ar-* f .t riot, to k jfttriiflalhai! frw-fc .. XXt ^ ..-.eai to anfwe: to thm 7 m c ft<f« .iti.rt fr ai ho- for v.*» J- biflwft taken at KcU kt'vt r, wh h die, Jaifc uwpihowmeHt, conirer- fiou of ptoperty, refifboct to the fteriff, J and nbftruCtloo of julticc, («i very! trtdhij! Hemes V5i. Subfci'bc-. but th'H j fc;.u begins, and worfc remains behind) ; m -x they we»c not therefore the famei change* *< thole upou which the Earl and bi« followers wc*C held to bail here ! a* is affeued, With regard to the; amount of that hail, ( LJ6ooO:) it is] Vt-rv far below the actual amount or at property embezzled and destroyed F .it William, and ten times told w uild I bv tnitafmall pinion oi the damages, hi-i Lordilup may be called upe.n to pay J tvuen the whed of retributive jnfHce1 comes rvUUd, Here again your fubferfbtr ihews lira contempt of the j'i iges of the bigbcll Court of criminal judicature we have, by uifidioufly l contrail ing this with the total amount of tie recognizance* taken f'orn all the' p..r ners and lei t*i>t$ of the North Weft i Co spat y lent d-wn eighteen months. a^'> ; 34 if the frivolity and falsehood of; the prep*.iterouii charges of high treafon, j ftvurder, 5c<. hr.mght again ft them, at j ii it period, under the difjrraceful abnfe! of fna^irterial authority then prafttfed, • were not fo notorious and glaring that; bone b«t a thoroughfeced partizan j would venture even to name them now : * and it is unlucky tor a former part pf j his argument, that in that cafe, the; parties were b-und over in Montreal to • appear in Upper Canada, or any where ' el'e where their trials might be brought forward ! Your column* have been fo much take" tip of ^te with this fubject that an a- o:ogv i' due to your readers for the j extent of ihefe renia kst of which you ; •enp they no doubt think there h quartum I jujf, and Which therefore arc ^[continued. now Fon the Kix.sros Ga/.ktte. GOURLJy*$ CILlflJCTER, Fully K\!»usli>. WHAT a fu- is here about the character of Mr. Gourla* ! Gracious li.'avcu ! niu.->t Upper Canada *o to Gourlny in the true spirit of riiilan- thMpi ha* uratui?ou>ly preached to a- wak< n yon to a M-nse of your be>t iti- t. iv-is. The other preachers have ett- rjeavoured to shut your e>es to them, and lull you into a state of apathy ;— their pra. !iiiii;s have been mostly made upof in* ctive.s against the thar- jii-trrnl'Mr. Gout I ay, they have not preached either for) our instruction or amusement, but solely to ruin Mr. (*. in vonr estimation, and thereby render abortive his excessive labours frr vonr welfare. Th"\ say he would Watt you all asfrav, but they do not point out to you xchcrcin his doctrines are fake ! They say he wants to pock¬ et yoarDollars^butthev do not attompl to prove that he has ever before rob¬ bed the Public ! They say he is sedi¬ tion , but do not develops his seditious practices ! thai he is an innovator, but do not set forth his heinous pro¬ jects for the h provement and meliora¬ tion of society ! A revolutioni*t—but d " tiot tell you what revoiutiot»S he has instigated ! I'^'v say he is a pend- .hrif;. but Catiadiana th-\\ do not shou that he has s-ponl any of t/!far mow) ! They say he is needy, but they evpr»*<- no «orrow4 no concern that such a man >|i'Mi|d be in need ; neither have th^v relieved him. Xo. they PXultingly tell vou Uiat lie is needy. u Now there are Faith. Hope and Charily* but (lie sreati-sf 0f th -o is Charily." Thex say he is an adventurer. Yea Canadi¬ an-, he is a bold <ue^ he has nobly ad¬ ventured in jjoitrca-ise, -ecend hiiti tiki men, and * QCeess is certain. Tle-y stfj hi' want* to alienate the affections c1 a fi-'yal and h»j>py f>eople, but ihey do not >how v*fty which of his words or ac¬ tions have any such tendency, and they perhaps Forget that you have heard 'he strains of enthusiastic Loyalt) tii tt have Ho wed from his soul inspiring V**i\. Th'*v say he is a visionary enthusiast, bill tiie> do not expose to you any ot his cunning stratagems to effect impos¬ sibilities ! Th<'y say he is a suspicious ch-traf ter. but «ive no instance of his double dealing ! Canadians tell the**- Preachers that uufil they can brin^ /'/"oe/.v, instead of idle asseriions and malignant insinuations they had better 0 •XO and rni! in the Dcwt. T«II them that a Hock of sheep has always mod the Dogs or o the l>wil if Air. (rour- j ■« ,■ ttr i t , ^ j • r fci,Ai v of good Dogs to gnftrdit Irom Wolrcs. liiy he nor proved an infamous follow rj .., ?, , , . ,. . . * ', .. ; ., ., M w, .* I ell fh"m that ^oo»l decretion and ra- i j ii possible that there can be no oth¬ er expedient found to re cue thi^ fine portion of th* world from decay aud Twin, tlinn to heap calumnies on the Kip upon it ! Fi'* upon it ! Cannd>ans, the destinies of your Countn hang not upon the character o* Mr. Gourloy, no—tiny hang upon the character of its Government. The character of Mr. Gourlay concerns no- Ifody b\i> himself, and his immediate connections, therefore need not, and ought not to be canrasbed by the pub- He, but the character of the govern* ineut concern- exevy British subject in the world. afd on^ht at all times to be risfidly examined, and severel) criticis- tional judgment are by no tneanf-in- co: i lafible m ifh ^enuiii" h-yalty, and thai constant brawlers about their own loyalty and want of it in others, aie j^eiierallj m their own hearts, didoval J to th^lr God, to their Ki'ij;, and to their Couutn, and mind livthing but lh° loaves aud fi-hes, of which you Hie nor without BOol£ notable iu-iaii- C6S- C'aeadians, U-t this- immutable truth sink deep into your hearts,—that that it is easier to drive oppression from your Threshobh titan front )our Chiinnt'Jf-corwrf!: if it only attempt ! to peep in at your -door, scourge it howling from thence and drown it in your Lakes. Persevere then in the tittnth* Defendantsicmu nnt im^t ,0 . 1>llt lit- f-niilJ notartomp.Mi (h.5i ^mm pwuy* Npou Ibe record a»rm.i1fs (>/- ^ Cvlmi„n, purposes and tnlcntttn* ; „iC iru(h 1(f „,|ich a Vermont, are fads »luet; ,|t. n,||M MlabUs& at the trial, oi fell in h.s IHo.^ution, It is th province of ih^ Jury, « [)(l aro f|lfV heM j,,,^. ofthestairoi thenanoq, alK, tiUMn0M a.vMl> interested in ii.-' P'e^r\.t(i0U tlf (ls rr&nqu|}i iy, to say, t»y (lieirverdf^ wht.,hrr rIll, j,.^,,. ifaots acted frompr'nicjjj|0, oi (,llh|}r spiril> and far iIip mpp«"t '»i &tm& gn^ernuunt, o- joiigfttsediiKMw-iy »»» rf,?furii u. The one c tbeofberof these object; WOfljj ^ collected, ta the trial, fmm the r.^uhict of tbie i>et>nc»- antfi in munitioning tiic o«vuiig and the pur- pOsefl of i: when wet- Ii itu: Jury saw n*:wnff fmm t|lP evidence* n> Uililk mat to objects, fanyevet1 coloured by expressions the uiosl §<iaf^ an<j l^al, Were in effect, and intended u, \iey ,,ibver^v*' ofgA- venuneiii and order, <>r<-a'ci.laird io stir uj ii-conieai. uiiiioui ad> ^nate uhjcCUi <<• vindi¬ cate the active atrrnrioy of?he public, thc\ kvould he lioiiinl, id coiiv,eniSr and In law, \o convici tiiem; but it", on rhr other fitttid, ilieir i-oiiduetappeared to Iv indicated h\ public !an^'« or aece^iry,dir<rted to legal obj"CM of ref 'iinuion, a -united !»> a laudable /.-*al lor ilietionor'and p'asiferitvofitieuatlou. then no departure from ttccuatomed forms in !'>>' iii'tnu. r t.j (tiicnthhrtf^ iwi' any mtorrect ex* pTc*§fjj). in iff d $cripl'of\ ,,j th ir object uon d •li'iif o. even ju-tif\ aj" v io concici thna hs haeiJer» of the Goveranenl, or disturbers ot he peace« To cini-tiiutea le^al ei(iitr,e of either of these alF**nee*, tlieCrotvai a& |in*ni«e auaervedj inusi iver thecriuiinal Imeutr.Mi, which i- die e*- *»*nce of ever) crone ; ,,nd the-e averment* tnitsi he either p.r»ved a. ihe trial, or, if io ho inferred p.-hnajadc fron tin* Facta ihein* i»e-, ina> he rebntted by evifence of the Dcfcad- •>Ut*d iniior.-iit piopo en. Ifthc criminal in- ni Cliarg-Nl bv thf into-nai on \u- tior fMab- i'blii'd to »he siiisfacnoii-if the Jurj, ii ■ lutbr- nailou which chn4^e>itis no: rruej a:»i he* are 'iomio! ui-a> -o. l»v a verdic rfucqaiuab The etcclletice oi'the Lii^Vuh iio- .e* Dili* Ml I C«n ti fits in :hc rjfflli of heillff j*ld£ h\ the country. In evefj criminal cas<f,a:ul hy t*xed nia^i iraie apuiiotcd hy the Ciown. In the higher order of crWi s, ihe peoplfi alone Iran HCcuse,and withouttlltfirleave liisi.titc'ly I i-xprc-sed In 3n l:ele~i'U"iit fo'tqd before them* no radii can becajtially .in a ^iiedj anil in all the le»-er "ii*leiii;i..ors i\?i]Ch rithei ihr Grown or »--divniuah burfow{ifj£it<aMtliuF^ n\\ may proisecatc, rh« »afeiy of nidividual- aud the public 6 ■edom^-olatriy depend np- onihew'll kiA-'ii, in u«inoiial I'lgttt of e.- eryrlffeciL'int lotliriui fcmtisflt' pm lii- rona* try for deliverance, by ft* general plea of— no-jTinllv.— Hy thai plru, whuii in no -uch rase can hedeniinTi'd io kg the Crou n, oi cjue&- tor>rd liv i»-judges, t!»<- whole ctmfge cotnej before Ihc jury »ii ihe fj'uerai issue, who have a jurisdiction i"tj-rxte..-o«' wild the arrival ion, the ivxi^lrnr-of nhirh. mi rvei v iDetance, the amhoriiv of the Conn rni neither limn, su¬ percede, control or p; n ^*. It i> -ullieo nt for me i» have eiveo /on inv jiidpiieiii, ;i*a lawyer, iooii lio Ii yonr ques- ion-; v#-f. as I op i its <il ;>olir\ can iicmt be rnUptaeei*, when uiogi^ates are *aexercise a ■ U-rrc iooai > mil Inn (; v. I ranno! . . 1|> COncllN hni; (VI lb an oh.-iva* on. which heih ihe (town aud ii^ ( ouns «lV«vuld do wed io attend u, upon every occasion, Tii;' trnai r»hji'CliofcT*JninatjiiMice are re Ibiion .on noil t'Yanipl hte n -i»: • i ot" them a •• to h* j'rodi'ced hv pn.iehm ne \\\\ ■*»• ?.'S/* • ■ - w ill not warrant. On 'he eonirm v, thet Convert the ollender into a aufterhu* patriot ; aud thai r.'ime. .*h ch would Hity^ h.-en uhaor- red tor I r uial^ail*, and the COUtUtf*Of| nt whieh would io,ve hern e.Tin^;iUl,ei| l»\ a Itf- ^<tl i>iosecniittu, nniic-ait oijtired naiioii under ;h»* banners of the criminal, io [noted the greal rijhttfcOf thect>mmuti"ty, wlncn, in In* per.-ou. have h-en rndan^'r d." i or Tin; mm; ros gazktte. ftftrj to this the fuhjeft 19 now Jtfcety to] a3jir<i ; b-u I fntwit^ with »he ufrn0ft be brought. The procef* may give much perfonal trouble to me ; but the country will receive benefit by the agita- tion of Inch quellionsi and the full de- vclopcment of truth. All the way up to Brock ville, which T reached by the 9th June, more and more information was afforded me, and the fulled conviction took hold of my mind, thzt evert to that place, a corrtf pondence and fvmpatby liad exilled a m-'ng our enemies. So early as the 29th May, on which day I departed from Johnllown downwards by the fiacre, aftivc operations auainft our vie«M liad been eomm-nced by the enemy ; out or whom had followed clofe after me in a little one horfe waj>|Jon, aud putted down the advertifeoienta put up ?' the taverns, before the parte with which they were (luck. ui> was dry. Paffion proceeding from various points and from van rtlfl unhallowed feelings and defires, had tended to ft lengthen outrage ; and at no point—from n« .vd 1(0" bid a he is represented, and that is bad indeed, for sointf $&y lie wants to pockot ;tll the subscribed Dollars, some Si\. he is seditious, u. principled, an innovatet) a revolutionist, a spend¬ thrift, weedy adventurer, one that wants to alienate the affections of a Loyal nnd happy people, some say h-x is a very suspicious character, and \* rite pages to make himapwar so, and some ^3y he is a vis:onar\ enthusiast, and publish the same in Hand Bills. Let him bo all this* and more, ua) let him be the vilest compound that (rod ever permitted to tread the earth in ltmnae. form, still il he preach Right- €Qi/st'ess+ let him be heard. Cunadi- »nh il his example be bad, follow it not, but if hi- precepts be ILdij, chcr* i-h them in j ^ur hearts, not one of von **vou!d hesitate aboot receiving a %fioA j Crutltea irom a bad man, then why fear in take jjn'rOd rotMi-el from one ? Von all cm rtfftd tvhal Mr. Gcurlay w rites, and Idaresa) can judge almost as v\el| is Mr.WhatS his name that writes a- f&m t him. wh ther he he right or wron^, it is. true you cannot all jud^e as i*j tii*- truth 01 the lacis he asserts, rhat lies upon him to prove hereafter, bit > on can all judge of the priucipl h 1 Mr. GO UR L A i *$ Letter continued Jf'>„i ouruisL Kingfton, 29^0 June, 1 8 18. On my approach to Cornwall, on the 5th j- ne, 1 had intimation of ftrange pre.eedin^s kvhich Ind gone 00 there, and in the nru'hb-nrhood, the day pre- cheerfulnef<i in the full h »pc that what, ever misfortune it msy bring upt,., mc a» an individual, it will eventually for. ward the great caufe iu which we arc embarked. That the libel w:;h which I am charged a-; the pnblilhcr iaGontaio. ed to the Addrvfs to Hk Royal HtVh. nefs the Prince Regent I have 1^0 doubt and I may rail to mind how openfo^. how deliberately—4lOw dilpaifi, iidiety that add re fa waa confidered wrhen jn manufenot, befoie the iifieeu Rcprcfcn- tatives «.f the Tovvolhips of Niagara Dit tri& aftembled at St. CatheMi"8 on the 4th of May latt ; and with what (till greater attention and care it was fcanncd c>*er, fentence after fentence, by.the Committee, next day, both in my pref. ence and when 1 was required to with- dra*v, that the Committee rpight there¬ by be free from delicacy tu maki'ig their remarks and amendments. la fhort, if ever any production was that of a body ot men tVmly met to coufider of their IconHitutfonal rights and ad upon them worthy feeling or deilre can a rational ) in lionelly 3r pure intentions, t! 11s Ad.liefj is one ; and a* luch it mint be defen ied. 1 (ompofed it to exprefs- SM nearly as p fiible the prefent feeling of \he people • f l_V per Canada, and were I tocompoJc jr a^^in I would not mince its declara¬ tions for they are true. In defending them I (hall a flu me high grounds. We ate entitled to ;'u fo, ami to delcend one lt< p wi 1 be giving up all —No my woj« t y Friend^ n.-t aniwh of the ground wa. Hand upon mud be given up, for, rove up th it inch and a new fcrtes of years of humility and degradation nodi mark the hiftory of Upper Canada* For unci let us, by firm conduct, maintain the la* — fly in the face of arbitrary power- mark, with due reprobation, rhe ne^lrdt of mimfters, and then we mav exreftlO enjoy 1:01 only peace but profprrity,— then we fhall no longer have need to ap¬ peal to our Sovereign for redieMj ■»> lers will refped ihc laws, and, wcil ad- minillercd la*^*, will iufnre refpect from the people, fo their rulers. Some of the belt informed people of this place have told me that they thlnfc Ilagermao* the agent in this bufmefy,ca¬ pable of taking upon him to order the anelt without any pofltiv5 authority from the Attorney General. TIih H^ german in brother of the petulcnt fcJlow who cue fuch a 6gure at Kinrd 'i ^rn» and of another wht t I am toM. wa«» ma f years confined in the Staten ptifo" foi fo»- gery, now reported t h*- Iv" -^ i hwj for ill thi» I am of 3 . ilf": -rr > *• >' Whm 1 w.-otc my tscnm\ in . . t.} 'he:e!-ucnr I.Ail%x j'vncr ,fV ;,,rCait. aaa 1- the tetfitujVg f Feb. .i-Vy U\\t tat HoworableWm Dicfcibn who wa§ fo weii pWafed w»tb h as to offi me 500 acres of land, for the good it was Mhly to produce to the Province, hh\t tlljt if the peop'e ii. York would now but arreft me, the hufmefs would br comp!<tc,|. Unfortunately they did not then tin', k »t prudent, although to a ce«t*inty that Addrefseo laincd matter aa lihelloutsm that for which 1 pretext for rhe act*irs or their aiders and , abettors be found. From the com¬ mencement of my writing on public to¬ pics in Canada, I have never been the; Jirjl to offend ; nay, it is well known to j you, that Fur three months after my fir4 j efTay, while 1 had not yet named a fin- ode individual rcTulent in this Province With djTrefpect, I bore all forts of per¬ fonal abufe without deigning to reply. When I did find it neceiTary to go into action againlt public men and meafuics, 1 Itruck hard, not in anger, but in du¬ ty ; and, for the eauf- of truth alone. At this moment I am perfectly convin¬ ced that nothing lei's could have aniwer- cd the puroofe. There was a fpecies of morbid de ay and cortuptioo fait rooted in this Pr vince, whicn mild treat- ment could not reach ; and, without harfhnefs there was no poiTthility of put- ; tuiiJ dnWn the clamour of fools. iVy C irit is the very oppofite of what many little minded people have Imagined. 1 am a lover of peace aud retirement—an admirer of all that nature places befoie us to lead on to harmony and good or¬ der. In my boyhood my chief delight wis found among the flowers of the field and in the unbounded confidence of warm heartid companions. Alas ! how glad (h nild I be. did the ftetn duties of mat hood yet fuffer mc to indulge my felf with thrfe ' On my pr lent journey I have not br-cii acting for myfclf. I undertook the b/ifi^fs i^ft r,l),; MiiUZJWMi C-tf'rt»-«iIftn<!, *■'■*!. [what I undertake I fluil never trifle jwirh. 1 have circulated the pamphlets laud papers entrufted to my care below j Lake Ontaric), as othet f»ur peilbn* i fetit tu the Weltern, I^mdon, Gore, the Midland and NewcaiHe Dill rifts haw been charocd to do. N^t a partitle ot refoonfibility for what is contained in thel'e pub'ica'.ions attaches to me more th in to th'-'jlands beflde>, who have a. dopted their principles and given them j circulation ; but in Brockvllle—in Au- jgt'fta—in Cornwall, and eJfewhert, per. fonal pique; ignorance, contumacy, and revenge have (hired up a holt again!! me. In the publications of Niagara Diftrhft, all is open, frank, liberal and plain, yet mah'nnaut and n;>charitabl it is liiat(lln,..»Q.,||jnxfI.,l, ;o focafc out theh dl(-,ll(l ofl liooti .*• hn'h is now working your ex- M ■ .... —because thefe grovelling wretches nc- foared int.* the tegious of benevo o fcishe* to in: ulcite : hifi main <ne . ■>•• Imv a ii.;ht to petition yr-tif Prince for a redress of grievan¬ ces,—s-pi a ct to do-ibt this and w • v; (Ii -ir douhtsalara* the ■whole land. I rtill only j:?at ob&erve, th rjii people of ESnglaud have this H' tf, afuj it you have it not, the soon- er %«u procure it for yonr,velTes the brttft) for they u\u*t be scrry Dogs v. I. : il.ire rtul i i v nut w h^n tltey are iv"-i'..-d. Cuuattia '•*, .Mr. Goorla) ha* uow pi.-ncn d a good while to you and rii».i) !.i\i: )t: .: h/ ,1 a.aiii t".,itn ; now judge of the frwo preachings Mr. EXTRACTS FR'ttM Av OPINION OF LORD RtlSKtVB. l*T«iripa'r a » a'i# al f"'l< eanoa, amort*$; n free people, already eoverin*d U\ n'presen- ta inn, eaa nev 'r he. htuIxf all rJrcuinxlaneen, a crime; (U< ubject» nfsucli delo^attoo, a.ul ihe p*:rji«*i'>«f timse nrho»eek to* ITeei ir, ':.ii al.ihc<li■■• -iT.iiii" tin* quality nfthc act, and the z nil or iniM erui'i- ofihe Hciors. If i* point- tim ma>if>r i*p»u wUiit n«M*i*s?itv) i<i sapor-'de ur tticonrtol die cxbtiug -nver'n- nie".'. it ii selfovidrnt, ibat i' e;uuinl be toh-ra¬ ted hy its Ian*, h n.av br a glorious rc\uln- tinn ; but it i-» rebellion t!)P goveru- tiUsat ui-.irh ir rh;i; »:•>. —h,o,i Ut#* othei hand, i rXtenrl y.o f<Tt|,e than to speak \\Uh eeiv tamt\ tiie united voiri* iif-ih'1 Tialion io its re- |ir*».# niatiM*.-, w.i noul u.iv derogation oftheii legislativeavtlion \ and di-rretiun. ittiale^ jjal proci'.-diiig, wiurii o.i^tu riol hidc-ed io he lijrhth eitie^'aiMed, but nbrelj mariv nadouuJ jcoiyiMicture maj nuulrrui eandiiecessaey.* Tlir Attorney General miglii 'uidoubtedly, conven cu<' Cue** cnu ained in rhr arfida\i., ili- io h legal cliarj^e ol'a lu^l. m: • lemeonoi; » bicli when pitjpr.itypui into il,*' fprm oj'au u.tojmu- * I In* ease in w.iirh F.urd Rrsfeinr gave llii* •ijniiHin, w«- o:i-'oi'a d Creation lorpeiitionius Parliaiaern Tl"» reaMMii ,g i- appucable to a simllai deb gatiwi tbj he |r«trpo*ff at pelltioa- Uig ihe King«» i^rlno- Etcitec-t, an a -. iject withii. hi< ron^ti -I'lonal power to aAbrd re- -Ires-; micIi, lor u—aae • »* '!ir P ». »»n p-o- it/».# A liv Mi ';»«",;,-,% m nil 4»n%i fiura "fcau\ trutt that coail'ence,alone,will ("on ear¬ ly her point- When a number of men conlpire rogethcr for wicked purpofes—: ac-t in concert—have the hardihood to | publiih their fentiaicnts and proceedings j —by mutual fupport fnporefs the in-1 fluences of conlcience. and by uoify tri-1 umph carry along with'hem thcthought- lei^ maititudci loeni aflive mcafu'es are will rage in anger, aud drag u» down to their hellifh abodes. On the i i th June I returned to Kings¬ ton ; and here occurred the moH impor¬ tant event or my J0tfm< y—an occurrence demanding the moll ferious attention of every man of Upper Canada, who boall- of independence. Sitting after dinner wnh i fume friende at our Wine, the day of • my arrival here, I was called out and ar- fo Uncd by pity towards the ^tnfty, but alarm focitty againII the dange*on« to* roadb ofJiardencid vice an I immof di y. I The fpeech which was read IO ihc training meeting in Stormont, atvd el(e- wl»eus now puldilhed in the Herald, and which 1 have defirtfd to be infer ted in the Niagara Speftato»'i info mous as it IA gives but a faint idea of i it* ItfU Mill Ot i" -»i|i!i(Mil( a dl -*'. :uo" *»*' »;«• priT*C' !<■ ii .'*;. . >-a*inpneul io hjoi rortheeaerciaeof laav&iuhoricv and diaere- ,ion. Warrant by the authority and vnd.-r the di- nfftm of the Attorney General, through the ' QgMty "f Mr. Hagerman, and on the Oath of Mr. Mites the Printer. With the- declaration, and bail to the amount of £?\ooo being required and given, the af¬ fair wiils foi iffiie at the tuxt Kingthni ^flizes : the [flTne v%ill declare the" fate of'hi. country for years to come—if it is the filthy fcotimct. nf its pruW*ato-% I J' 'ab°ur **f *« M rv.iltra.ion of 01 ,f their wo. Ii than filthy ad- The ,(^>or qunkly . .(c, by its own manly ipnit. to that dignity which the fined I Province, under Brhith dominion, ought to maintaiu. prc/pbanity of Chryflcr, the 'Vlcnober ot Affcmbly, with the profs ai.d black- [guard i mJuc't and deii^mi *f [ v.-iai> f Itht ft tends and r.upil1 »f I)r St^riehatr, cau only be b«W«/ved when rroved w.ih ! all tl:: Solemnity of a courtyf juilicc, i |i»jf tidily auj aijtiiM^ciiicaL uf my p.i^aii. To me thi. orcunence U mod fetloutr It drry •,? , j rMy ,/a„ . or* retUloifli» t ii or wnicfi I am now to be tried. In that cafe t had offered to prove the truth of what I aliened before the barof Parliament. Truth proved hefore a uu ry of independent men, I trull, will ren¬ der our atfettioofi equally fare. It haa been faid .hat the greater the tru:h th.-. greater the libel ; but there i« a mighty odd* between truth wantonly told to uli: injury of an individual, and thofe great truths which mud be told to fupport the dignity of a mffgoverr.ed people, aud ai a protclt againft tnfultcd bwa—truth told by one and truth told by thou. fands—truth buiding from the honora¬ ble feelings of a loyal people—truth which ought not and cannot be Conceal¬ ed, When the Hoir, William Dieksou returned frvinthe Parliamentary ^es^iouin York ai.d had reaped io be mv frrend, thru I h**a»'d lie wa-aiixioa> iu have me anvj^d fiounHilVferU motives from those nhieh two months b^furt hart nrnirred to him—I hen, \ he»rdvli*u*j?lr-rrat« id Colonel ClauMo arresi m" tor m\ addre^ ofitievd Xpnl ; In.i (ol. ( laus, itua-aid, very praden l> iWH<*rf, Mn- D. \m iu!gHi as wrll do i. iinn 'il*. Mr. f). cro-sed w'nU me in the fttcairt-hoai 'a ; ami it does ai'/mi po.>ible lli.'ii, iijmui ih*8 addUiorad grnii,!!i .>i' ii:.- attd•*:->•* n> fjie Prime R*Sei'i. I'.ea ju-t pt.blb|f: d. he irutT liavrprexailed wuhtbeAtroriifry {> m-raJ who h«s the apprentice of lii> appr«ao)iec-his g-aiiiUo:. ih ir^al Prudbion—to uvurwa |mr.- cr detested by every good man ai ho-ittf—;,.;»; i>f proei'ed'uif bv an ejr-ojtivio prOee^, H lire, man iV- ;urrm, \ u.i-tole, aid thai he had had the Acornei 'fenenii'j a-i.n^'Vy 10 me fortnight* I'Cf.or lie had ct« d Mp- oa it ; 1)111 TortlliguU. even i/cff, a enuM not aa*eb'.'en, fin :,t thaidi ta:ue'H'liiiK^'M- Pain- plil'tsof the Niagara C^n«aaittec conia tot possibly liav«* li-rii srtii l>v i he Aitiui.f. »i*r»r- ral, even Hi V«ok ; and tiie e.irlii-:"iatellK could «-.a*e r.ome by ;ho *t uhieh hron^Ii me to Kims uin -?.:%. i .e iifo-Letof C.iief Ju-tiee I'owel. Row, if the jonver to arrest came at thai Sine, . -'i.i. j u- c> roufd have prompteddeUy } Wm i:<v >nt vfgunsiag* let us gnata^ Me, fJa^ei n ao im^iiC have been iii'tmcied thUK,**«se yuvr totier 1)111J III car of'tlir lust excnni \. \l 'viAir.iri .;.*( voar Ibo'hrror mini1 || lie/hlHi k£ .* A (il , ivolte AI . 'loMrtai Ifl =« h. »nJ „, a .i •, i),^ i!i ^raeeon hiseha;a',,i/a •! thi'.eh o*i-i .,!<• i viee.-of «»Mii#ir '4te |e»pce o mr»i «i d iCi Oh hh hi |notion ..»"».—It'i!ia fail* Mill i i' "• ae*'»di iu- in ■ ^ v! Hhiiid I*' I'M . i ii- *'i- Me:» • i.:i •- t. ,i.j i* j\* (.oiiu i-w tmUv* \t I* oi i.iStiV'N i;i » HOI oi<'»'| oil it.r .i / ap^wiutcd^iiucalaci*. Xa icr t.,c Joa»«.ovvi