Kingston Gazette, February 10, 1818, p. 2

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rf fhe santrni^: <*r rrt«n*rr. nnj for- m rl* * *u . ;■ J »•• . Fi '»:•■ ■ • I. h.- ! itivc si< »tion <! •! •••'f inter- die* n !-• 'i: 'III* iti I i! «*H| " n nl» n our f'-pt'i !»r^ te<oH»T*S natorfcl and jt-.jr [., .jr. jf imuobed njvm u* th« rr- Ci :'">i ^! nM: Mfi'.M of being is «orv'C - Pl'.<v(- CRfh ftthe* *c |><»?*iob-» 'I :i 5 ;;-'M.1ti<H1 tt&i had hAeil inftclo. WHS v i'iMit.".\ ,'i i>r<«Tif"im* on: ronunor "f^>» l rheerMi'n*--* it* if* 0s'COI»)])Uc!l- '!.!* j*rr^n«^rf Jnrnrntjon, tvovtlo1 <*v!- it ml) i. {.fcc1-* a„a nst the interests of Jf>'!i t'ttmiyftfta—I poer Canada would. . never- vuHfer mwv than wo.— It wac nlii ivn' to look -it il> geographical oy'ifion relative to the United Stat*.-* :H hi thi* Irotinre. In tho fir*I ■ ar^ In*' I'roviiwcuf loper Cannda- pa e.ividod fi'Onl the States on tin voit.i b) tt» itvrflt Lakes, on fhe Ffcrvj nv a lin" running north from & p» in! fl I if 11<» atrtw l:oinl an Handel »hi tin i Lnkp ^t. Fa c; is* ir wa« obuon =, t'^ii^d in th'- Bill.i <>'•; id ritv. Mijp n -1| rlia* smugglers would «**Uy abuse thr tiililancpofa Cu-iorn IIou-o establish- ■ ■Hat K »nt an Bnntlet, If a Custom Join.- v,eri' «*—ihlili>htd MiM higher* sh'To thy river bivom^ mote r arrow. (i,<-» intermediate space must cither b«* entirely abniu1ow*fi, or an arm) of Of- S Rem ransi bo paid to natch the trade. lie mentioned the exertions of the ,nv*rtc$»n CJovernment prevmua t<» the Hi' war, to enforce tho famous fwn~in~ From the LonJon Owr. Pee. o\ j At a late honi tin* morning we rc- cetveda Wander* Mail, Turn *W h wf give the fcHawii'g important extrsfl : « All fedbiawliiclifinifubfifled^ref- peflmg tbcieiiie nent ul hi* Royal High- nefs the Pnuce of Orange, from hfa «*"■- lafjr emptoyoieati hd.-e now ceafed s— it i's no iougti doiiHlfitl (hat the Prince haA deman hwdifcbaiRe, and rfnt by a decr^-c of his Majrfty, of *he 15th No- ' vcmber it ha* btrn accepted. Jni|\.- ftiftrttfoo* otvho-1 iO lr«.v«H<>^ •nor--. h-Mn- '^ht. i-q'Ji'l) ach tti*n4feo»w t »t;o:^. A'l'T iJi|>l<'!v vxpUifi'm^ (in- advin ta^e.-* of iaulrert taxe^ over cli-j root and fe*rrltorial Sftpo^ition"*, hotf \ n> resp*eti'd th** east ^*"»to whirh K1H3 vo':Ju-(l upon thepi»t>lie,attd with r*-* p vi 10 tliC omnoir y <if tin ir eollec- t'on. ho ob-erv.-d tU «t we enjnod i- thi> i:espoi"t adiaat i^o- OMmmon t« n ntlo'i L'r onv of t' no Kinpiro. A sin- pic 1 uri nf Kutr*.. The fcroat mnlfi'- pUrit) o! Torts iii otiier row*»lrios, af fan! dfhpgytt test scope for contra¬ band trade*vv*tiHetho 1 compiled th- (i vnimenW t.. maintain m^i-t" on* 1- mOU^ Cu-t r \ ifnuse csta^li-hnient -., »" suppress ^r niuiiiiii^. The DnwieUl) bvstion of th^e e?taVishmeor* t<» (10- T^rnnvnc* ., vas foo well ku l»ii t^1 r?- qoirec^j ontiit- Oar position RtiaWed IIK to .1 / -i/l those i'lCo.ivoniiMicos. N< - {libra r mid b^ Introduced into tf:is 1'fi v*u .Hirom Kornpo^ b'jt by the St. LaW nee. Tho advantage witf "h;!- on>v Our Duties were all colt^ctra ?t A ^ingle point, ivith an pcononi) Mid -few :tv koo^'U no w !nT" i-lso. 13> th * i»V (»>iiirn of Dnlics in this way up**a rr Tchandize imported info (his Pro- T iu'C, it was true that wo to a cerratr ex ton 1 ta^ed tbe inhabitant* of Ppper- Csinada, inasmuch as they hod 00 r>th«*r tf*'*rI:jiiC corn:iv:ni'atio!» with K.irop*-. ^i:in through the Saint Lawrem-o. 1« joiMhI the anjotini" bo adnntted,that i* had i»<>^ been « tnea^ure of choice. but Ol Opeeftitj 6 We had incnnli sti- Mv ihc right T taxnig onrsolvo^. but it tvai incumbent i» so doin^ to vendor j.i tieo to tbe *itev Frovnco. Th" jeti.if in diviu.^iou was '0 ascertain v: 'ther in t!<o pro«ent in tance t!i^ fJommi^ionj^rs had adopted »hr means t?i obtain tiff e-id- Acrorctng to tbo jiii oipiea »*hieli l»o ju-i now laid o iv, n irlrb rft*pf*ct to tiio eonifoxion ol %te t\a> I rivini'ft. f|j. ro v;-j u 1 donbl tr-'i UpfHM ('a ada had -t rijrfcl to ir- ?!.nr.' o** Hie d"tir« upon onr m^rchau- p . . 111 pMip' ir the eoamoipttofs ft i::*'m in tlflf I'wiflo-C* Thiv had e »jK<arrd to the Connnfe*1oiwiv ai t:.. ni.'de of fixing tho proportion d»je (0 I p|x r Canada, but >t \ra* n-'- t rt(ieIjB*h true that the (001 lesion* C ■- i»i»d, is a ^roaf moa-uro. boon gu{- ft *! hy c;i,i'..lati os which, in the en¬ tire ibn*nt:oof my <•• r'aiu documeutfl Mi*h respect to tt\r nn:nbrr ot ihr pop- liipfion in eitlit r province, miifht « tnijrht »»ot be correct —*— A veflel had arrived id Downs a^d re pnrtc.l that they had fp >kcn the Ameri¬ can brig Grfiamto f*OOi Leghorn hi Bofton. with Lucicn Bonaparte and fuicc on board. An article in the German pap*rs, gfvei an account of an attempt by 3 band of 1 obbera to feize and carry off l,u- cten Bonaparte from hi- at F a»v I ncirn and his faioi-y in codfe* rt' ci 03- ftf&turst* wliii-h in spiieofall thoir vi- xManc- and ox rrtioits ha I been eluded In n word the vrhob: ^.•oaraphioal p»'*i' \t\M of tho Upper 1 itvuuo. was-Micli fisto rriwler ii invpo^i'ils, without the -'Ssi-tHroi" ol thii I'rovi'tee, to shut the door agaiflst smuAt^Sn^ or to hrarth* intol^i^ble .xpottco of pvywgfor Cu*- •oni House eafabtishmfuf'*, nhich, wfiw t!uy filli d b} l)uuaKiei%!f a- v\^\- aulas thosoof Bonaparte, could n- I .uti'.coioprv ut tnmggUtt£. \Vowon ,0 situated a- to be able !o ipmIt e»- sential service to Upper Canada, wt oo^ht io be upon fri mlly terror.— «t- iiacl cans- to believe thai the public character? of UppwCanada tbcr/zugh- \y understood tho in (crests of their I I 1 ■v*j,ce, and as they were satisfied '. n these iriiporfant rioiiits^it wa*weed* ! lo« for us t«' !»«• othi»rwi*e. From thi* toxpo e h^ hopo<l Members were sati*li¬ ed with fhv principles upon whicuth" arrangement irith Upp«*r Canada had boon concluded. The} had beonfoun- ded upon a ba^isof reciprocal advon 'a^e.— Lower Canada was, asitwere-j the centre of their Commerce, and our Men ii;*nts wen- in a mauucrtue Agents ijuencc liad removed to Rome. MOSCOW, Oaober 25. T?r follovring (la^Trnt rwsbeen laid [bcfire hi* N?air-^y, re&t&uut the <!e^- tuidion of pul/'c and on'v-ite buii^ing- *u»ing the French invafivm : Of public bu'I'b'nca delliiied for divmp worlliip. there w &t 3JQ, of which 34S .ire wnv rrOorri, f<» as t*> !»e fit for uU. Of dwlKoe houte«, tbere »pcre at t')?t tirrc 2.5^7 of ftone. 6,591 of wood— in all 9. let. On the eneniy** ret--af tlitrere lufned iindamaflredof ftone( 536. ■)f wiif d, 2,100—Vl an,2.6ar». Since that time t*.rrc havr be »n !>ui!t or repaired 3-M" '-f ftoie, aiid 5,561 of wo d—in ail 8,638. Of'sootha an<J fl>oo? there werr 6 C24 of flonCj and 1**97 *'f wood—in all 8.52 i. Of tl efc rt«erer«nained unda*r **i;-d. r 89 of ft»ne, and 379 of wood— in all 1,368 There have been finee rebuilt or re- paired J.roz ol done, and 447 ()f wood —in all 5549 The p- pu'aiF'n nr Mi fc.-w,!>* of r07.4^2 m*»le;rh:-ibi antvaad u4,51s female*.—in all 3' 2.000 fouls. 1 v I of the Lpp«r Province.— II:- couldaay^ that the Diode proposed, far from o\- 1iiin'i discontent in the Si-tor r icvinrv, iva& as far as ho had bcou gI>1" to as¬ certain, taken hi flu most friendly tray, and c n'idcred by that 1 rovinco in tnc- light which ho submitted it lor the ■ i.nsidciation ol tin* House. I'hey I KEW-YO. K. Jan. 22. ^ Latest From England* — By th.* 31 ri¬ val ***u even., g of Ihip Ann Maria, Cap- 1 u'n Wahe, in 40 days from Liverpool, we have received from our London cor refpondent, papeis to the evening of the 8th of DfC inclufive. A^ T-C.Aiiv. The Bn'tt(h Pu'liament has bc-u fur¬ ther pioio^ned to the 271I1 of JauuMiy, when both hnle^are drrefted to meet [for the delpaich of buJineiV. It ts f^id ami believe.:, th 0, on an early day, artcr • he meeting of Pai Hansent, AddrcfTe^ will be myived foi in both (unifes, entrea¬ ting t! c Prince Reyeut u> tsfcc into his From the Canadian Courant. CH '.RtOTTENBUltGH. 2 61 h Jjn. 181 8 Mr MOWFR, The foliovvir. J i^ a tigteTien* of a rnoft attrocjous trnn(.*^tion which happen .J on Monday ihe y*h rultant While Mr. Le Clan was at ?he Salmon River widi fome chief* of ri»:e 3| Kf^ii tribe f lu- d:;'tii, .V a pentft ran r. nffi 1 hnn in <x.!- lect'itr th' rein, *or |j).|:ltj^ a<"* oilier «e- fei various within the li'mlii of ! ower Canada- F<«oi PCflt ci'izen- of the V \ nited Starea, <■• c-yed him o»t of the houic at ten n't '0. k P M under pre u-im" ot m-ki r a bargain about Tom Cf»RXU'fttt,7cd ja». tStS. Or&uned to the charge nf the Pretby- tenan Cougregaiiou in Cornwall, by'be Prelbytery «>f the Canada?, the Revri end Joseph Johnson. The fer^icc of the Hay was introduced by the Rev Wtl Rata Smart, of Brockville, by the ufttal node of divine Wdfliio and ^reachiu..- The Reverend Rolen E ton, of Stout at, p'OpolYd the qucttioil of the pra> a-d ^ave the Charge. The Rev'd William Thayer, of Williamfburgb, coil eluded with prayer. The vdv le of the fervice was in'erefi ing and affeitiMjr. The audience w«v large and attentive ; a'.d it i- to be ho ped, that the irrprcfli ^ns will be laitine upon (he minds of thofc who were pres¬ ent. Selecl'ons* Frfim tMt T.ttiidon papers, rreetwn nt the Office of the Commercial jldverufrr. lokdon, Dec. 4 A Solemn requieunt, or funerai anihem. to the memory of the Inte liiueef* Chailotte, h:;sbeen perf r^>ed ar l.i.erpo-'l by (he pupils of tbe Blind /Ifyiunu The mufic W36 executed witii admirahl.* prcci'i n and fub'i.i.e cfT( ct On the \\\ of December, a Public meeting was held at Liverpool, and ad- drefles of condo*enr*e traofmt'tted to the i'tirce Regent and Prince Leopo J. The feveral coffins in which the Prin cef< Charl >rte was in erred, weighed between fi c i.iu fix hundred pound-. At Ciaimi.nt, they were borne into the hearfe bv fixfeen w n. The 1 ecd* V'etcury of Dec. 6 own t iin^ an addrefe of condolence ofrhe in- hab r-fenti of tiuddicnSeld, to the Prince Regent* Las Cafea, th* private ^ecreti'y of Bonaparte, (fared fome time ago to have been tent from St Helena, arrived in the river Thames from the Cape of f.o d Hope, jn^ the _ Brilliant, merchantman Upon hi* aruvalat Gravefend, he wa- takco to the Alien Office, in that ti.Wii, whc.e bis perlon bein^ identified, he wax forthwith c-n^harked in au other v-flel and tent *.ff t* D -ver ; while all hi effects, trunks, and paycxv were lefi on boa.d the Briliiaiit, no doubt to undergo examination On his arrival at Diw r on ->atu.d..y night, hr was put on beard the Lord Duncan packet, for learfl, that the robberfi percc'v"^ \W\'f mifiake in the perfon have fnt wonj I bat they will be contented with 3,000 Roman crowns for the rai fc»m of their prifoners. The Cardinal, Secretary 0f State, d»es every thing in hi power tn lemedythc vant of public fi-curfty, ^ he i: not duly fupponed, and it is t0hc Apprehended that the Oensd'/\rme«i(lir t arabmier- ) who ate llill young, andiU many raw foldiers, do not proceed n\\\i fufficitnt activity. Olknd A perfon intimate wub [.as Cafes mentions that he acquainted him that previous to hi* IraWatf $1 j.dena, bin 1 f ' he gk»vern*»r, ai-d tbat a ;«ack' t, c n rn't'iii' the hill ^ry of Bona "ir e, wtitien bv Las C at' s at ft immebatr delir- of Bonaparte and undn hi- dire""'i. n, was liken b.-m hnn He ro-idc pteilin'^ ;ip olicati^na u»at it mighi be rettnned. I ONDCK, Dec. 8 Sir JaiHe* YeO, will pioreed to hii command on ihecofl v»f Afica, io a f;.v day*;.—The 8emiramis went out uf Portfmoutb harbor on Tuefday. The King of Bavaria has derided rb:'t Prince Eugene, combiniurr in [^ own perfon the titles of LeUchtenberi and Eicbftad take*; precedence of all the nobility, except the Piiufes of the Bl.-od R^^yal^and is to be liyled Roydl HigU- nef8. Laealettc now refide^ fix mi'es froa Munich, under a different name. Earthquake at St. Helena. ( Arrived at S\ ffhead, the biigSilicn, w»th invalid* from the Cape of Goud Hope. She left tft. Heleoaon the ni S*p';;oihrr, and confirms that on the preceding night, the fiY cfe ofai Eaub- qnnkf wds (rltallnver th: Ifiand. w& io feverely in Jnr*»s e Valley, tint rwo bo.'fcs were (hook down there, and federal w. re much damaged Jt tap pened about ten o'clock at ni^ht. Much a'arn* was naturally excited, Bonapanc, hi- faid, attempted to go out of l-ii houfe, when be was flopped by thjt fentiueU. N"W~ Tori, Jantiarj 26. Latest from Amelia. Our Charleston Correfpondeut, arnkf- date of the t S:h inlh fpformi u> that Caprafn Baehlou, of the Sloop fferwti who hnd jnft arrived in $ days from St., Mary'a reports "that the patriot bti? Morpana with Ci»l. Irwin, and all liii officers on board, flipped out of Ameliai on Sonday, 1 rth inft. deflinatin* J unknown—leavi-.^r Com. Aury behind, j who wasalh\ preparing to fail, witb the ' remaining velfels The po r Spaaiirdi at Amelia were complaining very inucjii in oonlr'juence of AvRV bavine ceafed to iffue ratio s to them " >B v ( re, h'^'over. a- near (he truth n> br expected—Members might I cnufideration tb» proiped of t*.c fuccef■ r-; olb-rt a Hi" intf^d'erd la t yi ar [|fn«o t(. the 1 hro c. s r!, -»ri/ino h 6V».«"'.*- This had ttti , , f v'unat'dy been r*i *et *d in a u other !» <k branch of 'he LrgMature.-— lie yaid j»«»forrt»nateiv. brca-nse he considered i in the present instaneee ceiitiailyne« Ce' isiry. ♦"; i? rr*^^ h.i^c b" in vati- u- «•-*>; r Acts of I-io^islaHoo*—Thn Com- nii'- -totinr- had ooiwd»-re« the popula- tioi of the EJiiper J fovioce, witti res- pr-c.ttn l*o\\i 1 Canada, a** ' no to lOuT. and that taking ihisraJc^iIatiow-aiS c-or- r*..», th** Si It Province iva therefore eqnihibl) entitled to a fifth of our v.loh revenueartHnu from the Euro¬ pean trade by the St. Laurence. An lion- Member had #p<»krn 'f <hau. I-■•* U in Ibvnrof UppOrCanada- loav- i;»i; the Legista<are of that lY'vinco, t» ii-iposo such i'tftjes as the) thou^htpro- p *. upon their own people, a^ too su« i" t means of removing j&very ground of 0'-i|>!.unt. Mr. Viuorobcpwd. that it was no( f 1 t*\U \ t v'i'u'r to Eitan the clyecti -in i»* w.-is fnr Upper Canada to look affei )■ - own inioiosrs, and we might fajrl} ••' - . if d'./j *o. it' n?M incouvouionc *< resulted fmm tin: present A^r^nic it. t yitir*1 Tild, no doubt tak*1 t! e earliest occasion tn obviate rbe evj .—1.1 iact 1 ould not be d nird, t f?npprC*a*wida had a right of <*^- t !?>*• -h"n^ Cn^tom l!'>u<os. upon 't> 0 11 t*-jitir»rs^ and la)inff*oeh dutfe* upon it importations as mi ^h the thoM esprdjoni, ff either of tho ' rviuco s-h^nhl in the b»ast *nrtVr h) th. a-^ree- n "ut in pie t:on, Mint van to pr**vpn1 fiirpi from alt rrnir i- *»* an) future p**- fi**d ? The a roemeni was, he thought. ? h a* t«> n i-'dr any ev::*:H- ntion <*u '\w ' bj'et in* had ]rM allodi 1 to. if-- nr. rtli*\&s would giyrsueh ini!br- rr.T-tn tn M**mhr,r a* In* po*t* e**sod on t .'t ^nioi*<'i. and would ».h"W ilm* !'»r 1 "m •* a,.; w:- nnt e.\p di ut eith¬ er i 1 HtU I r'v too 1 r for [rpprr;la- :;»dq. '•• !• I/ 0< !( 'i , |.| | ••'-■. 'flu Atabli»nincUt ol Lu.stou Jwu^cs loi Wc in'Ientund, {'(l.iy-a Liverpool paper.J that no fpe- itic proceeding will he tuggetted to his Royal Hifchaef* ; the (jeueval f«.bj« ct !wih be oictcly recommended to ht& tcri- lutta attention li i» obvi us, that th: re larc mcalun.*, which may arife cord wood ; *h f.,,vf, a., ()K.y had g t ht n I j wich tbe governor pointedly refw'ed ; rfcar the train which they had lepai.-dj Lt length it wa: ayr.vd rhat 'hi- moH bn tl»e rniio- 'c, be rec'.vr.! a violc t. jextnor 't'-a'v io< u ; cut ffjould remain blow ae.o^ the loins \jy a iqiia:c ^j.;k' in tht P-^vfljun o»Cene«:d L-w, a -d ofivo j^.dat thrfjmcrottautanoth rfjwithhti fanct n Laa Cafe* at)ix-d bt\ irfth« ruffimis ftmcfc Mm 0« the breafl l|c..if rhat thepnrket fh ut!d n.H be open- and Knorkeo hnn fawn. They i!.< n f i- j u| ^b nr h- couh nt. Kd htm and threw him on th. ci ei , ju n- J l,H< Cafes II itCK, that he knows more pedt«ohiHtodyf«oQeda mttun fob* of the r.ob.ry of Bonaparte than any n.outh, and drove off out oi Lover.^n I other oerf-n bcin? fir . fewaof years ada tuwsndsi the/r-^^/i/Zf intiir fttt^, hjb0m*ir f:-cretary ; a«d to no ot'.er >f New York, one of the n.e»i ffmdiw-i p-riw did Booaparte ever difefoi- hi* mod i.a* Cafe* U a middle a*»cd man ; From the Savannah Republican, Jjn, H- a Mtto ti the Mtlttort ^,- Camdm count y Jim. a , c., q "The Florida Indiana hat.c a I ctimmmced their di picdattor.d j„ f- den county. Five and twenty or t\fa jfthern, a^ w3s cotije6ured by ,J J foot tracks wr-nt Jail week at mid a " tothetoufe-,fa M, BolWay,2 reT,dedontbeSt.Mary*a He S.2 "J th, way btt' ho wife it was fnppo,cd obferved their »n«r«ft*A ^ *lJ ' '00 latr to or i\ew Xork,oi,t of the n.e-i ft and m^ on htH neek a!' rhe while In llru^.^lhi^ [to free himfelf from them, hi cap fdl p ft H {lit* f. n ? youth of 1 2 or 13 years of aye, Otf, but they contnnedondnv;- attuli:laeco'M»oo'esh.'.n. nut of thi> ; the unbiafll-d choree of hie 1. gallop, leavinrf hw head rxuof-d |,a.e roll heir approach to the ho,.|, feave it, and .a<> ii!lc!tr a h,/ a- her corpfc was there fr-nnH U-orki,/ j ly fii -t and the whole <.f ih<' (Jci„ „,, hf' head torn off. They eantcd »«,. a N.-,r.o VV„kI, wfrh her child, aJ ■tain--get;wa.««!, fr.:m rhc hou.'" rcprefi thedff;rt.fition of the lndiamfij "Wiwt-t and rapfue. and they differ that Gcm-ra] Qn-» {* not allowed to Chafilfe .hem. there will be no fceurita on their frontier." ; " Yifk-Hav Ex(ra& of abt1fir% . we received aotheatfc mfo-onMonfromLa Guira, that the Koyalifta have gained a decifi-e hattle overthelnlur^ntsatSan Fernando (fc Hpors, which n-ay Contribute a deal to tl: great e amelforatfoa of our traue." T// 1 «/>/»«- oari iirnt ; no w* on en employ rent zii&frcfumplwe.** hassardona entc^rije**, and when Gen. 1 he London Gazette of Dec. 6* ' Wrkmfnl and ihe army under hit com contain* a proclamation for calling in j mand fled frorr tneir winter Quants, J Lieutenant 1 .e iTair was ordered to lake Jj a party of In--i\n.s and briafif awa> fuch 'boats nr o'her ^aft as mi^ht rema.n un- I buintin the Salr-'on River,among which j was 1 he boat in qoelh'on, and for the lofs j of which, one J. P. Audro, of the date of Kcw York pn*cured the warrant a- I bove metiti'uied. Immediately -:'er having entered th? hoefe Mr. J e C-aii vomited a ureat [ quantify of blooi. and medical aflitbnee beinp fent for, two furgeons attended aud adminillered fwch relief a^ the nstnre I of tbe various iVj'ines he had fuftained [could of. In the Courfe of the next daya judicial lamination took plar-e at the French fSilh at which Judge Mann (who is alio a Mdical Placet- tioner of rminen.e) prefiiltd. After a long and deltber?lc inveftigarion of the circuml'a"re, M»- Le ClaV was liberat- jed, but Hill renn*in*danfi<!roilfly ill fro jthe ievcul bruilr* which he received 4 St/ItSCX/tiEA. that part of the current coin, commonly I j called the Old Tower half penny and.) farthings. The fatie Gazette alio contain .^of (firial iniimati n tiiat the iirntrti govern- I m< nt had rrfolve I to uurfue a ffrrfl neu tr.iiiy in ih Itrngglc between bpain ifld her colonic*.: j.nd this neutrality in to be preftrved by preventing iititifh uilj\ct- fio'ri e- tenng into any military h« vice in South America, whether un- de" the banneru i*t the Spam'/h govern¬ ment, or ol the perfona cxerciliug the powerft of ffovernment in the South A- merfcan provincea* 1 he Paris da^es in our London pa¬ pers are to the 4th Dec. The Chamber of deputies are occupied ill new-moddc!- ling the law on the libetty of the t>refs ; and in maturing a project for the recruitment of the French ar- ri *.-«- J'h- trial of the cafe ol the pre> ' ided D='U rbin w:< 10 commence ac Kouen, on the ICtUof UtC, abnut half an hour after fun fet. As I Lwcien'fi fomUy were Citing down to j table. MiHieur Ci»'.e* wa, miffed, and Tervr.nts w,(h tcrche^ wee fent out in 'even ufhiflh Thry wen. to luJcn urn andloadlycalled hid name; meantime, however, the robbers proceeded again 11 *ehoofe,and (r&ed Lucicn's Secre t^y. Mr. Clmillm. and two fervant , (ptohahlytbey took the fecreta«y i<r tliem^Be-r.) and earned him off. M Cone, had, he good fortune to efcape during the turnult. This m.rnin.,It ( i< m «a'reo.>rted thn the notoriouj n.boe I arbone, „f ValetK had made this at tempt, with 27 of h.^anff. bui accor d»,gtothe«ftim«iyof{omeofi,,ICien. P*opK thrrc were only fi* men Jllfr.,( tkd no (Ciocen.) iuch as f, ponrea cLfi ufual/y HSJ^ ^ R'.ven.mcnt con^ar.dates hklf H ate5ree..Wfc«-*fcrffca 1 ii cm., would havr been raded uA&'h what p.,itic,l coWjca«re8g Z, re smn of keliginn, Wrimn bJu<k* ' Hate. 'zw a* Justice of /;VW, ondfouudh hi, c'ojrl amonust oiier poperf ^ fa d'ceaft, ' HE that fears the Lord of heaven and eajh, wdks humbly before him, thar-k- myhf, hold of the me%e ofredrnif- f'o»byKo»Chriftiaod drive- to «. pre!s his l*«*fiJoe* by the rincerirr nfbftobeJer.ce. He's for.y ttfotf {» A?«J when he come* fltort of hh doty. aa.chf.dly in the dtm\ d jnin.fd r.andholdj no confederacv «|rh any !;,({ or knmvn (]|) . ;f fe ^ fo ^ lealtmeafme. he is rclrfef. rf|| be h« fna..e his peac« bv tr„e ,e-,enr<n c l\e » triii- to h.\ promife^ju!! fe his dealings pnarititble to the poor, fiocere in Km dcvotu.n He will n.,t dehbe.ately J* honour God( although fecure of imp... ""J- . He hath his hope, and hh con- v.rlati.,,, „, hejvtn, and dares imt Jo any thing unjufHy, be ft ever fo miie'. to 'ms idwntagc ; a„d all th,*. bec?ufe he lees him that i* invflil.le, and fan him heranfe he love- him j tan him as well "rlHagaaclnefiM ;t ,,,;,n w'ifthcr he b •■■ Oifbyfcriiiii, an Independent nr »a •owipwl ; whether hr wears a fnrplfce, or wear, none ; tt|,«,iho he heart urenn*. his greatncf«. ir an Such EptTt'onil/i.i ff

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