H ■!._ -V NA «!« liar • I. • T 1ST of OTCcors, &c. concluded from geconri »§gj» iCAvtltflh ffl Ashf hit it lit H im *V ' ..ml ^v . Vt .li.l.^T" ~~ ~ * a or Service la .■•..-•- .1. Action in vvlnrn i>; 'im»v\i»v » Vrwuhvj;,, and v* iit'n N U ---------h: jL-rton. Samuel E t hi on. George Sod kin son. Samuel do. Bti'mr-, Daniel <i i H A V :d I Jw? | W Muatn Al. do. K. ■ li .:,(!., Autin w L. I>< »■••;. J:*ieph J.- (> ;'at», Peter, Juo. I* , i-Vter, M. M'I)..t..!!,John RPCir^i r* J».hn JVi v-re^or. James Al '>ous>al, Daniel hi Dcrniid, Donald Baltimore, William jU'Kinitou, Cnartes W'i'ai!:, Far;|iihar W Keiizi*?, Roderick Bd'i.V.ugal, Lauchlia Marten, James Major, Thomas MM;outial. Angus JVrCollum, Daniel Msfvludl, John JtiTDooeU, Donald Munrc. Fin lay WMalien. William JBFKaclne, John do M'Douual, Peter do. JVl^Naughton, Robert do. Mullet, James A. JVi'i lie.son, Alexander do. H'Dooii', Johii do. F. Powell, Caleb jKfcfri . I !ii lip, HP - * Pro* . r. Samuel do. Q- , Q-i'iok, D-vid Quirk. Alexaader do R. Rnttan, H nry R con, George R 'bard*on, Jam -9 R - .1(1:011, K'b.rt K aume, Michael F'Wile. Anthony live, AlrAaiidor llo*>* Thomas Rtaii, John do. Robin on, Joseph B. do. Randolph. Samiul do. Rose. Alexander do. R do. b s. Simons, Titus G# N.ntii, 1 nomas Si|v •rthirn, Thomas S.tyjs, Thocias Seeljc, John Sin'pard, J^^ph Sn>dcr, Jat'cb S.t:ord, James SiuJU, Adam Sj'-ward. Daniel St.*01* John D* do. %T. Trcanor, David Thompson, Frederick Tee?or. Aaron W. Wier^SamoeM "Wh^atoii, Joseph Welf-. Jesse do. War»er, Zachariah do. ! ■ rate • '.uih i nvaie do ilo do dm l.'-<rain • ^aiit •- C'tptaio ■ j* r E i i^n in ate '!* do do da Cii|)faio do Li>-u tenant do do Private do do do do do do {Serjeant do. Private do do do do jVolunteer do. Pihate do Serjeant &•■*, wlnian Private do do do do do do do do do do (fin do . do [Lieutenant do do Mid 'hipman IJ fixate do. l-if iitt-uant I rivate do do do do do do do do IS- a man do. I v rvT ACM ION. ilsl .Norfolk 1'iov'. Ahi Ine 1- Luvcolu do. Kt. Volunteer. do. Incorporated Incorporated do. do. ! 2d Lincoln ) In corn i rated J |2d Loiooln 3d York [Incorporated 1st Lincoln Cpsi ol Colou do. Incorporated Kt. Volunteer* c!o. fneorpe rated lc* G!etii*ary Incorporated 2d Crlcngary 1st do. It do. K*. Volunteer- .» ! Lincoln 3d York inc »rj)orated I'ii Lincoln |Kl. V'l-niteer^ 1 .t Glcngaiy *-'«! Gleiigarj Hastings Dundaa do. Indian Dept. do. 1st Glengary do. U11corpora ted l^t Glengary do do do ; or* Erie Lake Erie r ft George do. r*oug Woods do Fort Erie \ nrk ■ Do, !osti of an eye do. Fnrf Erie |Ci ippawa Q.' »en>ton I'o. iini for which Pen mod is in coio>eof i-SU»'. FROM TO 28tll Nov. Kill. >•( t. V7\\\ ay I do. 4»h .VI arch do. 12th Aug. [27th April do. da. «2d Dec, )\"tl\ Aug. 5«1 Joly 13th Oct. I « ! Cr^ss Roads near Ft.Ge. 19th Sept. Fori G-'c.j y» c27th May Jilt Niagara (accident) LOth Alarct do. I/ind^s Lane \jtM$ Wo:ids !{ivtu' TftojneB Lnod)'s Ijine O^detisburgh i.MMiv'- Lane ■ \'-"<ir Cornwall 0^(i<fft.sbttTgh Occident [jt>|lg Woods F^taok IWk Qu.' -n ton Lui»dy*5 Lane do. Lou? Woods ()-;d.".'.sh',Mih lloo.il.'.^Creek Accident Losl aa eye by accj'deui do. LewistOQ do. Accdeni do. |('ro;s Roads Accident do [O^densburgh do. 1 do. Malcolm's MiHI It Norfolk I rov.A.Ui'iversjAccUlcut <!o. I (!••. Incorporated do. 1 ->t Ksse-x do do Incorporated rov. Marine do. lad Essex fed Lincoln II noorpo rated 1 ■' Glengary IAi .. Drivers do* d Orcnville do do do 1st Lincoln do. Fori Erie do Rfyer l'faisiu " rfr. Accident do I iLneid\,s Lane Forr Erie ;0 «ti-^o Rfrer Raisia do. IChij/pawa Au'idt n( Ogdensburgh Luody's Lane do tOgdeusbitrffh j ^do !Pre.-coW j <!;> Cldppawa r^vlMuriue Lake Erie do. fed Vorfe do. Ui Norfolk JStormoirt incorporated fal fork L'icorporated it Lincuiu do t do do pih Lincoln 1-* do. klj do. |2d IJncoln l>f do. |Ad. Dragoons do. N York do. 1 do. Lundy's Lane do F^rt Erin jOgden^bur^h LLmtday's Lane 'York Lundy's Lane Queenstoo F"il George Q'veenstcn i^lack Rock do. 1 . (^ueenstoQ St. David's Accident 'Cliipfinwa pit ZJavid's Accidi nt do. i.utid) 's Lane1 do. 116 • [*«3 Errors Excepted. 25th July 4th March 5th July |25th .inly E2d i-eb. ['2 "Mil July 10th iVot. j22d l'Vb. pith Oct. Mill Vlarcl SOth Dec. 13th Oct j25th July do. |4(ii March 29d Feb. 10th Not 14th Dec. 22d Oct. do. I'-'h Dec. do. 1%1-f March do. |8tl. Oct. 1" Sept. do. j*2d Feb. du. 6th Nor. lolii .'.lay do. l-'lh Aug. d<. Ig'&l Ja»u do do do 25th July •iStii Sov. It-ith Mny i2d Jan. do .Vli July •.".th July .:d Feb. L5th July do 2'id Feb. do. 2 itii Oct do. 5th July do lOthSepfc do l25th July do 27th Nov. teid Fob. (25th Juty >27lh April ["iotli July 13th Oct. '27th May ISth Oct. 1st Jan. do 18th Oct. l8U.Jnly 15th July 5th July 22d July Jdfti Dec, do -5ih Jidy do T2 1st Jan. 1 i do 1327th May 1st Jan. 144t! March 1st Jan. 14 do 13 do •271 li April lsl Jan. 14 12 do do do I Si do IS do 14 10th March 1st Jan. 14 do 14 do II da 14 do 13 do U do i:$ do 13 do 13 do It do 13 do 12 do 14 do do 14 do 13 do ]J do Vl Ho 1 i Xi\ Oct. I ! Jan. 13 L8fh Doc ' r Jan. U2lst.\hrch 1st J.n. 13 do. 131st S« -pt. l<t Jna. 1322d Feb. 1st Jan. li' do 1-1 15th May l't Jan. 14l2ili Ai-g. 1st Jllll. I- " *-l 1 .n 322d Jan. l-t Jan. 22 d Jan. It Jan. 14 12! 14 131 14 13 do do do do do do do li do l.«25fh jii 1312? 122 J 1 lY l»t JHU. I22d Feb. ' Jan. 2 ith Oct. 1st jau. 14j5lll July ,'l l Jan I3!0ti, Sept. list jau 14 1 13 12 14 13 14 J 2 13 12 do do do do do do do do do do i4Mjan list jau 12 14 14 do do do 14 do 14 do 12 20th Dec 1st jau 14 25th July 1st Jan 181/ do i\o 13 do 17 do 14 do 17 do .do ISQfh June t Dec. do IS 17 31 14 17 1 I 17 11 17 do do do do do do do 30fh juue do do do Pki Dec. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do - 30th jane; |3I#tDec. do ran rTovroe Ciineiicy, |),)' laiai 5-. 16 17 16 17 20 ■ 0 0 20 0 0 72 0 0 20 0 0 56 12 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 16 17 10 73 20 0 12 0 0 20 0 0 ifii 17 10 171 10 17 16 17 10: n 16 17 1 16 17 10 17 16 17 15 17 16 16 17 16 17, 16, 17 16 17 20 20 20 20 56 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4.i 20 60 20 55 20 20 66 20 77 20 20 52 20 17 20 78 20 78 20 20 20 -.0 20 20 20 80 20 48 20 77 20 83 20 49 20 66 20 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 14 0 13 0 (J IS 0 1 0 0 13 0 15 O 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 15 0 I 0 •15 0 17 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9| 0 H 0 5 0 0 H o H 0 0 u 7 0 0 0 0 0 '. 0 0 0- o 0 0 0 0 •1 0 4| 0 7 0 3 0 10 0 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 20 48 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 4 0 Viluable Lands f'JR SALE, T' the Third Conceffion of the Town- -t fhipof Pitlburgh. being Lou No. 6 ih-hslfofNo 7, ,<nd No. 18— \„ Wdifpotobk title will be given, and the terms of uaymeat made cafv. .R C. THOMSON. ; Dfficei H*»f Pay, ,nd Art.l- 1-rv Perfi.,n BLANKS, I U: u ib-, Office. i Notice. Jk LI- pcrfona bdving any demands a- XlL ga-'idl the EUatr oi'the larc Bry. 311 L'rawf.ird. Lfq. oJ AdolphuftowOi dfi- ceait'd. ^rr hcn-hy recjucltcd to produce tlteu claim-, duly tpih-niicated.— /lIfot j all perfoQfc i. .'cfiteu tt> r.e laid EAatcarc ' hcre^- requrJicd to make: immediate lit rn Absconder Gr&wft Executor. kin4uQn> h$tb ffutyi 1817. I EDWARD M.^MAIIO.V, Cener>IAge„t for Paving MHiUa|^W For 8a fat this Office, A READ^ RKCKONER, Shewing the vaf,uc °* Oiain» of variooa Gold Coim9 current in the P,-"v'"« 6fUpp«c Cana¬ da. ALSO, fkr'/;lsons Improvfd Table of thc Vil"e of Gralng j of G -Id Coin, 4 L'r °* aider weight.. ATTO&NIEJS Blank KHs m Costs, ior saMc '**■ $W Office 104 I jrTr?J rCCe'tftd an'-' for h]e at *« Wil OjTior>^,((-e74d thc MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year oi our Lord 18 18. Jlfo—MSSArS on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY AddcfTcci to tic O.adia. I-.,rrr, 1-yC F. Gmc«;of AIouumI. Mi/vcmi/cr 14. Notice. ■ ■ ALL perfonsindebted 10 thcEftatc of the late jitmes Cumming, late oi Halloweil| dccivicd, ait ic4i«etttdto caM without delay, aiid fettle U»c fanrc with ^!r. J^mes McGRtcoR, now in charge of ih. ciiabhfhmtfit, at Hallow- cil bridge ;—and thole who have datidi agai'.lt the f.u'd eftate, aic dtiiied to preieru them for adjuilrnent. The.Hock m Trade of the deccafed, conlifting of a very complete srfTurtmenl of Goods well iaia in, and very fuitable to the Country, is now feiling off at prw fees io low, as will defeivedly claim Lite 'attention of the pubiic. Cafh or Country produce will be tak* en in payment, and a credit ut 6 monchi given to refponfible Farmers, or others. xecutori JOHN GUMMING, \ v WM. MITCHELL, j h Kingston^ Ocl 27, 1817. 2 2 THE fubferiber reiuru^ his inoit grateful thank* to his fitcdA and jcuflomere, end ?hc rrfpedtahle inhabit- atoa of KingRon, for the liberal ea* couragement he has received tiiiCe he commenced buGnefe in this »lace, anfl ;would inform them that he lliil carriei .on the Tin. Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead ■hufwefs.m ait its various branches, nrar the Engineer Yard, whvre he bopea by his affiduily and attention, (lill to me.it ja (hare of public favor, affu;irig them that nothing Rial] be wanting on his part, to faithfully execute all order* witl* which he ni3y be honored. II- has for lY.e, a large afTortment c»f .thebeft EnSn/h DoubL- Tin Wdrc.oft*± cry ddcrir tion, ever offered ror ia^e in this Province, and a large aflurtment or , Jat>anxJ, Copper and Hard Ware. He a.fo kreps on hand nnafTcitrr.ei.t ofSheet .Iron Stove^, Stove Pj>e« and Elbows. 40 boxes of the bc-ft Double Tin. and 60 boxes bell Sheet [.on, f -x f»)e d.cap. (^Produce \v?l| be taken in 1 ivmrol, Jimcs Meagher. Kingfton. Sept. 30, 1817 l4u.6 ■ Sheriffs Sale. W Mi^aiidDK.nct. jj, ,.irluc ofa i>l *Court oj Kinf, liena,, h.-uiatgCk , vtl 1 Inn nt and for the M,UI, ,1 Di*. "'".!,"■>'"'>"<<<<" the mit ,., lih II- Ahb llubJSUA', o, the'nun of | ii'i'sstv*. in ii,- >■„;„ />/,.//„ ((V, f ■;. , r.#«», uguuis) th, 1 (//ids una '/', „eu/' •1 Jon as i a.\ jtyjut:. uj Z, lvKHship of' Rkhmona, una Uhlrki aruns,::: bmjkeeper, dirvctctlto ,vV« Sln-r/ff.na., ibid Midland Dtstr»t I have seized mi taken in Biewakoiutd belonging to tic said JVAAA ij$ ALsTiNE. apart ufth<. So./ih l]Us. (> r{i/cornero/'totmtmbei Sei; ntic/i,i* rfcjfnt Conctxsiv,! ojnH. Q. ..„,/,' J \Ricimond} wkkh piece oj Unli I outti'd and bound'■<!,„, ,,,,•// fa ,ithcr_ -vie krnmn, mjolkss : that « l0 u:V comnu nemginfront <j />.. wdanJS, ion, at the South BaUefL, «";'«• rein. said Lot No. Sevt'tifccti, ikvnn .*■ rth- Sixteen degrees* fF**t Ft*mtmH -ins- and Fifty links ; ikvn Houth Ac- . 7/#« four degrees, West t&o u i*» is ; men South Sixteen d<grees* East Fifteen churns Fifty /////r.v, wore or &M, /o the water's side} then Easterly itlwgthe Hater dtbj to the place of beginning § containing Three Acres of Land, be the same more or te?s> zcith a tii£\ lling and out Houses thereon ererfed. Now I do her eh if give ^OTlCEy that (He aforesaid piece of Loud, to* gether mtJi the bttiblings the) up c.-ee- ted) zzill be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder} at the BHarket, in the Town of Kingston, on S ATI! Hi AYt the THIRD day of JjiH L'JR * - turn next ensuing, at the hour oj Elcjcu o'Cluck in the forenoon. HENRI THOJtPi Di.'piitj Shcriff- Andeven/pcn»n &rpersofi* having claims on ihc above described j/iece of Land and premises, fy Mortgage^ ur other fight or iticuirhrar.ee* are here¬ in) adverthed to give notice thefVitf* t& the said Deputy Sh ri[]\ at his House* in the l'tUu::c>-t Kr#est Toicn, prtvi* ous to the sale thereof. Iuusua THORI\ Kingston, ?Qth March, 1S17. 43 — --■----------■—■———1 T|HE rubferibere beg leave tninfbrd t'»eir fii« nd» and 'he puhlic in gc- nera*, that they carry (»n the TJTLORJNG BZTSINFSS in M,/ln Street, where they intend n'nk- iof every article rn their line, on more reafonable tem « than has bet n d n<' for •a numb, r of years back Thofr who vv'fli to favoi rl.em »• iih their cuftom, may rely on havii.fr their Work well madcy and op rhe fbort.-JI m^iVe, for Cn/h. Norn's h Stevens, r'htojt0p Sept. i) 1K17- If/ •■ "IK BA/C'HOVt^r' Wop zAc it liii;* Oilu-n.