Kingston Gazette, June 16, 1818, p. 3

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T<wzh> *nd Portland, famag tan held ff \Xo\f'S \ - 1, at th* h niifr of M.. WJ'!.»m Sim, kin |j milium Sbfipkin , or J^i'$hbnr0Ujrb t)#ri.i llwlet;, Hsq. for RruestTowu I'ti'tl Peterson, for Frederirksburtfh, ' 3: H to r(i OUR LAY to s mX Upper Mr J Im Fm-e«n»« K*i cha-r, the iddrel" of tk the iclidctu land mm Canada, datrd \pril 2d 1H18, wan | read over, and it- whole tenoi and ftnt uneot* unanm.onfly agreed on. In co-.f r«p»ty to the recommendations therein contained, the meetingproceeded to eleft a Repreferi'ative and Ck<k, when Mi. Wm Simokins was apnoimed to fill the former (ii nation, and Mr. Th'-mat i<ailc the latter. A Con- out tee a3 fo was appointed to forward the vie-v* of the meeting, viz. Meflrs. I u c Barrf, Pcier S witter and David Rich- mon i. JOHN FREEMAN. Chairman. A true Copy. Thomas iiaile, Clerk Marx/burgh, %th June, 1818. Th\ day a mating of a number qf; the inhabitant* of this town(hii> was! held at ihv home of D-miel Wright, for pe'i:ioni<^ the Pirnee (legem with j regard tu the (late of thi' Province. The meeting was regularly con- ftituted by calling \ apt James Wright ', and the meeting preceded according 10 the recommendation* of fit GourLy in his addref* to the refluent land owners of Upper ( anada Captain John Allen was chofen ' Representative, to meet with others, and concert I'eafiires for carrying 'he fame into Execution ; Enfign Henry Ding- fffffkHittv voted t> ttic Chairman for Kisj jfhis way 5 oii^ ast urn Hot soha^tyiaj Esquires. man w:e* chofen I 1c 1 k ;alio acommirtcej tof rward the bufincft of the Tuwnfhip, j confiding ,,f Peter Huff, J-hn Wright j and Pettr itofc. The fmile of ap-j probation appeared vifihlc on every eenntenauce and the whole meeting was Conducted in harmony and good order. JAMES W. AG ill, Chairman. A true * opy. Henry Dingman, I lerk. JUNK 80k, ISJA Wetheyndeniene'l freelioMers aj*4 lahab- itantsoftiie lotvrrships of Pittabnrell and V,olJ* Wand, fn ihe \1:jiau:t ONinct of the Province *fr Ui-P r Canada, being ae*emWetl tbi> day, tgr*fa.f>I<* o ii ihlic untre. 10 nominate and appoint a proper per-un to represeot th*» said To*u*!ti|>- nf PUlftburgh and Wolf Ulund a* *R-neral •oce'i'iptobe heldal Yo**k in July ■**', ihcu ;au\ there in nominal (hr? 01 more proper persons to proceed *o Kngta**d. '•r the pin pr»M-nf prc-entoic a PesiHOU (O 'h- Pii.tce ltrg*Mj;, find th» [iRpiM'f&l PtirPaWll' W Hi* iini.fti icingdom of ftreat iSriiain and Ireland. \t. *vc.^ ptf tin? all Bitch matte.;- |n** gri-\ar,rt> wllioh IW! tabn'ir utrd*! an-l *:-».'»to have rrrlre*?* d. —\\ .-* therefrtre, b**inc *v p.nhl 'f\ for llir «aid pt>rpu*e, P^ivcaMt' 10 in -U11" IMt'trr. lo U>i II #n <l .'ittr 'U|j.*int-:<-, ft.j pmniKi"" Bfi»4 appoint iVmns A»»-I*y 10 be nne iruranit hiwlnl ^jM»re*ftmafive for ur^ r^dltia in the -aul 'iWiiMiip- of PUlybvrfli and VfoW Inland. #• yur /i//07a It/'." tfdwtl ] K1 NORTON. 13i(l June. tMSi Thi* <l-iv having b^en named l>> Inhabiiani- <f V.;»ca«a DI i'ic:. In their pM»iteaii.>o of p (nemtesaiid Piw-mHfls** firfr t?ie Heeims tf I)i?t*<icl Representative?, the fblloivllljs par- pon-i. nominated by th-5r respeetive Town .hip- fcpppa«-<'ii here 1 viz. Davis l!:ivfle>, K-^. If;( >>.!•>>'To.% 11.ThiV!ia-ifolen»an,EM(.TInirlovy William Prinirl*', for Hicbmo-id, .Jacob W. Meyer*. Km*, for Sidney, aud Daniel Wa^h- bien, F.-o. for Kiug-iuJD. Davi- Ha-.vlfy, Esq. l>ein*uiianimonsly call* *\ to ih'- Chair." it waa discovered »l»a» a mis¬ take, a* to the place of meeting, bail caused tome To'vn>liip R^p'een'ativesto a^embleat Ernest Town : and, in rim>e<|iience, it *a<r re- lolvod, not to proceed u> ihecboiceof District Reprcesntative»>Ti*easurer anJ Secretary this it was Resolved, neverthelefis, that an assu¬ rance nughi imtnediatelY to be despatched to the Secretary of Niagara District, by the chairmanof this Meeting, requesting him im¬ mediately to communicate in the Representa- tiVesaf Niagara District,,hat M'"> may depend on heitiginet at York, on tlic fitb July next, by personally appointed to ac; for tlie Mid- laid to-endn'^ o l'nglan.* aCom- ttiissson, hearinff Uddreswfrom this Praviur*' toHi« ftnval Highness the Prince Regent, on tiie state of public atfairs. Furthermore if was Re olved, that Sul »rday JOthof thi- present month, be immexliatei; ad- vrrtised a* the day of General Meeting of Township Represeu.Atives and Clerks, for?hi- ft'-»rict,at thehois-e of Abel p. torn ;trd. Inn K *eper%at ibe hour of 2 o'clock, P. M. in 'he fiUage otT! To'Mi,for tber-peciat purpo e o rlec^inr i^i<.rict Repreaeiiiative>3 a i'rea-su- rer. anA s,-creiary. A.nd likewise it was resohed, that the fore,- grting Resolations be published in tbe next Kiugsion Gazette. DAVIS H \W LEY, Chairman. WilUi Caxejf, Ivq. M. P. for Adol phufltown, St&n Ailert, Rsq. for Maryabiirgh, l3riij'ti-iht IhibtfS, E.u/. for llallowftll Kelt i\Ir/1rthtu\ for Amelia- burgh, rhntfttts CnlytiMMy Est/* for 'Vhurlo'.v. IVUUmi* P-inglr, im liiehmomi, (Jticoh liiltiam Meyers* for Sidtfev. mid ilr>tnj lYiU'taiu Fox, forSopWas- •)'»rjh, bring absent from uDavoiikblf ciri'unist.mce-.) Witlet Casey* Esq. M. P. bein/u- nnnimously called to the chair, Messrs Thomson 6i Dettor* Merchants, \»er< ok<t'd Treasurers for the Midland District, and Daniel Washburn^ fisq. temporary Secretary. ' Daniel fVitshbum, Th 0 u as Co lem uii, Paul Peterson, J -cob IVm. Meyers, eS" /)'/r/.v llaicley* werc*th; n anatiimoatily elected District H'presrntatives. A Comtnittfte of mana^emenf for the Di<tr«i was a fan appointed, with pw. or to nominate a permanent Secretary, w ho, tvorthcr with fae'Iroasiircr, i/»o- i »! Wnslib'rr^ Dftvis Hawle\. ex I uii Peters<m, Esquires, should constitute the *auui« Th'* Followins Petition to IIi^R»val Hii;h»es« the Prince Recent was is-ad and uiian'mou>lv approved of. the sji.-ne to be printed and suhmitld to the public tor consideration and amend¬ ment. I [Our limits vsiil not admit of /«•//> * Unking the A-llre-ss in this day's (ru- zett'\—~if s'-'tU appear /■/ our wex/.j R solved, That while we are tWn- seiou* th 1* our object, aud that <>* the land owners whom we represent, ia f' unite in a peaceable and Cos-tivu- TioNAt mode of pruCHr*din£{ bva Soya' ADDUKSSto the Prince Reirent/t, obtain inipnrtia! public enquiry tv>n- ceroin^ evils believed to exist in th-- Ac'ieini.nation of thi* Province v,ifi| a vif-w to the removal off hem, and the irnptovnieiit of Hie state of the Prov¬ ince ; we rngard Mi'h indi^'iation tin; "ttemplto stigmatise as illegal the #*k- ere.i>e of one of the most sacr d rijbi* of I'jt^liiirneu, and to suppress it bv Criminal Prosecution. fltiitvfaetk'VU&t the Township Cl« »h^ oftiiis District do p«y into tne ha/rd* of of the Ireasunr, all meuic< willed f!ie\ have, or in;»y eol'e<-t% on or br '■ . ' o( Jtii) liext^- and thill lh. Trecsurerb be r» que -led to acroiHi- Luereho- on r'«»at d:iy, at this phue} ti the District CouifniUw The thrt'iks of the meeting were thru rofed to ijo* Cliairnmt: tor his lrb'*rftl conduct,,and ai^Oto Mr (luuni,vv tar his disiiiicresU'd exerti^itd in behali ol jrhe ProviiU'cioi Uvprr Canada. Thh (}en ral meeting adjourned tiU a future day of Meeting shall b»» advertised b) r he District Committee. WILLETCASKY, Chairman. A true copy. D. \N AS KHt'UH, ci*ir»1|jK \ nit in coming forward on tht9 occafinn RORERT T. KERR, Chairman. lly order, hh€fie%er Perry, Clerk. At 1 meeting of ibe inbabi'ant*! oftheTovrr- IbipOr Kduard'biirpli, liclil at Johnstown on ■ he Aih duv of .Tvne. |ft|S, R. D. Fraser, E«J. heinc ral'ert to the chair, when die Aodres^of M». Robcr* fSourtav, to the Re idem Land fl* ncr- of I'pper Priiiadn, dat»'d :he ?i| dav of Ai'ril, I^IH, wa« read. It was unanimously recntvp{|, !«», Tliat rhe Loval iobabitan*softbisTown- bip have ton lonj» r-n|ov*d the t>1essinp*of tin* present happ;. Constitution under which they livp. »o think for a moment with Mr, Rnurlay- that it i<i neeeM'arv 'o have *• a radical chanee f*fsystem iu the Gfivernmerft of Unpe- Cana- sh^ a& aU innovations will nltimatelv place be innah font* of this prosperous and t\x\e country in a more d^nlorable State of misery than even Mr. Gonriay insinuates they now experiepce. 2d. Tliat rhevmave no grievance to complain of, bot what the law° of thi« coontrv havepro- ided ample mean' for speedv and effecuial re- •i, n'"t do *'»erefore decline to elect, either liT0Wnsfc*n Representative or Clerk, torono- te^nnce the *ecrel views of any Political Re¬ former. 1 Signed) R;D. Ht*Sj?B; Chairman. A true copy, (Slajnedl .Toff** Fra^fr, Ctttrk* The thank*of*he oteetvos wer«* nnanimons- lv voted to the Chairman for his-pub!;c -pint in comin? forward on tins oca ton, and liber* ^ll_ fulfilling tin dtoi of he Cliair. FOR THE KIVOsTOM GAZETTE. To the worthy Inhabitants at the D/"v- triet nf Niagara—(Jrow Mr. Gouu- LAX.) KINGSTON, 12th June, 1818. Gr.NTLEMiN, Having been entrusted, by your pe¬ titioning Representatives, with circu¬ lating certain pamphlets and oaper-j over the Midland. Johnstown, the Em-- mtii. and Ottaway Districts, if is A-ell to communicate to you how- far i have discharged thi*duty, and what has occurred, in connection with the busi¬ ness, since rny departure from Niaga¬ ra. On my lauding here from the Steam ii'mt,lhe IHf 11 May, I was happy to '": d many people warm in our cattle T.'iC republication, inthe Kingston (Ga¬ zette, of all (he wiiiiu^s which Itavi nur-ei! v np- ie. the Spectator, has had • his (if.-ef : and while such benefit ha* been iained to us. I am happy to find that tl.e independent spirit ol ihv Edit¬ or has broil rewauled bj an increased demand fi>r his Ncw^pauer. ThtJ I6th WHstiOKcl Mtat there wis r, .*;,.•..,. ^. » . 1..,1 r , the^'Oth, ac* •ompuni.d by a yea o.i\ friend, I pi- - re d d to Him st-Toun, ; and, tU<*rr* Yutde rtf ct'.nl at t,iii^er>u.nt- in the bo* •iue*«, for al! thp'Pnwn^Spjtol the Mid- and IHstrict. The filve situation of ihe village of Bmo^tTnwn, the-fertility of th<3 s<\\\ around it, tin. improvement alreadj elfi -td, tn^rthor with the de- lidhtful prospect-t"waul. the Lake,its »w lands, bay*, and promontories, al! ipirits ot him Ernest Toxzn, Vbth Jane, 1818. Several Representatives of Town¬ ships of the Midland District, vizi. W diet Casey, Esq. M. iJ Fortkfi tovs n- ship of Adolphustown, Paul Peterson, for Frederick*bur;ih, Amos Ansley f ir Pittsburgh and Wolf Island, Capt. John Allen, for Marysburgh 3 Bny. Huhbs,forIIallov,ell ; Henry VV.Eox forSophiasbutt;h; and Neil M1 Arthur, for Ameli:isburp.h.—assembled by mis¬ take at this plate onSiturday the 13th in-taut, having hint an intimation ti those who assembled at Kingston Oti tile said dav, that they would mevl this day nt the liou-e of Abel P. Foi« Hurd, in this villa-e, to proceed to b» tiiness. A meeting accordingly took place. PRKSKNT :— &a*ur>t Hasliburn, Esq. for Ki;> ••<.:: ^imus AthtleV} for riltsburgh and Hamilton- 6th *Junt, i?t^. This day a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the Town {hip of HamiJ-1 | ton*having been called at the houfe of j Samuel Potter, and Robert T. Kerr% F.f- ! qui' e, being called to the chair, addrefled hioifelf an follows. Gentlemeu, It has been ueanimoufly your defite, that I Ihoilld he called to the chair I come forward with great pJcafurc, and more particnlaily fo, when 1 fee fo nu¬ merous and fo rcfpcftrtblc an aflcrnblage hereon thi* prefent occafion- You have been called together, Gen¬ tlemen, by the inhabitants of the Dis¬ trict of Niagara, who eainellly folicityou to join with them in acaule, which in it^lf is both noble, virtuous and great, uflecting every honor and credit on Mr. J Robert Gourlay, from whom, with ail iu vtrtue, it has emanated. You have heatd that gentleman** ad- drefs t" the iciidcnt land owneu of Up- [per Canada read ; you have likewife ■ i • - r i votne people, I quietly waited for in¬ formation on the spot; and thin CUM presented itself without cflbtI, oti my part. As 1 have, before, publicly Bta-j ted that an abundant How of Township ] Elrports had come into my hands, anil \ that superabundance was rather to be' dreaded, i could bear the deprivation! of that entrusted to the JaithfiA and zealous Clerk of Adolphus Town with perfect 4uie*scence, and, iu the best of; humour, told Mr. Ila^erman that I( should commence an amicable suit ag¬ ainst him, and the master of (he Kings¬ ton post oilice ; but Mr. Jl. was not contented to wait the award of law : he must needs settle the question forth¬ with; and, finding it impossible to provoke me into passion, most unmer¬ cifully opened the sluices of tiuker 'doqueuce against a Byestander, who happened to give it as his opinion that Mr. Uagerinan had done wrotlg : and, on my departure thejawsof the Lawyer still quivered u Willi word* of learned length and thunder¬ ing onnd.** On Friday SSd I had Opportunity of preceedin^ bv the Bay and River Steam Boat to Presents By rlic way ( called on Colonel Stone at Ganano- que, a worthy Gentleman wlio hud aU so withheld a Statistical llepoti from tne, under the evil influences of the times and the Doctor. Of all things I wish to speak with those w ho have been misled,by slander,into suspicion of my character- Speaking, I consider, to be efficacious at all times, against ghosts. I missed Col. Stone, but have since spent a pleasant day with him ; and, iu the course of time, doubt not but 1 shall let in a liberal How of air into every haunted house of the Pro¬ vince. Your ghosts have indeed no right to he pertinacious on this side the Atlantic* Here we have no ivy clad ruins—no secret recesses behind old wainscoting—no gloomy tapestry to keep them loug hid, or give them coon* 'enance. Away with ghosts,and your worse than superstitious fears—-)our low and unmamicrl) suspicious. At Brockville we halted half an hour, and 1 have since made several calls there. It is outwardly a delight¬ ful place ; and, when it contains as much honest) us petty-fo^g'ng law, wiii be trulytciiviable* (To be continued.) To fte sold, 1>Y Public AUCTION, ou Wtin£ 3 rfiythf ifthhilt* at the hour of twelveu'chxk, A. M. A Home, In Storfe Street, between Mr. WYh/ht, I Cabinet .Maker, and Mr. Blake's Inn, ;A leafeof the lot on which the k-e./e i Hands will be given for f or yean. 'Yht terms of payment will be made known at the time of fale. CHARLES DAWSON, a. & a. "~ ^~~ ■■ -______ * Masonic Festival. rW\HE Festival of St. John Jg[ the Bap isi will be c I ■ braicil by Lodge No. 6, A. Y. Maf >n on Wrdnefday the 241I, iuftant, ar the I.odpe Room, at VMhafi Hotel. Thole Brethren wlio vvilh to jni"n in ihe fellivityof the d-.>, w:li plcafc fi^njfy the ratne to Mr. Rubctt VValkef two days previous. By^oVroftKeW M. JOHN W. FERGUSON, Secretary. Kingston, June 16 1818. 3 In a late paper \ liave ooUcCil tin' u<l* risemr.l1 ot cerouu men wlio wi-h tu *' into*m ihe Mrilmtli-i* and lUheri/ that ihe> lia\ " withdrawn" from the M^tUodlrt Eniiiopal ( hnreii, andasMgiiiuc tbelr reamns. Tlie Me'iiotliM* in tins tonntry well und*-r- .»and tbe '* rea ou^* which have rendered ii ie*TS>ar\ (0 dl -own the-e men, and ' oilier^" who \\\*\\ to know mors * if the " truth" ma I heard read, the addrefs from the loyal in¬ habitants of the DUirict of Niagara to Hid Royal Highncfs the Prince Regent, and the whole tenor and femimtnts of b;»ih have met :roli fully your approba¬ tion Now gentlemen, let ua contrib¬ ute to this general caufe, and complete the bufinefs for which we have met, aud rhtn returning to our homes, feel a hap py c: nviction of having done well. The meeting then proceeded to cleft a P.eprefentative and Clerk, when Rob¬ ert T. Kerr, Efq. was chofen to fill the foirner fituation, and Ebenczer Perry the irtitc ; >• committee alfo wa« appoin¬ ted to forward the views of the meeting viz MefTf* Ca'tb Mallery, Jame^ Wil '.iaisp, Daniel Simmons and Robert Wil liims- The meeting then clewed Mr Samuel S, McKenny, Treaiurer. Tht thanks ol Uic meeting were uuan rend to elevate the who journevs here. Often iudeed it been my lot to f,.r| the effect of such influences th Canada ; and much have they contributed to cheer the hopes and strengthen the zeal which have yet been unerasing towards the promotion of the interests of a country so pressingly inviting. Alas ! how deplorable t* it, when pnr*ui«j( such objects, surrounded by such in- ctteinentsj and countenanced by the ijeneral good «i^lieb ot i|,e inhabitant^ to witness the low? wa-pish and p*r- rerse dispositions ol so;ne individnals. At Ernest Town a rooi Mtraordinar) ease of this kind occurreq_\younu Law- yer.of the name of Hag|vrmaU)cailcd al the Inn to be introducei] t0 nu.? ^^ i,, the course of conversation^ [ Wa« in¬ formed that he had a(:ted as Town Clerk, at the annual Mfeetiug of Adol- pl.usTowo, where the pr0ple agreed, as to the propriety of H-plying to th> Statistical Queries, A import was ac¬ cordingly approved of. signed by the chairman, and ordered to ^e deposited by llagermau, in the King ton Post Office, addressed to nJ0- This duty was accordingly done. Iiut onr lawyer having afterwards ta£eV) offence at some of my writings, jj^j {^ fteport withdrawn from the post 0ft\ce. U did not require a moment^ COgitatlon to I settle the point, as to ine propriety & legality of this act. j^fore Mr. 11a- nnpiiie, wh>*(Ui r one ot them, for near :i yew preceding hi. expulsion, had not been uudfr censure and Mi-peu.-ion lin beiU2 in ihe hahii of innkuip eiifija^emeni'* without 'he probiiuillt} ol fultitling; (hem; and whether all of ihew iier^not expelled after having been censored to:* m. driii aaura. Tliat *}v**ir aiaii ments on the economy »t MethodU ui are highly exceptionable, and consequently Mibjecl u* severe sirlcuute*, all whnarv aec|tiaifited with that economv will easily Uciceive. lint »s rcli^iOUl rontiover*v 10 public New-papers is very unpleasant to a considerableb<idyof yonrreaders* ll isthonghi proper only to add, (hat it - ,i- .■■ ,.i not be derm- •d rei&arkaUle ihai men who iiad been d* fea.- d in their attempts to d'etiaei the Church b\ dhi lonr,should insinuate ihat they had been excommunicated w ii boot cause—reson 10 mea- I nre- no* the must 'innnrabtc to iheir ri'lij'tm* profession- and al! a ouc*' to become ver% con- wientluus abmit an obsolete law made at;a>p^t he Pope and Poperj : a law «holl\ inapplica- Me 10 the V.ethdilo.i bpiscopal Church, by (he Rev. J. Wesley, wtaWUfted in America, I\ BrtnAKLNRlDGE. Au^xista^th /iinc, Isi <. [As communications of the nature c,f tho"* abnve,tend rsuherto widen than cendlmi* rlitrrnmces, we presume it will noi be thou<;hi unreasonable, if we decline giviug place to an> ihing furtfc»r 00 the subject..] Editor. Ten Guineas B E W A M B. IOSTon the fourth of Jtlne i«ftant| J in the Garden of C.-qnhonn'i tavern, below Cornwall, a plain COL!) IVsITCH, capped Sod jewelled, maker's name Jeffries, with a gold Chain of Jon* oral links, aud two gold Seals, in one a Corne'ian Sto^e, with a ""Vcd. anJ itl tbe other a common blue ftoncj on which it engvaved a female head Whoever will deliver the above a?tu clea to Colonel Ban/ay, n-w at Saint Regis, Mr. Robert Cdquhoun, at his ta¬ vern below CornwaHj or ta Torrance i^ McLeody KingOon, tltall receive the a* bovc reward. Cornwall, 5th June. 181& 3tf Kingston Hold. I> OBERT WALKER, rct«-..t \j bis fincerc and gr.itefui ack owl- edgmentsto hiV fitend*, and the p-bde In general, tor their liberal luppoic dur¬ ing the lall eighteen years, and t.:kcl ithia opportunity ol acquainting them, he (till continues to keep the above clr- gant EftaMilhmenr. wh-ie traveller" Rn4 Eimufcs c4ii uc iccuuimotiatcd w;t*j 1* pr arate rooms, audavery attention paid-—« Some malicious and unprincipled per- Ions having reprefcuted and circulated a report th:it his charges ate extiavaganr, he beg^ leave to acquaint the public^ that they arc a- moderate asa*y hotif< iu the town of rCin^flnn, with very tu^ pciior accommodations. Kingston, June 15,18181 3- f ! FOR SALE, ug, even I sei .nan dared to do sue |( a t^j if legal, he should first jjaye obtained a meeting of the people of Adolpliustowiu aud linown//ie/rop;niourtnthesul)ject. In the ttex» place, it sh.iulj have en. teredinto "ie consider. tion o|-a|| nar_ ties, whether to withdi|iw the Report was admissible by the j.lW> j know and assert that it was uot< The mo¬ ment that any letter or nebfit ifi put 'nto a post office, that moment it be- vimes the property of J»jm j0 whom ii is ad.liessed ; and Ut ^ |,er the fir?>t ow - iierj >or the master of (6^ 0flfcp l,*j the -mailest ritih* fou<elil>crlies ^lX\^ \t. Nearly two mouths at;. § , h(U| priVate information that Mr. jyiacaulay had I btcu takiug unvairau; ^ Ubtiticft in HFlttE weft half of Lot number 5> JL on the tenth iide of fouth'or Prince Edward's Bay. in the townhSip of Marylburgh, containing one hundred acres. Said Lot is well timbered, an "J fettlementHon each fide, which renders if well worth the attention of ihofe who with to putcbaie—Enquire of the Printer. , June 16, 1818. tf3 NOTICE. AS the Subfcribcr, is about to elofr bis bufniLfs here, he requetls al that are Indebted by Note01 otherwife. to Call aud difchargc the fame vvithou* delay. 8 HAWLEY Kingfton, June 15th 1818. Oats, Pcafe and Flour -for (ale by S. Huwley. 3 New Store. FBlHE fubferiber informi bis Mend* JL and the public in genera', that he has removed his Gt>odfl from the St- re belonging to Doctor Forvtanl, to the houfe ol Mr. *fohk Davy, where he will have conftantly on hand a choice a(Lrt* meet of l)iy Goods, Groceries, Liquors, §c ^ fed. and will continue to difp<«fe of them on the moft liboa1. term^forCalh or appro¬ ved cicdit He avails himfrlf of th'S op- orfunity to tender hU grateful thantea for the great fepport and encourage? ment that he has already met with, a*ii a flu re* them that everv exertion «»n his part will be made to Tnent a continuance of their favors. JOHN CLARK. Emcji Town, l^th June. 18 I 8. J N R. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchauce for Merchandize! and the moil bbeial prices will be ^ivcn for the fame. IT EfT at khewharf of the fubferiber, JI__J about the firil of Mai / lalt, a BATTEAU, laid to belong to Mr. M'DougalL of Niagara. The owner is defired to pay charges and take it away without delay, ot it will be fold to pay txoenccs. JOSEPH DENNIS. Kingfloti, (Poi.t Frederick)! June 12, 181H gwj \ Lost, To Hire. Pair of Stout < anailian and Waggon— Enquire ii A Office, Kinjtton, June Ijji i8i8. Horfe at ibi A MILCH COW, dark red, with xyL white face, the hoins iiave been lately bored, and her tail bound in the middle with * raj>.—A liberal Ieward .vll be given to any one that will uturu (^id CoW»—Apply to the Piintfi, rHE Boat DOLPHIN, i* in g od •ider f.r cartyillg Lumber, or hOy t! id ot cargo, and will d» bufmefs o-n as nodciatc terms as any other Boar. JOSEPH POiSCEY. Kingston, June 3, 161S. 3WJ

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