Kingston Gazette, June 23, 1818, p. 1

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*-*4* V- [TUESDAY, JMrVtf 2?, 1818.] -t- [YOLCME VIII------No. 4] TT Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postagk. A tenia for the KinwHan Gazette. JSrnesi Totvn, J AMES K \NKIN, Esq. ,York,WILLIAM IMbAlf, F>q, fcrnckviWe. A. KftfrRWOnD* Esq. • BfUviiKS. M'NaV-B, F<q. Montreal, N. MOWKR. Printer. . 8opbia^ir?h, Mr, SAMUEL SOLVES. '.T iT-V/W "M5- ^7-^SZ;C^r«« BK*. V *W T New Store. lHK fuhferiher inform* his friends an<J tlie duWIc in general, that lie I has temovrd his Goods from the Store (belonging to Dottor Forward* to the jhoufe of Mr. foh Davy, where he will Jhave conftantly on hand a choice a(ft>rt mcrt of Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors. Sec. $& $e. and wiU continue to difpofe of them on 'Masonic Festival. im 4EFestival of St. John @_ the RinMst will be cele- brate-' by I.odo-c No. 6, A. Y. Mafotlj !the ms1) liberal terms for Cftfll °r appro- on Wrdnefdav the 24th iuftnnt, at the! vrd credit. He avails bimfrlf of this .Lodge Room, at Walker's Hotel.! opportunity to tender hid grateful thanRs Tho*e Brethren who wifh to join in thel]for the fjr*at fi'ppnrt and enrnurajre fc-fttvitv of the day, will pleaf* llgnify, , nvnt 'hnr he has already met with, an«! •.the fane to Mr. Robeit Walker two] Uffures them that everv exertion rn his Sheriff's Sale. \h 11 f\S SATURDAY, tne .day? "rev;o"s By.HkoftVW M. JOHN W. FERGUSON, Secretary. Kingston, June 16. 1818. 3 Ten Ginneas REWARD, LOST on the foutth of June f*fta. t in the Garden of Col<juhonn,° tavern, below Cornwall, a pVai» GOLD W/JTCH. capped and jewe name Jcffnep, with a /old Chain of lo**g oral links, and two ijold Real*, i»i one a:!' r i' o vl o n ■ • .v * "Ponces- (Vornelian Stone, with a Lrell, ana :" i r.«? other a cornnion blue (lone, on which is; part will he made to merit a cpnttnuanc** of their favors. JOHN CLARK 'Ernejl Town. \$ttj June, i8t8. 3 N TV * M kinds of Country Produce taken in exchance for Merchandize, and [the moft liberal prices will be given for j :thc fame- * » _____ ______ L^FT at the wharf of the fubfcriber, r.botit the fir It of May l«ft, 4 BATTEAU, f*Jd to belong to Mr "*V ^^iiM'D-tt^l of Niagara, toe owner i« lied, m«K«r«-i h r ,j. , • idcfiied to pay changes and t?kf it awav t jwitlvv. delay, ot i; will be fold to pay engraved a female head Whoever will deliver the above arti-j ! cles to Colonel Bare fay, now at Saint Rtgis, Air. Robert C.o\quhouny athista-J tern below Cornwall, or to Torrance if? AJcLcotJ. Kingfton, ftiall receive the a- ■fcovc reward* Cornwall, 5th June. 1S18. 3tf Kingston Hotel. 0»F.RT WALKER, mi.rns \\w fn.-cic bui\ giaUfiil .n.kouvvl- JOSEPH DENN'IS. Kinplon, (P;ii >t Fw«Jerii*k)T 3*3 \ 'f * ***** I *"* »8iS A M£ xA> wh i Lost, B MIT/ M COW. dark red, with ite Rice, the horns haw been lately birred, and her rail bound i'l the [middle with a rag. — \ liberal reward will be given to any one that will return laid • ow.— \pply to the Printer. June ic. o M'tdlatu. Dt/tria $ VJ 27th raft, will be fold ar the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingftdn, Lot No. 18 and the foutherly half df Lot No. 4.9 in the faid Town of Kingiton, feizer? by virtue of an Execu¬ tion out of His Majefty's Court of His Bench at the fuii of Alexander Hart ilf Btnjamin flizr/.againlt the Lands and Tenements of Peter Grant —Rale to commence at I 2 o'clock in the forenoon. JOHN M-LEAN, Shtrif fit. D. Sberijps Oflket \Jl June. 1 * 1 8. 1 FARMS FOR SALE. "jnllE fubfenber offers for fale a farm i. containing 33 acres, in the town- fhip of Erneft J'own, 2d conceflion, ha¬ ving a good frarne tloufe, a larjre Barn and Shed, an excellent (land for a tavern and ftore, and enc of the beft iituation- m the country f-jr a mechanic. Mfo—One of ?he beit farms in the tQwnfhip of Kmgfton, containing ir.c acreQ, well timUred, and about 30 acret under improvenjent. S vlTH BARTLpT. April 28, \>\%. 48tf Books Sf Tracts, F various defcriptionj, can be had o a-; ihi; CfEce ; ;vhere accef9 mav a'lo be had to i fmall Circuialing Lt- biary, r;n reafonuWe terajs. June 10,;818. rpHE Boat DOLPHIN, Js in good ■ '"-dcr f(ir caitytna l.i'ir.bcr, or any hi.. fri-.M-.1s Ad the p.-blic i fl '^der rorcatryms Umbnr or «ny an r-mra! f.-rtbd. Ifbtml fujjport duf-UkWot cargo, nnd will d<- buRocfi on as (J* the tafl ttchttca vcaw, and takev'. imodwace terms a* any other Boar S cnUr.nlty of acqu.-in.u,, them, JOSEPH PONCEY. fc- Hi 1 «mi«'juk» u» keep :«« «bovc ete-} j Swrr/wi. Jftw 8, t«i«. 2w3 Valuable Lands. pOR falebj the fubfrrtber Lot No. JT 18 and '^, in tbetenth Coriceflion, aijd li'.lf Lot hfo. 18, in thf fjth co"- c«S.ii>, of the J"owi frip of Pi'-rcy- Ap¬ ply to JOHN BURNETT. Kindlon, if/.,, y/,';, ,8i«. - 50tf y 2i be Hi 1 C'UUinues to KCC-p mint Eftsi-Mfhrnrttt, wheif travellers and; ftmititt -at* be ^rc^nimodated with fep- arart rooms *nd *;vcry attention \ aid.— Some rralieious and unprincii-lrd per- FOR SALE, Pffl'AT. w.-R h-!fof Lot number 5, JJL on the frtuth fideoffouth or Prince the towu(hip of TTUST wcefv«r*' ai fchi Store of S. 9.3 ftattlei. a coMlipin*eni of Q+ bar reUnf B«:er, of a fupcrior quality, for fate for calh. May 5, 1818. nada, ivould need no words to give affurance of their loyalty, if the whole truth had reached the Throne of their Soverei^. They have reafon to believe that the truth has not been fairly told. During three years of war, Upper Canada was expofed to the ravages of a powerful and inveterate foe. Ihe govern*- ment of the United States had long been concerting the invafioii of this Province. Hoftile pre- pirations* were maiked under other dcfisjns.* At laft the ac- cumulated torrent of mjiilitkt jburfl: on the defenceleis chil. j dren of the Bi itifh empire* Nor were they aiTailed by the vea~ pons of war aione. An Infidi- ous Proclamation preceded the* holl of the enemy, forgetful of honor, regardlefs of humanity, and calculated to feduce or intim* id.ite Britiji) ft*bjvtls from their* allegiance. The fubjects of Bri¬ tain here remained faithful aixi finn. It was not for property that they rofeagainft the inva¬ der. The invader would have fpired to them their property. They flew to arms in defenco of the right8 aiid fovereiguty of Britain. Twice was the A- jmerican ftarvlard* planted in piodoftioiiB are inimical to the growth| Uj Canada, while yet but of the moie valuable planis, and the ikil- ■ I r . . ■ I fnl culiivaior wiih as foon as they makej a handful Of Bntlih troops aid^ ed the militia of the Province. {Twice did thefe raw bttt^lioits Anak*»; shines, and the frosli field Calls hs; we \o\kc (he prinie,to mark how spring Our tender planis, how blow^ the citron ?r^ve. What drops the inyrrh.A what the halinv reed. How nature paii:t? her Clunvrs, h»V the bee Sits on the bloom, extracting liquid Street* Whether our firft parents were re¬ markable for their jattachments to the garden and romantic fecnery. or not ; cerrain it i*;, there have been rhofe, per¬ haps in every n^e, whofe tade, and whofe feience cannot be called in qucftion, who have been enthttfialtitalty fond, both of the garden and the field. A garden is a place highly cultivated and richly ornamented, in which grow fruits and (1 >wers. The flowers are em bleirntical of the more livtly trait« in the human character. The fruits are'qiven to prorno!e the growth of the body and regulate the apoerite. The color and fragrance cf the dowers delight our fen- fes : while the flavor of the fruit proves nutritious, aud grateful to the tafte.—■ "'he melody of the birds charm** the ear ; fo» many of the feathered tnhe feem to frequent cultivate] grounds ;— while rhr variety of the landfcape deco- lates the fcene But, let us remmember, that thefe are only earthly pleafuree—thefe arc only momentary i'*vfl If we direct our attention a little further, we (hall behold the emblems of mortality. Pidore* of degeneracy lurk around us on every fide, and w^rn us of our own frailty—our own dixT'lut.'on. A garden is a picture of human life* Nat only do fruits and flowers grow in] it, but weeds ipring up fpentaneoufly. Fruits remind us of age and wifdom ; fl iwers, of youth and gaiety ; and weed's of lin and for row. Thefe Ipoutaneous their appearance, pluck cheni up by the roots and ca(t them off, to make room for ! whatever i fair, comely and valuable — : So the paiftaiM in iiu- huuan bre.ilt, which are in perpetual war with good 11 m prMprnfitles, and holy reToluUoii*,ought dors on their loil. lne lecond to br fublued and vanquillied, that the! year of war faw Canada coiy ipfm'Nitiii wave the laurel ofviv- story over the proftrate intru- 49 «defir«b!e fruits of piety may be brought'* tending a^tinjl invafion, with* ' Itoma.urity Ij. j afliftance from 'V.e parent Th- hand of an overrnluig rroviJence I . , , . , v #. fons hav.-up wpre&nted and circuited a ?«p.m thai his dMffpri «re extiav^aot4" J^^^rd'a Cay, in he beij-leave to acquaint the public,.jiVIaryfbnrgh, containing 0'»e hundred that the*' arc a moderate as urv hmife] 'acres S?id Lot is well timbered, and tl in the fcuwc of Kiagdon, with very pcrirvr 3»,'ra*mrr»«>dattojl«- ^ . Kingston, June 1 c. 'ft 18. Jtf -wifti to purchafe—Enquite of 1 Printer "* ; Settlements on each file, which render* it [well worth the attention of thofe who the NOTICE* nPlHE fnbfcriber renuefts all thofe j I may be; fcen in our Saviour's being en-j J who have any demands again* h.m tombed mm fpot fo fequcflered, orna- to fend b their accounts duly authenti- merited wth trees, fr.uts and flower, to *** for payment, on or before the 20th 11 «' -k«nR Jo the human eye, fo plealant to June: and all thofe UMd to him J the mind In a garden were our hrft 'are fuelled to make immediate pay- ! P-ents placed in happy n.ent LOUIS TAPIR jfa a «»*» thtf Part00lc of forbf^ Kingfton, June S, 18 iS- 2 en fruit June 16, 1818. tfs NOTICE. NOrit.E. r j THE ce^wtnerfiap (4 Robert WU- \\ lions iSf Co. is this day diiTolycd; by mimia! conO-nT. Ml perftms havingj dem: ■n'.t a ainft th- concern arc rtqocft-11 A S the Sublcnber, is about to dole cdtoprefent thrm fu• frttlement, Rfld'|j^. his bofinefs here, he teqneft* all allper-'ons i.^ebtei tl the fame, arewwMthat are Indebted by Note 01 othcnvife. quelredto nuke fonsedittt payment toj to Call and uifchargc the fame wilhout Robert Williams. Elq who is duly, !d-• ^ . fcntliorifed to fe-.tle all account* of the Sorrow, and woe, and 1 death entered here, through I'm. fol- ' 'y and difobedience. Since the fall ot (late. ' The fecood year of Vfi war faw her fons confirmed in their virtue, and tlill more de¬ termined torefnh Wives and children had fled from thetr 1 homes ; the face ot the country was laid wafle; and the tire Adam, man baa continued to tranlgreft. ! K*T-ANTEDfa Groom and a Far- 1 T mer.—None will p!eafe to ap- . ..... ,,., ouj i , , . • -,i ,iL..m tK«m,,ft lJ Hi» iniquities have reached the l.'.vv:-n«i. \^y- oly who do not bring with them the molt \VA *l , r f .-, .• . nJP 0f Sand br- oght down the ion of t»oo nun pic fatl&faftory credentials.—Enquire qaacenif Robert Williams, ]oiv»s Abbot. Thos- S. Whifaker- Ermfi Town, t\jl May, 1818. 2/3 BOOKS. THE fnbfcriber requelts thofe who have the following Baokn, belon^- injj to him, might be returned immed" atelyto Mifs REED. viz. ill and 2d. vol' Shafcfpear, »nd 2d and 3d volume Children nf the Abbey- N. B. The :ft and 2d volume of Sir Charles G'andifon may be had at the fame r^rc the other five volumes lold at, by applying as abov I S. H.xWLEY. Kirgfton, June 15th 1818. Oats, Peafe and Flour for fale by S. Hawley. 3 To Hire. A Pair of Stout Canadian Horfes ^r\_ and Waggon—Enquire at this Office, KingAo.n, June 15, 1818. 3 the Printer June 4, 1818. of revenge was fent forth to consummate diftrefs and ruin* Still was the ipirit of the pso* 1 unextinp;uiihed ; (till did neeelTarv, \ jfelf. Divine atonement was J and et anted to fatisfy divine julUee. Jc- Hus fuffered in the flelh Sfl an expiatory facn'ficcr—was perfecuted b'/ hia enemies —was fl^in by malefaftor*;—nailed to a crof9—hung on a tree—and entombed in QuUteMprftates aututnni.etjrtiera dicam?\\ n garden. When we review this fcene, ^ * let 08 remember that tree, which flood lin a garden,the tree of knowledge, of that i From the Portland Ga7«tte. §>uat vigilandeviris, cum jam rutt ij»- hr'ifemm ver ? Virgil Altered- JN the fprine of the year, when the card, ar^ain puts on her gieen attire ;— wlhn thehufoandman is about preparing his fields with the fond expectation of joyful eroos ; when the Bota"ift is re- June 8- J. THORNER For Sale, Y the fubfci iber. (2 doors North of J 'hn (ummin^s Efq ) CHERRY Boards and Plank. lS inch Shingles, and Cord Wood. JOHNTUTTLE. Kingston, 3C//> May, 1818. 1 Duelling Houfe and Bake-houfe to LET for any number of year j 1*-H m. y b: agreed upon. For ptfr- liruiai.>* enqupe rt PUBLIC NOTICE. THE Partnerfhip heretofore exift- ing under the Firm of vlcDon- aid and Jones, i* this day diiTolvei by mutual confeiu. All perfons holding accounts againft faid Firm, are requefted to prefent them for fettlement, and all indebted to faid Firm to make immediate payment, peter McDonald, . edward jones, The Bufmefc in future will be carried on by Edward Jones, who is authoi ifed to fettle all accounts as above meittwncd* May 27. ______J_____ good -* 1 evil, and call ro our minds rafhnef* which ftnpt it of it* fruits. Here then while fnrrounded by plants and fl wers;—while engaged in the gay- jer concerns of life, let us not forget i there was a garden, in which man once lr To Let, A W A LTER M'CU.NIFFE Iviygrtk Oil ijnc 2, 161 5. iif FOR the term of eight or nine years on reafonable terms, the premifes prefent occupied by the fubferiber, ufiftinaofa laige Two ftory Doufe, SU» a nuke honlc. ftable, &C. For particu- doulv ioihe fnbfcriber. LOUIS TAP1N. i;f ?.3> spyly cofbmrncin? the »3an»Inatioil of plants | ,]welt Jn perfeft innocence ;— and that and flowers ; when the man of tafte and thfrf waa a garden, in which was found a pWiire begins anew b« labours in the![ new reDnlchre—and in that fepulchie, gat-Jen : and when Nature'* fe'f feems |hay entombcd our dear Redeemer. chxhed in vernal beauty, opportunities j are offered, as well as at other fenibns, for fearfous and nfefnl reflections. How- eve^ pay may appear the obje&s with wlvc.h we are converfant ; however well *da+,t.ed to our difpohtions may be our erosloymrnts, thofe of us, who do not rcsftjet the relarion in which we ftr.nd in foc;.iy, and the obligations we are un¬ der to Him, who h the fonrce of life, are guilty of criminal ingratitude. Wot mv part I am of opinion, that no fif^tions' in the world are more favour¬ able tl) thought and phi'lofophic refearch tfiuH t^,e fta.den and the held ;—and thaf nr» purfuits tend more to promote and prefPrve health of body a°d m".,d' thai thofe of the prafiual agnculti.nd hat Milton fnppofed our firlt In ppears t j Kingftoo, June a, i8»«. parnit„ were fond of rural occupations, wlfcl he imagiuei Adam to address thu, .__, -________________" Awake, Draft of an Addrefs propofed for i pre fent ation to the Prince ReA gent, by the Town/hip RepreA fentatlves of the Midland Dis- trift,fiibmitted to the public for remark and amendment. (Va¬ riations from the Niagara Ad- dn/} are diftinguijbed by Hal lis : omift'jns noted by ajhr- isks.J To His Royal Highness, GF0RC.F., pRiSce »r, R^nt ol tne United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c &c. &c The humble Addrefs of Inhab¬ itants of Upper Canada. Mat/ >t vhaseyour Rogai Wghnmst it burn with patriotifm and loyalty. By the third year, evfery vis¬ ta of covqueft was at an end , for now the Britifli aids pour, ed into the Province"■; and peace was proclaimed, when war was no longer to be fear¬ ed. It is now more than three yesrs fince there was an end of war ; but, it is painful to add* thefe years of peace have* not been attended with the ex peeled marks of attention and regard _ rd Canada. Commercial treaties have been formed, without pro* riding for the BriiiJJ} interejh in this country. Government,^ transactions, which uied to give fpirit to trade and indultry, are at a ftand •, troops are with¬ drawn ; fortifications are fuf¬ fered to go to ruin ; and ru¬ mours are abroad too {hocking [to be repeated in the Royal ear. May it pleafe your Royal Highnefs to liften calmly to the 'complaints and gi.evances of the people ot Upper Canada,* who are fu'ly allured J the ge- licrous dni'OliuTis or 5 our :Uoyal hear an-' of jroui de- v' rairost, mv nparfi, mvlat^i found, I'-'.'u^ y6\U,my ever rew'. 1^ Thefubtcas of vour lloyalMre that Britift bie l.uiouid, fatLr, dwdhng in Upp,f Ca-jjcWy «l*ere, &m equally yow:

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