Kingston Gazette, June 16, 1818, p. 1

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* - [TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1818.1 KINGSTON [VOLUME Vlll.------No. 8] GAZE T E. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES-—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage* iwsu:#&m .L^^-rtfc.'-rjT^-'T" V^j,.— tt—« ""TJl Agents for the Kingston Gazette* £rn^- Town, JAM KS K \NKIN, Iwq. Yark, WILLIAM AI.fAN, Iq, BrockviUe. A. SUFRWOOI), Esq. BeHviHe, S. MNAHB, F.sq. Montreal, V. MOWI.R, Printer. V>, > -Janagers. TR N, J The BAY and RIVER STE.VT BOAT CT*ARLOTTR, WILL leave Kins ft on forth* Head i f the Bav af Quint* «ve?y Sunday afternoon 5 o'clock, and Wednesday morning 2 o'clock ;—Re- liirnino; leave Bellvi'le Fnt KiogKon Tucfday mowing 2 o'clock, and the Carrying place Thurfday morning ,2 o'clock ; leave Kingfton fo> Prtfcott every Friday morftt»§ 7 o'clock, and Pre/rott for Kinglton Saturday motn- in'sr f i>'c:o-k. tWTfi BARTLET^ so (/> mow jom dani ivashbu Kingston* 'June 1, ' 81S. f To Bakers. Govfrnmfat Contract. TENDERS will be receded at this Office until Wednefday, 17th foil, at iz o'clock, from fuel: pei foils as may b- defiroiisofCUtding i to Co'itiudi f>r the tupply of Bread rtfttO&cd for the Tnon< In this G;»nif m, to he bake1 fti'H Pour received froti the Commrf fa Mat Store?, fr <-n 25th June to 24th Dec-mbrr 1S18. The Tender* muft e*pref< the name- of two Curettes for the :>ei foi mancc of the 9greemevit. Afs*u Com'y. &»*&. Office. Kingston \Jl ?irlWfs 18 181 1 For Safe, BY tlu r.ihfcflbr (2 *ckw« North of J ho nm^intr- F.fq ) QWf.RRV Boards mA l»l>nk 18 inch $lHn*le*a and Cord Wood JOHN TUTTLE. Kingston, $Qih fl'ay* 1818. I " PUBLIC NOTICE. THE Partn"ifhi. h<--aofore exift- in^ nndei the Rrrn of McDon aid and Jones, lb this 'Jay diflblvei by dm mat content. AU -erlons holding accounts aeafnft End Firm, are requelled to prefent the- fcrfcule-nent, and all indebted t- Finn to make immediate payment. peter McDonald, edward jones, The Bnfinefs in Future will be carried pu hy Edward Jones, who is authonfed to fettle all accounts as above mentioned- May 27. 1 NOTICE. THE copartnership of Robert Wil¬ liams eff Co. is this day dtflolved by mutual confent. All perfon** hiving demands a ainft the concern arc requeft ed to prefent them f >r fettlement, and all perlons indebted to the fame, are r - quelled to make immediate payment to Robert Williams Efq who is duly authorifed to fettle all accounts of thr concern. Robert Williams, Jonas Abbot. Thos S. Whiraker. Ernejl Town 2 \Jl May, 1818- 2/3 NOTICE. -ipH^ partnerfhio heretofore exiftino; S. between T&orncr& Moron is dis¬ solve^ by mutual confent. All debts, due1* and demands aerainft the concern, From the Niagara Spectator* :t\. *fcw*>.-*-r* ■MR. The filpnce which followed the abufive publication, ad- drefled to me in one or your country ; or creating difcord ifuccefs? In Ikying this, I am in fociety, and difturbing that (I perfectly di vetted of all perianal tranquility which exiftcd lanimofityto him>—he is tome previous to his arrival. He as if he never exifted, except as lef* England, to come to this papers of February lail, pro- country in an embarrafTed. cecded from a c nvicTion tfeatl,toatMML and " ,s notorious! filch a c^mpofuion would more effectual! v counteract the dan¬ gerous influence of che writer, than fire molt laboured ex pofure of his errors could hav-5 done ; and having in eality no other motive for wri ing than a wifh «o caution tJie inconfi- derate and unienfigbtcsiedj, I! could only thank him -or the afliftance he fo unexpectedly af¬ forded me,—a; d therefore left •he caufe in his h.tnds, until I felt it a duty a;:ain to interfere. In doin: f" I w far from flat¬ tening myf:lf I have auy p^r- fonal influence with the people of this country. I addrefs will be fettled by J. 1 horner, and debts due to the concern, are to be paid to faid John Thome:. John Thorner, "Michael '* *oran. Kingrton, 4th June, iS18 2t3 'books THE fubferiher tcqnelh thofe whoj *he*n thr >ugh you,^ merely as h^ivethe foiiowinn b-oks, b.iou/.iian individual, (haiing equally tog ro him, m'jrht be returned immedi ltbe"r i'iterelt and their- ariev- arely t, Mif, REED, viz tft and 2d |ancc<> { j^ fo ^ ^ vol hhaklr^-ar. ;>nd 2d afid to volumei', . . « , r , Chidren^fth. Wx* !:bl0: m df:eiK? °* UK' r Pr°- N. B. The -fl and 2d vo»mn< ftf Sir Ipeity and rights, »«« irave cit:r«ew Gtandifo1 m.--y be had »t thrfjretired to fpend my little fn.nerate the^therfis' v.lume ! -Id at, fortunc annma; thcm.-_l am notorious that hefome years lince, got into the moll lerious difficulties in his native country, for pu.'Hilling his political princt* pies there Let him deny this charge if he can ; 1 have good authority for my aflertion— and is it this character, brave he may influence and impoie on the fociety of which I am a member.—He wiflies to pa ft for a man of influence an4 property —he fpeaks of letters he addreffed to ev ry member of the Houfe of Peers !! and afked me in a fQmpdttt manner, if I was aware that he cone> ponded with Lord Bat hurst* Had he ever received one line and loyal Canadians, that yon"from Peer or Commoner ii vvould follow as a leader? approbation of his chaalef Paufe, and reflect well, before and conduct,! doubt not but you enter further into his it wo ild hive been publifh^d fchemes. which can only have] for our information. He offset* finifter views for their object, to threaten me with a reporc Iii every community there -ire of my conduct at the horie individuals incapable of d:.Hin-; I guards ! The more unfavoura- by upp'ving as ahov-. J. THORNER June 8. 2 Notice. ? not a b in.l pirtiz.m 'f govern i Iment, nor am 1 an ihabhuaf \vihfia of its or irneat'uves ; and, having never ..„ ... 1 , . , folicited a favour, or receive1 "1E nut ic are hereby cautioned a- \ < \ r • / ein.flpurci.r.n^ra Notc-f hyr:d.ii<^-e towhich l for tL im did [dmwn by thef-difcrihei. and payable tai-fiOf h.»ncftly entitle ffiC^ 1 may •e Pierre Stanton, f r Two lnitidred and ;confldcrtly aflure my fellow [fifty*.; as no c- nGderate I w o* va fH rcli lent n that h:u bwm roxh d !«.- thi lamr The \\--------T ' ...... DCI 1/Cr niy n e is payable in June 1*20. j'intereit, nor any lotficr con GARRKT STRIKER, jjfideration, ihall ever tempt me Baihwett} \§ih May. 1818. tjltooficr 'hem any eoftinftls, AD^milrHoQiaiiaB the rdUl ot mituie to LET for any number of yearv .rckcct-on ai.d real .at'achme t guitiling b-. tween the ir.teretted affectation of public fp-rit, and tnc honeft entlmfiafm of a true patriot.—This point is not an eflential one to be eftabliflied* If the people are deluded, and mille-'!, it lignifies little whe¬ ther they are influenced by an artftii adventurer or a blind enrbufiift ;—the fir ft is pro¬ bably the lead dangerous char- after, as he would merely pos. (efs himielf of their cafh, while thi other would lead them to Attempts dangerous to their own fafety. and perhaps fatal to theirconftitucional privileges. I ferved in Ireland during the faid tr.»t m'.y be agreed upon. For par- ticidarft enqui»e vf WALTER M'CUNIFFE. Kintrfton, June 2, 1818 itf Valuable Lands. T Sheriff's Sale. MSdtamtl s \V Diflri&.l\J wi*! be M*( at the Court Hoofe »n the Town of • Ktngftoftj Lot No. 18 aid the foutberly ! half of L'^t No. 49 in the faid Tnvn -f j Kino-iU-n, feized by virtue of an Execu | tion out of Hi\ Majc-fty's C»■«!■* of \:\%\ Bench at »he fuit of Alexander Hart 1$ Bettjnmin Han aeainft the Lands and Tenementb of Peter Grant—Sale to commence at 12 o'clock in the f'Ktn^on. JOHM M'LEAN. Sheriff M. D. Sherifs Office, \jl June. 1 8 1 S. I FARMS FOR SALE HE fubferiher offers fur falea farm containing JJJ acres, in the town- (hip of Erneft Town, ^d conceffi-n ha¬ ving a good frame Koi»fe. a luige Barn and Shed, an excellent (bud for a tavern *nd llorc, and one of the belt fttuation* in the country for a mechanic. 4/fo—One of the bctt fatm» ir. the townfhip of Kiugfton, containing 100 acres, well timbered, and about 30 acies qnder improvement. SMITH BARTLET. April 28, i8iSv 48tf g3rTo Let, FOR the term of eight or nine years, on reafonahie terms, the premifes at prefent occupied v^y thT hiofcriber, confiilingofa large Two ft or' h< «ife. bake houfe, ftablc, -Sec For jrticu- l»Mf apply to the fub-cib-r. LOtU» iAPIN. -Xiftgfton^ June 2, x8i#. itf to the iMtereiU of ' c^unt-v, in which my own are i<eeev fariiv and infep»r ably inter¬ woven —When I li ft jtddres- fed Mr. Gourlay, I can ioufl) avoided perionality and every BTlOK Tale by the fubferiher Lot No. 1 , . . r .Sand i9,inth«rtenthC.»oofffion,iie3CprcffionthaC COul.j be COD and half Lot N'». 18. in the 6th eon-j tti ucd into an inundation pre ct-ffion, of thcTownfhip of Pincy. A-p-j judicial to Its character of plyto JOHN BURNETT. ! w»,ich j kne Kingston, Ma/gib. 181S. BEER. "TTUST receive :. at the Store of S. w no fhing, and i_li which I was tar fr m i'ufpec- |tin^ to be ailAi|,,b]e.~His _rcply caufed an immediate S.VTURD'Y, .he |<UI Bm.lcl.aconG.jnmento, 94 bar- "rev.,lut.on in m feelings ' ra,nCa,ofa fuperior quality, fur, -towards him, and I behve I fau for.afh |:was not fingul.r in niy fCuti- May 5.1818. 49 meats I am certain 1 fhouid equally have ceiifur-,d fuch a 'publication, had its vulgar and > 1 NOTICE. fubferiher requefts all thofe; if ahule beern directed THE who have any dc mand" a^ainft him ; to fend in their account* duly authenti- •againit any otmr ".ame than cated fnr payment, on or hefore the 20th j I my own. It caufed a moment- Ju e; and all thofe indebted to him, iary indignation in §ny breaft, are requelled to make immediate pay-1; which W2S quickly maftered ment. LOUIS TAPIN. L„ . r..i:-i \JL *n . « Kingfton, June 8, 1818. 2 by a feeling lei's flattering .to the author ; nor- fhouid I again appear to oppose his mea I a Groom and a Far one will pltafc to ap-i fures, did I not feei mvielf :_____:*u ,i___ .1______a- ■ / nr anted, f ? mer.—N ply who do not bringwith them the moftj ^jj^ Qn for the pu^. ^Z iatisfactory credentials.—Enquire of . /•„„„ re- ■ *> «• the Printer. ;to exPoie f"?,e ***** <& his character, which have come to June 4, 1818. my knowledge. Mij.. Gourlav i in} Miuwiuigvi *"^r« uounay WANTED to lme a refpea.b;, f jn one of hjs pvjblication::, Woman a* a Wet Nurfe.—Ln . J , m „ (• *•« &>*** Idfaf of the Printer. I *™ buti fo" * ^^ * hlS Kiiigfton, 9th, 1818. Oats and Peas, For fate by Monjeau & St. Germain. June 8. t ATTORNIE3 Blank Bills o. Costs, for sale at tliis Office. jmay eafily be accc-ullted for. ScribHng has not been my profellion ; had it been fo, I fhouid now be mor^ equal to the tafk of unmaking him. He alfo boldly aflfiEt% that the Major will not rajjy - he is mlftaken, the Motor now n\m lies and charges Mr. Gourlay, with intentiuiis ro influence rebellion of 1798, and few ,vith deep regret* a uell intc!)- ioned, enthufiauic and gene¬ rous, though deluded people, expofing themfelves, to all the tnift ties -cauled by a blind ad¬ herence to imerefted and plaufible men ; who under presence of redrefllnsj their wrongs treat hcroufly led them to ignominy and to death. The French revolu.ion fur- nifhed mat'y fimilar Tragedies and ended in the pev^ect '" over¬ throw of the fyftem 6f govern¬ ment,"—the people rofe in bodies to throw off 1 he oppres- fionsofa finale ruler, and in confequence have, till lately, bled under the moft tyrannical abuies that ever ailumed the nsme of government.— Twoqueftions I would wifh publicly anfwered which I fhail now propnfe, viz. what are our grievances, and by what means (if any exift) are they to be re- drelied ? Mr. Gourlav ac¬ knowledges in one of his publications, that there is no fuch thing here as an oppreffed multitude,—again he fays, " every individual has reafon to be fatisfiedS with his own relative condition." In the name of all that is rational, what more is to be wiflied ? Is there a country under any con- ftitution, than the bleffed one which protects ours, that can boaft fo highly ? He dwells on unfatiflied claims ; but is there a man in Canada fo blind, fo credulous, fo deluded3 as to believe Mr. Gourlay's influence neceilary to obtain them ? Is thereone^ who, on mature con- lideration, will not be convin¬ ced that his name will rather throw a ftigtna upon their ble he makes it of me ! he better ; it cannot but aflift :n eftabliihing the lie tie I have already in (lore there by coming thro1 fuch a channel — and I {hill conclude wirh declaring had Mr. Goarlay lavifhed hi^ praifes on me, aj liberally as he lias beftowr-d abufe, I fhouid have felt myfelf called up m to vindicate my character by making known to- the public, that ir did not arife from any intimacy 1 hw| with him. RICHARD LEONARD. Drumtnand Hil!y Niagara Falls9 April 2 j, 1S ! S. he minds of tbe pecfpje 0fthis I proceedings than cnlure lhar iu« To (hit Editor of the Niagara Spectator/ ISiAQ^HA.May 7, ISIS. SIR, After the reputation of your ww paprr had risim ^o high^ it i« pltj y^a should have suffered Hint reputation to he Nunk by the insertion 01 M'tjor Leo¬ nard's In t communications. In yovtt province as Editor,y00 l»ave most i:n« portaot duties to regard, nor only fat \ our own Intrrett, but that ofthcp»:b< lie ; and )«u ou>ht to h" cautious ia tbe exercise of these, Whatever Dan tend to public ^ood should be advan* iUtd with boldness and freedom, while • hp.t u hich has no object bur the. prali - cation of malice, ou^ht, riiiirllv. to be retrained. Major Leonard's bi*t lot* ter Stands a glaring example of this la?C description of writmf, whilp the o?ie appended to it can only j?ive di^jrti^t from its dullness and dirt. These lcr» terfl can do me no harm, for every man of sense must see through tben in 1 moment ; but as Major Leonard, & Magistrate of this District, has told the public that u it is notorious that be (1) some year* since, got into the most se¬ rious difficulties in h\> (my) native country for publishing his (my) polit¬ ical principles there," I conceive it right? on several accounts, to call oa this Magistrate to detail the particu¬ lars to which hikalludi-s.-to state wltat were the diliicuUies I -jot into, in my native country.,—what publications and p* n iples of mine) brought m% intodiC* find ies. It is vain to fcfc dare to deny1* till 1 know the specific charges allrdsj* ed ; and when Major Leonard brings forward his charges,in will also be necessary for him to produce the u authority** which he assures usia " good." If Major Leonard, either refuses to Comply with such reasonable demand*^ or fails in satisfying the public, as %a 1 lie grounds and propriety of what he has advanced, I trust the worthy inhn* Uitants of this District will pin m«- ui petitioning the Lieutonaut G«Tcrtior us soon as he arrives in Upp-r-Caii-J i 10 have the name of Richard Leonard struck out of the comiu»ss.,m o* the peace-—** Nihil leges sine morib «*' is a maxim as true n% it i* ane.'-ut ; and ur Major LeoMrd*s information 1 l^ll translate it thu* : it is of wu-etu bm4 Magistrates^ unkss tk*# hast sense d discyitfioUi

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