Kingston Chronicle, June 16, 1820, p. 4

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,•»'<•- ' * I - * # n 9 9 • • » * » From an JSngtUh Magazine. LIGHT. * One after one. appearing through T! ic blissful $fcv*s etlieriafbtue, TJtestar*, by thi*ir Creator given, Salute ibe earth and light the beaveo. Hiph oVr the mountain's lops afar, Tiiernonti roll* in her silver ear, An;i rivers, underneath her lia.lit. Glide brightly through ibe hours of night Thousands, by sleep's soft power.hate gleams, Of happiness in balmy dream And fancy's dear illusions five Scenes in which love could ever live. Hon- happy those whom rare forsakes, Whom sleep endears whom fancy takes; For such, night sueeiK dies away, /Vud gives tiu* world another <lav. ,-■ ua ju.y AGRICULTURAL. LIME. Halifax* April 15. *J he value of Lime as a manure ma) be summed up in few words. It is one of the four primitive earths which enter in¬ to the composition'of soils : and is neces¬ sary for their proper texture. It eon- slitutes also a very important ingredient in the organs of movt plan(s3 and is gene¬ rally found in then in a chemical analy¬ sis. In its caustic state, that is, when it is newly burned and slaked, it ha? the capacity of decomposing vegetable mat¬ ter, of acting powerfully on all inert sub¬ stances, and changing them into nrqppr aliment for the crop. l5ut even after it has gained its carbo¬ nic and, and passed into a mild state, if* usefulness is neither destroyed nor mate¬ rially diminished : for as a carbonate, it performs hi<;h and essential functions in ihe vegetable croimmy. With safety it may be spread on the surface of grass lands, exposed to the rain, snows, and Jjaa^if^wa^ttrt^-tVfee1 justice d'onc^to their bleeding country. I would rather die like a man than lire like a slave. I am sorry I have not the power, gentle- men, to say more; I shall therefore withdraw." John Thomas Brunt was nest called rapon, and spoke as follows:—" My Lords and Gentlemen. I am precluded ,rom saying much : I had intended to r.ave committed NOTICE. ALL perfon9 are hereby cautioned a- gainfi purchafing certain Notes of hand given by the fubferiber to James He- nefy, bearing date the 29th January, 1S2.0. —one for twenty-five pound*, payable the id January 1821—one for £12 to, pay¬ able 1 ft January, 1822—one forXJi2 10 payable id January 1823—one for £12 10s. payable lft January 1824—and one for^i2 10 payable ifk January 1825*— the four laft bearing intereft—as the faid Notes were given for a lot of land fold bv the faid James llenefy to the fubferiber, and for which he can give no lepal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Bcllville, 26th May, 1820. 22 NOTICE THE Copartncrfliip heretofore cxlfting between the Subfcribcrs, under the firm of McDonald & Aykroyd, is this day diflolved by mutual confent—all perfons having demands againft the faid firm, are requeued to prcfent them for adjuftment to Peter McDonald, and all pcrfons indebted thereto:* are requeued to make immediate payment of the amount of their rcfpcAivi" accounts to the faid Peter McDonald who 1$ duly authorized to receive the lame, and grant difchargee« peter Mcdonald, charles aykroyd. Kingflon, ^pril 20th, \'o2Q. 16 N- B. The bufineffi will be continued as ufual by Peter McDonald. have received from 100 to 250. In No¬ va-Scotia, from the happy contexture of its soil, the latter quantities will in gene¬ ral be sufficient: and it would be dan¬ gerous to venture on the greater, till we become somewhat better acquainted with its use. No person can credit the exu¬ berant fertility it imparts, but those who have witnessed its extraordinary pow¬ ers ; and in point of permanency and duration it possesses a deceive advantage over the putrescent manures. The ver¬ dure of deep green^ the freshness it com¬ municates to the wastes, which have been reclaimed by its agency, have been ob¬ servable at the distance of twenty years: and after once a proper dose has been given, it is fruitless to repeat it but at a long interval. The same observations may justlv be elNVniA'rf ftprikai'fc, marl, pomuhd lime¬ stone, shell marl, or sea sand—all of which are combinations of calcareous earth w'nh carbonic acid, blended with the impurities afforded bv accidental po¬ sition, or by the ingredients of the ad¬ joining strata. . . On the whole, there is just ground to conclude flat, in the use of it, there ex¬ ists uo quackery, nor even very superior skill.—Krery farmer may practice it without hazard, for he has only to avoid an excessive quantity, and he can hardly ere from ignorance in following a few other plain rules. JOHN YOUXO,SecV. Willowpark, April 7th, 1830. FOR SALE, A FARM in the front Concession of JlX- the Township of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brockvilie, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story house on the premises, built of square timber and boarded outside, a fram^barn, See. This farm is well wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant Country residence,and will he sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For furthcrpariicu- lars apply to A. & W. MORRIS ScCo. - lirockviltc, 19th May, 1820. 21tf JOHN C. MORRILL, ^Executive Council Office, Torky xyb Nevada*, 1819. WHEREAS the prcfent LEAS! of the Ferry from the Town o] Kingflon to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel¬ lency The Lieutenant Governor in Conn. cil, That fealcd Propoials for a new Ltnic to be given to the highctt bidder will be received at this Office until the 10th of June, 1820. 49_________JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. Anchors Sf Cables. WILLIAM SUDDEN, ^"STTILL receive by 1 he earlicll fpring * ▼ T veffels, and keep conllantly on Tiand at Quebec, an aflortment of patent proved Chain Cables of t all .sizes, t ANCHORS do. avVell worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. I4tf Jj| Quebec, 1 ft April, 18ig. Notice. T 11 IE Land Board, for for the the Midland District enfuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingflon, at the hour of l 2 o'clock at noon, foi the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned description of pcrlons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates ot being Rritilh born fubjc&s. Ail able fettltts that have refilled in the Diltrift previous to the late war, and pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty in it3 defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance oi the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the <§a*e fifths location and the payment of the following tees; eftablifhed by an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants of 100 acres, ,£12 Sterling. On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal inMalmuUss, viz. The fir ft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecond on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Flat for the patent. No petition can be entertained tudelj accompanied by a written character, or a fatisfa&oty rcafon fliewn for fuch not being produced. By order of the Board. JAMES NICKALLS, Junr. Clerk. Kingflon, Feb. 14th, 182-0. 8 - TO ESPECTFULLY informs his JUL friends and the public, that he has commenced the Boot $■ Shoe-Making Business in the fhop formerly occupied by Daniel Wafhburn, Efq. in King Street, where he intends keeping conftantly on hand a gen¬ eral alibi tment of BOOTS & SHOES. Likewife LEATHER t>F every defcrfp. not) which he wall fell a« low as can be procured in town, for Cafli only. May 11. 19 BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other kinds, for sale at this OJ/icc. KINGSTON TANNERY. Tr UNDERBILL & Co. Refpe^- 3 fully beg leave to inform the Shoe-Makers, Saddlers and leatherfellcrs in general, that they L-vc now fcle&ld from their extenfive affortment of different defcriptions of Leather, and are preparing it ready for Sale, upwards of one TLou- fand fides of Upper Leather, from one to Twenty Thoufand !Ss. of light and ftrong fole Leather, and one hundred and fifty fides of Harnefs do, together with twenty dozen of Calf Skins and a number of Hone hides. Doiand Sheep Skin?, too numerous to infevt, and which can be delivered on the fhorteft notice and leweft terms for Cafrw T. U. flatters hi-felf'Jiat thofc who arc inclined to favour them with their Orders, will find the above articles by far fuperior to any yet effcred For Sale, having already been proved, and acknowledged by the belt judges in this Province. King ft on, November 5, 1S19. 4^ f N. B. To prevent difappointments to perfons applying For lands : it is neceiTary to fUte that the Board has no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flank companies during the war ; Naval or Military claimants, all fuch muft make application to York. " T NOTICE IS hereby given, that I, William Tay¬ lor, as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late Allan Taylor, de- ceafed, have this day afligned all the real and perfonal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest in the concern of Taylor & Pan-icr, and Thomas Parker, unto John Kirby, Alexander Oliphaut Pe- trie and Thomas Parker, as trustees, for the benefit of the creditors. William Taylor, Administrator of the estate of the late Allan Taylor* Kingston, August 28, 1819. 361 f Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fum required may be obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon* treal, Quebec, Bills oi Excluuge on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.—Notes alio will be discounted at thirty, fixtv, and ninety days. THOMAS MAitKLAND, Agent. Kingfton,3d Nov 1818. '3 Isle ofTanti. nnHE following valuable lands, on the JL I fie of Tantr\ for fale—From Lot No- 35, inclu- e, round the fouth fhore, to lot letter C, except letter B. 82,83, 84, and 85, and ail from Mr. Stuart's to the Town Flot. The fecond conceffion, where not granted—the pre¬ ference to be given to thofe who polfefs, and have paid for tluir lots, if fettled for as above mentioned. Mr. Stuart'* No's 23, 24, 2J, 26 and rear half of No. 27. Lots No. 35, 36, 37, 38, and down to 85. inclnfiv:. Letter A,reftrvcd. Lots fold, No. 1, 2, ^. to No. 22 in Front', The above lots will be fold on moderate terms. The foil is rcmarkebly ferule and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture. rSe Situation of the IHand will lliow it h particularly adapted to pafturage. It r.bonnds with filh & wood of almoft every kind, a confiderable proportion of which is oak. F**r further information, application to be made to the underfigned, at Bath — and for undifpntcd t>les to the Hon. Sir John Johnfon, in Lower Canada. L. FARLEY. December 23, 1819. c^tf ALEXANDER ASHER, Merchant Taylor, HAS received from Moutrc.l a moil choice and excellent afTortment of the bell Well of England fuperfine Clot/is and Cassimeres, with Trimmings, and every thing com- * plete. A. Ashfh informs his fiends and the public that he is now working up theie Cloths, &c. at his old Hand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed ©n the fhorteft notice, and on the lowed terms foi Calh, or flrort approved credit. Kingflon, Sept. 10, 1819. 37tf TO BE SOLI), and immediate pos- selfion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Coucefilon of the Town- ihipof Elm.dey, viz. 19,20,22, 24, 29, 30, molt eligibly situated on the North Side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary j the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. They abound in excellent Timber, whichfrom its being contiguous to water communication rr.r.y be rafted to ^'f.^TU^v-.l .t ,1 •;'<![.n; '.-.'), 'ii;e. Tile ona- litvoftlic toil and other advantages are fuch as to reader t!j,3 a desirable purchafe to Farmer.-, or perfoiu engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For tetms of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, Efcq. Perth Settlement, John Kirby, Efq. KtngitoTij or the fubferiber, in Wood- iioufe, London Diflfitit. ROBERT NJCHOL. Novtmbcr 18, iS;o. 47tf TO LE1\ A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, neat _ZjL Doctor KeaLng*3, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a xood yard and stable ; also a very good Spang "car the house-— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, 4/.'!? Ju-~> 1819. 23 A REWARD OF 0 Tzco Hundred md Fifty Pounds "*"M7"ILL be paiJ by the subscriber, to V v any perfou ^ho fhall discover and give fuch informatics as will cor.vift the perfon or perfons ^'ho, on or about the 29th or 30th of June laft, Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Billa of l\w dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direction of i-he Directors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, \gth AW. 1819. 4-; Stolen or Strayed, FROM Mr. Alexander McDonell's, near KingftcM, on the night of the 26th May laft, a ftOUt brown Horfe, four yea 18 old, about fifteen hands high, rather iow in condition, cltf ia"- and has a white fpeck in the oft" eye- Whoever will bring the faid Horfe to M1*- Alexander McDon- cli's aforcfaid, or |t»€ information where he may be found, H>all (if ftolen) receive a reward of Twenty Dollars, (on convic¬ tion of the offend- r or offenders) and if llrayed, fhall be rt -for.Voly rewarded for their trouble. ALEXANDER McDONELL. Kingftju, June «ft| '820. 22tf Land to be cleared. A NYperson wilUngto undertake to J\ perform the settlement duties on a tnitt of excellent I-and in l!ir District of Newcastle, and to take part of the Land in payment for !»is labour, will havi* a\i opportunity ofhiakinga good bargain on applying at the office of tliis paper. Kingston. 27$ April, 1890.. .17 JOHN MARTIN* j/" 11 Tf^ EGS leave toinform his fjimd«: Jv-^-^3 and the public generally, that lie has opened a House of Public Kntei- tainmci l near Fort Jicury, under the 5tgn oi the RrCHMONO HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attcsilion to those who may favour him with a rati, to merit ashareof public paiVt»ua£e. J!<- will always have on hand all kinds of Liquors of the bfibt quality. Kingston, \Uh January I ^10. N. H. Good Stabling for riors<*s. ^f( Valuable Lands for sale in the 7 To w nsh ip of I la nt ill 0 n. 71T OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- II .1 cefilon, containing 400 acres. iJitto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- ceffion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto ic, i:i the 6tli Conceffion, coutaiuine 200 acres. The above Lauds are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, NewcalUe DillriA, a-id will be fold on the molt liberal tcrmi. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kmgftou. Thomas S Whitaker. Kingflon, May 28, 1819. 22lf FOR SALE, T a very low price for C.ish —the sooth or front half of Lot So. [2, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply at this Office. Dec. 7, 1819. 50 Valuable Lands FOR SALE. N the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, & Townfhip of Ameliafburgh. Lot 23, in ihe front Concefiioo, on Lake Ontario, lying to the cafxward of Nicholfon'3 I (land. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con¬ ceffion of faid Townfhip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kfngfton Chronicle, or of the Hon. JAMES BABY, York. N. B. perfons are cautioned a, gaiuft cutting or defltoying the timber oa the above lands, as they will certainly fubjeft themfelves to a legal profecution if (h-u-fled. KIngiton, March 7, 1^20. 10 tf Notice. * ]10R Salej feveral Acre and two Acrelcis on the Nraii» Street, being an ex ten iron of Store-Street, application for price nr*(\ conditions iy( payment to bt made to the Subferibcr, who will give information to perlons defirfng to pur* chafe. JOSFPH MURDOCK. KingHon, March 8, 1820. 10 tf NOTiCE. A FOR SALE, QUANTITY of RED CEDAR HCKETS, from 7 to 8 feet hi length.—-ApiJ!y to Mr. John Dawson, Tailor. "WILLIAM YERCX. Kingston, juhj 17, 1819. SO ERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeu¬ ed to lend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffible* JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 18 19. 16 WATCHES and CLOCKS Repaired in the best manner, bu SO. TAZEWELL, ' [Nm-th side ofthe Market Place, Kingston ] WrHOrnoft refpe&fully informs the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufineU, and hopes, by paying WxtSi at- teniionto bufinefs, to give the utmod fat- isfaftion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfi&Iy acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapernents, Repeaters, &c. Sec. Kingston, May 13th, 1820. 20U DAY&MA IITIN THE fubferiber expefls in Port this week, one hundred Casks, of about six dozen each, of Day & Martin's real and moil fuperior Japan Blacking, By the Curlew, Skipsie, and Regent, from London, which he will difpose of as fol¬ lows.—largest size J4/"per dozen. Second size iq/6 per dozen. This invaluable composition affords pe¬ culiar nourishment to the Leather, which no other Blacking does. Montreal, 14th May, 1S20. BENJAMIN HART, Agent. AW St. Paul Street. m3 20 ON SALE, East India Carpeting, Caflimere Shawls, Superfine Cloths, Yarn, 400 lbs. Beaver, London Bottled Port Wine, &c. &c. &c LAND AGENCY, nriliE fubicriber, for many years the 18. junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this P10vir.ce, and who has for fome time pall occasionally acted as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing refigned the fitnation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employment, will now transadt Laud bufinefs generally. ANDREW A1ERCER. Tor/; tub May, 1820. 2C For Sale, ' A SMALL colleftion of bo©ks jufl received from New-York, amongd which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, O'Meara'B Memoirs ef Napoleon—the Spectator,—alfo Greek Lexicons and a ram mars, Lcmariere's claffical Di&ion aiy, and a variety of other School Books. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Compafs of the mod approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingflon, May 12th, 1820. 19 Doctor Boj/d, MAS removed to the houfe formerly occupied by the late DoAor Kea¬ ting. May 16, :820, ' 20 A N ; ;:";nne:it having been made tOf -Zj. the subscriber of all the Lands, Goods, and debt*, belonging to the late firm of James Ranhn iff Co. of Ernest Town, Merchant?, as well as those belong? ing to James Ranken individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against rlw? staid dun, or against the said Jafi$k Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respective account! to Chr. A. HrtGERMAN, Esq. of Kings. ton, on or before the first day of Decem¬ ber viext. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston. 1st Septembert 1819. qff • — - - - - ----- __ FTlHE (ublcriber feels it his duty, frortf A the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to ginrd the public againft any impo* fition on the part of Mr. Solomon Johns* by his offering to Jell any part of half an acre lot, with buildings thereon, in the vP> lageof Erneft Town, bounded on the ea(t by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, as any tirle to the faid property held by him, was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name forth- purchafe made of it in 1806, when Johns was at low wages, and a6 cat be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of ha tranfa£io:is in 1812— had no fliadow oft claim. PETER GRANT. The perfon who is ttated to hold a Boni for a Deed for half the above property from Johns, was acquainted with my Jul pretention in the full inflancc, but arty thing to aufwer the purpofe. P. G. 48 -| a a 1 M 1 11 !-,-■ ^^m ■ ^» ______________^^^^M ^ ■ I-----^ Dr. Richmond rH"ASmovcdtoMr.A}kroyd'a \m I •ui-diniis. IS llrtAl » t- NOTICE. will be opened at the Dircftor'a Room/i the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 211), Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingflon, 27th July, 1819. %\ TERMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail' twenty four fchUlinp. SuhscripMons to hr paij in advance to the 1st of July, or the 1st of Jauu- ary. *» PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (OLY line* and under 2.5. Gd.Jirstin- kjj sci tion. and lid' each subsequent insertion: \Q lines and muter, 3s* id. first insertion) and \Qd. each subsequent insertion : iihove ten lines, Ad. per lint for tJteJif&t insertion, and Id. per line for ever a >nhsrnjirnf insertion. Advatiu 1// nts icithont writtendirec- (ions arc Uuci'lcd till (or'c\<]7 and charged accordingly, • Orders for discontinuing Jdverlise* menls to he \x\ writing, and delivered bg WEDNESDAY NOOK at the latest. No Adti rtisaments received ojttr TEN o'Clod: on the day of publication. AGENTS. JtVnr\ Cnv.mi, Ksq. Quebec. Edward SilK I'q. three Rivers, James \\ ;K;:tm», F..-q. Montreal. MeSSrr. J. '■': J. Ouniop, Lancaster. Paul (.la- lord, Ksq. Matilda. Atpheitf, Ksq. Prescott* llenrv r)unr5> Esq. Brockvilfe. N. R. T.jinmas, Uf<|« Pvrth. H. Wliiunai:-.1*. !'.^q. Hiihmond: J. K. Hftrtwell, Lsq. Bastard. E. \Veb-;er, 1'sq. Gnnanoque. J. Ranken, Esq. Bath. Allan MePhcr>on, Er-q. Napanee. Thorn;:- Pal ker, Msq. Brltviltc. Joseph A. Keeler, Ksq.Cramake. James G. Beihune, T.r-q. Hamilton. John U. Smith, Esq. Port Hope. William Allan, Ewj, York. Daniel RosS, Esq. Vittoria. John Crnoks, E>q. Niagara. T. McCormick, Esq. Quemston. John Wtl un, r'*q. ,inikerstbnr*h. KINGSTON, UC PRIMED TOR THE KJ»1T0KS-

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