KINGSTON GAZETTE. VOL. VII] [No734. TUESD A r, JASUA R V 20. PlJDIJ>nl-frb'Y'*S." MILLS. * # £T Having been disappointed in procuring our usua< supply of Paper, vve are under the ne¬ cessity oi publishing on a smal¬ ler sheet than usual. ,*»• ** ^*n#*fc^-» -** ER\EST TOWN Mansion Hotel. ABFLP FOUWARD ^ WISHES to acquaint the public, that he has completely fiuifhed *fi elegant new built two llory houfe in the village of Erneft Town, for the ac- commo&ttioii °f Gentlemen & Ladits. There being an elegant arched room, fony feet in length, Gentlemen and La¬ dies may affemble wiih propriety for civil recreation. Travellers tray rely on finding good accommodations for Horfcs and Carria¬ ge* with good attendance. The Inhabitants of the Town and its vicinity will always find the beft and uu- reft " iqnors of every defcription, for prompt oay only. No uaifl* will he fparcd by Mr. F. to give univerfal •atisfa&ton to all who may think o»ocer to call. A few boarders can be accommodated at a reafnnable rate. Studenrs at the ArademvmunMwny* h*vethe preference —W. efcjy naymem swill be required of ft&pgett without imety ErrVst Town, Jan 5. 1818. 32'/ Contract. A NY otrfon WkUing to Contraft UA. with the Suhfmber to take the foil wing quantity of HIMBP.t, to Market, jo be delivered at toe Cn.fV, in M- Port of Mo* treal, ~r at New-! iv- Crprol O-ve in the Port rI Quebec, a1 trav be required, wi'l apply by ' etter P'-ft oai-!, to the "uhferiber, Town of Kin:: ft n, or to Mtflrs. McLean and 1l4r\?,i»i->r> ?t Prefrotl 15000 r«et Pint t»mbei ready miH'tf* 400^ Standard ihves ") ontlu wa- Wcocpicew* 3»'n.deaU j terse%c, at the Kington Mi;ls. 30000 feet fquare fine timber ready rafted ; 5000 Standard ftave* 1 waters 6oco ps. deaU 27^3 >" \ cdg*t at Gananoque. 60,000 feet fquare pine between "vVeilea's Iflandand Prefcott, ready raft- WM. HAMILTON. Kingston, Jan. 6, 1818. 32 FOR SALE, ONreafonable term*, that well known ftand for a Tavern, Iituated in the ViPage of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and 1 I, fronting the King's Highway, and a large two ft ry framed Houfe, well fin- ilhed. with a large Kitchen in the rear, ftabliug for twenty fpans of horfes. a fhed fcventy feet long, and a good houfe on the rear Lot, fit for the accurnmodijtion of a efpeSablc family. The who'e of the buildings thereon, being finifhed in a W'-rkmanlike manner, a?*d at prefent occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- ell, as a Hotel. For further particulars, apply to the fubfctihcr*, or to Mr Alexander Mac- Donell, Junior, Merchant, Prccott, by whom the terms may be made known, and an indifoutahlc title and immediate poflefEon will be given, ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1818- jlrf For Sale. THE New MILLS on Big Creek, in Ftederickfbiirgh, in good re¬ pair, with the Weft half of Lot No 25, in the fourth conceiTion of faid Town- Ihipi with a l'mall, but convenient Dwel¬ ling, lioufc then on erected. JLSOi Seven Hundred and Thirty acres of Land, lying in the Townfhip'of Locha- ber, Diltti& of Montreal, arid two hun¬ dred acre*: in the Townfhip of Camden, Midland Ditlricl. The whole will be fold cheap.—For particular*, apply to Mr. J. Tuttle, King ft on, or to tlie fub- f&riber, on the premifes. Matthias Smith. Fredtricljhurgh, Dec.y* 1817. 29 13 GANANOQUJ Store & Mills. CHARLES McDONALD having taken his brother John McDvn aldf into partneilhip, the bufiuefs in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C & J. McDonald, Who keep for fale a general afibrt- ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and moft articles enquired &w at a Coun¬ try Stoie, which they offer low for Cafh, Saw- Logs, Square Timber, Staves, Potaiheb, and moft kind* of country Produce. They have a good Grift and Saw Mill in full operations-can Manufact- u.e Fi.OUR, uqual to any Mill in the Province ; they will jfuppty ordeis for Sawed timber of almoft any defcriptioa at fhort Notice. C. Si J. McDONALD. Gananoqua, j*n. lo, 1818 33//' Alhhofcindebted toCoatiss McDon¬ ald, whole accounts have become due, are requefted to to make immedi¬ ate payment, TO LET, FOR any term of years not exceed- in Fifteen, on the- moft reafona- b!e terms—That well known valuable (land in the public line, faUate fin the point a> Ganan qua, and iccently occu¬ pied by Seih Downs, together with the Houie, Parn, Stabies, Sic.— For fur¬ ther partictiJara apply to the fublcribct. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua, t8t£. iVf WHARE^Smy wife Lilis Yer- ex, formerly the wife of Hen- rv i>avic-«f has denied me my bed and bo-rd, and alfo turned me otu of door*. I da hereby fovbid all and any oeifon m pcrfons harbouring or trailing her on my account. 1 alfo forbid all and every perfon or perfona of buying or conceal. Utfl <;ny of my prop'.-tty which la now in bei hands. 1 do alfo forbid all and every peifon or perfoust from moving her or any Houfe hold poods for her without my older Any penon or periods ties- ptfflfrlg in alio, any of thele, (hall be profecuted according to ilu- rigour of the Law. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, 9/6 Jan. 1 o* 18. 333 i.LE ITERS Remainingiti the Post-OJiceat King¬ ston on 6th Junuanjy 1818. J* _*le!S Adeii;, Uaoiel Adorns, Aroo^ Aits- ley, Williiflt: A.-nky, Joatfuh UiH, N. lif.uiett, Hbra.uaO. Bcrthrong, Jacquc Biia- du, James i^acKeby, Josepii Blui^, Ephraim Blam-.tard, Joseph Bodril, Daniel tiriilgos, Itfaac Brintiiel, r*iunea> Briotltftt, Jotln 8n»tf- er, Koval liuri, Mtdiad iiyrne, Rebecca Byrne, Angi'liquc Cuiiiain, Jttmea Uhanv\ick, <j;M>rgt* Ctiapman, B. Clement, Za^liarlah t lump, Joim Ci»alhx, James Colder, James Cockman* Peter Crawford, Ale.\ai.dei Crozer 3, \\ .Uiain Cummings, ftli>. i)i-ioe, Chailes l>oller, Henry Duguez£, John Duncan V, Jo¬ seph frVauStlfo, Uoulle Ganioa, WUliam C«ea- r>, Jan»* G^»m«*>b, Patrick (icnuan, ls:f.c(i*ray, AoraiiaiD tteiider&pn, Amablc Hccoax ciit Boufgalnvilie, William Jay, David Jeakins 2, BU'zabeth Jones, Joseph Johnson. L'iiaijoae KemlneK, Duncan liCQutrd.y, Jonil K1LJ5, Dan¬ iel Kiug^betry, Jame> Kipp, Henry Kunon- belaw, Heier i.aileiii, U>iUS Laporte, Willium C. Lee, fc'raucia Lefebvre, George Liuiey, Monsieur Loysel, /Vlex. MeDooaid.nlJipwHght, w txwss iMacbonaid 'i, John WacDowald, J. MacUoiiouph, Joan MacDougaU, D. Maciar- la:id. Robe* MaciVliiUa, Mi>. Ii. MacNaJiy, Arc 1. MacNeil, William MacXelnb, Ueory NlacVea, Hiram Mar»;*»ii ^2, Auure WarcOfe, Thomas Alear.-, John Medcalf, \jki11o> Moore, WiUtam Aloore, Lincoln Morris, Otis AJur- doeii, Johu•filartell2, fanny North, Sar.mel OgdeU, James Oliver, Michael O'Rourk?, John Patton, Dar.iei l'help>, KatVla Pous^, Bapil&te i'ricour, Eliai Price, George Rogers, Ruii RowlsOD, Michael Koy, '"hilip Rum Ion, Joseph Saint Germain V, E^tiraim Suoford, J. B. Sancar.ier, Taomas Smith (OHtpeiumQ- er) Mrs. Stewart, 99Ui Reg:. Jacob SUc^ie, Benjamin Si\les. John TliOin*on,(ot)t pension¬ er) Magdalen Tliomp-'tn, WUliam Thomson, Join TiiuribOD, Amable Troiablee, DortaW Walker, Luke Wallie, John Ual>h. Philip Wel-h, J'Jam Wha;)!ate% Bctsty Wheeler, Pe¬ ter White, Charles WUbare, George Wilkin¬ son, John W. S. WMgtot, William Wii-ht, Jo'mi Yoitug^ Silas May, rimma> Madden 2, Jamet Slater, William Gillb) le, Jean Vadoo, JoUu Grant, David Luglisb, John MacMillan, John AiacLean. JOHN M7VCAULAY; Post Master. ip ALL perfons are hereby forbid cut¬ ting or carrying off any timber, of any dtfeription, or hay, from Lot No. 3, in the 6th<onccfllon of the Townfhip of Leed$, on pain of being profecuted to the uiiiioli li^or of the law. ANGUS CAMERON. Ptrth, January ', :3i8. $zw$$ THE lubfcribcr begi leave to ao quaint hia friends and the public, that he has made a lar^e improvement yn Lot No. 1, in the firft enceffion of the townfhip of Cramahe, being well jituated on the Prefque lile Bay, for a- ny kind of bufinefa, as veflels of 60 tons burthen can go up to a wharf now built. We hopes to fee a Village there in a fhort time, and has laid out fum acre9 of )and in Town Lots, which he offers for tale on reafonable t£rms. James Richardson, Sen. Cramahe, 22d Nov. 1817. z6m$ For sale, or to let, ON remarkable low terms, and pof- fcflion given immediately, the two ftory Stone Houfe, lately owned by Mr. Daznie, Iituated in a pleafant part of the Town. For particulars apply to the fubferibers. B. & E. STARNES. Kingston, Dec. 5, 1817 28 THE SUBSCRIBER, BEGS leave to inform his friends St the public generally; that he has removed from his former ftand to the hV>p lauly occupied by Jona9 Abbot & Co. near the Market Place, where he has now on hand, a general aflbrtment of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Which he will fell on the moft moderate terma. To let, the fhop lately occupied by the fubfenber, and pofTeffion given im¬ mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston, $th Jan. 1818. 32 -wV *JTJ5- 'i<* SMITH h BUTTER WORTH, Ij> ETURN their fincere thaakfc to %j their friend* and the public in ge¬ neral, for the liberal encouragement that they have reccivpd fince they recom¬ menced the HcttUiig Bufinefa* They have an exteufive afTortme 't of Ladies and Children's BON¬ NETS, of various colors and lhapes. CaiiorHATS, Llkevvlfe, Knapt and Wool Hats. Which thev will Tell very low for cafh ot approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan. 2. 32tf. THE SUBSCRIBER, EGS leavv. to inform hi.s friends Si. the pubiic, that he ha^jaQ receiv¬ ed, in addition to his former dock, a ge¬ neral aflbitment of real Jamaica Spirits, Brandy. Gin, Peppermint, Wines, &c. &c. Together with a fiefh fupply of Dry Goods Sf GROCERIES. Thofe who will favour him with their cuftom, will find them far fuperior in quality to any yet oifeied for fale in this Province, Country Produce will be taken in payment, JOHNDOWLING, Start Street, Kingston, U. C. 20th Dec 1817. 32 3 STOVES. THE fubfeiber has juft received at his Brick (lore, front llieet, Dou¬ ble and Single STOVES & Sheet Iron, ' And has aifo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral aCTortrr.ent of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glafs Ware in Crates, Li deed and Cuniers Oil, Paints ground in oil ;—and expefts in a few days an addition to bis Stock, all which will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale. S. BARTLET. Ktngstor. Od ?o, 1817. 32 Wr AN 1**3 a Ctuation in a Grocery 01 Dry G«»ods Store, a young man that is well acquainted with the dif¬ ferent languages. For particular apply at thu Office. Jan. 3. 32 LADIES & GENTLEMKN^ Fur Caps, Beaver Gloves & Mogasins, For fale by MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Jan. 2. $z Mail Stage. THEfubfcriber informs the public that he intends running a Sta^e from Kingfton to Yo^k, and from YoTk to Kirigltont the enfninrr winter, and will commence ad foon a-j the Qcighfag will anfwer. To leave Kingfton and York every Monday at two o'clock. Stage Fare. From Kingfton to Bellvillc, three do% Wb; from Kingston to Spolden's Inn,fix dols ; from Kingston to York, ten dols* SAMUEL PURDY. Kin*fton, zSt/j Nov. 1817. 2? JUST received and for fale at this Office, prirc 7±d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSAYS on PR rVCTICAL HUSBANDRY, Addrcired to the Canadian Farmers. By C. F- Grece, of Montreal. November 14. 2$ TO LET, AND pofTelTion given immediately a Houfe and Lot with a Stable, fitnated in Stuaitville. Alfo, one Houfe and Lot, fituated by the French Church, lately occupied by Mr Jjfepfc St. Germain. One Houfe oad Lot, next door to Mr. ToU- faint Leftage. Enquire of MONJEAU b" St. GERMJ/N. Kingston 08. 16, 1817. 3 2if 0- TO LET, " 1 Nl) pofll-nton given immediately, -L*_ a HouTe, containing fix rooxids/ a good Celler, Well at!d Garden ; and a good Bake-hi'iif" adjoining it, the oven of which w;Fl hold 200 Loaves of bread. Apply co tlie fublcriber, near the Catho- PHIL1P VIAS. Kingaon, Ntiv. 7, 1817. 2+tf J[UST received by the the fubferibec> a conipl- te afToftment of Gentlemen's Cloalhs. Of a fuperior quality and workmanfhip, which will be foJd very cheap for Cash. J. F1SK. Kingston, June 7//', 1817. 32U Elegant Sleighs. nptWO elegant and highly fin'.^ed 3- Double Sleigh" tot Yale. Apply to SMITH BARTLET. Dec. 16. 2git FOR SALE ' BY the fubferibers, a fewbarrcU of 4 it Diterfl from Niagara J. THORNER&Co. Dec 23 ' 30 A young married Woman in the Country, of good character, who has loft her Child, would be glad to take one to Nurfe. Inquire of the Printer. January, 6 tSiS. S* TO BE SOLD, A Genteel convenient Houfe. with part of a Town Lot, Iituated in Front ftreet near the Market, in a mod eligible fituation for any line of public bufineU—For paiticulars apply to the printer. Kingston* sept. 15, 1817. 32 WANTED, A Groom* who can be well recom.- meided. Enquire of the Prin¬ ter. Kingston, J<*n- 8. 33 RAN A-WAY, I^ROM his Father. Abr-.ham Phil- ; lios, a^ed iixteen year*—this ia* to forbid any perlon horn employing x\\k' laid Abraham Philips on p-iin of be¬ ing dralt with a^tiie law direft-; PETER PHILLIPS. Fredericksburg, Jan. 4, 18 18. X} I