Kingston Gazette, February 24, 1818, p. 3

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gttft&***^en let it be churned vt'\'*i 3ttt any (greater heai titan it wouM experie*' e when (tan- dingcighi or ten feet' horn the Jciu.tion fire, and the butter will b» as fine a.-: can he made. The OD \ inconvenience which at¬ tend ^ this mode of making win- ter butter, U tliai it. takes more time to churn ic, than in warm weather. It iv alfo a fact, that the hotter will not generally have 10 yeii«*v a complexion, as is c^ninion in the lumnier and fall But ia point of fla¬ vor, where ihe cows are fed upon fweel hay and provendei it cannot be furpaffed. This !a« Mb* n | pa.toftLf fciMft £»•&*, in the t*f-|[ AjrwaMjr to Ae Order of tlieDay,! FtaJergimtmttXi that he will, | hnK» derived f.o n the ilfnftrboi Hunfe, the ^ill Licence Duty Bill wa* read nday next, move fur leave to bring which we fondly loped would in the the fecond fit. I res of lafl ScflloB. Mr on Mom in a BH1 to regulate the practice of Phy- fic and Surg'-iy in this Province. Mr. M*Martin gave notice, trnt he will, on Wcdi efday tnxt, move fbf leave to bring in a Bill lo repeal a;id amend an A&, palft'd in the 55th year of His Majt'fty'a Reig->, entitled, 44 An A A foi granting Penfior^ to Widows and Chil dren nf perfons who may have been kil¬ led in the Service," and to extend the piovitioii* of ihe fame, Saturday 7. Mr. //.;//, feconded by Mr. Rabmfon% moved to bring up ihe Petition f Ro¬ bert Can light, of ihe Town of Kings* to«j which was granted, and the Petition | !a-d on the Tabltf. M Dcfceudant-t of thai amiable Princels, have tranfmiited its virtues and it* r1»*tY to the!ate(t p*>li< ritv ; we feitC this firft opportunity of te!lffyi.»g in th* name of that pOrtfrti of His Maj fly's Sub¬ ject*) whom we reprtfent, their finevre fympathy in the deep diltrtfs which on this me-anclvly event, has ovcrfpread every partpf His Dominions. Your Honor's communication to us, of the intention of His R Highncf. the Prince Regent to apply the proceeds *>f the Eftates, velied in his Majelty, under the pr»vilion» of the Statute,to declaie certain perlbflS therein d icribtd Aliens, to coraoenfdie the lols of individuals bv t; e invafion of the enemy, affords us a ■A rro Mr. Frotfrr, feconded hy Mr. Copy, ft roflg and gratifying pro-f of the gra¬ ced for leave to bring in the Pe'i'ionj ciOUA eonfiderarion of his Royal High- mode of making bu'ter is \veLilof/m,dr>' Fw*ko1d<jfli of the Midland' nets for thofe of his MajeSyt Faithful •: Diilrict, which w;\« granted, and the Pe j iubj fts who fullered in the iate cuntctt, rition hud-on the table t|and «r« ftull feel it a pkafant duty 1 Mr. Van Koughnet gave notice, that" —- * ' " ' known in feme parts of our country, and is as ufual as ma¬ king in October. ! From the Upper Canada Gazette. PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF UPPER CASAD.U Legislative Council, Friday* Fek 6. Tni« d^v. a! half pair thrre o'clock, th? Honorable the Legiflative Council w?nt up to the Government lloufe wilh th? f.Uowinq Addreft .' jj To His Honor SAMUEL SMITH, Ff- j quire* Adw'nhtrahmf the Government \ of the Pr wince of Upper Canada, iffc v May it pU-a'e vour Honor, 11 We, His Maj-iW'sdutiful a^d T-oyal fo!yt£b, the LegUhtlfoe Council of Up per Canada, in Provincial ParWai*etH •filmbl'f'f, beg "leave to prefent to v>ur H »nor, our thnnlc^ fur vour Sp&ehnX tbi*1 opcnlngof this Seffion rf $*& Lc^ Ha j ture. It is with the deepeft concern, WV Ha»« received yo ir HonorV co-nmuir a lion refpectinj His tfajdlyN H afth. T-Vhi\ft la.vrnnn^ th.: fat,- ttf.-a bcl-uvd King,your tloirar hx* caMed our alien *»« t(i the nioit sffiJSi'g event, the deathnf Her Royal Hi^nefs iheF-iu Ct£ Charlotte Aui>utta, u:ider cnciim- fiiuieest of peculiar inu^eft* whereby the »*>pt of'.he nation hath hceu diizpi'Oiut j fi, ai-.d cv?ry heart filled With grief *»*«' « fadiiefi! FuUv fenfihle thai the ble'Tin >< i 1 f«„ IIv hoo^ tha' r",:,:i ,,r p*",Ll'f If Will lO'^ll) HO I »:. ,„• hate not beeii bmil-ed tn W ,. ..:-v m^.hnt est.-hd.d tn ttw -e- he will, on Monday next, m-ve for leave (to bring in a Bill to lay an additi- lul |du*y upon Stills. Vlr. Cameron ftave notice, that he wl'l couenr in any Legifla/iye provifi >n, that mn- he n ectfiiY to f^i"e to Inch bencvo-1 lent iiiteiunnn< the;r fuilctt eff-ct I Th v< p rt <jf the Commiffio ier! ap p hredmi th. pait of tlii Province, to on Monday nrxt! move for leave t-'bi'i.«g; 11 meei t!i f of lower Canada, iov thrj in a Bill to prevent the f-rofanarion of j :>nrp .1 - ol';i^ » Proviiioml A/"tc ' the Lord's Day. Mr. liohhif'in gave notice* t^atisewill me;:' relative 'o r|ie Revenue, l^aH I veee:w u »t confide ration We Ihdl; on ""C 111 fdayneact,raove foi le ve . brin^ •. 1 -l .- y -x! ineth Accounts or lati i in a Riil 10 regulate id es J( \ndion, & j p &\ ■ E*pe"j1i"»re,a»id jive the Eli i mate to lay a Duty on the fa:ne. • | ?or th'* mi rtofrhc 1 vi 1 i.jVi rn:ne 1» ' lowfacl ave notice, thai'; for h« c m,-m ye r,n rJoec nfideration. 1 We h- rtiU con. u Wit Yo :( H o;i Mr. Fan '■ he will, **n Tueflay next, move f>rh uv<* to bri.i^ in a Bill to regulate Sho;> Li-jjnur in '11 eo. ,11 >, \}\A\ ^rtat b nent] ornc: r. Mr. /-^n Koujzhnet t»av? notice, that he wi'l on Monday next ^ove that a; Popid fe'ect Committee he appo»"t d t»» exa * - ine what Star 11 tea have expJrri and are about to ^jrpiie Monday 9 AareeaWe to notice, Mr. H&'Dmtlft j wii* r f ■ t i*tii ,My, r 0n the ae-1 Ircfii .:« f i. (nil .lu" >u. ?1UJ L,lsai i •o . : Unite 1 Kip..; ■'.vn a.*d tearti with .4 jftm the c unr ..a»«ct •i:()'.eJ for le-ive »0 '-riu:r in a Bill fo R^tin-j and r\ir<fTmc rbe Property held! t-y ^b^enteetf^t oe- pie F*£diu** wnb«*u given by His J. Iv » l>o-mnmcfi-t t. ■ the vl, rt tio of i ; (tj.criptl/M Perf n-; in vvhol'e h\ \x.«. w • • . '•c. m IHive'v i te eii, an | j], , , Mi. Van l\ . wl'i'l ttftvedf that the Houle do icfolvc Itfelf into a Commit¬ tee of the whole f>u NLnniav next, to take into eonli lera'ion the Sull Licence Duty Bill, which was ordered. Agreeably to the Ordcr^of the Day, the Sabbath Profanation Bill was read the feCOUd lime Mr. Cameron moved, that this Hoiife do refolve itfelf into a Committee of ihe whole, to t'ke into cHifnhraiion the Sahbath Profanation Bill, which was a agreed '«» and the Houfe went into Co nmittee. The Houfe rehimed. Mr- M'Donell reported progrefs, and had leave to lit again to-morrow. Agreeably 11 the Order of the Diy, Mr. Van Koughnet moved far l<-avo to \.nw^ in a Bill, to alter and amend an \<^ palled hi the47:h year of His Mj jelly's Ke'iru, encitoled,•■ An Adt to c(la*:lifh Public Schools i'i each and every DiftflS in this ?r ivinee,'1 and .0 1 xtend the pr-.viiijus of the femp, wru'.h wa. a/re' d to and the Bi 1 was read. Mr Van Kou^hnet mo*ed, that the Drtirr& School Bill be read a fcoond time f» uvu-r -w, which was oidtred, Mr. Rohinfon gave notice, thdt he will, on Saturday next, ov»ve that the "!oii'edo refolve itfelf into a Committee, r. take int» confideration that t a> t .-t His Honor the -vd-ninift a'or'a Speech a* the OpPiiing ofAr ScSijO, as relate. to t'»e Public Buildings math On Tuesday tho 17• it im • *; «i in. 1 and oveta iUncas, which sin ••• r«i iv> u cnw>- »a«i patience mid re«uua », fcir- \ \ %& MIL, ml'ei.f l'a|>'U... it tl 1 *«• f .»! i* i'owu,and»Merof .n.- . c- .... 4fig *leo Pcrguson,ag^dforty Bvrjeuj «... .. >. iJ/i/6'25 OF PRfjVl&lONS In the Kingston Mtttkcl, uluu>: .'he pttst week* ARTICLES. I per W.iM I ,,, cwr. 1 1 »; | 1 '* ^) ' " ; S1,,'l ■ ......... | 1 i~ 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 5? Ui 0 1 I * t cut. p^ir 0 s « 3 - u part 0 5 0 0 7 (j ,^— . _ 0 2 tf 1 > 9 IJis. 0 0 6 0 >4 0 1 <i » M -----------------, 0 1 5 | do.!. 0 ^> 0 0^8 k bush. 0 tj 9 1 D S 6 ^________ 0 I fi 1 0 -J (i 0 1 §1 0 I fl f^ 0 1 0 * I 3 0 3 • 0 1 0 * 44 b*a'i 0 0 6 0 0 <» V C 1. |0 13 0 1 0 (> Tallow........ bbi. 1 10 0 I 15 0 !b. 0 n 0 0 s 0 0 n Ti 8 0 ft 0 000 on,) 10 e as 1 j [ bundle 1 rO-<* h t 1 «$ >> ""J.......... j' 10 1 H 1 j wi KINGSTON : TUESDAY, F&sRVAtr* -l\, I81J*. • » A 'Pa Tiettinjroftheinhibfantsofthe /ial Tow.t'hi'j ofHoll Ryre'a Inn, on the 14th Feb »8t8, for »he •>n*jjore oft^kinjj ?nr 1 confi leration the h". Piovfnce, wlrieli wasorcer.-d »nd ihej iiill lenl. Mr. 'l^Honell mov<v1 that the Abr n tees Bill hr rtwd a f co-:d time to-rtior* row. which was ordered '•o trj"le to the Order of the Hav •it. Van Kottghnet '.-.vcd fo ' t;: hrinii in a Bid co lay an addisvHtal --'u.y our eo ftder.ti..., uhr., VOi,r \\ ., u h-*. |;,r?'"'als * *&rt Gvtrlaft E^tothe IV-CO nr.ended upon ti, fobj-a ' U h"! nt Iand nW?Cf* °f U,f,dr Cnn.afta M »n. ■ me . * ••: ex • ivp .•.!, i^nd a-e n 1 1 trlt n 1 1; .j j, Enouiny 1 h- u. -ti that b .ve b. en .i.!, • 1 fr. m tin- vant •!i* Vl.«j ihr\ ['lib i ' Jili; -, * «• |tij»eiai *»»it'\ i'-v * yO^centuent, tt w r. J ! H c <r m 1 iatjon f r' ■ U»ir 3«uiy ■ id; ..T .if i • - ". |:»t> llih .« n ■ ri.- v espi i e .0.. addi'iofl d ni>.>." Stills, whith wa» gianted and t: t, replacing h iii I read- apoi -r iff 1 u ui Mr. ^V/i» Kouglmt moved that he |, .:-!y ,,.- 1 .^r .■ •;' -:'! Uv.-^iv] be«£aJj \c nl r' •• ' .,,,«)/ » »• . to-ni'.ur.nv, which wh ord -.ei. jli,-d - e I the ' ' 'fl I » » d Agretabti to th OotcrpJ the U .y,.».,u-,, ,*.-, \ ^h. -i . , , .- atn \]r Cameron moved fe lesve to hi!*: ii'j .lL- • -;ffi - : , fm^iln^f ■ liiil 10 meve»t the Pr fair..ion oT .he ; ro-iti ^ o - ■*- n ...y ^ L Fiw . r MR- i ■ v*'l ,,id ' - , • i.| e vv -r. . 1,") »-. ^. m,t-0cci. |i„,i(e»»i.••• •V^wtsWetoth • )>.:ci oi ihe U .y,...,..,, ,-.-. f ..„. .( „„,,, ,, w.„ t.x-outy '"'"j l„.,.„a,.j tot!. ,• >c- *•]* l-"nrrnn moved io. !«••:*»■ i" Mlf.. i.»;|:,ie • ••!!'• - ul f it.-. ,..;lig f I'^lu:. ' ,hr Unt'lb i( '*. >' I;vt.;rrt a|l(, ,^ . JJJll 10 nrcV^t 1 |.fi P|-.fa«Wth»n of tb« • ro..,r, , t, - , <■ ■. .,'y clut *.j ^trit bo..n.iv> Odonv, wUofci '.*»*• U-y. wiwe. wa« « -ua md t,.e f r ir- i ..j tr«i -i-- •.. I f.c«l»-'vi.>thr o ^ ^.vi iU i m ^^ , ,Vc vHiUt. _ w h ( w as hiv(.. fonow i" u;.f' ti ^ r.iisf ition We\ ^»- Camcrun tftovedtfart tW ProLma-.. cx.|*i >. oi «« *bo«J to ex.v« a«d- 11 f Wv urP"H-n-r thai hi. Roy«? tio,. WH be -caJ a <o, .1 u me to m..i-: ,, ,f,:'v c, .... ■•. n ili.,,; , ■ i- b«li WOni J ..... . f >.,«,. u-lii :. wa« O'dered. .,. ■ l.i.ll . ;n..v 'D'J-. .• t k-iv.--.iTn,': Ulgh- lt is with> Imu f>om y.ur H««wr ti.;,t Hi. Ea. thelofe of indi..d«aU »y tW mv«. 6,n«r«iw Rw»y d",instb* T'M ,ndWewil* ro o;<-raif in any mealur* tliat will irnd »o catry into effed the (rfarious intention of Hw Koyal We will t^ke into our briooi ro >fi »« app,.i,ted to met t! e CoT.,ll(T.-»n,rs of &« Canada, rcKtive to the P.OV.I.UU- 81 aorcetnent rdVcV.n^ 4tX«j«.«> -h,5 th^ fiwB<flwn be '.aid befort w. W«e«.tertain the hope, that ?rtat he Kfi, wRl tefull to*his ProvuTW fcotn the j tion bid be tad a lrro til tine 10 m.r-'i .-rf.!;y c n; t*i, •% ' r.w. wUi ;• wa-o dcie«l. ,|n«ii.i.. fi»-;h » m.iyipo^- . t. il-h-.--.:. 'vij .A^ree:'h)e ••- the iwdci ex Ae •! y, , ,j fte r-e/ lu ilFifft y •» don o »*•. ; Vlr Van Kou Imet nu.v <1 that ^ fl". . ,-,-.tir. c lift e-\e :-: y<>.t H » or's -)• lire I ! RoUnOm, M'Martin, liatt a <d Frujtr,.. t.s .|IOf!l . e a]] .nrdfares., that 'i;.ve f.«r! :.U»-N = ZK'ri \V.\SriBHKN ^l!q. in the Chnffj t:-e ..- nn'Tinnitatiwii- afor.fuid be- .:i\S re.'.tl. it wik relo.ved : — i ft. r'h.u ic is rhe opinion of the m e mj;, i!u\ ihoold the ^ropofaU afore iv,i be caTuu) " ro I ffe-.:t, it would be ot ^eneml bene Hi to this Piovi »ce 2m. I hit A CiivTiiitec be a^pninted to f»r-n j otatitlieai account of tl.i To^vn'lii » .i re jnireJ and to anfwer ihe i^>. rti .it li cd. •Viii-u l>^nior d me it was refolved, 3d :h ■ f-il a conn t be forth¬ with fi.i:iiWilli ,d t« tlh- P -ll Office, "'.ii^Soii. rt^ u-(| iTed hy It -bet GoiiT- t^y. Itfu. and that ihe proceeding!* a- 1) ve me-'ti-Jiicd b- i ferted in 'he Kings id Gwvtre. with the vyarmefl acktiowl 'J.^nrnt-' • f rite Chairman and inhabit- at- atorefatd to thai gcatleraaa foi his ■ ftlletlttOlIa Clover Seei. A Large quantity of RED C'fJGK- VER. SEED, forfale by the lubferiber, EPHRMM Br.ANCHARD. htiti>stony Ftb. 19, 1818. 39j Music A LL inllrurnent-1 or Vfufic made an »- Repaired by Daniel Moore% So d >n .0 JostPH Mooke, Armourer point Henry Ft-UTES, tipt, and New Keys made i" the neate't manner. Point Henry Feb. 19, 18 \ingston, 1 118. i .that i.-.w be a Cuinmrttce to exaaM e *aw »-;w . bj-*ctt t'te piv.fperity uf titcj have cxpiud and arc ib« ut to CXjiiie, ;pl(,vi»ce. j which was ofd* red. ( m | A id h. vin ; ret .ne^d. :h-. Soeaker I Mr. Hdttrr.vJ that the petut-n of • rc.Virtcd i..e *-ii t tne ;-lo ..--, an I ih.i* ! Mtdert GartWiight of the ToWH otjj .i[, H , (J, j.a.l a»a c -^ r..;3|j ^J. *et',: KingHoi^beierid, whiihwa- a^ ccd to, anil the Pfcti-'iuiiread. Mr. Frqjkrmoved, that th- Pettamat fn«dry F.c h^lden i«f ;hc srlidianO U&- tri6t. be n-iw read, which wa, agreed to and the P«tn?O0 read Mi-. //^'/ #av. notice, that .n Wed- nefdav ucxi.'he w li move foi lea-ve to ,, in a Bill to triable Robin Cai-;; !>M wht'-11 »vi ead by nde*. jf tiie Huute, j a- I -il w : — I th uk \ »u Ur ill- -\ ' U 0 and tht .•(T.irai'Ci: ot P? lo;al LoJnt{ratjlati^rt. Che *'v /'eiii m oi y >'..':r forrow on th'- event fo affl :ting 10 id. [* credkable t^ V vu '4* Vie and >h$rj*cfc% I feel affiled of your concurrence as ntnt Will rciu-i w v...« - ~ . (ioternmfhl. , f;| ,\.;, r-'.^ S'/.....A».7 "ave notice, th l0t infenfible to the want ot, Hi> A1-.ij«.*->-1 ilhr 11., ai, 1 I iha:.k v coitlijal affuriiricc ot Mr. Fun Koug&mtg*™ not:ce, that, filf the vc,, he will, 00 t .vv, .r.ove tot leave f>; j;,12[ Cl(,u.l! l.ii:... in a lii 1 lo alKf and siiicd a.j .iCt. M) ^fl A:,,;,,/„w gUjve Bi3tJcej ,hat luffed to the 47'h year -I His •.ajcty^ le wiL ,,., Weducttfay .Ili:Kl, m0tfe for « \ct t«» til.o.-at l,,;r i,a BUUt&aher the u«re Reiifii, entitled a » are expired o' abotlt to «s wre, ar.u | bid our aid t. revive and coutnnicfochj Mccnwry t« 1 «dv i V Lit ■aupting B»eaO»t«i render thai dailMi more faitah^ | We will co-fidcr carefolry the |.wt| t . ?-..j -w oKntit to i i: /i'e, ar.a the welfare of the PwrfuCC tvrr r noft thankfn'.ly to avail Ourfc'Vtr ofyoitt in proRWtlBg lo dcli- lab'e an < 6. . ,, 1 To which Hi< Hoaot was r-WfeJ to j reply :— /Ton. Gtttlhmm, .« , ' Accept ray thanks for this Andrefs,. and the that T*0 «J conlider, the fcveral lubjedd iv.bmittcd the Chair. House of Assembly, Fd. 6. 1818. 'Mlx.M'Douell gave no-ice, that he »ill.on Monday ne*t, move for leave toj king in a Bill to if&fi the Und* «>► Abtemee? or perfolU on', of this l'rov «DM, and for rendering then, liable to 8u«uie Labour on the Highway' Mr. Robin/on gave n«ticv, that on Tuefdav next, he will move pub'h: Scho As in each and every bis- tnd in thii Province, and to OtKM UM prc-vilions of the um-." At two o'clock the Houfe went upj with the following -\d!ief :— | To His Honor Sd .iUELlMITIl. F.f- quae. Administrator of the Gowmmath of the Province of Utfcr Canada -J" 1 O^ issc. aft. yUv it pleafr your Honor, WE Hi* Majcfty's -noft dMttW an<i L.-yai SubieCt,, the Commons of Upper Canada, in Provincial Pa.liame.t .diem.; bled, beg -e:ive to offer 10 your Honor, ou, Imfe.e congratulation* upon your acceflior. to the Government of th» Pro- .d to return our humble ihai.K* Speech i'.oin the lay next, for 'h vincei at; for your grac:ou> Throne. It tills us with the deeped forrow, thai bcii4ea info, ming us of the conimu- mm oi Bb Majefty'* lamented wfafi^ iiti.m, which we hear with Budiminiftiedj conccro, it \m been tUr patufol iaik >f, yuur Honor, to«e an event, l> aAMitig, as tb^ Seaih oi hrr-Koynl, Highi =1 the Prineet. CAarte^f Augusta^ : .!^1,„il,nm oeeuliaWV tateVettitttf i ufhoWiig tk,e' omt- of GeneiaiQuHi-. ur SefEo:i9 of ihe ?.aey for the joins t..;vn Urltrfet Mr. RoKnfon gave Notice, that he j will.ou Thi:r I y iraflU ^ove ft.-r leave) to bring in a Bi!!, io rcgujiat^ the Duties on Che Importation of Grain, Wares, and Me.-du*"difef frnrc, tjic United' 5tate? to tiii- Frovince. Mr. Fraftr nave nori^ that he will move tor uave to bnno jn . gj|]> on I'hnrflavncNt 'o alter ^ca,ry on aJ tlraiaht lint on the roaJ lrJMJtng fr .m I iheCcvurt HoulV ii .W.^i^.itovvn, to Lot 11. i« T"<r 1 ll C01 ccnion of the I T.wnihip of Ffederick%us,jlj jn t|lc Midland Diftrick. T^urfday 10. - AfrreeaWyto th? Oidur 0f tj'u. Day,] the Abientce Bill was ea<i a* iecond time Mr. WDomll moved, t, riat the Houfe do refolve itfe1! iu;o-a ^".n^iuee i tlie whole, to lafc "ito c>-.^ftdc.aiioti the agreed to. Cooifuittte. Prince L rop^ldm His Sorene H!'j;hnois does not improve in hcatrh- For ft)inc d/ue his body as wdl as his mind has been feverely nifcclecj- ile h«ti experienced tor ieveral d:\vs e:: reav a^ -nv in his heaJ, fpOm rheumaac macks*] v)aThurfiiy he na^ a'Hicted with ":he ievcr^it fpafms. On Sand ay however, when Lord Lauder !ae viii'cd his Serene lli?;hne's, he was better. T ie N vt>ic Eiri palled the day with him HisS*reie Highnefs tlill prelerves the Tame retired dibits ; he continues Lnaccefli- >!e to att,except a few chofen triends ; pnffi-Vg his time in r-ttect-on on the viu!i tides of thislue ; md he calls h s late h-upi^efs ^atrarifient dream." He certainly departs for the! Continent toon, takidg Paris4 in his way to Saxo:.y. Morning Pojl. _____________________39J3P 0- LOST ! OM TtteHay, the 17th in ft. in the Town of KiTt^ihiii, <»r on the oa*J to l.v>n^hborouj>ht rhree Note>-if .and, one of i'3 : 18:6, againll John vlontoney, one or £9 18 o a^aiirft the Urn-, and one igftinti \hh\ P»r*0rti .f t"H 190-—Whoever will return (aij Noiea co the fnbfcriber. or will leave ibem at the Pr.nting Office, (hali be hanJI'omely rewarded ; and allpnfois ate her* hy forbid pir.clnfmg faid N «tr«, »>r j).»yinj» any thing ou them, on pain of being pro&CUtcd. JOSEPH BUCK. KIngfton, February 18, 1^18. 39WJ CANADIAN COURANT. TpERSONS who hnve heretofore ie- JJl ccJvcd the nbove pa^cr at ibis Of- Bce, are informed that they wili hrneo forward receive them ar MOOR£'a ColFee Houie, and thatthiy wiil be ac- cnuntahle to Mr. Moore for them fro-*n the Firft day nf J nn:ny, 1S 1 ><—who will receive Inhfcriptioic in fij'uie.------- Th >fe indebted to the fubfaiber foi (he Canadian Courant, are informed that it \$ neccilary to nuke immediate payment. S. MILES- Gazette Office, Kinj»fton, zcih February, 1818. 59 i General Commission MerchaiOs and Ageti's. rfflHE fubfcTibcntake this method of 5_ inf«r,mih|{ their frferi kand the pub¬ lic,'hit they 1' >ve entered into Co p;i-t- lurfhio, linder the firm of ABHOT, BHOIVN, iff Co. for the pm-putc of cairynig on the COM..ilSS10Nand AGENCY Business : The reason wiy so few mar- b generally, ami have I ken thefe fire oroo? -and vaulted St.>re$ froottng the P »n# b donginrr to Thcmas 'lonancc, Ffq. nd avij.inii'ir the river. As their tntti- tioo i to c.nfi".e themfelves wholly to that br inch of (jufitjefe, they hope to t b- tain a 'hare of the public f'vor. * Reafonable advance* will be made oa stages are happV ^ .^^^^^nfprocluceor Ivnung ladies sp-.Multiieir timcin Uor^„ executed tor the pyrchafc and nakiiiff nets, not in making ca¬ ges. (SSrThe praceedihj(M of <he To*.vn M,efin^at Augusta v\i!l be published uextweek. ;in il ■<>fct ./ FKiendlo ilc- U'giom Improve Mint" MARRIED, (hipinent of lihes, tu other produce on libeial icnns. JO MAS \R"OT, JOHN BKOWV, , THOVUsS WrIITAKF.R. Montreal l^ftft Feb'. 1818. 39'-* To Let, circamdance Having ever equaily p»rtlClpa oec 1 inteiell»n»! ed in »hi> Abfentec PU which and th Ko nV went -t > w/a. AND immediate priflrfRori ^«eav th^ HOUSE and prcmik . in Stu^rc* ■ Mr. Cameron in the Ch*t *'.ir. "«ule to no into UdinmHWP, * -~j .......jzr. ' ~\t&.U* guvft iavoicdi siola«)nfid\iatbuthCconu,ficat er-pcii-j [remote Co.^> *U»™ ^tt | 1 u 11 * domed Mr.Ganterm reported pro^rtf-*. ml had leave :u fit again oa fruefdav next. i At AU)'iny> on Monday fSvening, the 2d imt< h\ tln> R:-v. Hooper Cum- airig, Mr. John SrftAvae, Merchant iftliH place, to Wi*S Mjjiy \ltGxLU, if the former place* OiiTnn^dav.f el»llt*wK.i*-ttHta.*ii byll particirfar*cu^u^je r t ., !■..-.::■ „. U..v. Oaiwi > • urr. \1 \ WrxixtM U-tj ^ P B kSHc*l f, ^ IUX -j Sfatt SmU»a BttWi bj Licence. Ll A'i'^.Ui, fi* 34; ^iS. ^y£ t ville. htic y occupied hy Mr. D-«i".nfc fitu itcd w «!iin h.'H J mile of thi- Vowh9 a fuvorab:e li uan'on f>r a G n -iU and taiiily. . an 1. ah f . f.- a Diftifler, of l-m lve*^cr. F inthei

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