Kingston Gazette, February 10, 1818, p. 3

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„ he** paw! * rommun».>n. or tatfrr fir kneels at t!i for conf.-iViice fake fcnd^ «r fltq- b* h,th th(: Lffc ?f in him ; and th.»t life afts m Religion Km, an. 1 will conform liitf &*«» to the »*** of hi« Saviour, and go along with 18 FrnMrfhtfagif WurtemUorg,! fubftanti J GiP&% to the a-1 in(-:;S tw i , r^„3Gl *«mt of Or^ Hundred and IU (.Uti <f Wurf.'mbiirg, G.G.D. 1 r l* mmi' m rkfTVdlar*___ ■20 |W«* Wnrfnmbarft a S. 2. Eighteen Million ot Dollars . 31 rr,l,nckCharicsofWartcmburg! Who, then, w$ dare to fry we 0. U.S. L*rn lo eternity, BOtWftllftftrtdMg his ' fticcornon-piaftict of things iudif ftnrnt. 0" thc othcr ****• '* a man ftar«"Ot the eternal G»Jf he can com ;t f,n wirh preemption, drii)k Mfe*- fvely, ^ar vainly or falfely, conm-t ^jjjteryjie, clieat, break his pr-jinilea. liveloofcly. though, at the fame ti nr, be may be ftudlOUa to praflice every efrcmony. even to a ferupulms exact iffiformay perhaps as Ituhbornly op- u>k them. Though fuch an one (hou)d fry down frfhop*. or prrfbytery ; though hrftiould br rebatilcd rvery day, or declaim againfl it as hc.efy : and tltiwgh I,e fall all the lent, or fcall out of pretenre <>f avoiding fuperiiitlou, yet notwitiiftandinq thefe, and a tlmus- anJ ex'ernal conformities, or zealovr* oppnfition* of them, he wants the Life ©f Religion. from London pipers received at Phi- ludclphiu* London, Nov. 13. The body of the Princess, when om- b»Wd, wa* enclosed iu a number of wrapper* stiffened with wax—a moth.' rfpreservation flirt hi u*e ariJOnjJ fh* Egyptians, and adopted for crntaru'* among oursHv -s. These wrapper* are a<*ain covered wiLh an envelope of rich bine velvet, lied v\itU while sUtin. The hod? of the Royal Infant was embalm- ti and enclosed in precisely the same manner. We mentioned yesterday that lh?{| feelings of his Serene i J ii» imf-»s-» Prince Leopold had been greatly shrtckej by the ceremony of embaluwnu the boA) of his Consort, it bMil)S? totally unex- pnrted, the piactice not being in the usages of his native country. ii.*I!ee- lion which shews the imiwn*Uy of hi- 3oss, has hitherto only sharpened those 'Stop which time ugly assuage, but can R^Ter completely cure. l\\< nr/htsar* regies*—and if sleep should for one moment surprise exhausted natere, he awakes in the next to all Hie horror* of Ms afflicted state. His St High' 9*** still refuses all consolation ; h«* Suffers no one to approach him. Hi* IKglme&& parses all his ttffis absorbed Rw,,*U article once p«e«Pi | • p. kept ammnt*? b«fo» »*« «¥•* l2'2 Kr-rdiiirk Augustus of Wurtetn-j bur-, G. (;. S. 41 v23 l-'r-rli'riik of Wurtemburg, G. I C. I). iOJ 'it 1-nulinR of Warteroburg, GGD 7 l2.r) Krederica Caihariuc of W.nleiu- b'lrg, wife of Jerome Bonaparte, G. I). 34 •-26 .Jerome Napoleon. G. G.S. 21 9J gained nothing by the wa KINGSTON : TUESDAY, F&M*** 10, 1818. • * • 'J govkrnvikn-* house TIIKSE are to «'ye public notice thati( bexpeetcd thilt °" t!lC melan- o« VV'ales [sh- (H^H 1775.] , IM,i^trt.^milt**lrf others hi public 28 F.,d:.i;k King of D*»nmark,S49 f«f ^ sserram nionnin- SS Car-line of Denmark, (J. I). 24 e^P^.fc, mil "pa' <™ n '" ; 30 Wilhetmlna of Oenmark, (i. D. »i ",suaUu Euch occh3'°nS' "ot *mmn 31 Louisa ot Deuniark, Duchess of Uob-teiiu |>. 46* 32 Chiistian D «ku of Holstein, (I.S. )0 33 Caroline ofHoIstein, G. D. 9J V. J)es-fi)d uits of Aune of Borland, Princ&ss of Orange, eldest daugh¬ ter of George II [she died 178». 31 \\ iliiam King of the Netherlands G. ^. 45 35 William Prince of Orange, G G. G. S. 1 37 FrederickafOrnng^R.G.S. 20 38 WitheMM of Orau«<?,G-G.J?.I7 3D Frederick of Oran^, Dot'hrs.> Dow. of Urnnswick, G. D> 47 40 Xo. 15, G. G.S.) 4i Xo, in, G. G. >.s i^2 Kred/rlck William, Count Nas*-a-' \\eiib:.ui-.(;. S. 19 43 Geortce Willing of ?TaH5an WerJ- her FDR* . bourj;, (i. (\ o «5Si T|,ev were !»««* bv h,r lianJs "P"11 a .,reeu in the sUting partmir, and th-'re ,hl>v have P»raaiH"il W «l«f* « ««^| •rill the I'riuce either allow them to v, removed, or nnyp-rvii whnf».»r to Lcfa tl'rm. Her Royal Higlmefs*s vnich ■!«• remains on the mantle-pi-xe jnpreci-elv the TOM situation in which ihe herself placed *»h London', Nov. lfi. Snccessfo nfothrL'r>n-ii. The to I - 41 7 I 3v) '27 *1 2<i i Lrotog is, we h^licvc a list of all the ^•fidauts now living of the F.1--C- (rM< S. phia, to whose »x*n<». beingpro- 4.-^tant, rhe SiiccuftsioH is limited : they ire arranged in the legal order of sne- crsriotl ; antiexwl :«r.» their respective a»ps ; and the relationship of each to tHehead of thebranch through which t!,.<y derive tl>oir title, ix marked by letters signifying son, grand nn, great ■tandswu daughter, gfaiKMangiuer, lc. »m«hindividualsd.-rive»»y 'i-ore L'ian one title th -v are enota 'rated as Often as their rij.;.i> occur, a r.-f-reuce being mndc to their former place :— 1 Descendants of G<'or.2e 111. fid- «| son of Fre«l-rick I'rince el \V*J^ VI. Descendants i»' Wary ,fF/'vlnnd Luudsraviue of llcsse ('h-^o1, n&it daughter of Cxeorge II. [She died 177-2.1 4 4 (ie. r- WiUiim, Elector of II. 45 Wiiiia.n Prince of II-^p. G.S. 10] 4ii Frederick of Me>se. t <. G. S. 15 47 Caroline of Hssse, G. V. i). IS 48 M.iria Louisa of Hesse, G-G.DU. 49 CIi«rlcs of Mes?c, S. 7. 50 Fr.'d.-rick of Hmse, O. S. 4.) 51 L'tirfauui of !l«««e, O, S. 4 2 52 Alary ol li-'-^e, Q icen of Den- nvuk.G I). 5< n » Mo. .|U U-. (i- D.N SS Julia «i il.-^se, G. I). hti !«' orl :i of |Jeji?c: (J. i). 57 i'tvd.-riekof 1! acse. S. 58 WiiltaiTiof ll"-s.-. G.S. 5*J i-'r (U-iick of lie st*. G-S. 00 George nl il- w?, G S. 01 l,oui:a of Jt:s,e, G. I). 6*2 Marj <«f lf>8\e4 G- 1). 6*J Augusta 't II "hsp, G. D. VII. {)<->criidaut> ol 1-ionb-a cf Kn4 laiid Qitii of L)"innnU, nt-\; daiubter of George 11. [ lie di<<< 1751.] (>.) So. 5X No.295(*T.G. D. '60 S<>. 5K No. 30, G.G. D. 07 Mo. 31, G. D. 08 Sophia, of Don murk, Queen of Swe* deti. I). 71 69 GMStatus Kin^ofS-vecVn.O.S. "«l 70 Gu>tnvus O: Sw (icll (i. Cr. S. IS 71 Sophia oi S» .'(l:-n. (»• (*• I J- I(> 72 Amelia af&redca, G. (i- D. 11 7J Withwlmina of D-nnmrk. El.-c- tress of ll'S^e-Casset, D. 07 74 No. 45, G.S. 76 SMJ'P ??i>herchildre,,. 77 So. 48, G.G, U. 78 Louisa of I) ,.nmark,«ifrofCharI «v 01 Il:^e-ras^el, [No. 43j D. C71 79 N,->. 5f), C. S. SO No. 51. G. S. bl No. .Vi, Ci. Dm that all His Maje^.v's Subjects in thi Freviuceuill maiki in like manner, their grief on tb»*'*~ca**on' By coiiimaniloiW's Honor, ]).CA>fcKKO^Sec> COMMUSlCATlONS. S1N6ULAR. At Ganaooqu^o*" Fnclay the SOUi bit. a woman w hocalled ber«eW EAferr- feU Goodwin, l?* her place secrrtl;.. nboGt 9 oYlock i«ti'6 DiorolnjE; The famil) belii vio^ s"-*' was jjone to sonic of theneii*hbori»a houses, did not make any strict Inquiry or sea.-eh until eton- ing, and then theV efforts were in vain : however, the next morning thr> found her trai k in the SWQW, through t"o?ar- den, across a li^hl, on to the ice of the river St. Lawrvn-e. Mr. McDonalc* ilion sent two TDr*« to pir^ue on the dark. The\ <\*1 accordingly, an*! .\c;\t iu a dlfectio.» toward- the Amer- iean >hore anout iwo miles, thence to the lower end of How Island, tlienee icr^vsio liOUif l:*andand up the Side f >'ii;l l-'aod. ('atil nearly opposite to interruption given to horfes or]| Pa *rtr*h.<m^ ^A ••^ drivers. It seems a law was passed by Congress in I SI I, in secret ses¬ sion, authorizing; the President to lake possession of East Flo¬ rida, under cerlain circum¬ stances, to be held subject (oj negotiation ; and ilis supposed tlie Presidentj in causing pos¬ session, to be taken of Amelia Island, has acted under that law, or justified by it. * The Church Missionary So¬ ciety in England have fitted out a shipj called the Wuberforee, to be dedicated to Missi rtiarj on the coast of Africa. A Minister of the Church ot England has recently left that country, to preach at Qape Henry. I luv ti. The Icth regiment has ar¬ rived in Eno;land, from India, where it has been tc.1 yearn. Two officers and SO privates only have returned honu^ of the original number that left Eng¬ land, 4o')blacks were arrested and imprisoned at Charleston, S. C. on the iSih ulf. They had purchased a lot iu\<\ erected a building tor divine worship; but were complained of as a nuisance. DJKU, On the C^niO^ofSatttrrffty, lh^ 1 %^n»h \n • ant, at his Hmt-e ntt N.i-y Poini, (./ip'aia 8.. RoBhitTHAW,, Kf.KniphiC*»ii.|mo,on afl!»e Most Hunorahlf Military QnWof'fic Uaih,Kniphi Commander Royal str»i- .an Ordcroffit Frrdinaniland of V-eui.Cnn>- .ni-^ionrror Uis Majcoly's Navy in Hie Cana- ia«. 4c &C#&c< Lr?!neni alike for hitcrtirj aJtainmrntb ani! Professional talcD!^and ofana^o hal pfntm i5**d Iris country a Inn? ciiulinuanriMif his nse- fjil services, this dbtln^uishrd OQcer b pr#- maturely torn from u?>, a >'r>n bill -<-\f>rc • Hnoss, in the Tnirty-nin:h year of his a^pf having behind him a mVraorx. wh-cli will be long cherfcbed with the gratefu] teapot those indebted 10 his pairona^^ w\ h rhe iond r^- xrei of hi Officers, uhn.n hU aii'ab 1 -y iniver alljeirrfearvd ro bin a.d mth thi-lov» ■iii'l re-perl of the ma*.y friends, who shared ljis niutriffifcnl ho pita1 t\, —__ tiilCti or i-iiOlvt.>i(jMi in (he Kingston Mir':,(^ during the pa*t week* ARTICLES, pit r\\>A j TO 4 * * « * this invention po-re t 1 . *howa* gr^af grandson of the P*«.- 1 GtQVp Prince R'^^"t, S. 55 2 Fred'rick DaUc of York.S. ^ 51 3 WiUinrn fet*%nry i-)ukc» of Clar- 4 Kdwaid D=flw of Kent, S. ^ 50 6 Auuu'tns Dtik 7 Atlolohus Out 8J No. 663 54, :i().G Cr. D.J [t Concluded nc * / «?^/c. J * k w e 1 ! GLORY. Since the dofe of the war, ;fuys ihe kbtny Gaz:tte, about) •cc,ooo,ooo dollars h-ive been! ^?wr^B,S';pid «**** difchargtDg :he'!to feek fecurity f rom danger .in 11 {s ;ofCambmW-,s.4i;in.ulonal debt, and paying nff) pools ©I water, or hdbiiffew-, c Mr. Jiliton'x, uht>u1 live mil'\s brlnw Kingston, on tiic North sbnra. tMcnco t:i n^arl) a direct fhw? to said MHton's liousi^ \\l)t:ri?-h' ar iv^d about s^v?, o'clock i:t <lie evening) and ih** men -\h>> l,:u! j)iU-iird nit li *r trruk, ftunui aor, at a buwe n-ar Millan'ti, jctalive, ')ut bot4 n badi) frost bitten, tliar tin" •noil roporl thai ii»*i liie is d.'spar^doi. ilie is a 4-t vt joilyAvuman, ajj^t-ars t<» be abuttf 10 year* ol'a;;c. The following providenti tl clcaje fiom iudclcn death, luis l«ue!> excite*! ttiicii attention in the lOwnfhip of Murray, U C-V^As Mr J. M. Funuall,! reseller ot'hc public fchoal, at liie Carrying Place, was pro- cecding from dinner to his IcUool i»ovile, hr w s ovrrtakcn by . Heigh, furioufl/ dri en '>y a b y 9 and norw ithilandhig \ir K. having quitted he beat¬ en road t . mak' way, he was jilruck with great violence on du b.ickofhis head, and beit (i two, by the flei^h-oole, {tarn ped upon by the horlcs, a->d af¬ ter hem.r dr-ogjged by the fl-ji^h a coniiderai-le Alliance ; fortu¬ nately escaped withiiut a brok- en or fracture-! bwe ! Though not without irveral fevere cuts and contuilons < lhe prompt and fkillful at- tenti »n of Dr. Williams enab¬ led him to relume fas ufeful 'unclions in a few days after the accident ! ^The foregoing circurnftance aifo aff >rds an opportuninity of introducing another hint to fleioh drivers : it is, that of o- bligtng travellers on foot to quit the beaten ro;.*", and of'.en| PRINTING. From intercouric and mouc prMcce- ded ; real m and juftice wee made manifeft i the relations of locial life were ilhiftrafed ; laws and lana-uatje became fixed. Governors had a rule to refer to ; ichot&fs had authorities to venerate. The cl.dii al i'cholar, the bit tor tan, the m.thcina'ician, the altro- o riner, none of them can do wtU without lJniiting« IJecf Vlii'ton......... V-al........... Votk........... *«hOs.......... r irfeeys........ 'n-.'^i'.......... Ohf»r?f......... •5«rlrr...... ^ * l+£ - * * • * • ^ ■ - - Paw........... Poiaiocs........ M^.......... Turnip/......... t'-iTlfS......... Cahbajre ........ 1 loir.......... (In............ Tallow.......... Lavd........... Hay............ Straw.......... Wood rwl. wlur>c rwL paVr lite. * t * • ■t Tf)ii CO. (j ! ... <H l l% 9> 1 0 0 1 2 6 1 0 0 1 10 0 * (1 0 2 to 0 n 2 i> 0 s 0 0 5 n 0 7ft 0 ■> t 1 0 3 9 0 0 G 0 0 74 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 2 9 0 3 6 0 i 6 0 1 9 0 1 6 0 t c> 0 1 0 ; 0 1 \ 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 5 0 is 0 1 n 0 1 K 1 0 1 15 0 0 0 fl 000 0 0 <2 0 0 n * 0 ^b 0 0 0 0 0 li 002 ft 1* 6 0 0 0 ^*£«fe!? WWTKAWVaJ GRAY. The p'vt Graj was notori tmsly ]»:ar;ul t;f iiiv, and kept 1 adder of ruprs in Iks bed-room. j Some misclnevotis young men j at Cambridge knew ihis, roused nim fnim b< low. in the middle 01 a uark ui^!j!, villi the cry of lire! The staircase, they .said, *vas \\\ flames. Up went his wmdow3and down he came b) iti^ rope-ladder, as fast a^ be eouid tfO. into a tub of water, winch tuey had placed to re¬ ceive him. PUBLIC KOTICE. TTIE fubferiber having been regtl* lady 3pp^irue<1 agvnt co Sir 'John Johnston. A Montreal, Baronet, has talc- en wpou hi» fclf the fuperintendance of Amhont IQndi All perfona defiroui of Purchafjug or T.eafini' lands thereooa wil! mvike applizati.m to h!-n. at hi- Of. Bee in d*iftv&&rre, vvhfre rclpcit.tble fcc- tlcra will li'id every encouragement Thrt PiiblFc Notice 15 given that nft one in fnMtre may '-Uad igivraace and t 1 inf ^m the pnb'ic, that t»o known tre»» paflVr (ha'l hercaftt-r efrape wtth immuni¬ ty, bm thai every fash vtr!6 mt£9 6c profecuted an ih>- law -JfeA^. j KODk. MaCIC.vY. t D. H 1GRR WAN. j ., ^nrArf Tdwi. /vi. 5. 1K18 - 1 37"'4. ,1 i • jlfF ELIJAH SPR/?GU:-\ r-,r^rr( j Jl ly of the date of \T<r ' Ha-:.(h:ref i« now livrnaanr) in either of "hrCvna- tla*>, and wi]1 communicate the fa^ with the particuuir nlac ^^ In* riTnlrri-* , to Deborah Snr?^ne. at Jaroefr-vH'e, in ;'e County of On«nd?^a, and !l ae <»f !l*w- Yo'k. he will gr tely contribute t^ t'ie hapnin f« nf hi- filler. Feb. 6, 1Ri8. . 37w z Origin of the Name* of the days of the Week, Lord Mansfield, in a tetter upon the subject of English] History, says, i% The Saxons brought their own gods with them to England, viz: The Sun.j Moon, TuiBco, H oden, Thor, Pri^a, and Seater ; and in imi [talion of the Uomans,dedicated to litem respectively the days ot* the week. Hence, the names or'&m-tlav, M>n-i\ti \\ jTwes-tlay, Hre4n?s-day, 7V/?< rs-da)*, F/7"- daj, and Satur-&<\y. Stolen, ["SJ^-KOM tfce premifesof Nfr 7. ^. j llJ WitfiH* a Fowling piece, /e/? j i« /^:x charge* the property of the fub- icriber, of the following dcfcriprJA^n. a thrown ftnb twill barrel, brafs m'uinied, plain lock, n>aker Adams—with the fub1- fcriberN na<ne engraved tn full length on the guard piece. Whoever will give information to this office, fo that ihe property may be recovered, on cOvt&iOQ of the ofFendern (liall receive Three Pounds Reward. F. T. ROBOTHAM. Feb. 9. 37W3P 8Ch:uiotie of Kuutaud, "Queraj thecldoMI which accrued du-j The na*L Dowai^er of Wurtembnrs, D. 51 3 Ao§«5ta of England, D. 4fl] 10 Elisabeth of Emclfend, D. itf ring the la e var onal debt is now ftated at agouti ioHars- If we 11 Mary of Bngiai.d Duchess o> \ 99,000,000 Ot l Gio.'He-i-r,D. 4?;|aod tueic fums together, it 12 Sophia «f <?!oucester, D. 40i2ves us 1 s 5 000,000 dollars, II. Dweenclai.ts of William H^wy,11* ay-i p»op< 1 D«ke of Gloucester,) onngest son Of Frederick Prince of Wales. 13 William Duke of Gloucester, S11 HSomuj of JSngUnd. D. 41 Ul. Descendants of Augusta of Kn^- lai.d, Duches oi Urumwick, •■lii- e«t daughter of Kre'Urick 1'rince ofWal.-s,|sh,> died IBL8.] 15 Charles Duke of b.uiiswick, M William of Br' n-wick, G. S. 17 Augustus pf ^. iitfwiekj S. G. 13 1'2 ass the amount of the natiooal dcot, at tne clot of the wa^. When '.he war commence.!, V:,c jipubl.c lent amounted to a K - tie more than 37,000,000 dol¬ lars. So that, as it is admiue*! we acquired nothini: by ihg] ver him in me p late war but GLORY, v. toU ,ery properly eftiroating the; lows thattheid'nimilrau »n hi*] gte of a fell* w fiihjcft ii •> nign- Wh^t is corrtiionly called frlcvtlfbip. no more than a partncilhip, a recipro¬ cal regard tor one another's interest, Without exception even tO fe- j | and an exchange of offices ; in a males! A Want of civility Which j word, a mere traffic wheein felf-love .-'• i ..• A kLiimt. always piopofes to be the gainer. has orten been noticed by iti an- gers from Europe, but which the good people of Canada fcem to think by no means indeco¬ rous. In England where the paths for foot pafl'engers are the belt in the world, the police, nevertheless, always vifit with fcverity any one convicted of 98 injuring another by driving ver him in the public road ; o- EXTEMPORE, On reading in the News papers th? death of the Prhicefs Charlotte of England* Too true it i.*, alas! fih^gone, The fa>est Row*r *»f Siugiand > Ihrone, l*. bia^tpd in ih bloom : Mow lovely, awid bow young, to djc, B'it youth anrttoeii»tA frequent lie, To^<u1km- in the Fomb. Kingston^ F*4. I« WI& MARRWD, On TucWay 3d inftaot, by the Rev John Wiifi-u, M. \. Lieut ffatrv Sad dfer,oftUe $fl\t lie^t. to Mils Martha 4*Mon hand, a itjc^.ot real, ioi'id,; !er price than the temporary j /w,..«.-/-, ut thi, place. For Sate* O Acre1* of valuable !at»d, hanrlfrtme- ly fituated, in SandvilK', 4 miles fr^m Kington ; conveniently watered, with a large convenient Houfe, fh-ds ani (tabic*, which now rents for One Hun¬ dred pounds a year ; thefe witll fever;il other butldtngfi on the prcmifes, which will be fold in lots, as there will be feve- raj yo'd lots that ate well fitoated fof publicbulintf^, or the whole together* as may hell fuit purchafers. For htr- i iher paiticulara enquire of the fubfeuber I -\n iudirpuiable titlt- will be cn'ven. SAMUAL PL/RDK Kingston, Feb i o. IS18. 37 TO LET, IjlOR'atiy term of yean not exreed- in Fifteen* od the moft rcni^na- 1,1c tprm^—That well known va.uahle Hand in the public Ifaie Bt«atc '^n the point at and recently *cctl- oied by Re h Dnwn*. tou'ttht-r vtvb the Hooif, IV", St.btev &C-— For for* ;hiT oartietdarsapt>ty *o t;ir Itibfcttbo. joe;. sroNfi. Canartcqva Jan, 9, l8i8* 33j/"

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