J' »//,. //*.- jVrvc- tft/'A1 G'h'ftbinn. OS IH'iUiXG. Bin Rn»T*in.i Si it — |fw; w:'h rwrvt tint I <mv in to >i ;>ar» i a communication und rl t!» •« :i it M■• <»' \'d\ rppuli. a Hisifu'ift-I c < rtdvwcntc foi duelling. I «a public] p: .'i f l»r»*»*nipv* promi -t'uoo Ij iiMO t\,v h»>wl of U"- oh* a*td tlir- young, ti.r* TiftnouHand th" vicious, I*ir careful j ucur i-auxiou* l<--t iii; children im- l !>*< n r-iiia /■•ffii'css'oti'i^ by rea*H:ig r*<7* c omnium rations The uews»pa- p ix-uabt to advocaf^ no -<;hpct thai i wrcny iu itself or dautf-wvus in it< 4'»;i-;'.:m mv<. The) <l< •- I j 11 - ss liav ■ jr af'tiliu-UiT in f itniifg t;n-opinion* rf rnft;;k,iUf1 : th iffon' CV ry oti-n- | < .. mi e- l; lor. ftill l^-- canfl""^ ilia! 110 itVrtt' ral j/.«c.* Slid r .ont in liU pup t. T • .-"iu pai ■ t. would nithrr lii- c it r rtvoou'll •.».»« i .\vf»f t-xworld. t..*-«*i:iMii< \ run ihi* r't-ik oi poison¬ ing;th« ir prin/.p! s. b\ bsid pn*copr>. J,' i .*ho will ad*01 ate t"lit* murd T- Cfi ■ |>*.;C irccl dntffl igy hi* motiw-a»v CiM*;upt >;i- ioar' i not ri^ht IjcI'oiv- (m J Th {wilt*? of lui ir*u*kerl> £«*/. iu * »at man* hJu» with rnaliceprepeusu, Be*'Vs Phij Iii ■ f»( hi* IVif-od. Dat'lliiu origin ttsd iitJifHth^udarlv- np* . a«id ii ha-t boeii pmva^utmi b\ ipJsJ*Gty. ^i*'v the I'^l.t "f the gn*p*1 has t^* j!»t the li"avi'iil\ virtue of fw^ivr- iv'-v-. .% i&fgood man Joes not lasJCIlt fi>" prevalence af duel ii up. Of alt the l':itJt pinion11 thai miAte in thebo>om of depraved man, noni? is so bao, so v.' -t • rl a' ".v«"lrr. And Uuitduelliir* is murder in it- most ag?ra:a €.' for- 9 \^ •■' >?lr*putitb!'S The durili i is #w« pjwwctv xtl/ish. Ha who can tak. th d"^ lioly name in vain, and (rartiple* o:i all laws 0n;n^ a J Imman. cannot !>'•.,()!, rti imrfti fr*m hi- cwuiL W\< frl- / re, hi■ /rintd ! lie, uhr will not ar- Lirnvl; d.*/i- i»i-,r)T^r< to a holy God ii'U't !'.>•!.--S. demands of his fellow an gtjfhwfo or '*i- //':- / Ami i t hi - tnio of bl<ir*d roa'!j\hiTn- p; !, -o inirr.ai" ;Int»*_ PO virfnou^, ^o ho- r. ~M\e ? No : so lv»seaiv his artiotj-* fhat, rather than hav. TrTr^^y *^?^ ! j,p fll 3rin,r th< fl PC€ and any farmer in the country known th^t the operation n;-y be di/patched in leu minuics. Tlic ab >ve named gent'emt-n n -w t-oi.bdently aflrn thai ih«y cafl (oanufaiture a coat ot [SuTtanof Tarta^y ^ CKriiBaa convert] I tVhow ofa <rm^ Jtnporter of wite? * *» alf'Mif the p^,*ly T(icy preach lo| and Spirits, in-Hie* v:< i tity of S«Mary'c the Jcwe in the c;licH |hcy pafi thr0ugh.M a?!t! fh •is'-s, ti ni PXpO^nil to the world, he wi I i> i id* t'H.-i life, -r take that of hi- fi*l :s^. u V.-.x fnpnliM says that d i- c ii;^ ^ ojipo-ed uuJy b\ drtmkard b I «a inli!i*r>. I>v jocl*i k and horsf ra- < r . ThN i-tl»*»//> s/tinv tlwi J have ):% ti tn hi'tr siu'h an a*<tM'til»ti. Tin; ■■• r. - Mi^ vit» j).-\.s wii»> an tliputfvocuti > ( i dit<\!li'\,. Ii ^. #h"-"f a»v» |K,». u In 1,.' 'liMv Itftuds against th^ir tc*llow« \ ii . tbegt' ino an adfur^U'1 lor dyellin ■ a:..I I \>il! shew )«ni an iui'uLL 'X\\- d i^'.i'-t. by wav of eminence, is %\\\w\ ti»* trtau of Jtortur/r. —i'he//«./, an aji'au viJt\ir.<:ur. TJii-//"/v i f honour, tin 2^>> it'd ^polrhrtf. not having the f"ar oTi!»(t-b:*fore Ins i»os- bfing in^tiua. t d by th? Devil, and setMn^ up hi* oun perT'Hed (".n^ment n- th-* btand- oul (fright and nroti^, would hrow- b»*\ Hit- v\orld, and hnt t!n« niMiih of et-'iy prrarher of ri^l.teou.snrss. h'.tv- ii._ n hell alitad> kir.dl^d \\\ Uh own be am, he feat's uotliiu^ ;cvr*r. and fc^vdy rn>hcs«pot: fl:,* Uu.k bo-^es of ,1'In vaii' bcieUlcr. and ni«re riian bu- huK bids Qod licence! A- Z. FrM ffc -V- T. Ontarh Mejfcngcr. Nim.li has been fvi and _ / ...... Ueant fuperfinc broad cloth, and have itconp'cted ill tweWc houis. A wooden le-geH Cow. O.ie cf th'* fore legs »>f a Cow, the prowrtyo1 Mr. Little, of Hcrisford, in Cmmwall, wa* accidentally broken lo-^e timeagot-and Mr. Little beinj» unwilling to kiP it had th- le# amputated jufl b>*'ow the knee j-n'nt, an 1 the pan being ne'f.C-T'y healed, a pad aid !e;> were jbiaced on, and the poor animal now [ walks about,lie* d>»wn, and riles wilh much facility, — Englifb pnp>r Tfeis»i* nothing t> the ftory of the Nrw-Enp'ifn Cow. w!o, *v\v n her fight began to fail her, .vac r y her benevolent matter, accom ^a-e! with a piir of fpectacles, Ir w ■- f, d that the fig*rt of j the jvjor animal was To much rrfproved by this experiment.that O.ecMild actually fee to ditch •rrtflbands- — Fed Rip. Culture ef Potatoes. A? much aftention ha= of late year-, been paid to the culture of* ihit moll valo- able vegetable ; 5c a- the late fesfon ha« ijiven extraordinary inil Ulces of piodoc tivi- crop**, many cormnnnicafons have bed' fent to our news-pap* r«of facunditv unexampled in the aumU of Agrieuhure in North %meriya. As another i'lttance • we give the followillj, which may he limpiiVity re" id on for eone&uef. On the Reverend J.>bn BcthuneV farm, in Au^utia. U^per Canada, he had ha"f an acre of ground, planted with En^lifb whitrs. manured a^ ufual, which yielded 3»4 bufhels. This furpaffes a;.y crop reported in the United States, or \n Canada lad feau.n, except on Clarke's format La Praile; but hwgp-cund has yet to be aecu'ite'v mealuied, before his fo^cnouiy can be afeertahud. Mcnanal Hircld. Ch\KLFSTON, N.->V 3 7. Bu/fafoe, Nov. n. Nwgira Falls. Bulge at C-yat lflmj_ Anjruftns Porter, Elq. the propria-i of the American fide or ihc falls of Niagara. I'ome time fince purchaicd Goat Ifjand, lying in Niagat;^ ^ver, dividing the fa\h \"hiMdind, bti.jr fituate in the rapid*, hai heretofore l-cen deemed inacceflible or dangerous of lccefs, there bring on y I one point tu approach it, and that by' puttie into the r;ver, a mile or more j above the falls, a IC] t|ien dropping down between the rapfa nit.the head of the ill.nd 5 this vav however, coold not always be conGdflred tccuie, as the leaft mifmanaijement .if the boat in deputing i he [flandwotdd be fatal, la otder th-re- j f«.ie to approach the ifland in fafcty and to improve it to advantage, the e'iteN prifing proprictor J,a.s conltructed a bridge 34 rods in length, founded on 11 piers, each pier when tilled wdl contain 50 t-»nf of done j and,fom the fi/.e of the piers and their foundation being folid r <ck, it i^ c^nri lently believed that the bridge w\'\ be oeman-nt. It i\, we iludei ('and, the inteini«>nof judge Porter, to cultivate thU enchanting ifland, and eieft thereon fuifihV buinlin^A for iru iccomn'O l.:tion of ft'angers and others, who defire t*> view one of the ffrandeit CUriofities of nature, \u a new charter. The Ifland otntaiot about 80acre* 0*1 lind, iflab'njt ic^rod^;vide but at the! lower end between the falls, it u only 90 rod*. w W Hill. We must confess we hnve sotnr doubts of the Spanish eovonunenl be¬ ing able to employ so large a disposa¬ ble force. Liverpool, Oct- 24. On Monday foitni^ht upwards M 30 whales made their appearance i'» Hi Frith of Tay, (Scotland) bont^ w .r immediately put aftertbem, which su.- reeded in heniiiu t em into the shal low water, near the new pier at Dun¬ dee : when ft dreadful combat ensued which endrid in tin* total discomlitur of the whales, the whole of them bar¬ ing been killed and secured. Some of the whales measured 30 feet in length* L0N110N, Ort.45. The following extract of a letter from Copenhagen dafttd tlte 11 th instant, communicate-, further particulars res- pectii^the li^vel Fleet : *" S. v.^ral experienced pilots harp been &e.nf from this place to conduct a Ru^ian Squadr- n, which is expected there, through *h<» Cattegat into the North S a. This Sqnadron conistsof five ship* of the line and three frigates* and i> destined., according to account, whicharr considered as certain, to a Spanish port." 'o sl;mv t-.c necessity ofa tod.1 abolition oi the slave trade, and Jo \nnui out the methods ior improving British commerce .>ith Africa—I lica Pat. ary p, Extrafl of alrtter dited at St M ! ith Nov " I fenr you hv he lalt mail a copy of the tali Proclamation that had appeared at Amelia Ifland. Thinga luxe Cmcc been in a ferious ftate. A few days fince, a gniueamana prize, came in—a boat from the United Stntea bri * Sara- nac attempted t:> b.^rd her, nut fide tin bar, but fhe lued into the boat, and came in ; 011 piilii.*/ th-. Saranac, that v.del j fired fnro er, an<f t..f her up coati 'e 3- Hy; but the fleverthekft got fafc i..to! Arach'a. she was demanded by C^p-I t;iin Elton, but n >t ^iven up ; the con- fcqnence has been, that he has detained •■me of theii piivateer*, ^otitg nut, dr.d y determined to detain ^vr*ry tiling Ir.wn thence. Thi- has occafioned jj.eat con- luli .11 nu the ifland; and it is laid they are now endeavoring to come on term* with the .American commander,which it is pie fumed, can only he d me by fnrvea- derinjrthc^uinca^nan to the Saranae ; when al, wi'l be quid between them StJ I, I think y ,n will ere long hear of a icvoh.u'on. and perhaps the downfall oi General Aury%M London pnpT* to(")»?*:. IR. h»Tebaen received at i'liilad Iphia. They men¬ tion the di-ath oi "i«- lion. Henry Kr- -kine and the lit. Hou. Joan P. Cur- :;m. Lord Amher t hft9 co^tvndlrt.^d flw aceo'Mit- ol Iii-; rouver^atnn with fin. nap:»:tft, and hi- brin^ioffi letter front him to the I rincff Rejreut. Some 01 the Opposition in Enijland have probably hurt the cause by thei. violence. A .*IiuisfrrJ:,|j*t has be.-n chosen Lord Mayor of London, |)V a taw majority, notwithstanding the minority hiwdand hontnd him at the hn>iiius nn.l wnold suffi-r no one- tu peak !>•.! ufflAmt idm. Their oratoi- talked much ol apn*rates. ,' Pram the \'tr- Vitytr papers^ A report «:i* |»"hlisi*,,l(| jn ^Vef1 the London pap*»r«, on f|,f. ->3dot' 0 tnber, that a Htis-ian 'h,v,t from R.5»vel was etfwefud at Portsmouth* with KJ 000 troops on boatt^, fftp Courier of the Mim-da; ex pre-ss^s strong douhts f «h- ir b- inic tnsofis o.tl |, .nn| : I>11f thinks if n t at all impvtitiable, 'hat the •tips, on their wny to Cnftfa, mn, touch at I'orfsmouth for fresh provis¬ ions and water. The. L'ndon Gorier, thomn=t min¬ isterial print, of the 22d of Oct. ob¬ serves, fc* It i> gratifyiue to be able to assure our render**, that every fresh account from America ejiords xjs rea¬ son to belii ve that thr c\i sire to be on die most friendly footing with Great- Britain, animates, more and more, fhe ctsuficll* of tlv American Gov. rnrn^nt- 1 rejudice* are rapidly giving way to wher views of the t»ur» interest? an • policy of both c>U'Hries, and WO flivvs* eveiyrpa« n to believe 'hat the discus- •ion- a»,.| negotiation .bef\ve"n the two governments, will terminate to the sat¬ isfaction of boih." - ^ Splendid illuminatien^ wrr** in rea- diues^ai Bath for the aecoqclunetit tyf the Princess Charlotte, lor whom a wit nurse had been provided, nfter a Von strict examination of her person, &C, * * SOyS OF TilF. FnRF.sT. On Saturday ev—nin^irriv-'d in Wa- tertowu, in tl in viciniry, a chi-f and siv warrior* of the Keneca nation of in- difl-M, from the tares** of Lake Rrie, 1 t\**y areaeeompanied l»y Messrs. \*\ \ (asin«er))etcr)and Bri^hnni; and wi!! /1 qA ••iidtark irorri ('his purl for htt.land. \ Qc j .• ilnir intention fo make tin- tour el KurOpe : and !):,:uu line |o< kiiiv'ae'iv nteti, peifetly skilled in all the abori¬ ginal en toms and manners, mn^f fur¬ nish the r.nrnpenns with an excellent specimen which they never yet had, rtf (lie eiiildn.ii of Ami riwi forests : and «e are confident mil make (heir for- tune, and that of Uieir exsiibitors* L'i'/?tatcL many _ OPMi'te pi'Wtflied flf fbe Celerity will. vjie.iiEnglifh marefadir r-. i*f ctatti have 1 j wtethrough the opt ration' attendant o; fi aianofafturngthal anicle, fromtbe j.-e o the r;ar"nem A few wek" Hnve we pttlvHhed sn at ronot tnl:»n from an Kng'ffli paper, in which wai dared th-t at one ef the Mamifacluties i" Fnj land, ihe fleece ha;1 bren taken from the ftnep'nwi Manufactured into a co.;t in fh- fli -t fnacc of I ^ hom* 20 mi;;utes. *-t'T: Buck, Rr wrier* Co Managers oft! e Ontano r^a-ufaetory a| MhikIus- K- k lhi« cot...jF; on pcnfing tlir.t arnVlebVeairt h nfihle. ftvri the perfec- ti- r ofthiir machinerj' nd the deateriry 1 of-'eir workmen, that the fame op- ; p'-r; s migbl he 1 cco-epi (lied even in j a fli rteejio^c, Immcdiate>v a wa/erofi 5 x :'.'i'ar:, w;e* off* >e'! ?n I accrpted by, t!:'-M-n.^crs, iha they w■ old peitoVm t" ■ 'ame ■ peration in 12 h ur--. T>ie wtol wa- taken from the feck in it*, na'tu-ai Itate, and in y hours and tc' ir-rtwe^ rre.ir-!y,il e eo-r was completed ! Sr irprt bv • ne rf r!;e tari-ts concerned. I Tht wtKij wa* picked* ir^kt], carded, r > ed-n/ f, un—the yiiu was w.epecl, p .: fato the loo.ru an«l wove—the cloth v ■. f.tl».d. col red fom iiti.es ffliorn, p- "J and c r le 1 t< tht tu'W-, and the j a m ! t.-i, ;:ll wit I tin lbs ti re above TheGumeTiran, prfoe to ^ Patriot pnvii.er, whirl, ■ v„ rarnVo into Amel.a a Olort time fince. =*frer being brmight to by a boat from the V. S. bria Satanac, has (nice been given »!*> to Oaj t. Cltun rommaiidiiiR that velfel, and failed ffr-m •hence ior Savatr.ah on ivlonday taft. with the (laves on board. France continues the mob A letter from the Aj.^nfc ro LI«sy<F >\t (!ciM-(i. d*it«'-l on the | | th of OC\ b •: and published in fhe Courier of tli»: ■■24ff 1 eoiuniunieate- thA following im- pnrtant commercial infnnnati n ;— •: We enclose yon a e. py of All Kdict >f the Kf.ipeior bf (* -nuauv, datird Jili'i, sd lust, bv which it appears I hat all foreign cotton and woohn ma- tinfactnre- are prohibited in ! i« *^'af •t. (This Decree will Kenou^ly injure 'he ' trade of this place, as by even e«s5 d ivhieh aiiivea from Kui!«nd, a third part oftbe cargo h for houses in Lom- oardy, who deal in tin *e articles. Gs1I\7F.S and the IN DUNS. Extract of a letter from an tutcliigettt gentleman 3t Fort Hawkins, to (he cditOT ot the MilledgcviUe Befleetor, dated Fort Ha^kiws* Dec. 2. €t Captain Stalliugs arrived here tin's morning in 7 day? f»»»m Fort Sc-jtt, and brings letters frorti General Gaiaes, an¬ nouncing a fecond fkimiilh with the In¬ dians. The detachment contifted ef 300 men under the command of col. .A (buc¬ kle They wtre attacked dbout 12 miles from Fort Scott, t.y a parly of Fow«*Town and Olouchee Indians, lop. pof d to be about :co, and Iwid one man kilied and two wounded, one da..gcr..ua- ly.—The Indian 'ofy was fuppoicd to be 8 or 10.— i'hey copturcd louic cat- tie during the flight] which were re-taken in the towns lying about H miles from Fort Scott. The detachment then re* treated 4 miles, and thiew up bread works.—The effective force at Fort Scott is about 800 to 1000 men. N0. doubt is cn'crtained of the hodilc mten- tioosof the Indians. Caut. Stallji.gg thinks it is 220 mile- at lead f' nn htrc t*i Fort Scott. Alt thi^ through a piie barren and mo Illy new roada, or pc(hap* none at all." Extraft of an thcr letter, dated frl tori Hawkins* Dec 8. '* Captain S. Thomas from the agen¬ cy, ftate- thai a fo*aging party *>f 10 or 1 2 men from Fort Sroit had been cut off and that a conftant and I 1 n enduoon fir¬ ing wa« beard during the ni 'ht 113 the direction of fort Scott. This is luppo- fed to have been an attack upon the hieaft work thrown up by col. Albuckle at Fout Mile Creek. --------------- BOSTON, Dec. 18. Capt. Ornn, a passenger in the The* tis, arrived yesterday hom C':nli/., states tliat it was CfitffidcnlU a^yer'ed at that place, that the Alift rine cruisr : r: had captured a Freuch Hud !v^. iish v<^sel. He also states that llffSaW a h-tter hom Alicant^ijivhi^auaccoun* r*f the inundation of that city on the. I2fh of October, The wttoi dcxrnnd- ed from the mountains, which t»»<ffTln»f with a heavy gale, destroyed much ean>) weredriven a-here and loat. Tho !o-s was estimated at about GOOUQfj dollars. mtiTcOinir! I PartofFarope The Kin? appe^dl conrtamiy emo:oyed b hi, cabiner eouiioks holding 'cveea, revfcwinjf his! Troepg, or diil.ibuting benefactions. Whenever he appeared m pnbifc. he w?l welcomed with theericHof Phte/a R«; h^o!d French MarftaU. particularly jUudmot, continued ffreat hvork^ .t fT; L(.V1'rriaIs',m3 arrcft* fcr*alitimi had luhiri.'d. tr^P uflla • nd feveral othrr km^omji «f <.cm,.,„y, cnlliictior.al qudUom. and lyl»rm,. frcp.rleHtat.-veirovcn.inent., Were Lerly diio fT«rd ; and ««.«{„ (raill ■■f hem,, adu.-trd. The .H'ped „f monareh for people, and vice verfa •f pes red gaining ground duily. ijr ! •■ ,.eror;.f R„«iaw;a ?ro[ccxu ting hti fp.ciidid journey. fl . -d. We few the coat rhe one day I him the « Hebrew New T £ af the .oat *» made. The c'o I,! Gnifned , and fi, Z* U he d "" 1 f ! * n t aFtii* r»...u i-..*..-.. .... ... h:. l_. r . c .s tne otmaiid for iv n, t h'i^ fimfl txture, lut wa j wry \vr.ri nt'y dr. (Ted, and fitted ihc Invasion ofPortugal. We have received nome imjiortanl eorniriunicalioiis resp'n IMIJ th»» state oi rhedi-pute bef\vei»n Siiairt and Port u Ijal, occasioned bv the Brazilian go?- erunieiit having seized ni. \ioute VideO- A packet arrived ypMcfday, express f'orr. Lisboii, with di patches for the Uritisb eorermneut; «h« set sai! fro;! Lisbon on the very ne** &&} ft^W her arriral from England- Though we A, not learn that ai*y tofermafion on the business j)** franspired throuiih the channel of l|>e ESririih «ro- vernment, y#*t, from ^onu- Ntnrs we have seen, put hastilt on board the packet, there swnw ri-^on to believr that the Spanish forces J,;ive advanced into Portugal. ' We subjoin an extrflr* from on^ let- ter on tin- subject, wM'!l »K a* follow- —*c I trust I »haII tfP* Mislead you I [when ItcUyoujthal rb^patiferdshav* A letter -ereived in this town, from I 'invaded us in thren di^s'°!,s» ai|d an* ™ M'.....k vf■'" "' "' 'rapidly advancing 1^7 bate, with some policy, waited t',uil our ,|,,,0Ph have be- ii reduced hi '»um».er., and From the Boston Recorder of Turf day. 'Die cawfe of tfa« Jews. letter "^.ved in thi, town, trom j WW Hannah Mnrr. the celebrated! ' nulilh ji;u Bir Jnmes Lucas Yea, who coiiwirandeditifc British fbrce.tm Lake Ontario darmg the lati> war. and wl\ci has since com¬ manded rhc inconstant frigate />iF the co-t^t of Africa, has written a long and important letieMo the British minister on ■ *)(• w'uve trade and subject* o n id ted with it. That vile trade (he savs) is m\\ ronfinn- oil with increased cruelties. Six hundred slaves in one in¬ stance, were crowded on board a vessel ot* I'iU tons, .SOof whom di**d in sailing a distance of SO league*.—One ship was cap¬ tured, the captain of which informed Sir James that he had made tweutv-two trips for slaves j without capture. The trade is earned on hy the Spaniard* and Portuguese, and nothing in his opinion will be usexui but an entire abolition. White. it is permitted in any decree, it] will be carried on extensively and with increased horrors. Gforov-toxtv, Der. )Ot Lord S^lk'nk, a peer o( the BrUhh iviilm, was yesterday in (he gallery of lb* ilou«e <-f RepresenfatiTe*. \vt 'ii'lersrjuH1 that an honorable member •rill this day move for his admission ■ntijfi Honrcfthe Mouse. The mem¬ ber * ho will bring rhi- motion has hnd uttfinlfnri of a like nature s-hrvn him by fhe il win of Commons iti Knpland and we tmH there will be an inter.' change of civility* I ' • ' •• ka'dy v.ill The v ..h of ;hea* ov-e fl tr-r| t ca„ ( be -t-rt v.. rr^v dffp.&.j^ wjl(K/fc>i 'utiV- \ i T Bu*k n Brrfvuer Th- 1* d {&«'nci. between H .- an ! tht en. c&{/cruaciit^ i* the th&e«c uoicd ti The abolition bv the Bntu governnieiifj at present operates poweriuH) against tljeir trade 111 Oilier respects; for the Ai- I ricafl chiets are so in favor of Mte slave trade, that they will favor the commerce of those nations that permit the abomi¬ nable traflic. The colony at Sierra Leouc,is represented to be ina very Uad cohliUiuil, aiul \a:ious reasons are assign. <j why ii ougiit to be removed .o .1 more eligible situation. Tiie objects oi Si? James' letter are A comfpondent has recommend! to the ^prcu'ti.ral lociery of tbi* plarc the plan laid down in the AcJdrrfs of Mr Robert Gourfay, ... the hndevmm of Upper-Cmnada, and by tbtS meani •"obtain a fiatiftical account of tin. Diftrta ;the refoh (he f;iys.) wou,v) yt ofj.,nniteadvar.taj.rtotoWn and count, v " The write™ oWemtlbn* are genially j good, but there is fom? re.ru.k« in the j piece that arc inadrr.ifiir.le___A'.-th him wea.eglad the cfT<vts ..f Mr. Ocll,|' are likely, to have ft) good an effort a-= it appear, they will h.ve a K,od „T,ct upon this Province,f..r, whatever tends to advance the interrfl of the one muft .tend to benefit the other. It an. Mra I the inhabitant, of the (Tpper p10v,(ice arc embracing the laud-.ble offer of Mr, Gnutlay, by wppnfirtjflg town Commit! tees to collert and forward to I,,-,,, t|.e requilite llau-mt-uts: thefe will .,.,ke I kntwn In Europe th* iw erlor advanta.^. held nut to thole wifblaig to emfgralc to Ameuca, and it will, a* h.t8 bevn iaftty obf,«vcd. » mud ce.tHin!y aadt the • v*riolei,de aUmigmha to {|0w i„«, Uoa<kf and with it., agricUriiral >nd otlu-rnl-f,.lk..owlcdKr,andir0;)rl>vcmeot«, With their natural concom,ia,.to, com- incite and wealth." l Canadian Courant. From the Niagara Sp&ator, Dee. t r. New fait Works. I , II ""l11 be P^uliarlv gmfofag to 'the »^"^ ■-■ •- * ■ * ' ^ the ptib fo, to learn that a Ipriog til Saline IFater hat* bwn Jifc"vt»cd ne«r flic village «>f Sr. Catharfnefl, which hns proved by cxnerJmcot, to produce Salt of a very excellent qua'!./. By an ai'ver- j tilc-TiCdt in thifl paucr, it will be noticed I tint lnttahlc Work* hnve' been crrfled j and are now in actual overntinn Foi 'be- I n»annfa^occ of iti »t. Qcnctial tx>n»ul*>i!'ty«