Kingston Gazette, November 17, 1818, p. 3

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ft.i A* '" * «v ur">i--: V • -*" ' ;- yirfc mntViif, Pa'*' Voni" i'- Ki"nin rioudu'i •c hi f-.r thfi Cr-nrf oi Ui. me Di .avc*. (ill ftn *v ••> I'-.. ! II 1) iiidsi'te'f1 * prrfprriMl a^antirt fh.-rti. uri¬ dyl tb* pr^wJmi of lb** Stufwtf of the 43d of ttsf Kiu4, a* prilitlpal in lb* •ailed GowAvr Jfewplo, a'- &'«' »^i I ik iheiiidteuterritoii^ on the itttuj Jnate, lHltf- iv>f»:> tt»C mr.ltiplts)ifj! of evidence, bath on the pari of I he J Croivu aud elwfeuce, tn*t trial ofroploaS |k* of tit* Court until 'fties- daytfouiu^, when the Learned Ghle! Justice having deiiv«red ul* cbar^o, tbt Jury re?lr«d at kulfiiM * «* o'f lock J and !M U.t^rw roimite* r*iuruod with a verdiotof ©fOTGUli-Tfc TIi'* piifioueia w«tre remanded »<»| roaJ to answer to another indictment p fo Cftptata Bilni, of tUe ffcftOtti?*] able Company's fl.ore-&ip Martglcs^ died t>n the! 29th July., and Cant. Paifley, of his Mages ty'i thip Redpole, on the 17th Juhy, ot the prevailing dyfen tery. Bonaparte had not been loen out #f doors for feveral montta, and continued very 111 with, a liver con>p!aint The GritTon buried Mr. Dunning, ot the Conqueror, a pafTenger, and five men, on her ▼^yafla? hoane, all of whom died ot Feavrrr and dyfemery. Mr. G'Meara, furgcon to Bona¬ parte, arrived in the Griffon/* Prom Belt's (London) Weekly Afar* senger* Sept. 7. According to ail credible accounts, wMo answer to anoint-* i.nw*.*—.»*n ■ ,-.«. * » • j . 1 Um-4 »h*m iin4 L»th«rl I: the aiHcrenec^ keiwccn Spain and Amc*r- r#te?rred n* thr-in, ana um*«»,u r . 1 , * HMm Ai„v,.^ir jvjc^ J ica ?»rea^outtn be settled vtfi! more ami- "cable than had been anticipated • and j th.* govtr-nntcot of the United States, Lean- at R. d Kim?, on tb« taitt uaj walVreMiUl: but tit* Attorney Gen¬ eral yestnrday moralr* dated to the Cftrftti thai a'a the olftaeo charged bigaiiu* tfcoae persons, In i"* indict- they *i»d $tm ih© f»rfiC*redi«g day so euiiUd »f Hbcttii^ «•*•* B«d«««hf- j, .« . , , c Tjgrtintcrefl [having already ^-:vcn an ^xairple ot ^n^pi , a. .• Ivifforolii ft{Ie*tion«« what they aeemeo'i , c » I *S ' _ . » ann nut tar i&ifgrf«pdfl fkeir |#Wttd«ll6. Mow ■ my dear lir, I thirjk Hie trgjnrieiri \S-\nU \\\u eftn-rw^y- U rhe people rhoose (.• ^cnd meinlbpr** wh<> o^^ firofesRional Rs»'iHta/,ce lo IlelP *h«P liame law?*, they oa#M not t# complain of having counsel f«^'s ** Pa.V, in addi- ri*H! t;> the wages of t,ieir ftepiweota- fives. I carirmrtak^ "Poa oiy^lf to say, Blhis the besf llling (he I*Io»»e Have done ; bat, MrUjFy * do *Unk tt a xood oue. 1'Al- POR TUB KINOfT0* OAZPTTB. The .Virirt wJCfPg*00 continue* t* be fuppHed, in • gr«#* meafure, from the State of N«w-York. This drainB the money aut of the province. The far¬ mers in thia vici'oiiy, l»»vin5 a foil ecjoaU ly p^duaive, snd M?«g cot morc bn* thened fritk ttten oHgkt to exert thaai- Uffd to retain the rfrealaiiag m«dium m j thi£co..otrv, bv fori*iftlinfit from thc*r 1 ardens and farms, a g«*^r proportion of the fuppiiei of roarkettWr IScats, groins, roots, ve;:^ta^'cs* *c- '° t,l,ft j they are urged, a^ w*-11 bT aor.fiderations anbv in<»,VCB of patriutilm. d feel a lVir!t *f eioulation ; rnlft, lirte liSpraoiicd for life, aod af?t*'-f wardi 5h«r^ by the Pa'rian, for iaier* fti-rViff to cscke dimnioa m-ib* tboir cowtUaadert. Several Americans hive been etecHcad by tt>e Spaniard*, for joiaing the patriate. The CMtl of Ar huthnttt and Am^ristfe, executed by General Jaekhov, par^n&Qt to the ?•«- tooce of a Coart Martial, for tbefr agency* i» stimulating the Seminole In- diaai, have excited »till more teaviyiity But m none of tbede instances «o far a- has yet trao»piied. ^ave tb^ govcin- raent*. to which ^tO»e adventurers be- lobjwl, faterp;«cd nny rtmon«»tran»c8.! Sock adveotuic^ not being authorised, 1 tkoje wha volunteer in tli#mf do it at j Jtbairownmk, nnd are canwid«red | •bjfctiof jinotcction by their atnmcati. m r2 ivvn »ov- • , , iimd net i'ub'.i. to te outdone by their tbeu own nffaUi aw about to toIJow it I . ,^^ &n ^c ^^ fide of the Lake, ation and tenc-1: «..** , ^ , Tm way to hate '■rope expected. It h thji* stated in sorr.e of the journals ofrhe AmeWcan g'*vernnxnt thai the present wabaat to reft«re the Fl«rfdaj r .„. .ay to have m-'"«y &**? a,n/H* jlhemu to p'o^uce a ¥'f,nY of wieta {to brln.e w> wtthi Ev,:ry oii* *•«« be amhitiMa to lat hi'^fala* of lurplus rorfoce exceed hh rforfumptaca «f w- /"//?5 //v BOSTON The Boston Exchange CoflVtyHottaCf tlie largest KoteJ in the {Tnited ^tea, erected at the essence of half a million nf DolW^, was burnt Nov. 3rd. The fire broile out in the 71b Sitory. f y the rr.ost asfGUttHtftg ex^tfone of the eul iuA rf Hbctti.^ ^»8 ^«* «*«•*- V^f*"! ,safuc to «""»?/»= *™«*: ; .rorfwc exceed l,!- .^iumpti.n of w he IfVWM&titttmuict RAlfprfJicr lie :*» I «ey in hie chdl, add fo^ethtng to hi flute every year, and >W e-nv.ta'n f 5reoW:« and ritizena the trljaccnt buf'd- ia^--;, although several timtfl on fire, were R^vrd from dcatrtiction, but con¬ siderably injur »A John BsrmrJ GillM. £/?. ka« been rrcogi :aed by the Prr-ii*nt of the DoiteJCtataa, a* bis Britannic M.^jr?-; tyvsC«Ofcui for the State of Rhode la*j rfPHF- Btbool, c '-Hufl.d on rill jl tiih fyHcm t.t t«:.i. atidn, ,»i.v' re¬ opened no Monday tna -irl infa: i»tf« der the nurnediistc hip<-ti•.•riitteiii.i »-i a Committee appointed 'or th.v ;-ui ^ole. Rate of Educatiflo, tjy!* ^r. m«ntb| F'iel and Gook«t 1./1 iJ"- nv^nth, By order of the Pr-fideot 3t Tniitees, KOB+. RICHARDSON. Kingston, tyth Nov. i3i8. 25 Evening School* f R iH E fuVrcriber refpc fl filUy infWraia _& tltt inhabitants of Kiufbt, thstl he Intend* or^eoio*, on Mon«aJ! nr>:tt ah RveoJng Scb* 01, f».r mfcv&lori in i>-*>h Keepii g. Vritbiietic, writing and Rea« Ju'jr. fhwald a fofficieilt nua'ker of pu- pilb ofi'er themfelveb l>e*"orc that period* TERMS Arithmetic Writing, RcQfilia^* ono dollar per mouth. Boak Kc?]piBg, estras tw pounds ptf eotti fe. Fire and Candles. oned'j1l»T pr. Of**^ GEO?iGE h,\XT£k\ Distr't9 Scbml tiwjk eet npflfe rabferihtri to the kiagfl J? \ffemhlic-s arc re^iet^d to m-.,. [at W?il »'s Hotel *o Tburfd^y rhe r 9th kRaat, ii>r the purj>ofe s*fehocftrtg Ma nagers Rtf the enfuiag fesfoa. log 3y niei't agaiukt hi« for RobV»rj. JBi7ip </ hntirtnwl fate aim teen j'wndby tkc GragdJaty mJbUom t ni. •HofLlvri Grant a.ul Louis P«rra*lt (jnfttce oi fbf Uftited States. KINGSTON, TTTXSDJ\\ NQrWM* 17, i«* ? For'h** niarder of R>- 's'/hr^^l^Hi»,a' B*H Riv-" A*lan MeO.r.n^i, ") . Jo.m Severie!i», ( ^fl A're^anes be- •eraiiHin E^marre *vr fora Ike f»^- rcus- Poi ff-n-«a, ) jftl^tan.1' ■ ^rKro&ii*,"* JHttjCii ."W.-Cailte*, I At AaevoRries aHei Joii.i MrFVnald, Joiin t4cl^(chHO| ■Si'iian l-Vawr, ^ -"iatt* SUaw. / ..-t« ^*r^^> [well, 3,ihn Sovi.rigSH, ■3a ii;»:c< l«a»ftftrn' ^ Prirr Prflaparift. , dun.—1'lif *uM Panl Browa,—RoWnffy* r ■ * * rO» THE r?|VflRTON flAWTTE, 41 Y">u ranadia^a keep too mi<iy l^og*/' fold W obiervi«| tr«^iier, w 0 j hs-! rakcti 'We Mar of Can2da. Tbia •»* Itnrc ; a»J U is a fcerio.u* evil. Moft of 1 tbr do^ <if tbi« country a«< of litrle uie, : to'] many f them are worfi than uie- (leff ; they are troub!ef»»e zvi vora ciou*. In fomo p^acec, they kill aira-»i a« mnnv fnr- p as the botcher! ; aavl /he By few Eacellcur/ Ueut. G«vemorj j M.i'Utfd's Speech,'t appears, tint a) j j trca<y i* <vfl foot f^r Indian lands, in th* the pimdMM ofl ■«°"P!«trf- AtMBtyfor the p«-#«« western piril of thU P^vlnce *« the VMV time, ( o-Bt»i9aiufier« <-f «t*« Vmti S:tt«*, it {:ee^.» are hu'diaa ^treaty, io r I'wliai>a ^ si mi eat in »« t>ilS Wlfl f'l« ;*.n'Hl^un tar pwpoit Wttll til* the $\;U of l»t .. ( . Ah.osl tt«f)f yeir i#«--ed a«noua<* some e\v t^exty of Ir.disa ec«<i0« fn «fce state,), .hi is-tb-- oa*ttr> a) pro:»rc»K of thi^s The ludidRsj t dwindle away, and .ex^d', a= the Wtt^ ;«WUti of life Whit^es:cad, »r a^ t-» J * of" th* «mc lniid4 waa holdea laet year; j hut the purchase rhca oeg.iciat.-d was (nit ratifiod by the Senate of the Uaitcd » Sta'-as. in roaF^uta*?* «f which a new). treaty took place aad the tcrma are now || *9th ^7 cf December -ett. w^en a 'i modified, ^ li to tew** tbe objections | PaP" w3I commence ; fo that rfofc tvb of the Senate. Tie *)e and fettle- \\ ^ •iefironf «tH hfl NEWS ! j f 0 1H^. fi'b^criber haviba> dl^oofed cf Jl the EftAblfftmem ftfthe KlM'vS- TON GAZETTE, ail perfom having clainas opaiaft him, arencjne*ed to pra» Gaitt thcoa, that tht*y may be in canrfe if pttyineot ; and all thofe indebted ta bia will fee the nereffay of feitlin^ Up th'Ie refpefiiTf accounts witlnmt de'tv-—TTic G^zettr will he lifctfntvooed ^iter tbe o mc-it of those bmd* uettUvents mi the around Detiiet. »,|il connect the Obio with thoss J CiithHert fjranl TV'iltPita Rnaw. _ For Aisua. cmr tables and omlceU A eomidemb! ooruon of tlu" p-*o«ifnn» confn.ned by rhr"3t-'pbe. oqc .>f -he Emptf^r* of !ld}ti, ha»UM«ifd a*i 'fTi ial :Qv>i*ti«tttt> J(-^n litiftXlfS famaiim, C-'!ib»*rt Graat, \V,II*amShau and Peter Partrtaan a5i*4* Bostonotv. j More and af- : tcr ikefiaet. j a tax, however, would fall more kenvily was war From thra N. Y. Spectator. Latent from ixugland TH© Skip Bdfsiftt) Captain R*.inker, arrived this morair-g iu 43 days frota Liverpool. By this Arriva.1 \vc havt been £avor. eti wick %h$ Liverpool MaiCtV ryot the i8ih of Sepr. froai which we copy federal ankles In rel.ttiun to th£ Markets at Liverpool, London, and Dub* lin. The Queen of England con¬ tinued very Ul. The bulletin <»fthe mortiirtg of the t6th Sept. dated that (he had sod a good night, and cfcfierthat morning. The Briti& Ship of Griffon, which left Bt« Helena s>fi twe jd of Augut, a»d which has arrived at Portt- naouth, bring! tbe information that the fq»adron oo that ftatiou waa extremely fickly, and that feverai ok tiic (h.ip$ lu 1 burted a larj^c portion at their cjrews, from dy(c»ter«es a-nd liver co»plaints. The colony zn wai very fickJy, from the prevalence of tiac lame diieafea, which are tlt«re p:Tcu!iarly fatal. Tti« Oov. fcir kludfon Lowe, had an aUrinm# atvack ot bowel c >tiv pUitif in tlie beginning of July, | upon thr poat. tkaa the rich ; foi the jpwrci people are the Mora do»« tfctyj [gemaraUy keep It i« an onuGCottnubieU circuo-iHaoce : hnt i^ is proMbly a hA. h certainly appear* fo to rrav^Cva, The | Ge.atlefnen, to who.n I have already re-1 ferteu. ©hfer»eri, th-jt whea he hiwa vya* j furr^andcJ bv two on rbrec do^s, or a j Itennd of the n rufiiin-r *ut of kib d»or, ? to bark at paiTeu^ers iu the Ireet, h« wa-, jdifpofed, without further enquiry, ta j place that nian down, in his opinion, a* tboth po*rand vulgar. Flow far a d*f> | tax would correct this vul^a-" tafte, caa- jnot be afcertaitsed, until the experiment be%ftualiy made, lo the mean time, aft people arc r.iore eafily ter*, than coer¬ ced by law* with regard to tkeir factions, • the opinion aud example of men of lem* [may,in thl*as wrll a* other refpeA: Utica. Oet. 13. The 2d raiment of U. S Infantry on Wfftnesfev Uft cammeaaed makinR a p. btie read from S»cfcet*« Harhor, wlliek T»':':l iaterwet either the 0#dtaft»urg mm- uikettt ibe Mo:ris and HamaaOOd road, We are informed tco men will be de- tailed daily pa th:a purpose The r^ute 1 • ilia from S. Harnor in as direct a line aa j ti** amon« the,.. *ud hafcto n diking . j ^ BroWT3viU€ . froin thence to H^eiilttmafeftrwatiyforthceyil A H J { ,lttl £tws« VJilk and from { rracd. fWlhin a vcar.; 1 ____\ ♦u*«Mu!*«tinve an opportunity of if (till being fupplied. STEPHEN MILES. CaiFTTP, OfPI£», WOOD CON: RaCT. t7|TANTF.|5 far the Stcaos-loat ?? Cmarlottb, EIGHT HUK* DRILD C9K.CS OK WO D, of wliich thre? ftnarih1: fDctt Wfc i>farh aud • aple, ans! one fourtk, dry Piae, n> !'a«nerackf all 'plit fine, to ke ia*i»ered ai the foliewinj places m a^ t» bt cou- vcoieattopai t»n bo»rd, vit:. at Preff- COtt| B'ftftlivi'ile, Caiii3"oqi)«, Erne ^ T*wn, Ado'pkufttown, Ha.loweH, Itob- lins and holmes, in ^opaia^burgh, 1-ell- vil'e. River Treat i*d ibe Carrying Placei TanJers for furni^kinj »ny pa^t af ibe above.directed (© 'Mith Bartlkt* w'il be received until tha iBt of Decam- ber ncs^. iir.^ston, Not. 16. tSiS. «r (vr*. forthie pi»rp»« *f rocol^olsitng J-kem \o Afric-r,, that is *»ch of thenaj |as ara eca«nci]|Kicd, **4 ch »«pe to r'-| J turn to t<Hcir orfgiaaJ colony, j pr.>»irJtd an el' r/iSle tract can be pr^vid ed f"i fittcb acw,;-.ny. If the people of Colour ean rna! utaia a ta:tr-able govern¬ ment of their v>wn ie Hayti, that ruay S^ a *r:re e^i^i'Sk awylooi than ^fnca. for ther^sa-t ojf such r\fr!c*tn, or dea- orodantK f«om \fric!«s, as k*ve regaia- <i tbeir Ifberty . «o the Amarican conti I rhence will lead iato one o' theroadsabove su*t-d. It isinretded to have this mad . made io the tama eweJlent manner a> I that by the 6th regimaat, from Plats- burg tow-did* t. -bateauguay. We uosJer- mnd that that prt of the above road which paffc* throng! tba land of tvlajot General Browo wSli be made at his own sjxpenoe |j Notice. I have a [ahttary influence upon the p ! vailinff cuftosn of the country. FstANKLIN. re operai FOB. THE K1SVST0S GJZSTTM- I Among the proceeding of our 5Provincial Hotwe of Commons, puk- ilisiicd itt yourpa|»ar, 1 ok^rved, thai I they had authoriaod tboir Speakw l(oeo»ploy legal couoael to draft a b.:. fbr tbeca- Tb»t, saiJ I iooiyfVii', a» i read it,ti".at is ri^ht. if the m**t*er> laolt coon^el among tfaanuclro^ th«*J do right to seek It out of Ibe Housa. prorfdod tbey rotato'w»« £<>•<! Laoy^r f,vr t. But "iu thnta ivUtiou^ tim^ no uitsasura can b* eaptwted to gito u«i- verial aatiifiictUii. Uf neighboar Gruvbleliudsfault wtthtkem tor tax¬ ing their coostiroenrts with Lawyer*■< (oe*, f' r doing what the) ought to do tk«slsolt#0. If they &re not able to fmmfttheiv bills he kh>s, th**\areut capable of judglag whouthe) arc righr- ^ framed, and ou-ht Dot to hftfe hmuj ROlt there. At any rate, he ti • .- ilH-irLauyerVfecs ou^ht to be druoCI- ,:d out »i «\vu -vt-.^cs, aud uoi Th$ £&*lur%h Rmtm «f !■« Jane, treatTn^ of rV r. Biaaaca'e Tosw io Am Hflo, and uhe stream of population pacing from t^e hordtra a£ tbe Avlan- tia Oo*an ioto the western regions of the Uni'ed St%et) contaias tk* f»Tlow- iag cxtraoidiua.y parage, »n which the author 6ecm* to v*^ more tasgnina of tha. prosEteM of the XJi.itrd States, than tkayj are them«e ves. ** Where is this prodi- u-ioua increase ^ nucihcre, this vast ex ■ tenajoo of dom-ioJou, t» <nd f What bnOflds kas aat^rc ^ to the progress of thin mi^y n*\vnf Let our jcalottsy burn as u may . let 001 intolerance of America be as unreasonably violent as we pleose ; atiUj -it is plain, that she is a powvr, in spite 0f Ufj rapidly rising t© a-ipiemac-Y ; »*t, at least, that eaeh ytat «o miohtfily a«I1fTOCTts her lUenjfth, at tooveitak-, by , 00»t serrsfblediuadce,] even the wott formidable of her cam-1 pctit^rrt. Iu f*reiv;a commerce, ehe comes nearer io England, thsn »ny other maritime oower . anil already ket sr^rcint'lc »«nvy. {H withiu a few thousand The London Courier of the 17th Atj. speaking of the fluAuniion of tbe funds in -------- - - lleonscqucnce of rumoura of opproacrnr^ tinent, rsiher \j .aaumia.ion or thM | wirfc;twcfD tbe Ubtesi Statts and Eog- oneravlon of 'a-v. "lansk soys—4* A a far as any accounts have Tttcbad foverasnent, tkcro ne«r «*«« a trme lace the paaet-concluded wih tbe United States, fr which thai p*«a waa ieas likely to be difiuftcd.— Ke diploaatic coracrtpondemre betwean tka twogovtrnmtuts it aonducted in the moat amicable and cordial tersna. *s .far aa human forsi^bt can dive into futu¬ rity, we have, from the friendly spirit now ■ ! happiy existing 00 each bide of the at- lantic, every p-ound for capering & Uft- iaig peaoe." Sir Georga Collier h%$ been appoint- ed tie Britifik commodore o» the coa*t of Africa vice Sir James Lvcas Iw, and will itaf« his QbS ou board the lar- A y pn The famous Mary-Ano Clnrho and her family, hate left England 00 * "*- it to France. ton;- f <»«r ©v* ft. If *hfi goaa on as fspid'y for tw,0 or years, she Btn^t overtake a,1(j outttrip ua u T.atc account,- fu m Ansjn^ura mention that », ^*l Wi ,k#iv an Euglub gcctle-. STOLEN. Ij'SROM the LaBcasterian School House, bobbc time between last Saturday evcuiii,? and Mor.dav morning, a large Iron CROW BAH and a| yPVDE. Whoever will give any in-' formation of the 5ame so th%t the offci;- dor moy be ennvictrd, shall be hand- sO'nfly rewarded, ky applying at this Office. THE Copartncrfhip heretofore ex!» ilUng under the firm of Tafkt Iff Pirhrh tbia day diRbwrd by rnutual content. Therefore, this is to requelk all thofo indebted to the faid firad, bf note, or book account, to come forward and makar immediate payment unto Allant Taylor, wko is duly authorife^l to re¬ ceive thofame. And thofc who have claims oa ike faid Brroare requctted to prefent them for adjLiftmen!. (Stfned) ALLAN TAYLOR/ THOMAS PARKED. Bellvillc, S(/, Nov. 1818, Sow 12 }i. B. The bufinefa will io futurt be carried on by THOMAS PA RgERo STRAYED, f^RObl Mr. HerrbmersPaware, near Jt; Kingston, nbout foor weeks ajro, a red and white COW, aktut four yanra oral. Whoever will return paial COW to tbe subscriber or give ittform* tioo where ahc can be found, shall bo rcaeroasly rewardcJ. PATRICK SMTTIt Kingstoa, Nov. to, 1S18. 25 vj. 'AGVSSVD A"*?t3H :• aiia-bu> 9ie|n3i) •jnd io:\ -03 ?o aiJiKn^D^rj -sj^b^j^ Xq potdn.*>oo lus^^jd ib 4s*v-]Ui^a^ pu* «no;| 'u!l!3'1aCI '^uajy KLioipoajtuoj pua ai*e| 1**^ •uimsjHi -^ajjjqii? TT ;un udaii uojaaassod pna 'J3ri o* *i Wanted, B Kingston, Nov. i?« 181?. )YA 0LBHK. of Ueady h.ibirt. __ a fitontiwi in a Cn.^iin^ Hojtfej or the fupajrioteni4tott ol a «onccrn. Apo'icatico iol* aiaui to Ue Rdit»*» 11 tjti? Mo*. 17.

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