Kingston Gazette, August 18, 1818, p. 4

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l<Hitof w\r^v r.rber in perfon, or by 1 / *v-,v hi, i\ Inch lliall hoc have been holden ftorhii three i ahndai months, at the lc -'\ ivior to the ifay of ele&ton, or of tli j^icra) mtv.inu, where lhe votes of tLv ,l.-k holders aie to he given. Xh,'^ N.-iu but a Hock holder, ac¬ tually refulcnt in the Town i f Kingiron, end holding ..t ieati ten ihaie- in the cap- i:-.1 ftocki M'id befog a natural born fub- X\,R of His N4ajelly,0f a fubie& <>f His M.-je'lv naturalised by att «.f the Brit- ilb Parliament, or s fubj cl of His Ma- j (lv having become filch ^y the con¬ quer! and eeiTion of this Province, or any per i u who (hall have refided (even years in the Province, and in any of the alxve c-.lev who thallhave rdided three years in tVii- Tnxvn, <.ne of which (hall have jfxjfi cdiVtely preceded the dav of h lec¬ tion, flia ' be capable f be'"g-elected or tlvlei a Direct** of the laid Bank, or fnall ff-' ve a» fuch Tenth Nin' of the Directors in office fhail be ve elected for the next lueoeed- ini* iwclv n onths, of which the Preli- ilrti* am' Vf-ee Pitlidei t fli ill always be of the number. Fievmth. No DiiecTor (hall be e<ai- Oed t•• ai.v (ah'rv or emolument, unlets f e fame fivall have been all wed to him. h\ a general meeting of the Rock hold¬ er*! but the flock huldei* may make fuch corr-peidalion to the Pielichit or Vice- Pvtfidriit foi their extraordinary attend¬ ance at the Bank. ?s lhall appear to them to be reasonable and proper. 1'nvilfih Not Icfs than five Din clors (hall c-ltiti.tea boaid,foi the traufatttion of b> finef, whereof the Pr eft dent or 1;. .. r'ftli\u\ fhail iiJttr)'« Be one, CX- ,T t in o*\r «f liekiK fs and necePaiy ab- {cvnr.e, in which ca'e their places may K fopplttd by aiv\ 'Oihet Director whom the Pich'Jtnt or Vice-Pi efidmt fo ink Oi abfeut. fliall refpectivelv by writing, tmdei th< ir hand*, appoint foi that pur- pofe. The Ptefident a»d Vice-Pitli- dert, (hill vote at the hoard as Direct¬ ors. :m<] fn i:<(c of there being an equal of votes for and againlf any quell ion bef re them, (he Pnfident. and in hi* a'.fence, the Vice-Pi c fid en t, (hall havi ' <• ift'ng voice. Thirteenth Any number of ftoekhob dcis. not Kfs than fifty* who together (h .11 ' «• i r.->onetor.- • f two hundrrd and fiftv Or ve1-. fivall hnve power at any time b\ thtrj fcKc or their proxies, to call a jren • •' " eetiug • f the Stockholders, for p"i\ ofes •ela'ive to the faid Aflbciafinn, rivii'.- a', 'call fix work's notice thereof in *r ' . 'I one Ncufparer publilhed in thi- town, and fpecifvinff in fuch notice \}\t- f;i-*s an.H p^'*e for fut h meeting with i\u ' i £* o» t*b]f^i« thereof ; and the d; '-v any ffvr-n of them, fhail h • kt-p wer at any time (upon o^ * the 'ike fo>naWn« *-) to call a g • r eting a* above fold. And if rh *• ^ iv which any General meeting :'<\' - % »v t)(e Sr^ekfioMn^ cm I)i- fee1 1 -• 't faid% fhail he t- coi^fw'er of " ' fo*- tie removal of tin Pres- ft'r ' I rehdent, or other Director or En ' for ma! adininilti at ion, h *•' fuch cafe the perron or j>tr- fo- oUd to he renoved, fha!l fri i iVn which fuch notic. fhal; fji '* - rti<o. m« fufprnded from the •v v ilr M,ii^of hi\ »t t'eirof. fii ■ ^ ir h'- - iht rreiideni or Vice* .'ir^dt. liis place fliall he filled up by the remaining Directors, to ferve during die tfnieofinch fulpenfion Fourteenth Kverv Cadiier and Glerk # of the Bank bef-re he enter* in onthe du¬ ties of hi office, (hall give bond, with two «»r m re furcties, to the fat is faction of the Directors ; that is to fay Every Calhier in a futB not lef» than ten Thou- land Pounds, with condition for his good and faithful behaviour ; and every Clerk with like condui hi and iureties, in inch ftim a9 the DitiAors (hall coufider ade¬ quate to the trull to b<* rep.>fed in him. Fifteenth. The C impany fliall not hold any hinds and tenaments, but fuch a* may bo ntceffuy for the transaction and accommodation of the buiinefs of the Bank and tor no other purpofe : It (hall neverthclefs be competent fir the directors, on behalf of the Company, to take and hold irn-itgages on way of additional ftcurity for debts con¬ tracted with the faid Company in the eotirfe of its dealings ; but on no ac¬ count fliall money be lent upon mort ga^e, or upon lauds and other fixed prop¬ el ty, nor Inch be purchafed by the com¬ pany upon any pietext, except in the fpecial cafe above recited. Sixteenth. The total amount of the debt*, which the I ompany lhall at any time mwc, whether by Bond, bill, or Nute or other contract whatfoevei, (hall not exceed tiehle the amount ot tlic cap¬ ital Hock actually paid in (over and a- hove a ium equal in amount to fuch rrui'-ey. as may be depofitcd in the Bank for £;de keeping) and m cafe of excif»» the I)nrttors, under whofe adminillra- tion it fliall happen, fhail be liable for (lit (ami., in their natural and private capacities, but it fhail not exempt the company or the lands, tenements, goods or chattels thereof from btiuvi alio liable for fuch excefs ; fuch Directors howev¬ er, a^ (hall have been abfent when the laid excefs was contra&ed, or fliall have en¬ tered their protcft a pa in it it, upon the minutes of the proceedings of the board, may icfpe&ivcly exhonorate and di-9 charge thenifelves then from, by ple;id- ing and proving fuch abfence, or (hewing fuch nuriutet* $menl£enth< The (hares of the Capi¬ tal Stuck fliall he aflignable and trans¬ ferable, according to Inch rules and forms a.s may be iflahlifhed in that behalf, by the board of Directors, but no affign- nrient or trai^f r (hall be valid or efted- ual, unlehs fuch alTignmtnt or transfer fliall be entered or regiflercd in a book or books, to be kept by the Directors for that puipote, nor until the pnton or ptrfon* making the fame, fhail prtvioufly dtfcbarg« all debt- actually due by bint, her, or them, to the laid company,which may exceed in amount the remaining Itock belonging to fuch peifon w pe»- Ions, and in no cafe (hall any frational part ..fa fliare, or Other than a complete ihare or (hares, be aflignable or transferable. It 19 heieby further ex- prelsly agreed and declared, that any (lockh(dder4 who (hall transfer in man¬ ner aforefaid. alibis ftock or (hares in this Company, io anv othei peilon or on.swharevrt Qvail ipf&faBo ceafe to be a member of this Cami.anv, and that anyptrfonot peif ns whatfoever, -ho fliall accept a rransfei of anv fan k oi fhares in thi< Company, fhsl' ipfo j',\Uo becon e ar^ bt- ? tuen beret this Co . pa- ny.accorUing to thek ariicitsi of hffoua- tlGJJ- F.ighie.etilhK All billa, bonds, nbiei and every contra'cland enga^emedt, on ' e- halt <f the Company, fhail be (igned by ihc Prelident or Vice Prefichnt ; and ronnii rfigned or attelled by the Cafh- ier of the Company ; and the funds of the company (hall \n no cafe be held re- fponfible for any contract or engage¬ ment whatever unlefs the fame (hall be fo Ggned and counterfigued, or attelled as aforefaid. Nineteenth. The book?, papers, cor- refpondence and funds of the Company, fliall at all times, be fubjecr. to the in¬ flection of »he Director*, but no ftock- holder not Dht&or, fliall infped the ac¬ count of any i' dividual 0. ii.dividusis, with the Company. Twentieth, Half yearly dividends fliall be made of fo much of the profits of the Company as fliall appear to the Dtredt* ors ad-ifeable, and fliall be payable at fuch place or 'placet as the Dircdors fliall appoint, of which they Ih dl . ive publie Notice in the ICingtiou Gazette, at leal! tliirty days before ; and the Di- reeXors fliall every rear at the general meeting for election thereof, lay before the Stockholders, for their in! umaiion, an exa6\and particular ftattment of the amount of the debts i\uv to, and by the Company, Ipecifyingthe amount of Bank Notes tin n m circulation, and the a- mom t of fuch debts at. in theii opinion arc bad, or doubtful ; asalfo, dating the (urplns or profit, if any remaining after deduction of lodes & provibom. for div¬ idends.— Pii vided that the reudc ing of fuch ll-itements fhail not extend, to yive auy rjghi t» the Stockholder not direc¬ tors, to iufpect the ace'-unt of any nnh- vidu \\ or individuals with the Company. Tnvcntx firf) If there fliall be a fail¬ ure in payment of any part of the fum or fhares fnbfeiibed by a»y perfon or per- fons, co partnerlhip, bodj politic or cor¬ porate, the party failing in paying the fir ft inllalment of six per centum, fuccee- ding the depoflt of two per centum herein before leqnned to be marie at the time of fiibh ribing, fhail relptcVvely forfeit the faid depofk to and foi the life of the faid Company, and the Rock fliall I e fold at public Ode for the behoof of the company ; and on failure of paying the Other inflalmenta, or any of them, the party o» parties failing therein, fhail for¬ feit iheouginal depoflt of two per cent¬ um, and the dividwnda unpaid prior to the time for making fuch payment, and during the delay of the fame. 7it'inty feeorni. The laid Company fliall not or indirectly deal in any thing, excepting Bills of Ssxehange, gold or lilver, bullion, or in the faie of Goods really and tuily pledged for mo¬ ney lent, and not redeemed in due time, or in the lale of ftock pledged foi money lent, and not fo redeemed, which faid goods and ftock fo pledged and not fo redeemed, fliall be fold by the faid Company, at Puhlic bate, at any time not lefs tlun ten days after the period for redemption; and il upon fnch lale (if Goods of Stock, ihere fhail be a lurplil. , after deducting the expenees of Sale, over the payment of the money lent, inch furolu.s fha"l be paid to the proprfetor* lhereof refj-eclively. Twenty third. i'he board of Di- re&ors, are hereby fully empowered to make fuch other bye lawa and Feguja- ilonsi for the government of the -.•. of the company, and that of their 0ft- cm and fervaflts, as t.'.ey, or a majority of them fliall ftom time io time thhiJc eK- pedient, not inconfjftrnt with law, oc thefe articles of iffociation. - Twenty fourth- J hi: sfFoeiati m fhail" continue twenty years fiom the lirlf day it commenees oj.eration, and no longer j but the proprietors of two third* of the Capita'. Stock of the company, may by their votes, at a general hee¬ ling to he called fo. that efcprefa pur¬ pofe, revife or alter thefe articles, or any of them, or dcfolveth.: company ar any, prior pe.iod ; provided, that no^cv of lueh me-.ting, and irs object, fl^il be publ>7fted in all the Provincial J4ew»-pa- perstor Six montha previous to the time appointed for fuch mreti.rg ; and pro¬ vided aHo, that noreviflo-uH alteration of thefe article* fliall fimj^.t any (tock- b.dder or Stockholders to be bound be¬ yond the amount of his, her or their Stock. Twenty.jifth. Immediately on any ddfolmiou of this afTociation, effectual meafures fhail be taken by the Directors then exiting, for donu^ all the concerns ii the company, and for dividing the ca¬ pital and profits, which may ren am, among the Stockholdc r>s in propcntioi to their ielective intetvft. in Witiivji* whereof, vve have hereun¬ to let our names at ICingftoti. (7 3 months.) UST received and for fale at thtr Office, price 7]d. the MONTREAL J ALMANACK* For the Year of our Lord 18 18. WTANTED in a refp, ctanle HouI> y ▼ IB this Town, a Strong \c* tive Y..ung vVoman, without a family, ashoufe-maid Application to be mace at this Office. King*ten, Ann. «. 1«1 8. to NOTICE. O!'EN or ftrayed from Bald Wcad, a (mall bay mare, whh a bufinv mane aid tail, white fp0t i., her fore¬ head, and hollow faced, about fourteen nand« hrgh, natural trotter. Whoever will return faid Mare, or let me know where (he ma, be found, fhail be hand, io^dy rewarded by Solomon Vermilvea. Amelu.uWgliJ.iue i, 1 8 1 8." 'n FARMS FOR SALE. npIlE fubfertber offers for fale a firm X containing 33 ^cres, in the town- (hip of Einell, 2d eonceflbri, li¬ ving a good frame Kpufe, a large Barn and Shed, an excellent ftand foratavc-n and tiore, and one of the belt fituatious in the country for a mechanic, Aft—One of rhe bed farms in.the townfhip of Kingilon, containing 100 acres, well timbered, and about 30 aciCa under improvement. S.W1TH BARTLET. April 28 lBi8. .otf Church Catechifm For S^lc at tim QBke*

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