*s- • I I JOSlSlAllT. ,frt$id**t'* Mwsi&gcxr-TlM -locum*!*! wall 0-hUi:i»- «l f ,M."'> Wiit-.. -* of Congress yet* fcrftM.i at IS o'clock i hiM iM-pie; ni a were |r«»up:i t*» *!»«■« Oi'tJT in nt^tieen \wjra, Uy re«rf& byent & Soimtf ilif ci*y o; jtreev, bO lv*sir*M *»** ^aplovH b- J|« runor.« o! li»o*N-»»-Yorii Oa/.fiie, M^rrauuie Advn- |i-.er, and ft&voaiOg Post, *n<J S»y oir« >;»? *) i"'^*gr WA* pttWi OvO * IVoYlocit 'l»l* dU), #11 li«ni*>li€t*U; Avujii..-()irvrlv>>of one ui Ihiv.ft ahecu, *vc b*\e i!»e Olearitot to ure»eut ti-.r :ti,-»5»^<r ia our u*o#;.' ui our pa;i#r or' tin* eV*y; VW n&ve peruses] Mia duc*i<n?nt with ver) #i(d laiuftujllon , a.id alif.ou^h -u- baveiieufi- tr nine tor mow f-«r rental in*, w* cauuot trail av*a., taat ii iso»e*»t iijr inoit iuiemtihg i/t .i4ve read for amu - yrare, Tlie nume/uu^ lop.oitrinhri.ee>, art-ail i« a iH'ioj^i view, • l&aly lOlfurUft'it, uinl kUe iufo.maitOtt cmimi;- Ou-a:eU in reia:»#u ui eticn, i» clear, ooue.se, *»* iaiis.'*ctor ■> rVASUl.SGTOiV, iVoo, 17. Ttfis day at twelvv o'ci.i.-«v .r»e President] •f the Ueiied 6ca(f* iruOMii.tted (l> 0o:ri j n<i\ue»ot Congress, by liii .S«'e>eta. y, Hr. J. J- *|ON""E, me frttOtttftg messac,;-:: tttU* Oitit.** of thtScH'ito, and of tka tlvnu* nf Repwfintative$i T'i-*au»p owns cii'citiu»;(*iiC'> u.tucr v%iiicli ! yoawi.l.coniiueuc* site duties of she nreaent. srsaiou, wilt uguccn :Uc li.iriL'en, toitepttfitBio fcumuir 111*11 'HWl committed o you. fnc traits of ue t-ano have been unisually aOiHiU- aoi { a»:ii>j-'n' ha* ilourUned ; me revtMUif bat tf>cvriiial :Ue<co^( fctorfttlie anticipation, •Jjti j-'dO'- u-'J atntiy ai •■ pi*.-**i veil wiui Itt- fetee nation*, on cond.iintio jlte aj><t tioaurable I to oar cnuntry. I'or ines* me^aaable j blv*>u>t>, w* cannot but be |t4teiut io tbat 1 Fro^iUeoce Match wa»c4ACi orei eke dtfi*liuie> W. ..fcllOnt. A.s the term um.t-'il for the opeiation i>f (he frii^uiercial OMiiveuiioM hiUi Gicai Hrnaui ^*ili expire early in sue KOUtR wf July next* ftud itv«a> dBCtftCd lasuwriaiu ir.u there -tUoiild ttf ut» interval, d uiuj; wbicb, thai Ufirtiou i>l •ur co^Kbcu'i' wnieu Vftoi j«rov!«Vil lor hv ittUt toiiv.'ii a.ii, »liould noi be regulated, ouiu-i •y arTau^eiueni bfiwee*! ihr i»ag;»ve.rnQWi.i>, j #r bx.<acuutbuiky or txoogre»*, ibe Mimau-; ■ •f iu-* U-iued Hia.-- ai Lou iou was itUtruci- ♦d, early iu ihe ia«t B-iiamer, so Ifivtie she auaiiiiou of Site liriii-.'i government io the luhjrei, vti.h a view io ..la* obji-r.. Ht? ua» tftktrUCUld li: |>rooOiO, al«o, i*ai me ncgi>;:a- li»u wmcb il vvas* wWiH »o open, migni e*- lead so Hi«i grtifcfaJ c*inmerae *>t" (ue two tuuDirte«, a<id locvery vruer inicrev. a»d ua- •filled din'ereaeebeiwer.: ihora; jmnicilarly tao^« re.aua^ to irapra^eineat, "me u^uei.e.-.. ft«d bo^oilarjen, in tbtftofttctafl an arrun^-- Hen. migb'- s> aaade, on pnnci^les vf ■"©• •i^rocaiadva'»*.ae»», wit'en raisin cunQ»rei|^»t1 audprovtde m »"*-isi'aan»iy manner, I'xir ail ^ lhwettijnconce/iu.—*i '<ave ttoe s||4l»faciion j lo&t'aie tUatthe brapval was reeeiveu, by ibe i m«** s>y «4«ry viWocv *&d ptrtiniWrty ofi ihc Unhi-d guiles i while it |»rebeQicd a ieul(i-T lausiu IO every people, 4a noota srijoclioo \ j '• cceni I'r'uiciually deoended. Id regard i«l .ue Unm-d S<air»( (>r« pernicious enact ol j • hi* unlawful combination \*a> not coutiucd to ike oe^au | the Lo<tiai« iribe* have coiutituied -he elirciivo torce in Florida. With tb«5« tribes thc^e advfnsurrrfa had formed, at an farly per '»-l, a ctiaurjcion wish a view to avail t iif!u«'-i vra of that lorce to prouiure their own pmjecuoi accumulaiion ai.da^nranflize- meni. h is to ihe interference of ►ome ol h**^e adventmers io mi>r*'presenliDg the rlainii and liile-of the Indians to kind, aodin jirtietbingiKl tbair tava^- propensities, thai lie Seiainole war t? principally io be traced. •ten « ho i Iniv c<iih'i"! i:v.' ij-!"ivfs wi b sava^f ":)!!».:.,:!:", &lld MmviVitf them SO v**r, v.hich ik al-s ays ai tended a.i their part wiih net-ox* barbarity the most allocking, deserve n br viewed in a wcr^e light than She lavage*. They would certainly . av* uo claim io an iui- .vunlo irnra ilie punishment, which* aecord- !>< so the r >.< uf v.arfare u-a^i^ed by the | -uva^os, mtjrhi justly be iiihicied an she *av- .i^«' sneimflw. If the ecabar-^sment of Spain prev.-nied Iver from inalnuiCan indersutty so our oitizeuh, f'ovso la;»g Ji'irne. (mm her tfei^ury, for their losse> by ypctii-iiiou, and ottiermse, is was al- f w ay» in her power to have pr <vi<ted it* by th** ( cession of tbi> territory. Of SniC uer guv*TW# meu. tia* been repeatedly apprt/ed; and the c^sion wa* the more •*> ne a,u icipa. ed, as Spam must have knew a ihal. »u ceding i , -he ujvu&dg in effeci, Oede w.iai hud become oi ItUie lalneio »e , and would likewise relieve a-»r*eif from 'I e impo lant flMirttinn leciired 'h-- general ia dHntMsa pot!S| Pensacof -»>n di'l> authoit«cd io receive il | and 5» Marks, wBich i-. m tbe bean of the India* country, on the arrival v( a competent foro lu drteud itagaiaiit tkose aavagen, aJid thei. a>t»oaiaie6. In eaierin^ Flondata suppress this combina uont np idea wa» <*nsenained oi no.nU.> iti Spain, and however Jnstinable the command- itlg general was, in ceiueque.nce of the nais conduct of the Spanish officer*, ia eotorikg St. Markband Peii^acola, to tersninaie ii, b\ proving in the ;ava^es aud their atfsoci&ies, ;hai they shauld nui be protected even there , ytt sbr amicable rdatfons existing between the United States and Spain coold not be al ■ ered by that aci alone. B_> ordering the re- iitutioiiaf thepass«, those rrlaiianb were pre¬ served. Toa chai.gr oi' them, the power oi Ithe Lieculive ii deemed inexKupelens. It I* vebU-d in Congress on I}. By this u-.ea.Mire, m» promptly taktn, due e-pect wasshewnso She government oftfpatn SliifLW^^^If^.ill'lf Wtdaf logcthor by the eara—tincetko'fbf tte Tj«y. wnon T:f m*&m#* in Vi a?Sttrft |.ra,aicba. becomt «e old etury the •Wodufl not xb #& »,$ %c tu ,,, mail and bmk robberies ait cicvctlyo- tbujriftfi Toe lati/i» ct ;riC a; l plrata vrr ; aad the Bunker Hill battles s\\ inttiiutst»ri l-.a»» thu^ttraiflcd tin i» ^v; ft, fought eut, there is abioluiely nothing arid the rrfulfi cJeiervtfc to b^ L^^rtt-ud on the carpel to maka the goi>d ptO|>ic (he hr;0rtf th^t it ixc edl an<y tl-Ii ^ ti.at ftaio 1 A dilb of your axnmoa every day cuuld h»*ve been kvptrt U* rl t Mrr.- vf jit fiCcuTonce* becomes tnluflFcrably infipid, eHablithnicni. Tbt bliiMiiJl are there* stnleBb fetved up with batilea and rtmrjcri' fore oo fht pi*}vi| t»F«<afp,; tl.eif f*«'-ft outrage 8«d violence ; with a deitrt ut earthquake*, ex^lofionfl, and tornadoth- But fineeihetirnea arc tl»0« perhaps pro pie will became lece^netler, one of tbeie i ol tee inHiturion are rtquefld tt> (ci<s> ia d^yi, with fuch miferabU (art an health, J J ihcir ciaimi. " peace, individual happti c>$, and uauon:. pr#fpeiity--i— Ntdtrn Herald* 11 ions at P- ris aad the TecHd'Ht of the i«- Rituiton (fir Sjdfti y fin ihj htino t* sh« f/O'r thif c-avi'a the c ectoid -. d*f a<i ore ■ttJiludeof meiruM .IMo iftWUAl WJ' ^^ - '^g than i«» ill o.ird.t*iu- Incomaiisisio "^ au.sed aU»*«»»i t jf in eouvquence, tr.r iSvofsae United S;a.c>, at l>ar^ uai £e* --'-^ ;- "» ***** burn*** aaryfttUl Mioi5*ier k'ieuipoteiinary, ai Lou- don; io bum of- whom corre-poading luotniv iion»baasi-f««g,v*o, and ihej are now eii- «uredin "-e d^fhA^e of »*h du,ie». It u JToperu* add, thaK so prevent au> inconveu lga%e resulting from sue dela> incident to ?i ■tgntiOttOH ofl *** BMktl) important hubji^ois, II Unagreed before enieriug on it. tha: l axistingconvcunou &bO«ld be consumed lor l*r:ui*oi leastban eigb, ^ear*. Our relaiion* with apam remain nearly '»■ t'»fetreaty of !7&r., anH all other comprc- •n tmenn fe-p eting it. lft.it> Untied S.ate., ripm cniiHideratton^ of these emb^ra^-ment , deelrned prewing their claims in a, Jpt.it ol httviUilt, tke mHiiveons;hl, at lean, to ua>e h-^u d*iy appreciate.'! by the governmeut of Spa'.n. ft la Well known ;o her governweut, ihm other flOWen have made to the U Stale* au ipi*eninity t'nr ItUelosset, sustaiaedby suejr eitVZeUS at th«farr.* epoch. There is, nev.nihrless, a litnit beyond which'Ms spins *f amity and farbearea^-e; can. In noitniauire, be justihed I it uSi proper, rt> rely on amicable oe^6 iatiou, for an indemnity for losses, it would not bavf- been *o. to ha/e penmitted the inab;l|i> of Spam to fu'fil her en^ag"meuts, aod lo-ni ain i herau,'mrUy in trie Florida^ to bv pervert* cd hv foreign adv'Mitnr»*r«aRd lavaices, '0 per- pOces so desintcitve to«h'*lives oi" «mr fellop eiti/.eni, aad the i'igtie t imtfOvtftOf ibe O.iit- ed SlfttOi Tbe right of relf-defence never e-':i*'-'S. It i* anietuf the ma^t .-acred, a d ah!;c neees*a/'• tr aaiioos and to individuals. aad, "header the at iaek te made by Spain h-riclf, or by tbotfe who abuse ber power( \t* DuligO'rittti fs WO! th*» less ttroiir. The iu v.*- dejsot" Aro-Na Ultind bada"c*umed a popular kAd ie*pc>:i«-d *.: ' '* u;:dt*r which sh v t. ^i. ap5»iv>a..ii and woun4'U?.— A tbfirc^Jecl srgs diiioc'ly .-^en. tfc'j ihednty lotpo^ed OH the Kxveesiiive, bg an exisMu? law-, ua pro- f'oundl.% felt, sna:rui:k vm >.»»t p-»rri::tt- d ip pmrrc: theia. Il ^o^thpi^ni inc<:snbrta; on me Uni.ed States, so suppress the eaiabli>b.- •ncnt, and" 1i «f4» arc© dm»!y jJone, The riiii.jioniou in PlorWa, Forth* Hotawlbl pur- t>-i,ui:i>i;, and. atttveall, ike IncHeiu^m of ttie Indians In mai.aCre our fe|lo»v e-tiz-ns, of ever> age, aud of both «exe», merited a lilfe (re'uirneos, .ond received it. ic piiT%utng •he»e Mi»u^ei, to en imaginary K*n?i to ifce will's; ii would bftva heen tbe lie»<h:oV folly io have ait9Wfttfl »1lt/1 'llb> 'tU'iffQpK ;V-a. Had »ha' bv*t» done, the war «ju|1 never cease. Invest if ttie territory had he* n, e^- Clastvedy, thai of »;ki m, and ner UOMOr eom- e over it, u/elifina rij*ht, b> tt|*- I*'* °' Ike mi6condi<ot wit' her otncsrs bat ooi be imputed id tier. 8hr uo» enabled mjeview «i:h candor her relauuns wuhihe Unue<; States, *:.d h*r own aisoatton<, parllv«.io' I \ n respect 16 the lerntory in question, vith tn« ' ai>ger.« insepuiable tro.ro is j and, i» ^ai .n.-^ ti.t lu se> weaave .^laiiifii, tot wbicti mdem- rtity ha urens«» long withheld, and the Iflju- ibi we nave srQertd through tnat territory, &»<d ier nn*ant of redress, she wiis hnewiM eu.ibicd ivlOke with honor, she course sxvi caltulaied oaVlustice to ihe^Jmted bi*te-, aud >o paiiuoieherp.wu welfare, Cupie-of the iiuitrnciioim to the command rdggefierSsl| o i;|i 60l re-poud^uce wii^ m. ?*'v'*eiar\ o- VNftr, explamiug his motive?, ai d j * il> iiig*;sconduct, wiibacopyuf tbi proceed live v\ ibecouns marnal, inibesnai uf *»bn hiiHft. d AinOFistie; atiduf the cor- re.-pa:tJen*e bfvweeil tie Secretary of 6.a.-. and ;);e .vlm.-ier I'trnipoieiittaiy Of Bpa»i > ear his gove cment | and of ihe Miuiste. rleuipo e. iav> of the United State-, at iViau rid, with the pivernmeol of ^paia, WiH br laid belo M< %r -b. %i& be suntslicjed next creefc, aass—i*infr4T)y», From the Boston R<cord*r of Oct. 1 y, MISSION TO JRKUSALkM It is with feelings of peculiar plea¬ sure, Wr loan that the American boaid of Comtpiffitmcrti for Foreign nuiSons, in Canseqoence of Intc a?id "very in'er- eftinp itteM'pcnce, have juft cftabltftied a roiflion tp Jeiugalcm, ind bave opp^i^t- 1<A Rev. Levi Pnrforii and Mi. Pliny I F'fti *t ffcctr miffiooariet. America has I ihux commenced the firft fniolon, to that .] city so dear to the heaUs both af Jew. & I] t'hriftta*i. as the city of David, the eity in which the firft temple wa*er--&- ed for the worftSip of Jehovah, wh ie the Godof Ilrael pave for saaity Centu- tie* a vifiblc mar.iftftation 1)1 his prt fence, j where the living oroe'e? were OOmotU&f* OKted and preserved, ?ad where the pto- phrt.s iivcG and prcpl'tfied and dir<l , and *o much dearei 6till tr the hesit< off hrif- THE h>*| KlNGyiVS JSttBM* ELY will be held at fVAtRra'a Hotel on Monday Efonifit>i tl- I4fh in**. Use. t KINGSTON, 2>ROKF. into the inc'ofyre of 'he uiblcrnVr, a h F1FF R. on or hc» fnrr tht til Oct, Shv is roottiy white, j ha-? a few red frots en ber Srdy. aud ia I about three yt>nrs old.—-Tb > ifW»er »ay j have her hy proviag property *Snd pfy» JARV1S WORDFM. Hec 7 t8wj CAMV »a^ rhe enclofure of tho fubfcril^er ahnur the 'a^ *f .*ep. temher. a «TF-FR. The i>wncr»(i to- qucfted to pr<m hi*, property p«t c"b"*r» pes »*id take btm awav. (H\KLCT'rtF. HPRCHMER. Kiuytcni Ds$ 4. 1.8 tR. s^.w^ NOTICE. tiaith, a* the place" where the Redeemer 111 J^HE Subscriber informs thi-se wh- . • • • 1 lie a HI pleteovern, ****** "S^« ^J7 «% ^llSuebuwlg-M oftimiK-. to foMow the enemy On is. 1|M toil u W(f 0,r s.ibdue him there. B»t the lerntorv b-.or.«-U ^ SAIM anore;vs day. The arniver ary of the Tui^lar> Saint o! M:o lar.d wa- »-eIebia'ed iiepe on the 30th u- t'ino, by a iKoiiev a: MooieV < otfee-iimne: a w.iC.'i near;\ MXiy Geuilemeu a*.down,in- ci ding ihc ^iu'nmandan and other officer* o( :he'?a. iv-ou i ifie Magiflirfien. n-id a numbe nr'ihe most re pecable inhabiuntioflhe'f«wn a* f ne-ts. Tne nawogw on the oera^ion were, JOiINi 0\iMlN<5, riq. Pretidsnh Mr. IIAKI LOHAVf, K P. Doctor AtAKMlALL. $ The Sreattn Packet Sophfo arrived at tbi- pen, on Th ir. ia> Evening \p4% fiom Backet's Hartwn.and left here she next mornipg, on her return. The Prn.ineial Pai liament of L*»wcr Cauv dameets on Thur-day the ICih of Jaouary nest, forme rti patch afbocluoSfc [Cf>>»iwNir\Ti:t>.) rWAPTEBt Ut, Toreili?»0 Mr. if a srtuji remarks on a late fau>.<asfj. Tbe »i"at MiSSOr Q for reporting 0 cause, ne-ertei f urn t It* public ti^e nifhe-tt aw|dhHrrp. gueiu nwlg-t'ul of wit ha* hilg worihipdi-playM. ~ sans m<rreytl tue wtiole kiliiufC Ibe stale io which il|av were at the close of tue |Ott Mr?s:on. The cotiventiou of 1x02, t6rtf» tiding for the adjnsuneut oJ' acer atu ponitfO af vh^ claims of onr eitizeus for injuries sus¬ tained by •poi^i-ioi,, aud>oloog>n<pended b; the Spanish government, nas at loilglb been rati tied by it; but ixo arrangement ha* >et been made for the pavmeutoi another portion S like claim., not Im> e»t#.,.«« or *ril In ^tiicajnirieo. bu« MafCWfH h», ore.. policy- win" WW ed, isacerta-.^.-n-e. aclffltt, •» Hi" »»••** enenn «ho in.iabii«d it, th- powrof »i»»"i had fra<edto*xi>i ovril, aB4pr<»tfCUn-' *•' «OMKrt:. w.d.ri-rtitle. bj|M»>»MStf •■» mi bo not th'^'po that line would luive cive.. new eTWO* flfe- !mens la there lamfCO. and new vigor to h- whoiecombiiiat.onexi- ing ih**re. in the pro-1 tension Of all it* pernicious purpose*. i-rt: under i -r title. b\ Jhosewiuina,' com- iedoa oorciiixOwiFftm M'tiea, *>*»ch *v"* lUtid, bv treatv t» !iave prevented, b',? J» ii th'^'power 10 prevent. To )»ave»iapu •<* a _.«i..» «... .1,1 ii«v« «;«(» i new coeo'itl**- l» suppretoiug the e-tablishmenrsat Amelia time, events nr^veSbeil^flVM of the poltcv, MW »■ LTeTnLes has ,o long par.^d. on MiO«dv I. relation* of the two countries, wh.cb. «■ eT Jat lea*t ofa, mnicb importance to ■itvUM United S.a.eft 10 ma:u:ain. pre»am M.,,v «f which Iva- b««a •»«»*«»» '•»«" we iende..e> of ««»«• ** b lo lUe InXXiJeti th,5eFov;n^to »Mfe ^ SSSS * and St. 4ur»f.0«, «.t.un *wj CSh" -f. auda^condiog <!av<». hftv-fo,.ud jTSiW Se«. riev.n,! tr.o.wi Mm*; Island, no taMMiMMM wasmaa.f.-«.ed .» wards Spain, bce*W« the post «a. taken Ma a force which had wfcied it from her: Ti.e measorc, u ■' «-'«•-. «■« «»' »*»P«** ,n goQCrr' with ihe Spanish government, «rU»W '0 a»- cho.ii> under is heca..»e. it, Irenac on, coo- neced with ibe war. in uhioh gpam and h- coto.iie, are .-nRaged. Il *« ihon^ii propc lu doing JMS.iee to the United S «wa.. W«MMJ- tain a^rie. iaypn'.riltj towards both .be-W Ugerent panie-, wi.baul co. Mitt t or *c ..£ i., courert with either. I« gives me P «-«r tosiwe that .heeoverurociusof Bueno, A»- M »« VCNMBHa, wbo^e IHkMW* ,d. bare eXjlltdtlj d:»cla.med all P»"»«*a- until communicated by I Spain. I WSOM to have to udd ihat. M 1 eLliiW IhMrfer. fitfU were *«dUMtV«»»- yect.4 *« WiidviCt o; lb- olficer. of Spa u. ffanihoriiy there, in encou.ag.ng the war.fir. SSSSutai of war.uud otJerwjjBe* aud m Other nets not less ma. k- f^by icians %nd meenps. whatever their uull« (f mil tfii|> liceucil to flHffl; aud to kt|ls Though for wi>nt of eatVO'ifteri, feel bin attfjek, \,d hear hin» i;istiueti*vety bisi and erv, quark / Quack I fuar*, sar Ibe Wp9$% wfjile wadUng ' &<n.^, TViih bib h-ad lifie4blih,b>erepootsihehoe>rKe '-on ft i J\nd,tnoiiebuota f^aiherb,^ Sren sn his baek, Welinowhi-' aQvoia»b> bj|| cr>|ng quack t auacU I * TOUCH. Mr. Mute, Sin. (^ I wifn yoa to infert ^ice lhc foJi#w I iog 1ire- ia your pin-r I Cw, in ^n% f y ux*> hfl papcmt tke ee efiufp. -f tke 111 Tawaftlp Mect- \\ut -1 th, inhabitant*o* the Towntliip I of Preset ulc.burgk » w-hich «»• keUat like k-.ui* of Dm«1 B<owen, on Sator *!ay the jtft Oft. 1*3,3, w;,h their names j and a^iong thcni J finj my cwn ftfrrfcribcri to the-ir proc^ing,, without my oath, rity, V retx^^ 1 h-ve un caafe to GippUTt ikeir Townfkip raecN ing. for 1 am well fe^arf]cd m « good and loyal fubjebV Thercifrel have juft coufe that thip (hould be fnibiifhed, to faijRfy thc public thotthe cbairmao of thatmeetiag was lot autkwrilcd by o<« tc^ njgi^e ufr «f try •inf. JOHN ANDERSON. <if Mankind uublifhed site Gof|,el to a ruined woild, and t.ffcred up himlelf as a facrifioe lor their (ins. $ ami from which ! the Aroftles went forth pr.-claiming tp I thc nMiona of tae cartli th:^ M G^d is in ^ hritt, Tcconciling the world un.o him felt', ri"t imputing their trelfeffes un- 1 to thrm. " It ta «it»ft proper that fnch ja mtflioi) fhould be begun by the Amer- ! ic-ir people. We alor.e of all the natioos of the tarth eon fland up &9<ty, that we h;ve never been engaaged h» perfecuttng the Jew*. Among us the children of Ifracl have the fstrne it$hu and p-ivi- leges U thi'feof \\i writ) are Gmtilce If h here, f>t tkr firft tine fiocc the def- tnic'iiosj i^f Jerulalcm, that they hare| ceaf«d to be an uff scouring anal a by¬ word, aud a kiffing among the nasi- oua. "TuB^iAfSPKARB OP NoVlLIST^. M In \he loftoti Intelligencer the ibl- lowlnp articled given as a fact ; *'A letter ha- been received here, by a ^ent'cman of refpeAaorln>t from King¬ ton in Canada, written by a perlon of known vfracity. and whpfe connexion with Mr Thomat Scott and hi* family iHverv intimate \ which Bate- that the wiHcrhaateen the manuscrpt* erf the two n.velsof Rob Roy and the Antiquary in the poffeCBon of Mr. Scott himfclf. Mr. S. it the paymaflcr ..f th 70th regiment s and all the circttmftances which have been bronpbt forward to Ib.He the intimacy of Mr. Walter Scott with thtf* wotk> J&L areiudobt^d U him <\ace "v^.t yeiir, either by Bo^h account or f^nta of ha*id, it they do not come lsrv\ar(J M^th payment on or before tha brat day of January next^ that after that dfite, rho* miifh a^alfnal Wo Witt* ho will bare t*> put them to tbat troubles* sosn* uiC06siry of beiut; tpti.pt ilod 10 -ll-.CLSACK, Kington. Ttb Dec 181ft v?. . . is accented for. on the fnppofiti"0 thai hisbiother U the outhcr of them H Therefore it seems America if not an A- meican is likely yet locnjoy the honor of having produced thefe celebrated work*. Perhaps fome «ub«quent volume will be made mwrc immediately inti-reiting to A- mericans by rbe scenes being laid in this quarter of the globe. For machinery, there awe natore's moft Tomantic wilds— Indian^ and Kw^|»iOi---|WratC* and buc- cani T9—whi^s and tories—loyalifts and rebel*— hghtingt kangingft.buininira.&c. &e. enough in all eonfeience for fuck a genio* to weave into «any % u Tale of My Landlord. " CHICKA8'\W TREATY. TaiATt Gaot?K», Oa 19. i?i8. Te tht Editors oftti Nofb+'tU* W*g- Wc have juft doled a tic.uv with the Chickasaw Indiana, for all their claim in the ftatesv»f Tennessee and Kentucky, containing about eeyeo milliMS of acres of the belt lands in the wtAcrn country, and waked by the Tennessee, Ohio and Miffifippi rivers, for at 1aaft th«<« hun-l dredand fifty miles ; for au aonu-ty oi] tweatf ihouNandiollarsffor fiftecnyears. ] are refreafnlly. &c ANDREW JACKSON. TO L¥" , AND immediate potTe3ion ghrei , s Dtfelhitg llouie-cfmvionieot for two familie«, toqnirc f»f Mr Johm B.*r■■ r, at Savuhi Mt»mtav*f __Kingston, 71 h D*c 1818___al. LOST ~~^ OW Mm^dny Evtaingi rhe ctfth 0- ttanu between the Natalie i'la and the River Trent, a RtJ Ahrctt* Pocket Booh, containing a li- E. ifohtt belonging to Wua. Jackfoa, for a lot of land, of 1o<i arret — Whoever ufill rettira the iame to Ot vi^il arrier bf» foinoly rewarded. WILLI \MLA*B.( KhgsHK&d* 9j t8'& ?^^< m aDVKR I LSFMFN-, THE fublcrjbej rrtHT9> hi toeei* thanks to hi- ftiea*s and lb'* pub. He in general, for their paft hv< rv fjneaa he cowmenecd h» finels aod h'-pt^.^ hf hi* fteady attention, to mam B 00ntiuu> aneeofit Work ef all k^ds m the TINH8UEET /KOVt/.Va. Manufactured at his (hop, ia Grave 8u Brhcrc cuftonRcrs in Town and Country will be regularly attired to- on tho (hortei notice,and mod rtafonahJt t^rma. JACOB NAY! OR. Nov. 35 *% N. B, Country Produce taken io pay- ment| For Safe, TT OT No 31. in the 3d Cnnceffiol jf '4 of Erned Town on" whie.h »re JO acres of improvesvnt—For te»m» i-^A furthrr particulars, app'y to the fuls- foriber. £■ fffr$t Hafnilton VW*g*t \Utk Nrvwhr, t§»t- __________«J TBISIotO ce;rtify» that tS-c infor- tnatron giv«*i by-me rvfpec\ing Mofra H. Crof«# was caufed hy a rr.?sf lake, that I ha*e fince found my proper¬ ty, and am convinced of his honor anel konety. »7W| FREDERICK PENCE. Kmgtbfli J6th Kov. 1818. NOTICE* * - * t * t^\Stl?Mt*i\* relauons ^•^l^^llvva. found dead, In a yfa near the lvvre«sbe t- ennntries «5JJ^5|^ hoo«*f B«Mjamin Fairftelrf thevoMtWO obligation of tt^ o;« ^V™_4l! ra .. tv„,» Town. & <:r>muer\ ;c,e treaty <rf |t«a> by iMTirilATR IN»T!TtniOW. Tha iaiVitutions eftab'ilhcd at Paris under this title has juft iiTned the follow 4 NYpcrfon or pcrfons drftroos of jfV catering into aa agreeirmt fc»T m 15 to ±9 acres ot land, liberal erxonr^gemeat. hy applying at tke oftce of the KipgfW-t, Gazette.—whtrr the tJrTm^ «»« ^rrf? clearing fro vr,;i receive Win. little popuUuon 01 '• -" tie coloo.a. |o..>r.inM»t> 111 » «*l °.ill!kc,en,iv emw»*r "^^■••sraWSi «»i».....> lS,p govrr;imrol io pul»|fc *» tDe earth, «he atoysphcr., and ,Le oe.au- | whick lUy «F*ne.'c^ l»hur,bc, & c ^ ^ laok^on has dhjnf ■ ^Si lUere was uo dis| 4ofera#efii otOsiftsrfV ami as»- _ ln>; the ludia^g—fcj«ce thertM* cwfair*. aud tke aroired dttcrana aisiull atiBfiftont l^aSiWi Aiwa *