Kingston Gazette, January 27, 1818, p. 1

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*I!NG8T0K GAZETTE. VOL. VII.] [No. 35. "" TL'ESDAW .1 ASUARY17. ^^ m » , ,. V 4 - ----- J _._BJI|- I —* PUBI.1SIII.D HY S. MILES. ..................•.......---j $? Having been disappointed in SKKUliog our usuai supply «j" * CANANOQUA Store & Mills. Charles Mcdonald h*v taken his brother jJfcAa McJOfa aid, into partnerfliip, the bniintfb in ture will be conducted under the firm C & J. McDon ild, Who keep for fale a general aflbir*- TH2 fuMcr.'ber ber« leave to ae ___:-* i.;- r_:__I. «_j »L« MmUim Mail Stage. HEfubfoiber of Paper, «re are under the ne¬ cessity of publishing on a smal¬ ler sheet than usual. ERNEST TOIVV . Mansion Hotel. fflTlSHES t i acquaint the public, \\ that he ha, completely 6- Jied an eWant new built two (lory h«>«fc Hi thr vt&ffC of Emeft Town, Pw the!«C- Lmqjrtioa of Gent'cren & Ladie- «IW»* wim^j diiu iidi laiu \>ww iw.*t «w*^^ w* bad in Town Lota, which he offers for fale on reafonable terms. James Richardson, Sen. Cramahe, 22d Nov. 1817. 26013 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. ____..............._ HARDWARE, For sale, or to leT, a a 9-, .?J* „ /^WN remarkable low terms, and pof and moft artlc es matted tor at a Cn,in- %J g^ ;ven ;mmediately, lhe two ?V5"S lCc theym«>fftr 1<>W HoryStoneHoufcJattlyownedbyMr. Ca(h 6aw-I ogsSquare Timber, btatf*, Dazn; fituated in , ,ealant t of thc Potatoes, and moft kinds of county Tq^ For partic„iar8 apply t0 thc fubferibers. B. &E. STARNES. Kingston, Dec. 5, 18 I 7 28 THE SUBSCRIBER, [Ol EGS Wave tpinforfln his friends & _IJ) the public generally, that he has removed from his former Hand to lhe Qtop lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & Co. near lhe Market Place, where he Produce. They have a good Grift and &W Mill in full operation—can Manufact¬ ure FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in f lie Province; tl ) w3) $fttpp?Y orders fe* There being an elegant arched room, Sawed timber of almolt any defcripiJon fnr'rv feet iii length. Gentlemen and I.a- at fart Notice. KVnlmbfe with propriety for civil C * J. McDONALD. .' Uananoqua% Jan. IO, IS18. 3 y/ WTi may ,ely on finding good All.1,,.1. indebted toCharlss MciV""- accomodation* for Hor!* and Lama- aid. v,hofe account have bec-ne ^ ,a general rfbrtuattof • 1 j „tf*rw4-nire Gtte, are reqnelled to to make unrat"'- _ — , ^tShacrJX Town and it, m pay^nl___________ Hardware, vicinity will always find the heft and p» » " re.: • runor,. of every defcr.pMon, for iO LEI, prompt nay only. TlOR any term -f yc rs not «£* fell on the moft moderate N-> pains w»ll he foared by Mr. Mo B. ,n Fifteen, on the molt reafo»a- piv .owerlal lat'-fiiftiontoall who may |>!e term*—That well known valuable wm* th;,k prope" to call- . . ^v^oat^c^be^c.m^datrd .at a reafonable rate Students at the — W.-klypayrnencswi^be requited »t flraiH-rrf with mt furety Ernest Town, Jan 5.1818. 5*? Stage Fare. * "O"---------- F'om Kingftouto Bellvillr, three dol¬ lar^; from Kingston to Spolden'* Inn, fix doU ; from Kingston to York, ten dohfc SAMUEL PURDY. King/Ion * 28/A Nov. 1817. 27 TTUST received and for fale at this •il Office, prire 7jd. thc MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSArS en PR VCTICAL HUSBANDRY, AddrciJed to thc Canadian Far-ners. v* *-» tm ~~ ByC. F Gn£CE,of Montreal November 14 35 •— — * Cutlery, &c. .... --—••"■ -•- " .. To ht, the (liop lately occupied by ae ^»»rco. Hand in the p.,bl.c h,.e. l.toate on ibe * J ^on iven ^ P'unt at Gananoqua ar.d rcccnUy ©cw- Ul< ' , r 'ed by SeUi Down.s logeThtt- with «he mediately. ----------- & TO LET, \ ND pofTvffi.-.n given immediately, -/.A. a Houfe, containing fix rooms, a good Celler, Well and Garden ; and a good Bake-houfeadjoining it, the oven of which will hold 2uo Loaves of bicad. Apply to the fubferiber, near the Cathor Houle, Burn, Stable?, Sic —For l'>r- ilicr particulars apply to tHc fubferiber, JOEL STONE- Gananoqup Jan. 9 iSiS. 33'/ SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston. $tb Jan. l8l3. 32 PHILIP VIAS. Kmgflon, Nov. 7, 1817. 2+tf A t/0 W l? at l. YW ex, foimerly the wife of HUn- ^l^.-fl- __ * ■ m .a_J Elegant Sleighs, npWO elegant and highly' fii.i(hei J_ Double Sleighs for fale. Appl* to SMITH R v PTi I7*n Dec. 16. N*s ..«,- on wiUintr to ContraA ,- :,, ,h^ Subfcriber to V v ex, foimeny lhe witc ot PI*"- aaaaa^w Contraft ry JVavIes, has denied n.e my bed .<nd ^TT,^rnmnr)-ru t:kc .be b7uir4 aud aifn turn,j me 0U[ uf doon. SMITH & BU $ 1ERWOR I H, — -*pphv SMITH BARTLET &1 »io; qnnrtity of LITMBSH. to I doherebyfobij aljand an Vf-irt -t ' • be delivered at the Cr»I*j perfor.s harh .urinj or trulhn^ ypeif;unr __ ETURN tfectr fmcere thanks to Og her on my ^ ^j*, f|,i(.n(,.( au(| t|u p,|,h; ' " ]V3ark'*t, ' ■ r>e rrenvci"*1 ^4 — ~ . ■ p*-* *•••*<* ■<«« ■ —•••■.! ~- -•.......^— --• / JL 1j then irr.iuv ami un p «um« ,n ^*- fatlw !Vt of Mr^tre^Li.rat New- Ln account Utfof.rbid all and every . forthc {jbcT8] encouragement that they have received fiuee they recom¬ menced the /y.///i«ir Bii/hr-fs. Tlicy have an exte»nve ifibitm«itt of Ladies ami Children's BOM- NKTS, of various colors and Ihipes. per fori or pt-rfoos of buying or conceal in? arty of o.y property which i- now in her hands- Id. alfofubid all and i-■ e.\ pcn.u or pcrfoitn luim moving b#€ or »»y houfc h->ld good* foi bei wubotat my i rder Any perfon or perfotij tvev flirii! ofth n-'our 01 live pyfTin;-. in all or any of tlielt. prnU-cutcd according to the WILLIAM YEREX Kingston, tyh Jan. 1818. 33 3 eroool C v' "> *e Hort ot Qufbee- a may he r.o'rred. will apply by ! etter p.-A ail. 10 th" fnbfcriber, Tnwn of K:„,(».....r to Wrtfa. Met.— ""•' McMu1Vsn*t P-.efcott ,co,- .Vei Pi ■« timber re^yvafted, 4000 Scvndard ftavM lonthewa Iooo.J,.ceszi3"-:^i,e;;.,,;dye' • a- the Kngtfon M.'ls. 2DOSO fe-t fquare pine timber ,eady rafted ; 5000 Standard ftaves 1 •»« 6000 P3. deaK *4* 3 m \ edge, at Gauanoqne 60000 fert fquare nine between rnpHE fubfeiber baa jud received at "Welles's Ifland and Frafef 't, ready raft- J| hid Brick llore, Eront ftreet, Dou- ble and Sinu'e STOVES y Sheet Iron, And has alfo on hand as ulual a gct^. eral aiTortmeni of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and G?afs War* in Crate*, Lirdeedand Curriers OH, Pafnt« g?om«j in oil ;—and expe&fl in a few day« ain addition ro hi^ Stock, all which will b^ FOR SATE BY the lubt'cribers, ?. few 1>arr«l« (£ ^ CiJBEM, Direft from Niagara J. THORNER&Co. Dee 23 yZ STOVES. "rVJOTlL't i» hervby given to all con- J. n cerned, that the ftibi'cvibera in- I ' , * .„„. 5. f.n~ tend to petition tb« '.cgiflature "f this r.r-n* omen s Beaver c* line . •* . ~ _ . Urciixicuiwi ^ " Province, at us cnfimi^ fefibn, to pafs a Caftf>r 11 -\'1S, bill to Bar the ent^i! to trum, Likewife, Knapt and Wool 0f Lots number Seven and Ei^ht it. tha p„*- fecond CoPCeffiorti wcfl fide of the Weft '%c\\ v thev will fell very low for Lake, intbt towrilhipof Hallowell, <fc- cafh »i approved credit. Product taken in payment. Jan. 2. 32tf. ^' WM. HAMILTON. Kingston, Jan. 6, 1818._______$* _ "" FOR SALE, ONVeafo- 'b-f ! -m>, that well known 'rta-Kito, a Tavern. funaT.-r) in the Vt! atti* of P'.ck-ott, Lots No. 9 and i I, f,r.„ti,2 tb» King's Hi.'uyay, m4 • Urge .wo A«siy f>amed Honfc well fin Jfheo. with a 'arge Kiuhe- in th. rear, Singing School rfi^HE School under the direction of J the fublcriber. will re-commence a fecond quarter, after the completion of the full. ( "> 'he loth February nest J fh „,ld Uifficient encouragement .ffer. vifed to the fubferibers by the late Petct Vanaltline Efquire, deceaf d. -CYNTHI ^ VANDYKE. ALLY DOR LAND. Jan. \$. \%\%. 33 FUR SALE, ^AA Acres of Land ir, the To\wv- Bbt4, wit*' "a '-ge Mrene.. »«»'"-- foij ,slreil..ely chra)1 at wh, le f.le. f|r,':,i...rfo(twentyfpan^ofhor!e,.alhe(i 8. BARTLE feven:v fc; t tpflgi and a £-*od houfifon the rear Lot, fir for the accommodation OJ a ei'>eftablc family. The wKo'e of the bwildiog^ thereon, bcios fiiiflied in a w^ manner, and at j>relent occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- tlU aa ;: Hotel. For further particulars, apply to the fitbfc Ibers. or to Mr Alexander Mac- S. BARTLET. Kingston Oa to, 1S17- 33 Claimants For Miliiu Penfions, . ip of Lanfdown, to wit, lot uthcient encouragement -— number 10, in the firft conceifion, inclu- m m A Snbfcription paper is left at ding the Broken Front, lot number iQ i- * «;.- Terms iX (liiUings pet and the Eaft half of lot number 9, in this office, -icrm* 15 8 the 2f, on,cffiooc, being part of the uaft <lUdllCr'THOMAS SWEETING. granted to the heirs of Lieut. Governor titota* >«• ^* lSl8' 33 Hay. FarjWtfcJJtrt. enqtu're Oil A _y_________^________Stone, Efquire, of oanan. que, or Dan- c. . iel Washsurn, Efquire, of Kin^lron, THE fubferibers to the Bmgmg R whofc Office the evidence* of title fcliool of Thomas Sweeting m bc fcen< jan< 32 Kingston, are-notified that the fubfenp- _^-----------------------------------------__ ^nth cmVmay be made known, February, at ten o'clock in the to* W X , ind 0Xbk title and immediate n0ou ; perf.ns having clfim8 to be adt. and an indilMUtame ^ ^ .u-P^nfirtn LifK are there-. >iTrfll>" wJll be etven. B a-.l f'r the Mid'and Dittnd w meet, fi'f ^e laft time, at the ufual pla 1^ tion Paper will he lodged with Mr. Ar - ^,HE Co-Partnetfhip betwteen Tlio- ih chlbald Richmond, to whom they vv.II j^ ^ Coleffian & Jolin Evc.itt, ,2 pleale to pay their fubfc-iptioiw, when ^^ Merchant Traders Bellville. ■ '«v thev (hall become due. ______ Uooftr Canada, wa» difTolvcd by mutual lhey ySM'^» Kingftonjau. io.iSiS. 33^4 P° ALEX. MACDONELL&Co. Eittgfton, $& Ja«- '8l8j____ 32 tf THE New MILLS on Bigfcreek, in Fiedcrickiburgfe, in g ou re- pair, with the Weft half of"Lot No 25, I the fourth eonceflV.n of fa.d own- fhip, with a fmall, but , onvement Dwel- lira iioufc thereon ereaed. B ALSO, mined on the Penfion Lift, are the.*, fore required to give their attendance., with their witneUes on that day. Kingston, \zth Jan. 1818. 34 3; |HE Copartnerfliip tarried on by For Sale, By thc Subfcribers, Trie ^ww«w......r - Tt P the fubferibers in K'n^"*i^>• , under the firm of JOHN SIMS0N& L Co. is this day diflolved by mutual con- CI1[ohn Simfon is hereby aiithorifed to Upper Canada, was diffolvid by mutual cc.ifem on the Tenth day 1 f April lalt. Thomas Coleman, John Evenrt, Junior. Bellville, Dec. 23,1817 3'*6 Onondaga Salt Race -on bfeh) » Wolf do. C Carrye Rohes. Jennettc do. i Seal do. J Al.HU, Ladies and Gentlemen's fur Caps—. Seven Hundred and Thirty acres of Beavef G1()VCS) Qcunette Skins, & Mo,. ^ac,,,0,T,Tnn,^ 0^ K.msslmJm. Art* 3^ rohnaimion i» »c.-, ......--- 1TUST received a-'d for fale at the colleft all debts due to, and fettle all ac- $J Store of S. Bartlet-. 29 count's owing by faid concern. ---------- d MXdDiftua The .hole will be fold . heap—For particular, apply to Mr J Tuttle. Kingfton, or to the fub- fcrihtr, on tltc preroUss. Matthias Smith. Fntrkkjburgh, Dec. 9,1817. =9 '3 WANTED, A Groom, who can be well reeorn-. mended. Enquire of the Pnn-. Ur. Kington, >«• ^ 33 John Simfon, John Thomfon, Michael Scott, John Whitehead. Montreal, Dec. l-jJ.-J*** 33^3 The bi.fmefs canied on under tl^ firm of lohn Si.nlon & Co. is eommuod by John Simfon, who has on tend a geuSmi affortment of „„~no DRT GOODS, Which he u difpofing uf at very reduce 1 prices. A TO BE SOLD, Genteel convenient Houfe, with _ part of a Town Lot, fituated in Front ftreet near the Market, in a moft eligible litur.iion for any line of pubhc bufinek—For particulars apply to the prhver, Kingston, sept. 15,1817. $* MULTIPLICATION Tables, For the life of Schools^ Fur «le at this Oificc.

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