Kingston Chronicle, July 21, 1820, p. 1

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KINGSTON CHRONICLE t VOL. II.] FRIDAY, (jfterkoos) JULY 21, 1S20. [No. 29. THE FRONTENAC I • * Steam Veflcl will ftart from Kingfton For York and Niagara on the ift, nth, and aid day's of each month, and from .Ni¬ agara for Kincfton on i!>« jih, 15th, and 25th day'* of each month with as much punliualtty at the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit of. Kingfton, May 12th, 1R20. 15 THK fubferibet having- rented that CO nmodinus Stone Houfc, th<? pro¬ perty of PeUrOiaut, Efq. and lately occupied by Mr, Dfftucl Drown, propofea keeping a houfc of Public Efotctfmnment, (Sign- vf the Blark Horse) for the accommodation of Strangers, and others who may have the goodaefs to fa¬ vour him wvh a call Jwcry attention will be paid to the eomfinf pnd conveni¬ ence of cuilomcrs, r,od the fmallclt favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERUILL. Kingfton. 5th May, 1820. 19 T for the for the L ET, O A STONE HOUSE, upon the *KBB.jna Mill above the Mrtbetifflt Cha¬ pel, aftery and a kulf lu#b, with Kitehcn and Cellar under. With two fifths of an a- cre% well cnclofrd ; at prefent occupied by Mr. Underbill —• Poikfliwn will be giv¬ en on the irt of May ucxt. For term* apply to Major Corbet*, or William Mitchell, Efq. Km~flou. lufigfN>P,3'J April, 1820, !4t * ^ <v :<*- O *Oo C* *C* *>>"X*^"~<*- ^w>-vy--y> jC^*>- P. & St'iLSHUkY, J {XrfcSr S&rgw* <>/II- 3f.& /V//;cc &-£ *< pevrf, on £ff£e Ontario, ■*> 1« .v. InteMus practising in the vario « v Us V fbv4OT€&C&$f »li^ Profession, at his res-? fiances next door to John McLean.,* ?K«u. Sheriff. ? 4ftfeg«fer, Oct. 07/:, ISIS. 41 y rjpHE fuhferiber begs leave re&e&fbiU JL ly to iuforrn his friends and the pub¬ lic, h general, that he has eftablifiied a PA 1ST SHOP a few rocs footh of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept conftantly all kind? of PAiX IS. prepared ready for the bru(h. Likcwife all kinds of House. &;gn> H'ofrgcn, Sleigh, end Ornamental Painting, done at tb? Ihnrteft notice, topcrlier wi;.h raw and hoibd Oil, which will be di*po- fed of a-i cherro a* car. be procured in thhs tovru, fnr Ca(h only- THEODORE CROCKETT. N. B. Two jrood workmen as journey¬ men Painter*, H-ill find employ, by apply¬ ing to the fahfcribefe Ki*gstQn9 &6 April* 1820- 14//" THE fubferibet $ being July nomina¬ ted Executors to the laft Will and Teiwnent of the late Lawrence Ihtthmrr'* "Efnpirt*. M<wfofl«t. n*nni !l nil jjrrfnns in¬ debted to his eiiute t'> make immediate payment, and thole hsvmsr demands ^ainft the faid cllute to biiuy tiiem fjrwaid with¬ out delay. TORN r.IRP,Y, GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kingftor, 9th Nov. rS 19. 46 viO i iCh. Books of subscription for llic Notice. ME Land Board, Midland District enfujog fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day m each week, at the Court Houfc in the Town of Kingtton, at the hour of 12 o'clock at neon, for the purpofe of receiv- ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned defcription of perlons, vis. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Britifh born fubjefts. All able fcttltrs that have ^cfided in the Diftrift previous to the late war, and pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty ir. its defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance cf the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the date of the location, and the payment of the following fees; eftablHhed by an order in Council of iArh December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants cf 100 acres, .£12 Sterling. On Grants of 200 do. so Payable in three equal inRal&itut«srViz. '1 lie firll on the receipt 1 f the Location ticket ; the fecond on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the p-itcnt. No petition can h** entertained unlcfs accompanied by a written character, Gr a IntisfacTtoTy reafon fluwn for fuch not being produced. By order of the Doarth JAMES mCKALLS, Junr. Clerk. Kin'rHon, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. B. Tv prevent disappointments to perfons applying for lands : it isnece^aiy to ft'^te that the Board has no power to g<ant Lands to the Child ten of U. E< i-oyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flar-k companies during thfl war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch mult make application to i*o k. HT*0 RE&QL&i and immediate pos JjL Bcflioti jriveu, the following I ots of Land, in the 6th Concc.Tion of tde Towr> (hip of Elrft»ley, viz. 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, mod eligibly situated on the North bide of the Rideau Lake, which Forms their southern boundary ; tiK* great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lot*. They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantage1* ar< fuch as to render this a desirable purclnf^ to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply t.> William Mar¬ shall, £»q Perth Settlement, J >hn Ki* by Efq. Kingston, or the lubfcriber, in Wood- houfe, London DifliiCt ROBERT N1CHOL. Nommter 18, 1819. 4';tf and HBWf1 tjrv 4 m\m*i<>»> will be opened at the Director's lloom in the Bz^k of Upper Canada, on the 24th Au$?2il uest% and kept npen each day from the hour often tiil three o'clock, until further notice, KingSon, 27th July, 1819. 3? JOHN KIKCAIO, "F^EGS leave to inform hi., friend JLJfr the public generally, that he has o pened a Houfe of Public Entertainment near W. F- Peafc's Wha; f, in the Village of Riockville, under the Sign of the Brockville Hotel; Where he hopes, by a AmcI attention to th'le who nifty lavonr him w;th a call, to ruciVt a \\h\v iVi toe pii';v",t pirVi pace. Me will always have on hand all kinds of Liquor, of the bell quality. Brochvilie* *funti i8?0. 22W8 N. i>. Good Stabling for Hor¬ ses. KmgstOQ Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fern required -n^y he obtained at the Office for ?*cod Bills, on Mon. 4real«Quebec, B:':ls of Ertchar.^e on Lon- -doo, or for Specie.—No:es alfo will be discocated at thirty, Osty, and ninety days. THOMAS MAKKLAND,* Agent. Kingftotiygd Nov- ;8t_8._________23^ m POJl SALE, A FARM in the front Conrc^ion of the Township of AusnMa, throe and a half milos below i>rocUviI!e\ coil- tainiog 150 acres, about 75 of which i> under improvement. Thera is a brgp two story house on the pivm"^'^, built of square timber and bo--n :!'cd ou^id;*, n frame barn, &e. This farm i.i \\o\\ wor¬ thy the attention of anv pi-rson de'UToa^ of a pleasant Country rcbifh'n('r-,aiid *iii be sold on libr^itil term*, and po-.M'v*ifi:j given immediately. For furim'r pariicu lars apply to A. & W. SlOIMUSSa Cr-. Brochvilte, 19th M^ ISSti 421lf \S rc»eived from Montreal a mod choic** and excellent affortment o ALEXANDER ASHER, Merchant Taylor, H the bell We(l of England fuperfme Cloths and Cassimeres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. Ashe* informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe Cloths, &c. at his eld ftand, where orders will be thanVfully received, and executed on the fhorttft notice, and on the lowed terms foi Gafe< or fhort approved credit. Kingdom Sept. 10, 1819. 37tf BANK CALL. PfflHE Stockholders of the Bank of 1 Uppe" Canada, are hereby required to pay an instalment of ux per cent, or fix dollars on raeh (hare, on or before the Mthof At^uft next. Any ftockholder failing to rrake the faid payment wiil for¬ feit his fha-cs, agreeable to the 2 ill arti¬ cle of allocation of the Ua. k—which is as follows ; — If there (hall be a failure in payment o? any part of the furn or (hares lublcribed l*y any perfon or perfon?, CO- partnerfhip, body politic or corporate, the party (o failing in paying the firll iuftal nurt of tew per centum facctcding the de- of eicht per ctnt-uin herein before required to be made, (hull ufpcdtivtly for- feic the fai.l dip* fit to and for the ■ fe of fhe faid Company, and *.he (lock (hall be f-.ld at public l"i e for the behoof of the conn anv—and i-i cafe of any delay <r failure in 'he payment of the tubleq.cit I nil al men ta- afttr the fir Jl and fecond in- llalraenU, any Stockh. Id r foneoUelig to pay the amount of his t, lha ! For the full ten days of oich neg!c£l. for¬ feit to the ule and benifit of the remain- ing llockholders five per c ntum upon the whole amount of his U. tk pri-vioufly paid hi — ;inl fo tor Cueo peiiOii, an eo centum, making togethci a foiffitnre of ti»": ten per cenlmn for t iiriy days, and If rt the expiration of fi^ry days after fuch irrftalotent (hall have become due, it dull be unpaid, then the whole amount of ilock, to^e'her wi'Ii the whole amount paid <»n the &.mc fhiH be foiftiitd to the nfe and beLcfit of the remaining livcklioldera as aforef id, and the Hock to be at the difpo Etl of the di.x&^rs, for the benefit of the f-'id company, * S. BARTI.ET, CafiVer. Kingfton, June 7, 18:0 24 N OT1CE. ALT-perfons indebted eitlier byN»te or Ij.^ok Account, to the eftate of the 'ate Kichard R bilon, Efo. <*ecca!ed, are leque'.lcd to pay the fame without delay; and thofc to whom the jllatc ij indebted will pi eft ni their accounts duly aurhenti cated ftir^djoUrgent, tn Allan MacLcan Ef riire, ont of the Executors to faid es¬ tate. Kingilcn, Ji:ne 5, 1-^0. 2Atf Valuable Lands FOR SALE. N t!ie Midland District, Comity of Prince Edward, & Townfhip of Amelia(burgh. Lot 23, in the front Conceflion, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eaftward of Nicholfon's Ifland. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con- ceffion of laid Townfhip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hon- JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All perfons are cautioned a. gaind cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, as they will certainly fubjrA themfclves to a legal profecution if dcte&ed. Kingfton, March 7, 1820. 10 tf NOTICE. AN assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts belonging to the late firm of "James RanLen iff Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong¬ ing to James Rsnkeu individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against ihe said firm, or a.ainst the said James present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respeftivc accounts to Chr. A. Hagerman, Esq of Kings¬ ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber ;iext. JOHN K1RBY. Kingston^ I st September, 1819. 36 A REWARD OF * Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds WILL be paid by the subscriber, to any perfon who (hall discover and give fuch information as will convift the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft, dole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direction of the Direftors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, igth Nov. 1819. _ 47 A HOUSE, Suspected lo have been stolen. ir the fecond v.ud 'bird ten days \ Perfon calling hin.fclf J. hn Rce=, or wriod, an con.. tOm '" UV< pvi . — * U'-^O >v'->ari»mllv ,,je -«r,, CO, yean of SURGEON BOYD, yTTAVl^Q heard a report that he does 8_i nut attend Patients in t! c i ounrry, begs leave to contiadicl it, and to aflure tlK: public th it he will ho at all time- wil "ing to attend hi-* friend in he Country, as well as in the Town, on moderate Kingfton, June 2, 1820. age, daik corrpUxh n, flat nole, and rather a downcall look, arrived hcie on Sunday laft with a vcrv fine Horfe, which he offer ed f »r fale lb very low that it excited the fulpic ions above mentioned. He was re c gnized, and fuppofed to have Itolen a horfe from Penoni Polly, of Younge, in 1814, and felling him to a Mr. Yeiks, o( liolh.well ; he has been u.ken on Mr. Polly's complaint, and committed to the ccMs (01 fiuther examination. The Horfe h heavy and well made, col¬ our rather light bay, daik mane and tail, n little white on the left hind foot, a lurge white fpot (I think an artificial one) on his forehead, &nd (aid to be 5 or 6 years old. 1 purrhafed the Horfe from him before he was taken into cultody, for ^£JI2 10, and fhall endeavour to keep him for the rightful owner ; any further defcription or information will be given by writing to the fubferiber. H. SPAFFORD. Brockville, June 27th, 1820. Schola Medic I no. Established in Montreal, November 1st, 1819, Bv William AVillcocks Sleigh, M R. C. S. L. Sjc eje 24tf To Clothiers. Tor sa'c, a quanlilv of iJHfc:ss-PAPERR Tko. S. Whtlafcer Ss Cn. jfugust 19, 1 St 9, 34 For sate at this Office, A FEW ropfcw of a ", preached at Quebec, oh \\\o rilh of Septcrobpr, after the death of His Grace thp Hike of RrciiMux:n, by tlio K we rend fi. J.MonntainvA. 15 BbhopV Official in Lower Cumtda? and Hector of Quebec. 41 ~^~ WiSK NOTICE " XI General Meeting of th^ Stockhold- (&/jjL crs cf the Bank of Upper ("ana da, will be held at the Bank on Monday the 17th ot July n-xt, at 12 o'clock, for ;he purpofe of ahe'.Yg and amending fume of the articles of afTocfation. £. BARTLET, CaihJer. Kingfton. June C, 1&2Q. 24 Window Glass. THE fbbscriberfi h.a-c on hand a con, signment of WINDOW GLASS- of 7 1-2 by 8 1-2. 0 by 9, S by 10, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and vvarrat.ted to oven in good order, for We at very low prices for cafliOT fltnit spprov<d credit. THOi- S. WH1TAKEP. kCo- May 17. 2°. NOTICE. A LL perfons i debted to the late Co- x\- partneifhip <->f Richard Rcbhon ana Dav'nl Secordy aierequefted to make im¬ mediate payment xe the fnrviving paitner. Uavid S-coru. and thofe to whom the faid C%-p:ntneifnip WXi be indebted, aie ic que led to fend in their accounts for ad juuT!*-:'. 2vA payment. Kiagfton, 27th May, 1819. <* 20 tf TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSK, near Doftor's, two stones high, with seven rooms z Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, s good yard and stable ; also a wry good Spring near the house.— Fur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston? xth J*ne* 1819. 23 NOTICE. THE Board for Militia Pen¬ sions, will meet on the laft Monday in February, and continue fo to do% the fame day in each Month% until the bufniefs of this Biflricl, as regards the fame is fnijhed. JUilN FERGUSON. Kindlon, Feb. \jl, 1819. ____6 THE fecond courfe in the aoove e»- tahlifhment will commence the firft Monday in September. The Le&ure* during the firft month will be freb to the public—The private courfe wiil commence the firft of October, and continue till the month of May. 1 he courfe will conftitute Left urea on Anatomy, Phyfiulogy, Pathology, Surge¬ ry and the Pradice of I hyfic. Lecture? (during the Public Courfe) on Mondays, Wednefdays and Fridays, at fix o'clock in the evening. P. S Dr. S. will take a few Medical Gentlemen to refide with himfelf—As ev- eiy arrangement (hall be made to render the( ourfe of confutable advantage, thofe Gentlemen who purpofe ftudying in the eftablifhment are requtfted to give early in¬ formation. Anatomical Theatre,! 18, St. Paul Street \ June 22, 1820. 26wio I MONTI-HAL ALMANACKS. For 1820, For Sale at this Office NOTICE. OBERT TURNBULL, from Mir.dn'm, on the fouihern border of Scotland, who i« now fuppofed to be refi ding in fomepait of Upper Canada, is re¬ queued to (end hio addrefs to the Office of the Ivingilon t 'hronicle, for the infor- malign of a relative, who feels intcrefted in his welfare, and {a defiious of correfpon- ding with him. 26 Hibernian Society. IRISH Emigrants who wifti to have then Children placed at fchool in King¬ fton, may apply to any of the members of 1 he Societvi 01 to the Prefident, John Fergufon, Efq —Further particulars will he made known to them by their apply¬ ing to Mr. W . McCunifFe, Treafurcr. Kingfton, June 16, 1820. %6w^ NOTICE. BLANKSt For the Courts of Request, and various n$hct kht(fa4 for sale at this Ojjict:, LETTERS of Adminiftration having been granted to me on the Eftace of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is rcquefted that all who have claims againft that Eftate will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount duef with as little delay as poffible. JAMES RANKEN, Adminflrator\ JJath, a8tb June, 1S20. *6t£ FOR THE KISGSTOX CHRONICLE. LETTER 14. To ROBERT JVJLSII> Esq. Sir, I have arrived at the last section of your dignified appeal, and should have wlUinglj rested the question of theSlave trade oti the decision of Congress last w inter, and been content to drop a word of admiration on the pure morality of ) our Statesmen, which now stands re¬ corded uuder a defiuitionof minutes and degrees of latitude, had not this conclu¬ ding portion of your work exhibited a degree of malignity which surpasses ail that has gone before it. Here it h proper to premise that what¬ ever energy or superiority of intellect was found in the Colonies before their rebellion and separation from Great Britain, belongs nut to you as & nation, but to the Parent State, and all your whining about the infancy and youth of North America is ridiculous and not founded on fact. The Colonies, as to the general progress of knowledge, and ac¬ quaintance with the arts of life, had nei¬ ther infancy nor youth. Whatever was known in Englaud was carried to them tn a itf'w iiiuiiui&: uuuiitig<*u aifeimtfte" be more fallacious than the lamentations repeated, even to nauseoasness, that A- Doerica, being still young, cannot be ex¬ pected to do this or that or the ether. We claim all the Americans of reputa¬ tion before the commencement of the Rebellion, and we most willingly relin¬ quish all right and title to those by whose machinations it was fomented, and whose true histories, if plrced beside Colonel Turnbull's picture, would present one of the most disgusting contrasts that has ever met the eye of the Philosophic en¬ quirer. What discoverieshaveyou made in the Arts and Sciences, except that of applying Geography to the admeasure- meat of morality ? It appears that the Edinburgh Revievr- ers had praised Great Britain for abol¬ ishing the Slave trade. You stoutly de¬ ny that she deserves any credit, for in¬ stead of being the first to annul this ne¬ farious traffic she was behind Denmark and the United States. To prove this extraordinary assertion you quote an act of Congress of 1794, v inch, according to your account, inter¬ dicted this trade to yourCountrymen thir¬ teen years before Great Britain passed ber abolitionlaw. But when the American Act is examined, even by the scanty portioQ which you condescend to furnish, we find (hat instead of abolishing the trade it secures to your country the carrying ol the Slavt* 111 uatite S&ipfe You quote next a law passed in 1798, which prohibits the importation of slaves into the Mississippi territory, a country which had no sea port, and from which you were excluded by water communi¬ cation. In 1800 you threaten (by a law) with punishment any oneof your citizens found serving on board Foreign ships employed in the slave trade, and this not for the purpose of diminishing the traf¬ fic, but that the skilfulness of your Ma¬ riners might be exerted exclusively in your own vessels. In 1803, to please the State of Massachusetts, a law was passed prohibiting the Masters of vessels from bringing Slaves into the Ports of any State u hose laws had forbidden their importation. In March 1807, a law was passed prohibiting the Slave trade gene¬ rally, after the 1st January, 1808, which has been scarcely noticed by your coun¬ trymen, and representations are made even now of the breach of the law by the introduction of slaves immediately from Africa. Besides it evidently appears, from your recent law of March 1819, that no measures whatever had been ta* ken to enforce the abolitionlaw of 1807. It is indeed notorious that this law had no greater effect in checking the Slave trade than your laws agaiust piracy, aud nothing but the firm and even menacing representations of foreign powers forced your attention to eitlier. When to all this we acid the speeches of your leadings men last wititer, and the law passed for extending slavery, we behold the true disposition of your Government on this great question. After giving a dull of distorted aod most disingenuous history of the aboli¬ tion of the Slave trade in England, you quote, in au evil hour, largely from Dr. Thorpe, whose character is well known, aud whose motives for interferingin this [question are too evident to allow hita any credit. You make large extracts from the R41 4

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