«crl?rn or»on whit e»nnd I bid cotfrt. I well admtntfiered taw*! What a wonder. Bur • frw word* had he* fa»d* when,) ful cbaogttoulrj be brought abOH'r'n^* a peifrwi -fLi ed o* with (hocking Ian- .| Province, cbuid ihc combined virtue of gtta^cfmrn one ot the mpcrwu.f!ow» of ijthr people rife up and iniiic that thole lliefno: hr fecmed p^'t and diunrvellcd, twn< r rhe bloody (him of battle on hi* fa e. and. was in* Minced to rue a« the afon*faid jufttcc of ihcr Pca« : one 1 cf h s valiVrt fop:><»rters, James McOo- j tvfl. h&!f pay officer, was alfb pointed out to me in the crowd, beating confpic- B*ro> fignsof having been paid for his I violence* by th< hand of violence. The b'»ir:d ahulCy which thefe two people ai;d two or three mo-e of ihc fame name, only fhouJd he tiuffed with power whj arc qualified to wield it for good. On the 26th iuft, 1 had appointed to meet the peo'd at Mr. Doy?ons,Z miles back of Biockvijjt*, "in frlizabethtowrj, and, here 100, I found a printed bill ftuck up as at Augufta, of which the fol- Knvinp is a copy The Goood ana Loyal Inhabitants of the r*uv//>^EUZABETHTOWN Are requcHcd to affemblc at the hoiife continued to pour forth, reniccd it in>- :of Abraham Dayton, on FKD,\Y boBtbk for me to be *»ei! heard, fo the | meeting moved off to a little didanee, and I proceeded to read and explain.— After a ihort time we were again afr.il" rd with the foul language or the Magit- irate and his party : hut I was detcr- Dmid to go on, as the majority of the people fconed anxious to be zcqnainted tvhb the bnfineis. 1 he juttiee of the j tpcaee finding hisbiogs too weak to il<>p | Otir proceedings, had "ow r^cou-ic to an- Other expedient. He went off, fvvoie that tic believed me to be a fed;' ions ptifon,and found a fellow magistrate fo Xvrik as m order me to be arretted on fiich a charge. Tlit timplcft man in the Province will fee the abfurdify .)f fnch a waruant.— Wete wt fuhjcCt to arrrft, whenever a- r.y blackguard cr fool hSould declare hid) rpi ion ro he fo an<i fo, where would | be the Freedom of Britifh luhj(.£T'« ? Nor ' £ loul was here piclent to join nic in j £*■ i'-g b^il, and it might have happened that an itrprifonment of fome months prior to. trial might have been my fate. JJ 3coo was demanded by the Worfbip- iul Mr. Frafer ; but hi* brother Magis¬ trate condefcended to let me free upoq the offer of Jj 500. On my departure f r Rr/ickv» le fail, l*«dcf charge ot the Con(t3ble.Iwai about to mount my h rfcj but no. Squire Fatter mull havtrme gn in j theConftable's waggon for degracafcon ; ttii- puoilhmCnt bo«revef£ was [emitt¬ ed by the other gentler adminiftrator of the law, fo 1 rode ple«.fai»tly up to Pres- cott, m coiTipany with two gentlemen of that place, and proceeded wiih the con- iU le, now on Itorfe back, towards Brockville. I had gone little more than half way, when two per funs to whom I W2* k< own it th' Aug;:(li meetings; very huiiUfornrly tfirted to join in the bail r\ magiftrarc lived hard by ;—the b*j wa* at once received ; und the s fai.lt al JohnOowi. being fwoto to, the c< i.tLblc was fent hark, charged to ar- reii Doiunn Water, lilq. aud brlu<r him btforejuftioe,Ibr hi* deed*. In fad,1 have now a good afiion agai (1 the two niagi\- tiaie-ot Johnftown :—a< Cromwell laid, k< the Lord hath dcliv-rtd theffl into our h#i>d*" ." and- I repeat^ that, however preat may be the evil conicqueuces to me. pc'iouaily, the public wil! reap in finite advantage from the a^itati- n of fueh qoeftiont. In the race of law pros* eCtotU'Oft* 1 cannot be io 'rank a> I would ui{h, but whtn neaflity no \< ngei on- fire* my fieclaiaiii.tis, 1 fliail be as Jibe ral a-* frank in making them. I,all De- bember, there was lent tome at Queens. top, a paper, in an Twer to my agricultu¬ ral qu«rie», and to the 3111 it was faiot that one of th<- greatcll * aufes which re¬ tard the improvement of I'ppei Canada, Was ** a parcel of drunken Mapiftrate* " Since I came below Lake Onian'o, I have too often had occafioo to u fl.fi on tlis, and, the dreadful confeojnences. tvhich rcfult from it. Th< word ** drun-1 ken" does not chanfieiizt fome af the trtcn in office fnfficienrly—cl ignorant" —*• cap-icious"—** revengeful"—"def perately wicked, are exorei&oni which iright each, and, in fome cafes, all, be applied. It is eafy to account for the fact. In a coi-ntty whtre ail goes by favour, the froth wiJl in-aiiubly get to the top ; & bete it wil* tumble a »d tofs iii the levity of exaltation, or overflow on the fire that fi-blime* it. Arbitrary fowci cxetcifrd by the g.eat, v il; fpir- next, the 26'h inft. at Twelve o clock, for the pnrpofc of taking into confide- • ration the (rate of the public affairs ot |:he Province, when a plan will be fub- mit ted for tlie rcdrcfa and removal of a- ny grievaitGea which may exilt, far more likely to enfure fucceft than the meas- I ores proposed and iccommcuded by Mr [GOViiLAY. Elizab.thtown, June 22, 1^18 1 mutt obferve (hat a very nume¬ rous meeting had afTembied at tliis place on the 6ch June, but had been diltuib- ed by the clamour of Bmckville law- yefsandofa Magiftrarc \\\tr dripped, or was about to tt'ip, to fettle matters by the ancient uroceli of trial by battle. The knowledge of this and my e.^pcti- ence the preceding day, at Augufta, putting me on my guard, I was prepar¬ ed iar the V7orlt. After having fpokeu to the people, whofe conduct cva* hfrfh . ly pratlc-worthy, ( oloncl Sherwood, a) lawyer of Br ckviile. arid bolder of lev cral Govetnrnent office** made a fpeech I had allowed hiiii and others to que- cion me on wliat J fnid, as I went alon nnd fcveral ulefnl ttuths were ihctch .almiy confirmed* In return 1 natural ly expeficd the farue.privilege, but with difficulty cculd obtain toy with. Col. Sherwood ».n eavotircd to imprefs upon the irinris or the people tli it their von ItUuttonal m".uJe .'f proceetifn^ only lay] thufugh their Reprefcnt'tives in AilBtfl-' biy, and that a Petition /hould go thro' then, to the Prince* a hncy which would abfolute'y he laughed at in England^ zvd whiih has lately been trumped up here, chiefly to fupport the i;»teiett aud ehara£ter of a few petted Members of Aflembly. 1 maintained that no petition of the people ev<r vrenr through Parliament to the Print c, a.:d chailengcd Colour) Sherwood fri give a Onj'le in/lance. — 1 matntatued that the pr 'p!e of England ipetitioHed the Kii y. the I oah or thf CommonsJuft aatttev thought lit.—that ihc people oi ( anada night >"*o iffe iamc; and tiiui in the Bill of <\ii;hti, no ur [more nearly to trie f>'afiice of Our prel- ent exiftence—telis u* that facial inter- courfe with out re«otefl fellow crea¬ tures is a duty, and univerial beucVo Jence the ultimate deSgn of Providence. Thevryage from fcvockvilieto Kings¬ ton affords exquifite delight, even now, to the lovci of pictueique icenery-—j Thelfland> of every ihape—rocky and tame,—cmmtleis in their watery laby¬ rinths, prcfetit variety ii,finite : every pofition has its new o!jefts, or its altered Ottos; enjoyment cl^ys not for a mo ment ; reflection 19 ever kept awake— yet, was the iutentior of nature complet¬ ed—was the hand add genius of man exerted, to the full, n this tough hewn paradile, how much Bore noble and ex¬ tended would be the ran^e of bliislul fentti&ents! (To be boT&inued,) c 4 FOR THE KINOn.ON gazette. Ki y (IVIS- on wa- trade for tl e people petitioning Pailiament, while it wa.-* expiefsly (tip- uiatcd tha? they Ihould ever e j *y the right of petitioning the King Thele ind.ed indeed are the identical word-i oi ihc >dt, called the Bill of Rights Article 5th, "7hat it is the [Higfa cf l}e fnbje8s to petition the Kino. and all commitments and profecutions far fuchpetitioning are illegal™ As to the right of petitioning Parliament, though undobted, not a word is laid in the Bill Ot Rights. It in a right founded on cus¬ tom and reafon ; aud txenif.d a]moll everyday during the fitting of Palia- rotntj as the right of petitioning the! King U praCtfled every day of t\ft year, j i batjColonei Sheiw* >od,? lawyer iuouid » LOVALTV OX STILTS; " Are we not at tbiti moment thi? niost happy people Oil the face <»f the Glob'i, po.-;se-.sin» a fertile country, vhicli smiles like fd " i" ho* anmm«r Iress,and a free Coipfituti'm of Gov- .rnment?—are we n<r. unburdened with raxes, and favored vJth the fostering care and protection ." the create t of Nations ; and cati a*y raaw of eomfrtnu wise for one instant Imagine that the inanimou* prtitJoO n^ tn<* jKnpte of iJpp^ri anadaT when pr^,,,it,'d, In pro¬ per form, to ourPw ,|l%iil1 ParUamen^ itoiild not mw t with 'fJi,r d-'^r.^nf re<- oor'fnl niicufinii fo fth»;h it inontifled ? A way then with your Town hip Meet- | inland yourw^r^- than Uveless Con- vuniious; your de^ynb»g and inalig- iiaiii Spirrfs !" What a rtapcnfb ! a fewfle Cnatrfrj ! where arc-it-rich yi IdinsfS? l)o fhisy 1 onsr-f in the Href. n"<! Pork, <v i'bmr, uid Butter and Che* ^ that a.- impor¬ ted f'»r our su^te'iriiu'S from Jt'Vrsoii County and the G*pesee? Why the people of Kingston *vfl;,Id be starred to d-nfh : at» His Maj ^ly's Troops ,1 ould die of Hnngrt H fh«y deperidi d for foorl on (he fertil»*yof UpperCana- da. Letmra-k * hither or no there ir- three Farmer* it? &* Township of Kingston- whnip parfP* produce them Bread? What rffffli^ a «'0,,»try be- M,«r fertile if it be no* cultivated ! "Smiles like Edwm itt kfi* ^msm dr^ss" ! Genesis ff. RRth and 9th r^r^s. w Atid th.* f.nrd Owl planted d Gar- "i den ISnstwamd iti Kdon ; and th'ie » he put Hie IHotn whnru he had formed. " Aud out of feKeOardcn made the Lord u Cod to groi» ,-vry trep that U plea¬ sant to the slgfctand'good far feod.° Let an > man1 whether he hate com¬ mon sense or u0t. look around him and I would have the ittoaoimou? Petition cf the people of Upper Canada presented in proper form to our Froviucittl Par¬ liament. Good, and how is this Peti¬ tion to be procured if we are to have no Township Meetings ?—People of Can- ad, Township Meetings are the Life and Soul of Liberty, the horror ft lid dread of tyranu) and oppression, the\ will secure for you good order and well regulated Government :—they will in¬ sure you a just and faithful execution of your Laws. Where Township Meetings are frequent, justice will ne¬ ver be ixtade mock of : and, having all these blessings iu their train, they must confirm you in vour Loyalty aud De^ votion to vour Kins: and Country*. ■ * * So. good People of Canada, I hum¬ bly advise you to hold Township Meet¬ ings frequently, any thing that may be told you to the contrary notwithstand¬ ing. I sincerely hone that it is not every one who differ*from this Gentleman in opinion that can he charged wilh pos* seeing a u designing and malignant Spirit " Gwl forbid.—Let the Gen¬ tleman reconsider the matter, and [ doubt tint he Will hav-1 the candor to see and acknowledge t!:it his impas¬ sioned e\clamati«»n, u Away" &e. &c. &p. is itself ha( a very few shades from I the deep dye of malignity. COMMON SKNSE, K/ntrsfon, June %itlih 1SI8. 7t> the Editor of the Kingston Gazette* Sir, No thoughts have beauty, or actions rirnprlety, whlt'h «re no! ju*t. A(- tempta at wit are insipid and dfcgtiftt* iug, which have not truth for Uwir foiiuvlation : and writings are not va!u- ablt" nhioh are not the productions of r<>nd sense. Thee land marks for authors have received the_sanction of v/s-o men,, a* '.veil a- ciitic-*, and he who presumes to wriic muftbc tried by them. Mr, i{ai*ern)an\s COinmunieation ad¬ dressed to Rfr. (Tourlay, itt your last pnppr, c.iriiains som'e thtt»5^, which I cannot reconcile to these established principles. The correctness of ii< style I have not inclination to evani- ine : but inasmuch as it deviates from justice, truth, and good oe;ise, I shall take the liberty of ma^io^ such remark^ 'bVjjflij f(H-po9c fhft Vijiu^t.rai'ic^ *fl hi- statement. After his ;cqvandaries,M "breakfast," « trembling nntM-ty," « Highland" u Odd Pish." " GrowIinff,Mand u low) RimiHority," he expresses himself in this niamier : fci All this was ROOM seen tllto. and with the exception »»l one or perhaps two, rhey who were then •irescnr, and whose jfgftocl wishes aiK1 sapporUyou fluttered yourself you bad 1 uc iguotant 01 fich n<attcr8, ur if not ignorant) (hotild mlh to hide the truth, i> lamentable* As there could be no hope of getting any good by arguing widi fuch a lawyer, or any other perion of the kind, and a^ two nveiings hud. been a'ivertitcd to be held for different! pnrpofc* at the fame p;ace, I called I 11 thole uh^ wifhed to join ooi" ^aofeto ic- ' *t re with u:c -'•nd go through the bufi- nefswithout rnrthei interruption ; anJ the great majority declared for us. The law vers wrrr «it tr* --- i • y nrrncr I ,.,„ r C ;iiK.fla unmr* t?}|«sitie<T, have-.luce become four vratm- , v'..',""'.'1 °* "" CWfli of Refer, or est and most pOwcrfal opposrr*,." no. > ho has oJanted it ? »l,o hasciti- There were ^even persons present a* "."!" 'u :r,,iv ev"r> t'^'V «liaf is! tU tfmealludetl re. One of those i. pj»;)»".ei| to iv,r. {.1 i measures. & was >o previous to hi-^ arquainance »rf,th that ac- sitleman. Two have since been elected Di^trictRepresentatiTes,—-one n Town, ship Clerk, one a member of committee forree.iving subscriptions and further¬ ing the views of the Township meeting. The remaining two have manifested rl»eirapproBatioo of the measures, >(, far as to assist, in aistribeting the pam¬ phlets to the neighboring Townships. These factsaregenerally well known m the TownHiip, and I believe 1 may -ay universally in the vicinity of Mr. Pjeasantto tho Sfg|,ta„dgood for fond -, lfitsm.le.ti. a lastly smile, a smile) ol contemptuous reproach on man. < I enetrate the dark recesses of vour immeasurable woods; there beheld the feeming land ehoaked with rank-and Msonoaa weds: and your oozy I s«amm, engeaderlog reptiles. "Smiles! «KP hdeuin ht-r Summer dress" ' Ifa' Mi ! Ha ! " A It a yerkwerc at to proceed by the ■m- felvr* in peace, and 1 alWrdi heard that tlity ^intd r7 fu natures for' their Jt up its exercife i* the little : redrels of! petition t<. the AtTnnb v M/ioiigt. being hard to come at before a ! ktr-chof f U](h, regarcHtfs n'a^iitrates^ wi!l ceafc to be much fought after, while I fubrr ifhon and dread will he tlie only I policy- of peace-able difpofittons. In thole q«:3rtcrn of the country where book and Newfpapcis cannot find iheir way, and the public mind has become dead by ignorance, the tyranny of rren in power wil] natp/aliy re^ch to*»he mid difjrufting hci^ht.s and the flavifh rwb- itsof the people will proportioriaily fiflfc d-wn. In my full Addrcfe to the lie* iduit Landowners of Upper Canada, I f2id th?:t the defert wou'd be better in- baHtedby the Beaver a. <i i'.c Bear,than by men, in certaiu circurn ia> ces. Even then I had marked the hnrniliatioQ ..f our k^d, in fome parts of Upper Cana¬ da, ai'd diic^vcicd its caufc ; now, m r ' prtatrr -.-x^erK-ncc conhr-r.s the truth of my fir (I ifuprcffioxu : Yr>, certainly, the br?.vfr and bear are more wo.thy than deg-aded man ; and fo it has b-en .tidied ;—f r hinn there is a hell,—f. r ' The people of Elizahcthtown havtnr: chofen their Kcpicfcntative an<l < therof- ficefft, a general Meeting of Townfhip Rcprefcntatives was immediately held ; and cvety thing was fettled bcyo id my bell hopes. Onthe2*th I returned t-- Ktdgftoa by the >• earn-boat from Btckville; a»'d my moid, at reft from c;r*eand fdli^ne, ! had the fulled i njoyment of' the drltght- ! ful fill. What a»c th-: pleaure* of fight witlu nt rcflrction ? The poor In¬ dian tt ho paddle* bis Canoe '-n the vva« %tr$ of the .St- Ldwcnif, thhik^ nut for. what it w;is made t flow, cr h.'W the God of nature ha defigned it t tempt into activity, the latent fcctiltie* of roan. —t be abomi of union t » the wo Id ( Sc'dom tio I lotk on thin noble Kfvrrj with, ut feeling my religion iiic<e<ife'l. my ideas in very way expanded* and the end «)f my life r^ar ; illudryted The fun in hi-, beightaei* aitt' regular tetpriH ead5 us to a,:o heGo.1 (f nfvei fa:! iitg l^ve a>> i o>*,'"f : bn '11. vVliit is yonr H »ad :| eriu i-; burden, and 1 re no not unburdened with 'I'wm ?" tho Gpiitleman exult¬ ing ly 3vl;s, and puis this intarrogoiory (in lieu ttf pr-vin^ Ihc fa*'.) among others, for area-ou why we ar»% the hap- pie^t p"op|r» o:* tin* Jfiohe. Lot u« f>» amonir'iit alio * this to he true, ran for any earth I j reason bt* assigned a.s.. cause for happiness and exultation ? So ! no ! Whether i^ he the botferoff, tme who is tdK^d a bftJungon WsshU* ling, orhe who is taxtd five Pounds on hi- hundred Townd- ? The first, when he has p:»;d his taxes having eleven pence tiuro fin things to buy liim a shil- llng L<>i\t\;uu\ the latter haviii^ Ninety fivtf pounds. Uut 'he fast isnot true, !' i. quite a mi--taket»- tell (he* people of Upper CanaJfl thtttthej are unburden- '<! with (axe^. Ta.\ ? why if i most uiirnmf r"'1 --' ri % uire : it is i most unjiur ^i"d uppre«--ive 'ax, bf- rau-eit Imsaiv • •« tlieiny - frionss poor while the rich and <t{fluent pseafJe it. Who holds thi* fa,»'- Hnttarein tMiIti- v:jtimi ? why (Dbe poor-: ! fhe indus¬ trious, chiefly.- VVno hoM- ail thebnsl -iruatod wast'- l^tids in the Country ? Wh\ (he rh'h *»»d the afllucf»t. VVhai Land's pay fin? tatta for ranking tb1" ito.-K!s? TJm> .eultivat..d Unds, i8 } j h" wtt-Ate La-wds pay no Road J'ax ? Vn.'V. Do uo't tin- Public Rjads J.i through the w '• i4' lvnid> as well as thi rulttvated ? ^"'" —Then it is clear t .a) the poor i«':i(' industrious not om'\ havp the iMird"--1 »f makioji ami rcpai !»:. Road* for^h'* C'ouutr> atlar^e, hu- :i!.ofor tl'.-- e*?*"'twtve Vcnelit rif (ho ,;th, who- h^d* Pa> no tax s. And •, r -ve are untfrMfdort-wJ «ith Taxes | ! . [fi/ bl«*<iet1 result nf thi Gentleman1" " -eee Canstfti^f^n of @overnineniS german s residence of the exis¬ tence of which, should he doubt, fagot proof can be obtained. He continues hi< epistle tvtfhStrong and togicat reasons for withdrawing the Adolphustowiwlilp Report, and," for rear af being elaborate, he concludes then by saying, he is proud of being mi|>ported by a majority of the subscri¬ bers, who are determined to have their names e\p-jn-Ted%shon|d there be a pro¬ posal to send it to Mr. G. How fir thiscftwrfim can be relied "n, mfi> be ascertained by adverting fo the proceedings of the AdolpIuistnWn meeting, of the 6fh :nst. published in your pap^rof the lOih. Mr. HV observation respecting the < proper chastisement of Mr, R\e- Ifo 6* nv:1 •; but d fool ragefh and is confident" Thelant character wa^ never more strikingly exempUiied, than in this iu- stance. That a man should be led, on the «20th in St* to assert, in so positive a manner, fiie correctness of his conduct, and on the 1-t instant, at a meeting conve¬ ned by his own appointment, should, with due submission, acknowledge (hat coudui■< to have been wrong and un- justifinhlo, would, in any Other person, be strangely inconsistent ; and that, to several persons, he should express con¬ trition for his conduct to " Mr. Bye- stander," " but that he would see him d------d before he would tell him so," was hi h V illustrative of candor. My ftiaiH object, Mr. Editor, hna !)ee,n to notice and refute such parts of iVlr. H?s communication as were cal¬ culated to convey an impression of i»- consi%fency and impropriety of conduct in those w ho were generally known to he alluded to. K w far i iiave .-uo cecdul the public aretojud^e. Slibuld they be in my favour, they will concur in my opinion o\" the learned Gentle* mab'S commimieation, vvhich is, that, for want of justice, it Iihs not beauty or proprity% for wnntoi ireth it i<de- titut^ of wit. and lor want < fgoodSensi is neither estimab^ "•• orai«« n'^rfh*. A LY^STANDER. June '29- FOR THE KINGSTON GA/F-TTK. To the Inhabitants of Upper Canada. Frr.r.o-w Si;b.? ect#j When t!:e minds of the cnmmunitr, riTO agitated i»y crafty allur-'inent. and, that allurement is- published, undcrtffe eloalx of Constituted ri^lit ; it ish*n;hly necessary to mvniuskfhe de'upion : es¬ pecially, when that de!ii::o-i hasafVn* deney; to raise disaffection to constuu*' ted authority^ lrov several* rjTvnth^ rjTl^t, h'- mind* of the people of this Fro'-nc*, Ka** been ajjitoted through rhe medium' <>f the »: -ir.ic print?*, I>vleui,th\ i» -M-tion^i homing to t:;w. the pretext. thM ntmf regulation!! in the Provider:) <Je.vern- men*, and tlie mode, of trrtntiitir ln;ulst are n^cssarv, to secure pms'pi^rity 'to, and an increase of PPPlilafion in, the country. VV if lithe man who makes <u.ch n bustle, to put us in a rigfet potifii itil trim, I urn wot accfutfrnted, but at he appears, thron^h the above medium; lie is openly bold, and during ,i.,d bighiy, if not Griminallij, b.'ameable. I therefore address you in defence of vonr real political interests against the rJisforber of your happiness, and. to make the Address more plnm, hbt$ ! put it in the form of Qustion* and 4ft, •:v*ers. Qurx. What is the Government of t'pper Canada ? Jus. Of that description denofotna* (ed Prcvineial. Qxie&, From v^hat source does the Government receive its power ? Am* Prom two sources. The Kin* of the United Kingdom of Great Brft« ain is the first and principal source, and the people resident inhabitants of the country, are the second source. Ques. What sire the respective pow¬ ers, vested in the branches from these two sources ? Arifr. In all local concerns, the same as throe, vested in the similar brsmrhw of the Government of the United King¬ dom. Ques. h there no other distinction ? Ans Yea- Ques. Will you favor me with an explanation ? A*9&* The Government efGr^nf Bri*' tnin, is superior in its order, and al$* in power, in having created,nod taken under its protection, thi? gofri rumept ; which is a branch, raided from that stock. Qttes. Are we, in any part of our government, ; idependenfly disrinci ? . Ans* Yes, in the Representative de¬ partment. QttCS* How far docs that powor ex- tend ? *-An&m To the framing, r»;sd repealing. local laws. i ■ wu, noticed above, i. e. that alter th: Leport had received their approval and iuatnres. and was by (heir direction IU withd ^okU happy chaagc £ effi^ed^SSt I n« «can which , ",'"' ™ <--^^'[^^ le..r ,,u?. ia«ii)«i(. Many others ex- pressed the same opinion, but not wUl '•'lual effect, t..r he presunied not to U'Splay his pugilistic prowess t<> any "ne hut th> IV-land-r. J ,, Wo read that " a »vii9 fflaa Ifcar.th ZTtl '" "^ U,i'Uw"' k' the7 ° u*r4-u,Jp»fe, the moil pWi,cr ; if u«t the « wlj ceedings. Qltes. In what do your doubts origi¬ nate ? Jus. The Provincial Uovernmnnts, established in the foreign pnssessfons, belonging to the Grown tf Gnat Bri- tain; were, no doubt, created fur H.e purpose of easing tin-Itome government, and, the advantage of immediate regu- lationa, t-> promote the happiness and prosperity of foreign subjects. To pc- iitir.ua branch .f the froviuria! Jfor- '/