Kingston Gazette, January 27, 1818, p. 2

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* - * rffc * UiMisTON ; jr ::■<>.•.;», Jixt r«v -r. i&is. I Al rlie B-mrnftl Mc«t»»»ir otth* Kings¬ ton ' -Nili.t v L'il'K' *wJ Vom noil Puy* er 8 • k ^ocie y. held in & George1* C'Mir. Ii on WediMdsy the 14 It iufti T:i report wfUte receipts and rcpeiuff- tu-rbfthcrUtfc year havhij? ban fob* n»itt«.la,Jacc'i>u.i> the under 7t< rl on erl ijffntle'iit'H wv;c ap .••inted Officer* of c!..* rio ie-y f--'r l',c eflfuiM^ year:— Ion ilkfl McLw», President* Rw.aO Smart, j ['ice Presents Wm '1-tfl.cll. hlq. J R, v I oh' W ttf 1 n, Secretary. Robert Ricfordfoitj Trtafortr*^ Tli- Rev G^o O Stuart havhn£ttf- ken the chair, vhe foflovyiug retflatiotM were agreed upon : r(h That the 12th RcWmu'mii be re- fcifldi'4and the following ad *j.ti*d in its place, viz Thar every fi.bfcnhcr rr-ay demand Bible and Prayer Bnoksffracis, of the Secretary 1 tti the amount of two thirds of l-i> fiibfciipfion, and that each D mot may demand the fame to the a- n; )ii'»i of one fifth. 2d. Tint (he latter put of the ;;h jRcf-ilatiO' , which regards the numbera of Me CoiwmiUee bi?»nnfndtd ; and that tnttead o! fix of the nhove* two of the 31 oce, with die Prdideut, &c. euuftt- fute a Quorum. 30. That in&iead of the 1 ith, the following he adopted, viz. thatch- Fwb- fcribmg VfinHWra **r the various Prate*- tenrCongrfgstion* be a queried to preach an annual S^rmo'i on the li?ft Siioday in Mav, for and in aid of the funds or the Society 4th. That a lift of the fubfcriptioiw, ti griher withthcie Refohuion>, be pub- lifted twice iatbt Krogrhni G-:/**te. 5th That additional fubkuptiuna be folicited. Present $u6scrijt't'tn*. f* Ucab. Wlun !vla£.|>ut», i»re.-hu-nt,.....£ L'. i'«'l. i?o-n*r, A.-»"t Adju General,. ..I IM'i -• Fosi *f,.......................* T.i .id:- Muiklaurf. ' -qu'n-,.........I It;.....geOktll Stuart, V. l\. 5 I'l ••) ^<ui(b, L*Httiie............... » Ai:. |.;isrrnv U-iranrr...........I it. .. It.'".. Panels' i;p. id Ihp hWees, I V.». M. .-l.-II, l-..f|. \ ,r • Iwwden!,.. 1 Dan rj"\.. 'Ji.ini. lvq.'t»r*..........I *!"i t C, ui.iKH:*. <| me...........I fir* 'tml\. \ln*'kit\................I .. .. 1 i-: .«• .1. V.a. \lmil.............1 511 :*-•'!» i WlChii plI*OI..Tn U>'ir*T,. . ..I C V iln*ir-nan, J w(................I ?<> \\ rou-law, I. /]. ..............I A «iifji-i ii\ rtr. \\ fiii law........I A'r. ,1. 11 \J,*r;i, lav,................I Air. •...11. .•[ kJemll.................I ^oii, Wr|,tlii. |- qutr<"..............I ^-. (on-.. i\alK^fj................I i\ir ri»ui4.i> Parkcfi................': At . Ti"»ii;i <initli,.................1 Mv. s. i>i,< .1 /lrv.,!nlii \\ A mi. ('/»:inlam i« ihe \;i. \ul IXpariiiii'i.t, $$% ik taia.........I i, if. fi ■> •/ ■ :» I M 4 fi H ti * S i s \ :< I ?, 1 .i » 'A 4 X 4 S 4 8 » :i I S 4 S * H» 0 3 \ 0 1) 3 I 4J1 IG 8 S:/ R, At the annual Meeting of the Tn- balv'tai«- of the Towrfliip 01 fcineit Town, hrld on tiie J«h day nf January, 1^ 8, f r he elrd.ii n of Town and Par- *fl: »rli"er-, it was fotr^eHed by a mim- hv of the fr>c»t rop'd iKie F'nnerv pre- lent, Mi it ft wot)id he hiphJy proper, puWiolj* to approve of, a--,J reply ro the cjtiene*of Robtu Gourlay, V.i'q. The rr.viy fpiriJed nmu'o s m.ndf on this oc- cafion terminated 1.' thr chotcr of a fpecial C mn-.iftce, Gnmp led, of COQrfir, *'f thofe indfvtduais luppofed to be hell ac¬ quainted with the (late < f 1 lie IWo- fluoandbefl clcuht.d to give the oc- ceflary i:if.-r ' at ion Thr foUoamg GcntJemeu were nnan- u\ i fly eholeii ••uj rcquctteri to prepare i»ftt'er3 in reply to Mr. Gou.lay^ tiucii- t{pAS /? r^/V/v/,/, i Enquires. //!>;/• Fmfrr, Math mClmk Robert Williams, S" /din ffatt'K v, t/uvv fftipyty Co":n McKen%ic% John flMt j F irker Smh6$ (J?,* Baler, L m W Perry% & R0J Mac K«s. In conf.q,.c:ice rf ihe IVouUik-ous *v;fhranftkd rOWN Mi-KTING, fo lla t ri.ij- lo Mr O 'Urlay'i obi. d, the ira ->j-m of the Contt^itUc (with only Mv< :i.»n huafc Hotel, on the 12th inft. 3' ' i- media uly proceed^ to biiilncfi. Or WMTthy ard much rcfpcAed member, h<wc Prttjir, Eft| beinjj p.opofed as •|lti i-n-io, is u i f. o. ded bj general ap- j>J«tift, vrNch ■ fli, he ,v ,fi pljafr ! to ac cept, i.d took r*M drair ho «»• ii-,. y. H' ^,'»- ^ " . Hl itlvay, !£:<. "t* ?.c: ,. f_ etary iw Hie Con.n.iz^c. Mr. Oourlay^s ifiterejUng Aeb tt«- vin i brec read, and his individual que- rjes heiig duelled tfith the 0tm-*A de- lih.-r.iiin ; anfvnm weie prepved, which when traufmiite' tu Mr. ("i. will go doubt be highly fatiifn^ry to thai gentiemdu ; and vvc have realon to be¬ lieve from the cun.piehci.five vk.v thut the committee: have taken of hn Appeal, thai their anfwers will niove tttgfal'y bcil- eficial to 'he Towiithip and uliim ireiy of the grcatell cuuieqaeucC to this Trov- Wc underttand that Mr. Mac Kay, hasalfo procured a rq/y from S^phns- burghaud Amherfl UUod, ihraugh the medin-n of Ofton Ha tci x, Kh). a rfl Mr. DKATM OF Till'. P1UNCI5S8 CUAULOTTE OF WALKS. On the duniisc of auy in-:nh«r of th<'Uo>al t*amiJyif jstiiedufy of Utfl S..rjpaitt 8ur£v<NJ ifthi? KLui^ to **"-- ba in the b dy. AccQjdingljr, Sir l'>- emrd Home had an aeidirntfP of ilw B«ya! Uightiew lite Prince K'yrnt, u« Tiiuoday morning and yefUerday be w-i't 10 ("Inivmont, arcompatu-d hy Sir David I)itiu?»w and Mr. Brandt, to p; if mi the-10 la'u-ho1)'task. i%V folio'*!-i: i^ n lott.r from our Cunr-doud' nl -il Clareniojit- ik Pfinee (.' -pold Iiti-* had little or no rest since Mouda\ night, when the I'riiu'i-v wu lir-t taken: in ftu% his traU (K^tri*^i«5'stalp of mind will not admit ol his taking rest, having lust all hN t-artliU iouifoil in tliis lno^r afl^C- Lionafc and puduarrn^ of contorts- His S.r"n:' lii^luujss ifc, nud'T all th* eir- cuin-»tances, as tvaUascRrrbnexpertndi v* 'I"Ii,-" opeuitl^ of tin- Princess1 body for einftair»in^ bn*just taknn plato hy Si. KveTrtrd il-ime. Si: DnviJ hondi., Siiruoonv t tli-* Kiu;;, and .vie. N ville, oi* l'i>liCra Siiru.-iii to the i 1 in*f-s Charlotte and i'riiuv [/-'pold ; Mr. r>riudr,ofArlinjjton sfmr, th" Apo- tUcai■* to th*' Kmi.s \mi* al*o pr -s»-iil.M c:LAiu::ioNTS;ifurdH) Uwtu iii:^, f) o\ lf>ek. u \0.;r th:1 rmbnlrniii^ of rho body of the rrinci'ss,(. harb'M. yestftdin af- Umwti hv fie K '»/•- Sr.j.aut "W- g^oft, aid All \i villc, hrr ii J u/|«>*iV Sini-- on, (ho interna! \yArit$ wire di|w%iud in an urn pi'i* pared lo,r thai purpose. ^ •■-iriday afterno*,,, Sir Kit-luird Croft l-ll li.'ie for Londo(;i in th-' jjreiil'-.t aiili ■tloii, *" Mr- .Marsh,of the Lord (hamh»*v. Iain\ ofllCtS has been hereto ninu^ auaii^cmcnts for tin* funeral. \L s. ,# France and Uantling, of Pall-Ala 1 London, th.? cabine) makers to r e Queen, and also to the )'rincc^s Clni 1- lorteand Priwce Leopold are appoii (. ed the undertakers, and fcu conduetihe whole arrangements of the ffiouruituj OCC^sir»n. The (JoOeu ua« apprised of fheni^- lanrholy carantroplie on khursda> • and th*- rominnnicatiou a O'er ted li t Majesty so miteh, Hut Wv regft-t to hear, -lie ha- er.-r since renaiin d ro'iii- fmed 10 her room, «r rio i^|» tndi-po^ .1. fJ he effect Upon (he Princess and i>uk* of Clar lire a;is also mo%t di:.tre^h»j. Thr Hoy a I Duke received th<* dread- ful eornuionicafiou while partaLhig of Ifw festivities in honor of her Majesty in that city, lie iusl;ij|£|y in sorrow* fi.l mI< uce rose and left the room ; and thrMirrt|nb of Camden harfng, uith feoliii^sof aiiuui^h that a!n» depri¬ ved Mm of the powerofutterauco, made known the la men fable cause of the retirern-nt of the Krijal Duke, the company riMaiitly dispersed, ovor- iviielnird in ^rief. All the institutions have suspended their i»ie«tin?s._We have received the following notice from the Ko)al Socie- *} among others:— " Plw Roya] Society of London as¬ sembled at their apartments on Thurs¬ day night ; but on account of \u>> death of her royal hiyhnevs the Prin¬ cess Charlotte, adjourned their meet- 111.5 without proceeding to business, till th-funeral of her lUv-,1 Highness shall have talwn place. They will, bow..*- er, meet 011 the 401 h and 27th of tliis »>outh, for the purpose of giviug IUH tieeol tie-approaching anniversary e- lectimi, and elrctlug auditor* »r rhe treasurer's account,, a., prescribed hy ih«-ir statutes, but for no other bu- SIUCHrf v.hatevrr. ^KVKUALMOlMtNIXfi. Tin- Deputy Karl Marshall's order fora j{ciKial roounung for her Royal 1- J'ov'h- rriisrM Charlotte Vu- ftttb, d^bteroJ hi.P.oval llyl,,,^ 1 inhiM-ss the I rin.*. iJ' t M'iriii hi!;"1*1 S«w C'diour: i|;,,_1|,.m..nn.inS.tob-1aonSu.»1Iay iii*l <h- 91'• i">'1' I! II. Mnlyncau* Howard, n. & ». (\vor. 7, 1HI7. - * * LurdCh(iwbrrhh}"sOjj>r, A'irtf.7, I8t?- £c OriJer for the couH Koinft i,,fo ttrouriiiugotiSmtdaynexMheSth i;.- stantfor h«r late nnal highness ,u Princes Charlotte Augu'ta, daughter c.ffM^ roval h\tfc#* the Prince Ue- ^nLamleoihort of hi^ iotciio high- De*sthe Prince Lipoid ol Saxe to- bourtr : rv :— ^ I'ndres : darfc .Norwich crap". «' 'I'he^entietnen to wearblai'kdolh Without hurtou-, on the fcltn fi».dT pflP'^- et^ muslin or Ion* lawn cravats and weepers, shainoy shoes and buc¬ kles. 44 (Jndrm; dark^rey Frocks.*1 Never did any event, ef a public na- tuie, create to powerful a sensati-'ii ss WHS matiife>(cd throvuhont the whole metropolis, in proportion 0* th<* Ini'J lanrho!\ intelii^enee dilVu—d it;etf of her ro\al hi^intes's dea'lu Tliere vrrtsan unnft' eti-d npp-aiance of M»r- row in ever > countenance, vyhteh plain¬ ly tf^n] Ihe grief of alb I i-"n [in ni^h- f A tothe lowest, this sympathy prevai¬ led. rrr^^^rrjt: From the London Count r o/\Yo*e. 7. l!"i'!toyal lii^liecHs, wr repeat, re¬ mained vee^iiiie to tin nionu-ut *•' her denrh. About live mil >te- Iv-^ueii r d :i'h,shc paid to the Medical A'teii- d.ints. u is then- any dancer ?" '!'h-y r (/Ii* d, th&l tlv'y r queried iier \iv\ \l Highness to co-vpo-<" herself. She b/'-athed a gentles*^h and expired. And thus, if*ffrr MIJ0> niee.i ol health and beauty- -at th earlv n-tfo r»f 21+ w \s Mwtched m \\;t\ from t hi * w oi d ihi-* :uo*f a c'onipli'lted I riuc^s. Who that belioitN Cliff ton1 adudrahle foil length lik' ni %• o! |er in H/.ich Wie scniH •»-.1 ful' of ;;f-. H-'.d :p!endor, ""d|0),"cau pmrd f< "in.- the acute-.t m:rej al flu suddi nio^s and manner of h'-l de.tth. S|m u;e i: i,",.T too lall nor 'oo s|:«.i t ahour th* middling-My.e5 inclining rather tn (he en boil p< r.t, hut nut .0 iriiieh a fo impair the >wn- niein of hi I film, Jl i t oefjil aji.ii v\a- h.a-jtif'.'ly thif—liei arms deli- cafe'\ ;,-in,,! ■ Am m-tl her head finely placed. Th'.rev-a^a mingled SttPtt* iiessnod(ti^n:i> in h^r look, a full in¬ telligent c}e ; fled »\hi;ii she »;n fn- ga^i d in ci)iip.r^aliou1 particnlai l\ fa- mtliar <•:-nversation, wvrU liv ■lifietth ill the GApivnsion fif lu-r countenance. The reseinh;ance ti- In r i!lu-trious fa- fle.r was striking. To these aceoui- pli*hn> *nts of person h«M- [toyal hi»h- nos-. ai'd d the valuablequalltie.sol rhe mind at.d heart. She had read much and \iith di•crimiuatieu, pairiculariy sine--her manias . One of her no-st plea-insfr^cuparietia was to accompa¬ ny her illu-lrious contort in his5 Mudy of the Kiitflish lan^uaiie, in vvhi.h h'e wis so diligent, tl.if !.,• has been able to r :ul oui he>t writers upon history a^d jurisprudence. She ivM of reli- gious habits, and a strict ob-erv>r of tie* sabbath, as «p1| as her hu.hai.d, who rptftiiarly read to her, after the Church Service, oi ,,:,,- bet ICno. lush Sermons, *!,« WM a 1U0>t al|,,^ tionafe child ; and, as a \\ iie was a mo¬ del for her sex. She look, d up to her husband uith the most perfect affecti¬ on ,lTU\ reM)rct; and he deserved it all. I iM.Wlu^nce over h/r was uubound.d, tnoiXAh the exercise of it was et toe gentlest kind-the ftak dominutio. From the London Traveler of .\(,v. 7% DUATIJOI-THK PlUMKss CuVHl.OTTE o* Wales. AW have litflrof prominent On SAiti*t«3 fa "" !l,aht, or nbouc ♦hree on Tui-m!. \ i-.u^ing h-r Hn)«l Ili.d.i'e^ WftSfik- n ill. and express?* s,.,,^ elf to tin-^n at Ollieeri of State, the Anhhio'iop of Cnnleibury. and rl»e Uish'op of Pohdou, de-i.inu their uu- mediltrP nltendanre. Kavl BaLhowt, lord ^idrrtouih, th<" M»rd Chjimvllef, Mr. V anbit<artJ«^i«^h.T withthc Arch* bi-hop. 9nd P-i>h*>|». immediaU |y attcn- ded. I)*'- Bfrilcy and Dr. Croft, were the m-dical attetidanfs. On WedneMl.iy at nine o'clock |,Pr Uoval IH<hnW* "as delifrer-d of a nuiie child, but-t'dl bern. Through, oat the whole nf 'his toiug and painful ].d)o-ir her Itoyal Mtuhnes?; evinced the ^ firmness, and received thd communicatiofi of the child b'inz deafl born with much resignation. I Hues Leopold rxclaim-d to hi- medical at- trndants. »* 5000 d* ,1,c ittfrl"WWl was commnnicati d to him—;i Thrtnk Cod! IhankCed! the PriiK-ess isssfc.^ 'Phe cl'liW was p-rfect, and one of the finest infants * rer brought into the' Mor|,].__Tbe ln.,n^ wa, comp'^d &Fff»r herd'Jiv«rv. and though of cenmd much exlui' i d vT^ry hope <vas entcr^ tained of he.r iloin^ v*frll. This ploaMDg iutel!ip4'ncp being- communicated to the gival Otficcrs of State, dud th** Archbishop of Canter- bury, and ihe IJMiep of London^ they i<-ft Claren.ont about \\ o'clock; a little after twelve a change was ofe*?r* vefl in her Royal Highness —her q,rdt left her she became r-.sile«>. and Utlf ea-y—and the medice! attendant fell alarmed. Ilvpn'sse- v»ore ^nt of) (o the Oftrer* of State, rtatiuj! Ihe ctmtlRO thai had taken place* Prom ha*f past twolvt% re-tleS'!ie-s and convulsions increased fill n.'ifure and life were eV« hnn>fed, and her lio\nl Ut-{btiC^ fi* piled at half past two yesterday mora** A* *o<*n as th'* fatal orcfif "as con* ve\cd to his Ma|e^t\'s Ministers, Ihef" hishiird to Ionmi whi're tl»ev arrivd about half past live. Lord S|dtn«Uth immediate!) dispatched a letter lo tip Loid Muj or. A copy of the bulletin wasnlfiv^ut the M"ii.*i.Mi-ll.<ii -e, and the n.elait-', choU iiiielli^i'iice. jjj)ieaditi*4 in all de* p client excited airmutfiil! class* ssytn* p»*hj"*»oft!w <> ' iff -'n's, kuwl. 1 |(J, <r.-af bi II ol Kt. PauPd toj^-J rrnjft t.veive t(> one oVloeh Vst'-nhiy. Tiie uloom Mhich i* spread evr the pu!)lir mind by the prcmafurc death at Ihe princess Cliai IrMte, is deeper than any puhiie cnl.nnity lias produced with* h ther.:emor;, of the oldest ob«*rvet< of political o( •( rrenees^-and indeerf ** dillicuif to couce-ivean OCCdai t i I0JJ OQ which .rief vvoulu be more natural r»t> indifteiem e more bi ulal. The people offirent Ijiifnin have long looted (or^ #ard with roiuwb nee to the PWiiCc^' a-' the siicce^soi ; the throne, and hwt many virtue* had inspired tiie Strong* esl hope thai her re^n %tnn|d be distifr guished by constitutional measuresand true Kui;lish f.vlin^. Hut alas! th's expectation has pn»ved deluMve ! tlu.fe form Mhich we trussed to have behr'd ad nvd with the robes of royalty is now cold and lifelevs—that spirit which Rate it animation i* Ibd, and with i.t the brilliant prospect has mulshed] Pvory circumstance has Concurred to render the catastrophe deeply afftrt- illg. Had her offspring survived, it nduht have sooflted our sorrows—it might have aifi-rded aame compensa. ti, n for a moiJeT's pangs- No such consolHiioii alleviated the dying ago- mes of a rn)al miHWc r— They werea^ ^ravated by the reflection 'that they were unavailing. Lol us hope that h-F sorrows* here were bi.t a prepara¬ tion for another and a bittur world. I f the public feel »ttapg1j , u hat inert bethesensatioiiNofthe unhajipv whose very existent^ seemed to ihyond On that of his beloved partner ? Of all the situations in which suffering huma- oily is*, there is not one more touching than that to Mhich a female aloneiseK po-.d. and ivben wc recollect that Krfiuse Uopold was ii^t<t absent fn>m v e meljitwlody scene, wo may have seme faint conception of his grief! Ihe liimnes.s of (he Princess ' must Biako him tlra niorci sensible of&eUm ho has sustained, and the lelhctiou^m what might have been, to which the human mind is ever prone, must atfg* Went the vehen„.nce of his sorrow. How severe, too, must bo the bhov to 'h«- Prince Recent, derness \* univr^«||^ |u,owi». Thu>, a' ""«*\alihi- hMpr.aHMvithfredbell) »»* Kaih raod u S v ,.i^:, f I* '\to*\ug in couioi in- • upon (hii *ai: uii-.^jin^oj tbu ili»yfll Ji.iuse ait3 54

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