satisfactorily upon the nere^sifv and object of the n:eeiing; and the fears which occasioned it. lie read a paragraph from Mr. Robin¬ son's speech, in flic t>o ise of commons at heme ; h\ which th« measure appear¬ ed to gain some sanction from govern¬ ment. It had originated with Mr. Ba¬ ring.—A measure, ht* Haiti, not likely to benefit the British (■ovi-runUMit ; ai d fraught with the utmost and direful ruin to these Provinces : to prevent which, it was our duty to make the firmest stand, and the strongest nppeal. If success did not crown our end; nvouis, though mise¬ ry with all its train ensued, still ue frhoulfl not hare to reproach ourselves v,ith s&- pinenes^ Ouf iitti'f&ta, he said, .«ere .... 1.....' j 1 •. . • • f tiiC interests oi the morh. 1 eonnlry, not to have its duo share vf at (r niton. The Canadas, hitherto pr<,-pci-«it(4 and loyal were not to be ruined by any iil-ti.ued restraint upon out Trade ; 01 prejudicial encouragement erf foreign commerce ; equally fatal to the prosperity of these Provinces, and to the revenue at large. Indeed, he doubted whether the present dangerous object could btt earned into effect, without some infallible specific being administered to Mr. Van?htartfor the falling off io the revenue, which such a step would occasion. If ike increase of the reyenue were alone the object in contemplation, he, for one, had no objec¬ tion against a small and reasonable tax upon our timber ; but, at the same time, it must be recollected that, whatever tax it was proposed to burthen this country with, the same tax must be imposed in addition to the tax now hi id on Foreign timber—else the object would be only an oppression upon the colonial Lumber Trade, which was. bv the circumstances of nature alone in this country, too much impeded already. Mr. C. took a luminous view 01 the en¬ couragement afforded to marine naviga¬ tors ; of (he uumberof baudsand amount of capita!, employed; and deprecated, in the milde-t yet most sensible terms, the ruin and desolefinu stich a measure would promote. If, c;;i:! h^ the propo¬ sed measure was effected, we should have to monm over deserted establishments and dilapidated FrtMJy, in which energy a-vi capital hz& j»"h «o liberally employ¬ ed* upon the implied honor and confi¬ dence in the wisdom and pr'dencoof the Parliament at Eto**i& Mr. C fionciuded s. very fair, candid, and sensible state¬ ment of the intere-ts of the Colony, anil the dangers like to ensue, by reading a well drawn Memorial to the British Par¬ liament ; which, he propped should be presented by Counsel Bttfoe Bur of the House of IVlr. C. finished a very able address by n.ovi:s»* for the ap¬ pointment of a committee of five persons, to revise and add any filing farther * hicli might occur to them as necessary to fur¬ ther the object of the mfcetmg. This was unanimously agreed to ; five gentlemen were nominated, and the meeting way adjourned to Thursday next. Severe Storm. On Wednefday laft, a severe dorm pas* «ed over the dillrict of Miffifiquoi Bay, and about St. Atmand. In the latter place its ravage were particularly felt. We have not'yet heard the extent of the injury, but report says, fevcral trees and fences were levelled by the wind. - The rain fell in torrents, it is calculated that nearly four inches fell in the fpace of a few hours. Mon- Her. Montreal, July 15. We underftand Hia Excellency the Governor in Chief accompanied by the Countess, their two sons, and the Revd Mr.Temple their piivate tutor, alfo Lord Kerr, and Captain Hay, Aid de Camps to His Lordfhip. and tt.eir fiats arrived r.t Willia-T) Henry h the Steam Boat, Lady Sherchro'/k'V <»:i Thursday morning. It i.« faid to he Hi Ex«l,',ncy,$ intention to few* liis family ;•* Wi lliam Henry, and prc.-ecdup the HJser Rih-licu for th< p'Jtpofe 1 f iafp^iKog the putts of Chair M*« St. ] .|.r:'■; ?Pl ! I ..•-* "UX No:>;, tfrer *l-'.u Ur : ' j -;;;-"-. j clUf 2 ly t*K " tf Montreal. Laft V\ cdnefday evening a mectin? of many refpcftable gentlemen was held at the Emigrant Office, for the purpofe of «v««»ng the beft means of aiding emigrants: When it was refolved to form an affiliation intuled The Emigrant Society, of which I. W Clarke E^. t,ep. Com. Gen. was unanimonfly chofen Piefident ; Ro h(T-a^' o°Ur Efq" W^l and Dr. Uir.flie, Secretary. It was refolved that the funds fhould be commenced by the proceeds of an appeal to the feveral con¬ gregations of the Reverend Gentlemen prelent. The death of Meffire Riviere prevented, we learn, the attendance of Mr. liicfaard, on the part of the Seminary; but, it is faid, that pious and learned bo¬ dy intend to co-operate in this Chrirtian work, wuh their usual liberality. Courant. Extract from the " tlistoria Major" of Matt he 13 Parts y Monk ojSt. Albans. A. D. 10S0. Character and Anecdotes of Malcolm9 King of Scotland. As we htve made mention of king Mal¬ colm, I >haII take upon me to show, in few wordsj with what temper and mode¬ ration he was gifted. Having learned from an informer that one of his principal nobles had conspired viihthe enemy for his death, he ordered the accuse 1 to keep silence, and waited quietly till the c*>m* incr of the traitor3 who.happened at the time to be absent. As soon as he appear¬ ed again at court, attended by a nume¬ rous retinuCj to execute his treasonable prupose, the king issued orders to his huntsmen to be ready with their d^s before dawo, and, as soon as the morn¬ ing broke, h* called all Lis nobles and retainers round him for tbe chase. When they reached a certain wide plein, sor- routided by a very (Slick WOf.d like a girdle, he kept the treacherous lord by los side, auJ, while all the rest were ea* gcrly pursuing the game, remained with him alone. '1 hen, when no other per¬ son was in sight, the king stopped shoft, and looking back upon the naitor, wJlO was behind him, said, u ]-••! here an* 1 now, and thou with n»e : wc arc alone— we are equally ar/ried yndequally mount¬ ed ; tliere is ti. bod) that can see or hear if, theieloie, the courage be in thee, if thou bv stout enough and bold enOupl , perform that which thou hast proposed to do* execute lor toy enemies and thy con¬ federates that which thou hast promised. If it be thy mind to slay me, when canst thou do it more fairly—when more pri¬ vately—when manfully ? Hast thou prepared poi>on ? Leave that to women. Dost thou lie in wait for me in my bed ? That an adultrcss might do* Didstthou ordain to lie in ambush and attack me with (he sword ? No man doubts that this is rather the office of an assassin than of a soldier. Come on then! body to body—act the pait of a man and of a warrior, so that thy treason may "t least be without baseiitfSo, although it cannot be without perfidy*'1 When tlv knight heard these trordi9 being struck as by a thunderbolt, he h*i=t*Jj dismo toted from hishor^e, and thlowing a&ide !ii-. weap- | ons. fell at the royal feet, with tvzv$ and trembling. "Fear nothing," said the king,*' for no evil will I do unto thee;*' \ and thereupon, having required of him only a promise of future fealty, to be confirmed by oath, and proper pledges for the same, he returned with him, in pood time, to their companions, and re¬ lated to no man what had been said or done betwixt thetn. Soflex, previous to the falling in of a leafe of a fmaller farm adjc'mng> of the tent of i?8o lately applied fer the leafe of it, of¬ fering .£130. The te™9 were accepted, & he had the farm. So>n after the original poffifior applied for3 renewal, and had the mortification to r^ar it was difpofed of ; in vain he pleaded l'iat bis family had been in poffiffion of ft for nearly a century, and that the rents ba^ ncen always regu¬ larly paid ; the new '<-'afe was fi*>ued, and could not be cancelled : however, his Lordfliip told the m*» to call in a few days, and he woulJ think of accom¬ modating him ; this he did, and was then informed, that, wjifgc kind of rccompcvfc for having loft his filrfl farm, if he choic, he might have the U*fe of the large one, which was nearly <xpired. This offer appeared of a mag'itude which at firfl ftaygered the applicf^t, till he was further told that whatever rrPney he might be in want of, as necefiary to fo extenfive an undeneking, he flioeld be accommodated with. The bargain was 00 thefe terms acceded to, no douK with gratitude on the part of the tenant and not lefs heart¬ felt fati$fa£tion on tr^t Gf the noble Land¬ lord, who had thus an opportunity the next day of informinj the avariciout fpe- culator,in turr,that tie leafe of his farm was difpofed of, and thtf) to the very m«n he had been fo afiive V deprive of the means of procuring an boflft iubliftence !—Ye Landholders thiougiout the country, go and do likewife ! rather too much to do otherwise. The cos- test was kern. You will, howfever, be better able to judge to what this amounted, when I inform you that Vie Redoes Assistant in the Hi^h School was one of five, who wrote against him, and yet lost the medal fairly, as two thirds of the Members of the Societj gave it in favour of Amos." Yesterday the foundation Stone of the first Presbyterian Church in this town Was laid by Thomas Markland, Esq. Senior Magistrate- Particulars will he given in our next. KINGSTON. Jotv 21, 1820. F V » % • Ingenious Device. A young Gentleman from one of the Univerfities, on paying a vifit to a Lady, a relation of his, in the country, found her in greet affliction, for the lofs of a ring of confiderable value. She was certain that fome of the fervants mud have got i;, but (he knew not againfi whom the accufation fhculd be directed. The young gentleman, on hearing the circura- ftances, undertook the recovery of it, provided the lady would humour the ilratagern he propofed to make ufe of; (he readily confente". At dinner,, there¬ fore, the convtifation turning upon the lofs, the fcholar boarted fo much of his /ici',1 in the black art, that fhe, as they had previoufly agreed, defircd him to exert it for the detection of the perfon who had Aolen her ring. He prornifed to make the bell exertion ofhis powers, and after dinner proceeded to bufirrefs. lie ordered awhiLe cock to be procured, fno other colour would do) and a kettle to be placed on a table in the hall ; the cock, he told them, was to be put under the kettle, adding, that all the ftrvant% one after another, were to touch it, and that as the guilty perfon laid his hand upon it, the cock would crow three times. Every thing being thus prepared with the greated folcmnity, the young gentleman opened the fcene. The hall was darkened, and the proceflinn began.— As foon as they had each of them declared that they had fulfilled the dircftions given, and touched the cock, the li^ht was reftore^i arid the gentleman examined the hands of them all; he found all frr.utted except thofe of one fervant, who had taken care not to touch the kettle, and was beginning to hug himlelf for having outwitted the conjuror, who fixing upon 1 In* circ-.imiVi.nce, chi.rged hi-n cloiclv with the rubbery ; 53 h- could not deny it. he Fcil down upon his knees and i.uud paidwiofhia mitirefti which flic , *?.f:;ed npoo the reR/vation oi her rxag- . Gcor$\?a\ Anecdote &x\ rr>-:!"T't f< rmcr, :cnan! of fe noble Lord (G=u;0 vvho tx* -ed nc Jy ;i tbrt.% "nd 3 yv- ?c ".'■'•: ?'*-:<- f c i^tlfif -•'« Our KetvTorfc pajers received this week furnish w. with little ltuo foreign news of iui- porttme^ London bites arc to $8&$ and trreentftck U the fiffiib May. GEKERAL KLMCTIOX r:r;.'i! r rue . \x:ial r/.i:i-iAM>:.<T. Ti.e KU-cii in for the County o£ Glcngary was heM on the iwh instan', and Ak-xamUr MttcMartin, John Cann run, und Ak-xaudi-r iVtcDtnK-ikJv&quin^, pre,e.iled ihetnsehesas Candidates. Tlxe fuUowing was the state of the Poll. Mondiy, Tuesday. Mb Mt i>nirii, «03 ;»oi Mr, Cairieron, 1S1 -'Ji At m.v. •» rloek on Tuesday evening Mr. Cameron ralired, and Mounts Me>I.uiiu and McDouell v>ee declared duly electeri Th<* Dtmdft&vb ction terminated 011 Friday last, in favour of Peter Shaver, JSfit). John Ciller, Emo. was the nfinoshig Candidate. The Peihbrihe Coi..tyof UarJu«»0 was opened \u the \ illagt oflefth on the Same duy as at Gleu^ary,and hi tie evening it stood| bur Mr. Morris, 1j(J Mr. Benjamin DcUsle, 3i» On the following morning Rir. Deiislo care up the contest, arid :M: Morris was duly e- leeted.—«• Tin- most/ttigl'tiM friends of this Gentleman did not expect that the election would bo so easily earned, but he was sup¬ ported by the mo\t r^eelable part of the in¬ habitants.—At tile close of the business the e ectors got a chair and carried him on their shouldersrour.d the viSagc, and testified hy every demonstration 01 joy the high opinion they hud of their worth? represenialivp." The election for Le« Is lias ke&n keenly drouted. Tlir follo.wbg i^ ti'.e state of the i ali OU each day. >I. T. ".7. T. F. B. L P.SJherWondEsq, 19J l^S 831 389 435 515 «\hari^ J->!M*s,K5.;. 17.; iSB -'..-j :3-'.» S-5 -5-*i .".: I. -oi m, 172 £50 fi '«) Ste ^>a;J S04 ^ r .1 wrs closed on Saturday at two o'clock, -/;ien IvJf sis. Bherwood and Jones were ded.iredda.}' ^!ec*« rl, V>V oi#<lcrstand that, t]"'ti^h £ve.d exertions Were made hy the iVieiidti of the respective candidates, tbu mos| perfect order and decorum prevailed. The Election for th° County of Stormonl coinnu.!;i ed la:»r Mondiy ; at the close of which day the poll stood as follow;*. ArrfiihaW MacLe^n, Esq. 202 P. Van Ko-iirhnett, Es^, 1J;1 Mr. Adam Dixon, f>6 We understand that i«-|?|jr District of Gore George Hamilton, Ksij. W returned for the f-oinitjofV^eotwr^rtb^AMd Messrs. Phlsholm and Hopkins fi»r (he County of HaUon. M"Psrs.R. Hamilton, W- Korr, J. Clarke. am) w. Uaudall, are said to he (leered lor the four ridingi of Lincoln, in the District oi Ni¬ agara. Hubert Pfichol, Esq. and Mr. Walsh, are returned for the District of London. The Kl.-eliou for the County nt' i'rince Ed¬ ward was closed on Saturday last, when Mr. Paul Peterson, and Mr. James Wilson, were declared duly elected. The following state¬ ment will ?how with what eagerness the con¬ test was maintained arnotig the leading can¬ didates frotw the first opeufng of the Poll on .Monday the loth instant* to its close on Saturday. 31. T. W. T. F. S. James Cotter,Esq. 9U Id I'M 2;JJ £44 2W Jacob German, Kmj. S7 132 I OS ill -17 ii^i James Votings Esq. 83 188 declined. James Wilson, E si p 77 141 I'.n 2-l'J 258 £66 Paul Peterson, lv;«j. 71 136 180 -2;U -">l £66 Eb.Washhnrn, Esq. 30 67 M decliufed. Alex McDonell, i:s.j. -J7 declined. It is perhaps worthy of remark that the Township of Adolphustown has the satisfac¬ tion m see five of her snna returned as Mem¬ bers to the Provincial Messrs. C. & D. Jlagerman, C^ey, Petei>Ofcn, and Ruiia.i.all of whotn tverehorn and brought up within a short distance of^the Court House. ft may not be peuerall} known, e-en in Kingsfou, lhatthe subject of the follow u.^ ex¬ tract, Mr. Amos AnsK-y, Junior, is a native ol Eliis town, he received the wi -,.le of his education under the caiv of Ml John Whitelnw. late teacher of ttw public district School, u:.lil September, lai/. when he ac- compaiiii'd that Gentleman to Scottn*^ and that has for the last eighteen fnoatbuc teen prosecuting his studies at the Univei/sit\ pf Edii/ourgh- En:NB'Jnc»n, April 20th- 1|820. EXTRACT.—" Amos Ansley l;nr.. i.epn equally successful in his Studfes ih.;s sea¬ son as last.—Though he attend* d a gr&a* xna- ny classes, he has gota first rate charuct^ffrorn t!a» Professors in every one nf tn. ;n. [r, (jle Matne'ijuiic* ho. carried the first h".lf0j- j;a, 3d oriye , ar*d he mi/ht barejjot the firsj if he nad not contended to get prises in :c,0 tlKV ny uther classes. 5 warned him <•: 'hn(Ji iux his ntnbitino and enthusiasm ^ot so hi..,. .;i;tl l\fi C01 }d not Net bounds tC them- II:.. :<jso rarticd the Silver Medal in the A;;^r>uljr Sofivty. for the lest Essay p;m.--... .^^ | wasm^ch against hjawi.un^ ti:s, . 0 ^dt\ It h underftood that the whole of the valuable Tract lately purchafed from the Mohawks, in the Bay of Quinty, (with the exception of the lots bounding on the Road), will be fold at public auction; the proceeds of the fale to be applied to the endowment of a Royal Invalid Asy- turn, for the benefit of fuch perfons aa have been, or may hereafter Le difabled in the defence of the Province. The cafy teims to the purchaser, (namely, an imereft of fix per cent on the purchafe money to be paid annually in ad¬ vance, the principle being fecured on the land), and the advantages of foil, fitu¬ ation &c. lead us to hope that the benefi¬ cent intention of fuch an ufeful inflitution will be mod effectually advanced by this fale. ^ It is alfo underftood that ao extenfive, and valuable tract in the Long Wood purchafe (London Dilbict), lying be¬ tween the River Thames, and the Great Weftern (load, is to be appropriated to the fame purpofe. Bv a Proclamation,dated the 13th instant, our Provincial Parliament is prorogued to the first day of August hext, -.«* Qwiee, July 11.—Shipping arrived this season, 377. Sevtlers, 708& LfWSf. Andrew Waldrum, Pcfcr $ Lute, Harry W.lton, Jam« Low, William ^__________TIICHMS PARK' R, P. .V. WIIIOKEAS John MeBean has.worn that he is the owner of the whole uf Lot No. 19. East of the Rock in Ma- rysburgh. I hereby give notice that the said oath is false, and that persons who wish to be better informed of the partic- ulars of the same, may be satisfied by ap. plying to Archibold McDonald, Ebq. or Daniel Wright, Esq. who both live in the same Township, and are perfectly ac* quainted with the circumstances. AARON CONNOR. Kingston, 19//* Juty, 1820. 29*1* CHARITV SERMON. A Sermon will be preached in aid of the Funds of the Emigrant Society, in St. GhO.'s Church on Sunday next The Service to begin at 11 o'Cloclc. married, ,At Bellvllle, on Monday the 12th inst. by William Boll, Esq.^Mr. Richard Nuce.n-t, lo Mrs. F.Liv.w.tlii Caverlt, relict of the i ite Peter Caverly. Notice t<> Emigrants. TiiE Subscriber having in his pofTcfli onTHRF.E WOODEN CHESTS brought from Lachine. in the Autumn of 1819. liot yet claimed.—The owners are requclted to call for them, prove the pro¬ perty, and p2v the charges thrreon. LAMBERT C. TUCKER. Kingston* J-Jy% 17/A 1820. 29^7 NOTICE. ANY Perfon willing to contract for tha delivery of SIXTEEN TONS of good TWO Til F$ CLO PER HAY, Will send their propofals to Lieut. and Adjutant Samson, joti Reg.—The one half of the Hay to be delivered before the nt December, next, and the other half du¬ ring the enfui:;g winter at Kingtlon, Forts Henry, and Frederick, as may be re- quired. LIST of LETTERS remaining in the Post Ujfive at Bctlville, 5th July, 1820. Adams Dudley G. Montileon, Mr. Bill, Charles O. .McGrau, Owen Bossetr, Austin Marsh, Matbias Bullock, WUHam Masson, Andrew HeesKey. Joseph Mac^uier, Krancis Baker, Samuel McGutr, John Benson, Cornelious McHnbfrson, Allies Bcffley, Comidiou* McGrath, Owen 2 Black, John McLinn, Hugh 2 Harnnm, Leman McTagert, Peter !!outer, Jac<»b McDonnell, Squire Bowermaiic Israel Mabee, Henry H>rnc, Vallmtine McStenart, John Banchoe, Jonathan McGraih, John Cllaniii-v, .Suiuk-i J yniiiiUicC MCdtlDfidi; Campbell, .Macam NcKeaa, Silvester, Coir, lirnjainin Mnrsli, Eritvar4 Clapp, Benjamin McDonokl, Henry, Curtiss John Mernin, Bennet Camrron, Duncan 2 Ma>on, Jane Conger, Wlllsan McDonell William CharbonraiU Tran.cois ilcLean, Dewgnl Chase, Abraham Main, Andrew Crv*dell, Jtobua McMahon, Ov»rn 2 Cahill, Willi;un McAulay, Mr. Chifthulm, Alexander LicMillard, William Cole. John McKibbon, Walker ChOte, Joseph Meyers, Adam II. Cannitr, Mr. Mitchell, Simeon Chadsey, Jam?s MvAulaysMr, Davis, Xicliolus Mar.-ball, Abijah bourbon, Benjamifl >THsh, Oliver DongaU, Lleanor .Sail, Peter l).iriifl.-*in,\V illarJ llcv.Ostrora, Daniel Dafuc, Michael PhUlipa, Jacob baton, Isaac Penwick, Andrew Rmtnoab, John Palford, Joseph Lviitt, John Page, Om er, Faituian. William 2 Peterson, Nicklas Fralirk, Lewis Palmer, Cornelius Fhuiiggrr, Thomas 2 Kally, Phillip Prater,^abeth Kvekman, Tobias 4 Fogosou, 11^7'kiah Richardson, William Fredrick., John Head, Thomas Graliam, Peter Row, Peter Grass, Deharo Kixon, Thomas Gummas John Rickraap, John Goldsmith, Stephen Sibley. David Heorgp, Chat lea Smith, Ilcary Doclor Grutnlias. i i>rnelious Smith, John Hales v'.iihaia Shelicn, Peter Haiikin.-on, Daniel Smith, Syman Heath, Samuel Smart. John unlock, Thomas Sleeper, Jonathan Harvey, Nounan Smith, George I told-worth, Jos, Snider Mathew Howe, Marshals Siickohy Andrew tiering, Mitchel Sheriff, Robert Ilugck, Elizabeth Snyder, Phillip Helm, John Smith, Jane Eleiglh, Phlllph Bprowl, Elliot Hetfou, Michcal Taylor, William 14 Hums. James Turner, Gideon llii.»» li, Jacob Thomson, James Jonstoo, John TomkitB. Stephen Jnnell, James Thorp, Lewis JotttOn, Isaac Tuner, Benjamin Jones, Paul Terrill, Anthony Kcllc^, Silvester, Vance. James Kendall, J. Walney, Daniel Kide.e} , Robert Weston, Thomas Laurence, Stephen Wessrl-, Owen Little,Chri&tepher Wyman, Levi Legg, I'erdinind "White, William Lawsor), Abraham Wickleu, A-lam Loo^/e, David AYdli^ John A superior and general colleflion of DRY GOODS, is now offered to the public and Inhabi¬ tants of Kingfton, imported by the Sub- fcriber this fprin^, pwpofely for this mar¬ ket, and are particularly well adapted for the ufe of private families, his fancy goods being of the richeft and mod, and plain goods all of very fuperfine texture. The Subscriber has taken the Lower Rooms of a New Houfe in the Marlet-place, on the Right hand side, near the Main Guard House, fot the difpolal of his goods, and as his ftay will be only for a few days, he moft earneftly folicits the favor of an ear¬ ly vifit. In his aflbrtment arc a few extra fine draw Bonnets, very fafhionablc and rich, full trimmed DrefTcs, made in London as patterns j a good afibrtment of the beft MILLINERY, Flounces; Infant's Drefles, &c. &c. Thread Laces and F.dgings; French Cam¬ brics, Artificial Wreaths, Flowers, and Coronets; Thread lace drefa Caps, Veils, I and Shawls &c. a few new patterns of full Chintz Furniture Prints, and rich filfe, Fringes to match; Man>eilles Quilts, and Counterpanes, Sheetings; Haberdasher)*, and Ladies Boots and Shoes very fuperior^ ALSO, inenileme09.Drtf*-Coat< aod.PaDtalooa,? Suitouts, Boots and Drcfs Shoes, of the best Loadon make, with many other articles atone regular and low price. HENRY A. TRINDER. Kingston, July 20th, 1820. 2c)tf Notice. TIIE fubferiber begs leave to inforrt* the Ladies and Gentlemen of Kingfton. and the public, generally, that he has taken the houfe lately the refidence of Dr. Richmond, in King ftreet near the Government Houfe, where he has open for infpeftion, a complete afibrtment of Boots and Shoes, LIKEWISE, Girls' and Children's Boots and Shoes ; Black and Coloured Kid Gloves, Gentle¬ men's Drefs Gloves, (Patent) White Mihtaiy Buck and Doe Gloves* Alfo, One Trunk of Body Coals, (black and blue ;) One Case of Water-Proof Beaver Hats ; (English manufacture) Fashionable. The above articles will be fold very lowfl it being the intention of the fubferiber to remain here only two or three weeks. J. JONES. Kingfton, July 17, 1820. 29wi ALL perfons Indebted to the Estate of the late Henry Fowler, of King¬ ston, Tailor, deceafed, either by Note or Book account, are requested to fettle the fame without delay. Application to be made to the Subfcriber, who is duly appointed the administratrix to the faid Estate, ANN FOWLER, Who offers for Sale, the remaining Stock on hand, confisting of fupeifine Cloths, Cafllmeres, Vestings and Trim¬ mings of all kinds. Thefe goods having been fele&ed with great care, are worth I the attention of thofe wanting to purchafe, and to clofe the concern will be fold very low for cash. Kingston, July 20th, 1820. 29W4 Notice. ALL perfon9 are forbid taking a Note of Hand for the fum of Six pounds Seventeen shillings and ten pence, dated the 9thilarcji 1820, on John M. Fralick, Payable on demand to John Clark of Bath, as the fame has been Paid. JOHN M. FRALICK. 291*1 A safe, easy, and cheap cure. A broken winded horfe had been kept in a field where there was not any water except in the bottom of an old lime kilr.„ and had recovered his wind ; the owner ordered a liable (hovel full of quick lime to be renewed every 5 or 6 days, and the water to be poured off, and a bucket of it to be given every day to a ' roken winded coach-horfe, aged 18 years, which had almott a conllant cough—The horfe was fupplied with water thus prepared for about 5 weekfl, ard kept in the ftable.— lie is now perfectly recovered in his wind. and free from a cough.

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