o FOR SALE, II. NOTICE. Rvtafonablt terrasmatwell known' \)\f HEREAS, by the last Will v v and Tcft.imcnt of the late RICHARD PATTIN60N, Efq in his life time of Sandwich, i. the province of t'pper Canada. Robert GiUeCpie, fiand lot a Tavern, fitualcd in I be YJ! agex>fPrdeott, Lots Nu. y a$d u, fruiHrttg the King's HWhwny, and :i I.iT^e two liny framed Houfe, well fin- fthed, with a farge Kitchen in the rearv| Wi'liam GiikifoO, and George Moffatt, ftahjfng foi twenty fpan« of horfea, a Ihed j are jointly and leverally, appointed feventy fel long, and a good h^jfeoni fiduciary Legatees of his Eftate, and th- rear I ft, fir for the ace <mmod-.tion i Executor of fa id Will, o a cv enable family. The whole of I do hereby Vtqueft all perfons having the building*; chm-.m, being finifhed in claims upon laid Eilate, to prcfent Hie a workmanlike mauuei, and at patent fame to me, duly authenticated, for occoptdby Mr. Alexander B. McDon- payment; and all perfons indebted ell, »s * Hotel* j thereto, are required to pay to me II Valuable Lands FOR &4LE, IN the Third Conceftion of the Town (hip of PitiWgh, being L«Ks No. 6, the half of No 7, and No. 18.—An indifputable title will be given, and the terms oi payment madr cafv. H. C. THOMSON. King Aon, July 28, 1817. 32 BLANK. BaTL BO-sDb, For sale at this Office 1 M** J MATS. ih- For further patticular*., apply to the amount of their refpcCtive accounts, fub'e iber-. ©r to Mr Alexander Mac-j Dt-bia dut* to faid EtLre in the ponell, (uuior, Merchant) Piclcott, by; province of Ujper Canada, or in the wh m ihe term may be made known, United States, bordering the: eon, may! arid * » in'iif-Mitable title and immediate be paid to Georg. Jacob, Efq f Sand-; pofleffion will be given. i,wich, John '.(km, and James Gordon, j ALEX. V1VJDONELL & Co. j E%«*o£ Ambaftburg,* tu eithei >f Kindlon, 3d J.m. i8i8» 3itf j them, :hey bcin^ duly anthorized to receive rhe fame and *>ran; acquittance*. Officers Half P„y, and Artil- J. ry Peniion BLANKS, For (ale at this Office. Rags ! R.ags !. ASH paid for Clean COT. ION and LINEN ii A G S, (Ot any Ccdnr,J AT THlb OFFICE. To Let, G MFOFF iTT. Nfontreal, 20'h March, 1818. 44V1 BLANK JI I'ST received and for fale at this Of I rice, puce 1/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With the Star of the Legion of Honour, and othet Poc.r- ; to which is prefixed, 1he Lift of the Noble Author* Nov. 28. 32 TO LET, jj 10 R any term of yew not exceed- JL in Fifteen, on ih=* rroft reafona SUttimonse^ Subpoena- an^Jjble terms—That wcl known valuable .4 Executions for "fie COURT] OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. G4S4N0QVA Store & Mills- AND immediate pofleffion given, the HOUSE and pr<mil>- in Stuart- viile '.-eiy occupied by A | Dakon ,jI j^IHA R LES MfcDGN \ t-D having fu-ut #t within hdf ? mile of t!»i* Town»|| \j a favorab'e fruanou for a Gentleman an 'arailv cD<m ami no lefs 1« f'ir a D'. »i" r or Inn Ke< >cr. Fin further part,pilars enquiie f the fnM'orihe'. E. BARNliTT, tCinfiton, Feb 24, 1 »JrS 43tf V iLTJABLE LANDS FOR SALE. THF following {insularly d« firable, and truh val- j naSlf hwd* O'iv "C hjd, md immeHiaK j • ■ ■ • 1 > ... taken his bro'her 'John M •alu, \uto partnerihipi the bafiuc'i \> to- tore wil! br conducted tinde* the firm of C & J. McDon id, Who k'cp l:r laic a general aiTort- "dry goods, GliOi" ui, S IIART} WARE, CROCKKRY. aid nT'ft .utic'i" i nqniieil ".»" U a C<nn- jt»y St< ie, which ihey >lFe* low For "and in the public li--» Gmate on the p >in' ^t Ganan -qua. and recently occu¬ pied by Se:h D4* wns. together with the r^oofe, Bam 1 St3bles &c—For fnr- ' her particulars apply ro the fiiblcriber JOEL STONE. Gananoquajan.i) ! 813. 33//" Blank issessms&it EA*t9$ /<>■ mfeat this Office*—Abo, Arith- mrlical Tahtc$,ji*r bfie use of ud•■'?■ taffCOUHi in vo»d nti\hb<»urlu>od6» can ^e feenr-d. |«t 1. Co'TV^rif'ne 70 Acres of the v • richeft Beech, Maple, F,lm and O • T,andt i'^ the 4th ConeefttoA of p . - ivinff upf»ll Sfttiitl-f4 Cieek, with i? 1 r-.> Scared ar.»d fenced, new log- bo«i .ve'Minilt and ffove tailed, fruit tree? 4'C with a nviM-ftat. between 4 and c miles from the flourifhm^ iftile To^n of Toronto. o.n Lake Ontarin, wh re there U a" exctlkn- market eifher for buying • r lei h'ng. The Land 19 f ilie very rirft quality, and in a go><d popul ur neighbonvhood, forming aJ oeetlv-r a moft oVfirable refidence Within a (holtmikof the great road be twee" Y( rk and KinghSm. 7.1 400 Acres being Lot No. r, in the rrh Cone ITi m »i H< pe, alongfide the :-r-»* »-oar? bet WO n linpe and Ha milron lea-'.ing to the new ^nd flnurift iii.j ffTT'c-metir^ of "Jav-Qr ^nd Monac ian Pn.vjt.ee ; thry wi'l fn< ply t rdeis To Sawed timber of almoft any dcfcriptio* :it (h'trt Notice C S( J. McPONAT.p Alllhoh indebted toCharUft Mcl>o;i rJd, whofc accounts hive her* at due, arc r.-qoeficd to to make imrned *i'e payment* THE SUBSCRIBER, i.b ich more than ally the TtWil of "or DtO, where there is a g..o:l .viikei ; it isina^ old fettlewM ai^ih- le"^1 orliood is o«,polou? a'd on the "ice Lake, in wi icn more I coc femilie* and pcrft>n< have aclu lora'-'l and i'carcJy live mile from exr-Ve I Th-te a»e ahoctt 30 acre fclea ed and feured with l fi'-r ftrea-n o( liu o - -e. and the greyer pwrt of tlu 1 -I* -ft'nierii.r quality, the reft LVIead"W good 3 \<iO \cte«* flccuppyjng nea ly pm et»tire fide of the Garnianoque Lik . x; 1: - nwnihtp 'f South Cnftv. Dis- trift of fohnfl ^n. c« niitling wholly f o-okei f onti, the back parts extendi** to the road from the Rideau Settlement X>' Kinjrflnn, fiom whicli latter place it it fiercely 30 rofle« diftant. The I.ani* is (TO"^d and well timhejed, and the fituat^m finjjularlv beautiful and roman tS'.\ with wooded iflando in front, • The above L"-*nds are particularly drfcivuior *>f notice* The (itnation5 wer ihofen bya competent judge, anr! tho -i-l he loi 1 rcmat kably cheap, the to concentrate his pi pii-'or wilhing for. , ■ {ii another quarter. Fo- further particulars, apply to R C - Oft HE, Efq. Yo-k ; C. FOTH E GILL, Efq. Toronto j WM HA- MIi/rON, Efq. Ktngfton or Prefcott ; prto SHAW ARMOUR. Efq. Mon- treai. April f, 1818. 4^t TO LET, A ND pofleffion given on the firft of Jr\ May next, the Houfe and piemi- fes at prefent occupied by Do£)ot G':d de- it bcinj; a OoubU Houie, it will br let fepaMtcly or together. Apply to ti.'- Printer &M£4ton> iSih Jtfrit) 1818a 47if EOS leave tc inform hi friends & the public generally, that he ha j removed from hh former lla-.d *o the j {hop lately occupied by Jonas -'. bb- i 3 C t. near ihr Market Pace, wlu-rc has now on rnnd, * general afTortment --f Hardware, Cutlerv, &c- Which he will (c!T on the m* fl moderate I terns. To let, the fh p lately occupied ^\ thr UibfcriSer, an^i p. fTeffion given irr mediately. SAMTTEt. SHAW. h'engston, J/4 Jan. 1S18. 3; For Sa eat this OfEcr, ; A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of G4'ain8 of various Gold Coins, current in the Provinc** of Upper Cana da. ALSO, FEBGUSONS Improved Tab!* nf the value of Grain of Gold Coin, < ^er or under weight. NEW IRONMONGERY STOHE. John1 Wat kins, HTg ^TACTFULLY acquaints his il.tfj fnenda yt.d rhe I'nblic in general that he 'ias opened a wholefale and irtai M"'.vaie Store, at the (land for¬ merly Hrcupied by Meflr». H. W. Wiifci (on & Co. mm Struts and froir. tlic avrangeroenta he h*« n^ade, will have r,> Ita ily on h md, a general afT.rtmeni or H \EU)WARE,Cwta?a Sec which ie will be enabled I© difpofe of f t C-fli, or approved Ctv>l«t, at neatly th Montreal Pi ices ; am '"P which arc th- r dlowing, vi/.: Engh'h »nd Swceds Iron, Crowley and Blifler Steel. A'touuht and Cot Na«lsTrac'cC\ia^Kf Iheet Iron, HorleShi>eh, Prying Psn* •^h vels and Shades, Plough Mould-, 1 (>w Ware, Grind ft onca, Cbiflelf nnd Gouges* Locks and Hingta, Filrs. ivnivep and Forks, Pock»-| and Pen knives Fifh Hock- B»afs Cock*, •irufhes.hamaieTfi, Ai»(^ur"% »'awa. Planes, Lea Trays, S'ampl and Cafl braf Cabinet Ware. Whr, Tin W--oe. Pin- J Net-dies Fowling Gunj,Braf»< Kcrt e^ 3cc- &c. Ke alfo c fferp for fale a fmall aflort- nent of Crockery and 0*afb Ware. Kingft-»n, 30th March, 1S18. 44 f TTJ10R f^le at thi- Office—Standard V Ruhr for the Came 0/ WHlS*f— Ef'B f! Hoar. 46 ALL peffons indebted 10 the Eftatr of the late James Gumming, late of Hallowell, deceafed, are requeflcd t< call without delay, and fettlc^the fame with Mir, jAfths McGrhoor, now in charge of the eftablifnnu-nt, at Hallow ell bridge ;-*-and thoie who have c:aim- agatnft the faid eUate, are defired V prefent them for adjuftment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed. {confiding of a very complete affortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitab\ to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month* given to refuonfible Farmers, or others. WM. M FTC HELL, j L*eculors Kingston, Oct 27, 1817. %t ~ " FOR SALE^ A TWO HORSE W >GGON, PFRFECTI.Y t.ew— Likewife, a few thoufand 18 inch SBING- \LES-—Incjuiieof S MERRILL. Kingston, /fpril 21, 1818. 47 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. Notice. A LL penbnfl having any demands a- -L2l gainft the Ellate of the late Bry an Crawford. Efq. of Adolphuftown. de¬ ceafed. are hereby requefted to produce their claims, duly authenticated —cf/fo, all pcifons indebted to the faid Eftate are hereby requelled to make immediate payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor Kingston, \<)/h '7«/y, 181 7. 32 To Let, AND pofleffion givon the firft of Mav next, a number r>f rooms in the line Barracks. Enquire of March H.EARL >3 42 A Card. THE foblcriber informs the Merch- x ant, and Traders of U -per Cana- jda ahrj -Mate o( New York, that he ha-= commenced bufi.icfs in thia City, as a General Agent and Commiffion Merch ant—Ai.y I ufine b ent.ufted to his care will meet with diligent attention. ■ BENJAMIN H/fRT* Montreal, loth May, 1818 Cirr-^ No tic \ Removal. JUS V received and for fale at thi< Office, prire 7{d- the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSATS on PR \CTICAL HUSBANDRY, Add**fled to the Canadian Farmers. ByC F Grhce, of Montreal. November 14. 32 FOR SALE, Fanning- Mills, OF a fupcrior quality ; which will be kept conftantly on hand by the ubfciiber, price 25 dollars. P J. FITCH. Kingston Col/ins' Creek, \ r0tf I May 12, l8i8. J J 1 Scotf & M'Gee, fyrgf9nF9 Chemist5 & Druggists^ HAVE removed to the Store lately occupied by Taylor & Parker, fil'tate nearly oppoute Moore's CofTte h ufe, between Mr. Patrick Smyth' Crockery Store and the Cullom Houfe office. The ufual attention will be paid to every branch of the Profeflion. They have on hand a general aff.»rt- mentof DYE STUFFS. PATENT MEDICINES and OILS; ACIDS and every Chemical in ufe. Kingston, gth May, 1818. jotf FOR SALE, f 1 \HAT beautiful and very valuable JL Farm,fituated upon Point Pleafaut, in Maryfburgh, containing 200 acres, being Lots No. 18 and 19, caft of the R'>ck ; there are nearly 100 acres under good improvement, and 73 bcarii g «pole and Pear trees. For particular enquire of Mr. Walter M'Cuniffe, merchant, Kinpfton, or Mr. Wm. Ben niker of Maryfburgh. Having been informed 'hat Aaron Conner has been trefpaffing, by cutting timber, throwing down my fences, and nutting cattle into my en<4<>fure i now I hereby forbid faid Conner taking away rh. timber he cut—I alfo frvrbid all and evrry pcifon or perfons to £*d or affiil fu'd Conner to work or tak^' laid timber a way, nor purchafc it of him »if they do, they may exocd to bo profc^uled as the Law dire&s. JOHN NftcBEAM. T Maryfburgh, i Maicb ;y, 1818.J 44tf THE fubferibtrrefpeflfully inform.. the public, that he intenos to con [tinue the Boating bufinefs this feafon ; [therefore, if ^ny perfons wifties to tranf port Planki B'-ardu, Brick, Lime, Sand %c &c he offers them his fervices.— Apply at Mr- JohnDawf'>n\ Kinc^on. WILLIAM YE REX. April 15, 1818. 46 ViE fubfcrib'T having1 determined on removing from Kngfton early in July next, will won the finl day cf June commence felling off at first co/l, the whole of his St« ck in Trade with out rrfrve, confiding of a fmall but general aiToitment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware & Crockery Thofe who have any claims a^ainll him, or the late firm of A. Macpherfou 3c Co an-requefted to prefent the fame, previous to his leaving Town ; and thofe I who are indebted to him, or to them, will be pleafed to call and settle their reipeflive accounts without delay, elfe he will be under the neceflity of lodging all fuch as may remain ur.fettled on his leaving Town, in the hands of an Attor¬ ney for collection. ALLAN MACPHERSON. Kingston, % 1 // May% lH18. 5ZW5 For Sale, By the fubferiber, •iOdozs. of Double Brown Stout. ROBt. RICHARDSON. Kingston, May 2$d9 1818. 52 To Let, A ND immediate po/Teffion given, -Li. Two convenient Hojfes, with Shops in (lore tlrect, near Mr. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of the ftreet lead¬ ing fiom the Artillery Barracks to the French Chuich For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street* Kingston, Eeb. 17,1818. 38 SMITH & BUTTKRWORTH, IV) ETURN their f.nccre thanks to \i their fritnde and the public in ge. neral, (or the liberal encouragement that ■ hey have received fince they re com- menced tlie Hatting Jiuftnefi. They iiave an Cjctenfive affonment of Ladles zud Children's BON* NETS, of various colors and lhapes. Genrlcmen^s Beaver & fine Caitori-i rrs, Likewife, Knapt and WoqI Hats. Which they will fell very low ftfr cafh ot approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan. t, 32t/f Public Notice. THE Subfcriberp, Executors to the Estate of Charles Stuart, Efquire, deceafed, late Sheiiff of the Mid.and, District,hereby request** ail thofe Indebt¬ ed to the faid Estate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; »nd Jt th^fe who have demand^ attains) the E-tate are requested to producefhe fame duly attested, in order that a Scitlemcnt of tlie Estate maybe effefted a( fpfcdily as pofi?" 'eaftrr thefirstdavof f'l^y 1818. GEORGE O. STUART,? ExcM ALLAN McLEAN. J ntor> Kingston, August 11, 1817.—32tf AOVER'ilShMEN . The fubferiber offer* for Sale the Following Lots of Land. zoo acief in 4CI1 ;<nd 500 m the 6th concedinii of the Gon between Ernrft Tr-wn and Fredericklh'ir^h. No. 18 and 19 in the 81 h couceflioP if Murray. No. ^1 Fafl half 2d con. of Sidny. No. 9— 10th couc* ffi"n of Rawden. No. 4—81 h c^ncrffi^n, Huntingdon. No. 14. 15. 17. < 8. 25 and 26 in the 9th crvrctifi^n of Vhurlow. No 34 and 35 in the 41I1 conccflioft of Vaughan, near York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in the Town of Kini-Oon WM. CRAWFORD. Smiths Work. THE fuhferber moft refuetftfnlly i^fo»mK the gehtlerr.cn of Kingf. vn, that he i« jufl arrived h<;rc fmrn Dublin, and has commenced thr bufi. •H'ls of Black and White wmi<h. in a!l it* branches : more particular!" tliat t,f !| git« horfe Shewing, in vhich h** the greatefl fati^faflinn to thofe that em. Du-y him. Thrv may rely r*n ha^it*^ their work well done, cheap and *e?t. by applying at Mr. J. Meagher*. Barrack ttreet, where he hae commencrd. All '>rderft in that line will be gladly received and drift attention given. Kingston 13th 03. 32 6* r inHE fubferiber* beg leave to inform A their friends and the public in neral, that they carry on the TATWR1NG BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend malt- fog every article in their line, on more rejifonable term* than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe who wilh to favor them with their cuftom, may rely on having their work well made* and on the fhortrfl: notice, for '"'sfh. Nonis & Stevens. Kingston, Sept. 1), 1817* ?2 THE * PJNOPLIST, For the Year 1816, For Sale at this Office. [ioinpietej l8 Ulan k Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. To Let, ilHAT well fcnowa large whit* 1- STO R E, in front of the Dwelling buufe of the fubferiber. It U well caU ciliated for Commercial Bufiuefs, having i larfcre commodious cellar, capable of holding 1000 bands, with the advantage of the wharf, where veflVls of 40 toni may load and unloaded. Forwarder! Would do wdl to improve thia opportu¬ nity. For particulars apply to the fub- Lcnber oathe prernifes. JAMES ROBINSON. Kingston^ March. 17/A 4'2