Kingston Gazette, January 6, 1818, p. 4

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JWArrived* 10' ... iaJjiuo CoU r"stl' \(; !>,», H-,»v t'haicurSalmon Kci^s Litich i tnolietvi.iy, 10 Firkiws Butter stj,$0,—b tew (eits heft B)vzti«li Plated Harnesses, S■•itdlfs ami Bridies, » Btltnt;ales, Pack, Veliescs. Ho soCloa!>m:;\;in<l g{; I) v. ii"e S-oes. T>.c above anicV will bc W cheap for < afl» - produce. •\LF.X'r MACDONELL & Co /Vr,,f.'-/«, 24/.^ .7>»'- «*' 7-______32 Lands for Sale. XOT.S niimlvi 6 a".i 7. '" thc 3d d.onceir.:)' of Ration, containing 40b ^cres; Ul number 1 1, j-l c.nceflior. ■ ■( Murray, 2co *cr« ; E "ft half numLe. 2. 3d co-u-efii 'n of Richmond. ICO acres ; Ut ><"™he 24. *<* Ki'"Sc 3'1 co,K'e< of Ri.-brr.ond. 200 acres 5 Lot msm- . 20, Stb conceflion of Richmond, 20c ac«'€« ; F.a(i?rnmnH ha'f number 21, 3d core-flic, of Erederickflmrg 50 acre- ; Lot nu rbet I, Qth conceCion of Lo"gl> borough zoo acr<«. For terrm!y to Richard Robiion or in hi- abfen'ce. Allan v?acLean, Efq Kingtton, 17th Nov. 18 f7j_____25t; LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL lion her e ••**• I Fork. For Safe, Or I"<> LET, TMMEDlATLLY. an elegant 2j |_ Story dwelling Houfe, fined fit in the rroit Co:r"r.,,Hioiis manner, alf>> an excellent .StdMe, together with the Town Lot on Which they Hand — Anyperfan wifliiftg to lea ft 01 pwcliale the above will find it their i-itereft 10 make immediate application to HENRY CASS J DT. Kingtton, Nov. 3, '1817. «5rf nri IE fiiMcriber m-ft nefocftfoITy jf hfqtmsthe geHllcfnen f K»ng*- : •:. that he I* j«fl arrived here Dublin, and ha< commenced the net*of Black *««d Whit* Wrh. m all jts In *••!,.'- ; morr particular** that of 1>i •("- ,:t-cw:n r .In which h- will give the e'evefl fattpftffiina 'o thofe that em- p! hfn Thev may rely on hntfne U :-i w 1!: we1! do iC cheap and **at, bv ii [dying a* Mr. J. Member3, Barrack fttcvti where he has cvMnnawicedi Ml -rdc-* fa 'bar Kne will he jrladly Wcciverl and fjri*ft attention given. / Ingston 13th (73. 2* Fxftr'ivt Council Office* Tori, zzddci. rSry. *j?V" 0 TCE i* hereby given, by order J. \ of'His Honor tile Adminilliatoi iit#".r..i.- ', f> th'-nrytiv--s of sfihn G/ilhtuay and Wffliam Caldwell to make good *' V orrtenfion to lot nufnber t\ itv ij(* ii. h- 'iuli conociTion of the Tow fhipof Kittgfton, within lix months fr mi iitu 'lace, «»r it will be granu-d to xh*- c i pant, wh haa been in jjoITcIuou fiu-C-? years JOH^SWALL, 67/\ o/"/Af Ex. Council. I* ^ NOTICE. rip 'Ffohfcfi^cr hereby forbMh nil ^J n?t(? / ry p-rfyii or prrf «ns froffl oaHli 'i ot ?i ak!ncr4 or cutting a»>y tim< b:r o- » *fpaifinjj in any (hi«pr whatever, ;i;-.-r. Lot Mm 2f, with' Jfli com • ffion of* " '.'m fl,:iv '-f K<'n'"' v, 4»n pain f b'ing i-iofeciirtd c-oniiiu; ia T. .v. TArVH WORD ■>: Kfng:W#,/)df 2z, 18' 7. 2jfn6 /^J^-TE Mf.'^nd District S,-ho>1,on JL t!.e BnYfh 'Jpteiti of E»ucatinn, Onclvrthe fi»penntrndcnC< of Mr. John [son. whg his been ewjiaguj as Teach¬ er, viUbeopci I'd ■•" vi<mi !ayn>.xti 16*». November.—The tcrmt; of Tuiti n ibre< fh;lh*n>>>*arid fo m pence pet* month, pay¬ able in advance. By ordei o the PreSdent & Trustees R. STANrON.S.c'y. N. B. An KVENfNG SCHOQi alfij vviii be openeuat tfic fame due, to terms of whi«b n-'^y be known by apply inir lo tile bublcril>er. Rb. JOHNSTON. S"fc7^E the fubfcribersdo certify upo * T oath th «t the orici:r.» fettle ment in the townfhfp of Kiiii-ilon, wa, made agreeable to the annexed plan, •hat the roa\!> interfered each other a' right angle** and tlm at the four coi i*er», fiake^ weie planted at right an^'ie^, and that each 'ot butted and bounded direftly oppolitc its correfpenrdtng mm. \-ert and that the lots Wfifc fiaki^ as Wr"A in tt e rear a: in the front, and that th. Ifi'lt fa tiers to »k 1 heir ^ainK Eaft and Wed from thc r*>ad b' tweei the 1ot> N 17 and lb in the t wnlliip of Kingflo Signed JOHN IV.1R\;FR% WLO WON 01! IR. AXTtiUR QliSUR) ISAAC OR R/it EL/-//H GROOMS Kingston) Nov 2. • Si 6. 3a) Jn order that nrtpcrion m.iv plepi untoranc in t--k- <r ;.ny litle fWm I jlMo, r g, ,5 ,n th,c fr 0-d r.-tK-eflinn, thr> J.M-kU,, on I gt K. je in u c ' -j,, ; i, , :„ ':,n f^nt, in the townfliip \ f Marlhorniiirh : &lfn for Sale, feve- MOORE'S C 0 F FEE- H O V 8 E. John Moore, rj F.TURM-.- >; fineere acfetiowledg A ~\' ment? fo hU Friends, aid the Public at Wee foi their pi* favors, and wffheflto acquaint Then- thai he has rf- ■noved to Mr. Asn< rsos'b new ftone Houf', Opn-iitr to Mr. Wctfcl'* SfOfC in (lore (|.reet« where travellers and {,t-h~ ers may rely upon so<-d accornmoda finiW and attendance, on recfonnhie erm^. The fubferiber, having rented this large, c nvenient and elegant build¬ ing, has fp^ed no exertions or expence i 1 his Denver, to have it fnrnifhed a».d at tended in fin h a manner as to merit th* approbation of h;> former cutlomcra and other*: who may honor him with their • mpany. He has a good yard and (fable for car¬ riages and Horie«, Sotipseverv f!«iy from t 2 to I o'cloek, Kiw-ruOB rY r8t7. ?2//* Notice- 4 LL pet Tons indebted to tie Effete ilL of the late *jaim Cummtng, la« of Hallowt!!, deceafed, are requeUtd ro call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. Jambs MeGft«e««< ™f m charge of the dtabl^ment, at Ha low- ell bridge f—and thofe who hv/ecia.m> againfl the f&id pflate, are deiircd to prefent them forailjoOment. The flock in Traded the deceased. conf.Hing of" a very complete affortment e-f Goods well laid in, a»d very fu.tah.c to the Country, h now felling "ff at ;>r-- reft fo low. as will defervcdly claim'the attentiun of the public. Cafn or Country prodnce Will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month* given to refiioi fible Farmers, or others. JQffNCVMWW&l E 'IVM. MITCHELL, j Kingston* OR 27, 1817. ME fuMcriber returns his mod grateful thanks to his fiicnds and cuifomcrR, and the rerpe&able inhabit- <int(» of Kiuvilon. for the liberal en- couragemeot he has received iincc he ei>rrmenred bulinefs in this place, and would inf'-rrn tlicm that he Rl'l carrie on the Tin, Gvfrpcr% Sheet Iron and Lead liufintfs* in al! its various branches, nc xeculor- 22 I'Ht SLJH^CKIHFX \\T[- l.rum- nropofalfi for bnild- V? insrarjRfST Mi Gh.i- a!'.. <|oe.on the'hfi-'e of the river, and for mtffe/Ajr a Canal to take the water fr^rr. the rapirU at ,rit' fordln« p;aee. t- the G'-I'v atrhela"dinp where (h- ^iTl i to be placed. Heiequcrt: th^ pi. n*>fals m;iv be gi«efl tn hi", before th- ioth of June :>ext. A T-«n plot "d! *-.■ lai '• .>ui rhfs fcaf'1" at the :•!>' ve nut- ' n^ace ; the ter^* r»f W« :,nd leafe ■ I '-e kn -,vu bvaf'M'Iyi' .- r. cheftilvfcri •t- \v\io i-a f>r M> i * "-t acres of 5nd o.n 'he River' ^W.aujh rng lot*. f, r, f\ nv\ 1 7 M !":1,11 '*0,1< • ^ ,n ai,d j* ■ »v ir -O «d e Engineer Yard, where he hopes by his alTiduityand atteili >n, (til! to merit a (bare of public favor, aflu'inft* them that nothiiio- fhall be wratiting on hi- part, to faithfully execute all orders with which he maybe honored, Fl • has for f;de, a !ar#e affortment of the heft Englifh Boullc Tin iVare.oU* cry defcrfption, ever off*-red for laic in ihi< Province^ and a I Jatand% Copper and Hard Ware. alfo k- epr- m ha id anaf&t^oiept ofSheet Iron Stove*, Stove Pipe*«»d ESHows, 4 hoxe* of the heft Pontile Tin, apd 6c hovrs heft Sheet Iron, h r f^Jr ch< <P- rr', Produce will be taken in payment; Jimesf Meagher. Kingftorji Sept. 30, 18*7. 1411' aij^e affortment or fie *6 IV? v 9 No fice. A f.r. nerfr n indebted to the fubferi- * Her are requefted to make imme- ■ diote nav™i>"i* All kinds ^for'dure will he taken in payment, -rt *he Warkfl prices. 'pf e f ih'Vrih.-r bas taken inro^artner- Atn hNbrorKes atflan R Vmr-Dlipell. Th- ^'i'*n# ff in future will he can fed on tjpft... r^ *1—« f ./'T \fAVJ)OS$LL* Co In ddttinn to their former dock, fhev ^re ""W rec^ivinflrn general aiT'rtmentof 1 1 noons, jL / Q V O RS. GROCERIES Earthen 4* Glass, kc >";r. frr AO'r macdonell. KtngstOH, l H Stft, l8l6- ' 32 PjTlHTiL fihfirfhcr be>ry leave to ac- J*. Cf'iaifit Ilia friend*: and the public, that h.- has made a large iixrgjrov -ment O" L-c Ma. 1, in the lird cnceHlon of the town/hip of Cramahe, being well Jlt'..uedoi. tht Prefque Ifle Bay. for a- nif kind of bufinefs, as velfeis of 6b tons butrho can go up to a wharf now built Ft ho, ■> to fee a Vittagft there in a ft ri iim', and ha- laid out Turn acres of 1 n : 'm Town Lot , which he offer* for frf.i. n re»fonoble rerm9. Jai es Richardson, Sen. Cr.^rnahe, 22d Nov. 1817. z6rr\$ cmd conc^l^loll in the lownfllipof Kingft- tr.iif th' property l« the InUcH.ers in aw and equity, and will bc recoveredflfi f"iii; ** jui r t^i/i ia^ nhefi fept. 16 I i> I 7- ^w.^j Atiflry. ~ " -"— M""— M --------""--------------------- 1 — » Public Notice. ^jririE Subfi ribers, Evecutora to tlie Jl Est.ite of Charles Stvart* Efqurre, d'eeafed, lite Sheriff of thc Vfidland, i)!>tri<5t,he«ebv r^qne-t<all thofe indebt¬ ed to the fad Lsta*e ;o make immediate payment to the laid Executors ; ind ah ih\fe who hive demands ftgafrdt the E rate are requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order thai a Statement pf the Estate may b^ efFr;Te'! dt tmnfflv as pciflltMe after the first day ofTilly iSt 8. J GEORGE O. BTHART.l Exec-1 ALLAN WcLEAN, J ntors. K;n«eton, August It, tSi;.—ntf < 5 C. Hatch &: Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elepant Br ,,-1 top ^aj| ^^ ^ Fancy & Windfor bamboo, Ho Sla back, Reul Cane feat, Wateri.«o> Common, Rocking and Children's j IViRRANiRD GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofite W.n. Pviwl's i in and Gi eery Store, (tore fin Their Chairs are fupertor to anv 11 hey have hlrherto off-red foi 'ale. Country Produce received in payment CT? Cabinet Ware for fnie as above. Kin-.[Ion, Nov. ig, (817. 24tf ADVERTISEMENT. |rj| |,.tc3 nl land mid1 Town fnN, a: Mud 1 •)..-;. Fnirvofrl.c 'n'jXl" »f Kin<rftm. a-nl h Hooii- aid Lor. f-. tCin^llon ••• Li'kenrife. rorfale, th.- Raft half of Lot number thhty-four, \\\ rhe fecond con Celfinn of rhr tOWufbtp q£ Darlington, coittainitig too acres. For further parnrular-* appH' to JOHN P]5»GUSON- Kinf$ton% z$th Mnr, 1817 52"• f 900 OorSJWood, HEQTT[pr7r) forHI« iVTaj fly's J Naval Yard at Kfngfh>n, to he de'ivered at fuch place0 a*, mav bed.*, n^t'.d.— "he who'c, or at leaft Five i.undred Cordi 'o bc delivered during th" fleiefhing feafon, and the remainder Iim the month of Jnr»e next. A ny per- j fon or perfons wil!in/ to contract for the Tarn" will fend Sealed Temiers to the Viva! *":ore keeper on the toth Jnuua ry, !8i8 Naval Storekeeper*i 7 OJtce, i7thD,r lSr7.J *0 "TlHE ffibferibers heg leave to inform JL their friends and thc public in gc- ]iiera1f that thev carry on the TATLOmm BUSINESS in Main Street, where they inteud mak inp every article in their line, on mou reafonahle teims tha.i has been done for a number of years bark ThnTe wh«s wifh 10 favoi them with their c dfom, may »t*ly oi» having their w>»k w.'-'J;,».vk9 and on ihc fhoitrff nonVe, ft>r Cifh, Noy is cV Stevens. Kw^iton. Sept. 9- 1817- 32 Notice. A T.L perfon- having any demand* a- Z"1l gafnfl rhe Eilateofthe late t?rV- an Crawford. I'lcj. of .*doIphuftowii* dc ceafed. are hereby requefted t«> produce tlieir chim«, duly afln nticated —4lfo% ill perfons indebted t" tht laid Eftateare hereby requeftcd to make immediate payment to William Alexander firry?/. Executor Kingstonx 19/Z ^u/jt rfii7. 32 MONTREAL LADIES Seminary, Under the Direction of Mr. & Mr.s. ANDREWS, afiifted by their Son and Daughters, THF. Put;ils are limited to Thirty ; and rr nft enter for the term rd fix months at lenh\ It is rcqvc(\ei that Three months notice of a removal will be fTivcn, rhat vacancies as they occur, may be filled. The term* for Education, arc from t to 3 Guineas per quarter ; always paid in advance. School Entrance is One Guinea ; and* Five Shilling pei Qnartcr charged for Pen? and Ink fi:polled by Mr Andrews. One Cord of fire W- od, for each child, (who is a boarder) cxpe&cd ifl the Winter, Every tfudy eomorifed in a ufeful- lit¬ erary- and ace mpliihed Education, is taurj-bt in this FHablihWent, by the rer- .■ecfive pei(on3 engaged I ■ Drawing and Painting—initru&fnnfl are s;ve by Mr. W. W. Akdrews ; and in Munc, Dancing, and thr various u(ei ot the Needle, bv the Mifles"Andrews. Mti/ic, Dancing, Drawing and Paint' ing, in its fever al branches, are charged for a«v Extras |# vTuficpc Qr^ -2 Guineas, entrance ^-guinr Dancingi 2 c]o do Drawing, 2 do d(^ Young * adie> admitted ac \ ■ '•"? atN*neGumeas per Quarts, ^i1"' ^ advance) and fire reanjred tofwrndh tin.'.- own Bed and B- dur g ; and a TaWe, Tea Sp' rir,, and Napkin, f.-r their oven arcomrnodnri n. Thev will he allowed to vifit their fn'end^ on Saturday*- or -y. N. B It is known that nnfbundet1 re¬ ports are in circulation in dillani | 'a:e? (fimpofed to aiife from fin^ftfl m t've ) calculated to lefTen the U pota' ion or this feminary. The Principals therefore confidtr it necef'Ty to nqceft ptrhms rctlding fir from Montreal, tofotk informati. n eon* ferntflg their rftablifhmcnt oi any «• their truly refpectable patrons, whole children are under their care. Montreal Dec 27,1X17. 3 t w 2 F >r sale, or to let.) pof ON remarkable low terms, and f flion eiven iuvmtdiatelvi the two 4 flo-y Stone H 1 fe latJyowned by Mr. r>:t7.ife, ft rated n a pjeafant part of the To '■• For partic.dars apply to the fu'^fewibers. B. * E- STARNES. Kingston, Dec. 5, I 8 I 7 28 To 1st, TVTEA « Doctor KeatonN, a two fto- J- ^ ry HOUSE, with feven rooms a gond Kitchen, and a celiar under the whol-. a L- d yard, ftab'e &c.g->od warei reu the houfe E «q*ure -f J-vMLS ROBINS. J):c. 22, 3ow3f FTflHE Cnccrn heretofore exillin^ J. under the Htm of" Rodk & 4kxr, Mackayy" at Point Fiederu.k, was diffovel on the 24b ultimo. The Subfenber hi*Ids himielf fefponfiWe for ad legal claims againii the fnid concern. -is well as all pcfonal demands agaihfl hif B)other, who retire;, from it, and will thank thofe indebted to either of the panic to pay their rcfpedive account. to Mr ROBERTGRhHAM, who will conduct the Birfineft in future, in Company with the Subletiber, under the ihm of Robert Graham Iff Co. K. MACKAY. Kingston, 13th Nov. 1 St7. 2jtf JUST received and for fale at this Of fice, price 1/8, Poems on his Do- nnstk Cinumstunces, by Lord Byron,__ With the.SWo/ the Legion of Honour, nndothci Poem j to which is prefixed, The Lift of the Noble Juihor. Nov. 2tf. 5.000 Rashels CHAP COAL. PERSONS wifld'^ to contract to fuoplv Hi- Mair fly's Naval Yard, at Kington, ffnh Five Thonfaud P-.fhels of Charcoal wBl fmd in Sealed Tenders t.» the Naval St"»re*fceeper, (fta- t n,> the periods that they wfi! deliver lpe-'fie ! quantities,) "" the 15th Janu¬ ary, iSi8. Naval Store h-ef>ers 0%ce> 7 17M Deem, ifiiy. \ 30 A LL rhoichaw'n^ demands again ft jOL the Eitateof m late Capt. Tho¬ mas Paxtou, of thin place, will pleafe to render their accounts 1 T'operly authen¬ ticated, on or before lr»e f(l of May next, to the fuhfcriber» who is aothori- fed to liquidate them * and all thofe who aie indebted to the fftatc, arcrtquefted to call and fettle the ,:rne>- JANF' PAXTON. Kingston t Nov. 2§i 'St 7. zy/f Valuable LinJs FOR sA>\E, TM the Third Conceflion of thc Tnwn SL flop of PitfiiUfgbi being Lots No. 6. the half of No 7, and No. rS. — An jindifpntable title will be given, and the J terms of payment made tatv-. H. C. THOMSON. Kfngfton. July 28, 1817. 32 TO BE SOLD, V Genteel convr'nlcnl Houfe, with part of a TflWD ^ot, liquated \\\ F«ont ft net near thc Manket, in a mod eligible fltuation for :,,1>' ',,!' of public bufinefa—For p-uttrulars apply to the printer. Kingston, sept. ic> lh*7 ,18 3^ J: MULTIPl RATION Tables, For the ufe of Schools, For ialc at u,ib 0<"«. ("usack's Hotel. npiHE fubferiber having opened a new .IL and convenient H.uife in (lore ftr. moft Refpeetfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken great pains to furnifh it in every refpetf to meiit a (hare of public patronage. Gentlemen travelling may rely upon Raving good accomrniidarion and attend Jance. lady's and Gentlemen can be daily fnpplied with Confectionary of all kind and heft quality. Alfo the Prince Regents morning Drink, compofed and carried on at pref¬ ent a' the above concein by James Heal eonfc£tioner. R. CUSACK. Kingston, Sept. 6, 1817. 32tf JUST received by the the fubferiber, a complete affortment of Gentlemen's Cloalhs. Of afupcrior quality and w>rkmanflj;p, which will bc fold very cheap for Cash J. FISK. Kingston, June Jth, 1817. $2lt rr^VVO e'egant and highly fi.o'flied JL Double Sieighs for lale. /Apply ^JTfHE fubferiber mfbriff hi* Friends Ji. and the public, that he propnfei during the winter feafon, to deliver a courfe of Lectures iot>'ducl»ty r * • t He Ihuly of Gl-OGRAPHY. Thefub. jeft-of the courfe will be illnuV.te4 by the ufc of the Globes, W.4 a wriityd 1 Maps and Chans. The different projections nf th.* fpbCre and the principles on which and Charts are condrufted, will be explained a* early as pffTille; and their ; rafftcal application to helfibnftruftion of Mam of different countries, will be con tin >^ ?$ a regular exercife throughout tbe» (ourfe. Ah Natural and Civil Hiftory are ictC riiTP.t«ly cimmded with Geography, acj cafiond notice wi'l be taken of'thefc^ and the moll approved methods of lt«^ yin/r them pointed out. ^ It jV alfo intended, fo far a? time may admit, to perform a number of Chen-teal experiments, on a variety of Minrra! fpe- tfmens ; in ordei to a {fill the voung in¬ quirer, to profecnte by himielf, the in- tereliing ftudy of Mineralogy. An introduCiory leftuie will he deliv. ered on the 2d of January* at half pall 6 o'clock in the Evem'n.', when the plan will be more fully unfolded : .\f:e> thnt,. flfo-Id a number of young men, fnfficicnt to form aclah, come forward,the courfe will be continued to the" beginning of April ; doting which time, three Lec¬ tures will be delivered every week. Terms ; two Guinea* for the con He. JOHN WHITE LAW. Kmgfton. Dec 9. 1817. 28 FUR SALE, ■ JLJ of the townfhip of Rodney. A L S O , Lot No. 6, in the i2*th conreffion nf the townfhip of Portland ;—For fur¬ ther parttcuJars, anply 10 the fnbfi riber. J,iC<)B VANAR$AM* Kingfton, Oct. 30, 181 7. 23tf Rags ! Rags! ASH paid for Clean COT- TON and LINLN ii A G S, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. ' to Dec. 16. SMITH UaKTLEP. For Sa ! at lhi> Office, A READY RECKONER, Stewing the value „f Grains of variool Gold Coins, current irj th« I'r..v;,a-! i.f Upper Cana- da- ALSO. PRRliUKON'S Irnpwfd T«l,?,,.f rhcv:.l,irof Oram, 29"I al Uold com,, m or under wc.'g!.:. *

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