WKitaiirr-f * limitation or fPm*o»v%« . * > /. (if tfrttfiS tr wiufcib web " t.\ku -Her »r $t«urkho4der» | I »rvtt«Tfh: W*ly politic ^r cfri jk^i ue h»-Min<r ►rook n tlv said I **reusiw< fi ,'1 he entitled ;» every occasion, wh*m i.. - •. for any t> the provt«F»n* and re• j q .irero.-uts »f "heie irticU'K. tht vot>* j t&ieveof jit to be gjveo, ftltvtl he III tb'ij proportion following, that is to way. j K'>•■■■;•:■ o->*e'. ap;d ait mor: than two*-.] *%r.-i! vote : retr every two -Uavts ab«>ve ««•>*, » -i 9':c efceeidt^cu:* one rr»rc,.i Tr/kinf live votr* for ten shared ; foi ' r«: ;? B»ur ciujies a1li<;*v ten and wot <x- ee *ii».u ti.irty, 0«< vote, tiiak.isg ten t.lr.'fi.r thirty -lia.e* ; for iver^sixi *!, ,i^..bove tinny, and n/xt execdinjg j sUtv, ore voie, making fifteen *oie- for hi*'y ifca.es ; and a! irVs above bixty, and q^t e.\Cced'.,;g: on • hundred, one vote, making; twem> ».»•. »Ci f»r one.hundied. But id *»ers<.» or persona, Co-osrtnersbip. bod? oolitic or corporate, *bal! be entithrd to * great*1 er smother than twenty votes, ?n«l all stork heldtri re*ide«t within this Pro> „„......,....................... f mil foci mat! fee 10 ev r^ Clerk with l?k? condition ant! sutttira. in-uch sum as the Directors !»] consider adequate to thctiust to be rcpc*>*ed i-! him. Fifmnth Tho Company mull «ot hold any lane!* and tt-ncirt-n^, but fuch \i at pWb!ic fate &r tie b*ho-»f of the company . jad on failure *i|paying the other fbftalmenta, or any <>F them, the party of patties felling the-rein. (hs'l forfeit the fecond depofit of ten frsr tsntvm, and the dividends unpaid orior to the time for making fuch pay- a--may >t aeoeflary for tbe tta^l'a&ion ,j meat, and during the delay of the fame. anJ sew »m«odatton of the bufine& o{ the j J Tieeniy stemd. The laid (_'#mt)3i»y rank dud Kr no other pwrpefe. It ifliall not diixcl'y «r Indirediy deal in pnrpcie< tsj fhrM nayerthe'ef be com^eiear for thej <ir, ft'-r., on behalf of the company, to take a«4 Bold mortgage* oc pr 'petty., by j way of addition*] iecnu'tv fr>r debts eon j traded with th* fatd Company in the c«wrfe.#fifcdcAti*vjfei ; hut on no account any tbfn?, excepting Bills of Exchange, g eld or li!*er, hulli'ii, or in the Jale of Good* really and truly pledged far Iwo- ney lent, and o©r recae^^ed iu due time, IjiliabitanU •( Acioiphu&UfttJt, That the un^erfig^ad, fob •■-.hit- atiti of Adolphuflown, had flattered I thcmfelvcs with the w»Otl plealing anti¬ cipations from the government of your Excellency, und conceived tiat alter h«*-ictg th^t a general difcontcnt exiikd a9 to the adtniiiiSratron of pnblia affairs, jtliat your Excelltncy w#uld immediate¬ ly promote enquiry into the cfluies of fuch difcontent. That inftefid of this the underGened have, with «wuch afton- o i (hail money he lent noon mortgage, or ] [goods and (toek fo pledged and not fa j upon laa-is and of art fixed pr*rparty, j red«e.^»ei, /aall be f<*!d hy the laid Com- h for e*ery eight nor fuch be pi j rchi fed by the company Upon aire pretext, exeept in the fpeiial * 4 - a cafe above ricited* Smteenth, The tntal amotmt of the idkt* whiah the Company iT.all at any time »we, whether by BwrftJ, bill, o, Note, or otheV eont.acTt wbatf^ever. uh:1' n< t exceed treble tht amount of the cap I -. , f, fM.Ajju/ -.^ ^ tfhment, ooferved, Froai thu Speech from r ia tbc fale»f ftt»ck pledged for money * ,Ati.'p, „•- *tLi;,-,^( . . { . r , j • . r •. i the 1 hione to the rrovincm! rafJiament, ent, an:i not lo red»e™eo, wt.icb laid . r ,, , , . , ■ .thav yoAi' Excei'ency has b^en made to believe that the fpirit #>f fedition !m'« gone forth, and that meafurea may be neceiTary to circumfcribe the liberty «( the fnbjeft. in order to check the growth of fuch a fpirft. That the uuderhVned conceive it to be > J 'Tutxnty-third l>e brard of Direc- bove a Him equal in amount to fueh m» ; J tmtt a-<- ' erery ful-yfcnn owetcd to make ney, rb tr^y be depofite-! in the Bank!! fuch itbcr bye law* ?od regolatioa*, for haJ (feack adtia'ly pain m («ver and i- l a'.-o, that :-sfter ?he fir«t elc= tion of Df- rectora. no share or ihareaofthe ca.pt toU..iek of the Com pa ay nhall confer a right of voting efih^r in pmoBj. or hy D-rosv. \vir"c!: «h :tl not havt btco toM^n Coring tiiiee Calendar months, at the c:*?*1 n. paay or the lanrK tenements, y *d^ ^rjjclc*- w P dmtttt* thcrfof frona bdu-r alio IW !f Tw** fasti. T>'» tlfociation fhall for I'nrh execfa $ fuch Dtred r* hewev » • trjiVHe r«eniy jvifliWOi the flrll day er, a-i (h?'l have been ab'ent «i|*n •■■he ; it 'r^ms"*-es' *»o*Tift!-'N 8r>d no loader ;| faid excefs was e-tfnlr^&ed, or ma!J have l itht rr«orfetor» €» ti&* thirdi of the entered their prote ft a*ain^ it npnt.be . f'a ir.^1 ^io:-V of the *»" pany, may by lea^t, p'ier to the dav of election, or of minutes cf the proceeding-* of the boartf. t1 -#•■• coaeurrine »"t- 't a ?tncral. race- j the general meeting:! where the votes of Imaf refpeftively exhoaerate and clif ;itJa to h «5tr** fa t'«*t exproii »ur H the atook V-ldera are t»he sfvew. [charge themfolvea therefrom, by ptvatf- . p- fe. revile ivr *^e= t eiearfic«e*. o- aay j flinty None but a stack holder, ac- iu* "' reaident in the town of Kingston, and ho^iiur a: [qh -t tea t&aresin the cap- ■ t> Jtr.l stock, and being a natural horn *ub j iv r% 'J' Bia Majesty, <^r a subject of His Majesty naturalised hy acr >f the Brit ?:.!i iVKamuir, or a atthjrct of ■ is .Vla- LentVi having become such bv the con quest and ceiaion cf this Pr^ince, or any . perfion who shall have resided ^rven years ?ii eitherSaf ihe C anadav, and in any of Uit a*>ove cases who afcall have resided o:-a year 111 thli Town, shall be capab'e of being elected or chosen a Director 0> the »ai^ Bank or fhall nerve as such. 7*«aef$ Nisw of the Direct'\n ia of ifice shall be re elected for the ext succee- dentard Vict-President shall always b« <ip. fhr' i injr and proving fuch ahfence, ©r (hewtag • r»f thtm ch c*i'8-"ive [he c< fuch minutes. Scvm0renth. The uSare« o# the tal Mock lhaU be alUgnabla and tta- •- faralile, according to Inch rale* and fo« m*> 18 raay be eftabiifhed ia that behalf by the hoard of Director*, but no affgii' ment or transfer fh -ll be valid or effeft •al, unleia fuch aftjrnmeut or transfer (hall be entered or rc^iftered in a b, ok j pany, at Public S*Je, «t any time aot lefn than ten <^ay$ after the peri.sd far re¬ demption j and if up-'»n fitth fait of 0->od« a Stock- there fhall be a furplus, after deduc^ine the expenfei of Sale, ,./.., , . , • ,, , ,, » . s r ,. ' M., „ r , their irlt duty to declaim all knowledge .over the .aym-ntrftiewKmey Ie«t. fuch ♦ * . , » , w -r t n. ml -i ►;,„'. ^;«,^M ; of fedition ; nor do they believe that any farpliu (h»U He pud to ttse propneidrj , _ * . / . ' * thing of the kin4 ever entered into the mind of a fiafjle individual. That the wnferfigned proteft, moll efpecially aoainft the canfirmatien of the exiitenco of fedition, appearing m the re¬ ply made to your Exc«llency,a Speech,! by the Comaaans Houfe of Aifembly, and cau form no other c«uc!u(i«»n from fuch unnaJajrtl ce«nduA on the part of Reprefentative« of the oeoplc, hut of k* being anothm proof of the neceffity of a full expofurea8to the ftatecf tha Pro¬ vince, and of that fyftem which corrupts every thinjr with w4ich it, comes in con¬ tact* It ia therefore the mot eariveft prayer *f the uuderflgncd that your Ex- celWncy vriH no longer lilien to intcreft . ed aod infatiated men, but baften oo tho ,rr.fc.fe.y at ary 11 muc^ ^efired enquiry; and, to make |ofp«l)Uc affalH, and M ««*{£** Vm5 rftgalarly c*n»titut«»d, &/.oaring Alt. .Tc«ae Potiar to the Chair, it w*s *+* ted that tha Liantenant Govtrnnr't 5^3i»ech to Parliament, and the ra»;» of th© Commc3>« Boose ^f jLswsabiv ho read from &&* Ringston Gasatto, and also the proceediasfR thereupon, oftl'O Inhabitants of Kiugstoa a:<d Erneitf Town.-~Jt was Iken put to tha vot*. foiieurrled unaalmoatiy. that rtte oni. Hton of thw m^eiLug eoiraspauda v*it»i tflat of tli^lr fallow Rohjects in laid Towfvahtpf : aa4 it *aus resolved ;— Taut Uj9 ;'-irto *A aiio Sitieat Town p*- 'itlon ht adcptedl hy fthis atftrtiag, and, ai By ©edify as possible signed by inha¬ bitants of Sophiaaburg* aao. dispatcliatl to York, (Sigued) S$8&n POTTER, Chairman. , Camahe, 7th Nov.1818. Aia moou'jjjj of the inhabttaats ^f l^-i. «hat not tee ^f! that effectual, have a Commiftoa appoin • Hitch -cei>' anU V r<bjc&, fhall be!!tcdto Pieced to England, to obtain ^1 i}>e P^ v.•.©!.»: Rr.-«riTV, rev?..e» t^ ews on- ! | t^ie a^i^*nce aB^ interference of the fu- ; prer»ie Coveraaoent. !- e>" or t» ,-l-.. -Tft* "- bound bewfind ...... ..> ....--------. .>^....„— ... - .. or ho^^ks, to be kept hy the Directors ! " tht •••." (,»••-• F f i», h-' of'hoir Stock, \^ icdi ie v o« f rhi number. J'Lwnt*) No Direcf©r shall be entitl- edtoanv salary <%r rmnliment, tmlea* the «?anic shall have bee« all-wed to him hv i <r>'ier-0 mc-fii..> of the stock hold qt:, but the stock holders may make «ucl c. , . r.^no'i to the President or Vice- P . Sir t f^V iheir extraotdmary attend ar,«e at the Bark, as tknll appear to 0\ -a t*> be rea:CinaWe and proper. fflWs'*i5 V i- i.--v ti.an five Direetors shall aoBStitne a koard, for the trawsac do*. : b lamasa, whereof :he Picideyt »r Vice Pre;i«^.-rt shall always be one, fxceot in case of -ickoe^B and necessary aVfooe, fa which case their places may }< • Bup^licdhy aay ??ther Df'ecror whom the pr*-i jeur cr V<<'c Prefi^etrt so sick *.r ahscati "hall respectively fey witting* ■»nv.;er their baad*, nppwi.it, far that p ■■->.• ribC The President aod Vice- I'uvi.Vnt, thrill vete av the board a* I,'rf\ 's, ^-*1^ m caAcof ihcre oting aa equal sumhet o>l \otri for aiid a^ainbt any QUe*tii»n befwr* then., the President, and fa hh ab.^f.ee, the Vicc.Preaideat, >-v'; r -vc r. cast'iik veis-e JFbstfeevth Any number of stnekhoi* d «•-, nut less than fifty-i who together shall h;' propriVtorc of two hundred and) f.*»v ;hs-.c•, *t»iill have power, at any ti ; e by then.Behee or ;!ie;r proxies, to rVl n pesefal meeting of theStockhold. :-t. for purposes relative to tht said A»- «-i-i..t:«.r., giving at least six weeks no fcve t.hnfot ip at least one Newspaper \3 i-iii-neo in this t •- : and in ►ueb ?iotice the K e and place for sncfi meeting wish ine object or objects thereof s and thedirectors, or ony seven *;f them, «hni! h^ve the like power at any time (upon ob^erviu^ the like for Realities) to call a general meetirig a- a'.^vtr said. And if the object for. whirl, any general m.-c-tinft called *iihe.-i by the -Stock q ricr* or Director, as t*j =ve Koid shall be to tonffde? of a om prefsly ag;»eed and declared, that any J ftookholdcr, who fhall traatsfer in ma ner afrvrefaid, all hi ftoek ot (hares in N o-fvf; ■ - - r i t H p!'-evi.»e» t«- the time ■ aoir-' :'*eo fat fuch i'r';V ; »nd rrovi- [j WtlUmm fo'eore, ' fV - alio fh?- n rrv**"- or a ti ratio* of j I Snmuei Cafeyn ! th.-Q g-i'v'e- ^a;l ftitj*^ a;-y Inckhold- ) ^%*« CarnnksB, j Barnard Cede, \Wm Cafiy% j Arthi, CumpliM, 7bawds Cwkt Dam'tm jPt*irf»Mt "las. ftttsftmt I arry I eiouf S'doxm* fluffs iV. C. Barksr, GtQTgS MutUr, i lt> Soksn>.on Hfff* Jr, 1 >>!&■*<*! kititir, j /io/rrt P&iiirfe&i fop thai pnrp»frr. nor until the perlon »*r } d\<T. lu* ;• r-;" r'hw ->T v i-.tio . sfem^ca p#fon<: making the fame, fh.11! prrvihi.fly ' i n r-- ii*e Pitt)3 he t k n by the r>irr<*ioe*i difcharge al' d^bts actually due by him, the-. < y.i 'i ■/. t t • fag «i! the corc f» j her, or them, to the faifLcompany,which of the • mv v, •< <* '• ! liviHtni? the ca» msy exceed in amount the remaining jpi»al and omn's, a'-htch usa\ remaia.,1 Hock belonging to §irh perfcn or per- ;a- • v <h mo kb Mrst« f« pioporno-i' '/■*>., aodt m, OXX taW.- loaJ>li any r-'act ion.v _, io hi^.i r:^--r- e 'iv-ud. part of a (hare, or either than a com ■* •» l.Vuovl wh«r%-t.f <-c have h p'cte fhare or (hares, he affignable orijtofetour .am« *t Kinglloa. transferable It ie hereby further ex \l xr j?fl*/»;", 25 l^J^Vv- ^, • ,r ..:^ At 'hi? company, to a->y cuhor netGm v:3V 3! ■i'gfw VI.- (). I. I I I perfons whatever, (hall ipfr fato ceafc to ;| JJ t,'t>' beamemker of this Company, a*^ th*t.» ary perfen or perfoni; whatever, whojl c ' :l w";'^ fliall accept ■ iiaodfer of anv ftoek -r|it|,*v>^^ r«f O fliarealit this Company, mad rj&/£ /M»[ t{l| revU ' become ancj be a member of Ah C»m-| pa« y. according ta thefearticlas of 3fl*-i fly■•■■ w'/--. r *fe» • Hafi n at 'he »< ( [Imr ol -^ CnhaJ it* ,a,,f M.: Kr!^,,,!;^ fimwf* Cr:;-. ui! i t ■ **» J t-Ei-eChvr. |; r» f! Onjjtn RoLUn> Jamts Acktrmartdt Andrew Hufumil% Peter Body. H&gh Paturfou, PHllip RMnf Dumel Cltrjmit$ Albert $e*jb*i Ki7ttktff Smith % miMaa Hmdfb*. y#in fl*rg§rt9 jrmnit Bwgtrt. Jamas Clark* R+Llfon Halgbu William Churchy Sf.dt>hcn ffioufatfib 2sH(J}<4ks PsterJbWj hues Car&ifi* > 5 -> * •jH fM>m,( ' •ra Unt, J j Art Hitmerou« and coapu'ctobie 4 !r< r,-,r ••; •■ ■ ■ ' n?J, and |h*n^ of $|e inhabH«Atsof mte Township . • . »k 9f]}f*$ aaiSowel-, "t the buU *f Thomas ■ , -I 5 ciacion. ■ s f„ op tht fovrthilaj ofNovetnbof, » * joarrat Ovro. Beq. J. P. iu the Eighteenth. All hills, bonds, notes- . •:. •- 8 ' en \ ••' '•- ; rhs f'vTi^wicis Resolutions were n Ri^^r tO Cjrttl ,.-..t ^.«i iO C izt fe^!tion.,, S e *! •/: rVlRj'VUi'.y ; R' PLY. We fee' a jmH i-'dfo/ a*:en at vh-: adopted. ga;=-,< fl'tmfeerf Iv/,—That in th» opinion I of fh«a meeting, the LiMitaoatit Cover- ■uv n.jiKf havehefsn gro .-lydorcivetlby atf/^SU*fl «nd ifliSsh «wft, before he and every contra A and engagement, behalf of the Company, fhall bt Hgnedl by the Prrfident or VictP'efidcrit ; and aeunterfigned cr attefted hy the Cifa I >cr of the Company ; and th the company fhall in «o oafe b fponfible for any contract or fpgage* j Jfodttion fo thi* happy c'ony, whih th<* [tba p*opos^l €t in framing a law irfpro- ' went vwhatevcr nnleft the fame fha^l be! ulua! and Cpiiwi 'iti %n{ n--o^«* of *+ptpl ■ j v,»Mt}en," by which we understand a Co flpned and coiatcifigaed, or •ttefUdj{for real or'(opaayiH grtev*niei hn« eocrfj^1"^ ppafool m^ctin^x and rorros- e funds of jifyt^rnatro at'em. t* wh h bav. be n :j •< -'d h-^llvvp, that any thing liloa sodi- * h^-'d ie i!rra'-<etn exC'tc rf?f<:« t»t«o.t and ««an ae-1 "i°n *'i'v<s in this Province : and that specifying as aforefeid. NitMftrtitb. The books, papers, eor- refpondeoox' and fundi of the Company, ! 1haV at all times be fubjcA to the in- fpeAion of the Direc^oriy but no tot k- holder not Di*o\or, fhall rnfprft the scc^tnt of any ^dividual ^r individuals, with tKe Company. Tivtrttieth. h'filf yearly dividends fhali be made i f fo much or the profit cf I 'keCompiiiay as fhall apptsr to the Di¬ rectors a<^vifeabJe, aad /hali be payable at fuch ulace cr place* as tht DtreoWrs fhall appoint, of which they fhall giv* public Nonce in the Kingston Gaz--:te, at kafi thirty day before ; and the Di- r-9fto'- (hall e>ciy year at the £er*csa! meeting for election thereof lay before the StockholdeJS, for their information, an e»alt and particular flat-.ment of the amount of the debts due to, and. by the • otrpaay. fperUying the amount of Bank Notes thieii in cite illation, and the I be '*n o en to V. t peou'c • ' c-eow iffufsd or eyei at»t»c*'.ed to \ aod! deep'v lament tha' the ia.idious d^gna! his Prov'nseJJ ?'•>< dftnoa among tha people, is noioulr jot.-i-e f«c\ifc-u« -'adividual fh-'uld haoci I futcctded in drawing iait< * the fopprut pr"I hi*, vile maeMnat-i »n« fo *3ay h'ncll'j ntmecessan hut alarming. Resolved c2.r/,—That tha confirma¬ tion of the e\ister»ce of sedition, ap.- p^'srinp, in th** reply of the Commons lillouaoof Asce»5ibly, can 4rave no ex- ven. aad loyal fuh*c5C*t» »f His aiajes i j cuv'% aa^ *»«M have sprung from mere ty," &c. ftart* Spirit and aaprice. tl c day on which such no'ice hall fiiKt fci p'lWished, bcapKpended from the cx- ec6»*«m of theSnttesof his ir taei' of Ice ; aad if he be the President or Vice- presiiWiit, 1 ia place shall be fiJ'ed up by the remaiuing Dtreot.-ira^ ti-ser?c during- tin time of s«ch ■ ^p.-a-ioo. W trtt*i;h, Evf.-y i. -. .ic a .Z Cle-k of »>e Sauk bef reheerjcr* upon ths d.-i ■-if his office, a i>] c\t: bond w L two or morej-urrties. to ihe satis- fs«i n of the Directors ; tint i« to r-iy. I > v-ty (.'. hiet m a sum not 'etR than ten I 1 ijoukoud Pounds v,itL t^ajijeaj Wrt p-^Zi !ot the remvoal of the President, amount of inch debts as n> their opipjiin Vice-President, or other Director or arc bad, or douhthd s asalfo, ftating the I^reetors, for m«l administvation, then fortius ot profit, if -my remaining afu-i *r---» -n s-o-h case the person or persons deduclton of lofTe> and p'-ovifi ns fords •♦ropesed to h rem -veu. -hall from, vide* c^.—Provided thai the rendering of fuch ftatenwnts fhall n t extend, to orvc any right loth* Hteckhn'der* not dirrc- torn t-» infocfi rht acfK>nnt of any rndr- • # Vidua! or inJ.fvitfua^ with the Coniian). Ywmrtyjh-t! If I hc»t■ ftail * c a fail¬ ure in [avni-nt ofacy prfri c?f rh- n rn or (liarrs lubf< riSc<1 by unr p« r!o< or r tr • t ion , c«i p;*ti. -rikip. boiiy (O tc Wtor j orate Ufrpio'iy fa ^irg t« niyin^tl.^J fifii inftalrifCutof rrn perwentwm Un*ciT(i 4 irtg the cirp« Ik ' 1 c j;/J, ^itr centum herein Kcrfftve rrq^itcH to bf *r- ^#1 rtfi.ee- tively fo'f'i' *.»< faid !c fu n-> * d f«»i 'lite ufoof the teid Comoauy, and t*/c ; h Vhc Refoluti *< »w\ Petition* of the inhabitants of Kin^f.on a^r' Eraeftj Town were aifo read over \ whereopoa tt wa^ 1 Rtfolvtd 1 if.■•-That the Rffo'urmijK' agreed upon at Ki« gfton and Ett»e€| Town are in perfect unifon wifh the fen- timci t> of this meeting fijfbl+sed 2o*,—That 'he thanks of this, mooting aie due to our fellow- fubjec?^ in Kingfton and Erne ft Town. for their prompt cadeav«rs to check encroach*; mrntn on onllitutioaal rifht, and to j maintain \> c purity of->ri cin'e and feci ing which pra^aiU ihr ugh ur the Pro*J vince. Ajfik—that we ear^e^'y e-c-m ! mend tht people of every JVwnfhi,' to I follow up fuch got A ex "v-ule, by ho-d- ing •rceti'g'- and a^'dti Ki.ig the Lieu~j tf-na-1 Governor a the fiate of public! uflairs «t this moft iimportant critts, ' jRffifkted id,—THiat we irnn-ediatclv fig«i and fo'waid a Petition to the Lieu> i« • ai t Gove' nor, c3Kpiei5v« of the opin- ioii S ti ii n e»* i'rjj. (Mgm-. ) Wm. MOORE, Chair 7/i am. ThefoMowing Petition waaadapted, r« hit. 1 xteiiet-n A-/.yV General Sir PPktCRJVF Mnirj.siKLj ojj C ft i'irulenanl' OoverMor »/' tfvptrl Cimuda, fSe. cJc &c. , 1 R'solncdSd, —T:iat it b the duty ofevfry I o > a I «ab)ect, immediately to di'C.'aim all kao^l»dge«'f sodrticn,oed '/> contradict fho base reports, which have be<»n sproad, to the discredit of the F'Ovfise*. tbrough the medium of F>tt ti on.v Or addresses ta tha Lieusen- a»r (riivt rwrr. Resolved \th,—That the resototinns j of the Townships ©f Kingston and Er- |uest Town, published iu the Kingston tro^ot^ and new read, cemmir sentl- mnais pfrfe^tly io ani on with those of t»o p^f ule now met, aod that the form of Potman scut from EftkfiU Town be adopted f •• this 'Fownship, and imme¬ diately sfgnad and forwarded to lir Peregrine Maitland, Retoheu bib.—That the roiiutes of this meeting be inserted iu the Kings¬ ton Gaz-tie, n-,c\ that our fellow «ub- je.rs in c.yi'iy qp«rtflr o-f the Province, beiuvitcd to join ,» remoitotrotiogag- aitist any attempt to abrid^a tbs Uber- < v ol the subject, as well as to call for a full and fair euc|uiry into the state of (iieProvinoe* (SlgoedJ BARRET DV!tE, QhaivmUBt this Towiiihiu,A«4fi ti.is. day, to take into couhkleration certain political questious ; at d Jeiiah Proctor being called to tho chair—►it waa ' Uesotverf l-ft,—That rh'a Linntenant Crororitor*s Speech, at tho opening of Farliamoot, and the rUpliea thereto, of bo|ij UoosaS'of Assembly be now read, togothsr with lomo other articles fruta the Kingston Gazette* Resolved **</,—That those pasiages of the Speech, and reply of too Corn- moos House of Assembly, relating to addition and a law ef proveotion (by which we understand a law to prevent meetings of deliberation and oftrres* petitionee among tho people) were al¬ together uncalled for, aridare instilling to tHe good jifiiiso at^d fooHngfl of Hi» Majesry-'s loyal s-bjects iu this Pro¬ vince. * Rffohed 3t/,—That we arc ready fa tiad excuse for the Governor, in ouc koowtdd^e of the delusions by which, he h* beset io tho capital of this Ffo- vinae ; aiid wlule he baj pot yet had sufficient timotojuc!^. for hlmsslf as to the roa! stafeof public affairs:—That for the Reoreterf'atWes io Parliament «ho have admitted of the existencoa* saditioti, there is none, seeing that tber had erery opportunity of knowiug the very rei'tjrse. ' ■ Resolved Aik,—rf but tho welfare of tba Proviuro must suffer great injury aad the character of tho people oe indeiiaoiy stained, if thero Is uat an Immediate remonstrance and protest- seut up from all parts of the Province to tho Governor, RfBinit !Um \%-rli charge of aedltioii, and that it b* ^ duty of every loyal subjfv.tto sahsottao to With n*niooilraneoaud protest Revived 4/A,-That fbe p^ iUpre.sentahvesin Parliamont, hycoo nrmiHgtbe report, of sedition, without proof, and condescending t% abuse an mnocanl Individual, save shewn them¬ selves unworthy of the tru*t reposed in 6hem by their coosttbueats, aud arep9 Jwiger worthy to be considered as rop- resentiog the seawc of the people at larger Retolved S///,—That this roootjpg adr.pt and si^u a petition (now rear!) to the Governor, expressive of these opinions, and praying for an instant dissolution of Parliameut,aiuJthesmn. monin« of another, by which all dis. content maybe removed and the grand j measure of enquiry intothestata of tho j Province be immediately carried iuia effect, ^ Resalved Sift,—That these rwolu- tious be sent for insertion in tho Kings. son Gazette and Niagara Spceiator, that our fellow subjects may know the sentiments here prevailing sad be ea- coura^ed to join in our prayers. JOHAHPKOCTOR, Chairman' IIMtmand, Oik Novcmbsr^ ISIS. Which day, a public meeting of tha [uhabiiante of this Township, being held at the house of Joho Grover, ta take io.to consideration tho present skate of public affair-, unci Ms. Nathaa ( Burnhatn being called to the Chair, it was moved and unanimously carried, —That a Paei:>ou should Immediately be signed and scot off to Uis Kxcelteu- cy Sir Peregrine Alattlaud^disclaiming all knowledge of sedition i?i this Pro¬ vince, and calling for immediate en-,- qniry into the state of public atfairs, n»d for a Comsuissioa to be sent hums to England, that the samo may be ef- f^cted, for ihe comiuou beuec't of tha Empire. (Signed) NATHAN BURNHA-^ Chairman. A tru<* copy, Charles MfunitL,Cl§r&. ii Nvvtmfmr 3d, 1818. Which (hy. th.. fnhahitattte of So- i»Ua>burr;, !>■.-' R n.ol for the purpo**- oi :«ikiu^ iiiU> tjouiidararioM tho **: i Impietotf Di/itvery —A |f% SieoV Ntv au Indian agent* at fort >Vavi.e# statei that he has Utely difcovered tl»at« there «.? au unhiterruotod oavig'atmt) rVooj 1 Lake Krir to the &iwr<; and al*u Cwm ! 4 l*ake Rtfchi^njko r.o tfir M'liifppt »v i'« Atir'a.'o river, vk;\.4J thrown p*" 'd *'fc watcrc iniQ tiir Laice, and p^rt i*ioi '• Q01| riVOTi