Kingston Gazette, June 23, 1818, p. 4

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FOR SALE, H ONreafo:rab!c!c m-? that well known (land rbt a ravers), fhiutie*] in ihe Vilicjr* *f Prcic- tt, Lot* No 9 and « i, fn.iu,ii,» ihe King's Hivhway, and a large two dory framed Houle. wefl (in- •ifhe.i, with a large Kitchen in the rear, fiabliug for twenty fpans ot horfes, a fhed fev..*) feet Eongi 2nd a good houfe on til; -ear Lot, fi; for the accommodation ttf a nrfpe&able family. The whcAt of the building* thereon, being fiuilhcd in a workmanlike manner, and at pre fen t occupied by Mr. Alexander £■ McDon- ell, as a lintel. For furthri particulars, apply to the fubi'a iber«, or to Mr Alexander Mac- Douell, Junior, Merchant, Preicott, by Whoffi the terms mny be made known, a- »i an indiioutablc title and immediate poffelfion will be given, ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton^ jd Jan. 1818. jatf NOTICE. P A%rHERK\S, by the last Will Rags! Rags! HASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN R A (■"H any AT THIS CoW,J OFFICE. To Let. V \* and idbimer.t of the lat<* RICHARD MTTINSON, Efq. in his life time of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gillefuie, vViUiam Gilkifoo, and George Moffart, a-e jointly and Severally, appointed Sdnet?ry Legatees of his Ellate, and Executore of faid Will, I do liereby rcqueft all perfons having [claims up<n faid Eltate, to prefent -»e , fame ro me, duly authenticated, f**c jpayment; and all perfons < indebted jihereto, are required to pay to me the amount of theii refperiive accounts. Debts dye to faid Eltate in the province of Upper Canada or in the United States, oordering thereon* may be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand¬ wich* John A (km, and James Gordon, Efqrs. of AniherLtbtrg, or to either of them, they being duly authorized to receive the lame and pram acquittances. G. MOFFATT. Montreal* zoth March, i 818. 44V1 BLAyK Summonses Suispcer.a« and Executions, for the COURT OF REQUESTS, For Salrat this Office. 10 R TO LEt, FOR any terq, cf yem „ot ncrej in Fifteen on tn,- m0(l reafona- ble terms—That We]\ known valuable Kami 1.1 the publtc li„c, fitiiate on the pohu at Ganani>.llla- ancl reC(.nt\y occu. pied by Seth D<,vvns, together with the HoiHe, Barn, Sables, ' &c—For fur¬ ther particulate apply ,othc tubfcrtfeer. JOEL STONE. Ganar.vqua J<i„. 9, 181R. 33// Blank Assessment Lists, for safe at this- 0/}icc.—\\so, Arith¬ metical Tablvs, for the use of J^ NT) 'mrrediate pofTefSon given, th'. A HOUSE and | rem-ife*; in Stuart '*i!ic, hrcy occupied by Mr. Dalton. CtuaXvd-A-'liiu halt a mile of thti Town, tl favorable fit uation for a Gentlcinar Blid 'amity, and no lefs fo for .» piftflleT.-OT tmi Keeper. Foi further *|>anr-:'lar8 oiquiie • F ri<- fubferiber E. BARNETT, Kingston* Feb. 24., l8»8 4jtf V LiiJABLh LANDS FOR SALE. 31HF following Angularly dffirahle, and truly val- a*u ,and "iay be had, and immediate pofT'7* -. -riven. Aviih undeniable titles, at r »c. far belowthtfr rsal value ;and it U ShT ' :1' -m, even in a country fo rx tc/ve tit Canada. WneV€ uncultivated 1.1- "- way in general be Readily bb» tainr', x\\.ix fituationa Xo eiigibie and atvarjt?(*eouft, in jjood i7eighboui!iood8. Lot \. Comprifin* *?o Acres of th ▼n^ richefl Beech, Maple, Elm and 0:ik Land, in the 4th Conceffion of Ii*pe. lying upon Smith's Ceek, with 15 a-re* «*leared and fenced, new log- bo'jfe wel! built and do*e tai'ed, fruit tre«5. &c. with a mn'-ftntt between 4 inr 5 mile? from the Honri(hing little Town of Toronto, on Lake Ontario, wh r there U an exccllenr market Cither foi hnyinp or felling. The Land ir<.f 'he vew iir\\ quality, and in a goud pnpulous neigbbourhoodj farming ilrogeth**r a •!<-:(! defifablc refidence, witfii! ^ (hort mile of ihc great road be- tween Y«>ik and Kingfton- 2d. /©c Veres being Lot No. 1, in the ah Cone* fil »n of Hope, ajongfi.le the great road between Elope and Ha- ini'ro' leading t<» the new and floun'fh i.rj ft*.t?eme"t$ ofCavanand Monag*»an. cn the Rice Lake, in which more than 1J 50c f.-iKeta'd perfoos have a&uaHy lor;:; * ' ',r i fcareely five mile* from the T ) f Toronto, where there is a g • kftl ; it is in an old fettlement, a.. .;* - eighhorhood is popolous and exe»« « «i There are about 30 acres cleared and fenced, with a ftream of living water, and the greater part of the I ■• :' r-ffunerior quality, the reft good Meadow y. mo Acres, occoppying neaily 00V e it "re fi-le of the Oannan-jque Lake, in the ^ownlhip of South Crofljy, Dis- Xxi& ' f fohnftowRi Confiding wholly of bioken f.ontj, the b^ck parts extending tr the road from the Rideau Settlement V K inpfton, from which latter place it isican-elj 30 miles diltant The Land GANANOQUA Store & Mills. CHARLES McDOlM.D having taken hi* brother "John Me Don ahL into partncrQiip, iht bn'i'ief* in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the fiim of C & j. McDonald, Who keep for fale a general affort- ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARD 7VJ RE, CROCK .RY, and moft articieft enquired for at a C-Min try Store, which they offer low foi C»&| Saw-Log*, Square Timber, Stave*. PotaffiCJ., and molt kind* of country Produce. They have a good Grift and :<»w Mill in full operation—ran Manufn-t me FLOUR, uqual CO any Mill in iht j Province; thev wi1! fu;iplyordn« foi Sawed timber of almuft any defcriptioi. at (hort Notice. c 5e j. Mcdonald. AlTthofi indebted toCha»!ss Mcl^\n. aid, whv»ic accounts have hee<^me due, ai*e requefled to to make immedi¬ ate payment, THE SUBSCRIBER, 3EG8 leave to inform hi^ friend?. &- tlv: public generally, that he 'has removed frcm hi1* former ftand to tthe [hoplatdy occupied by Jonas rtbbuli gj Co. near the Market Place where hr has now on hand, a general aflbrimcnt of NEW IRONMONGERY STORE. John Watkins, JO ESPECTFULLV acquaints his Ot friends and the Public in general, that he has opened a wholefale and retail riard.vaie Store, at the (land for¬ merly occupied by Meifrs. H. W. Wilkinfon & Co. Main Str&t, and from the arrangements he ha«^ made, will have ccr.ftantly on hrr.d, a general afforiment o» H 1 KDW&REj Cutlery, &c. which :*e will be enabled to difpofe ©f for C ;fh, it approved Credit, at nearly the Prices ; among which are the following, viz : Englifh and Sweeds Iron, Crowley and Bliiler Steel, Wrought and Cot Nail?, Trace Chain?, Shtet Iron, Horte Shoes, Frying Pans. Sh vel» ?nd Spades, Plough Moulds, Hollow Ware, Grindflones, ChKfels and Gouges. Locks and Hinges, Files, Knives and Fo*ks, Pocket and Pen- knives Fifh Hooka, Brafs Cocks, Brufhes,hammers, Augurs, <aws, Planes, Tea Trays, Stampt and Cart bralV Cabinet Ware. Wire, Tin Ware, Pin? Needles Fowling GunsBrafs Kettles &c. *c. He alfo offer« for fale a fmall affort- ment of Crockery and Glafs Ware. Kingfton. 30th March, 1818. ^tf 7IO R fale at this OBct-~$i/faJard Rules for the Game of IVHI ST__ by Bob ^ho%.t. 45 F Removal. Seott &MfcOee, S&rgeotts, Chemists & Druggists^ Tf jf AVE removed to the Storeiately I Jj II. occupied bv Taylor & Pirker. jltMiarc nearly oppofite Moorc'a CofTte h nf-. between Mr. Palrirk Smyth'** Crockcv Store and the Cuflom H'.ufe ofRce. Tlic ulual attention will be paid to every branch of the Profcffiou. They have nn hand a general afT-Tt- mentof DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDICINES and OILS; ACIDS and every Chemical in ufe. Kingston, tyh May, 1818. 5otf Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Which he will fell on the m »(t moderate term*. To let, the fhop lately occupfr-d by the fubferiber, and pofleffion given iim mediately. SAMUEL SHAW.. Kingston, 5/A Jan. I 8 18. 32 FOR SALE 5 v fo »d and well timbered, and the fit at •» fingolatlybeautiful and roman¬ tic 1 wkh vf« oded ifland* in from. The above L.inds are particularly 1 deferving of notice. The Btuations Were chofen by a competent judge, and ^hey will be UM remarkably cheap, the proprietor wffhing to concentrate hib force- in another quarter. For further particulars, apply to R. C. HORNE, Efq. York ; C. FOTH- EFGILL, Efq. Toronto j WM, H A- WILTON, Efq Kindlon or Prefcott; orr-> «H .W .\ R.'.iOUR, Efq. Mon¬ treal. April 1. iQi8. 47t " i O LET, ND p<>fl' Oion given on the firft of I N ) next, the J.oufe -md cemi- ft at pr.ient occupi-d by Do£toi Ged des- ir >ei" g a Double Houle, it will fcc let feparately or together. Apply l? the Jointer ' Jbty4to*> i'cih A^til, 181% tfif\ For Sa. ; at thii Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins. current in the Province of Upper Carta da. jILSQ* FERGUSON'S Improved Tab!- of the value of Grain; cf Gold Coin, 1 ?er or under weight. THAT beautiful and very valuable Fa^m, filiated upnn Point Pleafant, in Atary'bnrch, containing 200 acres, beinjs L .ts No. ?8 and 19, call p of the Rock ; there are nearly 100 acres under good improvement, and 73 bearing) apple and Pear tree?. For particulars enquire of Mr. Walter M'CnnifTe, merchant, Kfngfton, or Mr\ Wm. Ben .piker of Maryiburgh. If Having bten informed that Aaron has been trefpaffing, by curting tirnbefi throwing down my fences, ano rutting cattle into my encJofurc ; now I htrev v forbid faid Conner taking away thv timber he cut—I alfo forbid all and rvery perfon or perfon« to aid or affiit faid Conner to xrork or take laid timber a way, nor purchafeit of him ; if they do, the)' may exped to be profecuted as the « aw directs. JOIINMcBEAN. Marvfturah, I iRrS.C j and for fale at ti"- A fJS r receive Office, price 7\d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESS ATS o„ PR ACT1CAL HUSBANDRY, AddVefled to the Canadian Farmers.- ByC. F. Grece, of Montreal. November 14. ^2 March JR. J8i8.§ 44tf BLANK BAIL BONDS. For sale at this Office- Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Penfion BLANKS, For fale at this Office. Notice. 1 ALL pevfons indebted to tVeEftatt of the late Jarr^s Camming^ late of Hallo Well j dtceafed, are requeued to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. JaMfs McOrkgor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallovv- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againlt the faid cflate, are defired to prefent tnem for adjuflment. The Hock in Trade of the deceafVd, confiding of a very complete aiTortment of Good*- well laid in, and very ftiftable to the Country, is now felling off at pth eefl fo low, a* will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHNCUMMING,\- WM. MfTCHFJLL, J £-xccl,tor8 Kingston, OS 27, 1817. 32 I I *V J FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE WAGGON, PERFECTLY new— l.ikewife, a fevi- thoufand 18 inch SHING¬ LES.—Inquiie of S. MERRILL. Kingston, April 21,1818. 47 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. To Let, AND pofleffion given the firft of May next, a number of rooms in the line Barrack*. Enquire of H.EARL. March ? ?: A*> 3 Ot~ A Card. jnpHE fubfen'ber h.forma the Merch- f JL ant? and Traders of Upper Cana¬ da and State of New York, that he has commenced bafinefc m tbi* City, as a General Agent and Comrriffion Mercb ant—Any bufinei« enlrufted to his care will meet with diluent attention- RBNJJMIN H. RT. Montreal, \otb May, 1818. crrr.6 Notice. rHE fubferiber refpedfully mfortne the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bufinefs rhis f* on ; therefore, if any perfons wifhes to tranf- WU P*ank, bra-ds, bnck. Lime, Sand- "fcc. &c he offers them his fervices — Hpply at Mr John Da\< ft n*s, Kin?flon. WILLIAM YEREX. Aprfl 13. 1818. 46. nr^llE fubferiber having determined JL on removing from Ktnglton early in July next^ will on the firlT day cf June commence felling off at Jirst co/?t 1 foe whole of his Stock in Trade with¬ out nferve, confiding of a fmall but general aflortmtnt of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware & Crockery Thofe who have any claims againlt him, or ihe Tate firm of A. Macphcrfon & Co. are requefled to prefent the fame previous t*; Ins leaving Town ; and thole who arc indebted to him, or to them, will be pleaftd to call and settle their refneftive accounts without delay, elie he will be under the neceflity of lodging all fuch as may remain uufcttled on hifi leaving Town, in the hands of an Attor¬ ney for collection. : ALLAN MACPHERSON. Kingston, % \st May* 1H18. J2WJ SMtTH & BUTTER WORTH, RETURN their finccre thanb id their friends and the public in m, neral, for the liberal encouragement that they have received (iuce they re cob. mencec the Hatting Bufitiefa. TlWy have an exteufive aflonmeut of Ladies atid Children's B0N% NETS, ot various colors and Hi a pes* Gentlemen's Beaver & fine OHor HaTS, Likewife, Knapt and Wool Hats. Which they will fell very Ibw fef cafh or approved credit- Produce taken in payment, Jan. 3. $»»(. --------------------------------------------------------. -______i__________:___________1 ^ Public Notice. HT'IHE Snbfcribera, Executors to the JL Estate of Charles Stuart, Efqufrc, dtceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, Dibtria.hereby requests all thefe mdrih ed to the faid Estate to rrake immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all ! thofe who have demands against the Estate are requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Settlement of the Estate may be effefted as fp^edily as poffible after thefiratdayof [niy 1818 GEORGE O. STUART,! Extc% ALLAN McLEAN, j mors. Kingston, August \\, 1817.—32tf -A ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber offers for Sale thf- Following Lots of Land. 200 acres in 4th and 500 in the 6th conceffion of the Gore bet WOT' Erircfl Town and Frederick/burgh. No. 18 and 19 in the 8th couceffiofl of Murray. No. 31 Eaft half 2dcon. of Sidny. No. 9-—roth conccflton of Rawdcli. No. 4^-Rih c^nceffinn, Huntingdon*- No. 14, 1 c, 1 7. 1 8- 25 and 26 in the 9th conccfTiim of Thurlow. N". 34 and 35 in the 4th cbnctffidti of Vaughan, near York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in tto Town of K'nrrrton. WM. ^RAWffiPO. FredericLsburgh, Jan. iO, 18 I 7. j^f Smiths Work. THE fubferiber mnft refpeftfol^ informs the gentlemen of Kino*. t'-.n, that he is juft arrived here j'rorn Dublin, and has commence^ the bnfi. nefs of Black and White Sn'.i'h, in a>l its branches ; more particularly thai <»f horfe Shewing, in which he will give the greareft fatisfa&ion to thofe th?t rmi ploy him. Thev .may rely "n haviM their work well done, cheap and west, by applying at Mr. J. Meagher*, Barrack ftrcct, where bebaf r; mmtneed. All orders in that line will be gladly received and ftrifi attention given. Kingston 1 3th 08% V FOR SALE, Fanning- Mills, oi; JUST received and for fale at this Of¬ fice, price 1/8, Poems on his Do- tr.estte Circumstanas* by Lord Bvron.__ With ihe Star of th. Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, The Life of the Noble Author. Nov, 28. *2 NOTICE. THE partoeiihip heretofore exifting between Tkornrr & Moran is ui». solved by mutual eonfent. All debts, due* and demands againft the concern, a fupenor quality ; which w1" 'I*'11 U f5ttled by J" 7 l,orn<-'r. and debts be kept conllantly on hand by r fe 11 °"5 '" "I,c c,,"ccr»> i« 10 be paid to faid ibcr. orice 2C dc.llari.. ) j John I home-.. John Thorner, Michael Moran. Kingfton, 4-th junt, 1818 u* lubferiber, price 25 dollars. P-J. FITCH. Kingston Collins' Creek,\ eQ^ May it, 1818. *" } For Sale, By the fubferiber, ±0 doss, of Double Brown StmL ROBt. RICHARDSON. Kingston, May 23^, i 8 18. 52 ToLei, AND^ immediate pofleflibn given, Two convenient Houfes, with Shops, in (tore (beet, near Mr. BlakeV Tavern, on the corner of the Itreet lead- ing from the Artillery Barracks to the French Chuich. For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eeb- 17,1818. 38 WANTED to hire, a refpeaaHe Woman as a Wet Nurfe.—En¬ quire of the Printer. Kingfton, June 9th, 1818. % THE fnbfcribere beg leave to mform their friends and the public in gC* neralt that they carry on the TATLORWG BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend mak¬ ing every article in their line, on more reafonable terms than has been done foi a number of ycjrs back. Thofe who wifli to favor them with their cullom, may rely on having their work well mafa and on the fhortcfl notice, for Cafh. Nonis& Stevens, Kingston, Sept. 9. 1817. ^2 THJE PANOPLIST, For the Year i S16, For Sale at this Office. [Complete.! 28 a FLOUR Oats and Peas, For fale by Monjcau & St. Germain. June 8.. j Blank Deeds and Memorials, Forfole at this Oflicc. To Let, THAT well known large white STORE, in front of the Dwelling houfc of the fubferiber. It U well cal¬ culated for Commercial Bufinefs having a large commodious cellar, capable of holding 1000 barrel^ with the advantage of the wharf, where veflell of 40 toi»9 may load and unloaded ForwardcM would do well to improve this opportu¬ nity. For particulars apply to the fub¬ feriber on the prermfa. James r obj:.'son. A ifigstoni March \ jtA 4J

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