Kingston Gazette, January 27, 1818, p. 4

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nrinr DTADpIiNCASTRiAN SCHOOL MONTREAL I.ABIM Notice. BOOK blVXK 1 „* ,. , ,it„ll,p Si-UOl' ^TpHE M'.Manrf District Scho«l,oft feClB Slifl I")', \ r.L perfom indebted to tre Ertatc Ur.noval *!>&*['* lM '° ' & the BritHh System of Educating T' -u,- ,h„ nfa-rt&in m Mr -^*- ofthe ,ate •5W' aummi*$A !,aW thr iSH'fe. ui.derthc fapcrintendttnee of Mr. Job* Lndcr the I>ircown Oi Mr. of HaWJ> d ccflfcd( ar£ - , * snv. w,,, ),,, been engaged as Teach. & VllS. ANDREWS, s-.fllltcd ca!, vvfthoilt dc'ay, and fctdethc k** J JJ^ CllCeSmail, «... will be opened on Monday next, i&h b) their Soil aiid Daughters, with Mr. James McGatGo*, now in • November.—The termsofTuiti'io three T,n 0 ., ... . ., -,.., charge uflluclbhlifhment. at Hallnw- F8pECTFU LI.Y informs Ins ^ |(, ^ nc er m,,llh rr-HF arc limited to Thirty ; e,| b,;dge ;_and tbote who have |^[ rrjend« and the Public, that he a(]vance. ! «.^..Jn.;..;l -the torn of l.x ;:i|{ „,e fay ,llat,, are deflred R, C01|)i| |lies th, BOOK BINDING, and rf|^ Prudent & Trustee,. months at Iraft. it « requrfted that fent themforadjuftment. BL, Nk BOOK tfANUFAC 1ORY I R gTANTON, Spc't Tirr<- month- notice of a enuval will The Ho-k in Trade cf the deccafed, [n ^j ;ta var;oll, branches, two doors____+______ -------^ bei;it ii. that vacancies, as they occur, con(1,i|lig 0fa vcry COmp!ete afforttaei* from ,he P.r, |c .-tore. -»"WTE the fubferibers do certify upon , may n. filled _ c,f Goods well laid in, and very fiiitabic B,ank p0)j.s |<IM*ed and Bound to ^\ oa,h tn,t the original fettle. '«. nrnvfor Education, are from 2 to tht. (jountiy, i-now fciiing off at pri- |iattern ; Libraries repaired and old me„t in the townfhip of Kiiyftnn, wat to i Guinea, pa quarter j always paiu. ^ fo W, » wfll defeived'.y claim tffe 'Bo,,ks re bound to match in Setts, or m ma.,e agrconb|f to the annexed plan, M advance", attention of the public. any llv'e He has on hand, at the Boyk tf,.(l t|,c roads interfered each other al Piv^ShiiliM.rTrOZ^ZV^Tr Cad, or Country produce will be tafc- Store, a general aliment of right angle* a«d that at the four con P " Xf p .Si . X SC£ en in payment, a, 3 credit of 6 month, ^ ffo^ * *£ «^ ;, (lakes ™l^»jfca f,erd of^ire W..od. for each iM-HJ^; —* Co,lfifHn, of ,^ Journal, Invoice, ^^*»*g^ *>'..... a bwmH -P-Vd'" gWJ^EXlS??'] Ewo*Mi Day, Letter, Guard, Orderly Keceip / ^ ^ w J K* a . T , • I f, 1 to / ill J ' i „ and Men-o-andum Book-. Alfo, jull ' f|) f ^ ^ J Ever ttudycomoufe. .n a »«rful. Irt- Aiy^, Qfl »7- '>'7-________?^_ receivcd,au L-v ,ice of IhMllWX fj fatle„ t0,,k lheir ^ Eafl and af-TWSiJSwtK: HPHE MAr ««- tb moft whicha,. nutton, Ma-hemaU^ Ben- ^ ^ ^ , tanrht r P ty and I 8 U) the t *wnflir>of Ki'-giloo, Signed JOHN WARNER, SOLO VON OR ER. )Q. D nriiv, and th, various ules .1 the Couragemem « n.s recenec n ,e ne -'-'/"-', '* _ , ^ ; 0 ^ ARTHUR ORSER, N-,:!e bv ibe HXHfo Andrew. coirmenced boM »n tins p -, a;,d a^ J Mm,ay . S'hor B«Mjb«W o/j, H^Mv, /w;^and^;«/ would infor* them that he hilame. W*^«8l!ri^i5 BUfJff GROOM& »,:. in its feveral Ibranches, are charged - '- 7",n. &MT, »M ^ «d /,, -' -• Mufie, Br^, ^ ^ ^ ^ /w. AW. J l8l6. ^ for < Extras Bu/inefs, in all i«/vanona braackei, neai Pklrn* anrf Hymns, l--r&p tweeting no. & •» Mul^DC-Or'lOuiBeaj entrance Tguin. the Engfneei Yard, where !■ hopea Ly an<l Srie-itflic Libraries adapted fcrr In order that no perfon may plead Da', in-r 2 do ' do ' b»affiduity and attention, Irill t merit Chi'dren's lolrrucii^n, _ ignoianc in taking any title from Je- BrawitW 2 do do a ^.re ..f put.lic favor, afl'in- tn mi AJl v4> I inh»^«of B»«hnr& W«) tbro Jackfon, on Ut No 15 in the fe* Y„ptS Ladiea admitted a., boarders tn"1 nothing (hall be wai.tiqq m his be tha'fcfiitty received and punctually omd coocejon Bithetownlhipof Kingi* at NiV.c Guinas pe Q.»artr-r, (piid in Parl- tu f'ithtnllyrx x-.u-- all oui- •« will, atttr.d-d to. ton, the ptvpvtyh the fobforiben io ad»'anc< )andare irqnirc3 tofiirnifh their »«««« lie n"13)' k bpwoted. __A'V,;; s^ao, 2?^ 1 3 tot?.________29^ ):jw a,lf1 cq,1;tyf 4flj w;j| },a rwo«eredal own Ded and Beddi k ; and a Tahle, I. has for fale, a a->;e Mwtnm of « - . . , . « ^ gy, t ^ I an *s '. t«i -: can take place Tea St- on. and Napkin. Lr their oun theheft Engfjfo DauMe T-, Wan ofev. _[11 ^ /^J.i\;JCi -3 : Pl- ""• iVT- ,/m>»j v/^ey. aecom. -odati-m They will be allowed ery rSciVription, eve; offered '»■ ale io ' ------r- -— -— — — tovi!',- -ei i-v-nd-, on Saturd>yi>o ly this Pronnce, and a large affortir/nt or C U l4 r L* H ~ >J U u O ^. ^.. fjfjff(» J^Of/t'f. j N R h i, known ih;^t in.I'.u'did re- Jctwn'd, CopkY and Hard ffa»r lie —------■ . . pon e in rirenntton in diltan- , kcei « '" keep, on hand anaff .u.xe-.t o-Shect T,. /. M 7| 7"n^ .,„ ^P? Subl< nl.ers Executors to the K, poled to anTefiomfimltu m, fv:- ) fro. Store,, Stove Pi* ,. and Lib-..v,. tfO/tU MQQI C, Jl F.tate of « .9 ,a^ Efqmre, ca»c«dated to teffeo the reputation of thi, .0 ,,(;x, «',hc b-'t Double T-,. and "O ETUHNS hisfircereaefctvo^dg Jff6^' Iatf 8her,fl rf ;.Ih: fM,.u Jg" fem.i.n fctumbeftHbw I.ou.f.rfJ, heap. It mem* to hi, Frirnir, aid the 1>';' •^•'^ nquc-f al th..(e .ndeb^ The Principals ihe.rf.rc co, f.der it ^v^duc.- w.H be tak-n in • ,,rr.e„t. P>*»fc a' large, for then pafi favora, and « ^ «"f *«* EJWB to nake m.mftlB« jKc^ffaiy t.» rutncA trfnm reftdi'.g far r mc n,, wilhes to acquaint them that 1„ has re- Foment to t»-t laid Fxecutor* , an, all f,o-. V'on.real.tofckinfou.Kitn .en. «.„«__ s,!,' - ^ ,«., ,,m* moved to Mr. AhmrWs new ftone *h«»f< «'no have demand* against t« cerning their of any o- »M«l,on» ' ^ ' 3- |f"7- -+™° Koufc> fite tQ |M, Wf.tW»8 Store. Es«" ar>- requested to prod.-ccthe fame thejr truly refcecta:de patrons, whofe .-..uru^u,,. „, „.~f~ in (tore ftreet, where travellers and oth* doly a^ed, in order that a Settlement chil^n sre under their care. T ii i f"^ K , 1,^ n I " ™ ^ **} »P0« Red accommoda of the Estate may be d& Afd a, fpeedfly MmnalDec *7. '817. |«« „! K^'<i«» and atJdanc?, on rcafonabte «fwffiMe£er -------------------------------------------- nu.l.. .tth.yra.ry i,,he f • havinc rented GEORGE O. STUART, 7 Exec- ADVERTlSKviKN,'. TJTtnRiNG BUSINESS tfai* targe, conveinent and elegaT.t build, ALLAN McLEAN. { uton. ,_. -.- .. ff r c . ,. in Mam W/. wh-re they intend m,-k- ""C- has no exertions or cspcncc Kn'gst.m, August n , 1R17—1 itf The fnbfcnber oiler, for Sale the • . .., , ' .----------------------------------—---------— -, ." \'*$ '■ ) ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■ line, on n.n- W nii p .•....'■■ .1Vt 11 .'iiid«t g^i w w 1 Q f^1 following reafoi»able te-m» than ha«'been done for tended in;fucb a .«i»irner as to merit the C^. liiltcll 0$ C/Or J f)fS Of J Cl)l(l» » number of yrars b!»c!t Thofe whr ant-r-l at ;m r.f hi. f,,-n)<.r ,,.n, r,,r, ,--i ntsn p rno . «f , , w.fli :o faver them with their cnftW ••he«-s who ma, hoiloi him with their „ , , , ,S'\LE' ac a.-e* ... 4th .md eootn the may rely on hm-ugthaVworkweH made, empany. El^"t »Tf«i^ b^" ^ 6 n enccflion ofthe Gore between and Q|] (hc (hortJ| n,ii|rr) fnr { |ft He baia por, danJ ilabIe fiW nr. Fancy & Wmdfo, bamboo En. n Town and 1-rcdenckmi.rgh. Nnr/is k Sfe>v/»rt<! riagcaand Borfri. ,io hU back, Nn 1 _ndt9inthe 8-h conceffioo ^_'» * *^. CH ^,Mps, verv , ;. f.,,m f 2 tn k 0,clnck. Renl Cane feat, . n, 'VaiM K,-----------------------------— *h*~-0*-i3.tSt7' ?*/ ^atPrln"' No 31 hail half 20cm. of Sidy. -m-r- -, • - Contmpnj Nc 9-ioii co... iTiouofRaw&it. JSOttCCm Tilt WB'CRtBEti Rivkfnc and Children's J N,j. 4—Pih ci nctfS -n, Huntingdon. No. 14, 15, 17. 181 2j ana 26 fa the pr1 , ceflion ofTburloWs - 0 ...,...._., N-.j4aailj5 ii...v4,h a.nocflion *» Crawford. Efq. nf xdolnhuftown. dc anoq«c,on the N^rhfideofrhcriw.and PowtlFsTL -^v,^,, utu.c, norc of Vaughan, i.c.r V ik. eeafrd are henrhy rcqueftt-d En produce ^or n,a!;Tn^ a C<nal to takr the water Ore. Their Chairs are foper/or to any Alj>o tb«V clflfmfl, rlnly 3uth ntJcatcd —dlfo, <*rom r',c rapi* «t the Fording place, t-.. ihey have hitherto offered foi fale. <ev^ral v.)!ii£l>K- Town lrtfi in the »1! pw*«* indebted to the faid Eftateare fhf Criilly at th* "hiftfing where»bf Mill Country Produce received in paymmt; T-'wriof K 11 .|1 >n J hereby rccpicfled to make immediate i» to be placed- He requeft« that pto- E> Cahinet Ware f.r fale as above. WVL CK • \y> I • n Went to pofile may be given th hi.r. brfbnS the Kinfffton, Nov. 10, 1817. 2Alf Frcdtnchburgh, Jan, iq, iM,7 J4t£ W7//lrW» Alexander Grant\ f°\l\f J»ne-n«.,c A T.nvn p!.»i will _ —_.-.-.. - ---------!_ .-----------'-. y .. J-------Li-L Executor. bt !a,d uul tlw 'rafon ar tlu'abovc nam- -ADVERTISEMENT. ktQltn, _JL".J'%- *9* ™*:.1*!]:_______¥_ O^HE Concern heretofore exiding I-rTiCy ,1 <■ 1 r 1 —r -u Vnl.»nTJrt T „WJ« ber, who has fnr fale 1174. acres of ;f - ""derihe firm of" Rodk & J/exr> ,-ffiOM ihe 1 »J rf *e fi Wcriber, \allia!)le JLandS Land on the R"«er RidwZW lots *«^" « PoI'"t Frederick, £ J r^/^^^Jj*1*^1 K;/? A'^f £ No, 5. 6 and- hM cenceffi/.n and dlffoU'e(1 -n ^e 24.I. ultimo. The Marked r-lnie ., ' in lar^e leftem. | fliiu of Pitlbur^h bcinrr I ota No "' thr brokt" fro,lt- '» the tou-nfln'p all leaal chums apainlt the laid concern, ^,vPe.fonth,« en Rfve information 6. th,ha]fof Nc, 77and No. ,8 -An' -f Marlborough; Alfo for Sale, feve- ^oS^ Jho^ fiT? Tl fr thai the Thief o, fsj^ may be iod'Tpntabk title will be given, and the ." "^ ?^ndand Tow,, L-ts at and ^ " "' "^«' « ^ «• ™dwffl b..n!1t-oin;lic.flnllrc^r//^A-term9of payment madeca.y. n, tMc vicnutv o. the Tow, of K.ngfton, ^"J ••«^ "W^tgjS'* rf A A tWDS' REWARD, by applying H. C. THOMSON. »".f 3 ^ T L? {W^;' S5 Rhl> RT rSmST'S to the lubfvrit,er, Kfngllon, July »g, ,8.7. « Likewife, for fife, the E«ifi half of Lot » Mr KO I>fRT GRAHAM, wbo RODt W\I KFR -----------— —------------------------- number thirty-f'j'ir, in the fecond con- win confluet tfie rJutjnels in future, ia Kin«s'on Hot! Execute Council Office, ce}Hon of the townftip of Darlington, Company with the Subscriber, under W-r»'Q <«i8 7i o to ? 2ul0d- ,Sr7- containing 100 icres. the Hxmof Roieri Gra&tim bt Ca '-—Z_JL______________r*___ TV Tu- 1S by g,ve"'by ou,er For furiher Parlcil,ar9 apply to K. M -\CKAY. V«.,»*//.., ff^.,.7. • )-. -, KoLnor*« Adm.niftrator JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, 13th Nov. 1817. tftf Z-iltlinS rrO'rK, ln Counci1' l" the Reprefenmives oi Kingston, 25/s /^«jr, 1S17 e2tf----------------------------------—L rjpHE lublcriber mnft refpeafully >£ f*?J*? apd( *?*" ^*"««'tQ ~-------------------------------------— TO TiR/t^J? Jl h.fbrm. the ^n,l.-men..' Kmgi n'^e ff^ "7 P^cnf.on to h,t nor: bcr {^jiCor.]-'. Tfn|pl ± ^ Mj ^J1 ^ & ♦ ton. that he is jofl arrived here from SC3?"!Sr* P ^T^° °f'fC t^U*<itK 'S ll()RI' FOR SEVEN YE MS DnMin, and hi commenced the bnfi. ^ ^T^K-ngftonwuhin ,,x months rflHE having onened a new . JZJ?g„ irf. of Black and White >mirh. in aM "m '" ' **' "r ' W1" ^. g-nted to 1 and convenient Houfe in llr. A P^CE of Ground, foppofoflto ;,. l.„„„i.. . „,,„_....■...,....... r cl'e occupant, who has been in pofiefiion „ .,» n ..r_„.-.r..- . • r . - , . , JPA be about au n.-re. i»1 trlolv fit..*r*d CO m u A I.L perfon, having *ny denand. a- WUL reefve propofal. for h-nld- WARRANTED GOOD, _t\- gainft the Elate of the I^e Brv * *' m- a^RIST MILl at Ga.,- At their Chair Shop, opD0fite Wm. an Crgwford. Efo. nf a^oque^on t)ie N-.rih lide of the river, ai-d PoweWsTm and Gracery Store, R0re itr hr%iichei ; m hoife S) be about an acre, ejffffbly fitllfll "d •he, ; mo* particularly that of ^ ccn 'ca P**°" m"ft ™P***f Wbw» hi, friends and , , , , f ■■ - •• , „ , ,ewin?. f„ which be will give J TOHM <MWt tl,e PuWic'tlial he h« «*« Rreat pa.ns fe"1 *« °n?«' of ('nen hsv- P,,,,,t the greateft fatisftftinn to thofe that cm- J iS r 1 5 n -r to furnim it in every refped to meat a ™ ewk^ f"r a l,rewc,v. I>«Wfc* pl.> him. Thev may re'v on having U^j/j/je Lx. Council. ftare of public patronage. Tannery, or a lumber Yard. For par- their w-Mk well done, cheap and «eat. by KOTIPF Gentlemen travelling may rely upon ,lcu,ars ^qohe of the lubfciber. applymgat Mr. j. Mt,ghers, Barrack irT_^T,T, - ,y ..iS\' l\£' ..... having good accommodation and attend And he hereby f.rbid. any perfon or ftreet where he has commenced. TP ,..S. r X f°'b,<1r aU a"ce- lady's and Gentlemen can be perfon? From tre^ffinff on r&pmnfe. Alllorrfcrsm lhat lme will he gladly Jl and every perfon or pcf.ns from daUjr fupplied with Confcaioiia.y of all Specially in taking off land or mid received ?nd IWt attention given. ™*"'"8 or n.a.„ng. or cutting any t,m- kind and bed quality. from the beach on pain of being profo ----------------------------Itlt flG ,, 5 C<"" 1Uf Dr,'"k' Com^" ' "ld cainVd "n «P«2 fOHEPH DENNIS. Church Catechifin ^S^¥J*"r!S rf^^n^— b^>-^ ^-«^j.w^,8,7.* Fcr Sale at tills Oilice. Kiuofton. c^ct 'U^irTuifi a- c «■ CUSACK. ATTORNIES Blank Bills «

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