Kingston Gazette, February 24, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, FmiWARtM, 1818.] < KIIN TON [VOLUME VII.-;-----No. #>.] ETT AKingston-, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. <> * w & >XT<i*--rs^ Agents for the Ktfl&ftan Gazette* Erne . Town, J A M F.S R \ N K \ V, E*q. YorJc,WILLIAM ALLAN. I -n,, Bmekvillf, A. SrTERWOOj), U>q. frllvlle, *. M'NABB, Esq. JWoowal, V. MO Wtflt, Print**, PUBLIC NOTICE. T tf F fuMcriber having heen rt^u- larly *pn tinted a.$tnt to Sir JWw j I For &e/i £y Public Auftion, ON Monday, the ifith day of March next, if not previoufly rli& poled of by piivate fair, the Hull of a new -chooner cf about 54 tons burthen, now lying in the haibor of Kingston— For funhcr particulars, apply at this ! Office. Kiugfton, Frb. 12, 181& 38 %hnston> of Montreal, Baronet, has tak- en trnon himfelf the fuperintendince of Amlierfl Ifland. -Ml berfons defiroow! To Let A ND immediate pofTefiion given, /a. Two convenient Houfcs with Of Pnrchafinjr or Leafinjvfends thtrwm.j jShop», in ftorc ftieet, near Mr. Blake'a will make application to him at his Of ' ; fWcrn, on the corner - f the ftreci lead- ficcin thiVvillage.*-Wrc refpeanbl* fct^ -Jnj, fr.irri the Artillery Barracks to tbe tiers will find every encouragement jjFrCnch Chinch F"t aniculars apply to JOHN W Pfr&GUSON, I Store Street. Kingston Ecb 17,1818.38 This Public Notice is given that no one in future rr.r.v dead ijrn;.ranee andj to ipf rm the poMiCj 'hat no known tresj pfrfleruHal* her- after efcape with jmn»«i.i. • j ty, but th^t evrry fnrh perfon win \*9 j proirecut«J at- th' he- r*i i$- i&f*it%. A .CK Y. By his Attorney % D H'/!GEft MAN Ernest Tr,w Feb. r, iS'8 3 7 "'4 • i A CONTRACT, Pilinff and Marfpy. I THE fabfcviher will pav thehiVh- efl market price rWraoy cji antitv „ef Harley, delivered ar his Store in I Ktngflo1 * during 'he \vn.ter. On hand as ufvaK fl general afTrrt- 1 »ent of DRY GOODS, !-iquQv»m!rj A Groceries, Salt, Crockery & Glafs waie,j; X2A_ fr&c. HP««*r All 0? which wil1 he rJ1 iiwvn'non • 4?lew for Cufli or any kl 'd of pr ruee. S. HAW LEY. Kingston, Jan. 21, r £ 1 8. 3 J I STILL be given for - y B'.mintfoff th timber at Pref- q1':/]'", the enfuing Spring, en 75 acres ot Ground, and for lowing the fame b> to^^aii ; and a!fu at Kin^fton for cut- ttflf) arid Dr-wing ah ,ut one rrile. coo Co-d-; >f Wo* d :—on ea*'h 6r whi. h ontmn (bv l r.iiiir furr.ifhcd with fuffi c ciVnt Erciwttv) a faM advance will bo r-.Je. Enquired B WHITNEY. 16. 1818. 38tf TO fiESOLD,' H*>nfe and L.<t fo Store Street, between M». Duglaos' and Mr 3«—for particulars tfpply to the SufafcribcT' ALFXR.TREMAIR. Kingftun, Feb 16, r8i8. From the EvangcWnl Gunrdum and Review. LIFE A$D DEATH. Years roll, and agrl swifU> tiy, Voons rheto trait*, IP80 blooms to die. To-morrow <, dan n. H> suddtn fair, Ser> prostrate prid.-- and ruinM state : Finds ruling Monan h* yield sheir crowns, To LordiingS will, a.«dtyrants frowns : Vi-w5 wiihcKdape^nd burning vt»u(h, Un hinkin? ^icr, antl watchful truth, T> infant bioora, a"d manhood^ fire, Q ir m« ga> drama, a»^ expire. Man fados. T•v'ma^<»a"'^^a"l*d. All \bm wittier or; this lifting ball. boast cf power,arid hwaiity7*pride, Titebridegreom and ibo !nn^hin°:bride, Mttstvicld ibeir iovs a;i.' d rop ihr bloom, Thai waits ii!! ihtie pr**pare> the tomb. B\u wli> with careh ^ ea/<* ^nvey. The yawning ^rave. •* »hi»i*'.cJ clay ? i'-ao-o ! while ;l:p jr-i,i-tW rv.instpll, Ihtw dory Mink, and virtue frit Mus< on the (ale ofvttrDi&h'd time.*, Ambbior.'sstairisaii'l murder^ crimen T!i^ bleeding wound- rha* decked the brave, Vere warnii ^ t»rclodC9 io the grave. The (\>>et\» of Mft !*»** arls of Peace, Br^an 'he:r little rei:ro to era re. All t'oiat wi;hb"ck':iina:hand 'ohow rV s<ant nna llffil heave Mie M »w. til livbis strans, mi all. and >ott, Tii:1 voice r>f aj*f answer* tri***-: P-isc'aio'S'Via". r<-v-a!s hr i".3d T' at wats the hero and the Mewl NEW-YORK, Feb. 6. To the poliffiiess of Caplain Ster¬ ling of the lust sailing ship Nestor, iu 85 Hays from Liverpool, wt-are iud» bt- cd for Liverpool papers of tin* 26th, London papers to the 24th, and a file of Lloyd's List to the 23d December. On the night of the Sfh of . ecem- b-T, there becurred a severe storm, on the roast of France, by which a num¬ ber of valuable vessels 'vere wrecked, and many live* lost. Anions the ve*- .*ls wrecked in this storm, the follow¬ ing are noticed in our London papers :| The ship Indian of London, bound jj n> South Afnerica9 wis wrecked at J K'ouari nvar Plouguernau, and it i> apposed the crew and passengers all ;vri>hed. Many dead bodies vterc found ill the cabin, amon^ which were 1 vera! Ladies. Sli^ was a vessel of ■ >O0 tons. Horses and accoutrements .vere found on &hore supposed to have .liiltnl from the ship. Il is added, that amoiii: the passenger*, weie many illcer*-, who wore on llieir way to join lie Spanish Insurgents* I toot*? FRF.NCH CORDIALS. S. nO'OfJey he- juft receivrd a few f very fi:ie French Cordials, a ft0R;^fv * Crr'me it N-ycra;, Cre'.ne de Mr*»i OWdr Ann-s, Iimon^a SVpr^na, Sfl.n Sana Par- die, Le Meet -r dc Phcierne, Mr Pi 115 V'Ura, Stolen 1 *f\$ the icth !»di. froTi t^e ftRble of |< ¥ thefuhfcnVr.twoBTTFFVLOE I.KOBrS Should they be agert&ior t' :., ■ i. <\. iHxa *w*rtul will be t;iven to iw "vrfi»'» that w*tl (top them, or pive ..f o mat'on wl ere they m;iy be recover- e! by ihe ■ wner FRANCIS CARLISLE. Feb. 17. So dirk a picture, Youth, Barrtv, ' As en^'tincOD me c'leqtvef'd «ay, ! S;oi> MHtr hii'f<mile> fo: denrh reslraina Von" bursting mirth with Cttat pains eca!N—knocto—Miters—lit\ i> o'er. And folly lifls her voice no more. 28 f" i T ie l>aCj5" 0l"l°vc' l r thirst of power, ' ' And fatu- the me'eoi oi'yri hoar, The H) '>r's *h *• '. wi victor'- cry, fhe?on°>of Ql "'». 1 1 dung Blgllj Ml c 1. - t. * tr' 9 no na ehai . Contmills i ue will, Svnt] curbs die arm, ['or rea^m^ ligli'. 3fend wit^tttiiri'b ray. m 10 o. LIFT, .fy/e.i/s not exceed- NOTICE. nOttffV term nfyW-tW not execen- 1 gSJj JE in Fifteca, on tlhe rood rcftffma-1 b{crem*__That well known valnable (rand in the pubi't I Mix. iimate on the On the coast of France generally, accounts !»hv«- beon received, of four- r?en -ail of merchant men be'uii< wreck* >d, among them ^-aidto be several Bast iiid West Indinmen. A passenger on board (he ship Kit- ?\ and Clora, from (.Inernsey, state? that a lar^e ship, bound to Ireland. ivas totally lost 00 that coast, aud all *a board drowned. LONDON, Dec. 23. An absurd rumour ha<- been circula- fed in the eity this morning, of a change •' ininisrrr**, which together with oilier ■■•pi rts. h;-.v» had theirInteoded e-flVct, Mint of towering the priee of the funds. The d«•pre;?.iou thi^woroing has been ■icriou^Iy fclJ by the !ar;e fund-hold¬ er*, and <ut'h w:is the /»a«["Viie^ to-ieYl, that at n Hmc ^vh «n 3 per cent. Red. «t HO "id. nu rininctu broker ofl'. r«d 'hem nf 80 .J-8. TlevvvereaO Tward- . Ii>red t<* 'h • ('otniin^ii nersfttSO I-J. Piii»- is a f.-ill r»f one per cent lr< in the price at which Mie market opened : but •it one oVlocU Reduced were 71, ami Consols 8*2, for th- opening. r corner of Store and Wat' greets, where Lot, is Ilegal, Cruel, and arvjut, they have tliis day Opened, and wil* ex j jand wiH be Recovered as foon a- J oft ice lofe for fale, a choice and well afTo- ted j !can be obtained. K>'eTO - M AMOS ANSLFY. TO LET, riflHE budding lat.ely occupied by JL R R.d>ifon, Efq. a^ alhop. fitnatc I next the G'veinmemt Houfe. for MULTIPLICAHON STables, For the ufe of Schools, For fale >t this Office- i Fo» Sale colIrcVon of Dry Goods, ffrc. CONSISTING OF ---- IfanneU, Cluntr. Furnitures & WWP» to match ; fuoerfir.e an,^ feconH qui'.t,■ } Cl.OT= c-, amoocfl w.-rch 19 Welt ot • ftli|0l'4 black afn ^»i! rupeiior cn-H j ty- LvUca* anH Oemvmen-s bWfc& white fi'k Stocking- ?-nd OW', «3o. doJ . ftrong Shoe« and wmftd StocktPgi, of, QQ all defcnotions ; India Co'ton--- Sec . |" , , Which, with tl.cir former Lock, tl-:y jfrom Kinolt-.u ,- convuucntlv «-»tcred ^re^ lermmed, as ufual, to Icll very law j with a large cnven.aU rtoufc, (h-us and "ec j5™ * fjUahies, which now reab B* One Han- TU^ahoveheingaU felecl-d by Hr' Jdrtd pound; a year; thrfo with levcal Th, e . who i^ Mon-jUhe, bd%« the prem,^ which W. are well the attention of the [will he Md h bit, »> there will be teve- ™: a e ral j.,0 d Jets that are well lituated for I1"15110'__.^„„rn a- ..-/^d ft«9 I!publich rfine&i «r the whole together, as BMf bell luit pnrch.fers. For fur P Acres of valuable 'and. handfome- ly fituated, in Sandville, 4 miles articular-, apply t> AUian Md-ean, E'q Kinaftwn, Januaiy 23. 1818. 3Jtr CV-TO LET! THE pxetmki at prefent occupied by the hibfcrib.rr, co'ifnting of a large Two ftory Uou ie, bake iioufe, Ibble, &c For particulars, appiy to the fubfciibcr. LOUIS TAPIN. Kingston, Feb. i,I»l8S. $6 Elegant Sleighs. c «n|^wc i_ D THORNER & VORAN. Auctions every E^entng, as ufual Kinfstnn, Jan 26. 1S18. 35 WRAP FISH PAPER, Gf an excellent qnalitv.for fale as acove, IF ELIJAH $PRAGUk% former ly of the Itate of New Hampfhfre, is now living and in either of the Cana ^a«, anrl wil\ communic.ite the fact with ihc particular place of his refidenct, toj Deborah Sprague, at James-viUe, in the' County of Onondaga, and Itate of New 'Yorkt he will grntely contribute to the *iappinef8 of hi- filler. Feb. 6, 1818. 3?w»2 j J as may .... ihcr parlicuiara enquire of the fubfciibcr -\n indifputable title will be ^iven SJMUJL PURDT. Kingston, Feb. IO, 1818. 37 ^WO elegant and highly (unfiled OubleSleiVha Foi fale. Apply to SMITH BARTLET. Dec. 16. 29ff j Notice. Onondaga Salt JUST received and for fale at tlic Store of S. BartJeU 29 ALL perfons having any demands a- gainiV ihe Eftate of the- late biy- an Crawford. Efq. of A Jolphultown, de- ccafed, are hereby req-^iWd to produce 1 heir claims duly audi nticated.— 4(fo< ail perfona indebted to \ht faid Eltr.te are JUST received and for fale at thw Of fice, price 1/8, Poems on hts Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord uyn>n.— With ihe Star 0/ At Legion of Honour. and other Poems ; to which 1a prchxed. Me Life ojthe Noble dUfh** TO BE SOLD, A Genteel convenient Houfe, with ;\ part of a Town Lot, fituated in .Front llrcct near the tfaifcet, in a moll Lligihle fituatioofor any tine of public bofinds— For particulars apply to the printer. Kmxstm sept. 15, 1817._______32 hereby requiUcd to payment to Tnake immediate William Alvxahider Grant, Executor. Kingston, 19/A Jvfyt 1817. 32 BLiVNK BAIL BONDS, For sale <\\ tliis Office TVORNiES Blank Bills Oi GoStSj fox #e at tllis Oflicc. Ofiicers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Pen-Son BLANKS, ! For fale at this Office. ^___ Church Catcchifin For Sal^ at t3)& Q8k& Some intcl!i^*-Mue his been rcccivrd »«pfftS Jt< the state of India, which, il correct roust pn**e highly «ati-factor\. A m*ri, named the Eliza i< recent!) arrived Irotn Indw, which on her Toy- age to Bnglaod, off Madagascar, *$«ke the Pa!ladium,a country ship, alftooti bar vrtfv homeward'?. Th^ Palladium i 'ft Bengal on rhe 6th ifuly, and had on I>o:m(1 a Ovrnm'-ni Gazette^ uh.ercin was anuouueed the agreeable n^ngs ef a peace with all th? Muh- ratta pewor?. A territory producing a rev-.-nue o! one miVHonand a half.had been ci oV<l to th* Coropau). to indem¬ nify it for the expt?Tiees of the war. Lt-rtl Hastings had left Calcutta to see the Treaty executed. Aberdeen, Per. <20. Yesterday morning with nearly a < aim, and anoise so dreadful a* to rc- «emb1e tho rolling of thunder, the sea running mountains high, p<vtencling an easterly ^ale which COfflme^Ced vi¬ olent'/ toward- noon, when a bri< was} observed standing for the harbor. The most painful anxiety was naturally ex¬ cited for the safely of the hapless vessel, now surrounded wi*h the most rremeoduous breakers, through which however, she steered so steadil) for a considerable lime, as to t;ive hopes ol I her safely sailing the port. But, alas! when within nearly a cable length of the pier, a heavy sea struck the star¬ board quarter* and the frevh in the ri¬ per and the ebb tide acting at the same lime or the vessel, she broached to, and was overwhelmed by the succeed- •tiff wave, when, melanehol) to relate, she was en-ulphed with all on board. in the raging sea, to the inexpressible angtiifth of thousands, who witnessed •he heart rending scene. Prow part of the wreck, which was soon after cast 1 hore, the unfortunate vessel proved io be the Gleaner, John O.^nhead,of ind for this place, flora Shields, coal- iMden. The Crew consisted of live orr«ons, two or three of w horn have left families, who iu this trying and afiiic-l tive period, we trust Shall share th- bcnevolou'-c, so eminenrly con- public 11 picucas on aU o^cusiou> of dutiass. II lomjjt-r, with trjiu6 UKA^K. Addressed to the Legtetative Synod at Mi vcow, by Alexander9 Empt ror of Russia. Dated from Wo*cQWn October %t% 1817. " During my late travels through the Province, I was obliged, to my no small regret, to lister, to speeches pro* ROnoced by certain of the Clergy ia different parts, which contained unbe¬ coming praise on me- prai es which can only be ascribed u to God. And as I am convinced in th drpth of my heart of fche-ChrWtian truth, that every blessing Boweth unto us through 1 uc Lord & Saviour Je.-us Christ alone, & that every man, be he *hom he may without Christ, ia full only of evil., therefore to ascribe unto me the glory of deeds, in which the hand of God j hath been so evidently manifested be¬ fore the whole world, is to give unto men that glory which belongs unto Al¬ mighty God alone. u I account it my duty, therefore, to foiled all such unbecoming expressions of praise, and recommend to the llo\y Synod to give instructions ro all the Diocesan Bishops, that they them* selves, aud the Clergy under tfvm, may, on similar occa ions, in future, refrain from all snch expressions of praise, so disagreeable to my ears : & that they may render unto the Lord wf Hosts alone. Thanksgivings for the blessings bestowed upon us, aud pray for the out-pouring of his Grace upon all of us ; conforming themselves \q this mattes to the words of Sacred Writ, which requires us to render totbe King Kternal, Imwort.t!, Fnvi /h1 .* • '7 •aw* God, honor and glory for everfo ever. « ALEXANDER." Letters from M. La* Cutsets. l.TO LORD nIOMOI'TB. " My Lord— I am \? > .. Ii »ci* Ty tliat 1 have the honor to write to your Lofdship, and knowing for cer¬ tain that i shall not remain here long enough to receive your answer, w icb (would perhaps, fulfil my wishes, fr or these fonr days I have been in the hands of your S'ate Messenger, who on his arrival, had restored to m<» mv ■ papers, which had been previously ser. led up, with the declaration that I might do with them what I thought proper. ct After this he saw me constantly writing, nnd even encouraged me to do so, and waited till the very moment of my departure to take from me (as I was on the poiut of setting sail) all my papers, even the most triiiiug, in your name. fc-This is a trap, mv Lord, cannot find it in my heart to aser-be to any higher person than the man who 'aid it for me. 1 "This me-senger n>d r tond noth¬ ing but Ko.^ii Ii. He had an assistant with him wh'o pretended to understr-nd borne French, and desired to read the papers one aft^r another, and has not¬ withstanding, kept them all. He would have had enough to do to read th-m all in a week, and I did m t think tiiat an individual had such a right over me. u Every thing has been taken from me : letters, notes, my *ons* writing hooks, deeds of property, domestic se- crets, official documents of Sir Hudson Lowe and fjnrd Charles Somerset, my journals, and even .a letter to the French Minister of Police, fc another 10 my wife, which being here at leis¬ ure, I have already directed, that it might be forward d as soon as I land¬ ed at OstenrL They have b°en taken fiora me, without taking any invento¬ ry of them or numbering them ; and Eney declared it was done by ytoir; Lord-hip's orders. M In the first moment of indignation I protested against such violence, aud enquired for a Magistrate, t^at 1 mijit make my complaint to him. I wil not here repeat the answer 1 receiv d. " As there is nothing I ^0 tnuchdiH like as to have my name mentioned ia public discussions, and on-id irimg .that it was impossible that you - M J liave prescribed such conduct, which is opposed to all the legJl ruh s iu til* world, bv which pub if olio-. 1- mi*t juard themselves against him, who, iu uch a case riii^ht allirni sonic pa- pvra had b.^en taken away and othi q ■ub^tituted; considering th;- I con* fitted myself, when J recovered mf nith & 1 £>.• ■ )4i.o

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