LIST of Orphan CbiMren whose Fathers fetVe been killed in Action, or have died fi> hl Wounds received or Disease contracted on service. ----------------------------------------------" ACTIO* ii Kami will-Rank of «><'f«stt1 Pa'har. ittvuiinentor fcr-Jiclucli killed ________________________-----------—( \ .Cf to kthirh'or now Dl ■ > \ M 1 . i SiNK._i lie Mongvu. u now ,c*'a*pd. Tim.-of Decode* Name of PERIOD for which PENSION i&incourst- of Issue. Co'1 drew of do do OhUdof Children oi do OhiWof John H -iiuvthioi...... novate 1 nomas Smi'h......... I do Vlarrtu MdVilan..... K'autaie William Came oo..... Mathias Sauudort.... [Timothy SKiunt-r...... John Mcfiraui......... Vti ■; Uii'«Hi ofiChaocj Smith.......-... do do do do d*. do do do Bo do s t do do do.. do Child of a titrate •lo no do do do <h» <\o do (to do do Franci* Weaver...... H*iijamin NVwkirk.... jC'a^Vr Shnftli........ iJolin Shacklcton....... Joiiii iiulipot......... |Sa.- ham Congfr........ ^Virtiam Dciiiiir....... John Sa>ith............Berjentfl Jnnatha.i Griffin........private Charles SteveftaQfl...... M I-aac Walker.......... do Leui< Boughncr ....... do Aliraham Acre......... do Samuel Niidd........... do John Stewart..........i do ..... Serjeant %\ ate Solomon Mills........ Thomas Roach......... Robert M'La^lia..... 'Jacob Van Camp...... Rodolphus Fuller...... Children of Jo.-epn Clapp.......... John MCiiatb .. Bemamin Smith. Adam Forbes... Samuel Watson . Si man Aerhart...... no do do Child of Children of do Child of do Children oi do do do do do - - do ? do do do do do rinidof CAildrau of do do do do do do do do do Q>;M Of do Cliidren of Hugh Thomson do — Child of James Moore do .... Children of John Wood do j .. .. Children ofjSamuel ny • • • ■ ■ • do do do do do do do do do , do do Serjeant do Private do do John Wood----- 1 lijah Durfey . George Marlai. Robert Cook.......... Areher Likens......... Hugh B-ekboro'....... John Overboil......... William Cole..........' do Pierre l)e I .amace....., do Thoma> Smith......... do Alexander Hutrhin>on.. Serjeant Alunson B. Pease...... do ISolomon Nichols........Private Levi Bremer.......... <\o John ton Siory.....*#. Serjeant ftiomaa Girt*..........Kn»ign Joseph Porrier........Seaman Isaac Petit............Private — — do Martin Stover, Jun..... do — — do Henry Travis.....v.... do — — do A?a Brown............ do — — do Jacob Keefcr.......... .liti Lmeolii iJi*fd Vork iir-i Lincoln do !'l>{ \ ork 2*1 Lincoln 1 nc■',►>;.- ;d Oxford first Lincoln do 3d Lincoln do 2'1 Liu coin do do lirst do 4iii do de do . do do <io |5lh do *2tl Vork man Glengary i Incorporated Ifirsi toenville second do Piir.ce Edward do do Incorporated .Addfnglou ] do Durham luccrpunafed Becond \ ork do fifth Lincoln do tii -t Jo r do bid do first Norfolk do [Middlesex [Oxford folk I William Clark do m do do do do do do do do do do do do secondNor kir^i Essex do Pro\l. Murine Piince Ld'*d. do Adding too do Prince Ed'wd. do Hastings do Ox urd do 2d Norfolk do f»\iord do M GrenviHe do ..rsi Leeds do 2d Grenville do Q:;een>lmi do Fori George do ^ork Ctiip|utwa loii trie 'usually )\ euae do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do¬ do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 Mill Sejitcjnbpr iSla ChrisM.m Ahiu^i..... |s, j |* Oct. do William Smith, Aeit... *I3T-.liAaiieth Thomson.,, FROM fjw May do 27th April fifth July 14 September lifih Novenibcr i.fteenth >ioV. thirteenth .Nov* firth January Ifonrteenih Dec* ninth December third December thirteenth Dec. tvreutylifth Angj twentieth Oct. eighth Novemb. fourth Novemb. 14ih November .. November first December November 5th July I wont > second Mari.Sl ».(Phuhe Condon...... doilJizabeth Llrod...... \nn Sinclair.........B Catharine McOrath.... Myruune L^ioburucr... M do do d< m; Ma d< do do Ml ki do do d. dot do dot Ml 2 lib August iir-t March 2?tli Match twentieth Nov. thirtieth April ihu'cyfir*! Oci. sixth .March ixth April hirtyhrsc Dec. seventh April dr di dot Mt John ftenner, Sen.... Johi! Warren, Ksq..... Peter Trumble........ Laurence Jenning*___ Sarah Doeksteder.. ... Gtorfijc Adams........ Smith f ii i idii ;....... Anna Yonugs........ V\ Walker..... F.leanor Chambers..... obert Nelles........ •> Charlotte Acre...... Sai all naa^hart..... Sophia Lallarty..... Ja^ties Ilanchet..... Nadah 1 .a^unau.. -, . John Lan^on....... Diauna Barber...... Nancy Short........ Dorofbv Griffith..... do Christiana (Tiimmings. •. ■ * ■ ■'. * < '].. \i!i;;i MiUS. M:>F.stber Van Sieiuburg.. 'l^Johu Ai-mart......... ■13 Ke/iah Raymond ninth December '14Frederick llind>, uM September do Rebecca Kenn\....... ">t!i December 'n \!arv Ceattv......... eleventh Decern, do Catharine Myers....., 2"tli February Mt F.unuv Grant......... tenth June twentyriftli \ov. tbirtyiirsi Jan. fifteenth Deem1 ninth Oc:ober first January M4 Eunice Grant MS John Clark fcIS William Scram....... MS John Warren, Esq..... *i2 Fli/abeth Killmasier.. J 'l.' Backhouse, Esq.. . M4Fli-/abetu Kearns.... twen!_v»evenh JnnMS Violena Dttflteu...... twentyfonrihOct.Mj Mai'lia WolWy...... tnirtieth June M^ Mary Roach......... eighteenth Sepi. M % Monica Tucker....... do .Franc:.- Roy, Sen..... •noary tf« do rft» do do do </• - do do do do do do do do do do tfo do do do do do do do do dd d* do do do do do do do do do do do do do do fa do do do do do do do seventeenth Mar.M3.Sopbi« N.lsoa........jttth March do ; — — 1^T Jaruary iwentyihtrd Jan. M4|flannah Bice........ do nineteenth Nov. ■ do thirtvf;rst March M S '2 do twentyfirst Feb. *I3 do twentvninth Jan. MS do jteuih March M5|Cathanne Poole___ j do itwejitvsecondJan MS j do ninth March M.'i do itxteecth Jan M3 do I^en(ythird Jan. first January Phh November nrsl January thhtytirst March liist January Jerusha Bennett___. .Iwentjfir^ Febna. Eleuiaa Teres....... Deborah Bower....... Catharine MM)oiieil Rebecca L>na • • ■ ■ Sarah Pennock __ — Ins' January Catharine Slaght......|W*Wj Itlntfi Jan. __ __ liirst January tenth A larch fii>t January ilwi»nivs»'iond Jan irsl Jaouaiy unth March •rai January |ixteei*;h January • • J___TO la 17.1 3"lst Becember 1817 do ,dn do do do d9 do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do * do do do do do do ■do do do do do do dp do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do M7i M4i M7 4'2 M7 Mi! M7 MS 17 MS 17 M3 Mo* m; Ml* Ml Mft M7 Mf> M7 •16 Phovi'tf. Ct n- rf.jn.v, Doi- I LAH AT ">>. so So do So 2u 20 So So "2o SO 2o So l>o 20 SO 2o 20 2o 2d 2o 2o So 2o So 2o 2o 2o 2o 2o ; 2o 2o 2o 2o So So So 2o SO 20 So So So So So So So 20 2o So 75 17 So o 5S 15 So o i M7 M7 MS, M MO M7 M6 M7 Mo' M7 M6 M7 M0| 8S So 65 So 77 So 78 So 76 So 78 So 76 So 79 7 o 2 o 4 o 9 o 5 o 9 o II o I o 54 o o 84 o H O \$ It Oi o 6 0 3 o £WM b It LIST of Officers Non-Com missioned Officers. Privates and Teamsters beteugilW Jo the Mililia Forces, and of Officers ar.d Seft* men bdengin* to the Provincial Marine Establishment, and Persons serving in *lie indhm Department, who have been disabled from Hard Labour by Wounds received in Action, or bvany Casualty pr Accident while on Actual Service. -*.-.Hi _ NAME. Rank and Regiment, or .Service to wjiifh lie belonged. - -TT Action in which orho«e\er Wounded, and when RANK. -Alward, Reuben Avery, Ebenezer A<Ijrns. Gfiorge Allen, Samuel do. Bouziet, John Boell, William IJcrnaid, John Boothelier, Francois Doiland, Andrew Bryant, John lio<»k, .io>oph Bnxter. Nathan ji'-ii. Nathaniel do. Beauprie, Charles do. Connelly John, Campbell, George Crawford, James Conceiwau. J. Baptiste Corles, Swain l\ Clement, Lewis Cameron, Daniel Chase, George Cornell. John Cushmau, Arts. William Carthier, Pierre Cain, Daniel Campbell, John Campbell, John • Cbisholm, V\ illiam do. Coho, Nathan do. Cull, William do. Drake. Richard, Desseaux, Joseph do. Dclisle, Jean Baptists do. F:rp^\, Philip P, ElsWorth, George F. Frasfr, Thomas Fanihoio, Archelaua Furray3 Lawrence I'aJkuer, James do. J^iclds. Daniel do. C. Graham,Jurncs George, Jaiueb 6% %y Kkgiment, &c. AiTIOV. 1 i rivate do Lieutenant Teamster do Private Serjeant Bugler Private do Corporal Private do Qr. Master • _ do earn an do Private do do do do Lieutenant Serjeant Private do do do do do do do do no do Serjeant do. Serjeant Private do do do Lieutenant Private Captain Private do do do do do 2d Norfolk 2d Leeds 1st Lincoln pxford do. 2d Norfolk 1st Leeds Incorporated l>t Kssex 3d York Incorporated ii' Lincoln 1st Leeds Jrh Lincoln do. Provl. Marine do. Incorporated 1st Lincoln When Woinrnm 'Fort Erie Period for which Pension i* in course of 1,*»"'.\ FROM Til Amoui t of Pen¬ sion Province Currency, i^ far at 5s. lot- ,c28rh Nov. 'Accident at Ganjmoque (26th Jan. Fort George 57th Muv Accident do Fort Erie ;0^densburj;h Niagara Fronts Mongwaga York jFoit Krie 14 Mite Creek Brock vi lie Schlosser do. Luke Krie do. Luudy's Lane Fort George Kt. Volunteer River Thames 1st Essex I2d Norfolk ^fri Lincoln 1st Glengary Incorporated Lenox Ad. Dragoons 2d Elssex 1st Glengary ot\\ Lincoln 1st Lincoln Incorporated do. 1st Lincoln do. Kt. Volunteers- I do. 2d Norfolk 1st Kbsex do do do Stormout Nertliumberl'd Acciden ! River Raisin (Malcolm's Mills Chippawa \ccideut do. Kingston Accident River Raisin Ogdensburgfa Occident do. Lundy'sLanc do. ^t. David's do. Long Woods do. Stony Creek (Lake Erie) Jiivor Raisin do. For, Meigs; do. Ogdeiitburgh Jo tin i^n da Incorporatod 2d L^N 3d Lincoln I si Glengary do. Kt. Volunteers do. 3d Lincoln W 1-iucoln Lnnd)'s Lane Gannanoqoe Black Rock Accident do do do I Black Rock Stony Urenk do. | do. feStft Nov. H2d Feb. ■Sill Oct. 9th Angust 27th April |2tfc Aug. (2lth July 7rl, Feb. 26th JuJ/ do. 23d Juno do. 25th July |27th May etbJuly 22d Jan. (ith Nov. 5th July 7fh June 1st July JOth Nov. 15th Sept. 22d Jan 22d Feb. M Nov. 24th Oct. 25th July do. &2d July do. llh March do. 12th Nov. 29d Jan. do. 5th May do. 22d Feb. loth April ESthJnly j2h* Sept. 30th ;>. c, 12th July do. ;4(li Jan do. i Dec hlo JdilO do LSI-. Is! Jau. 1^ do 1. do 1' 17'ltS-pt 1st Jau. ] 3 do 13 do 13 do 12 do 13 do L3 do 13 do 13 do li 14 1-4 do 12 do 1 '2 do MlStb July 'tJan. 14 Jili Jan. 'at Jua. do 6th June 1st Jan l8l7;SIst Uec, do do tS] do 171 do do do do do do do do do 14. do 17 do 13 do 17 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do .'lotii June 31st Dec. do do do do do do do do do do 1617 Ifi I" 161 17 W| 17 ! 14 17 14 17 14 17, 13 17. 1 ft 17 16 17 16 171 !-? 16 17 1U 17 '20 '20 85 •20 '20 '20 '20 '20 *0 '20 gO '20 4S '20 70 '20 '20 to 20 '20 '20 '20 20 '20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 20 48 20 53 O 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 10 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 li 0 0 0 0 0 13 17 14 17 16 17 16 17 •20 20 78 20 73 20 10 20 20 20 20 69 20 59 20 13 17 f Conoktded mkstpe^e.} 16 17\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 18 0 12 0 0 15 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 ii o o U 0 li 0 0 0 WtHfe tubforther informs hia fri^ JL and the public, that he uropofa during the winter feafnn, to i!trliver oourfe of Lectures iotrodddoitr totd, ltudy of GEOGRAPHY. The4 jeft"ofthecourfeifrill be 'illuftratetl I,, the ule of the Globes, and a variety j Map* and Charts. The different projeclionfl of the fphen and the principles on which Map* ad Cham are conflrudted, w'll be exp!ainCij as early as pofTible; and theii praftid application to the eonflruction of Man of different countries, will be continue^ as a regular exercife throughout tit' courfe. A8 Natural and Civil Hiftory are \i timatdy cnnneAed with Geography, cm cafional notice will be taken of thefel and the mod approved methods of (Imj; yiug them pointed out* It is alio intended, to far as time ma» admit, to perform a number of Cheniic^ experiment*, on a variety of Mineral fn^ cimens ; in order to affilt the young In. qnirer, to profecute by himfelf, the in. terclliug ftudy of Mineralogy* An introductory ledtute will be delft, ered on the 2d of January, at ha'fplf 6 o'clock in the Evening, when the plau will be more fully unfolded t After that, mould a number of young men* fnfficient to form a clafH, come forward,the courf( will be Continued to the beginning of April : during which time, three Lett lures will be delivered every week. Terras ; two Guineas for the courts JOHN WH1TELAW. Kingfton, Dec. 9, 1817. 28 The anxious solicitude of a filler, if quells that if Mr. Abraham D wlette, commonly called Doolitile, is within the Provinres of Upper or Lower Canada, that he will immediately addrefs aline to her, (Mrs. Mary Ann Hill. Bellvillc, Upper Canada ) Editors of News Pa¬ pers in Canada and in the United State* will excite the warmed gratitude by gi- [vtng this an infection in their relptclive 1 aperjj BclhUle, Nov. 29, 181-7*- 284 Mail Stage. THE fuhfenber informs the public that he intends running a Sttfje from King lion to York, and from York to Kingltnn, the cnluing winter, and will commence as foon as the /lcigh'ng will anfwer. To leave Kingfton and AvJUv^C.j- i.jonUHJ ^t iwo oViU(.L otage Fare. < —PUKDv Kingjlon, lBll Nov. 1817. TO LEASE, FOR SEVEN YEARS, Ji PIECE of Ground, fupp< fed fa A. be about an acre, eligibly fituatJ (on the borders of iwo y Bay, par. '20 0 71 9 •20 0 o o o 7 0 7 0 0 Of 0 -- -•*/•» Point Frederick,) for a Brewery, Dtftilicry Tannery, or a lumber Yard. For liculars enquire of the fubferiber. And he hereby forbids any perfon or perfons from trefpafliugon faid premifci efpecially in taking off fand or gravcj from the beach on pain of being prole, cuted to the utmoft rigor of the law, JOSEPH DENNIS, PL Frederick^ zd Decemberf 1817. 27 BOOK STORE Removed opposite the Sign of the Bible. J. B. Cheesman, RESPECTFULLY informs hi> .' friend* and the Public, that he continues the BOOK BINDING,and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY 1.1 all its various branches, two dootl from the Book Store. Blank Bouks Ruled and Bouod td any pattern ; Libraries repaired and old Books re bonnd to match in Settt, or in ai.y ftyle. He has on hand, at the Book Store, a general afTortrnent of ' Blank Books 5e Stationary; Confifting of Ledgers, Journals, Invoice, Day, Letter, Guard, Orderly, Receipt and Memorandum Books. Alfo, juit received j an Invoice of Books ; among which are, Ilutton's Mathematics, Bdh jamin's Architecture, Walker and John- ion's Pronouncing Di*Hionarrcs, du. w Miniature \ Nugcnt's French 8c Englili Didltonaiy, Perrin's French G'atn'Tiar, and Murray's School Books; Gtroi'Q Flutf Pre eptor, Smith & Little'* Vo¬ cal Muiic, Bibkfl, TefUmenu, Watts' Pfalm- and Hymns, Camp Me£tfn^dof and Scieitihc Libraries adapted fof Children's Inflru^ien. All oiden in his line of Bnfincfi will be that kfnlly received and punduall/ attended to. Kingston, Dec. 13, 1817. i *9$ r»» . MULTIPMCAI10N Tables, lrf r the u(e of Schools, i'ui uk at ihio Uilitu.