Kingston Gazette, November 24, 1818, p. 3

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.M*J»r#coef*1 dtwrttwrTaw Hw *fa .{rlv'« force* f ♦~reiu, Stc nc See Mm if p'tafe vtfur P.xce'hncy »"',- ...,.i. 6g<ie't a Dc*' 'tatio® ep . putn'rl by I '"' T>tf ,v mre'i"'-; of H»s| a/ftp iKf '- 'oval nbjeiMh frvn th- rStRrr- ■Ht'P'ftriSs Wi*ki.<< t'nf« Provi'tcr, to j wf«fe--vi to y owr !\xe«IWficy a "'ft re- fartfnj Mdrff%bomr»ly ttatfog *■«*ywxr| jpsret'e*) m, a> fc"»c l^ ■Dr€fent*ti™ of ffo Maj! Itv. t'.~ !J'S'-'»tic«n^icv iab»r t>aV a*d rtq-uftin. Yo-ir fttfceJfeney"! »l> tW jMttffMk of Hamilton tfeTrttt, r v »1 ' * fir Robinson rhtflincfi le*v# to * t '»z uji the pot'|tion r# the L'k"d«ci : roprietors of UeH^mc Distrift* Tutsd it/ ?*d NoV* Th** Remoaerafion Bill b« in/ re*d a third H^i^a, was pa-c^d., dud &r<Jer#d *ft Up *MiHtlp<! u An Act to ivnitin^n*^ certain prrsona therein mentioned Mr. Duranii or thf Commits to couf-r with a Cnm:idtf»ea of the B*°- tficnlfott there*:*, ittftwithrKadfntr, they %Hve riceryeJ Y.vyr Iv^tllcney's deter-1 yrintui^n to reject ebe 'imc without ev^n J«fjrmn«r to Et#e ft *<» p*rttsal, and a'.tho* j. $» r^ay 'pp'.'Rr htV><ly B».4«voroU' In them , J BKVtn to addief* V -tjr Excellency *»• fh* (a**»e fnbje& |— ^tv-rtbeWf- hei"£. ircvt u:nvi!'\"g t$ ftate to t*;«tr > onilitu- I ant* live «**& w»graeio»s *ece*-«?ori th':y hivr net with* h-ae rh?.* tv« will r'ead j gxe.Vn* «t"nfi» f Call* OK Y-vt*T Win ft »t*on, tnat t<$ during the late wsr. vtl LTKal tbe i»«-t«.»j| of F'sse1 Jeacy*> a:*ent.'«r» t© a serious coa-ji 4 fi4eat»>< of the cb*» *cter -»f tft*f* cer- j} Commons fi»nv, &V">vt: thtufclvf* Rt-P&iTIHuTA "TIVI.S OF Tftk NUMf.KOUS MRFTI^Ofi THROlie«"UT THIS r^k^viMCB- Y-v.t KK'.-e;,;ency th y trnft, 5iM on the moi'i ^rtfttfiveftW ih ir <(OWi moti c^enpl-j y %he Conve«tt'.»r» ■•»f Frie'iri^ to E^qwiry,! tii STbot EKcel'em-y'^ Speech fro-n the1 branch of ^he I-e^-il twre (^:jc H..utci I** «T'jHMiac *edri*;n, w «k i\. Irf lu the Capital of th»H P ovfnceio t;^c fece af: jpwbliTh^—*»d tbat the reloluu'^n^ thtri • j^ctpf-fue inprov^mont of the *a*i- caHoi nfthe irat^« if th* St. t-a*- rsiwe, r«pfyff^d tv at the* joint WM*- mitt^e fead met, and h*d agra«dl t<^ p«i*- fi»n Resolutions which h* >»a«> in^riir- •' d t" sutw»it to tbe •on-idvrati.n ol frh* House___Ordered that th? R aorf he r^a^lvedj and the resolutions were a p oroved. Thf> com^r)U^o# eppofntej h* *«*• E.:n. the Legislative Council *n(' House of A»semb!'"-» to confer on *>.e report of the Co^mj:- siop. >rs of Dp'Jt^r aad Lower C,naoa rotative to ihe improvewi^ot t* the wat^f conuntiMicatlyn hotw^n the 'vo Frow'tu*^, have adopt..-*1 «*e ! follow?v>r R«so!uinns, to be tiomk- 1 '-c: to their r* pecHve HotvscS— u Rfsolvid— T«nt it is the **$*»• j •fi of ihi- H> use that tfee psei#«t *<-ate| of flic pttrnci^ry feaoufc.Cfl 0 *,,?'l Province, i-» w| "y inarlrqnate P *°"l IhalSifa^a of oerta?nTra?tftr?«.&:itint>»F Est ifftrf of per:-.ou^dvrf'Med Aliens b) nn Arf fase«d io th*^ 5 Nil ytaf of Ht Maj i*ty*'i Raiga enticled c An Act tr t1*rJart rertaio persoasthcrfeia dr»?cri- 'rd A'i»tn«, and tovest tkeit estates In His Majesty,* and for applying the pmrepds thereof iotvards r.ompBn- KtvClnjg thalfMiaf which His Majesty'- Bubjert< haVe sastain^d inconsequ^n "♦• I of (he late war, ani for a^rcTtalnit»H aud satisfy in {j the lawful debts and claim* thorptip^n.*' lm Thp Lbnp Lir©nce Bill wa^ read th© third t'mir. passnd »>d nrd^rod to bp rntitled u Am Art to continue the Lrms now in force snftnfiug an ad- ditionat Duty on ^ b.. L;c- tices." Mr ^leucK obra' » d ;.nve to brlns inn Bill tr rxt nd tho b'nHltS of an Act parsed in the 3Sd year d Hi' iVjqj"s»y*" R.' iqn •ntit^d <s An Act tc- r en firm and unakt Ira lid certain triar- riajges heretofore contracted in the Country now comprized in the Pro¬ vince ot Upper Canada, and to pro¬ vide for the future «olemuizatioa of Marriages within fhe aatBit." Mr. Fra«er brought io a Bill f»«a- Hfd on the petition of t|e British We«deyan Methodist?. The >etitV«n of the iobabitants of the ccutity of Carlton wit read. M»\ Jonefl obtained l^ve to fcrio^ in » Bill on ttvmcrrnw t« appropriate a sum *i mooey, to be laid o«t x*»ji the comulisb this important obj^r, »i*h-j'pad« leedia* to the ne* eettleKient* .wf f rouf«e to »tker mean" !W areihn the Johnstown and Ne»-Ca»t!e ifewHe eontroa1 ofit° !.«|l^•>'u^•,• dt IU-olved —That it i- tho o>ini«" | thi- .Ws'-i e. ^hat pom Id a Grant f the Wa*te Lftffdi of th- > be o&faifced, vay ""o to^ eatetvt " <,ir*([ hundred tJb-ey «n|eht upon bf* (J-^p^cd df af Pttbtifl Salft *nf* wott'd fiii'iiiVh sufficient fuada^ added . . „ , v^ , • ~iit« iifceral Legislative ap«ori**»011 Iravc to differ wtth ymr Exec e^y n«, r&n. u/e«« tbeiv own acl «iu« fl e^c-d ', by anv pe fi*M whatevcf TH« rhey brg ' t> ihe uRcon-^tiiti-nali'y of ibrir nro- ^eediogsj they a-e!!: that t'ne inten'ioti of the me-ti-h? was ^ertght an'* laudable ard thev conoerve them to nave feeca petf cuy -o Htlurov a> in 3- ouch a*thc7 3rt jiC-t «wa-e of -^ny a& tCodermj! tuch ote lings un-awful. Iu-J deed they m#£ Infer ""^ Your v«cttl itney'ft ^ddrrh* f> the Le^:tfauin* op • thwc bead, that thei e^nditoertl* have | tret togctfctif latf?MJy and conftjl.tjti »u ; iliv, for the pure purpose •>? j^ltflOffin^j HitMaleiff'. Stepafrf^atiyeii for are CO;l4 of £-i-.'a!>~'-v. a« 'the?*,'ife the'C be no oCcii u 'o rro>0)'nent3 the paumsj an »& to dec'at* iiafasrfnl uteh fticeUOC' l which the ur.iersit'ii-d con finer thei' dra«e ' a1*^ tjirvll Racred birth Tii/ht -nd an q»aHenableprivi>edge «ccir -.j 0«i to them by the virtue of their anc**e I W1LM VM T- K^RR, georove Hamilton Vork, Oct. 23. 16 -8 To which we received his Secretary'a jR^te i« reply : Go-orrnmfst Home. Terk, Ocfbtriy 1818, T,P- M. His Excelleacy the Lt. Governor Ve:ngfr >m home wheH I received f**£T letter of thiadate, 1 have not vY M*f bxd an opportunity of oflTertn-^ to hi n y tfiisdesi;arAe proj■ • ct it£° «f- fi'Ct. il RrsoLTaD—Tb«41i i»J the rpiajoii , of *',:?« fTou r, thatnfoitjt Addles b«« I 1 * I I t.jr»-Wfi4Ittt*d to Si: li-ya' H^;tiMi-K t«* 1 1 rri'ir'1 Recent, PrayiMi; that lu-'-vOH!d b" graci us! v p!< aserl to dir?(t that, m^'buvidred tho««and acres >f the <sast*» Laadjioftha Crt'VMt ih^'-d bt* fetted in Trostees, with iBstr^tions \*"i$i tbe esme raay so dispo*'"^ f,f *t PtihlicSale, and the proceeds >ppm- p via ted to rtssjat in defray in v rta -'X- neuCHM of cutting a Canal in tb- ^ro- vi'.cf of l^pef t';)na(ia to roanjoni- cate wtlb khuitat Wf«rUi* in th* PYrJ&ftft ol Lnwit-F Cunaiia. ihaf wiii CiHiiiHct th*1 varn#. u Rr.«OLVr.D—Thftt it t;- tli9 ^ffiitivn ■fti!i6 !i'H]<^ fhatfti order to Avcprfain *-:$9 b«8t plans wb?tvnn to c^Ofitfuct til* proposed wnrii* and to ft*t\mul« the probable exp«*ncif5 a skillul Bd« giivet r should tmn^diyt^ly b* Pro pi v- P«J to make* the n^ctj-sary ^urvey^% and that a Joint Addrrv* be prtnentfcd from both Hon-nn -to Hi> ExrWil^ncy the Districts* Friday 6th Nov. The ^upo^y Bill was r«ad th* fhird time, paired and nrdered to he entii- t'ed w- An A 'tgi»ntfng to Hi^. M»je«*} i a «nm of rnoney fa*- purp'\se.-i therein"' meHtioned, Mr. V»n itongfflett gtrna notk>e that be wi'I on tt^t^orrnw move fori !►'eve to bring: in a Bill t.' 'kAmvp th" .ales that tbe In*peffrors in the several Districts of thi<? » io.finee ore allowed to tale Hnd potwn to their u.^d>; ttpon nionifii c( llectad by theTfi and paid into; th# hands d tbe Rece'rver ©ene- flrftf-neof ^B rV s?j),n^ V^nar ^itb«yt «f 'iecr'ce, evep by -he «m.JI ffipi-iure wifh ai»tir>j> lit'enee, (and t\it upo* ont tin^fe oath ) is uv- . - istian, -nauy b^d tbievea escape with H14I aon?n em^ut. Tea' th^ manner of Cttnf-Bitu; debtors in \'n^'Uon. is rfpi-.pnani Jm Avp;y '.tr.onane fc#!- :i'?i n imhers are catu ♦*,! o^»* n^r iu^roa u. ari:Aant the rop^r-^ of "T1 ess A-^e« thr raiii of nmu.e neCl'i'". fca li' 1** ?vpf«c^ th** var i -sight hf* ma.Jp ^afe Fortiiem \A be admitted to take the* a r. Tiir bringing prorfvic? from 'b* ^tate^ dnty i rr**p, when nfldef a wrtEin ra^ is very inj ri-' iBtti oib^ farm?r^,and h^ronctry »rvgeneral. T^at per or* who.-e suflVnng.* awJ loyalt) ror(h^> ^vercfli nt wa:- ffreat, hav^, by vo»Vf capricious or intere^t^d pehnu^ been struck off thp IT. £. I-Ft, to t^p £ *ai injury of rheir families,and thpir Tovr. Lurs, «re»ied a^ay from tfapm by >o^nr unjust aieans» I; i* reported that the C'O^u Lawyer^ rp- o^iveW doliara for evpry p^r^nti they caw ger CQr.viei^d. We h«pe ..n siitfh mraw of -p^^ti- laMon are allowed theiB c<> p-,ui with .heiibtr- t\t* aod bUrfp-inj^ «rf Hi*people. That p*.rsoui8 encased in particnlar dnne^ hftviog n» land, vr»re pr^rricsed wnpio settle itjw^o, xvh\r,b they have MO' r^v.^iv^d. Tlsat atftrjjejwira af raou^y i* tiven for ?he t rapport of Teachers in 5^ yrit; SchooK Tn^ |t>p«leat al»:»e re«eiyingfr?0f i;t iher^froriL j I j T«*a* tbenwuei jp^^a flv rrQ7QWon schnoj^/ >f auy h given rfae poo/sG<wlt.' rec^iv* tkeben- *t\ t. Tliat we fcavp gr*»at cause of alan=nt wfe<?« ^e rem^m^rI, was contended ov i«orn^ ic the j A«senib?y% that {he Exeesntve mi?ht dfepoie ] of ihe p'»bf;e tno^.ey, ui hour accountirg to ae*ri for it, a' -h* time an onqnirj ww aiade *>f h# di<poral of several thousand pounds ia tke early gart of Gov. G<wVsada&ioistra. »i on. That of late the ac s of the Provinc** are ihh Irt fr*to i.tie cnhi;0, and some *f «he Vlaffiatrs. h&veoot recftived ^r whol** of c&env Tha'. we acknowledge ftie Rouse ^f Assem¬ bly (^y virtM* of 'he Coostituiiei3> should be or' shield acditt*ckler, T*at it is* their dtartes to re?ist 'he e>ot!roa«-h- ■aen.^of (he Executive, a d *tt mak^ Uie gpp- •>raJ WtsA of tupir constituf'ts'it, ihe r»TIe of .^eir ooudnet. if ttl«y >»ad enquired into tiie .vtPhe« ©f ^bc poodle, «hey ha -;!iy wiraid r-av^ as»pr:ed. we wereimpa'ientof otir ^ilejlaucr ^or-k1r;f for the p^riad of f»'?r lirongth a* the Credit Pale < TTpY * u£ion will b« fold pofirively A 2 witha'l nrfd?vc,'>n Mond •> ikr ;^h Pf*ernl«r n-xt,at tljc Stibfcribtr'a a uc-. ti'.n Rnon-i f <ing^ frcct,^ aO exec trnt J3(T>rtmcnt rf Furriery, among it wux^.0 art" tru* following, ^iz 4 Gentlemen* black n-.ufcovy Cape, Do. gray pt>\knt\ cai D«. tio. black Rabbit I>a. Do. Pr?7 I ° do* I adies bW k Do0 dob D«- D «ahlc do. Do. Do. Molcovy Muffit, Do. Do Rabbit do. * D»» Do Do. Cellaretta, Do* • Dyed iiare do. Do. SaHe do. Gtay Pollandcat tkln NfiftB, Sea) /kin d» Grey and black Rnffia lamfe ic*Q Vcf}'». »a)e ^ ^caimerce at twelve o'cloJe preoK' 'y Arckz) McDom ll* A. & B. \. B The above article* may be vie.Tjpd at any time nitvi'-us to rt«e fair—and thofe wK-> pur ba(c to tbe amount of P\$ and upwirlr* wHl ba^ fr»UT months Credit] by fcrniiblny tbe Broker with aporovrd indorfe«J M.»tea. o LO I\ rfCtt* that i 1 t**t- Mr. Fraspj brought In a Bill fonn- di'^an the p-tuionef the proprietor*o! (heSteam-Baa<f Fiontenac, Mr. Vnri rion^bnett zava noticed t-i«t h** vri' on Monday next UK>ve for | I a v? to bring in a Bill t«> conjaante the Rtattite Labour throughout thie Fro* ■ • ^niwati * i- -i'it- '-in ■ k iii-nrrt KINGSTON, TV-MSBJi\ my'MWIi.Zh W> • * * # - * * Tu the ff#nQT&tfie /J,** ZtiwfwHiMTiws Covitcil, af\d Hovsjs of AMSM8LT. :.iajp af revolt. Tbar oo'hinff ismore han^f^il tbaa a eubser* v\re\\ floose ftf 0<rn)T^0;i8. T»>af rtte exciiement w* d\Wf>atcnt ari?^? from tiio coodact of tkeMmtitvtftdaiithoriii^ L^ cheat ac-|ustiy to tlie ptoplv acd dt-con* T.*>at it is nerevarv that some proviaioos be :qada t>r U-,* )'Oor, by thr estaUtinhmcn af p- o '-hp»^e8%or by som«» t»«^arrs a liil* burden¬ some ac posjbk. the present manner of k.ts>p~ |i^>r.»*m. being very e^peastve aod wiuioui f aoy le^ral authority* (A tnw copvO ANTH-NY M««U1N, J. P, We on^er«8tand that Lieut. Governor Maitland bweefuffcd to receive the P«ti ticm <. tf-'fd ro him Ky the Comocittee of ; the late SlelegatcR % hut ha- di ccied bi* ^ecrttiry to w» ite in th-.- fi^Kt fifijners of , feweral UtC Tt><.vrifhirjs Pt-titiou* addttffs 1 tH m him acknowledging the receipt <»f j tbe Petition*, and requeuing- a fpeeific 1 ftatement of the grievances, of whicb they complain. ar-d tba River Trent, a /?#V W .. _ i Pocket Book containing a right for a bf of "'and, of 2oo icrc-s —Wh"ev-rr will retura the fam- to the <fail arrfer be* tw en Kinofton «nd Yo fc (bail fev hand- jfomely Tewaraed. WTI I I \M LA B. tfingstm. Fo* c$, 181*. ?6iv^ For HHie, OX very reafr.naWle trrm», and rnt- mediitt p^ffr/fion^rveo, a F \ RM lyfog in dul. huto^n, Jft l0f ^ay of Qni»ty, «nc »i'c wet af tbe Court J*«u!e, formerly owitcd and acetified by the iate Phiif» Dorlaad deceased; a which i« an arcbard ef f 15 lurgr \ np'c Trees, aada w.»ft avery other kind of fruit Tree* that i» p'aote^i in toi* co»t- try A Ho, a •oi.venicwt framed h ufe and b*)rn and houf«t». /kb<nt of\c bu.dred poinds will ba rrquited down, and rbe remaii.der will tbe <pade very tzty----F*rfurther partic nlera enquire «f cae fwtfct\tm*t • u >fte prtmife». GEORGEPOUGI AS. Adolphijftowo, ftb Noe. 1S18. iC<$ Th»jtroun<1< af » P fUCoa iW f**1 P<*ie* ^',- ,f ^f, ani rrnr»*A»r* f« r7»'.- Pravtnciu'Patiknattkt from the 7n tti*>i*un£» g/ the TtoOrtsMp 01 Kingston i — !a*« war, the iabaV a»'ft! F >a . ii'"in* t;e It h reported that the comroerrinl Jtj-eaty Inne^nciafion at Pavts, between J Fffiurt' and the Unit- d States, is, for [tti* present* entirely at a stand ; tbe conferences, on th* part of France, j Li'-ut. Gotemor, prayftt^tbal h^ will 1 h plaasod to appoiut a Civil Khgineer tl for th-at purpose, fo M '>» •'©■jfcactrnii I with ?uch persnii as mny Hp ap^'mtkd j I by the sov^rara-tit of Lower tjanada i for the like dnty. Safthi- Provi^.a^dh-s-^U^v ^/ti^ngdisconti.^d. ai&r rfno»»?. pro«»eted it. ani eve-: cap" w ,, _._____ ..—. r^m Tbe M Coaftitatioaoftbc Prince Ed- T\te Cornwall B&a.ik< t riill wt* read i the paaer "enciofed ; which! Iv<ve w#» f11^ t bird time, .ptw«f a.od erd*red to1 |«>retiif», a* Hi^ Exce'lency declines ra- || bft fll,titl«»d 4t An Act to^?mpov?? tht- teivtng it. f®r the reafona already flat- «d f' r^^ I have the tangJrtQ °*i Oeo'lemen, Your m^ft obdft. ffd oor^ro^oenre or \c*irpr^p^ny de b\ rhpt^,-ativi Ho! Sarebt'eo slignted Ji> rm?TrV*pre ^>>i a•*** ;if hMi^ •*> W to ^avr heir !mal*v Qne^iio^^dl. That th■* fb«i#-i?lftc oare ©f tbe mother edttw try ir. aJru^r wrhho!d from <n i w# ar« Ihrr*-- » M»^ai»,v.-— —......- . - «- -.. ---- ,-.'r>*dti'hati,> v 'iporon [nmber ^ent V^Oi-ne, X*>mn«.srionerH of tk* P^^re for th" Un4 if it tak« ^i»e- ;he tr«Ae «* d^troyeds Krvtent Distric^lM their G^er.l Qr II *&»* *« Pw'^,f W^« do not *eei our eve*: Cil{>* rt ?»* j i ih^^ft^^ie^'anfties. T^cv Weill fro»n th^ • [% p«*Aeefnl #w-h» 'o endure all '*<*■ priv&t .oir- of ^ loUita^v Yi9* ^4ilT**renl froiTa their mvn ; «:»'w;i«t direaLe». h\ feei*-** rtxj*o *d tofs-li - - • - rk- lfl«ea»3.b "ief^ffiwi«|*j ffc.rt feavc i->eeW-U wrkht&c prm:ced;ugrft ot lever*I 1 owwmp Advertisement. rnpHE'fi.bfcriber retura? hi* ftvcvr* Ji thank ro hi* frifo^s ind leu- pub¬ lic in jrrer«'. for r-hrir p«ft f»" r?. i)^C€ he commenced bti(iTi*fi a«d h/>p«t, by this fttady atrenri^o, to merit * *cntir,o* 1 a nee of ft- Work «f all ki«^ ' '* in ina ward Aiixiliarv r«iW«Society,*? togetbar r*cew- II with the. prncced-.u^ '*trnr■■e(11 f<e£t»t«af came too late for this day's Awt-a-h IJ G„ac(fei bot wiH be attended f io ofir ftestt pebllcatian —Other <?mmuu«a- ttona bavs alfo bean received. Tin Si J L G Hamiltffn. Esqrs. Sessions a«SHeinb|ed, to *^tabli% aad r««nilar*thetinu« for Holding a -iarkyt in the U»wu of ^oravvall iu tie said Di^vicf." Mr- Frasnr brought iu a Bill v> alter thr Laws now in fere* for pert tmma, Statute Laborou th? iiloads.—^ead a iroports. in 'he t.a>d ^ractinj (V%panmei»t, partial giftfi have be*»n given to "eh an extent, as '<> MiRPJEJX On Sunday Evminjr, by tbe tbe Rev. R.. G. lintow, Cbapiain t« rhe Rnrc#», JaMta Wilkie, ' Tq Otdnaace Store- MtnufaAured at bi« fh p, in Grnve Bf, whtrt cuftomers in Iowa and Com:! y will be regn arly attended t°, «^n be IIhorteft ootiee, and t»oft n-afonable t r|na« JACOB N YLQR. Not, ?3 26 N. B, Country Produce takca in pay- inent, w pa^lix^ or rtehtrov rb^ l?opeioflheactual sew > keener, to j/lne BrisCOB The above clofes the conference ; and Unit time. ' Mr Prases brought in a Bill to to-as\t" oh tbe necnion- ttttft, you will perceive, in nut let- Mr Prasea br«uglit t«-> Hio Excellency, our full fenti* L fr=d thr pro. visions of We have only tWefore to add, that ^e remain, with lentimeuU vi rtf«pc€t, G«ntlemee, Y<u)r mo»t obt. »ervant«, RICHARD BEAHLEY, Wir-UAM I KERR, GEORGE HAMILTON. fftn'the U. Canadm Ga*eito. ■VROrWCIAL PJRLUMMNT Of Upper-Canada. ax- an A.^t grafting I additional jurisdiction to tu*4 O.^rts of i Request.— Head a lirst time. The pBfitton of t'b? propriefott of the Sf««l i'joutera wa* rt'\, Mr. 0 »rar-.d oi tbe C- 'v.mvt<*e to p re p ■ bei lcr^^rro'inil^d i»y wild lan^owci^d ; b\ p -rpotiE l«f> ice forward for Us value at th^ exu^ceof *iioh aetiial set?h*r. That t»*lament to efrsanw a manifeatatloo to rire^rnvm a-rd curtail ^he i?hts of tbe sub- 1fV«, and -o reduce ihem to abject wbmh»ion; al *e^' i« iraarin^ ihat our dzi^y fc pa5*iue a£e- ,dfpTiceand no --e*isfancet iwrsnnga ^steoa ofratation, wberein tba harden fails upMj th** middle class, letting tbr opulent gscAipe with a Thai viealv7ay?*e^re (o pay aduer^pec* to:b^ laws, and fo-hoseia authority ;• execute tSeia, providing honor *nd justice guide fh*ir eottdtiet Yet, o'her feejfnijs o»ust take place, when we kear of oi^n debasing themselves^ by ZalMZaV** i-ri . AV^nHE firft Kiagtton A»ie»bly J) 1 |_ Wrill be bald at Walker'i Ho-i ^tel on Monday Swifflf, JOtb inft v^ I'Daneinp to commence at 8 o'clock., are c ! whicb was receivt-d and r*ad tie jlrbt; time. M SUlls, a IJorjsF. of Assembly, Monday %<l November 1818 Van iiauglinrtt bright in ■nTff lay RO additional Duty apon vrhlch was read a ftr^t time. Mr. eieneb broa^ht ia a BiU for the purpose of erecting and buUdtug Ufr* 5has«s an* *■ the *sla FordtitJfl lh* Midland District and one on Mmtsi- gua PaW, «n t"*e DCtrict of NttgTO •vroa4 • ^rpt time. Mr. MrMartiu obtained leave to Vrin^ up tbe petitlMl »i *»• propnators of the Steata B«at /ro.u«euac. Mr. Claaeb obtained leaye t^bnn^ pptbap^tinoH »f saudry inaabHarjta of the District of $iaga*il. Mr. Claaou o9i#»^ ^» *• ***** Bill Tantln^ to riiy Af<ij>»--ty -^«aei injt tumilis,and actually eommittnif an {• ' , f , I la-an! and bn-t^v. mang tueir powtrot'otRce |a supply for tiieyaara1818 aur igttj( tae^peWifbaamalltiae,#ndiafli^i^aldng reported a Draft of a pfl accorln^ly, ;| iBaiJrisonmrDt on aaother, whose onfj fault t^a<-- in prateatiag he o*>Jcct of their ra«*. Th* unequal ast^m<«t «f land, a;l bein^ -"_ « , . j i0-»0 *r u_i M ra.ed alike, in whatever aituatioo it may be in, Mr. Fraser abiainei) laaae to bring o jf it ,s ^orth ten tirae9 up the petition ai Sarah Johnson of the | The rsmd aCt rr4|lrtr„ iTown of York. ' The petittaa ef file erwfcfteria-n Conjireiatiou of the kwn and v.Joit) |©fGornwaU in tie Ba6tara fetrict was read. Mr. Van K/mgbnett m T<s| for lea*i- to brinjc »u a liill on to-iw,rro%v founded on tu« aUore petitiou, vbicb was lost. . Mr. R©bi.»«an obtained le;v^ to icfi'iff up th© petitiou of Rbecoa Xnomsou. The petitio* ef sundry hmftftta^b of the District ©f Niagara n as naa The petition of iaataiUoa ^rritt, Kgq. was read. Thursday %th Cov. Tbe Forfeiture Bill **» read g 3d ime,pa^i.edtlad ordered t. h* CftitUd An Aa t'w nesting iu fyinmi%>ofr* j t more thao others. | r<*o, in res a maa with small ,r.^«n- iodoa8 much, a> tbemaQ gluttHB witti !wided or other property. AU«eti'*e« ne; fcfeiag rated at all. 1h» ratiag a" ttores andt;x»}>? alike. TAelieeaote for Shops a*»i Tavern? alike, no r-^ard being paid to tbe Stand, or thtvtock in irad«. The application of the revenue of ttte Pro- ■ iiiCP. lar^^ sufn? being applied far pnrpo^es 'he p-.iblicderiv.' oo benebtfrorn* particularly ihe fiv^ng tbrae thousand poena* ro pure.a-e a toy wi'h. Toe InCreaaing certain salaries, alreadv larje enough, CoAMderlag the siaiaof Up Province. Tbe want of an art to enforce tbe payment of^nt.vl! deb's. 1 where there is n» visible pro¬ perty) by :be Comni&niooeis of the Courts o» R.-Ou^ts. W« are told they have au act a' ho»ntt >ba(- doas tbe debtor (if he dot?.- not pve satisfaction) at many daysa6 tbe debt is *hill<e£9. The same 'waat for a h^aeh of trust, The wamevraot to moderate tbeexturdaaate chariC** of Lawyers. ^erw»4brae»oatb s No lice. ANY perfoa or perfons defirous c eoteriRg into an agreement ft clearing fraa 15 to 4.0 acrei of land, will receive libera' er^cwuregemeni, by arp^yrng at tte ofiiee of the Ktngftoa Gazette,—where the terms of fcbe agree- ment may be feen* Kingston, U C. 1 t$d Nov^yiir^ 1818 y 16 LOST OR STOLEN, FR0IN4 on board a Batteaux on Fri- ■day e«^nin>r latt, at Mr. Thomp- fon'i WIihtF, a CASK marked R S. K. 5, cO' taiatug Tin Clouted Mails. 1 Should it be ir tbe poffeffion of any' equed __. give h.ioiinaniiii in His, Lau.e to the fubferiber and any p^ifon apprebcnding:j the Thief, iball receive a lil^eral reward. R. STANiON. Kln^fton, 34th Nov. 18 tS. 26 THE Subfcriber being about to lea v« Kingfton ia a few days, rtqucft* every pction fndebted 10 him %o Settle 1 their accoonta without ddat/, that be may be coabl*d itfclofe his concern. JO E^l-1 SCOTT Surgeon, Klsgftsti *^bN«v. i8i& JEvenfng School, THE fubfenber refpr&fufy inf^i **• tbe inhabitintfi *f Kiof 1. 1, that be i'uendt oT)eoiaf 1 on Monday twjtt, an Evening Schcal, f«»r iaAraAion ia L«ok Keeping, Aritbme^ir, Writing aad Rca- dl'jr. frwald a fufficicot narnb*^ af pu¬ pils offer tbeeafelvef. befwe tbat arriod. TERMS Arftbinctie Wtiting, Headsa^, «ae dollar per moo'b. Bo«.k Ktepiajr, extra, tw panndt p^r courfe. Fire arjd Candles, awedaMat pr. Q*» OEOBCE BAXTER* Kingston, N60. 16. t 3 1 8. gj^ w , DH'>UIO it DC it. «"<i jj«^ik...*vyi. ■- perfon through mi Hake, they are r ed to give information of tbe fame WOOD vOWlRACT, kN^'T> f«r the Stfi*r-Haat :barlotti, eight hun* DRED-vORDfi OF WOLD, of wbicb three r*t»tib n>q-t ha each and Vapl#, and «ne f«tirth dry Piae, o Tainerack. a'! split fi»t, to be da>i»fr*d at the t'How»n^ jifaecN *q afi To ha corv> venicnt 10 l>ut rn bo>d, viz. at Prev cott, Brat\Jkvilli, Gannaaoq»a. Erae*t Tbwn, Ado'pbustcwn. HfUbwaH, K b- line and Solttife, in uphia^bufgh, cli- ville, -River Trttat a»d ih? Maying Place. Traders for fnrnM»lrtf any part of tbe above.ditrcl-d 10 smith &ABTUur, wiil be »tvKJ«en until thf |s*t af Decern- ■ ber t>ext. K.inft3ton, Not. l& if i& ?}

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