M ,;r Sooth America. Jlinale* days iu the brig Hero,|oMM f».h i. <- "fr A 'J" J. ffi Wt have already Hat d th*t • «' J °* General Gauraud, »fe Wrfj »d-|.-i'l,: <hc.l ■t .he bouU of Mr.N,fr. !■ Maiua LouitA, b^ngher t« toff M* **?'« a^th, d«r,.i« «I. h ,„,,aill. „„,] |,is M»Mcr, is suM .,.««. Sa»n. I h?df..ff*-edih* - It h«.t ihare received f'.r answer to hisapplica g|rcn.'.»; .K.taio» Iwr lo.ee we. k el.,,,.,,; t of ib-ui 20.000 franc- Pwh.eh he.vr»s wlthOiK the refi-efb-_r-errt .1 hon a prest- all the d lufnre s-uli-Sgho ei h' ha.l eit.rt incd ■»" "-r '- »v«- ^n wrr- wh.h^rawn. by the vifih'c «p- . J., ...$Lv_.„..] ... ».f th<. fatal m (T'.-r.t. I He M,j-' Genca* by brevet, P fid-.t ,*f the COWt J. M jGrtAttfttL <-;oricr. hfprcificaH.rti, may it pkale the court, m^.t ? 'ii' i r -i utj ^ftt»n in rhrial M» What disposition is made of the fund g s^-hc rule* of e*tdence laid down n ^g< ;nabkfhp ^ t0 |m# u$ owfl„Fe„^| ,fi \ paitof this defence wil! apply witi • .^ t be ,oin#,hltlg ftnH iu,,.,,.,: 0ll ,.ir-\ [equal force to the pre&itt cafe. Wiroodtis ? »' now, may it pleafe th-r«s 4th. What amount has been deposited. ^| red MNihifi! orders to address her It- Sgjnatnrvl ftcep* wMen I) rial highness no more upon the i One of onr papers, the Xo/frfo >|vp.,;ac! .*. of the fatal m *<*& Stttf of October^, announce thatSSWouy of hi* fttf&«.njB occafionvd ific ili:-following reductions in the arn.jKi.nS aiafwing appreheafivm* t- hfl nil take place on the 34th of Brf* « -SfiicfMb ; tnd bfc ac-pte** Dr. .;< %er, h.-r . « Dragons, 20th3 ggiitf, 34tk.{ljthe Rev. -Vir. 0timo*t and rs r- h, ., -,) ._ h —F#ot, 94ih, y5ih, yfjth.^* well as hf.%« .n fjanly, attci !cJ h n Halt. OOti-^witb the »«ft anxious soliuti^e Vne ill j;7'h, and 3d, and 4th, minus have they made to procure this^r' n ioUur': *;,t) are w: ,,">i^ cuR-.tor'nbie civ « was wntreo in confrqur »ce of M Wlil>r i)""0<,4'^l'" •■ •■■■"■ »,a in;::. ••,/,', ,1 Sg,is,,e(' ';^ the l.rndoi, Courier oi theSI ^* fctarttt^Wtte^^Sfc^^lKWh^ ^ {Fremthe M$ ning Chronica ) The a)t-k-ii..i:c'.y event wtn'ch ws- hi p«ac«sfro»u t;»e Aaufnf [*ta*r»r.> ar.i »f, r,..ln. »cs. It ,vi I. fherel'or«», b" »Jw» .1 .iv •ftni. >■>»'- ve^'fty- •• eflOtri>^ »ft£ti l-arair-is ar«* ii« M-.m of nqutll win L