Kingston Chronicle, January 15, 1819, p. 1

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VOL I ] FRIDAY, (afternoon) JANUARY 15, ISI9. [No. 3. RfflrHfc, t&ih December, T 8 t 8. FOREIGN NEWS. 1JY I'uh^ie Notice, a Rtcet-tnx t*w*3 3» thy W2M held at the Honfe of Mr | Rnfwell Leavens, of the town of 8*11*3 vi'le. bv a n;i»nbcr of «he refpetVdde 1 n-g| habitant* of the Paid town and its vicin¬ ity, for the piiroofe of devifing ways and"; means to cu-fl a commodious Epifc'-'pa-"; lia'i Church in the f'aid town—wh-njj fo « ■ # V • * . TRIAL OF Arbutlmot and Ambrister. [CONTINUED-] ? Question ly the P. What was tfce fub-^jjin council over them, that the prifoner*?know1edsed by the p ifoner, to he the •■■' j'-<5t matter nf the letters vo,u wrote t°J|h»d <idviled t!m he (hould be given upi&fame in fnhllance a- on wiitten by H&.Providence ? Kto ^v( ,r f|x ^hofl iw Indian* who vmegjjfclf at thai ti t\r — an extiatt from the /his. A her being refufed by the prif-iSiaved Fro n the negro f. rt, who wotild£3letter was then rra I oner a finall venture to Providence, ilffrevcnge thend'clve* for tlie lot* of iheir^j No* 6. f ANTES McN"\BB» Elq. M. P- '»" "-no uiuu can cxjmui«hc mmicu nom UHtcafg****1""? ***■•*■* "" ■'«-■•• m«i -»-" i-v, Haling-and the rownfhio of \ melian 9,] legiance doe to hi* native country : and $ ***• L don't believe he cM- It wasggilb mmiiler at Walhi.igton, one to th- ------ - « ^ cai! o.i a friendly na4||fma-Vaod in my trunk, jH*ccretaty of state in London, and one toggyou, sir, in behalf oF»he unfortunate In- burgh, was unarilfnOufly called to ihe Chdr The following Resolutions were puffed ^ [ t ■' l !\ Trnt it is the opinion **f thi mrcin*^. tint it is IiitI !v expedient zjji Memorial he immediate*'/ rinw« up »*tfl In taking till* liberty of addreffi g .«^ ui^v.a, sir, in behalf m»he nn ffajV^ES'luus, believe n.e, I have no fa government may..................... i Ion togive upalubjed that has ferioui-p Question bv the P. DoyntHknow that$5ihe American agent for Indian affair-*ftgduiis, believe n-.e, I have no wifh, but to L wronged her. S^Amb. ifttr wa* the agentof $** prifoner JV^prnteflinit againft the proceedings of thegfee an end puttoa w:ir which* if perliit- u Kg /tnSt i do not. ^.-ommandi'irr officer at Fort Scott. Wiii'legaied in, \ fore fee mn*l eve.itua'ly he their Fr-m A. Arbothnot, on behalf of thel| Q/estio* by the P. Do y0* think tltatgfthe witnefs was at Suwany, the Indiaugnnn, and, as they were not the RftjrreC- Indian chiefs, ro the governor of ila >Stfc powder and leul (hipped would ni«rdBehte& told him, that the prisoner had ar-ggiors, if in the bcig 1 of their ruge they forwarded i ■ York, fo oHer t* be t;«,Jgvanna, cotwoWnirig *mong ether thin^^tban fupply the Indian-and "egro hun.|jtiVcd at that place w-tii ten krprfm-! b-fore hi* Kxceilencv the !.Teiitenan#haf Mr/'Dbrk Mid Mr. Hambly, th Jftwt ? BJet on board his yeffel ; and winlft at. Governs, in Con.cil. crayino fo&M wo pcrions left in the nation to carryg Am. I did not fee the powder ndHbrt J. Mirb, fo-ae time in ivlarch.^ anthoritv nir'natrona^e of rhat Hon^, Wr. Kotbe.; bttfbefr,.hwt for moregf«<* ^fclf, but was told by NqBPl™1*!1^ Francis an Order? ah! dio Ha by Province for fnrh puru^fe, hetwe-p.^inend:. the EnffMfh, they have recencly^j ^.ns. They did. '.^2 Question bv the P. You were a iked »f frorc the prifoncr to the cormiandant forg wo keys powder, with other artic:e Jwhich w,jre in his poflcHl >n. ^ Ones, by the court. Were any naur ff •ers or depredation1: committed on theg white frttlem.-nf^ hv the Indians nrevi 3 jcommi:ted any exwfle*, tn t y->u will verlo k them a» p>e juil ebu'Piiiona of •a indignant fpuit againfi an invading ue. I have the honor, $rc. A. AR«UTH!srOT. By orderofking HJjah and ^ »w3e^?% ^cl:ag for thcmfelve* and the other chiefs* Questran if the P Where HA the tfon monies and 'lunxi ms 1>V \v n cu!.^J .ui:ci jiinT-iliniH. bv anncJ force. ^Wuff which waa nearly do :e ; he faidgf-nuteen years, and have underftood theirgthe fcalpi^ kn.fe and tomahawk (hould lecled and hcreafv;i ro he kn.dvd. f»r}| (N .. i)Ka p..wVr of attorney from^^ h.mtcrs were always b^-ihering liimgiantnia c twelve years. Kfeel then kee-jrft edge? the rwrt-fc purp,'e of b-:ilJi,g the hv\t\: > of ihc ch-cf- ..ftbc C e. k nation. io'^>m powder. |g Q..«. Do you believe the Re «uaolesjf Ans \ did htar a «entlcman fay, t.iat Question by the P. Did von SatethatSBwoMrd have commenced the bufiueU ot^thole who excited t-»c Indians to the iri«ni~M in t..iu iu,;S"-, .r. agent, w.utcn -j[ 'lie r»qi*ru ui*%g the fiid Truftecs here'n menti'n.crd aud^'kuii: Uattihv Cotru/la'fliuir &f Anvritcn^ Question lj toe P. Ihcr? JS do ett etE3.w*thout they hud been aflured of Britifbfflof having wiitt'-n the letter. »<♦;..« > W Question by thr wart. Was not the enn- toiheir fnccefTo- :r e:tf?ei 10: be ebo » iieM.?.clme.,t*f and attiibu.^ then wS**ip«*«■« • huw do ?«» know tha^r .teftinn ? » y^^«*-«j«»ft W»notwec n- fen hV a m.i.ritv of theafMefaid '! rn- *$« lwo pcL-ns who a;c now prltiner^^ fon of the pridrier had the Itttcr ifJS Qjte.. What iva« the hght to whjehgfelfion ofthe pT.loner to this ietier nade tf*s.inall mi* of re->•-••* in ^o'v-f i.Mrv , "tl^ tilrfktit* M ^}m» poWuTuiH.?? # ^ _ M',"'":: i6lfiei w^ ^ccived by the \uA\\k$l>>hW13ii}y 9M WHffllt aa?/ &mX!Si ,and for the esorn^ p-u.oie at.i c -J^ ( Nu. 4) hn>^. the ( hiefs to-ov. C.w.» ^ ^"^ ' few bim with it, vrhich 5tk>on, co'niior of the An.iTicac ,v'"^'lr,M,( d, and a boy called John, pic tth. That it i' 'he opinion r*f t)ttH^j|«Hl of HamULyaaa ctwi-or to »he li-i £$P? HV ^ R*ve me. :tina, that the C'sait ■*. m >'s cofd-fv: P-'ufii woveiUment, and /L-m<ttt<Un<r of hi-3 tptrstion h the P. Y.ui Hated 1 rait) 4* nv'ctuifx, max mc ». -..Hi'......a kAfi "•-- • iiui j^ td authorifed to dr;." and f" waid lli'^cxcrhencv /' 9fftf SS'm9 riidli'fihdii '. SS'""' % •*u,,er wa; received by the hulti'eA^">"ilif^/i;y ?.'/fl W:flS.'tf a*r7/ 1 [aw him wirh it, v^liiVh he^^^niinoles ; was it tbatof an authorifedgg^hatever ? ickcdfSga^nt t.J the Brinfli government ? ™ y/«jr I conceit- it wis. ^ A».^. 'Pte differentchref* always rep-fej The eviden e on the part of ttV nrof- .......,l5| ^_ ____ -,. - ....... ll;' ^j""'1 ;"' '""m t0 rtiC HS ^,'"'1 M"cut' ,n 'M'": K^'ded, the prifaaei rcj'-el- &ndsiii&ufiiiieu to en f3r'ltf todiana and negroes daahtcd tbe^ "'he witnefrf recognized the lette>^|-d as a witnefs, Robert C. Antbriller, e.l authorifed tn dra ' and forwatd tbf*5^oxeniency ttvojis and u^n munition to en HS!he Indians »nd negroes doubted theH «"« wit new recognized the lette'^d as a witnefs, Robert C. Aoahriller, aforefai:! Mc^'^ir.l :o V'\< ExtHlU^y,^,ttjiie tb*'tn to 4- r^pel ifie attacks oP thtjwWelttji of the pfWwty in fendiny le»tersM^arketl G, and funicd A. Arbuth'iot |ga'rain(l whom criminal charges had been the I i.-ntenant G vein C !• Co'i- ci' .'::V| \rVl. .idns." ¥&tn l^e P,1ncc Regent — do you thinkjgM beintr a copy iff the one alluded to inr^iiled, a--d who W ^ i'i Guflody on ac:- -unt the name* and on the h-b^f of lie ftii !;.^| f* j-j,c flirt.jr0;ni? rlocimcnta No. I, 2,rwtbc p' ".foi ci wmtld have hern pttnilbedpSnM teftimony an loft. BBtbereof, to whiih the jud^e advocate on- Tmfter*. in«»rdc» to frfWRid the intcti Jgj, rtUj +. Wcrc proved to tin* of th«s me*'trn$r, h fo f n'oiKand i!c f|li,vritiiij£ i>f" ArSiiibnot.1 Mr: puniihed^his tcftimouy a* loft. ^ih^ieof, to which the jodtfe advocate oil- be ttie }iandt--?^> l L'm tn«d he not comp.ied with iheirgl Q^ie;i h\ the prifoner. Are you 2C*HJe&irig, the court wai chared to take iti raSvi-ifhc* ? wqoatnted with the piifouer's hand Wri ^'cufe ; when it was decide 1 that Ro. gbert C* ^mbridcr, now in rufb'dv for but cannot fayj&fimilar r.ffencen wirh the prifoutr, cun; ot g!be examined as evidence before thii ^«.i «« 'ss™ •--.........»« yon have juflgcourt. * • *'*■ IJ — -.....*---------" J r"■■" " A ' "' '" 'lie copy of this ouc y"U^ J'^hn Lewis Phenix, previ w\% witnefs, now on the part of ti:e orifonc. brinj wntingJKagain fwom, was qaeftio ied as follows, ivSSff'w,,riii, hihi corninciu ujjr a uatCTcai oi\ £WUL *• kmwwi i^y pwiinvciT- ra$v"' * -1,. fiirwhal he hea'd the chiefs fav. and th fsl Quca. Was the prifoner confulered ->*£& Question by the P. Was there anv oth- 0 comm'-nce, carry on and fully ci rri * ,| by pcrm-tilo.-to tdkc (roods io:>-J:?r>nf,',ncr o!>jecling to hcarfuy evidence nfRK1'11, '!-'-i;( ot the Semfnolep at the tim «>-'r vefT' I at the m'Uth of the Sihwihi:-e b-tr. in -a oetfcrl man- er, tit- hui^'in. ■■* »i| ;.„.<;- 0f 4a non.-il ti>em, I pr.iv \ 1 »u ;?v h it kind—the court was cleared in r $|- hofe murders were committe I ? HMV< r wn-M1 Ambriltei feized your fciiao- ncy]g[ ^ ....._ ^ Wi Ye*. ^..~ -„..... .... .....«..................jg.- r- -----....._ -r.....-..................._ %ex What veaTcl Wtf it ? Was it not -fci'ifl/wl^.i o.,j iU^/1 »k..» rWwM ..^ •.-^.. an Bnglilfa agent. JRhe vefTel which Ambrilier came in ? Q^uci*. Where did yon nnderftand thc^ Ans. ft was a fl-jop, and I undcrlWood t>ril"oner to be when you were taken pri-3Ambriller came in her. Ifonei ? mm §h/fs> Did ^mb^iHei ever mention to Ans. The Indians toKl us that he h2d*S|veu who recommended hi n t« feiz ; e \\nn ofth's mex'tin", I'i *o I. non* and uc E^vvnUuy o* ArS:i*hn 1 1 r*r3vtiihc> ^ g|quaintcd with tne pittoti fir-Mean mdert.king, without unne-^j (Tk following cnJoy/* J *n the fore^^k -^-x- I do nor know. ^Utl^ ? cefTary dclflv. j^ jflJ ^ '^/i ^ .v//*« ^y /t»c />, Do you b-lievc theffl A«^ f have fecn it, etri. Thil <h.tnM:t pVftfe lA F.xcr■,-§i-Charlcs Came,01, L:^Uj. governot, m-m*Q£pr>"11 tfr wr«H competed to write the In-Sgl am acquainted with it. lencv the I.icnteuant Govino. in 0<U"-.-^ rnander in chief, -Sec uc. K?>^'s,u ^om«nunic;;:ions ? )^ Qucf. K that which cil. f vorab-y to anfwer the af«>cfai<;|| [beg leave to cpM.Pt to your ex ^ /lrri- He was not compelletl. B&en aid fay i« 1 be copy of this^ Wenfiovfii-K that a Snbferf;»twi Njvrr W?kie!Kncy the ueetflhy o? mv apain re^ WHliatn iiandvy. a wftneft on theSloll,the prisoner's hand writing ? immeth'atelv opened at York, Kin^^^'i^ctiii-mg to the la.uian e**nVtl, with thc^-,art of the profecUttOU, being du!y^ Ans. It looks to be his hand \ and Beftville, fi »■ the pttrnofe of >.>Tine||dvputi*a fom the chi-.fs, and ^ m\^1S w,^'n, and comme.ic bjt a Satexneoi otMbut I cannot fay pofiiively. a rurtfJ to enable fl»c a^ -i^foic] Fr*tft*e? 'vlt*o'ibirawd t^^ucc* can to P only he of h Church, wherein the L^ivir.e Stiv cc,^-x;C;\MliV w,tl be ple-oed t> giant meV&c!er to take the queftion ; who: thcy!^ Ann I had not feen the prifoner atgSner ? ar -orpins to the rn-es and iviru-.*niOM '^^fu.-h .• h ;un or iiccncc, as will prevent^;? rr' l'd that the piifoner's objection was^bat tirr.e, the India' chii r- told me that« A> the Church of England, ww he pfif r ^..,c f-,,m bc;p cainurcd in cafe of m« et z^fi"^ '■ -i"1 The witnefs w,, theicforcS&hc pt'foner had reported himfclf to thcmal 9- zette, reqoeflmg the infertiv>n fomn itt»gjoHtnn«e|vu ffithe-mf was at the infligatioo of the pril their refpeaive papers for the fpaceofj PtH'ent, Major General E. P. dlOCAtH011^ fix Week* fucceflively, after the itte'plTCprefidtailii ^ M The chiefs of the little viHajre* in wit r»f fle fame. **^ Kf ^rv»V.^po K^nefn a iifMirhNr.Tknnd th^n dflireci him t; Members. ine&*a neighborhood then dclired him to! 7tb. That the unanimous thank* ofM Ca\. Km^ Col Dyer fe|writ^■ a r^vv ,in^ to the prifoner, (latins is meeti^^ be prtfeuted to the Chair M Co) WiH{amB Lieut. Col. LmdfayH1^0^ reports, and that he did not know an, for bin attendance, and the eucour-,, Ll c..t. G>fon I.ieut. Col. Elliot what thofe Indians he was exciting had wane over to Providence, but was ex-S ;»e£ted back by the time we (hould ar-j jiive at Suwany. Qijes. Did you not requeft king Hi-j (jah to prevail upon tiie prifoner to pive^ Ipriloner's fchooner, or who affiled hin [in ftimulating the negroes to do fo ? Ans No 1 underwood he came on (hoard '»f his own accord. Question by the Court. Have you, you a p iflage in hi \ fchr to Providence r'3'fince y iu aommanrl ■■! the prifoner** vcf« tb aermenthcmam'fellc-dioprom.te M <9 M..j- Muhlenberg Majoi Fanning laiiflahle intention of thr laid inlubitai■!.« M ,j Montgomery Majnr Mintnn of B-HvilleatulitP vicinity. 2w6 g Captain Vashofl ' Captain C.itten. en Lost, Lieut. J. M GhisscU, Recorder. Whin the further examination of the mWitliewi Peter B. Cook, took phice, viz BF.TWEEN the Village of F.rneftg Question by t-t prisoner. How long Town and Stephen ^Fairfi-idViJhavc you been acquainted with the fet- lnn. a Pocket Book, co-.t^ning tome «tleraent» on the ? I valuable papers, which can be of no nfeS ^ns. Belwveii ftix and feven months, to any one but to the owner. Whoever1^ G)l:ejtion by the P. For what term of may chance to find the fame, and •KilJ«BWfc did you engage t« live with the return it to the fuhfenber, together witli.-pr:ion£r J its co-uentB, at F.rneit Town, oi iu thef;. Ans. For no dated period—I was ta- Prirttvng Office at Kingfton, (hall be| ken by the year. fcandibmtly rewarded ^ g Qgtt&m h$ the ft W*tfip>,U not tit JOHN CL\RK. ^charged by the priloner from his employ ? Kfnnt Town, 6ih Jan. 1819. 2w37j Ans_ He told me he had no further Tn i I- r ?v ufc for me after 1 had written the let- fertcrsto rrovidence- AKD -mmediatc pofTelTion given, aS Question by the P. Where did you . dwelling House convrnicnt for.fftay afWr fuu wer€ difcharged ? two battle* inquire of '.?r. JettnM jnim I (laid in a fmall houfe belong- 1>avn?> at vSamutl Merrill's. g;ug ^ a hoy cancd jjt. joh„f 0ndcr lhc Kingston, yih Dec. 1B1V. 28. gproudiou of Nero. g nad Wong been outlawed, and cautioned hiir ga^ai^ft fech proceedings, or he might K|i>e iitvolved in their ruin. This the wit ■jplnefs did ; when the piifoncr fvrote him aj |lon^ and in fill ting letter, which wasloft.) (lpbvaiding th-e witnefs for calling thole Indians outlaws, a*td accufmg him of ex¬ citing the Indians to a cruel war. The! gWttVtefi was told by chiefs and Indian* who, had fecn the prifoner, that he advi fed \hem to go to wat with the United Sta'r^ if they did not furrenrler then; jthe lands which had been taken from then,,, and that the Bn'tifh government] w°u1d fupooil them in it. Trhe Indians that took the witnenj and a certain Mr. Doy'e prifo*rrs, which naPlpened on the 15th December lafl. to'd| them that it was by the prifnner'e| WQ%f ; and on their arrival at Mickflfu ^7; (an piifoners) king Hijab and all hi.- ;n,rfs told them it wae by the ptifoner^j l'rdrr they were taken and robbed—01 their,. a,rival at Suwany they were told! by The Indian* and negro chiefs who far Ana. Yes but was told I hat the pri inner refufed it, Hating that, if we were* forced upon him, he would blind us and| Irnake us walk overboaid. Que*. What were the rcafons given!3 by king Hijah for the prifoner'b nod [granting your requeft ? Aub. Bang Hijah ftated that the [prifoner was fearful of meeting with anv American vefl'cl, where we (hould he ta-t' ken out, and he thereby lofe his fchoo- Ifel, ever brought any ar.ns to that part iof the country ? At\s No. I brought a quantity of Head and ten keg* (if powder in the laft •trip. J;>hn Winslett, a firmer witnefo on [the part of the profgeutta*!, bein^ recal- Heif, on behalf ofthe priloner, wa» quci* Itioned as fallow*, viz : Questio% by the P. Are yon of opin- jton, that the letter which you fay u*ia (written by the prifooer to .he Littla 1 er. Edaoand Doyle, a witnefs 00 the part^Prince, is now in the poflefliou of th^ Iof the profecution, being duly fworu,SLittle Prince ? jwas queitioned as follovrs : ^M Ans. Af^er reading :r, \ returned it Ques. by ill-: judge advocate. Do«to him, and believe il ■< ftill in his pof- |you know any thing that would lead to^fifcilion, as Indian* feidom drftroy paper* Ifubitantiatc the charges againft the piif-Sof that kind. loner now before you ? ° & The prifoner requclting f>me time to Ans. 1 know nothing but from com*l3rDak« up hii defe ce, h -* t^ive urn I imon repett. jSto-m^rrow evening ai i >ut William Fulton, an evidence ia thc3| furs St. Maris, zHtb 1pnl% Iprel'ent profecution, being duly f\7oin,^i| 4,##fef*. P. M* jtettificd the copy of the 1* ters from A.3 The recorder hiving read over the \rbuthnot to gen. Mitchell, agent forjSptoccedi.igH of the court ,■ ' c» U i Indian atfaire, dated Suwaoy, 19th J;.u-Sd:,ors' lh<- P'-,I>'^T "** receded uuo iuaiy, 1818, and marked No. 6, a* ac-wuuit, aud made tUc defence corked &*

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