JoVr (Vert, V 4... li»omii54 Jii pi .< oden, G *fr'H »' 'M'ii. J- -?• A' it rev ** SittsUUj W. \\ilUin-t Jtfhn Smith, J-eier £*ielfclr, Jn.s-'ph 1 i.i»u»p on, V illtum I ox, JlSMt FlOt, liei.r\ H«'>tit v, Or.01. HfrS v*>\, .?a:r.( s Muiden, Jr.mfs Delhi y, law ret cc II, Wav* > raft! i o*, t* ;■ CI J*t>B»dfK| lev-, mil, Sir/itP, .'•at: i It lit r eii, Jnh:. l-.<.rr «a1 Johi. ! (M»rf\';r, }.: :nsn •!• jN'ov on, Jurob lb>»*<i|, £ ;e iel H. l'dv, beeiti iioinrfit., heoj-.trti I Hay, John Ctwfc, Alex. i';.U, I'uii>*l J. lVar, ) o*"'irzt r Wa fibery, <i.i!.on I). Soirtei, F;e<jiien S.\e!i, Va id V«»rk, 3;: "*f. «'». ItttWC, .iu;"prj Viordeii, Vr-.y-r C<>!e, Ja-'cb Tiemper, V m« Tremjser, J.) in Htiff; 1' iy Lambert, ^ ^x. Rubvii.-nn, V. in. IcSf* low, £a ni *1 i* sieit, Junr. ,A*a S,*ctic**r, John Llnck, C»arlra Fnr«ier, Jc'.m MePbem, Th»e. I). Appleby, A'vl-fw l5uiH, It c.ia'd S'uues, J«':n Va>> Winn, C «»ri fliu- I arfcios, )da:u CrouU, Cornelh:? Fav^Ur, ,'oh» Ya-.den, .'tiine« I5ci!f'jici, Jo *tua iluS", }?r j:S Miliar, J«J;« Millar, Josrpb AiI'mh, Jrrenerii AH*, on, .dim Mm* HI. <!;inc( v\r-tervri\ Wm. M.TU>n'V°"» Richard Na^e-^oit, Jacob r.owrn*. Airh. I) >\ c-f, Jultn Slior:, I f.t-1'rji W»rj\ J.i Ui m ah C.-uori', .'• qn Wv.j, Set***, Jiiti.e* la11 , ,'oin 1'ov.e, \Yns Rov.e. r; ji.lf Pa'ker, 1 aac r'tt'ot't V. r •. Ki.uiyffj Mm. i'nr**s V.ii. v> (tod, RV-vd Trip, Jiriii. ■ 0»lmrri, L*? . is Ke.chuna, Ju-fjih J'o*l«T, Jams* 1 5>ltav\ \.<)kn .vi<iran, \\ ui, lJ;u!iam?nf, RiCJ urA (i.»i:)i:lt*, .( it. Wa,, ,* a 'i. Snidi-r, JnJi.i Van Skucr, I*aur MoirK-in, hv-u-r \li»rri--t:i, >u uri npenoer, O. D.rr.o-iv-it, J;4ro'i H.iMin, John Alii on, .1..-iiL'a Smilh, li-'ii'» Hnrtis, W«t, H 'Icncr, r.-.i'i* D.-mill, ?iifniTt i^i'a!;. Kir'iaril K. Mardrn, Z h-ilah UfUs Jflliii Parentis* Jitmra 0 avps, JJ;'-infiiu^ *;|>iag'-*, T-o,I>;vi-. Gif;igi* IVa er. II^ Excellency t\\? Lieutenant Gov¬ ern #I»:is bpeu plea^ft! lo appoint ?b«' tol- liiwinij Cctillcm u t<- ton i:ti»u* llu* L^!.d E'-aid of the DiMrKluf X«.^castle, viz. i). Rr Greco a Rocints. I^q. Chairmatt. CiJARI.KS FoTUEKGJLI.j loilN liCRV. v ^.f , Ri / Mcuioers. osut.LL. and k E-JL1AS Jo^KS, KsCjI-. ) t Qui nrc. ?.[nrcl) IS. . ^f iA« soUrttiitio* of O hxhu'rlt.tni* of the TfitcmMp t>f .'U*oty Hi* Qr-ir- Me Qsvemor t HA >'zneii- tht Upptr Ftoe&a of.hc>.t h& Im rt wm ©_,' /. nnvxvilte. _ ."*" "^W-fe -itu(ttt,l«r far rfinflwncf nftfa jfivr*» ot'. *f^nfC"W «'n r. •. "j., u;,fi .i , ., ttutrtia temmrr^cht fn nt: r^ ■ tatter Ritrrb fn$ tuvigrthf? 'or B Hfte l<> tht est:', e ofSt*Tt$l ff'/./r- fauf tbi-tj twomife$<xb*w& this phc : '*"" "' '•• a biuti'ttl Ihit cou'p>i>ir^ a *V,#fVVtll nr/a for tftt p'f/»fii VWu, w»7-irt g'rtf* C" ?l/ tttvt'I-i the it **\ ^'"^'^'y currw:otlions jbr huii'iui mth «,*» *r/'JI '"^ 'in./ t\rt.:,A fUiVQHnw'vg rt*unt/-f* At this highly eligible am! a nirc// \ltuntion it it con/enpfat, ei to tr*ct the Cvuri tim:<e, San/ rfrnl O^ftcP FublU Builtiinj.i inths Ecutcrn TG&n*Uip$« llalijux, F oritury G. Wo as-urr the public froiii ttildonfetecl a"llnni(y, (hat theic is not nny font- elation wlia'i.-v r, for tho ic;>ort of the rmoval of His Kicellency t .c Earl c^ DcUlwttstc from Hie Commliid in N»va-, as,staled in our lw. TfteACttrle v«s co|>ic<l iVom a L mkI.»-i pftpvr, recei- ve<! b) fcln D-i-cinber Mail ; ar.d we are certain, it uiilairud genera! »-arHfartiotl to the good pp.cpto of this Prc.inrr, to learn, that we are vm&U&potiiicvlij to coitlr-mliet if. LOiftlMtfNICATi&ttf. FOR THE KINGSTON CIIUOVICLE. THIS OIIACLB.—Mascm, LSI9. No. 4. Titr.-.' rails H* ^a i le-.- cour-c. tho ra-o ofvor?, IV o dau'u' uttr injury u;»cn ;l»i*ir kher, A d .61(1 o r Ut«rv< l.o'i- 6<:;. iW i Ir^ri:ri-",r>re Ci" iiie.i s ra t.<e yeau;rev, au^.^U l>; laud or sea, IIoi\ are Um-j bio led from tlie tilings iia* '^ I Scott. I i>a* much inlrrcslrj by ob*-(»rvin^ at 2. pa*'-y the tKhiT**vein»w, a:i elili-rl* $;ch Ionian, of Sup co um.iariih^ auu araucf^iu .n. rolir^d pan of hr roam, JU*s**fm^J iti ai phs\ little n>tue a'nu I'inoiKs il,4;i v.^ro goiiij ioi'i;>tH, »»CC«[HC*d hv his own redrCtions, »q ully unnMuvrt^'d ar>'l •inlio'ic-il. On ai.pruacaa:^ hi-n 1 :\\ >;o\&\eA Vtltix |*l a-ure, i*»a. he v\a a person whom 1 ha 1 fr^n n-'A.ijr v--u • i" ^re,.... ;-t e f fi..*.r cir: .fi¬ nance- Of it? p»*«,,ahility, s= rriKi.r.l.'J bv Ht^U:.? c-ii rartfs»c4 by llif irnn«l. r\ftei rw^*Rhiu» r.ic.i o !ier, ( .iioh an 0]1{SOi nci^y of rr urki;i£ Sfij' surpii-rut his tiPftnlllg a'l-uao ion, it*- rolndc^d him how tllftVi^U! wen* tii- fipftR.rtg* at ourformi-r Rj*j»eiii<- He rr;Oi"d w?Hi a -ivh, that ilsr pfo.ilo ii iio>aJin^rb .»prr iv!mU\ c.'iul- |CAG- Hrarcoly aay of lu^ fores* rfi'i^cd- ri'manr- t:!, and thnsc vvfio hui-j g'uwu c;> since uss&umcJ r»o-\vcu.stoost,to ul.icb Le was a Mra«c"i. A1! tl-.incs.faid lie.arewnHkn wits! i "«"; ac^raini •«. ukli, a..U iliis •.r-ry mnfn*»nt [rtf«cns> a., i;. a«r«>. That pi-tei »y-!.m, v.iiiTj ug \;:',*>*,*-l tot t*> bo pi ali.yarui kin'Io *s", l;a* -.v?;; ; la^e lo en - !■. m'i.i-,vUPic;tt;.- a-i» wiriocndcd hi 5;;lr.. Jo if w.| Ik*,,, t* iPi'h. T-; ^acii oill- c\ U)-i\\r>Xit ii-r chief *. i\ nf ii»";,- r.e*->'in ;., ^le.h'.iMial i!».tic<»t;r « oruirr.ta! enoroveiv* • |\ n.-. v • u nrid'l j a't Cif rhe ii.^ - ^. Aa".or Biy« -h', 1 ;V- i ,v»;t i am for xuftgty ia •:, pres-ia *'-'"- 'iae <iav lias poi.r by wiien 1 could l:avr bf^K |;!«t-«»ei in micii c>>.c , and i rMm1 l«v*i i <lt""b.bTi.> cb.e.acltf ecu ,a» .•.>.:» Ifiinnotware, ! :' f:?".*i:<\J, t.-sat, alr-j-^h iv ■•:.ii.l dcn\t Btftic* p)i a?Mf[>i a.e-viiea^*- iVom mi %'\t\^ Mt;ii j!i*i;:.. \'M, if; cicii^ut, 1 f - -o- Id oimn uo- irw-irp;;t*r*»cn..> Aj.ere'^*7.<iriiE0OJ noiitti I;., in aisfjo-Af r TisPgtHwiwi twdo;jp, a 'i !.;•, /It*. ^flditijvon ih^i:,.i;i :.c:- t;.ai baa b«!MJ acq-irvd. lip who rrC(;:ninen*i> a j an, AVlliO.Ul c »ii-r- q-'tcneetnglye wei^t to hi* an%i *», waste* his Uuiemtain, By tnyol* fr!.-.ds I w« iieuH H'ltb,f»r aff^Cfi n and r?t^»»ni g<i*£«sj rpi.oon, inw-ro-t. T Wtftitg r■ ,:.y url ,c- Wft, lienor an;,fof mv 0u ,rrx-u:l(.ra%^',r|!. m^v*., 4(> S'lv.-ch,-^. Snchw^tii^ r.u'l*io tt»«ca >om lav m-», a;'.** fi>vs»^ r.a j-.< j ,K^ v:»lic.t. Km niib m> r<I*nik I have Iom mv Goawniwnc-\ • M.1;i!T- atoi,- »v,!| rmtre^o-e i . \ r-i s- r.-K, t- -\th*-«-tp^n*--\r.- wm. h.:v#- olv.'inr:' ««i>i lW £ -a-, mid wirdom ui'Ial-.vav b«» lira'd ' VVV- dmn-.MHI .'n Mnirttfcv,. V, ' ;, W:i.d- ..: -.1 **a« i.i •T-arcnisc2ai> bc^lrcte^b^ liicir cixl- drfOt and oplu'on, ever fluctuaiiop. leaves for eaCil z* nrtr;i.ion something new io loam. M\ kiio^i^dz** has iifithfr rank nor fashion tosnppnri If, and therefore would pa a anh?eded. I is not know Iccfgr, however, that u soup;lu. HiMvliosp pa ronage can coufer i*;f**- o: honour will br* co irifd, w.iiir wi-dc*r. rftnahifl uanotic- n\. Tup 1-0U11S5 seek w^alih, whim shall alTord cii'Cto ihnr fatteryearb; and the aged are still ^;i china; for that enjoyWf«t which ha^ beeo 'b<5 ..:uacnon of theirpastKvei. Both arcgcocrally disappointed, for riches ar>* d^Irtd in propor¬ tion o (heir increase, ar-.l happiness is ^iicl de- nrnthiisc on ^o:ne fniur'- po->c— ion. A.I I should expect, is m be'nef.t mjFelf by feJJeCiltlgon former times; otiiers have a rig'it to Judge for them elves. |o retlirotng to ine scene- of my » o'f.h, I Icokfd for bspplneBf, my hopes are j,,stly d( fcufeil, lor 1 noonJd have h-o1 put i: higher. X lonad myself forjjol en, and 5*iil! re urn improved. 1 have leaned tli&t on ihi-Ma^r my c:»ief part i*ac;ed, and rvy talenis a'e im l.i et-r silled MM public life. In retircntent I.'hall.endeavouriobe "Refill, Beyoiid ilit* reach o1 fn\o!n.i-ri-*il hip and >cr\Ue oieannevs, I may acc|,uire eeeucth 'o do good, in fouic v.av, to o hers. To my?rif much i-> M":M doe. [•!»- preyed nith the rc.iniciten thai here 1 am of Ii - \\? -ei\ice, it>hall be mv care o prepare le.r that Mat? of existence to Vibtch t muil *oo:i >»e remo¬ ved. In ve^uUtinp; m_> pa—ioas, in cita*teni»!{ n\ affeciiona,thereauundvrofmjdays wiii le turned to bei'.er account than the pa-t. aed I may aceotnpliih,by example what uoiiid have fa :d in precept On clotting the^c word*, he s.;it:c:i rav hand and took lis departure, ba^inc ire deeply Rirntk by hi* de-pond, ncv, and 1 rc- tired, rettectin{5 on what 1 Usui heard. Reference fi.r c!d atjfl %\as* considered aWKSj the virtufsortheanneiw*- Tt»A reverse almost prevails in thepre«eiy| d?.y. A'tteatiOD io tho-e advanced in life*remsa*upialS9r ri!fie»»Ie, which r.ot onlj co# *■ iM-piinitibefl, bet I* applaoded. Snch a ehtutse ofniaur«er rousi proceed fiom re- ma■ kablecauses Taeo'ldmost ha\e !o-t their dipsirv, or t'.ie jotmj; become depraved. 1 have tun.ed m\ tho't^ies on ties Mitiject w Pati*- fanion,and uoh ref'r oyou,io adiiiicult<y^:iici» joo, ro doubt, can tdve. lam your-. That the weahne?5 of youth should be srrenctb- ened bythe experiepe- ofage, ha< loii^ bt-en a 'i:axiai !o e.>ici'imen r-*adil;. a^senl, from ity^u- parent je^-nce. Pocte(> wonld men be bound ty^eiher by the mutual dependieoce of tt- par *, ni d the present dt umou b*cuuar haimoMy. \>t retiecuoi.ifscae* iv-, that this wise arrangement is, i.|'tf tnanv oihrr n^aouf»i| iheo i'?.s^«ili) n re- duced *.o piaetic-. There air few *0«unC*S of meuadvanced in years pay.h:ga j^neiiil a';ep- tion ?o ..e in ^rr-'5o;' *;;■!• h," and ttP rarely &Q ?he voitejjre^k advice \'vm t!ieo!>L Both .e'*«i occupied ov car s cf their own, andeq^fit') de- •t o pH o-oioeoroJeei on which »hcy ba\i^*taceH the!*- hapj'it.e??. Tins seemtf.j; duCOld :s as ir.;'ch caused by the v.ant of desert in th* 8gadi a^bj ihe he<d!e:sr.e:- ard i<)Il> of eail> life, r i- no* unusual iosee,»'*n who nayc atnved at the !a?t sta^e wf e»i<tcHce,*tHl wnbar&in|5 In »I1 V\r *anifie-a; d v?cesoftbe world ; r*iteinpcr«- a* ep vti'i alliMini rhem bv j:-- vd-iein-i pO-fcOtn and evrrv pas-urn ind'O^ed ftlilcb theirimj-tired ♦Vatce.. < tar.le (hem to (jra'ify. How of eii itn we i.nd 'heinar^ heatled ^a^abJer, and veteran de- bu'*e'ire purtoinsj their &enreic-s> career to ihe brink of the »rave,cfferin{: to ) until an exaronte of all mat is depraved. (ir*sne,i, i; ran exe/.CMt- t1, -nrpri>e tha '-'f v ar^d.-* pised and**!, ' ^ ft vvl;ai n-..i.Vr. a'\- .;K.e ufin do ititStilO^ iv.oie than nia;n am a d cent behavimii iri i>«e»- lic, i-«iiift» nv.<z wnh cus \u:\t \m\ render ine llieir U^e* n'.iarKade fo* nonne act of ma^n i*iori v or lot h> .irni»e*„ The>c are »00ll sort of men. wieieorntr.x «o *:arip» miss, because they have no t-mpWiOD*, hut *r ciTy tJl ;'.ir pa-!iior,»wiiic i I't'M--it-'ation- havelef tliem,»ttfiHas '.'^e, ma- lie". cruolli and mra >ne*=. If for the>e3 yifltfh i* wanting in r"v.','ti\ brcarue they Uavea* n-ueh meril the «>-e'.v<'*. Otbers there are wfm po-*>e s true vuirth, and might obtain the greatr-t re-pec, b*i: thev r^ndera^e is aur<*etivc t>y i.u*:r warn oflibcraltiy for ihe F«e»liu»sof the yonuir, and editing sloora i:i lead of brijr iinr-s wherever they H|f *!i ane?h*iiined ratnertlian conned. Despondency o old a;r •, and often ihro.i >a shade nvcr in hne*t lea ore.-. |«^ of \i^OUr civa,e.sdepeM',;('ic.-.and Hiecnange which h wholly lo be found in rRojn^eUe- is ^eneraltv af ib-d >0 o'hers. 'fhej iibo l-a^ in -fleeted in e.irlv life ,o Sayupa find for toeir yeais, a<e fo-ced to d-peod on 'Jiose anmnd them for happ)neFS,and look eUh aj nlou- eye or. e.4.;",-- n*-;- for e-'jov m'vii wiiich i* bevond iheir reach. Tills creillea iroiw^ji^s* of 'rmper, and ihvy emi- d m.t .i^'-s rava*cani oaly ithat the, cannot par¬ take of them rlwf. [ revereoce for 3geal rAysaeconnanb slatlty of .tora!=, and is prcnlne^d bv Oe t-Mulency vhieh liceniiim*ne3s ha-:o weaken hnmail pritl- cip!'. Wi (join i» then oi> lo'-.^-r the a *iiil..)i- of advanced Jeaf«, and ihe inrrea ^d viciniistrt-M of youth seeks an etcu--efroni a.-y re?:raict upon it- pf»*a-«urefrf At no tiai? did rhe antienls carry this vlrf.e to Fob'^h a pitch as rlnriug the co-ntaonwesJrh nf Sparta. iT-ieirlavigiver, L>e',t-2:'i-, iiad e tab- lis4ov| a>>f ji»n-j ud-nee which rendered f!i*"*> f imoiii to- valo'ic a id moral gaiwlo^ss, A- m«wi|{ ftthPr h:ii2-it wes enjoin •! 'hi a^esho-itd betrea*edAvitfe tiw jrr a'"si d f-.'ence, a--d ihe 1 .Mir of this resprc: wa* Pimijderfld a mark of toe'jti£be«t depravhv. *Vh\i valoaWe d«s*!nc- tie>i wa< lest in ihe£T*-r;J . .'-p'i;».ioii,and b>x*i- rv dest'oyed thit worth which wnj ••-d m* old repetab1 •* and tie* your* fthedieiu. (en in ihe Spa^iai ?'eze, iner.'p.-epf yea*s v*a~ n'rea-" of »i*dam, 'he good of :he public o a- Wis cbiei'atm, hi- virtMp propitiated the rod^. pn.l he \* -»sa prr*p io he star. When the ;«^ed a £./m become iltas vnrvaMe, there will be !>> :nd vout!i to cmmv Ipw in reverence. They will iiten be seen i% tociw- P":i Tic'* in thenSosi faiiterly manner, i«act an¬ ile? a ^eove ".f me ;n.p'"ei:oi of ilie r maker, and hr.m^toivraitmt their parw vvith ictegriiy, to q lit the stage %\iih frinmph/' laiernalluiproyemesi*—Ctinifod. Hnviajr time, at a vCry fmall expfnfe, opened a Jircc?: cornmnnicatiun between Quccnfton aod the Qcexns the next great o\ jefi ii the jut»clion "f the two Lntfo s, an t :■:-rnvrmciit, which mzy be fc"re eafiiy c^.-cicJ than is coo:inon!y n»pi>ofed.— riicrc ate fcveia] parts of tbe Chippawa wlu-ie ft is navigable £>n wfuh of any liz- within fifteen mile* of !.-^k : Ontario for ti.'rty nii'e- the Chtppawa rcfim^lcs a Cana!—' lie runcii i- i'nj»eR,et>tUJc, ad very littW afr clc.l by r-iin —the channel U tJc'p and without ohftru&ion—a Canal <f loMtec' miles w -eKI rea-'h c> the bead of* he mount it:i c't.fe on L,.ke Ontario, at the 30, or ^o RiifeCftSfci The cxp nfe not s;r at. ai by mak! g the I anal to ,'n- chno a liu1<\ two ol die I.tJc- wouM |>.e l»vtvl| ami f tir won't] the'Ct.)-e be foffi cicnt i he Height nf the Hi!1 at th • 40 in-!e Creek n.-iy be ahotf 2 jo 'cot. within a di'iancc of 2 mile of Lake Onta'Joff re- q ittni*, if the Cnnal were cnjiinnd, 43 1 f k . ? 1 vpiy* niir p. otlnr. vh gJVai ex••«-» fc ui I many \m ks. ami .!»e time 'oit in f ill.)/ ^n-1 re-pafH --jr, feem t" poim « ut .1 mi »wray as m ic *dv >n -".oi f..r mn »j ycaib t-» '.©mc, Xli€ biii: ill the c::d of the Canal §»**$! r16 foj^rf nf fome dillauce from ill* t0P °* thc I,il1, a*^ from this tne rail W1V tn commence, mnk- tftg it anScrtrt th«ee ;l,ul a h^f nr miles before it reached |l*« v-har\es on Lake On¬ tario. 1 he cKllrikutHHi of lI^e b«?f|Efch (,r 350 fert in this rfHUurtj WAiild hardly he peeccptiMe, a.-d tf the ratWay he made of iron, one horfr vvil1 h""- r,x lonH* an<1 by (hlftmg the wl^ds a very litt'e, which tttay be done in a moment, the huilc wiil draw as rruch • ^ k- ',llc Canal, 14 miles hi* length, will coil i H4 000, and the railway, fuflr rT,i,c'i» ^»o,ooo, and fix thot.fand po""^« for Pr I>cr wharvefi making an aggrVgftte of ,i:Jioo.coo for joining the two" |.akes. After paflinu in¬ to Lake Eric, tht» navigation is open tlno* Lakes Sinclair, iJwou and tVltVhigan, atid a trifling expenfe at the Stiaii of Saint Mary will enable veflela to proceed into j ,zk< iSupcrior. Thete i. o te fsthei improvement con* ncfte.' v-ith this line, which I ctnifider <^f great in p irtance to a laryie and we.hhy feci in wf the P^vince, namely, a com- mutucation bmvefi the Gra-.d River and the Chippftwa. The Qra«d Rivcrisnuvi- pable to a ^rrat lUtUnee Fw* lar^e h at-9— it abound.-, til mill fc»« of the belt drlerip- tion, ca;>a:'e of turning a»»y maciune.y whatever ai A t"«* counfy thr-.u^h whiru it runs is of the ftrtt q^aUty, and in a fhort tfmebecome rich it. the production of grain—it would ll-cefo'c b« -1' bfiiiit* ad,- vai.tige »o roiltfln a wa'et commu lication t« i akepntnto, which may be eff'&eJ I y a Canal of live miie^ in 1 "^tii, Rm f« near do the Grand Ri*er*R«J the Dji^pawaap- proai h each other. This would complete the m;.in line o' inter al Oavijratiun. and bfng the gjcvci pait «f the iYviuce dole to the 0-:iu. Whit is peculiarly enci utaj;;nff. there i-1 nu exj^irle io lc m- W'ttcij c-*;i he to.Iiicred bej ond cur rcacn- The he.tvic t expenfe b the t!u comt.untcbt l -i between I be two i„ikes. rl'h;s villi ni-t be required fur etgiit or ten years, a*s ihe f«rj?il«3 pfohu-c *oi ^e- iiod of tiau', v.i.i. find ^ imrrcdiatc mar¬ ket a.n »hg *U n. w Ict'ler- vvh» a1-: fl ek¬ ing hi^io'3. numben t • tie* Loud n r.nd Wdle.H Piiltri&i < nd be»o:e iliat pe¬ riod claples, tie Provhrcia] tr*aluty will enable the Lej» ll M«e, witimut fo»y tli.H- tti'ty, to appropna e a futn fuffi icm, 10 pay ihe intuell uf the capltbl Uid out III making the Caii^s, ryil ways.&c. it is ohviou,-, .\h. luiiioi, I but the pinn I Invj -ketchcfl ItrrnpiNiin^ lllv tiuutlnu i)et.vce»» usaruithi. O.iauwoultl be atttfltdi tl \Xittl A.i-t beiiehl-*, bill it may be iaid I hat to :'"-,i'"'« » ' 4"" - « muehtmn, and u,|,Mr (t h Rn5 Ik*j llie C'omruea.;(fin. V\^teMiCod .tv.v,n,l! fcavi'ltkcf! 1 iir^1 <,,rit,ll(l> ilnJ »« nev:;i be ice. ^- XVl'zv u0 lo '-1 TiL'Otoi, |y to v ;,k> 0ur !i i^^^ft^b in'MhtU-'inop- riho;! Ua >ear<5 b*iloye tie- greet We••. (iCfttiaV^ ' rceotn- mended my pa. on our ovvli ««'«*»* ^ fortbebenonto!;Urc*omm(,,Te/illisiouu- trvi^rowh>4iu:dl) -aiiil herprmluclioiis will, ill ;> *hatl lll'i be ini.nehse. Ihe Comtmrce uhi> ; n,:i> v°u>~ H»T*ua&OTr vntf.sfn;m out ^Uhuoui?, I eomklcr n*!v; Mtitiou— i« w*) hr pr«»htUiicd by their L'.vs. I \vJ'd ,m< eitlciilatc,three* lote, upon it in ■ ]> estimalo t'» be made, __i4,| ,j s stand ov our nun holloros, and improve- for inn ,,vlil hptiefiu ii our »u: tfrcininnuilcati■ »N flv ltulU(J •"•»«»• gepus to our it*?j*hbotfr«, and induce them to britij lb 'r produce to our mar¬ kets, >o much tue brti*-i ; but ihkoo^ht not lob-our mi**<«S pi»»u ij>l<^ There is no f'muht but l,l;it l,u% WeMerll (.anal will. In a tew m lW« h^of^s much ben. lit to Mot.trcai as lo New York ; and in tins opinion I mfl (hi' nM;rr ^firnwd by disc veriiig, Ihi^fth an i»|etlsne»t stian- f;er, that the Ca,lil.' Pa-^s within ten miles cf the he,fJ ol Sodus Bay, from Wrhivh a Canal c> riilway could be very easily estabiisb ti*—The Kail uay at an exp'v'tH1" of ab* ^ -5.000 pounds, or 100,000 d iliar —t*i«s canal would be more cxpeiuire-.3" {ne whole fall in this di^tae.ce i-. ab^ 1. 380 feet, averaging four lock- per mile* After Qpstiinj the communicatiou in thismauner bet*^» Montreal and Lake Superior, prfldu'^ °f every kind might he eanhv: from lke? moU distant parta of tht* coatitn a» cheap a* the same can be trUnspotted 10 New ^foik;—and Indeed tiiis much appears practicable previous to the making of -it vt-ral <>f the Canals sug- pested, wltiirb are oioie useful in facilita¬ ting the progress up t^.^ river ibau in paa« sing Uoh it, nud ibis briti^N me to the coividerntion of the more partial im- provemout* tbftl may be made upon our water ctMi.muuication. and a more partic¬ ular conipariht-ii of tL*e route b^ Like Ontario and tbc R.v.r Saint Liwieuee to Montreal, witti the Great Western t ?.uul. a«p'*r:iftr.-,.r»il been, anddprbnin^toenmply, be Ma* txpftttd llie >iirii'iy. 'far ih.i .iv-iif ibeSiidety were noanlmmwly pvrnt«»tie- J're-ideut, for the zeal* ability*fend iiiiell'pence, wliicli had >t>eminently ilistingid»h- ««.j |ii| eonduci i:i die (Htair during the many and ard 11ftiij concerns of ihe* niiniver*ary« Ry onli'r nf tii#» Soriel^. Seerefarv. KI.nGjsTOIn CuiiUMCLt:. * * ft a * » FRIDAY, March 26, 1819. « « * * ■ * v + m 5l£3 us. Editor;, 1 a. ci fetl ally *rel with the fallowing lle^nbtlinn anioag tUe i>a..i ^giictdtutai Society |-:ij( *rs, vol. I \ ... i\y i Strung tjie *ame in yo irnert ChrnniCle, yn- > "l! 'nili'ii tftbbg.* A subscriber. Di tsiet; of VttoCstiL > £«d r!2tfreAt HI J. 5 BATS *£$U IFBSTtlfi EVGLANLi J3« iUCULJTVRAh SQCJErV. 'TUo >\ tuuui ji'.ci o £ in on.- N/c-e y v%a« hol- ('•' at ii; 'r llodnia o. Mellliig iiwu.-e—, Di>ce*nbrr i:*. b-ji >. tttft II. Utiau W. Hiin. M. I\ K,R. S.&c. i*rtf*i / ':^. o' /Ac CrtaZr. M , UnVr (ta-inaj i-i..;.^u., ^dveci^cmem, and ula* uttiitg a.i.n.f?i i.n- %^-|\ ol ba.Ji,i.uu!e •i-;t« a-k. ;:- c ? •'••" ^M'lfCot a- n v.a» uii- w uuW.mjhui ncsneteiy mi f*.m• al, anti ■.. ;.a-- •ie '.i' ujiea tviult ue i^.m » my i.Aec*iuv<- iff !iie£jC*i\y«tt*«a callfc«l ii|>t>-iim r-ia.e wkninhe inean hv .iut i ;;n. a:..i . ;..jS & ivetf uiui (te tiiU iii», iMMii i.iy I"*'*-.-' " i .1: .mini, btuad (he rtifHih --.j-,. .0 \ —J lc ,.a. It<l, rri( l(, ftU|Av, anauo-^y ujiuo:e:fc»KicUau4ii j latiuaViC Weare enabled 10 lay before cir readers to¬ day, Kuropeau news, three week later than our former dates. Tile Speech of Hi? Ro>al Ilislmes^tbe Prince Recent,nathemeeliii^of the Imperial I'arlia- nietu, hi adverting toth" Convention of Aix-I.i- C!iau.-Mi\ pves rea-on to hope that theproftmnti irp.' Cjioluy which enw reigm ibio'^hont Knrope Mill br long preserve.!. The intihiaey suhsfctlng betwern the Allied Sovereigus, and the unaubrt- itv which Is apparent in their Cwintils, arecir- cuMT.*ai!ce- 1 I a novel and cheem;* r.aiure. T te noble declaraibm made on the dlsMflaiion of ihe Coecre E,>eeiiw to promise a nc« oi.s brigln era in rh"hi< or\ of the wo'iil Pri Cea now *• so- le^n' 1 ackn»Wtfrfge, that th?i>- dutiu totoartfj (Jorf, ami th- (,»:>»!? io\om tfaygffuern, m.i'^'it pdremp- tor t on t'ltm to give to the wortd, as far as in //*■ ir pfnp*t\ 0it example of justice. ofconcordy "/' mude- rathn : happi;n th* potoerof coKSBCraitrt^ fivm henceforth* aft their efforts to tht prot-.cii-nofthe arte o/p*tfce. tfl th*-ins-: t<e of tkeiat* uJt pro** ptoity of their St ite.s* and to the uwaki nlng Oj t'io$e zentiittcnls ofre'igh* m f nwii'iVv. w tost empire hn* been but toa natzhreajeeUei bj t!t<* tnisfortanc of tn - times? T«te Speech ffirther no ire? the socccss of His Maj -s V.- arms in India ; and an a«5arai*ce w ei- \en that (he w.v a- ••nileriakeii it|,on '% the strict¬ est principles o/W^,&/<rt*'*-'*--Tiie nexl muj- ci which !«*ao Iced •• one peculiarly g a:if»uigo»ev- ervwell iri*her 10 the pro-ueriiy of we Mother Country. Th<- Prloee Recent has die grea ert pet ur«* in beu-g able in inform hi* Parbameni, u t'tal the tend-, commerce, rtnd uuinujat arcs of th- ro\r\ti<j urz in a oeryjtouetshittg condition.' — Tub happy change ha* been tinque-tto. ablv ac- cnmpiijhed by the uhrivalled lktll ofouranizaie, ami by the steady habti* of industry, winch tn g-n-'ially prevail amongal tin* greai nvi- elonr f t]ii>w siihjec'-; it al»0 ,l affords '.he sttcngest proofof the solidity of the ^sources of the United Kingdom.** Kailnre*»TioweVe-f*.toan imtnen-e amoin*, are FfatCwl lobnve taken place in Lwidon* V.tare ineliee! io thinkthat the-e misfortune* are 10 »e attributed rather toinj nbciou flpcculA I6nn,and 0 t t.a-Jhig, tban 10 any pressure oi ine time*. frh* Corora'lon of dtp Kng of France if fixed For heSdnfMav. Tne change m iie-mini&oy i» ennfrrrard u» an ordinance of His Mo>i Chrtsuan 3!aje:^Jn Ihehrsl article of ulnca the iiaino of i!i"iio',v Minijtersapp- ar, and by the RfCOffd tiie office of Minister ot Police i- aLub.Mi. U.—Sol u.ti '-..-.iiir' 'lierepof ed diffivi»liy in ihe forma* i.: ot' hi N 'w Miimiry,ve :i»ay i;if*i from he -• I-•.•qneiii life of the funds,,that geari#leo&£* d'ne- ia ihestaUHilj of die Qovernmeni urevaiU, The pliin ««d to* b- p-opn ed u> the ?*pani h Mi. Ktn loeuftblelisgovernment t*pioildeU.e v\-'% :• iii ce5-ar> foreqni] p<eg an ainiaiueni >■ t- i.ii.-elv powerful iubringag^rn onder subjec¬ tion the revolted Colonic* ol South America, re- . 1 .1 ..i. » - ■ . •■ . ir, - • 1* slUkoO ■*, ii 1 1 dir-Hi «amiierofa rrftlHj I", an almo-t in;»e«ibl * ecu iii/'-.^ry. Wftatevi n^asurrs ma> heeiuere:! Il|t0 Bw1 the aecompl. lei.-na .»f tlo\o'n>rf,'Re r.«*a>e 10 fiiiPiam pie idea, that vpain ■ ill ever !?•• enaM do legaln hertomer sw;tv over tlie ioenei»>e ieriuoro*> wh.e:i navp th»o« n oli'lhrir alle* anre, — A vet ion m Spanibh *uponaev.aerte Au g 11 fillthelnforniatiiMiuecan collec'.ia 'e.o hrnUv roo ed, evei 10 benadice.ted. Hepr**, \vlia"evr 1'oi'ce may be employed, a: d hi uevee •iicce-if '1 may be ihrupc a<iOn< o. the n ar on the pari of lie King, no security lor the fie nre can be en* a ed. The islands vvloch an*-aid to be about to Se of- fercil 10 European powers are leinpiliigo'iject*-* and their di -posal W'HI lio doubt bring targe 5UIQ9 imo die Spanish eoipTS. The island of Cnlfa, which report a-i?»-s in Oreal Hnains wo* hi prove nn acqoWldoo of vu-t importance. Setting a-ideit* ex*ent. and ihefetiUu) of its >od, the mi nation of hi&l&land reodersi It of locatculabJe valneio a peW'r v.hieiK like Great Br I: am, has so sr^at an imereoi at f'aLtio ihe other i-lands of the We^iern Vrchipi'lago. In Uo.e of war it- position enables tne po-se>M>r to comiiiaud the \a t and increa intr fade o! ihe G ilpaofXextco. It at tin* baponanci* ofCuba 0 preat Un a-o is at this moment pcculiertyepOawced, now that .he I loridas have become u portion of Ihe Uaeed Sia'e^* territory.—so*iul poiicy would herrfore no do'thi ptoiopt Iter 10 embrace the rffer, if sue can do ii tvitucui uuking herecil a par^ in ;kc «ar. P,y tNe Q'.tebeen.i^ette of the 13th instant, -we nb*ervrt iha1 a Bill ua> then before ihe Legi-la- t'o»*of Llie bo.»er Pievince,'0 lepeal and amend Curtain parti of an act pa;-ed in the S4ih year of Hi. Maje&rv-s Reian, entitled ** An Ac; for ihe Oivi-inn of the Province of Lower Canada, frr amending 'he J'.dica ure iheieof, and iorre- pealing certain Law*therein mentioned,*1 and to make furlver provijUOQ fiw the more certain aud '-nobrni an*nini^traiion of Justice yrltbiu the said Province. The principal feature of this bill is the ehiabb.huieie oT 4'asupeiitfr permanent n i- b'lnal, as \vll for the adniir.i>ira 'on of Jo*.ice in appeal in al! civil ple&i, a- lor the aJtfiinis- tra'ion of Jus-tico in all pleas of the GroHfl, by an orig nal Jurisdice.ooj Co-extenDive v\ith Ihe Province. * And aKo for the e-iablishmetit oi a ir*l>neaU having local jiirivdiCiion, coullncd 10 eiu] pi a ie» onTv, and ul he denonTiria ed '* difcf Court of (JommoD Pleas.'1 Tin? Com tin some ie<pecis answers to onr 4t District CowW hut with the important advantage of having profe** tional men m> Judge*, ihe ?eui S i.aiureot iheac- lion atirestrieied, and an ca>y appeal from it* de* ci-ion* to the superior Coartof King% B't en. Tfii* bili.whlch Issvpposed tohavctirlginatedui inelaie Message of Hi- f? ac tfte Governor General to the Provincial I/^eia'urev if pa* ed into a law in its present form, will be attended with many important a-dvauta^es to the Lower Province, as fiom the frequent te^ion> of the inferior Court or Court of Common Pleas (which i> In Tun- liuee the stme ti» ai pr»-ent) the CicditOr will ha\p the powei of recovering the moify \s\ ti promptne s, and such doubtful que ii6fl> a» ari^e i>\ the course of litigai*on will have ihe advau- tage of »olemn decisions before all the Jodg^«,iij the same .r.anner a* aie had in IneCourtSOl West¬ minster Hail. Ic ittaid thai the bili, ?ho-.ld it pa-S will undergo .-tune amendment-, the "princi¬ pal of nbtCh will be ^o '-siablUh Courts of Ciim- iua. Jurisdiction thronghoui ihe ditt«*ruil Co«B- lies in :he Province, a> well as regolar Clients for ihe. rial of all i sues of fact by Juri s( where either of the parlies may require aj'«ry trial] in the Co:iti:i*-> in which Hie question may an e. v.! 'in M 1 hi* laEierameadmem |!'-' I 0 rts avoid only bold their sessions a> one place in each Db- lnc,nf which there are only four 111 the Lo.xer Proviier, coiiMquenilv the inconvenience of bringing iviiu*Sies fioma uisiancc would be very gre:»(. Tne infant >tate of the Province of Upper Ca- nada pro >ubl> precludes anv additional expea- rtiture in soppOil of it* Judicia«\.bui ine want 01 more freq em Mtting>of ihe Co^rtol's 15eiii'h in ihe Dimiic:.*, is aiiendeU with iiicont ;*tv,ihi«- di*advauiuge 10 ih*- ubnest credit¬ or, and na« aufreq \tn:\\ the lo-,-of debts to a l.ipj- amoMii!. Ifil.cfe.d 1 f the P*ovince n ■ run ..'l":|'a e to the -nepo' of a .. i.eiral sue. a^* *,r.e Court W Coamco I'lcfta cv^templawd by loe L*fi utnre of T.owrr Canada, il 1« rx~ ti(in-fy de irabl<* 'ha' 1 or.* frrlpiMil * rcuits *h«nld U/> hr)d hv ihr J* ice-, ih»» nec*n*\t\ of which it i*hoped will ' re l»T'ir be aekoowlrdgod *•'• lie- Executive Onve i.n.eni, aid piovided tor a- conlinirly. He-i(|e- -he Judiraoire BiM,*evr»al other im¬ portant aiea$tiiei I a\.* rome mi iler Ihe rop« Ideja- lion i>f thr House of As*e:n!il\ of Low ei ( u\ ana, amovg which aie a Rill for ewah siting Paio- Chial School, llie Civil !,i«i, rl r Ceri*us Bill, a Revenue Bill, lb* I.arhine Canal RiU.thr SI|Jt- lia Bill, and further provisions !ur regulalu^ Elections. Ii may perhaps be ncemsrjf 'o ob'rrve that (lie (Jueen of \Vnrt«*mbure who-e dra'h i* an- iiouncd in onr preceding c<dnnu'*, wa* a prn* ce*s of Havana, who was n arrnd In l.e pi erect KingofWurremfcurg in llie jeot Kfclo. mjd nut trie eldest daughter of Hi- Maje-ly the KiAc ui Great Briain,a uune have MippnsriL Tlii [at» ter prince-, we believe, 1$ still living, Wilh '.!je title of Dowager Qmccd. The plasne appears to b" cntmnitring dreadful ravages in tie Barbara Htaiej. 0» e account says that TOO pernOfs died dadv &i Tunis, but this must b-» an rxair^eraiion. Amoi'g I n:- n< 01- bera that have fallen yictimi 10 ihi- terrible di»- eas*, is the British Cocuul General at the above city- several pxtens:«c and distrpss'in? firo^ have lal'ly taken place in the United State*, Among others U thcdcMtaction* on the f;fb imfatltj of the Masonic Hall, in Philadelphia, n bra mi I ul edifice nhiehcost 80,000 dollars. Oti llie C'b iti*tnnf, a bouse wa* btniti in the town of Millleu, iti i euii-\!vaiiin, and two ynuni; w omen perivhi d in flic* HjiTin. On tne 8th a lire broke out in ih»- ti wa rf I'»tershut.h, in Virginia^ « hit It rt r- suroed nhmtl hxIi Ikuhi^. Two ],< ufn arc SOld 'o hltve been burnt nn tlie *:;mo day in POugh keepsie?i» thtState of Ntw- Yelk. The Ptest OfflcA in rheTowo'hipofHablimarid in the District of New Case* ha- been rcn«ved to Hamilon,where Mr. Jaioes G. J3e;hune is appuioted Port Ma-ter, It \< reported that the Patriot ?qnnc?- ron, under Comtm dore Aury, ha* be ;> driven on shore in n stohn—and i very rcssel wricked. i';:riieular< not know: . important dechinii.—The Supp n a Court of the United States, ha? dethleci that a Srnfv bis no right to tftS the U. C. !>;i"U in any way wbiitcver. The Won.Jahn fV^//i, lately appoint* ed Minister at the Court ol Madrid, i tn sail from Annapolis, Manned, fa the U. S. Ship hornet. Captain I\ Id. Utfca P dnvh His Excellency the Lieutenant Gr*;rr*> nor. having hpen graeiot^ly pbniMd. to ^ iot 10 hr.i^l m F. A'aK .- A\ X. £'w- I, an, Iv^iiik'S. ami iu (he lift. (S. O. Smart, 1 rtahi lot* of grrundin tho*l nwu o\ Kinc (•"ii. teir the paiposeol rrrrtSng an Ilosp'tnl thcrcoti : togelhrr wiii> c. r- lain other leu. (smniriting iti the whole to about seven acre;) fo b' b» or b ri^< tl f^r the support t»f>oid Ho>|>ifftl 5 it is [)iop'>st.rl to open a S.«h nipiion U>shares of J& 10 eaehj in order tn ra'-ea loud f"r erecting the nece-*aij BniUUt)^— A^foon as 200 fhare^are I a ken up, the Building* will be commenced.—Subscrip¬ tions will b-j received b\ thp ab>*vemen« • Honed Ti u*teas, and the It- v. It. G. Cur* tiis, J. Wilson.aud A.Marshall, Esq. ft umber of Shares published! n last zseelt, \ GD William St'oughton ..'.... 2 Stephen Miles..........1 Christian Ret order. ■Rjefirsi number of -he CHRISTIAN RB- CORDER will be U*ued on 1st April next. TMEATRE. Mr. CARPEN TEtt, and Miss MOOllE's first appearance. f If ^IIK public are respevtf'illy informed Ji- that Mr. Carpenter and Miss Mooue, of the Theatres New York and Cbaile*ton, and late of the Montreal Theatre, are engaged for a few nights* On MOSDAY EVENING; March 29, 1819, WUtbe acted, SrautoAM's TRAGIC. Vte¥et PIZARRO, THE DEATH OF HOLLA. HOLLA, Mr. CaiPtXTLR, CORA, Miss Mookk. « • « ■ To wbich will be added, the much ndmi* red celebrated Comir Farce, in tv\o Acts, called THE ROMP, OR, A Care for the Spleen. FRISCILLA TOMBOY, (the Romp) Miss Moore. Tho performance to commence at & o'clock precisely. (For Characters see Bills.) Bfble and Common Prayer Book Society. 151 consequence of a change in the Constitution of the York Society* to which this wa* attached asaii Auxiliary, not ce is her* by uiv-n. that a Gent-rat Meeting of ihe Subscribers will be le\d on llEDSESDAY' NEXT, ai VI o'¬ clock, in the Cbuub, to lafee into f *i»- sulcration meaiures for effecting tn sinai ar chant:s Uv or'l■•■■ ■ f *!•-■ Fvrt«id "'"t. .".GUN VviUiO.N3^c;> 69 15