Kingston Gazette, December 1, 1818, p. 4

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John Do*rh4)f<r, y RTITRNS hia-tm*fl ilncere thank I t«> hi* fn mh an d th public, (■ the e-y torV'^ fupport giwn him fine hi: ci n-i r encerr.rpt ill bohnefs, and Ki¬ le vr tu inform there llial he has laid m * general find well fele&ed hNek of Groceries, Wines and Spirits, at his old (land, which he ts determined to 'ell at the m<A reduced prises, vie. i-i -• ,' .•-Hie*Spirits I Siirub Ho'fand Hid , : Whiskey Coniac ira. dy I PeppeiOM«t| Ciit*rr\ do. WINES. ?pn rarln Pr.rt I T ueriffe Spam do. * i»n«ra JBcil PScklinB Vinerar. • * Li c }uicc. GROCERIES, B.WING been appointed Agent f r tic Proprietor of the IRON | JL WORK-, drab'ifhed at Three Risers, i. the Province of Lower Canada; in¬ forms the public, that he has l<<cly re- Ct > vi d a Vcty extensive assortment of WARES, Manufactured at 'ther articles aicft Do u h le that place.—-Among cV Single T ■■■••' • drt C f 3 r- co\ ado do. & «ff Sa*:Vnn T-=rkr% Ftgl Jo, KftHini fY -hop deb J- i!ejr P:. Anr d9. K ti'ut '1 Search is.; ^ Pepper Flour* S Ipher TV ho j e 4oa jnciifa' %rro« Root ftw^e A1 mollis &v\ex jio. A" 6 * Wind 01 Soai* Be-"* n»mi on ;'o. Pipe Cla> GiK»?bi i Salts Peal Uh Ln^ii-b vi't-iard Pippeimi!.: o«>p» Si.gai Ph.*be Su r3- * 1 niidfe Co Fish R • gP - Sail do. Sail Butter V. rough! Sails, ferent sizes Sbiugledo* Tape* Keedtai twist t«i on Pall* Colotited do. Black 1 bread, VF:»i»e and lirowo do. Wriung Paper Letter do. Of various sizes and patterns, CAST ASM PANS, SUGAR KEftLES, POTASH COOLERS. POTS, DOG IRONS, and DUTCH OVINS, ^Wh^bwiUbe^ifpofcrsf, for CbQs. at ne?r';y :hr Man-real prices. Th-' Oi:erit>r fo1' in'fi of metal, and 4nrjl'h*ry ■ f the Three Livers Stores, rend* 1 th* m worthy the attention of , a- trey an- tot KamC to crack, : kt tho»"e inn-or ted from Scot- land. johvm.^.caulaV. Kingston, lit OQober, rKi8. 1$ - pure J "fei r|l //.£ «ub(cr»^er rcfpcCtfuily informs the iuhabitaMts 0f the fown and Townftfp of KinuAon, tHe tow ftip of P^tfburgh and Wojf ifidIldj ^ he has purchafed the POTASH WORK Latc'y otcopied by > r A. Macpker- fon, in thr bicinify pf thip town ; where he will iecei«e good HotSE ASHES<r At the rate of 'evt n pence H. Cy. oer C (h-K when delfvcred at the W «ks, and fix pe ce when collected ia t fcn the A(hc* to be ;»a dize. A S'eijfh or Cart h fo be fertf roa'nd Tr.wi- to c- 1 «<H the • (h-rs once a week, or oft' ner if nccefTaiy. H- tifeholder", &c will d«» well to fave then Alhe a the quantity trade in one hon< • wi I am • n\ to • conftderabic fwn in the coui le ol a ytar. L. NORTON. Kingsi'&* 1 st .4ug. 1818 N. B« Cae fhon d be taken to keep the Aftien div a«td clem a* n«-ne but 'vhat «s of a g od quality can be receiv. "ed. 1 ©tf WfifkRR S by tho \aat Wjli and rV{t.ment of the late RICHARD PATT1NSON. Efq n, htslife time «>i Sandwich in the province of Uoper Canada, R--ber( Otl'efpte, W\ Ham Oi'kif 11. and Oeorge Moffatt, are jointly and federally, appCflntect fidnciary Legatees of his Eftate, and^ Executor* of fa id Will. g I do hereby nqtieft a'< perfons halving j claim* "p n ia'id Edate to prefent tin Lame to me, duly authenticnted, f r payment i and all ^erfon-* Indebted thereto, are required to ray to me 1 (Hf^HV fnfcCenber be^ bavc t4 m*0Ww II. Uh friends and the public, that he has commenced the ,(: < 770.V BVHfNESS, in the Market Place, opposite 10 Mr. D.jntel Brown*:, where every attenuo^ will be paid to thole who may favour him with them commands. MlCHAtXMORAN.* Auctions every day at eleven o'Uock. Jime 22. th coileaeci m e.-wn ;, « amm)nt 6f cheii reipedlive accounts, id for in Merehan- Dcbu du( to: fa;d Eftate in tb e Kdu ar dj i ones, province of Upper Canada of m the cf'iited States, 1 ^ordering therecm. may he paid to George Jac b, Efq of Sand¬ wich, John ; /fe'n, Und James Gordon, Efqrs. of Amheiftbt.raf, »r V-> either ofj ihem, they bein-gj duly anthoriaed to receive the fame and gran' aeqnit^nce*. j G MOFF \T1\ Montreal, 20th March, 181^ 44yr XVe'^U. GJite An aflortment of Crockery Ware, <4q Qncen'* do* Beft Ourch Lonjr P»^e«. lintT-bfCC"— a.'i jm W cbk ^ ' . d Ca'dV. _ D\ pd d,. . ■' LRNEST TOWN TriiE Rev AIck Detchet & Mr. Me Int fr have c 1 e«(ed rtvclii.... the follow «n^ hrapchc-of Ecucatton in • SMITH &BUITKRWOR lH, ETURN their fincere thanks to f r-ikina, JLaK LKjiiid 1 latkn-j., A ttw ait tele* «-f Drv Goods. * the En.tU Town /U-ad- rny. v.z j .he j for 1. ad-i Vi s k' 1m1 vi.ino. Enj» ifh Lagua^e •.r-,matn:allv>Writti-i.> Arithmetic. Gok kerping, Ge-^tar* y withtleule of the GLOBES, (Vla-i! fjfl thei» ;:lic, h'ecit;.rion, Compofi.i^ n, j Ei<ftiM-y with the Latin and Gteck The former attended a •HE fttbfcr;her retUtne his tha-.k- to his friend' and the public for 'hen aftfa*>r>. in hh ime ti IMfePECf IMG, and inform them he ha- fitted up p. c r,venie t lace in the Cellar • f bis new (lore w'U a1! the nrcelTary appen d*»we>, fi*r tb' r-rpt'e'-f Inli-tc^tinj? P. t: .'nd P*atl fh . P«>rk where th, te wh-, fcw hirr. with theiri! NETS, of Vttbm» Cokltfi and ctin«,n> will find if dor. wuh t c j>rcat-| j liiapcs. |e«« txi-a-ef- and exrediti i, : ikewi-e,' G mi lemcn's Beaver & Sue (lor?_; fb .nehonlrnd barrel- in *he jf^f{0|.M TQ I Likeu-fe. Knapt and Won] ats, ;,>EGS leave notl refp^ctftlly toh> A Jfr form his friend* and the public m geneta'l,- that he ha? juH received sa I elegant aflortment nf DRY & FANCY GOOD6, Co> firt in tf partly ef the followtsg an*. cle;«, viz 3 A ^Superfine Will of England Clothj and Caffinw&resd of the moll fashionable CP:0<«. . "*. *r:fn Li1 efts, Btitifn Shirting, Lmel and Cotton Cambrics, Corded v atnbr'iQ I Leno*- and Mufffeia, Jaconet and MaU Morfinp, F inry M-.ifiin Hanlk- rch.efi, Bandaii-a a^. Bifealona do. FiueGiiifr ha*ms9- BU'ck and co'lofed Silkd, .*ikand Cotton Shawls itid fcarfr, Pioc corded Dimitie-, White Jane, wtiite and buff ! Marfeil* Quiiling, Black Froicniiuu, V jL'\i their frit nd*-and the public m -'e •» e . *t j\ « /> .• "« .l^,., 1j .. , K ; (ic.r- trndreired turoc, pngtoaze*nsl nera 1, tor tlie'iberal encouragement that w , . n t „ . „- r«n^«j, - 1 ;«-« , • , /♦ 1 Mftno Bon b&z tirg of atf Co'o'-. Linea ley have rrcived fiaef ttey recoaw |D^r „1(f H..cKft.-.J.whiteOT5!Col- j-..enced the Hottmg Bufimf*. Tbcy. o||rt<1 pj,,,^ Ruffii, sheeting and Of. have an extenlive atlorin'C t •♦ j v , ^ Beef and Flotir,! lradieS aud 9' ildren'S BO *- l 3 A'well cfrofcB alfertment ol ^hreid him with their\! NETS, of various Coklffi and [fnd Laeesand iboons, SttawDonncfiv I I adieF Tortife (hell Comfra, Ca.r.bri* a^ri lace' Fo tings, *nd a nun her of arrf* j cl= toe numerous to iufert. : 1 Hi po- c* aftvd w 1 h , ood ^T "o.-af for oh r t e a"van.a^e "f a V\ ii^rf ,Vf j \\M>- ROBINSON. ir'^-i Ware. j' 4 ratrs fBtieT l^OCKERtflrW. GROCERIES. * ■ Jam-ica Spit ts Brandy, - oManrTOiof Which they \*i'l fell very low for j, p« rt an^ »>thet V^mri, Pepj)€tiaint and cam or appn ved credit, I Shruh, Hvfon and Twarkcv Teat P-"iduce t«ken in Davment. j rf ufele and Single refined Sugars Mw e Turmc airf-tiaeo a comp'ete coHifeof • laifical Mudie« at the Collekes of Glafgow and 'V.'huri.h ; the latfcr rtct-i'-ed a IjLcr il F"c?ik<**.:<>!• at King's Co-legc, \ tcri'v-n ^ a«d, frorp their tx- perjrncc in, a d a'iopi ou of, the mod j ;; UST receiver1! 3^ the (ub ciU/' [a uee f«*en in payment. ". 2. Storcf, a; affortment of ». Hollow Ware ^ POX rtHOV^Nf «2 nr ^n- T7 &ruy]Ec»; .0 » \\ui » •.v N B. In addiri(»n to hf1 p^e?- fe-1 ftock, he exoe'ts rrnny other arti-: they hop« to merit the approbation ofij.^,-, . . . , v ijihi im** ^-^h.Winafewd^ ; their emi^ "IKA.NKLI.N i«b PLACER, -----'------I _ r r, 1 . •. .. r. -»• _ .t. __a Jnwl »l lie I ' if Vurnare ■ T AS jull rectiv.* m addition to M*i 9 for«» «• tlock, a oit.rv roctijMCtc | aff«>rtn e; t ot DRUGS & MEDICINES. JjU & LOlLhlJ Vlhty For Safe by 32tf., covado do. Spermareti, Vonld and dipt Candles, S«.ap, Starch and Fig Biu* PRIVATE CONTK CT. A V lKHh e Frc' h o 1 Eft ale, con- • f.ltmjr 1 f a Gu'li ad Saw .- ..all, a o 1 Dwelling H;:ufe, out ho-ifea, 3cc. t gether with ahout two acre* of 1 a--d,; li at .1 imaiediately in the vi:i- iry if BclKii'e, Bay of Qui tr.U.Canada, • d d« as much bufmehi or ffiore* 'ban a'\ otlnr Mi' t BDOn the Stream: a d iow under Ken' for about On ,&c &c. &c i AH of vNhieh will be fold for Cam rf lappr> ved credit. j I Khmton, 4th i/fugo 1818 I *. 10 For Sa! ^> verv reafmable term** an O mediate \ ff fliong.ven, a F A Kit Ivin. in do)- hull wn, on the B?y « of the G'U't id .11 upiedhf •- * xo 3 3 . • a T - firft quality of Dry WHITE I J I), and ground in oil j iogethn •with aimort every article of PAINTS, EfjOKB * STATIONARY. tltS '; OODS & STUFFS. 1 C cwf. T o^wood, V*r3raqu% C n wood# Bhtf V'trjo^ C'-npcraaf Albim, lnd'*r»o. er«, *c. &«. Allefwhich will be rflfpoW of at very reduced i.rice*. Kingston, 08. to, t*i8. | f tf THE SlIBSCRfTRFH, S^ ;*n i •. pre r- [nfor/r '•' f-i.-*ndc Sr rfu p'tMic iretterallv th t he ban Kuodtnin- few days r-q.i'/K;! eveiy perfril ttdebted to him »o •■ their accoin-ts without detato, th. t he • j rrsay ^ <-n -h^d to ctofr hi* CMiictrrfl ]0 F?N COTT Surge, n. accommodate: w*'h • Kh^'al credit - 1 ' K / ingsfyn OBaber Itn > < u 241*1 Nov. 1818. til i EG t Kingston Ilotd. » l^OHFRT WALKER, : _^ k hi« fincere and grateful ack owl I edgment< to hi* ft tend*, aid the p b'ic ref rns €avt t4 inf Tr»> the r friends and thr 1 »b i- ">« .t»' * a that th-.y haw rerdved '?'ey fn.m Montre^ ar. elegant afToTtmt-nl ,,T S P KTi ET |lH'rcf'>ae Money would fee exptfted to ■«■* ' ' ' I p>e paid down, the other half by inllal- _J_____________' P»«»^ ' f«* twelve -nd eighteen months, • -...•.».. l( '.nied hv hoi id a. ri Mi.rtn--./T- ..»»» *u« On'nty, one nil liqnle. form r y • w■ «J a« tl e aie Phi ip borland. oeceaicd ; ..« which i an orchard of 11 5 large A;n!t Ti» p. and and every other kind of {ruit 1 *ce> that i< planted in t'u's conn. try. Aln , a convenient framed h.ufe and barn and h.-ufes. Ab- ut ooe hu.drtd potnds will be will panic* -- -........,!. requi-ed down, and ihe remained ; I enred by bond a.d Mortgage ucon the ., 1 e made; very c,fy —For further ^e^ilci,. An indifoutable title will be . nfan enquire *»f the fohfetiber, 'on the ^v«- j-premifee. GFO'iGEDOPG .AS. * ' >uch 4 pmnerty U fe'dom to be met .with and U we I w >r>-h the attenti n of 'a > grnrlemdn fond of Mills and Ma } Adolphuft'-wn, ^ih Nov 1818. 2&f critnery. A quantity of Town Lot* upon the! Ready made Clbatb* ' a^ies a»>d Ten- .bank of the River Moira in Beilvill jt'em«.a'« Fnr C ps. frf t>■< lateft Fath I pi^ce tail iHCTC'iing in commerce aud A Farm FOli SALE, l.EASANTLY iJtuated or. the 0 • • • o • Pr^f- Ps THE PANOPLIST, For the Year 1816, For Ga'e at thi^ OfficCn fLomjiitte.] N. . . All thofe " debted to them are nciu Ted r0 n s ke f '• ec'iate payment, i>« <j» Kf Jt 'he fn^ ot November next, j < ithei«i t t !j« ir aecoi "t« will be given te- an At cm uey tM oolk^ft'B- 2S . ;• hi- rernr rort r.,- former -.1 d '• t'- C* I-- b- * arket P ace where L<<- has no.' r hand, ■ jftfn-ra aTor.mdnt :>f JTirrdirare* Notice. ^u^ !,o r 1 •. &c I h e vvf!i iell on the rn. ft moderate t !"»• Irf, the 0» p late'v occupied hv thr i,' Uric r, an I p» {TeiTion given irt- B&edi telv. ^ * WUEf SHAW. h HgrfOT, e//> ;7/?fi. 1818. ^2 ALL perfons indebted ro tre Fftate of the late .James Cufrtming^ late ot H^Howtll. dteeafed, ait- reqneftedto I a ea'l without de'ay, «) d fettle the fame vith hn. Ja?^s McGregor, now iu charge of 'ht « ftal l.flvni nt, at Hallow- (el! b-idge ;-— and thoie who havec'aims agatnft the fid eilate, are dcfucd to . prelerit thr-m for adjufhnen-t. ! The flock in Tra4e of the deceafed. icon filling of a v( ry complete afl'mtmei-t of Good.- weil Ian! in, and vrty fuitablt toth Count-y, i--uov felling V O R S a L E. CX.N Rtaiunab'1<? Terms, a farm Jf Co"tai,i..g >£o aces f Land j fit n ate d in trie fixth Fowb, of which 140 i aciep arc ondei lmrrO"t^"nt, for further Paiticular iitquite of ,hc f*i»tec. King Hon 14th >ept. 1818, 16 and the public generally, that he ha* received and now offers for fetle, so exteniive aJfortm«nt of Double and Single i with a pair of ftrotig 'work Horfes. a Waggon and Farming olenitis. . > Application to be made to the rVio* .ter July 27 9 < ofn*w and elegant pattemu, v/tiich he will difpofe of very l««w for ca(h. J. WATKINS Kmjrtton, Stpt a8, if 18. 18 For Sale, BANK i O LET, ^OR any term o>f years not exceed- 1 * re n the moft reafona- in Fif 1 teen, oi bieterms—That we)' known valuable Hand in-the public ,,ne' ^tuate on the point at Ga; an. qn^ a"d recently .-ecu- 1 ' Tftl AT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Conceffion towufnip of Fredericks 'burgh, 28 miles from King {fan, . (c ntatning tOO Acres,) formerly oc- cupird by Colonel Spencer, and knnwi by the name of the Macfion lioufe. It a «-t ^- - rcontains about 50 teres of land under Ol Upper Uanaila. 'improvement, an elegant frame houlc j _AA„_ ... . 1 !ftory hi'eh with 2 barnB and other huiitU JOOKJ will be opened at Moor's j j • p^,-.,,^ derl,ous Gf purchafing may . Cofa hmifc, onThii.fday. the j cn lIreof thc Subfcriber on the prcmiQw, i6th_ ,n(l. to rece,ve bnbfcriptions tojOI tQ D y erman ,.;r at Bath. the Bank of Upper Canada, and will \ ' [pied by se h D<>w^' together with the! jH,r,a,n ('Pen ^om day te day, from 1 9 ff at pri >- FOii SALE, N! > •Vme«tiate poiTeffi- n given, the HOCS' and pr» uif> in Stuart vi'lr. hue y (cr,ried by Mr. Dalion, fihh.t .1 vvitKiri li-iT.i mil^oftt.i^ Town, a favorable fi nj;i.<n for a Gentleman an ;-nil\ ad no \efg |c> ft>r a 1) :*i' r -r lui Ket tr. Fu further p rirr-rM-": •♦fie f the (uMcribet, or St Ah '■ vorr's Cv§k* •.<> I fc" »5A1<^ETT, h<nQ.tof., 02. 12, MU.& 43tf I ce- a'aw, a-will defeivedly claim the .attenti' n of the public { . Cam or Coiin'iy produce will he tak¬ en in -.aym-nt, and a credit of 6 month* gt'vt-n to refi o>.fihle Farmers, or others. ( J0HNLUMM1NG \ WM. Ml I LHHLI, j Kingston* On 2 7, 1817. $t Hone, Bam, &ta#,€,!i &c—For f.-r- ther particulatsapp"y '<> the lubtcu'bci. K\)OEL SfuNE. Gananoquo Jan. 9 '8 18. 33^/ Executors to 1 o'clock of each day, under the fu I ! permtendance of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until thc whole of UjfcJ tlo» k fl-a!l have been fubferibed for. Kingston, Jvty 1 J, 18 18 I FOR $ALE, I'HEtiiWMM number c.' I on tl>e ftMith fj"*«of fouth or Prince Edward's Bay. ir/1. **« townfhip of. 7 Books Tracts, JOSEPH bEKGFRON. Frederickihuigh, ^ept. 8ih, 1818 15 hit C\\F various defcriptioni, can be had J/ at ihi« Office ; where accefs may alio be had to a frr.all Circulating Li- Blank Deeds and 1 Mgmormlg) For laic at Un* Utiice, Mary^mrgh, contr^'^ «nj hundred' b.ary, on re.lonuhle terms, acres. Said Lot is wcl1 Mrnbeteej, and j I fettlcments on each ^^e» which rr ders it 1 June 10 181$. well worth the atte/-'ntK,n °f lbofc who| A Commooi us Dwelling HOUSE •wifti to inarchafe^-"^n^re °f thejiXlL to lei—Enquire oi pa Printer. June 16, 1S18- W y W4LTBR McCUNIFFE. Kiugauot 18th Oct. 1818. ax i\. THE SUBSCRIBER MESPKCTFULLY informs tr fends and the public, that he has removed his FURNACE uteniiu fin* Camden, to the h' life formerly occupied by Benjamin Booth for that purpofe, in the ft out of Erneft Town, 16 miles from Kinuflon ; where all bufifef* ta his line will be done, as uinal, at tbc fliorteft notice, with this only excepting that all work mult be paidibr «)n delivc- JOSEPH H. SMITH, N. B. All orders, in the above llSK may be left with John Fi/k, KinttHon. Ernett Uotun, sluxust gf, 18 * • * 3■

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