:»•»«. an.' by l'I p-^.i,'- :iri>u.:wiif -.Jliirl . ?,nd Si dn.....h on "lis .. ,nV,.d. I^.^n n^w s nri'onpr l«- vm«. fatal -■' '► rn.«- ,_ . > :,. ,\v. •.' ',:.! ,. , nl ;:„.,;,. , uar rtte „,.„',. «, j,jch prtod h«« has been" s^iif, bcfw !.•»!..• .1. < :U 11, -v:..,o (,.. I I)»r5^ !W tfiey r ..Hiih do, Fltfliltyg m|<'|r. n,0 ou!rt. r,)r (rial a- an impn-lor. and -..!«* n**« to;o i J.-.H-M... :•••' r - 11 j.r'.s.-in ?„> ea««», and should, Buy (l|- b„fh ,,„.,<, ,.0„rfs dMsred rhpmse!*e> :.■.-,:,:;. vol) . I* CoMinr.al. . i: of l,i. u nae «oici»t, wirirtl . ■ .Ui-.o.-i' (y „ .,,.,, j,K.nni., tent to lak • cftfcHnanre of ihi '"'-.':'r . *;'rcv.TV k«idofablis.*aiH]iiI'-U5r;4.<N (.ril.,i,' ,^fcr(./•-„<. ol •!..••. Cm is h. 1's ni. n . w !iO t <*lp i'lf.l i\.: r*i» r»i.' i - !i«>ti r,-l i» Pari inn-, a t •*%<>! I , ' ... * . t » . *» .. i* . . • I .» *. . ___ of CT;vr ,:r :;- \<ii . I* Colliiri'.uli »t: of Id • n,:- ni, n. vrlto tVfainrd nit.- rttrtu <1- v* r»h 'ti * llM >r lti:li*tg iy"' 'ex', m;i t\ te«l>» uforeiiti nv |)co to ttm af* i-ii. rhV'uyi :t »rts so important. }Jrst- m-'!»* Ending nil my ivpiVM-mofiftiv ti.M i bad u»l Hw smailrst <»1>j<scUdii to )i \ ail iu\ papers l». k cl over by] cni ilrutial persons appointed byyour Lrd^inj), i«r th.« piuji.)Si, anil tli.it vols Lsudslajj mo^t ):>ui ..it' desire tiiflt certain tonpalifie? were obs^rvfid in respect tome ; that in Rie e&itmin- RfiOU of imj pipers, my presence Houtd !>:• wry usefuUifnoi ah*oJntety nvess- * ry« to uhv explanations respecting things thai wou!cl not be understood v i[in-ni me : that he sent me in per- *. ii 'o the C< wtittcirt aim krpt my pa¬ per* in Loudon : Hint it v\as to be fea- i *d llrat tit; re was a misuttdi r&fatidiug. am' (leit in 24 hours all won Id |,L. rlea-i reel "p. h? ai.^UTed me coldly, thar I j I^-eel nor i>-- Ufiensy respecting my re¬ turn fr«m the continent, if it <hnu1<i iv* pi-i»>*nry, since y«>u would pay ni! fhr ey> -n*ec. To what hands. \r\) Loid. have* yon ctatiYi p d ru- : "On nwother occaiSon, my Lord, which was certainly ajaiu«t your in- sTiictionn, I was oblised to impose si- Ii nee iipon the man who guarded me. on account of h •» gr«^* akuc of the an^o^t person whom I honor above ev¬ ery thing in the world. u In one word, my Lord, since 1 have touched yotlf coast, ! am treated ss * malefu'tor. and in what doe« HIV Crime consist- That I- a^ perhaps i- be1:* vrd. iiDve a riilV-rent political o* piiiion. find *\cnt volnntari'v into im- ■ ■ |>ricoum^nt fit LofflSttond! [^nl is not th»« las* the trtosi noble and fttrelkivt action that is known, and o n< hie that em v body wonkl rejoice in his hear?, to !taveg!r«»n thic example? M) [jord. th natural madness andjufttice which are attributed to you cannot, po^sibh ) ate approved all mat has been done tc» ir.e. t: I have reoeir.d permissions and In" hac*5»ned to s^il the p^pe s taken fori, mp, not to protect mv**"1' ayain t JO' r L 'r'i-hip, bni : :i the eontr.T\ fei j • iar int"rest. to wnpo1 y the deficioor) iti th*; form which mi^ht, perhaps have i.'>7if)vomi'efl \"nr auei>t5. '- 1 beg vour Lordship a »a«n to turn wot "** nHtffl to* i'> aWaif*. a«»d to /*-•. r,! in ?hin-: I-Tectrji^ trv papers ti" Ton Haf*■ iwrlwd fren> m» t'»- in form¬ ation m hch > rt" r n draire, and M.hich ^ shall have to youi entire Batisfar- lion. u \ secure v>n b^foi**hand- fhn* hr.xv -v-'-r dff^n nt 'he opinions and f'*»e- . dnrn.-: |f cot fi.'e;-»Kon* of tno mn.h tVportanceff to the emigration rfiat have Scca ill . i • heard in I «?ilia;i.e t jou vi!I !;-»ve tin* ddvanfu^t? of i ■ t«t i * . 4 ^ i* r it ^ ( t, . * I* - \ , v 44a. • ^ >.-o wucevj wnie,] c^nunuai ty „..»(-i, Vifci ; v i v Utiul ui an.v and i» ,1 f, fu.it 01,1 M^.dvMp hi •<inn ac- jUeinN ».i with Hie •* h >Ie . Hair, - Sij L^itl, I add to the ," o{ this letter thai of another, of tt Dirh ' mn-t b ■ pro,..|.—i uoald also ,)(|. ,|(f. future hav:* rejoici d ov r it in silence if if were not nec.issai'y to a»njiihilate the l\in- if port" ■» the journal ^ U|,it.|, havosjMvada falseopnuoti ou Uht?Con- tiuent. S mi" pretjnd, lhai | |c|| LionKwood because, uearv of i|1(, |Jru. talif\ of him from whom 1 pari; >(| 4Vj,(| grief, I could not live witii !..„ RJ|1. lonjer. O.'.e «, ttilhoiit f;ri. ;ifr| .",*. Hcuiars* saj that J deserted hi%# 'pj, annexed Idler, if it b mado public '.-. ill she it the truth, it N afav«,ir ^ ,;v|j I be- i:f you, unless jour !j(;l,dMnp should see objectioi^ which I nldVe lltl, lemaik' d. "My Lord—They make pftre Vorv unhappy—tn-y unk- me a Onarlyr : tiiAl is ro >ay, generous heartiarre. mad » r<i incline to m--, an<l tlieir participa¬ tion co»»vo:e> me for all. •* It ;a attended with the fercafeft diHictdties f.O write tin■-» k\\ ii!U> (,, \on. RJaylhei c-.-mc inii yo,:. hand*, l! time ai! ««• me to pre en! mjv crie vauc.Ato yo.n Vriinsttn*^ jou muh\1 r-- c. ive a c».p\ of them. ^ A.'iW pt the oma^e oftnygm&titud • and tny re« pi ct. (Signed) »€ODBTLA«CA<AJItM | [It is to becbs(iv.-d that thi« h notl translatedfrotn the French, bof fromal Germau traus!a(:o:"] if.coaip ten' to 'an • cotiuzanee of ihi crime. before e-n<. o\ 'l.ft CeUltshl \vn • d.»»ii. d by the l*r«'■ idmt to un- corei at'n»df. The Ihtuithin haujjhfih rtplird—fc> Dt'ptffs qnj::>[ tst ce rjlCutt Monnrq e *e Urcom're devant *<* wjttJ" tie declares he can ptovc hi i< what he assumes, and dematids !»■ be tak#fi to the Tlnillerics, and nhenj tin re, he m:II indicate places where. *vh -n venn^ he coiweah d sevi nl thifi^tt, which he uill there name atsd describe most minnte'v : and Bays he. w h ii /*• Retne imi mere* etait en urismt an *Jkv*pU* >!:<■ uifba>harp instrument ".adc a corion-mark on the back o( iii" nerk, (whicJj he shew*) nncl uith she >ame in-trument, slie at t6e sam lin.e made a similar WW upon (bat of j (he Dutchess his sister : that u lien young and playing u-ith his sister, \\n with a knifeaccidentnII\ stabbed h*r in the Uot]\\ the mark ol vth ch unain- ■d. and he will if confronted with h.-r, describe (he ver) spot where it is. " The Sibothr -a'-d to he his father. being called into Court %ds a ktd il 'hat was his son? \[y answered ).<. The mother bein-called in and a-k*d 'he sune qne^tjon, said no. and that •he had never seen the mau before : in '! tttfrfiti r eonobura! d h r mether. ■nid aid >hr had irever seen him, and that he wa-not ar all like her brother. tr be I^fflhfly o'-eilo.:ki d ; a'*d Wi (h» ultl hence, be ll w in giving credit to the] foggeftton. chat wecannoi loog defend] iIu't. a^alnfl tjh,e grafpof a foreign foe \ Before the occurrence of I he late war] with the Unnrd States, nothing was! th>night, in that country, at had, fo e. fy as to c< nqur i ao ida. The event ha- proved, llsal a^ fai as relate to the condition of the two countries, down to j the aera of ihat war, the calculation wa> j erroneoo*, and there are (bond rcaf.ms, perhaps £*r believing, that the relative proportion of ftrength, f -r the deciTion of a liuilar c nteii. !? not altering in favor of the United St;:tes. Lnt'e compaia'ive import auce belongs to that winch has been thought to involve much, thr encreafc of the Riitifli naval rqnipment^ upon Lskes:] Erie and Dntano. The fervice is under ' too many difaduaiitagei Upon thole *akes, . to remedy the original error of allowing j the United 3ta.es \o tide upon any of t-heir hank**. But Great IVtain p09-j tclTts through tiie aid of her fleets upon I the octan, a power of traufportJttg men • and 11--res lo the very Indcd to, they experience :h m „n|» • common with <he United vSt4ten \^ felves. It is perhaps but little Ic;]yn that while etnigtatiom* take place a Europe from the Briiift domiuioinl rhoft of the Uttfted States, n.;thing iu reo'edady occurrence, than cmip^. hoin <h<- United Rates to ell pntu^ the Brittfh Dominions in Anietk New York and Peunfylvania fuppiy ^ greater pait of the new fettKri in Upt^ Cunada ;and ihere ar-.'cnU.inchnirrr.ua among the inhabitants of Lower Caiiidt on account of tht number of natives ^ the Ealittn States who aie couiUntli cranlpurting themfeivtsinio tliat portifM of the Brttith foil. It may be \tn ^ others to determine, whether this lo* of change ooght chiefly to be ^fcribed to poveity and diitromtort iti the can. tries that ate kft, *r to a fpirit 0f ^ venture and hope of ff'tnethiug bctie? very naturally fpringing fr.-m the Qfifr nsl impuife to ca)igr&tioii, and fromtb* facility ofcoi-tinued removais, TLTuder every view, the North Am. r.'^n C»!o. niea aie fe< u»e. and we may I'.dV'y labour for their growth. With icf.eci tul^ inducements to fettle them, their coaji .t t- n l>Rrssrrs, Dee. K—Oneofoiurjnur- Inals has p bll-hi-d some let!'tk 0f Count La* Ois-.i., the (irst adtt!r^-ed 'o I. .rt! S;di..onth. and a second fo I Lord Molland. The-e l«»tteitmerar- robrratedb) thefi Mowing : Ail the p%b!ie p;.pers .ave mt thru ti t erroneous accounts of the iv a ,e,. ol U) departure from Longnnortt. The roilowHii^wiil e-tabi-sii =|,e ircth: : — "'My hat Cvu>,{ i.,u Cts*uv-M\ hr-art senMul} feels uhct you fXprri- ntl-iVi Torn from me*ixteen or s.-v.-n- twn dins a o, you liav \w:w ci-iiilcfipdl mts.r^r. Hithoul b \ng p r;niiittdto . -»w.;re any information ab'M;t „ne. oi t« <ori.:n uifa,e will, nay prtr?otfi w ha¬ ver, either I-', etieh «H Hn .'i<l. and '• < «!c«tauteiU -tuanisol your owe hoice. *• V.-or conduct at St. Helena ha •«t;en tiki* vour life—hon. ruble ant vrthovtfcprcwti : \ ink, fl+twr* in '-c.Img wiu s».—f fl^-iv three fourth- <-f 'he letter are uaiitinff.l coicijtaiti 1Mb n^ce^Qrv fo how >v-r dff^PMt the opinions and f^e-11 ' 0,'r CoreijHUy IMS nece^^^ry I t'».p.«im;. he*hn» ••illbefr.Mnd"n th-in.|(,n" : ) °" a'0'"'«"ould ^p.^->k and nod - t'^.-re i« n>t one respecting which j:r- i tH ^,,-!i-h.— ll-v.v manv i'»i;|jt<: Inv %■ . 4 * *• * I 1 II . mII IVU.Jt/l .. tit * .*«■ lie i- not cl-'cly cor.iined aL ;iouen, and ha always ph ntj ofmmfy :^t his tMiek-t- ; he sends for "v. n thin^ofthfl best, and whrn brought j i" makes ih^ jailor fa -te o\ it. for f\t «f hdn^ poi.on. d. Such a< go to sc htrnout of rurtAttty, stile him ' Siie' and \ un- • Ainj.-<ty\ %t H aj . that some year? atro, no: blOwins; h^W to -c;;pe out of f'rauce. he boldly to'd lionapart*- nho he was : UnitliP did not want to reign, and ctfiil VAt-h.d for a wife e eort out ol th ronntr). Bonapaite,ddds h-. nam d «»f oi thr M.uMers, who is „.- P'Vi.u. and he saw me safe to ih fio»ti-|s ; (hi, prr.oui-!iviu», and n- will name him.in order that he ma- i'l"infv him tor the man he escort.-' out of France. 'fc M isMianor; that during the nuoi- *>**U\t*mamtton*h* has had. he ha '^o:(),ed.i uoulto comtr.it Mtr. " 'L J e«i|ji!e svem to think in-lr i '" 'hlu> '"» i"1' b-rif there w r "WI r ^e,i to upnee. hiin wJm ,( IWIpii* to b.-f I rtovdd t0tt4j 0,r.rr tjiiwhayebmi tiii -I aI((( >m* t„ tfci UaMie walls of Outbcc I and Montfcalj fneh as deferves to be! reconcd foi fomethiog againft all the *j and iflands invite the eitHhtthm^r^ <ou:>trpva)!in<; facaitlts that aie in tb«?tjfifhmjjtowns, ii)«ir &relUfuumy |u„i. hands r.f thr enemy. J j aiKj pot aft,, ti,c |,,n(lic ' ' ."" But tl.e Dotitd States are un<fcrRoi% ! I is magnifir. nt and b« at.JS.1 .i,,,' 1„i grear .ntrrnal ,cv-Iwion. the i fftCt «f a wide extort of fitifHee'and'e'i »" whtco cannot he .hat o^ encfcaiing thcr j which r«var3 with tl»..dtooe tbc fabauH mean* r.f annwante to the Britifli of the plough. colonies In the N.rth. The BWriftj I Nor is the value of rhrf,- I ■ fc-,and . ot the Gulph of St. Lawrence. (Thither wi'h conliuued tide, ic floating jtheuooulaliotl and the capital 0i 'lie U jnited States, In this gemrral h»fi of (Irength, ' the Southern dates lutfer wi'h the Northern. Already the «et- j tier* in the well dominate all the countries b"t to all thofe parts ,,f ,|u- Ui-itd h'ait wh.ch lie vv-;,t of the Aleeaa n?!ma™:jjm *S t'»* counirie* of th* Ohio, lYMwIui.pI. 8eC. The A.llnpr mowituiiH iVterpofi. great di'ffieuldeift ■hftn.|lport..fijood5 from the port, , »«? A -...it,.-; and thecurrcat* and « • He. in the wefl dnminatea.l *«****, h A ' ^ • [ffS " P°? T on the f\tlwfc. -the ohl IVre.l (|M1,?i' V, eCUm:,ts 3,,fl flh- *ta^ » TI.J. J4fcr„o„.,fi.,t:1 .,„h a QV- 7 "t T" V,'Bfli',!,i "' r»-ffi0.« . « a uturiJ r,„f^......L .,f .....N 1 "•' C",1,,t' °* Mexico It i- tr«, -Co.. , i* a natural enfeoue^v of ,rlt t|lat rf7„ri .,f'" m tc t« a difj'Jvantagt t w> ;L e notjo. dh-td cvam'nfffion or amirabl riit;on« could not take place- .Veth'ncj •rt/*rpsfMij will he found in th:*m reh- i:x ^ #o fhe nffMr* of ct;tte. in r uny po- T"*sefi 1 seerot. I hav> iu ver b:ul aiM ♦ re.j ,>fthw Icind : and if il h *d beer tie case; ! shooM l^ngsu«», hate, not ■wa-t^d an opportunity to make use of it " This K perhaps nv Lord, the plarp were I should mont2on ine pa. i>:js which WPW taken 'rem me at ^f. I lena, as; wi II as many ofh^r tiling* respi ctiog which I sha!!! ar/> to *prek mfiiyour Lord'.hip or with Lord f*a- thur^t.—But the few moments I havp Lff, and the confusion in iry thongltt^ whieh sudden and unexpected '-vent OCca>! m.' t%C me to put it off till an- other time. u I -!:»!! wait with impatience Mr yoi.r !o;ddnp^ answer. Micre, I know not.o/vl.^ps at Ijru-'els, if I ebtait penn!.->; >u to Pfopthere. J hav- the hon r. $q9 (9i#»&) COrNT I.ASCASAS. u DoTer, 22cl No? U:!7.M t [ Phfecopy i* mad** from m-m-rv.\ 'we words may tin n fore, be different f".ir> the original : b: I the language 6: the sense are certainly the «am*-1 Vou p^vd-.vithmein.uyiiine^. Unw- v-r. i ml >rd rlji udrise vou. and if o^^dfuK i er vou. to r- quire th" Governoroj inland to send you to Hie e"ut:- uitt. lie cantiot refuse this, inviuj j no power ever ;ou. hut bv jour voltrt- l tarv consent, n nich has placed you a»- ile r his autleiity- Ai\ In-art will ie- » nice to know thatyouareoii the w*v j ;o hoppier co::ntiies. I «rh«*th**t you return to your ce.uutri torar< ihc r»i'*>'I-«(?ori of the tUswbi i you Ii rp h-en mi.'e to "Uill r. B a r of thp !i leiirj ^iiieh you have shewn t* me, ai»d of the entire affection rtidch t bear jovi. ** ff 1 ou should one day «ce mv wife and rav sot*j »alute them (<'.nbr".xr$z Lss.) For more than tvro war- I nave | no news of them, either directly or in- 'dirrc:ly, * * * * - * ['I'hree line are fc;»n* Manttu^.] Houever. comfort in- r^elt"mid COu^euiv trends, ait h dy, it is tree, U in the potior of m "t tuie«; ; th* ir ra^e forgets noti.i fTimf ^an satiate thtsir roveuge ; they kill me hi iuche?, (ih me font ino.nir .i coup$ d% tint in qfe ;) but providence i too jii\f, I arn sensible of i^, to p rmi fJii^ to continue loi:^ in \^ mid-t ul ,rn( • • ir,sva,,Itl-ulu-t.a?a ;>attt m tM" fooirfry. »*'irlia-been welt „«,.,,,..,;„ ,|,,;,.. the p.-1-son poiKoi«"«fJ H„. „„, ,|.. | Dattphfn. neuiKR 0il WJ1<> ;,,.,„.,., , i "•' '>°(b of U»ehild ■,,,.„„,„ for ff, D»ni|»l.in, a- cl.d ii ..,, U11, a;() ,,, Wdoillg he Wrts IO" |(| ,;.(1:1(.j „. . e1' in hi* bid nre ik\ '• Tin- youig i.u»i ..v.nde.LM.,.1 ha. ,,,,.„ lv,..,v..d .,. ' s* of (Ii.-Courts n, (5uropp.H Vt ')JO|i. 11^. iias ua\ !|,.,[ had.hei, fh%re inpnjdncing "tW. effi ft | An.thercan.e.- ihr^nenrl n, ,«/., j r.u ope. and the CoinCiJOCnt rot*, o" t«c j p?rr of the Ui.ited States f ih fe rtdv.vt;<res in c nncce a»« "I n ivi^aiiou wh fh they h;:d et 'j«*je ' 'h ouglnh iong W3'f;i e wh'ch ore. edel :t. 1).- 'ive<i i:i thi* mannei of much of 'hen filhene* »d n-3i!y the vvhJe r-.|" thvii ca r.tn. t*»de«awl ofajf'eat part of their expurt traile ihe na< itiM'c States aie iitfcesl*ri'V a (fate of JepuRi n and v. fho t, but n Vv- vvOrd- won . |.? rcvpiircd to fhow !iar tht cnti ■• fdeafnn, on':d-.cd a« ^ tequirc nothing but the mo/| mo*- u...te(is,3t,s'th-,ra.,tc^;cs;'Vw VV ay^ be icuce with the in'e,ior vvilj a| ilMtcr tban.venfc p,!llKJ, (J, adavery.ttlet.^r and ,r.o..-y h,i h.t t, reqtifred to Pn;vidt a rtll,, hetwnm iVIentte-H) and L.ak- Fr\- i which the carrying ^Ur, M w«.|j J g UgBnerf the enmy'c frotitier,^! .tnra a-iva,t^rt.sl,fCa,Iao:3wi!.io i.ropcrh lei/.ecl .,.JOn J.i.J en-,, .yt,i t 'he ivifdom of Government, JnJ bv ,i7 -n.'ii tie-il. Hi,.I ha- , . , ' ,.......... K....... "iU "» l"" .....tlJ' lu "MT"i< that n'. 1 5t Of til.- Courts In » ,v,',;-v'-d "■ P '«•'- «-«.rd. wo.... h-.^niie-J to (bow j *t>ira a-iva„t„ccs „f Lai,arf3 ^ !« ' '"•"'•op..' i!.a- tlieentt-. t -!e a.fnn, -n'd-.cd a-j f'Topcrij leize.l u-j0n an I en-., ,ye,j \ From tie Colonial%tti i r n „ ^ T" l"oil""'1 p«w*i h» 'If'-' ihe zmiih '"* wifdom of Government, Jnj u ..7 .... . """/-/c"' ^' |S'6 ' It ww raffed bj the fe^oubl. •« f E.,...p. , entrrprrfe of in.Jiv.Vlnals 1,1, X J.e "lonS " f N'"VX \metica. !j"'^ ^n,t!-,)St,te„a!,-.ur,1he encr,a. thi- efpcc-aliy at a mom*ot Xn 2 .l ' ,*, "Vir■ 1"Ui? —'rh«-T pr<ieod|fW-«o<»ei*y. in«y A hi t'-rir number, creation of new branches ,.f ".■ , ; «thofep,«a.- ftfoi.n (Pc„v..r!|-Q(,,,u.a-!thrp. union •■ .he And* -d,ftry a«d fuil i,np,n,c ^t J ^ f- ,h\r R *«*i«d thry»M«fc« P^c Ovc ,bdi .hev will - t>.x,, a, ,,./, ,J ^ ° f ' '■* !"K,.'h;,t ("c Br,t in w„ul.J be w;i , '• be fit much <h, ■■„..,•, ;,.caM*. , ,-f va!l and gloriooa entiure °Ur m giving a prefer n,e to e:{ lblil1irnc,.c. | .. ot:0n a. a l,r„.e s0-'y ;a«1 efpeehtty. _______1 [ * J l i , ■nun llli-ll lie liver [mfcr that Grt.? Brit.fn w„ul,, be wf n '.■ ivmg a prefer n.c to ed .lbl>-|1imciit< eltewhese. In I jpp.lVf rr »i rr""t ot the geiicrai artument. reference i «ar i -tfTati-ns. which f ^rtl-.t. fJ. e fr • Canada fnfe. thfc r n r s tluv will he f.i much the more harml in 'heir northern maritime pans. The lo& of their freiVn trade ar*d filiertV. i w, .1.( Ord bv means of w ..u c :,.eourn,Uf»weJl|faiblt0UU(), | omit- in that p>if ot .lc „!0ije There isn...,hj:ft 1)IIt°o a ^ ^ perhunof our fettU,ICIl!, th|.& h ^ the d.fferent rcgttni .f in<; „rth Lc[ th. BrhlftMtm be ..orpofedo^eom. WI turn th ii 0" ita! i-ito matiufett* m ihi . IT. IrRTTtfl TO I.OKl) BOXtAXO- <c^-iv Lord,—! had th.^ honorfojj semi you a Ictl >r fi m the extremit\ •'Africa^ with a duplicate of it. "[ r-'P- von Hill pafdon the feeling that dictate^ U tome- it dreu me, though •Dfituown, tr him. Who from love of jv-'ire t. d ir ntue^s of ROol, fooli Bp |Se n o*t noble of all caj<es. I had pAdi ■• to i* the fi u d cnmcius 'hdt I i li.dennty hands, the grievances at J, «u-o-'d, my errre*!KM!/|"uce «ifh Sir MnNon Lowe, and the 'ketch of a petition'o parliament.—Bare you ever re. i ivj I th ••.•! ? t: Th'^ mom nnforfurrite I become the mm* does mv c xdidfiiice incrkase. I Y • treatment I h»r - received since I a>i irmch *l Hie Kn»I^h coa-t, n-ul th.- imi.i! t it ha* $ ven to thai which ] inTfl wpj r1eiir«d on the Co.itinent,aie dn'ie'.r f i d erih'*. (•otisiinitn^ climate, deprived of 'Very tKiog t.i:;t Mipports life, ***♦♦*, [ Were rl ree I n s tire wanting,"] is As* .'ii'-r.' :>.v'iv reason to b'dieve that)tm »ill not h-» peninf'-d to come h-:'re voer d^ii'rtnre, receive tny cm- hrae s. the assurances .f n-v esteem, and of mv tiiend'hip, liirhapp^. u Vour affeetonate, The local authority <! tained at S?. I Relena the nrigina) ol this letter, and HtU m ed only that part to be. communi¬ cated which is found here. '!» " i ut^e tu liberty to auuex m> Lt- The Prct ndvd Dmphin of France, The following are some curious facts respecting the pmon assuming the name of the Dauphin, who is now in prison :n il tira : u He is a younpman of about fo-.,. r live and 'tuity ^ hand-otne depMrt- viotj aud mcU informed. He haj itnntm eaabltftied up n ( (h(;t lany r^nvmrndatj IM Wo< ^ CaneoFOood Hops The cxle. fio of our cnlonn-fiin Newflnlland and New booth Wa'e,,offusvry flatter^ pros- pcci The chMMff porous iflanda, -h.ch iiWtciyj.fi, thole coutitrfeBil w/th India and withd.ioa and hm, prefentan mexha.dliile field f ,r futnn' mercantile adventurt, and fowrced of a perpetuated maritin,. dominion let rhofe who are dtfpofd to repair to our col nies h.veanamufe rangc, and a va- nomehotce, hcf-ie hem. There are fenufor.een -f c',T.,,nt h,clmatioos. and d {f. rein bahtts tFlfft. But «he No.th American Coloi.fes ire placed m couu-t* |0 hlVh'v ad- ptedtothena.enutate.ttm ftwnu'd be matter of fe-ions .v.ret if we were forced to beleve thai there are any dr-j! irrntj chaneel- ; :n ' Or.- t Rritehij hy nitei rn tins* their tnde with ihc Wcfl Todies. I end then- fifhe.y t" the iiO'thwinK nnavoidahly afli^ the progref> of their manufactures, which mull hencef>rthi become the primary concern ot the ftabVrn States, and for which the natural market is in the fonthwell But tin- order ofthin^ is on the wh'»le, the bed Oreat Britain ca" drfite. It c ins the 'wfngtofthc Utiice*! States, a^ a miri time a"d naval power, ?nd thins and retards and impoverishes the oopulati i of the countries which border on hei northern colonics and of countries which '■ven the manufacturing progiefs is no o'i'Ci of (ertou.i ieai ufv t)n tl From the VunaiBm Cou.unt. We frequently fee recetpfj pubiithed m the p:».:.e- ,,. l |ea in t cumftancea which fhtuld induce relax in promoting ihcir adv.nceojpnt Their eonti,.t:ity t.. tnemotherconntty] their accrlfihi'iiy tow. Mp ad flrerg" v/l»'e both the motives and the mean for the ro.iqti II of Pai-ada are daily weakening in the United Stnt 8 Jtf. the South, a^ ab«.ve intimated, that their ftrength, or at leaft, a certain Mined !>ren«th, is advancing ;—and if there i-a reW ohj.a. on the No.th ^mer,can Continent, For Great Brttai i, to whom»..nr.n,Mia,,.iy t!,e war (,.j not c,ve l.ouilian.1. it i. tue ■equifitfen ot I<I„r,dw, with the t-ood will ,f thrl ^1 pam Fi.,rula has bien ■ Co irt of S . :ho..Kr a country of no importance j hn',.f ... 'imepaft, that eftimaie may have hern jnli, the tf-nes n,vertheic!K their nor.h,r„p fition a ;d c-onf«,„ent fl«.to** ivheni. iSquitee„ormom foiifiimption of our wooJeu ami ouierll The North 4 ra-tnag uireaions front othk coanti.es hew to m,k. , ,/ 'nmer ; an obfect of great im, porta.ee, cf>cci.,lly in th-,vir> ter,atto«of the ye,r when it Mfcpiiofed, by many ,,c.luns. no be unp-aclkable to rr.akt Soodjwitcr^- the Truth, how. ;-ver,is, ifaatas^ooa butter Can be made through the winter,« 'tat.y fealon of the year, it the ne-euary mciures art puriuc'. It s well kn-.wn, that when yw, are ueii fed, and kept urj- Jer covrr, during the mincer, fbeir buJje is 0 uch mofe H,.,1 han wh.n fed upon gr^ intBh iuinmcr. When H.ua k ,. it ted» ^ that k necefikty to makfl f Od butler in rhe Coldefl wes- ^e.,isi pa . ■ the milk, ,s (boa a5 drawn from the cow, ir,.^* colaapUceascanbefband;lfl older that it may freeze in a ibort time. The freezing of e milk will force the I; man.iiactuc-, their timber, fun and invaluiible fifnories, till demand U\ our own market foi all did. exporu-,are! <» ... . • , „— American colonies hav J'^'^^c. to fear fr.,0, foreign ,e ana a, tittle a; may be argued *%**£ cppmtoBuy, f.o.n (kaieftic trcafyn. A whole oft he cream to the fur- race, t• om whence it may M ' ..ij'a.vcn w.th perfect cafe, and '"JJ without any mixture; ai the