THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL, L] FRIDAY, (jfterkoox) AUGUST 20, 1819 [No. 34. Bank Notice. BANK OF UPPER CANADA. DIRECTOR for the week, Neil McLeody Esquire. Daysof DISCOUNT—every Wednes¬ day. Notes offered for discount must be all handed to the Cashier on the day pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. BARTLET, Cashier. Drafts on Quebec, at short sight, will be given for Specie. The Last Notice ALL perfons indebted to the late firm of James Ranken iff Co. are hereby notified that unlefs their respective accounts and notes are fettled by the firft day of Au- £uft next, they will indifcriminately be put into the hands of an Attorney for collec¬ tion. JAMES RANKEN. Bath, June 30, 1819. 27-tf New Goods. LAMB&M'DONELL, Opposite the Market---------King Street, MOST refpeftfully inform their friends and the public, that they have juft received and offer for fale, a well chofen and general atfortment of DRY GOODS, ~mong which are the following articles, VIZ. Weft of England Cloths and Caflimeres, flair carpeting, Kidderminfter do. Jeans, Fuftians, Bombazette?, Bombazeens, drab, blue, gray and yellow Nankeens, lrifh Lin¬ ens, Linen fold and Maddapollum (hirtings, fteam-loom fhirtfngs, Sallampores, U>ng clothe and Bafcaes, Mr.uchefter & Glas¬ gow ftriped Cotton?,Turkey stripes,checks and Gingham*;, Dimity, Chintz and Cali¬ co Furniture. Cambrics, Calicoes, Leuos and Muflins, Lutestring and Sarfnet Silk*. black Florentine, silk Veils, Shawls.Scarie and Handkerchiefs, Canton crape, Canton crape dreffes, afTorted colors,cotton ShawU and Handkerchiefs, silk, coiton and wors¬ ted Hofe, silk, kid and beaver Gloves, Thread, bilk and cotton Laces, Ribbons, Tapes 2c Bobbins, Counterpanes, Marfeilles Quilts, silk and Cotton Shambray, linen Bed Ticks, bleached Sheetings, Hum- hums, Denys, brown Hollands, Dowlas, &c. Ac. &c. ALSO, A few pairs STAYS. Kingston, 2d Jaly, 18(9. 27 ' notice" THE subscribers b(*g leave to inform the public, that ttVy have entered into Copartnership, and that thev will jointly, from the date hereof, carry on business under tke firm of LAMB Sf Mc DO NELL. Wm. B. LAMB, ARCH. McDONELL. Kingston* June firf, 1819. 27 Cull Staves and Charcoal. WANTED, a few thoufands ofCttll Staves ; alfo, a few hundred bush¬ els of Charcoal, for which Cash will be paid on delivery at the Kingftou Brewery, by the fubferiber. THOMAS DALTON. Kingflon, July 17, 1819. 30 Valuable Lands for Sale in the Township of Hamilton. "IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- *■ A ceffion, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto ti and 15 in the 4th Con- Ceffion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th ConcefTion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhipof Hamilton, NewcafUr Diftrift, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Ellas Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in King lion. Thomas S Whi taker*. Kingfton, May 28, i8ig. zz\i GEORGE SCOUii.VL" Late Master Smith in the Knr-'i- o neer Department. BEGS leave to inform hn friends and the public in general, that he has commenced bufmcls next door below Mr. George poujjlafs's. Store Street; where every article in his line may be had on the rnoft reafonahlc terms, and on ihc fboifeft notice. The following rates of ch.oges 3re fubmfttcd. Horse Shoeing, all round $f$ — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, April $tht 18(9. \ £ TO LET, ~ /jfND pofTefllon given the tst Auguft wit next, that HOUSE and STORE, in Store Street, opposite the Post Office, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Jo ties.— For particulars apply to the subset iber. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July, 18 19. 29 FOR SALE, A LARGE, commodious two ftory ftone HOUSE, with Out Houfes and Garden, situated on a half acre lot, in the Village of Bath. For terms apply- to the Subfcriber. JAMES RANKEN. Bath, June 02, 1819. 27-tf NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Direftor's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 31 Government Contract. 100 400 70 200 !0 do. 10 do. 5 do. 8 do. 4 do. 6 do. 3 do. 6 do. S do. 4 do. 8 do. 8 do. 10 do. 7 do. 5 do. 5 do. 3 do. 3 do. 10 do. H THE subscriber, JO addition to his constant stock *>f St. MAURICE and THREE RIVERS STOVES, BAR and CAST AM ' Has received, per late arrivals, 100Tons English l*ar lro»> assorted TENDERS for the fupply of this Gar- rifon and dependencies with 1500 cords of Firewood of the following defec¬ tions, viz. Maple, black and yellow Birch, and Beech,and 5000bundlesofckanStraw, to be delivered at the following places and periods, will be teceived at this Office un¬ til twelve o'clock at noon on Moncay the 23d inllant, viz. 700 Cords 1 to be delivered into the Fuel Yard at Ktwgftots, on or before tt.e 20i.l1 Ma^chnext. Do. Do. Do. at Point Henry, on or befoT cthe ill Do.Do. L*o. at Point Hemv 500 en or before the 20th March next. Do. Do. Point Frederick on or before the 1 li Jan. i*exi. JDo. D'n Do. ^t Do 0 01 be- -------■ 270 fore the 2o.J» S^rch next. 30 Do. do. at Brldg I Rind.on or -------before thc24thSeptembei next. Total 1500 Cords. 5000 bundles clean Straw, int" " ar¬ rack "Mores at this Poll, * loon as pc-fiiblc. Security will be required for the due performance of focb contract as may be en- leied into- Commissariat Office, Kingston, zd Aug. 1810. 32 Midland District Agricultural So¬ ciety. THE Committee of the Midland Dis¬ trict Agricultural Society announce to the Public their wifll to have a Dis¬ trict Show at Adolphultown, on Monday, the 18th Oftober, and offer the following premiums to Farmers. 20dollars for the first be*t Bull, rained intbc Pro- vince, and owned in the District, second ditto. best Co iv. second ditto, be** Ram. second ditto. best Em e. second ditto. be.«t yearling Steer or Heifer. best Boar. second ditto. best breeding Sow. best Ileiferof Ihree year- old. best ploughing of one quarter of an acre: It (til oxen or horso. Second ditto. \\i\n\ ditto. best SdfirpY** Of M'li^af, accompanied by GVrtlficale? that the same i.-a specimen of a to boh' ri'ld coi!?i>tmu of nutlet than five acre«. for the I>e>t sample of Barley, diito. best sample of prime v lute I'ea*. for die best improved Plough, sitii d to fh«*n»»'ien1.iire of ihe rim.irv. Surgeon Dent: A LL operations performed •t\- Teeth, by j. n. spoo . at Mrs. Patrick's : Aug. 2d, 1 8 19. 32 JOHN l)i:\X AS juft received* nod now offers for ^al", at th New Sro*e, nevt Joort^ Mr A P Ferwm*J*s Bofel, fa the Vil¬ lage of B Y\ H, a general alicrtment of 1 DAY GOODS, Groceries, CiT/ckerv & Hardware, Unftmaify L us for Cash* or most kinds of Country Produce. Id fome instance- where PUNCTUALITY max lie HEMF!) I'POX, 2 very shurt credit may be given, and in iuch cafes only* lath, Aug. 2, 1819. 32 TO I JET; A COMMODIOUS HOUSK, near u^jL Doftor Kcaiing's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; r.lsoa very p;ood Spring near the house.— Fur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, p/j Juve, 1819. 23 HEX 1 iVJVK-KIIJIiOMrftth^Couu- ty of An trial, a in] parish of Lough- gill, in Ireland, in 1818, for Quebec, and is uow supposed to be in Upper or Lower Canada.—Any prison having in¬ formation of the said Mclvibhon, wheth¬ er living or dead, and will direct a litre to that effect, to the Chronicle Office, Kingston, Upper Canada, wilt be reward¬ ed for their trouble by ROBERT McKIBUO.V, and MARTIN HART. w *» OJ4Wd.MEi sizes. 20 10 Kingston, August 1*2, 1819. 33©4 5 . Swedes, . Old Sables Russia, Real German and W. IV Shear ^teel, Potash Kettles, of all sizes, Sheel and Knglish Plate Iron, Fine Canada drawn Nails, Frj ing lau<. etc. JOHN PORTEOXJS, At St> M.turice ; and Tiiiua- Ritxrs' Jros War46 House, iVo. 19. Nt'tre Danr Street, opposite ihe Cast on: House* Htntiro!, 4rh Au^nst. I8i!j. N. IL Orders f**r Mill and r»0 in^s oxer. »rd of the be^t ijief: : ricr workmi.nship tunny ;;. »• at sliortcsi noiire. Upper Canada Bank i ipr- V- par. : J. CAREY, TOBJf'CO.'IST. EOS ieWC to inform the public, that he has opened a STORE in Slort ilreet, nearly opp fits the honfe of Mr. Dow'iagi where he i4*crs for fale on mo¬ del tc tvrm*, the undermentioned articles of a fuperior quality, ;\-/fm Plug Tobacco, Ivrcct fcented, 6 and B hands to pound ; Rappee, Scotch and Macaba Snuff, Sp;.ni1i and American Cigar*, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound and half v>ound papers, with the ufual papers of a lefs li/e. Kingllon, May, 1819. 23eowtf The Farmers ARE respectfully informed, that the subscriber vill receive all the well cleaned BARLEY they think proper to deliver before Sleiihin^ time, at one dol¬ lar per bushel for ash on delivery.—lit¬ is also desirous to 'outract fer two thou¬ sand or more bushfU of Win at. TtOMAS DALTON. Kingston lirez-j/, Aug. 13, 1813- 33 'NOTICE. TKE Subfcfcribers refpeftfully inform their friends aid the Public, that thev have now received ;nd juit opened in Mar. kct Street, juft beow Airs. Patrick's Inn, a very Exteuiivc aCortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and STATIONARY. Lfkewife—n great qnantity of Claflical Books, liic whole ol which will be fold very low lov ( a'h and approved Credit. McDONAl D H AYKROYD. Dec. 1. 1 S 18. 27 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bnnk, I A NY fum rcqu'l,d may be obtained at /?\. Uitf Oflieeto gond Bills, on Mon- 'UQuebec, bill ©« Exchange on Eon- - for Specie—Notes alfo will be '* at tl.inv fixtj, and ninety days. •*HOi>l>S MAliKLAND, Agent. uUvfFQli^ALE ; A 1 ;r-T!>:^.;ay Bay,in theTown- j_"ja- liiip of Vrcici ii-ksburgh, the Eall ha'f of Lot rlo. 2, r llie itcondConceffion, containing icor-cT^, and having about 40 acres under cultivilion, with a log houle and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Waftlburn, Efqnire, Kingllon. P. V,N KOLIGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. •, 18 l S 30 To Axemen. 1 Statutes of Up^er Canada. An Act granting to His Majesty an addi¬ tional duty on Stills^ used for the distilla¬ tion of Spirituous Liquors for sale, and for ascertaining the manner in which cer¬ tain wooden Stills shall be gudged in this Prtvince. [Passed 12th July, 1819. Most Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS, the Laws now in force, impofinga duty on the diftillation of Spirituous Liquors, are evaded by a new and improved method of dirt illation by fleam, and whereas, it is expedient that fiich diftillers fhould equally contribute to the fuppori of the civil adminiflration of the Government of this Province, and whereas it is expedient that the faid duty fhould be increafed, We, your Majefty's dutiful and loyal fubjtds, the Commons of Upper Canada, in Provincial Parliament afiembled, have freely and voluntarily re- folved to give and grant to your Majefty an additional duty on Stills ufed for dillil laifon in this Province, and we do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that it may he ena&cd, and beitenafted by the King's molt excellent Majefty, by and with the advf< and confent of the Legiflative Coun- 1 ! AfiemMyof the Province of Up- l,* *da% con (lit u ted and affembled by virtue of and 1.. dcr the authority of an Ad paflVd in the Parliament of Great Britain, entitled, 4tAo .ti to repeal certain pa its ol an Act pafled in the fourteenth yer.r of His Maj ^y's reign, entitled, an Aft for miking more effeftual pravifion for th Government °f the Province of OneSee in "Jorth Ar-erica and to make funhe: pio- ifioll for the Govt-rnme-it »>f the faid Pro¬ vince," and by the authciiyof the fame, That from and after the fifth day of Jami- VftiB® &P3M&W tJPtillf dlJtyVone (hilling and three pence per gallon now ratfed. levied, collefted and paid yearly and every year there fhall be raifed, levied, collected, and be paid unto His Majefty, Hu Heirs and .SucceiTors, to and for the public ufes of this Province, and towards the fupport ot the Civil Government there¬ of, of and from all perfons having or ufing a Still or Stills, for the puipofe of didd¬ ling Spirituous Liquors for fale, the fum of one fhilling and three pence lawful mo¬ ney of this Province, for every gallon which the body of fuch Still or Stills fhall or may be capable of containing in manner herein after mentioned. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid* That the laid duty hereby grant¬ ed to His Majefty, iliall be raifed, levied, collected and paid 10 the fame manner, and under the fame penalties and reftriciions, a9 are impofed by any former Aft of this Province, impofing a duty on Stills ufed for the purpofc of dillilling Spirituous Li¬ quors. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, 1 hat each and every wooden Still tiow or hereafter during the continu¬ ance of this Aft, ufed or to be ufed as a boiler or receiver for the beer or wafti for the diilillation of Spirituous Liquors for fale, (hall be gusged and the duty paid on the whole number of gallons fuch dill as aforefaid may be capable of containing. And be it further enacted by ihe authority aforesaid, That the due application of the faid duty to be raifed, levied and coilefted, iflitlll ttc BiKWUiHCtri iGi tO Jlld tvj&jciky, His Heirs and SucceiTors, through the Lords Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury, in fuch manner and form as His Majefty fhall be pleafed to direct. Provided always9 And be it further enact¬ ed by the authonty aforesaid. That it fhall not be lawful (or any lulpeftor or Infpec- tors to charge any additional Fee for iffu- ing any Licence under the provisions of this Aft, or to retain to his or their own ufe more than five per cent, for collefting, and paying over the duties hereby direfted to be paid« any law, ufage or cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. And be it further enaBcd by the authority aforefaid, That this Aft (hall remain and continue In force for the fpace of two years from the fifth day of January next, and from thence to the end of the then next enfuing fcflkn »f Parliament. BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this Office. Pil^ill') sub'criJcrs will receive p JJL posals from my person or per^c ro- posais Mom my person or persons willing 'o engage to clear sixty acres ot new land on their premises in Amelias* burgh, Bay of QuiUe, ready for seed by the first day of Amus! next. The Ash¬ es on said laud will be required to be collected and carefully secured. Teams ami Provisions wi [ he furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWE* McDOCGAL. Kingston, or to McDOUGAL & McLKLLAN, 0 Jiellvillc. NOTICE is uereby given, that all perfons indebted to the late firm of Taylor iff Par her, either by Book account or Note, are reqt>efted to come forward and fettle the fame vith the fubferiber IM¬ MEDIATELY, ,3 after the firii day of Oftober next, the <.vhole, remaining unfet- tled, will indifcriminately^ be put into the hands of an Attorney for colleftion. Ard ! rejurlstc the proceeding of the Diftrift An Act to repeal and amend certain parts of an Act passed tn the thirty fourth 1 ear of His Majesty's Reign, entitled* " An Act to establish a Court for the cognizance of small causes in each and every District of this Province," and also of an Act passed in the thirty seventh year of His Majesty's Reign^ entitled, " An Act to extend the Jurisdiction, and regulate the proceedings of th: District Court and Court of Re¬ quests." [Passed ISth July, 1819.] Will*] RE AS, it is expedient to alter and amend the table of fees now es- tablifhed by an Aft paiTcd in the thirty, fourth year of His Majefty's reign, entitled, " An Aft to eftablifh a Court for the cog- niVance of fmall Caufes, in each and every Diftrift in this Province," and to repeal part of an Aft pafted in the thiity-feventh year of Ills Majefty** Reign, entitled, " An Aft to extend the Jurifdiftion and all thofe having de^nds agavnft the faid firm, are alfo wqueftc<j to prefent the fame, duly authenticatedf for adjuftmer.t. THOXjaS PARKER, Surviving Partner. Bcllville, nthlnnc, 1819.. *5v*9 Court and Court of Rcquefts," Be it en- afted by the King's moft excellent Majes- ty, &c. &c. That part- of the thirteenth claufe of the faid firft recited, and the fourth claufe of the lad recited Aft, be snd the fawe &te hereby repealed. II. And be it further enaded by the au¬ thority aforefaid, That fo much of the ta¬ ble of fees, as eftablifhed under and by vir¬ tue of the above firil recited Aft, as re¬ lates to the Clerk and Judge for filing de* claration, and on every declaration filedt Be and the fame is hereby repealed. III. And be It further enacted by the au¬ thority aforefaid, That the following feet be allowed to the Clerk and Judge of the Diftrift Court as aforefaid : To the Clerk, For every Summona iflued, two (hil¬ lings. To the Judge, On every Summons iflued, two (hil¬ lings and fix pence 5 On every Jury impanelled, five flul- lings. IV. And be it further enaded by the au¬ thority aforefaid) That no perfon whatsoe¬ ver (hall or be entitled to any other ot greater fee f»r any other bufinefs done by him in the Diftrift Court, either as Attor¬ ney, Sheriff, Clerk, Crier, or Judge than are fet down for him in this or any other \&. heretofore pafled for that purpofe. FOREIGN NEWS. .........................................( From (he JSez^-York Evening Post) of August 11. Foreign news—We have received Lon¬ don dates to the 151b of June racltifi •*, brought by the fhip Remittanr- whvh arrivrH it thi* p' 4b * tint 1. k previous u> bis £ :. I 1: ; " - ' farthing per poOndj and - 19 Ihillin * per cwt The Royal affent was g!..~ if iifilw; i2Ptfe)I.N f^ortM;.' of June, to the American Convc The Commiflioncrs were, tho Lore . - cellor, the Marquis of Winchefler, and tne Earl of Shaftsbury. Petitions from all quarters were pour¬ ing in againft the Foreign Knliftment ^tlL The Chancellor of the Kachcqi . in bringing forward his budget of w; y. .nd means for the fupport of the nation, pro- pofes an additional duty on malt, wK cfcf* Mr. Calveit, a membei of thehoufe, give's as his opinion, fhould it prevail, would ru¬ in nine-tenths of the malfters in the coun¬ try. Orator Hunt has been profecuted for his proportion of the expenfes attending the late Weftminfler eleftion, and a ver- dift obtained againft him. Cot/on Trade.—In the house of lord?, 14th of June, lord Kenyon moved the se¬ cond reading of the bill for regulating thp hour? of labor of children in cotton fac¬ tories. If the present were a question merely of morbid sensibility, he should be far from addressing their lordships in favor of the bill, but he felt that it was one of practical humanity, which requi¬ red the interference of the legislature. Neither should he have proposed such a measure, had he conceived the common law sufficient to counteract the evils of the present system. In consequence of (he objections which had on former oc¬ casions been urged against the agitation of this question, he thought it necessary to state, that he had the authority of se¬ veral magistrates and clergymen residing in Manchester, Stockport, and their vi¬ cinities, to assert, that the recent distur¬ bances in the manufacturing districts had no connection whatever with the discus¬ sion of this topic in parliament. During the progress of this measure, various o- pinions were stated respecting the degree of distress which children suffered In the factories, and the evidence on this point on the part of the bill still remained un¬ contradicted.—It could not be denied that the hours of work were not fewer than I i, 15, and even, in some places, than 15 hours out of the 24; neither could it be contradicted that the heat of the factories was so high as 85, 87, and even 90 degrees. Attempts had been made to shew, on the authority of medi¬ cal men, that thecmployment ofchildrcn in these factories was not injurious to their health, and some learned gentlemen of Manchester had indeed given evidence to that effect. He did not mean to im¬ pute any thing Improper to those gen- tlemeu, who, no doubt, gave their evi- Jdence under a convict/on of its truth ; but they had been called in bv the master manufacturers of Manchester, and the factories were shewn to them at a time, and under circumstances very favorable to their own views and wishes, and the medical gentlemen were induced thereby to give opinions flattering to the general state of the factories.—The present mea¬ sure had been objected to by some noble lords, as if it would prove injurious to the cotton trade of the country; but if we could believe the accuracy of this representation, he should not have pray¬ ed their lordships to give it their sanc¬ tion. It appeared by the evidence taken before the committee that not less than 5^1-1,000,000 of property was suuk in the cotton manufactory, and it was stated by some of the witnesses that ^27,000,000 were annually expended in this biauch of our trade. It was stated that 60,000 persons were engaged in this trade—and by some it was asserted, that the labour¬ er* employed in it were not fewer than 120;000. The average rate of wagci to