{fcc *f rebound :" 8ww$ t ggtft rail- [|nf the a*tamb!cd mMfifefa of Ihe t?!a- ft><$ IW tlfc WOrtl HOJVd'H *ysfcin I hire ivl rs^portert^ed, w»* n wn* |»:n(l-;uba, aau?ed by r. acHih; ww *1 his Im^'^t productions 1 -ball coft- tihuv mv journey as Urfnat. snet heielM Mam Mr. t^.tnlriy against flopping a Tiavellcr. If Jit* rfp' -at.-i ihr ol* nee, I rfia!I assuredly wbtain a warrant lot his npor inMiMon. from some of th- $;tfis{rates of the Tttt&pship of A'/V/- gurti> aitd afft/*r c&nvmilHtti; him, th- \ HiJ 1)1 i u.'»p- 1)0 able to r«»p<y to »U 3Wq-i-r), by tt&tillg, wttt Mtcror »• : lis imprisonment u rrtardsthe ir.ipiovj - meutofthe LroviiKV," and if his en¬ largement u woula contribute to tin M I am &c. iF/'OW /Ac Niagara Spectator. A? every thing ic important, ai th'* time, which tan tend to nclv&i und°r- Itftndin^ of Che unfortunate difference" sub.istini;between (he twnbmnchtwul' theLiijnlaturr,—the LegNlativoCoun- cil Had Assembly of this Province, ur five our readers the following .ropy ol tesolotioim drawn up bv an Honora¬ ble member of the Council, though not ado<>t"d. 4i Resolved^—Tltfrt this Uotwasthe Legislative Council of Upp^r CAtwfc, constituted under the A-.:f nf thw Brit¬ ish Parliament, are dniiu'llwed to be¬ lieve that an assumption on their part. in powers, pr^Til^eSj cuyt°nj^, and au¬ thorities, of the H<'WSe of Lords, would be warranted, eiLlu-r b) the letter or spirit of our constitution—<nnin con-* shuctive analogies may app'}' • I*11* .bein^ circumscribed tvlffrn a rule* of •action, and ccnseijiu'iit dtrtfbuntfmt,] ticreon, it is enough for thi> II ;■;:*.•■. Jiot topre^ume Cittu rtoUnou then ugPj practice of Uw of Parliament, and can (Inrve no fixed rolfl of (Mttttitict fro;: • ••peao powers. Th.- Hamburgh p«j j>"rs mention cmlytb* niece oftheSar- •'iniini consul as being so insulted. tbnsq howpver, from various source* of intt-lligi-nce, wa learn, thnt a great outrage has been committed ; but, as hufhs ol a painful nature are seldom fcfStfgned in the rcpilition, we may cou- ctftdfr that the latter account is the (Ml* ly rftc which should be fully credited. Of tiie insufficiency of treaties with ucil i .lief- as those of Moorish Africa, to restrain their ptiople from the bur- !;aiiile% v. hich h.iv'* become habitual wTrh Hicm9 this affair is another proof. V\ iu'u whi the jarring and jealous am- IbitiPM of the European powers allow their, to tuL- th-only proper mode oi rstublishing a e;vili«?c! power on the iwfttifMoorish Africa? It ]>^t^ |l'n,a;'Jllf}*?*** difficuht« which havr inf.eepai,^, on the authority of ««Wb««i4«*ri number ol Liter, from Conr.tani.iur.ple, that tn. | y^n,r and tht-.Secretary of the United few diys ago hU cavalry fur- prifed !hcRo);iliits and cut to pieces a fa • regiment of hua- ssan of FetdinaDcl, VIL 500 in number, Boiivar was advan¬ cing and Moriilo acting on the defendve—both main arm.es within oite days march. Some¬ thing deciiive was momently looked for. The Patriots are (.aid to have the advantage. Documents have been fubmittcd to tht Congrcfa of the United States, by | the PrefidcOt, rtfpcftlng ecgociationa v> ith Spain. By ihefc it appears that i but lit tic oc no pr-xrefs has been made k« o.i;..n:..~ *k-j.*<e ...i».'.......i.:~t- *-• - f A Law Intelligence j| tihctcrtn of the bajvetne Court'j I)<'vs of Tunis and Algiers hav> ron- eludctl atseaty of puare under the^ua-] ran tee of the Grand Sigtiior, andatthi ttKJft time in eonjue.elinn with the D-) of Tripoli, hnvtf (. ni.'ri'd into ail el!Vu- j ■•ive ami dofeu>ive allianee uitii the Ku-tp^ror of Morocco. If this im -11 * - jj^nce be line, it will in some decree. aeeoantfor(he arrogance of the pre— ■ ;\f D'\ uf AJgiers. The Kin^of S:-r- dhiia b stated to havr issued onk«r<. i ; e<i:i>e;;tii tire of the abe.?e outrage t<* ,'\ oiif a squadron for the purpose of demanding satinfaetion. Tlw Con^roKj ol 'Si -vercigns. it i-; now saidj is to br\ held at AixI'J Chapelle, FllANKFOrtT. .Tan. 90. Under thi* date! is an art'ule }irOf« I (i*T.uu,d it'*d the 1 Of h of January, eon- j laiuiu^ an aeeouui of t!te avrtvyl >f tin Sardinian \ iee-(-nnsu! Iren> At 'icrs. as aiivady published in tin- Irenen pa- p..'!-- and fn 10 th^in Iran lat. d wto the I'i.'iilisli. Tie- vo-ton.-neeinvi.t ;. r\ru'i. the ^nnie, bet the' eosu'tusioi ( I jurh.—'Fiiis House looks Stalely to tttt'j thameter by which it exists, and htj tain they s-areh t%rein (or undnu)>t-| tQ,frnVr^nt, mid fXeluMW ri^hi io ;» t'o-oidinate body created by tie- sank1 a.t. tl Simple assent to, or total rej e- twniof bills, wor.ld, in practice, bi productive of incalculable «vtl< in de. W) and en!;arias-.iiotit, destructive to £ta<b«tf iiitese-ts • f this ColonV—J'* "Witting to bills whieh th \v iudum »t»J Ji*d r.-a<eo arn at VHlMiij • if.i, \\<-.;.j , . |(l(. ( j f,. a sieriure «fdut> utid principle---j j IJVCti| Jo^// rtjHi">Tt< w-nnld clus«» up at! pvenues t« laformnti»t*, n.oiive>9 ac- tommodation and a*sibiulaM«n, S* neeeSMuy to U»o ctiacttttC of HOlularyl la-wit.__WillwnitamundintHtts or enri ivrenees,hituerto refused, ^ a nshtdii g,.r>e in c^nigruirle?, Inarruraej^ and undigested matter, ftoiild app'-ar in ■Ibe statute hnok : but as an i-«frl*m*« ■0i a cone; iat«.n dispO Jtion, and a tft- rpre regard For the bevtii»'eie?ts aT'th' protinee, on the parr of tliis IIou n, tiiey have ever b'-r:i satisiied with sueh snu-ndmeuts, coming in the form ol y ue« bill, and in all instances, these amendnunts have ever had a tendenc) to nlieviate, instead of Imposing, a«H .fcurdens or impositions on the pe 'pie : and as a co-ordinate bodyconstiiutioi*- Uy interpose, when they in their de- 1 .r [ is u:- Ii'Mov. - :—The Dey received \\-. Nj-rro' k* d by LbatCMud and **itii ht- wiUri: tn ni- hand : biu be f M i'u?u u !: r-u.gc< 'i-."'.* tie Uircaten.'d tlw Ens»- l:^l\ coiim:! to h iv- hi- --oir: ;.' a.l .i ■ •iti. and u h • v- it Jixvd up at the d»»< ol t!u hull ( faudience, if thev rroublt iiiui anv furtiK-r. At t*"j t\q • ^! ' [he t"i; ineO tiit.her. all ihe v Oi;s*'- fl *\*ti;! f r the m< on nt. Tl.f :• .• tH • ilii* ."' .Jioiun \ ic*1 v ou5 .1 \,a Oi'di i i .* I '3w AjuV is/* Th* aeeioiir th^r-fore d»li'. rs fron *ir.i, u,,,1,i i 1 i.i.- ( ijiei in nut ipi'iHionnii, b •* ihe Vice-l nn.Mi!V dau;».f ?, »ni llw elothin^ ol the biiii-h Consul •ivvi s in a Turkish dres- • bin itntatt! i'i.a' ihi-v uVre -.-i/i'd in the btrei U am! pvitiu the h;uam. 3taU?. lay?-, that his " Govciumrnt !^ noi prepared to rcuoilnce any of its claims, n ir to scquicfcc in any of the arguments of the Spanifh kliniftcr/* and adc> that ** nft^t ihutecn years patient f rbear-mce. i' wiil ntcd but little ad¬ ditional JTo: i. wait fe newhat I01 gtr.* The •■>'();;■ f?.1 ol Spain fo> :eferi:.o the ce^roeiatio. Lu ihe mediali-n of forr.i. European j.ovvr. ;, drclined The El^ig oi N^plei i:i hi= negociathrn with the United States f-r Ipoiiktiont commuted by Munna, afcribes the Ciu'tfifcatfons of itn^er'ican property to .hr d:r-jtioe..' r-f Bonaparte—^ud dentr- I bib accomitabflity for ad> d-»ne whec hi; power w*:a luiuiidv'j be i »;*-ncc. Canadian Couratit* Boston* March 5. Th* bng Mcfftfugrr, Capt S'etctJoe, which hiedir%m \hu poit fume ti .<< I linee with pnrnFotra fo thr rri?ef of] j 'he fuffi r^nbj fire «t St. J ibns, Mew hi ondl-ud- ret. i;eJ yvilddiv, havt-< h-ifc'.y d- :iv .it-.: he cargo. C$\A Pete: 1 io-i ?ia. Urc-u^fhi tho ic. Is •>(* the Oovci ROW fitting at Albahy, the grtat eafr of Gnlwold vs. Waddine.ton, was deter mined in favor of the latter. It WW th*" unanimous opinion of the coUit, th^l a Hate '.f war between coutmie's dilT'Ive^ all partner fhip8 prev;oul!y fubfi^mg between individuals belonging respec¬ tively to each —This h a leading cafe,, and involves property tn the amount oJ more than a bundled thoufand d .liars.— Lord Cochrane. It appears from letters received at Philadelphia, that Lord Coehran-', had been invited to,and accepted, from th« Independent States ot South America. t?»" eommaud of their squadron in the t'a iiie Ocean. The report, howev¬ er of 11 is arrival in South America cannot be tru« : though it was oxpec- t"'d he would eventually fibgage hi- active service iu the rorolufipuan trugglfi. Actnowledfjment—J. 3/. F. shati he attended to vkvj'Uy. A:Kta! httflinjL s* the anew ■■ Si ■ tftan • ' t&i I* ii iL In1 1 ■ 1 hi I »tn« .' r.Mort X a:e requc'i^. I »■■; ti *• ' .' • - . »l t -life on fHID.ir >tK_ .of »/ -Tn xt, for tlic ptirpo t -T a* .^:t it* lag Iruftcch, &.c &c. for i«< eiUuiug year. Ey order of the rrefidentj r. Stan ro»v.s«er« STOLEN. ON Wednefday evsiujhj ' Th innant. ffii ft-nlenJF '■• *J D ■ _U i ;^ H mfe in F^wtf Tt ' 1 "*rgt Orab GREAT COAT. Whoever wdJbiWiethe »na Ci>9t t this OflB e. Stall receive a ^-.v-'d of Five Dollars^ and no onefth n^-lk d. Vny prriiui iu whife y, feHlcn the (aid Girt nunr be found afterthi". notice* fh ill he profrruLed wi b the utmolt riv;- 01 ol the laW- Kingston* 18^ ^J&r//, i^rS. 4: 3 ive&tfi. price or PBorisioxs In the Kingston MarU't^ during (he past iccck. m I jn i\ to he letter of tt:ec'iivnr! ceo nde^ Jwri te direcibit& \)w vo!l Sincfi were J made i' tin', t; wu, a lt» by whom the |v-ni »-a> t! I mi uj. j • autflfh iJ Urkv; wan feati'd With im-'!..-iM ii, Tlic ^."iT. i.ger war ith*- lad v iT ; w:*ic\ cnceied St. fohn1 |thi»teafoii i — and wnen die wa& ready e|,ari. IOC tn , Wr»e employul f.*i ic Jayr to cut Ue« ul 0f the ice. KINGS TON • Bwfcf..........-. \5 ' ton......... Veal .. Pbrk...... • • • * . ■ • a • r.»'k*'Nii ... (ie. ;**..... irare.-f .... l\' iter . - -. "•^...... i\w....... ^'jiauie?... Oat« . i rein....... i arrow....... 4 -auiiage..... / '" 1 FK 'M T.i ii). Kb, ■ * * ■ 11 :o rlottr. r.*oiovv. i..-o<!.. ■iu). ■. M ra.% . IVouJ . e«f. pair each lbs. bush. • * ■ * # ■ • livad Cm. bbl. Il>. Ton buiidl. t.O"l 4 0 0 7 0 0 6 ^ m t> 0 5 ;• %i 0 0 0 1 j ■; 1 0 8 0 I 0 I 0 1 t) 3 0 n 0 0 > (i o - •.J J6 r? 0 i 01 0 7 G 0 :l 9 0 0 •<;', u \ b 0 I > G i 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 f> 6 r> 3 (i ft 6 0 n 0 4 jfutt received did for ^ale by ihe VCONSLGNMI NT of escrlMt ALk> (In Cai^O nr>iie by *:. p- pei & tf'Loanj Pr-i^.tt—CtDKR in Cailts and Bottles—Fine Yelluw 50.;^ ALSJO, \ few GRINDS K£S of the bed quality. j Ihomson & Derlor, Kingston, -,mV 20. 1 . < a7 O FOR SALE, fi DO 0 1a 0: 1 ii 0 0 0 s (' i \ 15 0 n 0 H 0 (I 8 ^ 0 00 1 i 2 000 0 0 in 8 ID 0 0 3 0 1? 8 ■r ***' 0 to 0 V -'LUAELE LANDS FOR SALE. ■FTjniIE f^SQwing fiPL:u!arly lg d< fi able, and truly v.u- I / i ' F.$l)sl\\ rfi'Kii lo| ]S1S [uabfc LamK «>»ay be had, and immediate Lf ....... ..... ^olf. luioi givens wall undeniable titics* f TheBAtand RiTfc*t Hi.....1 »■>>«*- ► \\ ■ r' ^ '-•*><^- --tl veht^ r i,mI MADBiD,Jaa. 14- The Interna M.tri.i L .ufi! If.ibcila. daue^ter of th&t n a >n the bU*cfci ^t 'the V'l'are ol E rue ft Tow.:, 1, ro I ) !« 1 m* hv 1 lo nvr rovv (Wtdoef'lay the ztv ) m !2o\K«ck A. Tht Pteem Boat Fkontfnk, left M tjefiiesi, died bo the nin h of J| K:, i:ft ,n r r yt;rk (tht ii A time ibis this ir.r.nth, at tlvidmghE. S'H-jjr^fr.o) on Sund.-y mir.il^ Uk 191! was of a very week conllita- ;ri(U.;t> AironR tiie jmfcngew, wen tion. The body of :b\ou;g Hn Wm Mc0IU vrav tiu hca:o] ___ _ Aft Ml - * liberations, believe, that appropriation! ol a useless, lavish or inconsiderate na¬ ture may pas* into a law : or, when the true interests of these l'ro\iuccs spay be sacrificed by a system of policy beneficial to a foreign government, and adrersr to the com -erce and uavi^a- tion of 0 »r nv'thor countrv. u As a corroboratory lo these reso¬ lutions and the true spirit cf mutual ace.o,ir.niedation, this Hou«o will for¬ bear to initiate airy money bills or i.-..- posiHonsj orburddus ph tins people of this Province, as well a- approprhitloiiS, but cannot plfd^e Ihem.oiveii ortfa^e vho may hereafter sit in tSis tiou**e. to forbeM- eotp'titt tivimUy iut^rp^.-'nu by auituiding or altering tie a me. w hen iilheir vult:in'M)t vch buidchSj impe- sttions or appropriations h;ve a tew- <Wnc\ to ditniutsh the wealth, imU;sir> and happiness of the inhabitant•■ of tin. Colony, in the welfare, peace and good government, wle-reof the iiutividual members ard their poster)!)', are? so iaseparabl) knit and comieete -d." •LONDON, Fob 7. The details of the horrible atroJtie ft&Eedln the French papers, on the authority of I ttcrs fro;n Genoa, we are R^ad to'iind, are not conliniiod by thr a counts in the Dutch and liamburgh Miiis, which have s:ihsequ^nt!y be-Mi received. The Ikmburgll Mail, how- ever, repeats a part of uie dreadful »n- tf.igcnce. Aecerdiug to the inform* ■lion thus derived, the murder of the British vice eon?ul'* son wa> not l)er" petrated, but ttoe&feued. The former accounts from Algiers allcgtul . 1 i»r- cible conMguemeiitoi the tinush vice cousttl'ft daughters to the br.i«ua of iuc t?i^ning despot, and :'»5 ^ 'fder ot JiiS bou5 before his ey^s. b> the fcUt^ b-u- karoos authority, aoxl in the presence Piincefs tour montlu and a half old, was carted to the Kfcurial, thepiaceot ititernienj ot our Sovereigns Frankfort^ jj... 22—The fate* of Count Las Cafes is a* 1. r.g h decided fince hi* arrival i*» ou^ city, he has been O'llmt'y gUri-ded by a Prudun Ci-m- nwffioner ; he is now going to be placed under the proteolion j of Auftria, which grants him an lAium in iU dominions : but his heal-h fc ssfuttcK. fo much that he is not only unj^e toj crave! but even hfe Hie ist thought to be in danger; ail the inquires that hive beet) imde have not led to the dd'eov- cry of the lealt ground -o. reproach agiinft M. Las I ales lite uneahuefs which his ap¬ pearance in Ivurope has excitad, i8 explained by the very name of the man v/hofe friend he openly profeffes himielf to be. and who, like Hasv i-bai will not ceas ro infpire alarm, tja he ceates to cxift. ». f the Nutth VV' It Compymyi and feveta! other, of that company, twlio, with then witneffes, and thur Cotrtnlel, M^fTr-. Mael eati 4nd Jonea, hav^ gone to York, Hi we aie ntorn.td, to aittcod a Court. appointed by the G'-ver-u r Gencrjl 1-. [beholden th.-e ihiv wctfJk, under the Statute relp'clling tiie tudian Territo¬ ries The Earl of S.'lki'k, and the gentlemen of the Hudfon'"*. Bay Compa- uy,havcnt't g ne up, to pn.fecute, be- iVg detained, it is laid, in the Lower Province^ to attend the &f>picaching tri- 1^, which are 10 be Wfwmcd, Monday after next ( *1ay 4) ;it Montreal, where tie fa •■ e wiuicffes are resulted, who are aito wirncfle^ for the p'o.fccution in the eaica referred to York ; £->r which rea- Ton. we undei Hand, his L.v>rdfl)ip has re quelled a po'lponeo-.etit ^[ the trials at Yo'k until June. j h [COM.. I * •••A'FfelX] A Coroner1** htquest xsw Md on e I3(h hist* on lite b^ (y ofhibelUl NEW YORE, March 23-25. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. Captain Bell, of the fdtt. Decatur, from St. Thomas| arrived at Norfolk, aad iuy nifties the toflawing intelli¬ gence. A letter received at St. Thomas from Porto BeUo da¬ ted 19th Feb* fays 8i>livar is at] Hog r j. He t^ 12 pieces of jartillery and 3^00 aicu. A iff Donald, found dead w/ ,{ sntall hut 'tear Ihe ArtilLry ^<n'rf/c/cs. occupied 11 j/ .\vnnun AVDunuUi. 'flic Jury* verdict tens—"* (hut s!u. CUlll^ u, her tteuth ojl drinking to Excess ardent spirits.** tit are sorry to ojI.^ //,#/ in tht Course of the tetdtneept ,d<iced b f<>r*- the inquest- saventt //ec.,/v 0j jamifce* zcere j;roi\d to have i\rn jn the &ad. hut ihi tnghl previous.— (Jreat suspi¬ cion of ntirJer icns on j/.^ minds oj theinr/ncsty but unjarlu^^ly not suj- \jl> lent proof mold oe ob< mncd to Con- \cicl the guilt* it is itf! Icldom, even iu a cwiintry lo ex |'.ti ufivc as Canada* wIkic uneut.v&tco Lands may iu gvntrai be redddy ob tamed, that fitiiatkmB fo eligible and [aJ«antagenufi, in g«--jd njibhb*jv»rh^L>d6, an be lcc»<i\d. Lot i. Coniprlnng 7c Acre* of I he vny 1 ichf(l Beech, Maple, Lin ami Ottk Lan4j in the 41b CnncelBun oi fcl'pc, lying upon Smith's Creek, with 15 acres cleaned and fencedj new log- j.iOiic, well built and dove tailedi fruit Lrce», &c. with a miil-feat. between 4. 'and 5 mile, f om the B'Unfiling htt *. I own oi Toronto, on L.akc Ontario, where there is an exitliciif rn.trkei either foi buying or fe'liiig. The Lanil ipot 1 he very firft quali1), and in a gO"d populous odghbourbo *d, t.itroing altogether a moft d» lirubie rcliucnec withe; a fnort mile of the great road be¬ tween Ynik. a:id Kim'il *n 2d. 200 Acrev, beiWLot No. 1, 19 the 5'.h Conccfii^n ;>f Hope, alongfi. c the great road between II »pe an i rla uu-ion, leading toth^ new and flourdli tng icttlcmentb uf Cavan and Moua^oau, on '.he Rice L'ikt,in whieh m >re lb m 500 families and pedbus have adua-ly located, and fcarccly live miles from lite liAvn of Toronto, where there is a good inai ket ; it i> in an o:J lett lemeni, and tht uetgbbou-bood i- populous and excelieut" There are ab »ut 50 jcics cleared and fenced, with a fine itieam ot Living water, and the gretter pari of tlu- I.ai.d oi luptrior quality, the relt go^d Meadow. 30. n;0 Acies, occoppying nca-ly one entire fide of the Gaunanoque Lhk*., in the I ownlhip of South Crolb), Dis¬ trict of Johnitown, confiding wfaully *f broken fronta, the back parts exteuOi'ig to the road from the Riueau Seitlcine:it to Kinglioo, from which latter piacc it is fcarccly 30 miles diltant. The Lan ■ ii* good and well timbered, and the litnatioo bu^uldiiy beautiful and romau tic, with wooded ilLudfe iu front* JOT No. 27, in then 0 conj-effi a A of the tow .(hip <,f Hamibon, New Callle f^iP.nft. Containi v» 2tiO 3CiesT biuindedon Lnko Outarin in fr:"»nt and the York rond in rhe rear, dirt a it o:e and a half ri-ilc from the Hacn'Ic -n Court H.»»fe ; twenty arre^ of whieh are cleared, and a f'^all dwellinjr I [ott/e therenu Tirms of payi-eut w;11 *;e made eafv. Apply t» 'James G* Beihun£9 Hamilton, or to w JOHN STRANGE- . Kingston, April to, 1 S*S. 4 ?-fi Kit SICAL'VV'ORK. SHORTLY will be published hy f.bfcrJptlo'i. MtuL-.ii • .7.- us /W tfjc Piano Font fram themoit approved mnftcia. ocealionally interfprrfe 1 ivt: U orijfinnl co-np d'l ion« pn' • ip A y f "in !- r-l on the moil admired Melodies of mis country. I he cbi'tfubjffl oi t>ii,>*w Hit- jh r^ rendir m r- grucra* a^ well a« \> rcr-ll- in^r the fludy of the hell co'iipoi-ra and likewife |n perpetuate 'iw ronit beautiful of the Canadian Melodies. COIN U btl Tins Woik will appear "ontVy; eith number will contain Bve page« iu the ufual Mufieul type, and in other rcf- peQ« will be txcctited in the fame ftyle na Intii'ar publications* It in propofed to continue thw wo k (Wclve m mrh", at tile c id >f v hie It peri¬ od fho dd it have received fufS ieut en* coura^emeuti it will int.lt probably be eoutiiiued. ! Uv Orfl number (an original cotioo- fuion) will app«ar in the coutie of the •iexi n-.onth, and wi|; confill "fat, 1 tio- biQir.n, and Variationa on an admn 1 Canadian Ati, with a FtttftbC c >m )pfe4 aud arranged by S. CODM \N, Organift of the Cathedral at Quebec. Subscriptions will he reci i ™ at \.\\f B^t k'ellers—Mr J. B&OWN ; Mi.Cu^- nihoham ; and .McfTiS Nickless 6c w McUOMELtt. Tcims to fubferihera &i o per annum N»>n fu!)feribers 4: a number Subftrtjdumsfw tie above *uori wit ii received at this Office FdV?£ no iee of a difcontin- __ uancetit the Pktlraer(hi|! jctween Thonur cf Moran, ligned ^y Mr. ThotticM an^ inferted iii the Kb.g* (ton Ga2ette, waa pnblitbed withoai l«jtf confeut of the fnl.f.iiber, wbn, murder taprevent 9,iy mistake, think* bimictf boil d to iuf rm the public, that, akho1 a dilTolutiou f faid par 1 nerflii'^ as hrdft mentioned, it i» not d fi >i ively atran* ged. MICHl. UOttAM. King (ton, Vpril ao, 1*1^- 47 to' let, A ND p'dfrffi m gieii 01 *he fi'ft of ^-A. May next, the lloufe "»: \ rem!- 1 ii In ihi? U#usfy on ^hUi ifaij Evenirtg ta\t) by the Ruts Ojicittb btuarU Mr* .'jtWi.i. h.<riuso\ to tyfa Cil.iH- The above Lands are particuialy deferving o\ notice* The (Vtuatioua werechulen by a competent judge, and they will be laid rcmarkabjy cheap, tht ppipnctor wilhing lo coucentiaie bia rorces inanotln.1 quarter, Foi further particulars! appiy to R. C. uOKMEi Klq. Vo k ; C. FOTH liKGlirL, Liq. To.,h.u| \\ id H.i- MlLl'ON, Llq. Lviiigit.ji, or Prcfcott 5.. ^ ..... orto SHAW .iK.yiUUK. 1\U-. Muu-'.l /. ~HA -1-q trca;. c*atprtfcnt occupied by Dodo Ged- des- it beiujj a i' l'b't Houfe, it will be let feparatcly or together. Apply to the Printer. Kingston. r-8f£ April, 1818. 471' FOR S.4LE, A TWO HOH iE rl uG W, ■ky Iirr.CT! V ew^Lik< ■ 7 a J. few tnui-fa. I 18 in Sh'/iVG* 1* of :. UuL. ' II Ap-:!i,i8»8 4; * [ Kino,ten, ^j>rii s I, 18*. 8. 4'