Kingston Chronicle, March 26, 1819, p. 2

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This man, xvho-e oath* wa« Thorns Thoen, ?aWI IT,, has oof yd a«y very re$f>eciabie set- fVr< except tho«*e thai came over with »er do I think he w^il have. Mm ; neill Us ha*grcaflv naHw tlemcnT. Ic. eonfapenc* of the low pvjCc ot gram, iu fcveral if the departments, petition have been prefented reletting permiiTion . oresentcd the set- to export it |/he land is not of ibg first quality-no •prfnfE *»*eT, *rtl ***** „„< «r4d,no mill within many miles, and the country in gei eral unhealthy. Ko pood site for a town, nor convenience for machinery at a future day ; and to add to this he and Flower are at vari¬ ance, and never speak to each o'her. FlnxveHeft a wile in BngTand ; butsmce )L residing in this country has married the f»«i« woman BiraUeck brooght out with him i! 1—The ^ettiementwill do hat for a f"u chnracters! : ^e ««nc away du- rnsied with it alto-thcr, and sorry to think so many of oar countrymen will probably he deluded by his false publi¬ cations. The Western States a™ not calculated for an fcngl^nman mkm has known any thin* of society ; they niH do only for the labouring clays, and poor fanners with lame families accustomed to hard labour; but even these will be at a loss. Europeans know not how to kaitrfl? the axe as an American docs, nor can they safier so many priva:ions with patience." NEW YORK, MARCS T J. By an zr\\v?.] at Bolton horn Havre, and (Me at Norfolk from Liverpool, we have r&h dates to the 2lfit, and LontlI »n to (he 25th of January, mclnfive. The Mowing fumroary and detail of the news in the Pari- papers if. copied, principal1}-, f»om the Boft-n Daily Advotifer. For the Steech of the King of England, at the opening of Parliament, and < ther rx- trad> fr m Englifh papers, we are indebt¬ ed to the Editor of the Norfolk Uerald. from the Bcjlon Daily Aefoertifer of "March 13. We are indebted to our eorrefpondent S! Havre, and to a friend in thi-; town for P'.ii- papers to Jan- 2 1. twenty four ffafi later than before received, and London p.«p.r« to the- 4 h, received by the Mary fane from Havre. We have made a van PARIS, DFC. 3f- Chan^t of French Ministry-Three de¬ crees of the &ntg have beta officially poo- lifhed this day, announcing the rt%natin of the Duke of Richelieu, M. Lame, Count Mole and Count Roy. a* Mimlters of Foreign Affairs, of the Interior, Ma¬ rine and Finance. His •'< ajefty expreffc* bis regret the ill health of the Duke of Richelieu prevents htxm from fulfilling the aWn duties of Prime Miniiier; and as »k of his confidence in the Mi*'tftefs aid a ma a lurs. sho have refigned, he ha* appointed them 11 Miniiier* of State, and Privy Ccunfel- NEW MINISTERS, LOUIS, by the grace i.f God, King, RttnJ payment. This concern is faid to have failed for £900,000 fterl.ncr . being the created failure lirue that of Fordyce 1.1 1792. No failure ever excited more m- te'.dt than this; the high reputation of this houfe for probity, has drawn forth much coramiOration for its mi-fortunes. To cl fr, two other houfes flopped pay¬ ment on Saturday. From the Norfolk Herald. March 8. Very late from England,--Vrmed in Hampton Roads yctferday forenoon, ike faft falling ffiip Virginia, Captain Fifher, in ^7 days from Liv rpool Try the ulnal polite attention of Capt. F. we arc in- d hted for Liverpool papers to the 27th and Lond m ro the 25th of January, bring ne-.vly a month in advance ot f -rtnerdate h ho fo ; . . r Tj /• « t 'i his mar, rrno=ppamriJ- rn«'i:w i»y^i< tjcnntefldaocc of the Marqun o\ tiaitin^s, ( ^ ne bad luaciltl „i.i, l(14. ,„„;.-, aroiy 0 reputation of the Britifh arms. The Prince Regent has the greateft pleafore in being able to inform you, that the trade, commerce, and manufactures of the country are in a mofl flourishing con- dition. The favourable change whlcB has fo ra¬ pidly taken place in the internal circum- rtances of the United Kingdom affords the Hronecft proof of the folidity of its re- fonrces. To euhivaie and .mprove tbs aovanta- "gggfi;™ ,,,„., „'„...:, ,..... , ,J « with a but end 0! a mubket, ami !• fi him t<" fi'%4 in the gctietid heap. Ue rccovervdv to*.^ encwVto cavd to a ner^li^-oui p ;' drain, vum on he'.iur d'r-rovercd ibe 11 ■ \t inn.mng. Me *aj hmz i»f»'w a iwe»aa4 lefi & p«' •-*»- Ti*e r^i% happily, h.oke; when u* »a :i;..:ou ii.:o..'- , and as'aiu &uog up in llte»a$e ivaj !>■• •-.•v.n the mpebri'ke* aften berctui^cd octay»-J ri a but a. a hitle disijtuc*, wln*»el«e .Mi.-p-u .. b c- self fur ien days with noitiivg lw* t,its ',;i-- ««tf crrov i:« ardie'door, and I P •""'•:- "l '■t'M 1 «t ?..Hirer- ibi mof.—At the eApi.d.rrtu 01 .:. .• m» (■ -rval,he «va accden-a Hj ducm-cml •;• »: -!d Candtaa. wtio, after k»oitinratttin»,»'sifid«*»> *^ &e. We have ordained, and do ordiin as foMows ex CO te ery -f cv.t'njl-s from thele papers winch v. ill br found under th-ir prop t date-. '1 he Sated prices current, aon lunce that very Irtv'e change had taken pace in the ftate of 1 he ma ket fa Fraa'ce. The French funds on the n;:p« iutment of the new e.ii- nilhv, had experienced a favorable chancre. Ttuy wen quoted at our lait djtea at 63L They are now at 67 CO a 68 A decreei annoanci vj th<- appointment of ;h? new Miniftry, will be found under the P«irl« date. H^r Miijefty Qneen Ti-uifa, wife of ,",.^v z-f or o/^Tu, «sica at ",i<wif, Jan. 2. tSh'- waa born at Parma, Jan. z, 1751, and marrkd to the King vt Spain, Sept. 4, 17 ? ' * 1 >e Paris papers coRtain London date^i to Jan. 15. The Btitffh Parliament af- iembled on the 14th On opening of the Houfe of Common*. Mr. Manneis Sutton, Was re Reeled Speaker It was expect-d that the Speech w uld be de'ivered on che Sift, until which time the fcfii >n would he only formal. BnVm flocks, Jan. 13 —Three per ct. confols 77 7 S ; do. for ace 79 1 2 ; red. , i-2—three and a half 87 3 4. It wa- announced that a project of a law on the liberty of the prefs was to be nre- I. Tf e MarqiiW DefTo'e, Peer ot France, h apnoinred MiniiUr, Secretary of State f,r Foreign Affiira, and Prefident of the Council of Miniftrrs. 'i he Sseur de Sarre, member of the Ilonfe of Deputies is appointed Keeper of the Seals and Mffoifterof Jofitce. ( ount becaze>, ?e«r of France, is ap¬ pointed Mi.tinVr of the Inter! r. The Baron Portal is appointed Miniiier of Marine. The Baron Louis, alfo member of the Honfe cf De!>utie-, Minifter of Finance II. 'theofRce of Miniiier of Police is ab'.M'fh-d. ( '^wd) LOUIS. (Counterfurnerl) Defile At two o'clock, the new Miie'Hers af- femb'ed h Counci1, having previ »ufly tak- en the ouh . f ofnee, in 'heir new q odity, from thr hands of the King. Otn. Alix, another of the exiles by the ordir-anee ' f July 18'5, ha-, been permit ted to return to France- Mr. A'den, a mi rch.-mt belong rag to the United State- of America, has built a StcaT, Boat at "l riefle, which lie has nam¬ ed the ( a>o*ina On her firll tiip, with the Archduke Regmar, Viceroy of Vene¬ tian Lomb.irdy on boatd,(he wei t eight* en miles m tw« hours, Queen cf Spain —The Madrid Gazette contains the parttcu'ars e.f the decrafe • i the y nag and interefling Qui en of .j^ai:j She did not die in travail—but of convnl {ions. A fie-' her deceale Hie wa- delivered, by the Cefaiisn operation, of a Princefs, who fu vived only a few minutes after in- haling bteath. LONDON, DtC 3 t. on the 2ift of January. The p-ipers announce the de,ith of the Qneen of Wirtembero. and Maria There- la. «f Parma, confrt of I barle« IV. of Spam.and mother of Ferdinand VIL Pliers at Livrrp ol, Jan. 23—Turpen¬ tine, per cwt rough, 14 a 15s 3d. ; 1 ar, per kbl. 16 a iv ; Timber, per foot, com¬ mon pi e. 2s id a 2 2; Stave* W. O. pipe, 2c a 30 ; hhd t6 a 23 ; bbl 12 a 18. Flour, Am. per bbl 44-347; four, 34 a lib Average price ot wheat, for the week ending Jan i6ih, 77- 8d. Lond'n markets for jjra'n. ruber di.ll. Livev < ol market^ for flour and wheat, promifing. tPNOOMi JrtN. 21 This day, at half an h- ur after 2 o'clo.. k, the Lord i hancelior entered the biwufc <,f 1 ord&, and proceeding < .ir-ct-y to 'he ta¬ li e, received 1 he Oaths as a Peer of Psr'.ia ImCHI. Sen after tbe noble Lord r. tntd f-.-r the pnr| if putting on his r-he... nod retiiTu d to the hrvufs acc-in.panied by the arel, iffr.p of Canterbury, the D"ke of VA e.lii'cl' ",rl-.e Earj« i arrowl.y, and 1 be - , . ('iijrrtu 111m iv uv to.... .. » -■ - . —j bleffiiig of Providence, has beentu napps y rl«rfe» aod «o receive c>e»v, ac ..-.. re etlab'ilhed throughout Europe '1 he Commons then retiied, and the Hauls adjourned till five o'clock. P,\!i.<s January 1. Motions lave been made in the Cham* bers of Peers -and Deputies, to request his Majesty to confer on the Duke o^ Richelieu some testimonial of gratitude, proportionate to his pre-eminent servi¬ ces and disintcTestfdneFS, znd worthy of a «rcst monarch at d nation- The Duke on being acquainted with these nioiimis, sent letters to both Houses, declining to accept any thing which would add to the burthens of the Slate. Among the general officers appointed in the new organization of the staff of the army, are Lieut. Generals Beliiard, Mai- sen, CoIbtMt, Grrsnlj Ilapp, Foy, Sem- eir. D**france, and L'ipou'rnre. Murder of 31. Fuaides*—The renewed cA perMin^fs implicated i;: the hoi rid c>urd(?r of M. Fitaldes* nearly tvvo years Hticc, arrests fiuuh aftrniinti al Albu which (u* required. ym king aliased bio* a ho-jsr »r tSw t&* » cf Caflrty, in whrch he reipaiurd nil wv arrn i1 <^ tki* Jjriiish,— He experiehcrL uei ii%: zvitl I'rat* rua! from thejcslous t\rai.i ; d ( li.e fa^;xij harbannes vfhiC i ue b^hfiit, £«(i w Iticil lllfr*1 X*j> fMofleiiCc wa* *n&e\cul toexcue kej>. hi^»^a sia -c ef couscant iuqairSiid'* c.nd aiavar, / - -a* man, ti^oi- d<;ei .rduimereh en, ^tj.rg iimo»age ftofn hini to J-.aju Lfavic, 'At. iwato^i* l-f j^ui to tleath. 1 He oily source of aolace which this Btan&sJ ace- £S lo, in ihc drrary hour.- **»f 2m> If. p *->. •.. <v, rarnl, wa- in tl;r prru-a! oi a U k(.&cbvtj j «>r-»'»•- of au Ln^irh tJihJe, nhidl iOirun:d wi^e c.^/.y*- lcf& oi Jorciiu«.h. fe-^-ir-^- *"-T-V,* .. ■ - • La'l t" Wclimnte:and, w\.> with the i.o- Ihefarr.ou Madame Man'on is a uitn-.-.-s, and she ha- deposed pnfemptorily, thai one of the accused was of the murder- HOME AFFAIRS. Statutes of Upper Canada. /n /ICT to empower ihi G*>ittwflromrs cf the Pence for the Eapern DLtriB iniceir * Court nf C-rerat Spurrier SeytMts <','r«a- bled.ti Fsinbltfh mtl Regulate tie wr for IcUing a Market in t-'e Cornwall, in thefaid Dtstrid. l_i a- pij ., -. Nn», tfll?J 4' oti'.-y sj bit ii d jearried Lord, acted as the- loyal C'lmmdh" j'. era Th gentleman Urtier of thr Black Hod w s then enmmanded to require the at- i' nddiice of the iconic of Commons -u the ra-, to hear the Prince Regcnt*a Speech nad. The Gammons fuoa aft.-r a:-,pe2r.d at the bar. prece ' -•' by 'heir Speaker^ when the i.o'l ( hancellor, on ibe pait iA ilic comiT.ilho ers, r> a S thr fullowi* g Ipeeth : ors who snrromided the table when the throat of M, F. was cut. London*, D<c. 28.—On Sunday, last week, Capt. Cranston, a^;d crow of the American ihipMarmion,attended dniup service at [pswich, to off-»r th->iik« to God f^rtheirsafe drlivnance from shipwreck. The Payfov took for his text on the oc¬ casion these words r—tfc The) that go It Vtpptmi mat tlte grand which mard.d by his !<< yal lughnef. fa Prince My Lords and Gentlemen— We are torn- down to the- sea in ships, that do husi- weKpedir-.t ffr tlw convenience of the irh hitant cf the Latlern i)i(\iid, that a ."• >r!;ec th*K&$ b< cflablifhed p.t Cornwall, in t e Jr.i* £$&« trid and that tin. trines for boMfiter fua"% Mmk^t fitouldbe afcertai-itd, Lei eu.ic|« ed by the khV.s Mod E'jcc Dent M \r&fm by and with the advict m ' c nfei i . f be Legifljttve Council and AftaMyof •*••' Province of Upper Canada, cent!, ut and aflenb'ed I y virtue of a» d wd- tue a«.tlo-i;y «dan /.a p..(Td in tl,e !>,r ra. men: <t Great Brim'th ' •' x » 1 -8 pa' icu(^6 to the Houfe of Deputies on the 2S?h. 'I he receipts of the Theatre* and pr.'nei- ptiblic gardens of Pan"', dfjijue the year i«i8 amounted to 5,017 526 franc-. An c« ti» e change had taken par.- hi th> French Miniftry. The Duke c»f IU- che'nu, anrl his aflbctatcs refigrietr; and the Marqnfe Uefult- had fuccetded ax Pritie MiniiUr. The o'd MinilleiB had been ma'de Privy GnunfeHora.-------\ fmall ndvanceof the flocks was ft.-ited to be the:ff;6tof this change; which whs c nfidcred favouraVe to the exitliug Char¬ ter, and oo;er or things. I re French Path* meat was proceeding- very Uirorelyinthe ordinary legMationofthe -cnvd.-m. The mi.liocifcCiq.iietn. f reign¬ ed in every part ; and form of the exiles of rcTi c- ('<f 1 He i'econif e"at>y wrverro-n time to lime returning. General Alix was the iait. Thofe of the cJafs wit! proba- !>>' n«v r be pardoned. A bill was be- fi"e the of Peer* for the aboli¬ tion of the "Droit dV\nbainc;" a law 1 y which the effects of ftiangei* dying in I*ranee become forfeited to the cro now occupies the art* ntion <<f the Aiirnltry, but -nore particularly of t!ie .vlarqni- de Yrujo. h to fi»ike a great nn<i general blow in the who'e of South America, in order to put an end 10 the war at once. In or¬ der to carry thispnjcl into execution, plans have been formed, the rcfult of which feern* to be, that toroco men aie deemed ntc ni'-y for Venezuela and New Grenada, 8,cco tor Mexico, 14,000 for Buenos Ayr**, and 8.oco for Chiti, in all 40.000. A new leheme pjefented by the Maiquis, it feems\ has met with the approbation of hla Majefly and t'hta is faid to be, to deliv¬ er over to Knffir. the Balearic If! neb. viz. Majorca, Minona, and [vica ; to Hoi;a-id the feven «. an oy iflmd- ; to England the I/Led of Cuba; and to France Puer¬ to Rico, 1 he SpanihS part of th. lflmd "f Santo D mingo, and the Phi'fipme Ifl- ands By this means, it is fnppofed, Wuu Recent, to exprel» to you ,|K. fjeC{) rc-. grei whirl, he feil in the cqhtinuance ©I his Mij-Hy's lamented if'difp<.fui,)U. In Mimonncing to you the fgvere calam¬ ity with which it h,is • lealed Divine Pro¬ vidence to vilit the Prtn.ce Itegcrit, the Royal Family and the Nat[on, by the death of her Majefty the Q_u ' f1 of the U- oiled Kingdom, his Roy I Highnefs has c "r>rr:a. c!ed us to dirtfi your attention to the confHeiati. n of fuch meafnres a^ this n elan> holy event has rendtr#d necedry and ex e<<i ni with r, lpeCt to the care of His M»jeiiy*s la. red pert" ft. We a e dh. die I t > inform T)U that the negotihti o* which h've tafctn place at Aix-ia Chaptilc have ied to thi evacuation f up's rnfrwaf waters 2 these see tlic works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deop" Persian Princes.—Two Persian Trin- res were in Kngland at the last date— in the requisition of knowledge—one Meerza Janlir llaily Zainey, the other Meer?.a Sanlih. They have acquired a perfect knowledge ot the English lau- guage, and read the works of the British po«»fs (Milton, Ovron, and M ore,) with great delight. They hare vi-ited the celebiatfd Hannah Moore. Saul !i has directed UH attention to the art of print¬ ing ; has m.idtj much profiriettrv in if : and intends to carry to Persia a priming apparatus. large 1 ft er Yruj > expects to obtain the nrcefTirv traniports, and other requilites to re dize the expedition, the total amount of which has been calculated at thirty milli ns of dollars th -ugh it was thought that the above transfers, if cairied into tfT fit, would produce coufiderably more than that fum. jan 4 It i? underftood that the Conf wt? of all our four Royal Dukes n -w abo^d are happily advanced in pregnancy, and there fore there i\ the molt gratifying hope* of 01 the Ficnch territory by tie Allied ar¬ mies. I he Prince Regent has pir-n orders, that the Convention concluded f>" this p opole a- well as the other documents, connected with this arrangement, fliall be laid b fore you : and be U psffnaded that you will vtVw with jiccu'iar ucisrafii n the intimare union which fo Inppily fulfills amonglt the powers who were parties to thele iranh-c^ions. and the unvaried cliioo- frion which has bten maniFefted i\) all their proceedinirs for the peace antj tranquility of Kurope. The Prince R'gent iris commanded us further to acquaint yon, that a Treaty has SLAV7?-: TRADK. Exit•aef of a letter dtted St. Mary's, Gin!in, Sept. l28. LSI8. At Inst the French nro making a chew of st .ppiujj the '•lave trade. A few days a^o one cf th"?r armed vessels brought into Gnrep, a schooner onder American colore,with about thirty slaves onboard ; but we have not f(*t heard th-e re^uft of this detention, fioweve-r, I nod tliaf there i«= a visible change both in St. L »u- is and Gore*?, since the commandant for¬ bid the exportation of slaves ; but -I as¬ sure you the .home! is only turned an¬ other way, for (he Goree craft now run across; from the coast, and particularly - .----- " y "™ s'»"'j'"g m.Fc» w, runner toacquaint you, tnata Treaty has iiin,v"nm rne coaar, ana particularly tfeuMng the line otluceeiTin in the im. been concluded between hu HoyaJ iwh. fr0!n Basso 0, to the Cap- de V«.d 1st'- mediate iffue of his M jedy. We hear neU and the rovernn tut of the U S atrsof «"fK w'»h twenty or thirty slaves at a m n i-a^anrr tteirfihr i>\ifcf »»rf Wicilv A-^vihf il-.rMv- t&mm] tfovmvhmvnm tim,J- and Um] thf>m rtn Q™ of these M- bterne, in hit Senti-rentnl Journey, de- Bounces the cruelty of ihU law. h will be rcolledted that »n the treaty of 1778, te-tween the Ui:itrd State^ and France, the' law was fufpended as it jel'pecled Ameri¬ cans. All the nations w^e cultivating the »rts of peace; and turning the engines of war to the implements of hufb.ndry. All the var horfes returned to PTnffla bad been given to the fa mers, they promifing to tun lfl> the King with other born *, when a new war bnak- out. The -'mpe.or Alexander, h,\ Lmprefs, mother, brother? a-.d fillets, after a long to the weft of Luiope, have returned to St. Pete.(burg. The account* from Spain are to a late date ; when it was apparent t^eada-ii* . f tl e nation w, re as ..veil and r, f:.t«Tad< rfly aomnnUred as that of any other in Eu rope. t onfiderable excitement appears to have fucceeded rht ma-y failutea wli< h occui- red 111 L odor the week enora^ Jan. 9 A defne «... rWmer} by tht 6if. banded lold.Vry, t» enJfll nn-er a col -el, whouai .ecruifingin r MC»e' |or One of the p2,ers t hferve* that ^c,ooo men might be obtained tf wanted. eh, of Kent arc ro proceed to Lngland;. fly to the Duche-fs'* accouchenent, and u ely h would be a becoming def« rence t« public opn-ion that they mould ah do f'. When it isconiidered by what Hgo- »cus precautions th^ ancient pradiee of wn. the realm has guarded the- Royal Bed of England fo as f pive iindifputed confi¬ dence to -he people in the legitimacy to the Family, it U not fit that a Royal Ducheis 111 «uld bting forth a Prince that may be the future .Sovereign of Great- Biitain, in tome folttary chateau of Ger- •WT- ' JAN. c Ytttcrday the horfes and carriages of the )?tr Queen were fold—55 nf the for- ^er fr ^4565, and i3 of the hour for »J.?77 jan 9 The Monarch, of 620 tons, has left ihe Do,vnS filler] ,virh recruit« from the iCng- lifh rrgi-mnts, whofe nu nfeers hawe been Lre!y reduced. ThU i the fifth vetfel fit- red out from !,-e tu j .i- thr expedition to New Grenada, under the orders of Aiae- G'^nr .. JAN II. vSn.ce the drteftrous era of iXro. we do not recolh£t t., have witneffed fo many gwneffl will giv*; direc^iona that a copy failures .•^.•nd a« have latel y taken place. On ay wc were made acquai ted wfth thofe of feven French honteh: the n. xt day, a leaning me - her of this city, having a- principal Bank Dnetfor. and Member of year.*,©! the Co-n t.trcia! Couventitm now fnhfilting between thr two nations, and For the amicable adf nil met t o' feveia! points or" rnut-ud importance to the inte-refts <f both coant'ies ; a- fion a- the ratifica¬ tions fTi.ilI have been earchariired. his R..val HiVh of this Treaty m ill be laid before you. Gentlemen of the rforfe of Commons— The Prince Regent has dried d that the efti- mates fW the current >ear mail be laid be- foie you. His iJoyal Highness feels afTured, that you will learn with l*ti faction the extent of redact! n which the prefent fit union of Europe, and the ci^cn nftance* • f the Bn't- i'ith. empire, have enab^d his Royal High- aeCs to cfF fl in ihe rvjval aad military cf- tabhih nents of i he oonti y. Wis Royal ijighneri has alfo the gratifi¬ cation of announcing to you, a considera¬ ble and progreflive fo^r •yerw nt Ot the re- Venue in it<» mol? im- o •' -nt brant heH My 1 ords and Gentlemen-—The Prince Rrrjent has directed t-' he laid before you fu-.h papers as are i.e>fTa<y tr> (hew the origin and lefuh of th: war in the Eall In¬ dies. His Royal Hignef commands ni to in¬ form yon. that the ^ration* undertaken by the Govern r General in Council a- fiud«, which- are now become tin; grand' d 'pot fv.r slave? ; from thence they are publicly -hipped for the If ivanua, kc. Fartipsof slaves from the interior are frequently arriving on the coa-t. The renewal of fhh cruel traffic has quite put a st.-»p\fo nil lawful commerce. With this-you will see a letter from Ca.ot. Gray, dated Augu-t 7, I81S, at which time be and his parte were at Samba Kai.taye.—The Captain say% that he had only lost two men, and Mr. Burt&iv, a Lieutenant; but that, except three, tiie whole of hi- horses had dii'd on the journey. The Almarny (of Br*ojj, dou) was very friendly fo the mission, and had built them a good house to stay in during the rains, which were then very- heavy. f am sorry th^\t this young settlement is almost inundated with water. The few Europeans u hoare obliged to remain on it during the rains are very sickly, and we dread the end of the season when the marshes begin to dry. Sierra Leone ha< been sickly this year; perhaps this4 is occasioned by the heavy tains, uj,jcj, have not been equalled since 1812, whet Senega] was almost covered with water and two thirds of the Europeans di-id. of Pa Kamc-nr ,1 A ,? *"in* ,he *"***■ »«• Abated by the "uy aiia i hur chy o'her failures in the **t*n*4*«l lignite™ ,«i.;..U f^n....... Adtcrepeal certain pans ol a. AtJ pas¬ sed in the fourteenth year ot IV. . rjes* ty's Reign intituled • n / B for irafe. ing more effectual provifi m for the G -r. ernment of tht I rovn ce of Quebec. 9 North America, and to m ke f; rrh, t | ro* vifion for the Government of the ('"i Province,*'and by theauth-oi;v ,.fd cf \my That fi m and after the p'&ug of'hil Atft.a Market fhallbe elabliflie'I a-d k pt in .he i'own of Ci rnwaU, upon the Lot or I t'tafa faid Town which are relervcd by t! e Executive G<u-einmeJt for that pur* pofe, IL /1 nd be it further en atied by the era* lloriiy aforesaid, i bat it m:-di atid may oc lav.'ul t«.i rlie (VmmifTun »*s of the Peace • in the Ratlem Difirle), in tl eir Comt '.f General Qu^ter Scffions afTtmftUd* at»«3l rh-y are heuhy authorTed and t mj owe red to fix up. n ai d to appi v t focli clays anil hours for 1 he purpole of fling i nuhef*! Meat, Bmttr, Eygs, Poultry, Fib and Vegctab e«, and to m ike fncll oth r or¬ ders and r« gnla'i ui-, /el tivc thereto, 23 tie y fliall deem < xpe 'fent. I I I And he it further enabled by (he au¬ thority aforesaid That th.- laid Co mm is~ troners (hall he, and tfe«y are hereby an* thou fed and empowered to imp ft fuels fi'.e , not exceeding twenty fhi! ing;, or a- y 1: ff.-nce commuted againd fuch rules and re^uIaltonSj as to them in their di&* cretion (nal! feem requifite and proper. IV. find be it further entitled by the an* thority aforesaid i hit ail in h order-, rules and regulations, (hall be pobUfhcd, by oauiftvg a c-py-ntflfhtih o- '•- ../r. .c*i •-..♦.•u. mo(t public place in evcty townfilip in tlie faidDidricLa-'d at the d>\or^ "f the? Church and Court H >ui'e of th? fa'j Town of Conwa!), and that futh orders, rules, and regulali m-; flnll not be in force, until three vv. eks after Inch pubLcatio % V. sfad be it further entitled by the au* thority aforesaid, That if any Ptro 1 fhiU tra-T.rehs the orders and u-'vari m, (o made ' y the faid Commiffi ne■■<, fucfa l\r- f n Ihallf-r every fuch tranfgrcfB feifi th fum which in every ft.e:: oider, rule and regulation fhall he d, to be re¬ covered by information b-foc anyone Commifli -n. r of the Peace, up-n the c ih of one e-edible VVitnefs, and to be levied by Warrant under the Hand an I Seal of Con-miffio-'fr, upon the Go. ds nnd Chattels of fuch offender, and thnt one rno.'e'y of the I'trn fo levied to* 1 go [o the i .forme-, 'he other moiety (hall be paid in¬ to the Hands of His Mj,(ly'> JUctivcr General, to and f >r the u e ol Hi; Aiaka* ty, His Heirs and Succeffir*, ft»1 the P„b- lie nfei of this Piovince. and towards the *§ fupport if the Govern merit the-eof, to be * accounted for to liis M j fly throwgh the Comniflioners of His Trcafury f r tlus time bripg, in fueh m -nner md form a, iG * find J pi cafe His iViaj -My to Cv\t\. were announced, and on Friday »ne of the ftrfl homes rn Loedan, wh-de credit had never been doubt-d, Wcrc ubil d to { [m m the extended holL'Hie.s which followed upon thofe npciaritfis, the IVtahrattah I'rmce-wee in cv ry '"iiance the aggref- fori, Under the r roucieut and flcitful fg. From the Calcutta Star, October 17 Interesting account of Thomas Thoev. R rem the Ujper Canada Gti^cti: ws&k for wunf o/'ratf w i 4 I * • J ,Cf k I'^uarrers, in a tandian .Tames Co.ter, J. >; j 0, ,-J k l: Vj ^l"* ,h;y^'""> "far. European. Win. Fo :er. hvi „ ';L'(. * *vf^^*Wfto9k».and his Jong aiidmat- Simurl Sol.....s> Z „, 'r \ „',;

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