Kingston Gazette, July 7, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, JULY!, 1818] 11N G GA [VOLUME Vlll.------ISo. 0] ETTE Eijimtom, UiM* Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusiveof Postage. ■—ansa ■imnMirTTiYs^Js^^ J '^ :wa-4»»i:*3eiafc=iK?: :wws»wK*saniKira*^v*\ »* Jgiintsfvr the* Kingston G'tzeffe. ■•** W1» • fctnftf Town, JAMES RANKIN, E>q. 1Trtrfc»WtIiLlAM ALLAN, F*<|, BrockMlle, A. *TTFR WOOD, Ksq. IWlvillr, S. V VABB, ft* Hlon'ra). ft MO*V-*R, Primer. FriT-JCT:. .-.v^.Vii MOTIVE... f*Tl E PartwrfhiD now pxiflfag J| betwc»»vtbe Swbfcrib*r«, under thf filiU of Tlynnfon and Defnr will, Kv rtiut&l roufentj be difolved on the i0 (\iv of July next, therefor* aBnerff>n« b'winff de-ra vis againU uitd firm, w.ll pleafc prefrnt then—and thofe indebted are requeue.-1 to twice immediate pay¬ ment, to efth-rof the SobfcrJbera ; who arcauthoriled to receive thr S*me. H. ('.THOMSON. G H. D,; TLOA Kmi-flon, June i 8, \S\%. 4W3 N. 1$ The Forwarding and ' om- Bftf&uil bufmefs will ftili be contimu'd by H. C THOMSON. ADVERTISE M E N T. F t'w peHbn who "sent hv tlw pwk -f David Pike, an J Ztotf Z>-tffo Paper Hanging's. THE fnhfcriber has juft received a verv elegant aflortment of Paper Hangings ; which he offers for fale on prifonnble terms, at the ihop recently oc¬ cupied by N. Palmer. Three or four hundred Gallons of PAINTKIt'sOIL, boiled end raw, of a fooerior quality. THEODORE BtiOCKET. Kirgfton, June tzA, 1818. 5^ Valuable Lands. I^OR fa!ev>y the fubfen'ber Lot No. 18 and 19, in the tenth Conccffion, and half Lot No. iR, in the 6th cov- ceflion, of the Townlhip o*" Purcy. Ap ply to JOHN BURNETT. Kingston, Max gtht 18 f 8. Jot?j BEER. JUST received at the Store of S. BartUt, aconf|.?nrru'ntof 94 bar [ JreH of Beer, of a fuperior quality, for X~~ . I ifi'C for C3fh- jQi. ■ ^.5,1818 A NB Poffeflwn STtven immediately*! ! m 49 3 n given imrr.v.M......;»1 ( .^^^ r% „^ fifc. 'he Wet pit tif the large M|_B00/€S (V 1 F&ClSn St,^{mih a•h.rF) l«r!y occupied a, WHplfc«. on he had j l|f«rf«ft* ^^^"^^'^UHohehadro fmall Circulate Li I !brary, on reau '^e terms- June 10.:8i8. honie. For particulars apply ro ALLEN MACLEAN. Kiugfton, Ju-ie 29, iSifl. 5 To Let, Notice* Pn'c/*. (but whofr ival tv.**n.: is Dtftti Price Dowries) and wa, redding in \ 8 ■ at the Bay of Qwwtyvifl U.per','anada. j U now livinir, he v\i'!, o:: Hi" return t.> | I'Ugland, hear of fotnethtng much to hU advantaoi-. If he is dead, any perfon poflVfllnj; f'K-h knowledge i\ re qufft'.-d to C'lumuTiical** it to &*f Wtl*- tiAM FRRSMAS, of New Y^rk, or to enquire of June 30 uck vi- »4*00 ^ «,..,w..yp(T«ior penons giving B&N*** #*****< -ilcndit Oil my account, as I will not pay ____________________^__ i (any debts o* ha- C4)ntraclin2 after t'ii$ jSolice. \ iHprTllEiUSAShy the lad Will and I VT Teltimc.i; of the late RuJoph _ e h- -\r 1 » ill V ▼ lelt.tmc.r. 01 roe iatc luiiopn from ao h|NRl anxiety. Hk ivas . ^ ^^ ^w a,.c ^^ fu fee! ktfcli, lij'i.t !)H)Wn l.air, pale ton. j!" v. . -J plcxlon, -"id vciv thiu. BOOT, SWOE and LEATHER M aiui levc-rail) ;-p;;«.. i'-Sicutiix and I Executors to his lalt Will and Telia- | firieuc. Wc do hereby requeft all per !:..u wh-die itiUcb:cd t« raid Eltalc to Ica.i immcJuic-ly on i»e lubUifblo^ Lx i ecutois and make im-ne<!iate payment ; 'aul «til liiole \vYto Irueauy dcinundi ag- alutl laid bit ate arc requeued to produce • ihcm duly atteftcdj \u orO.r Unit * fV't j element of the ttlate may Ll effected as ir/Ujsfm u . o «iw jj aa ibk afur tlw Brft day ;.f Sign of tU GOLD: N I ,! . -, •y daw. AUGUSTUS MILLER. Kingston, \yh June* 18 18. 4W3 trWVAV. fubi^iber hoi had m hwcharge jf. foi nearly ? ; ear, a fma)! box and a bn;;, -ooth Containing wearing apparel for J. hn Ravi*, a mal.^n, and WiUfcim Br.lcy, a Joiner ; who can obtaiD them b) applying x& the fubfeciber. JAMIiSTWBDDELL, Hatter. Kingston* Jhne \?>* t#*£. 4^3 ;>-. *■ September next L-S^elV^-llv i-form^ - GILBERT^ v , ttcirmy, th,r they U\ WtHw» «^ ! | BcilvillCf 22(1 June, 7r/--v?;i //w Canadian} Cwcnt. 0>M\it n i • i'. s'i;i.r' 'lai.'ly a,»i>rfirf*l :n lSl« Ni Ht^i... 1- :m r\.-:ii' t'.lll^.if M:i.»"*M M ' lecrmlN i" ii: I ;ij,vIi'. ., jut .i«'i» l»-i n,-r nfi'-'V ii .'i-iii.t iSa;, » ziu^anv oil MP *«*tlifM'M1 on llrtu Kiv»i\u ;ti in thC &.\ OA lor:;.hi.v, and id- -ni-.,r.-si»i. ho-ii >i;i"s iimve b"t»n tl<'-•«* bcU do do lAsi-ph lie«marais .to>r|>h Fhipe John T.arlv. deserter Iroin tiieseltlem^nt BURGL.\RirS. /iV'i Tlinmcnn, Sam«e| Blarlc N'.-'xaniVr ^l^^ant Ittihpft IItitv /.(••♦rph Charter. llHrph Pa I .'. Maries Ponchc, tttfarjprtter P,rrr,. pu»t|. Servant. J. B. Durorhrr rfo. ■\!e\an^P*- M'Doueil, Part*»iT. ' partner, do do do Servant ffn'.iie NONE. 1 1 Tiilm Thom50n \'rxa»d'*r ' t'Wart Ctuhbert Orant Mi»xandM Fra.«er Tioma- MrKa* d.» do do Clerk do do P. C. Pam^ hrnn, CI«*rJc. .J. B-G*rai;i! Servant. .\nr >i* ■* Ro- l.illard. do. Fr*. Boinhe, do BrlloineMn- rie do. f^oni-* Lnw*rt<», Interprptfrr, \ o'oin** IToolf* do ^r'raphin T.amarre, Ch-rk. n-arlc* H»»"V do Pa-il Prhn^afl tntntpwtff. Rodenrk'McK^nElf, Clerk. pr?. Drfchampj. seor, do. To"s>aint Vaudiie do H'ti'io-nmr Moniouf* do UoSf*'l Henry, Pa^'ner. Stealing in Boats on a Navigable River. \lo\andcr MrDonell, Partner. ('.MihbVr( Oram, Clerk. Thomas McKay do fontertck MelCcnjijf, do Pftrr Panjtinao dlJ ? Bi^*oi»a»s do Pawl Priiowii tntcrpretftr, Li>ui> Latvnc do .'. I*. Brisehoia, Scrvanr. Vrs. Deschamps, «en. C'lrrk GRAND LAR( KMES. NONE. Duncan Cameron, Parner. John Donald Camer¬ on, do. CnttituTt Grant, Clerk. \\ ilitam Shaw do. Peter Panj;*nan ) »J ili: |}o«fOilR!S ) rlt».ir^»- CrtOij'diell, .Ifiliu Cooper* Unv\. MeKinoon, Llngli Ii'ini'Mioan. de- Mvrter*> frooi meset- tleineiU. Viilea MacGoncU, Cnivcnior * Oainihoi . <*nl 11 Ridwrisoii, Esq. I Allies Macdoncll, Oov- ernoroi" t><-sinibi>»*. Ijohn Spencer, Shi^r fl ot'Hia; !>i**ti ier. Colin Rol>eri*on, F?q. Mlcbacl Mardonill. Clerk. .John Bourke, do. M'oharl Hayden, Servant. NONE. i'.^ . l-aiibmn, John litmjke, Lo'ii> NollO vltctiOel Hav Vfl, Marn ii Jordan Michael Kilbride ||i:2ji VlrLeao Ci.'K. do. do. icrvan . do. uo. do. Boot and Shoe Mannfacloiy u-h-j.c ^hey keepeoaftjinily on hand, a targe alfortment-f f.ady'a and Gentiemetrs Booti and Shoe^of every dclcrl^t; »n. Likcwife a f'ippJv of tf'od Sole and Upper Lcvh<>, of all kinds. Fheir prv!V»,t aff*r;anJnt U iturh more complete, than they have hitherto had. j: Kinfrflon, June 23 1818. 4tf For i8i&. Iv \ r*" {' JO i tne fubfciiber, (2 door* North j _JUJ oi J'hn lummiii^ Ekj ) Cttfe&KrY Boards and Wank,! 18 i .ch Sbin^lerf, and Cord Wood. JOHN TUTTLE. Kingston, $Cth Alny, 18 i*. I 111 iM'd *" !o j»|ri - ; i rt 11I4 ai'difaej of ihe -i.ii^omis] -i:«Mla-*»l.\ of hie I ! t'-a-i'., i; mivj .:•■ |>iupr- to muincasi tflff in-li-j vidnaUoi ea.n »iae »»m ai,% Charged \vi('>J : unit*] t.; .Tr, <ri.ii»» Sarin M-'o/ C-n.ijt.intf. \ II mlspn a Bmj Cj-nf'< M 1 »: .vi. . ^. Archibald Mcl^iiaii » 0 i.j*r, \irud No. in.u ,i!cli.Codf -.'O. i j tie cawdiT Ah*;v;'.. |.<t I j .\i*\h:;'o*i McOouell, .•an)', s Lei la MA LIC LOUS Li SUOOTINO. D -ncan Ca-n'-rou, Panner. 4f 1 A Dwelling Konlc and Bake-houfe ; ---------SJcSL to LET for anv —*~- ..r**a«) nutnber <•* years; JoOlt HaiM'-ne r.ioina . .W • »iur;ay .W»h:*. 1 Vmii-ui I J tl'lg.l HCWilllS >>J0lUl A':!;o..ald Joan %lciiHug ilm •** **' ■ > '" j ticu.ata euquiie -*t mHE ftrhfcriW inform. bSi fm*"!; ^ a LTER U'CV SiFTK. rfRT „KMne ^ .1 and th'- y»h'\c in genera!, Hw« !>f . . K,,H;a0n, jine 2, 1818. 1« U;.,,:,iu..i Craiu c?,.. has- remiOived '»!* Oondf from tlu- Si re ;_-------;-------........—----------- - • I jCuarJes0t> Eeinhard rt«>; belomiwe to D.rtor Forward, t*\**\ nf^i-: I'.bforil.o" begs leave to jn.orm jiJM1 ;yl, r.; <i-., hive cnnrtaully on hand a choice ailort- i fc^ commenced the j t&mhw*rwt Interpreters, went of v\ /lUCTdOS BbSINESS, I Al xa.^-rl-.a.^ t Wk ,«oai) Dm .u 1 ainpbell iio.on .'•'« er AHao MciJoneil Percr hfe?vne l>^deo, Cle» ^. Ciuhiiei t Gram &c* CuarJcaile Reinhard de>i 1 -ii%, t'.»ii. (I'O. U 11. cbo. d .. r... 0% 1IW 0©G(fe. 0)Wf rH Iif/«»^ j in th« Market PUch, oppofiW to Air- * bl <^ ^ •l>-i"l Brown'*, wlicic c^cry attention and wHl continue to difpnfe of them on j ^ ^ tb^r comma,,as. the m^ft Hberal terms for Catti or appro- j. MlCHAI'X MOILVN. ved credit. He awfti!1 WmfcM g* *»>l| Auai<m£ every day at eleven o'clock, opt ortunity to un&i Hia prateld , I M> 4 for the irreat iVpp-'rt and esKHJOra^C |, •/-------------.----------------------------------------- 01-nt thai hehns already met with, and j« NOTICE* NONE. *" if'b>*rt i* itut* '• Htan Bhaw S r^»»hin L<amarr< ' |euig»" :/an>t»lje*J Ko^pnGunn ihctor McDnnali Clerk, do. do. Oc*ei icr* ir*mi the srti'.'ntent Jjm«-FIvrn Bervuiic. ItlOT AND P0LL1K0 DO^ N UOUSM. Cad'in RoUei tson, Esq. JNONE. John lioiiixe, Uiuifi KuUn Michael Havden \KtPMi .lon'io. Clerk. do. S« riant. do. NON iffurca them that every exertion hi a j 1 part will be m.^de lo merit a continuance || A s tl1(. S'-ibfci ib-r, U »botit to clofe of their favors. JOHN CLARK. Ernejl Town. 1 #b 'June, 1818. 3 N B. All kinds of Country Produce {|dtky Rvkcn W exchancc foi Merchandize. ?nd ' then^oft prices be given for the fame. A S the Sttbtcrfbsr, w »booe to c.oie ij/JLlmbufiflSfe bwej he reqoeft, all .that are Indebted by Notent ocherwlfe. UoCallanddifchargethe fame without FARMS FOR SALE. nriHE fubfciiber offers for fa1.- a farro JL containing 33 acres, in the town- ftiip of Eineft Town, 2d conccflion, ha- v,nK a KQOll frame Houie, a large Barn and Shed, an excellent (land for a tavern fcud ^orc> and one of the beli IkudtiotU VI the country for a mechanic. silfo — One of rhe bttt faints in the townlhip of KingHon, containing 100 acres, well timbtred, and about 30 acies Under impr* vement. SV.lTli BART LET. April 28, t8i8- 4$tf S. H\WLEY . Kingfton, June. 15th 1818. Oats, Peafe and Flour for fak by S. Hawley. 3 To ///re! A Pair of Stout ■ anadian Horfes and Waggon—Enquire at this Office. Klngfton, June 15, 1818. 3 d«o. ckv, dv». d^. dv,. Iir\NTED,a Groom and a Far-1 \\ nur_NoMe will pleafc toaj-j ply wh- do not bring with them the moll fotWlnry credentials.—Enquire of the Printer. June 4, 1818. * Viiioni' liuulo Inter pi f wr Paul Prtnu a*i tU,». Kras i V nutnaps, senr. C I-. rk. • (Hi«, i rrba«a d-i, W ii:iu.n s.;aw <iv». ,ti»;ta Si\r»\riajlit d«ft, SerRMr*>n Lauutrie dsx P^tej Pflri^tAafl dit ) Ho 'o»'ais jj Liiuia ^Ja^*,an l^onis TrrauW dit.Morin Ubnh l.avi«;np r'raA, Deschamps^juD. ilexis McKay 'um! Brown ditValle« '• 'ftiicota Hoole t> anon.- Mainville .' ii. I)<*'inarai5 \"gaiiabu;e3s, duJosc AttSON^ Onrcan Cameron, Partner. Uexa ider ^ici)olle!l '-'-o lUhberi Grant CVer'i i»a"l Pi iiwaitt, Inter}, v tt-r NJirliael Hourat^, Luierpri Icri C'uatlfV ile«*c ^"'Tk. Vntolne Uimle, lnterprc:lrr% I ;*e;rr Prtl^nan d Bostotvaly, Ronhocome Montour^ d»f) William Sl»aw dy,| Clror^e CuWpbi 1. ^ D^^^rtfT .v'lojvrri^ed i ttt'T fr«»in t|l0 11 ra i! Ii t»m vne N(T ?etll»... '«v, ! nmpany. ) nn ni. 1 -a U«champs..|Uti Grnss** i»*ie J . B. L>e>* Vlv RIOT AM) FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Colin Robrri-on, Esq. .lo n lloui'ke, Clerlt Michael iiavdrn, S-rvant. ASSAULT fcNWBVTTEPY. Miles Macdnnell, Governor ot Os'inthuis. NONE. FOR THE KINGSTON GAZETTE. ■ »■ H XONE. Cl>rk. Mr.G0UR&&l'*& Letter continued from our lost. Yon would fee f'-om the N^ws-papers, how well ewrry thi-tg went on in tiie Midland D'^'ift ; fo I »eed !«y nothing of mvfVcoud vifit to Erncft Town. In thej'ohnUown k Ea'lern Diltrifts there was ftill fomcthing tob" done, and nine days remainrd free for exertion. 1 k^cw tht people were for us : I knew tl.a' j feveral mcetingfl had be^n held aid bu fit.cfs done in fomeof them ; but, from novelty and ignorance, it wa» alfo evi¬ dent that the Devil, the P'ielt of Augus¬ ta, and the Lawyers, would be too much J jforthe people unafTifred I therefore) fixed upon meidureB for thr OCCafion, and fucceeded beyound my ntmoft ex- pettation. I pot under weigh wi<i» a plentiful Tupnly of Printer'* ammunition, on the afternoon of the iRth hilt, hav¬ ing alons with me a trnlty veteran, who had volunteered bis ferv'ues. Our am. munition confiftcd of 700 large placards, benring ihe record of irantaaio-is in the Midland DiltriA, together wiih a fh-.rt fcddrcfs, which I conceived wairart.ibie by the damnable outages at Co-nwall, and clfewherc. Uefidcs ihrfe I had as ■•>-:,nt •Jtn wayward collected fonie anxibaiit- ; the plan* t»f operation were qt'ick'v foiiKd, — the bla'kn filled Up,and evny man'4 .jeftir.v decreed. My veteran w-i* <*ef- matched as far as Glengary, and bcin^ maiter of the Dutch language, f.mnd rhar Cryfler and VanKou^hnett, did ■ ot lead th'ir country<nen by the n(»fe io lardy as I had imagined : he alfo found that triy C*>untrymen in Lancaster auJ Charlottenburgh, wee petting wide a- wake } and. that even ta Cornwall the enemy weak and loiing ground dai- Iv '7* While thf Hand-bit's were rireuTat- injr, 1 made an excursion to the nevr Pi-r'h lettlcment, which I had molt rai- v.u'ely tsamtnea twe've months ar o—a feulement on which g ^emmeut hn- ex- pf'ded a valt deal ot money, with little confiderationf either for the true happi- neU oft! c people, or the ultimate ob¬ ject in view On the 2?\y 1 met the people of Kttley : on the ajdtthnfe of B.-lla»d, and the rear of Leeds & La.ida- down : on the 24th rhofe of Y«'ungef ironr and tear ; and on the morning of ihe 2',th was wrrh my friends of Au- ^viila. Here I found the fot.owing printed bill thick up. MR. JONES, MFMBER tOR THE COUNTY Ot Grenvillk, Requclls the good «nd loval inhabitants of the Tnwnmij of [ 4ugutta>t0 meet him at Mr.lfa.ic H ird'a Inn, in stugusta, at \'i\r, in the morning of Thursday n:xt, at which time and place he pledge* hi uCdf to ollci good reatoiis for not fiviii■•<? »ne propoi •■! Petition of r. GouRLAY,to l he Pit IPCS RkGSVT- Atigotta, June 23, 18 1 K. 'i'ht puople here llftened fc* me for nearly three houra, wi h 1; uch atren- tion, and 1 had the Mitisfa«ft>oi. t » think that the gieat majority 'i them v.rrc Well fdti lied. Mr. Jones followed n>p in Ipeikinr and reidnio a f ci \\ ,n to the Allen biy oi Uprcr Canada ; hi.t 1 heard no good reafona given auainft ciors> You mull remembei \u>w much 1 prc*- f;d everyone to j'.in me in petitioning the Aifembly while it <wjsJilting ; Out 1 ow wc know not when it 1* to lit. I ltd ihe people of Augulla that they mi^ht fafety fi^n both Petition* ;— ours might have a reply Enghnd in 4: or 5 month**; while th..t from VIr. J.'.ieh was n t likely to he hcud even m Upper Canada, for twice th it period. My tune being expired, I had to h"r- ry on t'-r J dutllown, having a prom.'e tiom fofne ot the people :hat they would jgoO'i with 001 hufinefs. The Lawyer I and P' ietl however occupied the people's] m aitcntioti with finning ihe Petition to r-he r\flemb^y, &c tiM ihe meeting gradual¬ ly dilptrfed without taking tr>ejfu»e*ac- c ifding to our recommendation* ; a:id 1 wa» told that many who wett molt x-alou* in gettiniT fiijnature'* to Mr. Jones's petitio", IlufFtd with grievance** were tbofe who had moll loudly Vcxrifo- ratedagainft that to the Prince Kegenty on the pica that there were no grievances to redrefsm At Ji-hn(lown a new fcene was er- hihited. 1 had juil entered the Inn Y.i'd> and was watering my horfc w'v\\ a bucket by the well, when a perfon a . colled me from behind, a id pulhing for¬ ward one of the large placards, afked me ii I was the author of it, which I immediately acknowledged. Before I could get rid ol the bucket, (eve*at blows were made at me with a Itick.ard, • n turning round, I round my fell in ihe: f midrt of about half a dozen people llnig- gling on all tides. Getling out oi the riot as quickly as poffible, and, Urange to liy, without hurt, I caPed upon thole who might know the characters engag¬ ed (for, totally ignorant of all prcfent, I could not diltinguilh friends from fo. %) to endeavor to keep the peace, but in vain. The lighting party tumbled a- bout, got into the Houfe, continued fomc time in the hall, and finally in k*ve i>f the rooms. I was informed that the perfon who had firfl llruck me was 1 >»n- can Ftafer, juilice of the Peace ; and I svaa moll PSlppy toobierve that though he, and thole in hi* py*j>, were t ti;i/ inierdible of ihe outrage agalnlt ti.e laVv and decency, that the mats n| ihe peo> pie could behave lifer men, and ha th- edtiue BrittOl fenumcn:s. *' It mce is any thing wrong" lard they ' h -ve not wc the ;aw to d. ctde ?' —" cotn* l-'-t [many fmall hand bilU of invitation to fo« habitants of Townll^ps with blank 1 pa- . c« for the mfe..!oM of places and timet the man >p«k fcj himW -> cl 1 «£ meetine. We reached the centre of hear wha he na; to .ay , and fo b. t. ; k£S3U« by ihe »oth, and hav 0 «wfm** *Hh wh, h we g , i*, iS^nnohetrf on both Uces, b, the||fta f ,Ue, wd 1 L^au, a. «u.,. ii i 1-* ^1

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