Kingston Gazette, February 3, 1818, p. 4

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• \ * mxEST 7 i J$[a!!s<:or> Hotel -4 "H - i ;f»E.S t* acquaint the puh! \ t (tin bch«" comoUt-'y fi *;i fei r ,-e -n i CW bttl't two hVy h tiff l- Diet la e ii E-e'i ftiwmf i the.*.-- c,m*»od*ti n irf Gentlemen Se Ladies Then* beta* :«'» eUgan* arc cJ ruom, Conv feet in length, C*entlemirft a«d i a- 0:w rray affcmble with propriety for civil iccrvation. Travellers may rely on finding g-o 1 j ftjxvmmoJation* for Horfa anJ Carrie gc*. v/ith jr"orJ attendance 'lite- Inhabitants of the Town and it- ill always find the beft and pti- Store & Mills. CI1 ■ RLE3 MeOOK\l4>'tating Ufc&i hi* brolksr Join McDw / • to oartue.'ll p, the bufinr-fs in HI- are will be conducted wider tJtc firm of C & J. McOonid, Who keep for i'ai; a g neral aflbrt- ►-nt of ii VUitlKV Wl to I relt l-iquort of every defcription prompt pay only. No pains will be fpared bv Mr. F. to gKe universal iatUfj&ion to all who may think propei to call- A few bonders can be accommodated at a teafonable rate. Student* at the JVr*decnymoi( alwav* haverhe preference m- Wcrkly payments will be veq ired of ij.r angers without furety. Ernest Town. Jan 5, "3 1 8. %ttf Contract. it to Contract A NY perfon wimn «i \. with the Subfcriber co take the following quantity of LUMBER, to Market, to be delivered at the Crofs, in the Port of Montreal, or at New-Liv¬ erpool Cove in the Port of Quebec, as may he required, will apply by Letter V rl-i aid, to the fubferiber, Town of Kingflon, or to Meflr*. McLean and JrfeMullan at Piefcott. 15000 feet Pi.-e timber rea.^y rafted, 4C00 Standard fiaves 1 on thewa- locoo pices z4 3 } ters edge, at the Kings-on Mills. 1COOO feet I'qoare pine timber ready rafted ; 5C00 Standard ilaves 1 wacere .8000 ps. deals z i % 3 in. \ edge, at Oan.inoqne. fie.coo feet fq-iare pine between Welka'd Iflandand Prcfcott, ready raft¬ ed. WM. HAMILTON, Kingston, Jan. 6, 18 18. 32 FOR SALE, ONreafonabic tei m-, that well known (land foi a Taverns fituated in the Village of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and ii, fronting the King's Highway, and a I.-lye two ftory framed Houfe, well fin jfhed. with a large Kilehen in the rear. ft^bling for twenty fpansof horfes a (Tied fevenfy feet long, and a pood h-uiie nj tW rear Lot, fir foi the accommodation or a -efneetabic family. The wl.o'e of ihe building* thereon, being finished in a workmanlike mamer, and at prefent occupied by Mr. Alexandei B. McDon- ellt as a Hotel. For further particulars, *pply to the iitBfcribei s, or to Mr Alexander Mac* •D*»neH, Junior, Merchant. Preieott, by vvh «m tfe* terms may ho mv!e known, and an in lifi.utahle title and immediate {Kifilffion will be given. ALEX. MaCDONELL & Co. Kington, 3d Jan. ie>i8. 32tf GOODS, G1I0CKR1ES HARDWARE^ CKOCKERV, and moft artWe< enquired fo at a Coon try Stoie, which they offe. low for Cafh.Saw LogfijSqtiare Timber,Stave-, Potaft)es,and molt kind* of country Ptoduce. '.".-y have a good Gn'ft aid Saw Mill in full operation—1 an Manufaot ju.e FLOUR, -q^a! to any M«U in xht provinces they wiM ,fu ply orders fo< Sawed timber o\ almoft any delcriptio'i at lhtirt Notice. c * j. Mcdonald. Ganawqua* Jan. 10, 1818. 33v Allthufc indebted to Charts vtcDon- aid, whofe account* ruv- bec^mv due, itrt* requefted to to make immedi are payment. c/: i C. Hatch &• Co OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad t-p bill b-ick. Fancy 5c Wfndfor hamboo, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Children's J WARRANTED GOOD, At th'iir Chair Shop, oppofite H*m Powell's Tin and Gi- eery Store, llure |ln. Their Chairs are fuperior to any they have hitheito offered foi fale. Country Pr.i^uc« received in payment. G*j* Cabinet Ware for faje an above. Kingfton, Nov, to, 1817. 24if ADVERTISEMENT. BOOK STORE ilcmoved opposite the Sign of lite Bible. J. B. Clieesman, r»ESPECTFLXLY inform* hia fl\ friends and rhe PnWtc, that he continue* the BOnR BINDING, and PL NK BOOK MANUFACTORY in all itf» various branches, two doore from the Book Store, Blank Fo ks I'-.led and Bound to any pattern ; I fhrariee repaired and old Book- re bound to match in Setts, or in any (tyle He ha ion hand, at the Book Store, a general aflortment of Blank Book* § Staivmary ; Confifting of Ledgers, Journals Invoice, Day, I etter, Guard, O'derly, Receipt and Me-'Orandum Book-. Alfo, jufl received, an Invoice of Hooks ; among which are, Mutton's Mathematics, Ben¬ jamin's .Arcb'teflurv, Walker and John- ;on*fl Pronouncing Dir^ioncines, do. in MiniatUTe ; Nugent'js French & Englifh Ditti-.muy, Pt-rrin's French dammar, *nd Murray'i School Boofcfl 5 German Pint*- Preceptor, Smith & LittVa Vo¬ cal Mufic, BiM-6, Tcfta■■• entv Wstts' pfilm- and Hymne, Camp Meeting d . and ocicutific Libraries adapted fu Children'* tnftrudion. Al' o ders in hitiltne of BufinelH will be •hankfnlly received and pwofluat'^ attended to. Kin stony Dec. 1$. 1817. zgtf MOOitE'S " C0FFEE-/10 USE. Notice. J I ALL perfons indebted to t\t Fflar of the late James Cumming* la 1 of Hallowelh deceafed, *re reqnefled ca'l without delay, and fettle the fan ■ with Mr. jAMts McGatGOR* now 11; charge of the eitablifhment, at Hal'ov ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claim againft the Uid ellate, are dciired t* prefent them for acquitment. Theftock in Trade of the deceafed. confiding of a very complete aiTortmeirt of Goods well bid in, and very fuitable to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces lo low, as will defetvedly claim the attention of the public* Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible Farmers, 01 othera. 70XNCUMM/NG1 ExecutoK WM. MITCHELL, j *-*cculow Amgsioiti Qdi 27, 1817. $t THE fubferiber returns his moft grateful thanks to his ftiends and cuilomers. and the refpeclablc inhabit¬ ants of Kingllon, for the liberal en¬ couragement he has received fince he commenced bufinefs in this place, and would inform them that he flil! carries' on the Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead Btifinefit in all its various branches, near ! f^r a8 Extras. I For Sale. flpHF. New MILLS on Big Creek, I in Ftedcrickfburgh, in giiod re pa-'r, with the Well half of Lot No 25, ■«"•. the fourth co cceffion of faid Town fliip, with a fmall, but convenient Dwel¬ ling iioufc then on ereded. ALSO, Seven Hundre i and Thirty acres of I.and, lyinp in the Townfliip of Lttcha- ber, Uilrrici of Motjtreal, and two hun- died acres in the Townfhip of Camden, Midland Bi&ri&. The whole will be fold cheap.—for particular, apply to Mr. J. Tuttlc, Kingiton, or to the fub f^riber, on the prcmifes. Matthias Smith. ; Fretbrichjburghy Dec. 9, 1817. 29-1 % Mail Stage. THE fubfciiber informs the public th.u he intends running a ^tagr fiom Kingfton to Yo«-k, and from York to Kmg'Kin, the enfuing winter, and v.\W eounncnce as (on'- as the flcighmg will anfwer. Tc» leave Kingfton and York every Monday at two o'clock. Stage Fare. From Kiugttoii to BellviUe, time doJ lam5 from Kingston to Spi IdenMun.flx do'sj from Kingston-to York, ten d<.| SAMUELPURDY King/ton, 2&t/) Nov. 1817. 2*1 f^ ,HE Cn-PartncrfhipbetviteenTho JL mas Coleman & John Everitt, J 1 or. Merchant Trader-, Beilviile, I j er Canada, wac diffolvcd by mutual nt on the Tenth day if vpril lalt Thomas Coleman, John l.veritr, Junior. t(HvilU, Da. 1 $, i 8 i 7. y*C *HE Concern heretofore exiiJiag under the fiun of5 Rodk ijf sllexr Machay** at Point Frederick, wa* dHIftlved on the 24 h ultimo. Tin Siiblrriber h-Ids himfclf refponfible f r all lej'al claims agaiut* the 'aid concern, as well as all Prrfoital demands a^iinll hii Brother, who retires fr.^m it. an I will thank thofe indebted to either of the parties to pay their refpeftive account* to M. ROBERT GRAH \M, who will conduct the Bufinefs in future, in Company wi'h the Subfctiher, under the firm at Robert Graham 0/ Co R. M VCK iY. Kingston, f^th N^v. 1^17. jeff Executive CouncilQJfitt% » 2W, ttdOd. 1817. f^TOTlCE i*= hereby given, by order -L 1 of His Houoi ihe \cniiniilrator in Cpnneii, t*1 t ht Rcprrfrftrativ <; oi John Galloway *nA William Caldwell to make good a-y pretcnli'>n ti> >ot nin her twenry «*ne in 'h^ fifth conceffion of the Tow fhipof Kingflon, wuhiufix months fmm t hi - date, or it will be gianted to th-* occupant, who has been in poffeffion fix teen years. JORNsMVF.J., Lit. of the Ex. Council. John Moore* RETURNS hkfincere acknowled? ments to hi<- Friends, and tl Public at large, Tor their pijft favors( an wifbes to acquaint them that he has \t moved to Mr. Anderson's new ft' n* Houfe, oppofite te Mr. Weifel's Storr in (lore (*rett, where travellers and oth- ert may rely upon good accommnda lions and attendance, on reafonab- erm?. The fubferiber, having rente thi- large, cmvenie' t and elegant build¬ ing, has fpared no exertion-* or expeuce in his p wer, to have it furniftied and ai tended in futh a manner as to merit th aopr« bation of his former cuft«>meni and orhers who n ay honor him with thei company. He ha1* a good yar riagen and Horfe^. Soups every day fr Kingston. OeJ 1 ^ MONTREAL LADIES Seminary, Under the Direction of Mf & Mrs. ANDREWS, affiftej by their Son and Dauglitei*. rHE Pupils are limited to Thirty, and muft enter for the term of fix months at Icaft. It is retjueflej that Three months notice of a removal wi|j( be given, that vacancies as they occur, may be filled. The terms for Education, are frosii to 3 Guineas per quarter ; always paid ift advance School Entrance is One Guinea ; and Five Shillings per Quartt-r charged fo Pen^and Ink, fttpplied by Mr Andrew* One Cord of Fire Wood* for eack child, (who is 3 boarder) expe&cdii the Winter. Every lludy compnfed in a ufcful, lit, efary, and accomplifhcd F.ducation»i taught in this Ellahlifhment, by the ret peflive petfons engaged. In Drawing and Painting—initrucAions are given bf Mr, W. VV. Anoresvs ; and in Mufio, Dancing, and tin- various nlet of the Needle, by the MiffiiS Andrews, Mufict Dancing. Drawing and Paint* in&* fn its fevcral branches, are chargd I the Eiijiineer Ya*d, where he hopes byt ^fu£| his a licrjer Qr. 3 Otuneasy entrance 4gui f do £ , lis affidiutyand attei»tioo, ttil! to meritj jDancinir fhare of public favor, a&iring them' Drawing 2 do do _ .* » .. yoiing Ladies admitted at boarded at N'T'c Guinea** per Quarter, (paid ii that nothing fhall be wanting on his ■ .Tt, to faithfully execute all orders with which he may be honored. ll*-has for fate, a large aflortment of the bell Eng/i/h Double Tin Ware, of^ev¬ ery defcription, ever offered for kJe in hi? Province, and a large aflortment ai 'Va/>an'df Copper and Hard Ware. He 1 fo keep* on hand anadortment ofSheet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipes aud Elbows. 4v boxe<i of the bell Double I'in, and] 6 bones bell Shtct Iron, f^r lalt cheap.. COFrouuce vm'II betaken in payment. Jimes Meagher. Kingftonj Sept. 30, 1817, t^m6 I dand ftable for cai THt bUB- >m 12 to I o'clock iS'7 %ztf w g? NOTICE. THE funic, iber hereby forbids all and cvt-ry per/bn orpr-rfon^ fr<*m medling o* n.akmg, or cutting any tim¬ ber- 01 trefp?.flint,' in any fh^oe whatever upon Lot No. 21, in the 5th conceffion 01 the townfhip of Kfngfton, »n pain .»f being profecuted according Co Law. JARVI- WORLTFN. Kinrrfton. 08 22. 18 (7. tcnrntK riLL receive f . f , .. /-• n lO'op■■lals tor nnil<' ing a (iKI ' ..... . n anfiquefon the North r . f . \c 1 ■ r- 'nic nf f'»e rivrr, a : for mate in 1; a Caua: . . Ir .l -a » ., to lake 'he wa*c from the rapion .it t r , . n « .1 it rordiny -oiacc. t- the Cull*' at the Ian,. .1 m •• , 'i j rydmg where th- *U: is to be placed. H ■ fl , , , r , e requeltH th^r p?-- pcials mav he giver } . , r ' , K , r T & 1 Co hnn before th: 20th of (une next. - «, . , , ., J ,..-.- n 1 own plot wi hf laid oui this leal , , • . . , n at tne above na>-. ed place ; the trm f , , 1 f -.; , , . 1 - or lalt and »r (• will be kivwn by aj berf who hai for Land on the Rive* Noe 5, 6 and 7 ij j Nos. 5 &• 6 in th I wiih the b»'.km f of Marlborough : ra! l:>tes of laud an., in the vicinity of the and a Houfe and 1 ,lying t" ihe lubfcn fal< 1174. acre" Kideau, bring lots firft concefli.m -ir" ferond c^ncHTion 'it, iw the townfhii Mfo foi Sale, leve '"owii l/»t8, at an^ LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL. r'lE Midland D.strict School, OD the Britifh System of Education, wider the fupcrintcndcncc of Mr. John- son. who has been engaged as Teach- , will b« opened on Monday next, l^th Nov. mber—The terms of Tuition three ■hillings and four pence per month, pay- blc in advajtoe. By orde *4 advance ) and are required tofuroilhthut owii bed and Bedding ; and a Tabic, [Tea Spoon, and Napkin, f.r their q»4 ! accommodation. They will be allow to vifit their friends on Saturdays only. N- B. It is known that unfounded rfli port? are in circulation in diftant place* (fappoled to arife fiora iinifter motitw; calculated to lelTco the reputation af thii feminarj. The Principals ther-efnre confidff* necefftry t<) requeft perfons refiiingW from Montreal, to feek infocmatinn co» cerning their edabliuhment of any J* their truly refpectahle patrons, who» children are under their care* Montreal Dee 27, 1*17. 31** t or the Pr^fidenf V Trustee*.: R. STANTON, StcVf kV E the fubfcribera do certffy upon ! of Murray. ADVERTISEMEW r. The fubferiber offers for Sale tit Following Lots of Land *~r i -s ;• trfffttrt 9&&in t>ft 6th conceffion otthe Gore befi^ Erneft Town and Frederickfbuirrh, No. 18 and 19 in the 8th conceflJoQ onth t^*.t th" original fcitle-( tent in the town (hip of Km^ftm, was •ade apr-eeable to the annexed plan,t hat the roads interfered each other at No 31 Eafl half zdon. ofSidny. No- 9 — toth eonccifion of Rawdcn, No. 4—8th conceffion, HumingfW No. 14. 15, 17- t&, 25 and 26 Tnthr r tJu anj(ie>. and that at the f"ur cor-' ! 9th conceflion of Thurlow. No. 34and 35 in the 4th concede of Va'Jghan, near York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in ;% Town of Kinjjfton. WM. CRAWFORD. Prcderichsburoh, Jan, 10, 1817, 3^ OVVi of Kingll on "t in Kin/'ton 1 ikewile, for fate. t, .- u rT . - r the V ^1! »'.^|' of Lot number tnntv-rour - . rr r .t »« the Ic CO'ld COII (hip of Darlington, ffi. >n of the tow !Vn6 NOTICE i\ hereby given to all con¬ cerned, that the fnblcnbers in tend to petition the Legislature of this Province, at its enfuing fedion, to pafs a bill [o Bar the entail to them, of Lots number Seven and Eight in the fecond Conceffion, well fide of the Welt Lake, fn the townfhip ot Hallnwell, dc vifed to the fubfen'bt ,-s by the late Peter VanaKtine Kfquire, deccak-d. GYNTHlA WNDYKE- AL1 Y BORLAND. Jan 13. .81$. 3i KOli SALE, 500Acrcsof Lrind "•thc T'wu. (h<p of La ifdown. 0 wit, loi number |0f in the fill cOuteflU:, inclu dingtlu Broken FriMt, .ot numbo 10 And the Fall half ..f lot numb r 9 m the 2d oneefhone, being part of the uact granted to he heirs /.f I irui Governoi Hay. F-.r p. rtirulam Stone, F-ltjiii \ ra, ft?ke- were planted at right angles,! .-, thai each lot butted and bounded- ucfliy Oppofite its correlpondinrr num- ci, mid that th* lot< were ftaJced as weir n the rear a- in the front, and that the Wl feitlcrj: took their lands Kaft and Vert from the road between the lots No. 172nd 18 in the t<<wn(hipof KingltoQ. Signed JOHN- WARNER, SOLOMON ORiER, ARTHUR ORSER, J^/fJC ORSER, ELIJ/iH GROOMS. Kingston* Nov. 2, 18(6. 32 In order that no perfon may plead Ignorance in taking any title from Je- thro Jack fori, on Lot No 1 c in the (e- eond conceflion m the townfhip of Kings* toti, the property U the f.bfcribers in aw and equity, and will be recovered as fnon ?** jiillfce can take place. I'ept. 16 1S/7 Amos Anjley. Public Notice. THE Sublcribers, Executors to the Estate of Chjrles Stuart, Efqnire, d.ceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, District,hereby requests all thofe indebt- .. p f M „ (M Ho„fc ir fa* ^ (| eJ to lht &i4%tatc to make immediate ^^^^MfciwIiwfrieoAintf 'T*^" Executors ; and al! the public, that he,.....■._. I rhoft who demands against the Estate are requc-ted to produce the fame containing 100 acr For furcher panic m . rr»P w«*W>7 to JV&S FERGOSON. htn^ston, tub >0 r Cusack's Hotel. TYdE fnbfcribe. 1. • , , I having opened a ne« and convene r? r ■ „ n il to furniAS it in has taken great pam* | fhare of public pa?;)rcfPe<ft 'to^nta' L»rnt emeu tiavi■ y p ||d»Ivatt«t€d»in order tiiar a Settlement , • i; s »na may relv iiDOnll tHc1T-E"ta,c "^ be efft'^ed af fpeedtiT havmg go„d acco,-m 38ri.uffand T , « pojiblc afn-r thcfir„tdaVofJ„!y ,8.8. TT r T- V 3? Gnntlmen ' ' " daily (uprlied wit! can b^ """/ Mipr-iicu will p l- XX' r , k.Vlandbellqnalv °nk*a,0naryofal AIM the P mi Drink, comrofed tA ***?%* ^^ ftceni by James Reed en confectioner. enquue o" ' anan qu«., r iel Washbu,,n, I M ;:t, Gf &j t whoU Offivi in- e i cut c may be iccn. Jan. j.—32 f Joel fr" u, title % lHl7. 32,{ HnifF fiibferil 1 fchoo] f.::: to t,,e &»** KiVton, air .«||ij3* Sweety ln ti-n Paper will be , ,i,aM.he ^^cnV chibald Richmond o'eihV 1 . u^v ih • lodjrcdwith VIr /,. whom rl.ey m\\\ "bfc iptions, when tr r ne. [they lhaHfcecomi / ,ubfer,P^n«. when CEOROEO. STUART,] Exec- ALLAN McLEAN, j mor. Kingston, August n, iSlj___utf Valuable Lands FOR HALE, fNthe Third Conceffion 0(the Town 0 h h.wfofNo 7, and No |8___Ai '"drfpiitablc tide will be given and the terms of ay merit merli «aly. r^ C THOMSON. '**a< I Siirnrnon.se5 j,o; the nisrri:, C urts, fiir &aie it this Oiiicc* Stolen, I^ROM the Ya.d of the fubferfbe, on Sunday evening laft, btttwflj feven and eight o'clock, a Buffaloed^ Marked infidc '„ ' in large letter*. Any perfon that can give informant f<> that the Thief or Thieves may be brought to julticc.fhall rcccivtTHREE POUNDS REWARD, by apply^ to the fubferiber. ROBt. WALKER, Kingston Hotel. January I 9, I 8 i S. 34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.—^ Smiths Work. THE fubferiber moft refprftfnllr informs the genclemennf Kn^ t'^n, that he is juft arrived here from Dublin, and baa commenced the but nefs of Black and White ^mith, in ilf' its branches ; more particularly that ol horfe Shewing in which he will gi« thegreateft fatisfaftion to thofe that em. ploy him. Thev may re'y r«n h^iftj their w:»rk well done, cheap and weai.fcj applying at Mi. J. Meaghen, Barrad llreet, where he ha? commenced. All orders in that line will be gladly received and ftrtfl attention given. Kingston 13th 03. l\ Ki '!'/ HRHE fobferibf bep I avetninfona I their friend* and the public in g«* ner;i't rh;*c they carry on the TM'LjR/NG wsiness fn Main Street, wh- re they intend (Tak¬ ing every article fn their line, on mo'f reafonahfe teinu tha las hern d<>nr fi» a numb.r of years hack Thofe" wh v\'fll *o fnvm them with their cfl^"1' "■ ay 'elv n h »r'jf theirW"rkwrflw^ and ' 1 'he (ho t fl n -iV", fl;r ^ft* Nor is ;. Stevens. l\*i£tton% Sept. y§ 18x7- P

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