Kingston Gazette, February 24, 1818, p. 4

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ppxrsr town jRiansion Hotel, . WARD acqivnrn the pub! rtely houti Y * thai deltas cr.mpUt.tly fi::ifh. ' •an elegant new built two ley ttoule ? the village of Kntefl Town,f>r the a« commodation of Gentlemen & Ladies There being ar elegant arched room, for v ftct in lengthy -lentWen and La- d c may aflembie with propriety tor civn y >ation. Travellers may rely on finding pood acr^rpmo intion- for Ho fes and Carria¬ ge?, with £«>orl Rtteiu1<nce. Tbc Inhabitants of the Town ann* Its vl-Jnitv will always find the belt and pu-J r<*J T.'onvc 0f every defcription, tor p-orvpt pay only. Nn pains will He fpared bv Mr F. tn pjvf nniverfal fatWa&ion to ail who may think proper to call o • r can be *rcnmmorlaterl .at a reafonablc rate. Students at the j -v.i u r ::'wa\s haveihe nrrfererce m—;V- feiv Rayft>cnr8 will be required of ftrffPpffti \s irh mi! fii ety. £r»wr $4tftiti Jm j, 1818. $#/ Store & Mills. CHARLES McDONALD having taken his brother John McDan iU, into parrncifli p. the bulineN in fu- ure wilt be conduced under the firm of C & J. McDon.Jd, Who kfcp for tale a general aflbrl- "dry goods, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and nvft articles enquired for at a Coon try Stoic, which they offer low for (*afhtSa\v Logs, Square lumber. Stave*■ P<«t;ifhes, and moil kinds of countr) Produce. They have a good Grift and ^aw Will in full operation—can Manufact¬ ure Fl .OUR, equal to any Mill in rhc they wJJ] fupply orders foi i 1 A f ": Contract. VY r-rr:'->n w;n:ncr to Contra^ Attn »h< SrtHwfoer t Xikt tin- :>v-?^ qua tv\ tif LIW*ER, m Mwftpt, In be Ww^rrS at th^ Cr^fs, in tV °nrt r»f Mo f 1* -1. or at Nevr-Lfr- emcRfl &we In th* IVt of Quebec, a*j msvv ber^qnin^ wifl annly by ' etterj Pn a*4, to thr- VTcnher, Town of| V 0~n, .sr to Weffr* McLean and . Xfe&ullafi at Prefcotfc l joOO p el Pi e timber rrtl lv raf'ed j^oo Srandflrrd ^ave? 7 nnthewa- tOOOOnines a| 3 ?f», rlrtl* J ter* edfiC, at *tr Kingston MiHr. ipcoo feet ftpwe pine timber rc.dy ^-nFted ; Cono ^tandiH 'hv» 1 wa'ers &000 ps. deals tl ^ ^in T edge, at fjinanoque- fr.onn fi»*»t fo'ipre nine between ^i-l'^s1- Ifland and Prefcott, ready raft¬ ed. WM HAMILTON. Kington, 7m- 6t r8i«. 32 ~ FOR SALE, y^y kt fPr.. qlj.efe«-m«ffthat werl Icn.^wn * ' Aatt^ foi ^ Tavern, fruated in the V;,,^ro'Prr-fr tt Lot Mo gandn. fi ..pug m,, ttfui^s Hi h*vay, and 9 |»r?e rwn 1 .rv f,'» nr^ ^o^fe well fin iflu ! wt'h a 'are,* Kftchevi in the rea*- -P ' If-»n fnr •w.-nty fpans of h^ fts, a filed o fe-entv f^ t 'oni? ?nd s pood houfeon fir for to»* ?cC'irr»mod'tion ^e„ ^/"w.x)^it. fnrrily T"e w'o1-of rrovii ce ; ^awed tirrber of ahrioft any defcriptioi it (hurt Notice. c & f. Mcdonald. pi Gananoqua.Jan IO, l8l8- , 33//" Alirbwfi indebted to Char hs McI)m>- a'd, whofe account* have becon-e .1ue, are requeftcd to to make immedi¬ ate payment. C. Hatch & Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broal tap bill tack-,") Fancy & Wiudfor bamboo* do Slat b<icks Real Cane feat, Waterloo, , Common t Rocking and Children** J W-iRRANTED GOOD, At their Chair Sho;;, opoofi s IVm Potvflls 'in and Grocery Store, Hon Irrt. Their Chair^ ar** f jpen'or tt> anv ihrv have hitherto off. red For 'a!c. Country Producereceived in paymrnt. Xj Cabinet Ware t r iale a:> above Kingftoo, N'iv. 10, 1817. t^\i Executive Council Office, York. tz<*Qd. 1R17. rVTOTICR IB hereby givcrt, by otdrr j.- n of His Honor (he AdminiftratOi In Coun-il, to the Reprefentstttvcs <•' John GuHo-way and William Cafdwell% to make good a-.y pretenfionto lot un*- bci •wnitv r>ne in rh^- fifth conevmon of the 1 o'.vj.fhip ot Kingtioo, wirbin lis month com this date, ark wilj be granted to the occupant* wha ha« been i\\ poffcffl faxteen j-ears. # JOHNSMVLL, Clh. of the Ex. Cnunoii \BOOK STORE Removed opposite the bfcgn of the Ethic. J. R„ Cheesman, »>£SPECTFULLY hhtm his |jL friends and the Public, that he continues the BOOK BINDING, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY in all it« canon* branches, t»0 doors from the Book Store. Blank Boufca Rided an^j Round to any pattern ; Libraries repa'Vo! and old Books re bound to match in Setts, or in any (tyle. He has on hand, at che Book Store, a general affottment of Blank Books $ Statvmarlj ; Confifting of Ledgers, Journal* Invoice, Day, Letter, Guard, Orderly, Receipt and Merr-o andum Bo0K*< '\lfo, jufl •-•ccived,an Inv( ice of Books ; among which are, Jruttou's M.i'hemaiics, Ben- jamin's \rchitec!Ture, Walker ,nd John- Ton's Pronouncing DiV*?orirtrite, do. in Miniature ; Nngent's French S En^lifh Difl»«*nary, Pervin's Frcnth 'irammar, ind Murray'* School Books. German Flirt* Preceptor, Smilh & Lillet Vo- eafMufic, Bibbs, Teftamen^ Watts' f'fabr- and Hymns, Camp Meting do. and Scientific Libraries adapted for C hiWrtn'* InftrnQJon, All orders in hie tine of Bdlnefs vill -- ha-kfolly received and piuCtualty attended to. Kingston, Dec. IJ, 18 17- 29// Notice. L L perfon.. indebted to the Efta* laTc of the late James Cummmg, ■■■?Rcdt ofHallowell. deceafed, are req"e call whhuo. delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, "own hallow ■ ell bridge ;-and tbofe who have cam- the eftate, are ddmd t< prefent thc-m for adjuftmeut. The (lock in Trade of the decea^d confining of a very complete affortrnervt of Goods well laid In, and very'c to the Country, is now felling "ft at pfi- ceslolow, jwwffl dtfe.vedly claim the attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month* i given to refponfible Farmers or others. 70NNCl/AfM/NGlExtcaioa! IVM. MITCHELL, j Kingston, GHz-,, 1817. 3« SMITH k BU rXERWORTft rp ETURN their Gtieere thanks b ti'L their friends and the public in .(, ntral, for the liberal encouragement (k they have received fii»ce they rcccm. meoced ihe Hailing Buftneft. fj- nave an extenfive afTonment of Ladies and Children's BON. NETS, of various colors and ihjpes. GmMemen's Beaver & fi^ CallorHxTS, Likewife, Knapt and Woj flats. I Which they will fell very low fo cafh ot approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan. 3. 32(1, Stolen, 1 FROM the premifes of Mr J. C, W'dfotu a Fowling-pilck, ty in his charge, tht- property of the w MOORE8 COFFEE-H 0U8R, John Moore* f~Jf ETV K N'^ hi? fin cere adinowled^ . \- merits to hi-* Friends, a:d the Public a* larce. *"o« tht ii pll uvors, and winVs to acquaint them that lie ha? rc- moved to Mr. Andfrson's lew nunc Houfc, oppofite to Mr. WetLl^ Store in ttori flrect, v. here travrllei and oth¬ ers rr;ay re!y upon £Oi d atootniioda tioOfl aiid attendance, on reaforrahlt ienno. The liibfciibrr, havng rente*- thi« largd c«>nveniei t a*id (Icrantbui!d ing, has fpared no exerttona -r ex pent l i" InV p wer, to havt it hin.ifi d and ar tended in Inch a manner as la mciit thr Hppri b"ti other" who Be has a ft%j y3rd and flab|e fo, car Scftnpt every rfay frnm r2 (n , 0»c!oCk THE fubferiber returns hia moft grateful thank'- to his friends and cuftomerh. and (he rcfpeftable inhabit¬ ants of King (Ion, for the liberal en¬ couragement be has received fince he commenced bnhnrfn »n this place, 2'»dj I fciibcri J fa following dcfcnpthiivi would ii.frm them that he ftiU earnest • brov<rn ftufe tvnfi barrel, brafs mount^ on the Tin. Coffer Sheet Iron and Lead j ^ ,ock? maker Adams—with the fuk Bufmvfs, in al! its va.,ouH hianch*, tfWr, jfcrf|,tfr»a namt engraved in full bftl the Engineer Yard, where he hopes by • T fa guafd piecc Whoever will^m htf affiduity and atteuion, ftlll to merit | ipform:jt;on ro this 0ffice, fo ,har tk a fhbre of public favor, afluring thenii1 that nothing fliall be wanting: on biff parr, to faithfully execute all orders with' which he maybe honored. It • has for fa'e, a larcre alTortment of the bell £ng!tfh Double Tin Ware, of ev¬ ery defcriptton, ever oflFered ior fale in this Province, and a large aflortment oi Japan d) Copper and Hard Ware, lie a to keep* on hand anaff rtmc-t of Sheet Iron Stoves, titove Pipes and Elbows* 40 boxes of the hefl Double Tin, and 60 boxers heir Sheet iron, f r ialt cheap. CJ'Produte will be taken in payment* James Meagher. Kingftnn, Sept. 30, 1817. 141T16 jprorerty may be recovered, oncovidioi of the offenders lhall receive "lUrct Pounds Reward. F. T. ROBOTHAM. Feb. 9. 37*JP LANCAS'l RiAN SCHOOL ■ — ■ * • m • — TIHE Midland District School, on the Briti/h <V8tem of Edncution* under the rupcrUUcndcnc* of Mr John¬ son, who has been engaged as 'lV;«ch- ei, will be opened on Mi-uda) next, ifitl -1 of 'jjfcfeftWI \'M WW:■:...}; i^^W.r-.Trilftffil.iniwrfT.wi » ton* » n.%y honor him with their |"'-l'"g-3n,l fon, pence per n.onth pay- th • I n"l3i « rh renn, befng finjfh^d fn a v rl'^ -««i1il f manner, and at present or-"mi Tbv ^fr. A!exandet B. McDon- elJ/ata ^-t^. F—- ffiTtne* patfirular^ apnlv to the ftihfr»fher<ii or tn 'fcfr \\ scanner Mac- T> n-"- Tunnr. **c chant, PvfcAratfc by jrhe*tn 'h rrr-"o may h- mode known, zr y ■" «t) 'IfSntahh rft'e and immediate poFi-n?'"' will he <rfv-n. Af FY. ^^CPOVRI L Se Co. KiVgftor. ^-1 Jan. r-8fS. t%%( &> NOTICE. THE fubferiber hereby fo.hids ?T\ and evt-ry p^rfm nrp<ftfnfi3 froin medhnjTor taking, or cutting any tim¬ ber, or trefpaffing' in any (hape whatever upnu Lot Nn, 21, in the 5tii cooceffion f the tow fhip :f K njMbn, on pain of being pro fee»ted nrenrding to Law, J-\RVF° WORDEN. Ki'n./ron.fOci ^^ 18 I 7. Z*m6 Fo>* %/^, rp'Tt? Ni-wMT! r.Son PnrP.eek. In Fieder"rkO>nrrrb. in frt-o^ re- p.?f-. wi'hrhe Wr^ Falf of T -t N?o 2eJ li rhe fourth co,lCeflir-n of f"d Town- fiif. w!fh a fmall, hut ronvenieat Dwcl- J^r.g I'ouft thcrron ereded. S^yer1 Hundred and Th'rry acre? of an*}, |y?ou 1 •. the Tow«r>iin f f ocha-J FH£ SUBSCRIBER, "JTB EOS !f.ave to inform his Friend* & lt--> thr public generally, that he ha- removed from hh former ftaud to the fh-'p lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & Co. near the Marker Pace, where he has now on hind, a general aflortment of Hardware, Cutlery, & f* ber nirt-Wof^MQ»treal andI two hnr.-J Wh.Vh he will Id! on the m«,ft moderate flfed acrcj w the 11 wnflno or Camden, Midland Ditlria. The whole ufil be fold thein.—For particulars, apnly to Mr. J. Turtle, fongfton, or to the fub- fciiber, on the premifes Mnt'hias Smith. Fredrrichjlntrvhs Dec. 9, 1817. 20-1 3 Mail Stage. THF fubferiber informs the public tht-r he mterrd" running a Staye from Kihgftnhtn Vn^fe. and from Yo'k if- Kin^ilon, the enftfing winter, and *'i" eemmence a« foon as the fleighine *"]' pnfwcr. f»< leave Kingllon and Y k every Monday st two o'clock. Stage Fare. Fr*m fCingftcffl 10 Bellville, three dol fcv ;forr Kingston to Sp-Idcn's I..n(fix do!* ; flom Klllffston to York, ten dols SNtPELPURDY. King/ton* 28//; N,v. 1817. 2*^ terms. To kt, the fhop lately occupied bv thi rabfcTifaer, and puflelfion given im metliaic!y. SAMUF.L SHAW. Kingston, pi Jan. {%%%» 32 For Sa * at this Office, A READY RKHCONER, Slrewinp the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Provinc- of Upper Cana da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the «Iue of Grains of Gold Coin, a ?er or under weight. Rt l Rag, I ags teSH paid km Clean COT- t TON and LINEN 1? A G S, (Oi iny Coloj-j AT 'Uii* OXLiCE. JtJST received and for fale at this Office, pnVe tU. «hc MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. ^Ifo—ESS/trS on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY. 4 .AcldreiTcd to the Canadian Farmers. Py C F. Gkccej of Montreal. Kweinker 14. 25 Ttih MJB'CKibEK X \; lL ^> r^refve prop^fals for bui^- ^ ▼ nvdGRTST ^1L! at Gar ar- que.onthe rjnnhfide .if the ifver, a:irl fo- nvafctnfr a C'anai lo fafce ?ne waTer fron. the rapid; Bt f|,.. fording place, t the Gaily at ritelanding whererh* Wfll is to be placed. He requefts th^t pv notals may be gtVn to him before tht -?cth of June uexi. A Town plot will be laid out thit feafon ar the above nam- ed place ; tht terry^ of fale and leafe will be known by applying to the fubferi¬ ber, who has for fq]t 1174 acies o^ Land on the River Rideau, being lot. N'os 5, 6 and 7 fn firlr conceflion and No-;. § & 6 ir, the fecond ccneelTion, with the broken front, in the townfltip «>f Maryborough : Alfo for Sale, fede¬ ral tetes of land and Town lot-, at and in the vicinity of the Tow:: of Kingft- n, and a Houfe and Lot in Kindlon. ! rkewtfe, for We, the Efifl half of Lot Number thirty four, in the fecond con- lerlTion of the cownfhip of Darlington I containing; roc acres. j For further paffticulara apply to JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, ztjth *'av. 1817. 33tf7 [ S'lOVES. THE fnbfc iber has ju.1 received at hi* Brick (tore, Front (Wet, Dou¬ ble and Stngre STOVES W Sheet Iron, And has alio on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral aflfprtment nf Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glaft Ware in Crates, Linked and Curriers Oil, Paints ground in oil ;—and ejtpedfl w a few days an addition ro his Stock, all which will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale. S. BARTLET. KingstonOa 20, 1 Si7. 32 & TO LET, "" AND pofP'flion given immediately, a Hou^e, contain-in^ f;x rooms, a good Celler, Well and Garden ; and a good BakoftflNfe adjoining ir, the oven of which will (WW 200 Loaves of bread. Apply to the fubferiber, near the Cathov lie Church. PHILIP VIAS. Kingflon, Nov. 7, i«iy. 2+tf ab'e in advance. By ordtei oi'the Prefidrnt S: Tvu«teoe 24 R. STANTON, S.-e'y. ADVERTISl-MENT. The fubferiber offers for Sale M j Following Lots of Land. 200 acie« in 41I) and 500111 the 6th conceflion of the Gore bttffl* i Ern<-ft Town and Frederick (burgh. Tl No. 18 and 19 in the 8'-li co'iceW Lif Mu-ray. No ^1 Kafl half 2<lmn. ofSHj No 9-- tcth eoticvflinn <>f R«*J No. 4—8i!i, HuniinpJ No. 14. ir, 17, .8. 25 :iiiil^W» 9th conceflion of Thnrlowi N - 34 aitd 35 In tiK-4ih ™rcciii oi Vimghiui, near Yok. Also, WW. CRAWFORD rederichhurgh^ Jan i0, 1H17,/ Town of Kinjitton. \\ E the fubfcrlbersdo certify ut-oc oath th*l the original fetttc- n enl in the rownlhip of Kinj.;it m, v as I made agreeable to the annexed plan* that the roads fnrerfe&cd each other at right angle*, and that at the fmr cov¬ ers, Hake were planted at right angles, a»'d ih;i> rach lot butted and hounded Ft Stolen 9 EtUOM the Yard of the f„Kfcl JO on Sunday evepirglaft, („er i «4i etiv ire dt'y oppofite it*« corre: fpouding nnrn- *'ei, «tr.d thdt the lots were flaked as xv)} *u the rear a- in the front, and that the fi-ft fettiers took their lands Eaft and Weft frorr the road between the lots No. 17 and 18 in the tnwnfhioof Kingllon, Signed JOHN WARNER, SOLOMON OR *FR9 ARTHUR ORSER, 1+AAC QRSER* ELIJAH GROOMS. Kingston, Nov. 2, 1816. 38V7 In order that no perfen may plead ignorance rn taking any title from Jc- thro Jackfon, on Lot No. re in the fe¬ cund conceflion ih the townfhipof King6« t.-u, the property ib the fubferihers in law and equity, and w:II be recovered as foon as ju-rfce can take place. icpt. I6t8l7 Amos AnJIey. Public Notice. THE Subfcribers, Executors to the Estate of Charles Stuart, EfquireJ deceaftd, late .Sheriff of the Midland, District,hereby requests all thofe indebt¬ ed to tht faid Estate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all thofe who have demands against the Estate arc requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Settlement of the Estate maybe effefted asfpeedily as pofllble after thefir^t day of July i 8 1 % GEORGE O. STUART,? ExerJ ALLAN McLEAN, J mo,s. Kingston, August i|, 1817.— "tf even and eight o'clock, a Buffa)oc/U K W Marked infide *Tr ' in large lei fon that K. can ^ Vny peilon that en gm inf„rm,^ f that the Thief or '1 hieves Way • brought to juftic* • fhall reccivc7"#D ra POUNDS XEIVMID, bv m, f to the lubferiber. m1 ROBt. WALKEJL A ingston Hotel, 1 January 19, 1 i> 1 8- ^ Smiths Work A [ THE fubferiber mnft refDec%l mfoims ihe gentleircn nf KmJ ton, that he is juft arrived ';-ere fn'J Dublin, and ha.s commenced the bj nefs of Black and While Smith, in J it? branches ; more particularly that J borfe .Shewing, in which he will ;tte greatell fatisfa/fti ui to thofe that e»j ploy him Tlnv may rely on haJ their work well none, cheap and waul applying at Mr. j. Meaghers, Bai dreet, where he has commenced. All orders fn that line will be fisjkl received and (hift attention given. A Ingston 13th Od. 21 s Valuable Land FOR SALE, TN the Third Conceflion of the Town X fh.p of P.rfburgh, being Lo,s No. 6,theh,!fofNo 7, and No. l8._An ii.difput.ble Btle will be given, and the terms ot payment made eafy v a , V' C- TrfOMSON. Kingdom, July 28, 1817. 32 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for $*ie at this Oilier npHE fubferiber* beg leave toinfon IL their friends and the public in g& neral, that they carry on the TJTLORING BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend mafc mg every article in their line, on mm reafowaUe terms than has hern done fe a number of years back. Thofe *b, wifh to favor them with their ciiftoOi n.ay rely on having their work well ma and on the fhortrft notice, for Caft. Norris & Stevens. Kingston, Sept. 9, 1817- V THjK PANOPLISt Fortlif Year iSi6t For Sale at this Office. [(.'or j>lete.J * Blank Deeds am Memorials, II Foi- % at this Oilic*

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