KINGSTON : TUESDAY, JdNum* ki0, ISIS. PRICE OF In the Kingston pus pnorisio\s Muriel^ during the t iceek. ^___ p*r | prom I to Mutton......... Teal........... Pork........... T«" We^s........ Geese.......... Cheese......... Sutler......... Ptw........... Potatoes........ Oats.......... Turnip-......... Cabbage........ Hour.......... do............ Tallow.......... Lv<*........... Kav............ B- raw.......... Wood___...... cwt. whole c\\i, pair each lbs. bufh, 11 a 0 | 1 0 0 1 ■ ° 0 2 U 0 0 2 H 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 I Lend Cut bbl. lb. Ton bundle to A 0 6 G 0 0 9 6 fi 0 6 0 0 3 0 15 0 1 10 0 0 0 7* 0 0 7* « 0 0 0 IA 0 I* 6 I I I 0 0 12 6 2 6 10 0 lb 0 $ 0 7 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 6 S 3 6 6 9 9 3 0 5 6 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 i (l 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 3 I I 1 4 0 0 0 17 0 0 2 0 CO MM (fN ICA TIO NS. u Sole arbiter of my terrestrial fate ^ *' Mjf happiness thro" lift- depends on thee;' MostY being the chief rbject in jrwu *r |I»£ present day, and that there CAn h%: V > M3V. *l v r, '■'; have S33' *' friend- ^-ritoutJ t sen tblv* '*-e he fc***antaji wj?o:, a. • .; .*<*•} ■" v Biuu. (f eJev.?rn<3$s po« it- i;. mr5 Money bestows this in no common uro- portion. If knowledge ■ eon-»iit;iv* cle¬ verness, then cash :* kno^ jjpdge. Knowledge, («ey.-> Baco!i) \* pmv>r, power is cash, then cavil i. knowle i^s It is requisite in almost all things . i* S»ves a person flic tronbls of attt-ndUtg a drill-sergeant-as it give* the coase- ■ quential strut by a -*rt of natural in¬ stinct, if gives also that ensy confident • air which is so becoming. It giv:s courage, so much so that 1 have hoard of a modest j'una; n*wi putting a fa* guineas in his pocket when goi:!£ into the presence of a superior, and finding much advantage from them. Its ari- xa*.tages in a court of justice would re- Quire a vnlum-*.—Justice is genera!<y drawn with a balance in her hand, "which is evidently intended to try the ■weight of the guineas, and though she Vas a % U&4* e* **•■* *?*■*< l v* >'" " act of ptftUftimrtil a^ninvt her wearing po*W::. -U procures friend.s, a::i a? th '-.?. advantage tt is the best te-t of fii usUhip- Iti* on* of the most fool¬ ish idrtf*":" the w--rld, to vuppo-e that >ov-*;-y » 'he bust test of friendship— _ ar,i certain of this, it is not the most delicate, for it cannot rise above a cer¬ tain temperature, and friendship com- monlv freezes at a low one : Gold, therefore is the test, and as it rises and &Us in our pockets, so may we calcu¬ late upon the friendship ol our acquain- ..lance* *• r 1795, a flnck of an earthquake was 'felt heie, when a large portion of the table rock at the Fal»* of Niagara wan thrown down ; at this lime, however, as f«r as we can learn, no tremor of the earth was feh. lilRTIL At the Garrifon, on the 4-th tnftant, the Lady of Babin«ton Nolt:n, Efq. Captain 70th Regiment, of a Son. Queenston, January 7, 1818. The Right Hon. The Earl of Seiko k arrived her*- yellerday from Wafhington, and fjt off ; his day for York, on his way to Montreal, N. Sfcftator. ■ • I There is rest beyond the Grave. 41 WHEN fhall the ffrary pilgrim rest, When *ihall he lay his burthen down, When vhall hlsachin^liniTw repese From (oil uolxnind? Ah ! when shall he forget how deep Th* bitter enp of ROITOW is ? When can he call the humbling draught No longer bis i*1 Wh\ thus ?—0 soul bound down with grief, P memb" the Eternal \\\\\ Hai phic'i thee -o~n :e»"taio part Tnou »ust foHiL ft. c-?ti 5fglven &i+G 0 fcfar, 1- ..—m p ic*j>frieat repawn^ Pev»eb^'ot3 *r y"...■•. • .< WfJtti CH>e^- y :'. - no cruwn. Kingston^ IQiA Jan, 1818. Oka-a Sin, ByiD-^t^s l'>" following verges in your ^aluabie \->%^,zv, yoj« a ill o^l'ge AJfutD Srr.^cTi "El. -On seemly U :et wing.- goes thy bo »r»ef plea*- No tbovgbtsof fln: futur-* aisajl the gay youth; But Mirth and iV aUeudantii consume the great treasure Tb4t is given (o man as hi* time on the earth. But O I whew ie near the port we must en'er Sad thought! Repentance com* soften to*, late* Ihe which all our pride used to centre, 'lUustsoon lay in a cold, iuaaixnate state. C. M. Torh Dec. 2$. Appointments. betters received by th.a lait mat!, giVe tbc information that D*/ircy Boulton Senior, Efq, ha? been appointed a Judge of the Conn of King's Trench and John Robin/on, Efq. Attorney General of this Province. York. January 8, l8l8- About a quarter nail five o'clocf' .^ ihf evening of Wedi.efday the ^ift i. *. a luminous body was ohfe* ved in the air, which exploded in fro it of the Town, v-'th two loud reports and a ftrong blaze of light. The light and reports were (o inftantaneots that althoOgh the noife was very generally heard, few pcrfons agree in the dtfeription of its appearance and conrfe. Having only heard the noife, we are nor sole to des¬ cribe the meteor, if it \r;.;i o?e; fome f»pp'.fing that it WM a tn^s of ignited matter thrown from tliC burning mountain at the -cad «f the Uake. Ex- arllj a't fhe fame time of the year io How conWating'on the bsad of fic!<nef«, to think, that th*- prayer* and bleffings of relieved orphans and comforted Diothcra attend you !—Whn blchTed felicity ! to receive fiom the lip* of your divine Mafler, the welcome mefla^e, Com ye blejffd of my Father ! For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat ; naked, and ye clothed me ; fick and in pn'fon, atij ye minidered unto me—For as much as ye did it unto thtfe, ye did it unto me% The&aywtf! cvae whcntliou^halt re^;, F^om every toll and caw ealwundj Tiiy aetiing Kfn'wi>iiatl .i*h1 repo«e Beh>vv the proiiiid. Tl»* ;orro« beaten beadiKatl ceasti Advo,-; y'smid !la?. tcferj; And from all foes ins friendly grave Shall thee CPUCeaL Th^srar of Jacob Proro the cast Shall b;ir>* resplendent oa ihy -oul? And one eternal, gt*>ruww 'lay Around the* ioH, A t.omc the spirit thec will find An cerlaatineaiJ \*: place, And drown riinenibrauef afxlt* pa*i lu sovcreSgo grace. For tirade SbcpbcrJ !iptb d. cbutil His .hivp -iiall nevei goa-lray ; 1 am ibe fe -*> ! Then pilgrim, faint not; tboUftfcoll End \ t'-*e::d» tho' hell against theerag?>; Tay uopes have this to anchor on,— T.ierock, ofa^es. Pal of Lib. From the American I)- AdvfVtiutm Charity. Rifing fiom your cotich on a fum- mr» •» m no, how beautiful to behold the firil Aurora breaking from the ea!* { How glorious to watch her retir g bel«iw the ht-rizon fiom the buly world on the well ! How foothing to think that the poor orphan and diftreffcd widow no longer (ho-cr uudct the piercing blalt of winter ! ft£ ha^v many of the gay would prefer thru aide fe-tfon, did they but vitit the miferable hovels of poverty inltead of the adorned maufions of feafting ? how different would be their fteliiigs. did th.-y but know h->w many were petifhing for the neceifaries o\ lif., whi'lt they were forcing their appetites with all the dainties of the feafon, and clothed in all the (uncrflooua extrava¬ gance of fafhion ! Some may plead that they cannot chance the climate by curtailing their expenfe* No that is impoflible ; but can they not, with one half rhe colt of their ufelcfs (bow, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, ieliore th «fe 'angiiifhmg under ficknefi to health, and confde the weeping orphan and widowed morher : In winter, what Lanier ih'elds them from I lie northern bl-ilt ?—what covering from the lacerating hail ? What antidotes have they for coids, the fever* that attend them, and their dangerous effects ? In fi-.k'H-. what friend to imooth their pillnw?what refrcftiing draught to quench the parcbi g third of a raging fever ? Nothing but d i It re fs furrounls tliem PJ'hc mother, ftrc.ched upon the btd of fioknefs* with agonizing nain, fees her orphan family perlfbing with cold and hunger.—CHARITY approaches like an angel from heaven ; clothes and feeds her little orphans, iooths her aching head, administer* the reviving cordial, {natchta her ftom the jaws of death, and reft or ef her to health. What exquilitc ! what heavenly blifs !— to rrled'c the pcr1"(hing orphans, to feve the Ufa ©f#fcJliaw being, ? d.foht-c mo.rhr i l^ONDov, Sept. 25. Police, Guildhall. A Smart Girl.—Thomas Jeffries a bookbinder, was; charged by a watch¬ man with b-uitij in Klest-strect, at one o'clock in the morning, uud'r circum¬ stances that made him suppose he had been committing * robbery. The watchman stated, that he saw the Prisoner gu Ulto a court, and cry to secret something under his coat. On searching him be found a woman's large red fashionable shawl, and a white swansdoun tippet. The prisoner, who \vas very meanly dres>ed, ^aid, that the article found on him belonged iohfc wife. Mr. AldermnuOoxvthe Sitting Ma- gistr ite, asked iiim if silts was present. Tho Prisoner, after looking round th** office, said, she was. She was ac¬ cordingly called. To the great surprise of those pre¬ sent a movt beautiful girl, not n:or#* than sixteen years of age, dressed a the most fashionabinttirn. appeared. One of the officers said she was not tho Prisoner's wifr : he only cohabited with he*. lif had ttbandoued his m tie. The Prisoner said, that he did not think any disgrace could attach to him for abandoning hi- wife- Ho did not do it until she had ruined him* The Alderman—t; Because she was your ruin you are determined to ruin tiiU j ounj; woman. Pray, Madam, What is your nam* ?M—u My name! is that nece$!»r) ! C>ive me a piece of paper and pen and ink, I will write it." tkeing HCconino»datvH.l? she wrote,4i is- abclla M*heua." The Alderman—M Have you gat pa¬ rents ?"—u I'aivntH ! Vt;s ; yiti lather and mother ; they are living." The Alderman—** 'viltore do they ■^sUlc?"—fc' K. • ode! is that necessary c r— tO'l>i «UtOl.i .* tt * ULu i.Jl. .!*>..ijjji.'* Tho Alderman—*'Tiutt is a large placo ; in what slr^oi ?w—:i Stioei. ! if you mu-t know—Priiicc's-stre^t." The Atdeiman—t; ilow long have you been "> London?"—ulu London^ two year*." The Alderman—" What brought you to London V—'• Laudou ! uiy business, to be sure." Tho Alduman—i% What is your bu» sinesar—a A mUtiuw." The AUlcrinau—" I would advise you to go b;u:k to Scotland."—" in¬ deed ! 1 am the bestjudge of tliat. I will go when it suits my c >nvcuicnce*" The Alderman—*• Where do you reside at present ?"—a At present! I have answered all your atherquestions but tnnat decline answering tiiis. '» The glfeldjtfrt of Phi1adclph:a to** ref»if;dto india the Britffh Officer*^ who were arrellcd in that ci'y on a cliHrrre of being bound to join tne South-American patriots. 1 luy unaui- moufly agreed t" endorfe ignorant*:? upon the bill fuinimrd them by the." Diflrid Attorney.—Albany Argus. Yesterday or To-morrow. Maffieu,a deaf and dumb pupil of the abbe Stcard being rcqudlcd to exolain' his ideas of eternity, replied, « It u a never ending fine without btgtnuir^r or end. It i» a di.y without yeitcrday 'or to-morrow." MARRIED, On Saturday the 3d inft. by :h<* Rev. Official Stuart, Mr. Jofiph Baker, to Mil's Helen Myers. On Tuesday the ijihmft Mr James Atlmfon, to Mi& Mary Pcmbcr. OH Wcdntlday the 14th tn(L Enfign Robert Ir.nes* of the 37th fctgt to MJft Isabella, eidefi daughter of John Cam. miners, Esq. of Kin^fton. On Sunday, l&th, Mr Thomas Dl- relly t<* Mifs Nancy Armstrong of Pitts¬ burgh. At midnight, ha oight, after« long ant' piinful illnef . whiVh (he bore with uncommon fortitude for leveral veara- Mr8. M agd.*lem Ffrgusos. wife of' John Fergus->k, EP^. of th.'- towu, aged 54 ye-rs 8 monrhsani tpdaya. At Albanyon, the \\\ inftant. a^ed about 45 years, Richard Pattissov,. Esq. of Montreal, and one bf the m >:! refn-^Hble Merchnnia of Sand¬ wich, U. Canada. Mm*, for. THE KINGSTON ASSEMBLY is oostponcd urf. tii Vlonday, 2d February. Kingston, iftA Jan. 1813. -k-*- Claimants For MHitia Penfioife, Arc d'lired to take Notice, that flftl !- ard for the Midland Lh'flrid »iU in et. fo- the !a(t time, at the ofual olacc in &.iivgli n. on the Second Monday m February, at ten o'clock in the ojio rtiwau » *f#ct1 . krw-i .^ t-'ur'iM^ ut- 'ue ad¬ mitted on the PenGon Lift, are thuc- fore aqufrcd to give their attendaac^ with their witnel^e* on that day. Kingston, iztb Jan. 1818. 34 S The Alderman—iC What do you know of the ai tides fouui on Che pri¬ soner ;'*=—u They arc mine." The ATdermau—itt liow did they come into b»« possession :"—u Vou mu-t know tnat too! We had some words last night, and he took tneon and said he would'pledge them." The Watchman said tue tippet was in an unfinished state. Witness—u Unliui-l»ed Rtete, you fo» 1 ! every knows mat triey wash, and that it Li necessary to take the fining out for that purpose ; 1 am sure the Magistrate is sumdeutly con¬ versation ladies' dres, to knew Uat.M The Worthy Magisiiate lamented tliat so young a creature should bo lost to all sense of shame. From her tlip- p.uicy that day, anr^dicr gentral beha¬ vior, he was afraid-if she did not re¬ form and go to her pgtrcuts, that the llinxj .i::i» she came before a Magistrate it would be as a Prisoner. Witness—u I thank yon for your advicft, and also for your prophecy; but believe me vou shall not be a true prophet if I cau help it. As to going home to my parents, that is a family affair, and Mran^er* have no right to pry into the secrets of families." The Prisoner was then discharged. ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber offers foe Sale ttfe, Following Lots of Land. too awes in 41b and 500 in the 6th tonceffion of the Gore hctwecn Eriu-ft Town aud Fred^i^ksbuvgh. No. 18 and 19 in the 8th co.icellj'on of Murray. No 31 Eall half 2d con. of Stdny. No 9 — loth cone;(Son of Kawden. No. 4—8th cmceiC »nt Huntinjjd nf. No. 14. tj, 17. 18 25 and 26 in the 9th conccBi *n of Thurlow. * No. 3+andJ5 in the 4th concefHoa of SfeugiUtO, near York., Several valuable Town Lota in tft Town of Kin^fton. WM, CRAWFORO. FridfricisBurgb, Jan. 10, 1817- 34^ Stolen, FROM the Yatd of the r.,hfcriber, on Sunday cvVning'Jaft, hcetw cu feven and eight o'clock, a Buffaioe fkin, Marked iniide ' - " in large letter^. Any peifon that can jjivc information f.> th it fhe Thief or Thieve* may !*e brought to julliV, mall receive TH REE POUNDS REWARD, by applying to the lubfrriber. ROBx. WALKER. Kingston Hotel, January (9, 1818. 34 For Sale. 7 By the Subferibers, , Raccoon Sk:n \ Wolf do. ( The fum of 3000 dollar* h38 been raifed in N. York, for the fuffcicn, at St. Johns, Newfoundland. The Inbfciiptions, in Bo3o>', for the fame object, vvillamount to about 7000 SoUatft Cun. C»ur#nt. Jennettc do. i Seal do. 1 C.irriolt R>Ji'j. Ladies and Gentlemen's fnr Caps— Benver Gloves, V'Cnncitc Skints, & \L>. gcifins. M0NJE1U &$L GERM .Hi:. Kingston Jan. 16, 181B. j^tf